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NCAA Tournament Auction Special! ๐Ÿ€ | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 112

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guests: Matt Neverett, Alex White and Jeff Parles.

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Ryan McCormick:

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Woohoo hello and welcome to punch by the book Sports lines it’s a punchline Sports by the wook NCAA hybrid crossover special yes it’s like one of those Chicago Fire Chicago PD Chicago Med Sweet Week shows you know because joining the usual Monday punch lines crew of myself Ryan mccor behind the

Glasses our producer and sports betting analyst Alex white we are joined by Sports by the book host Jeff parls ladies gentlemen and man never let’s applaud for ourselves South Studio by diet Dr mug right there yes of course why not let’s have a sponsor uh hello all now listen

Uh Jeff and Ryan uh and Ryan’s gonna explain how we’re doing a special this is a special it’s March Mayhem ladies and gentlemen for legal reasons you can figure out why already got to a good start for March Mayhem uh the draft is going to work and

Listen you’re also going to be able to bet on which team you think drafts the best bracket is that correct well so it’s you’re going to be able to all of our teams are going to be grouped together like they did for the college football playoff or college football

National champion and so you’ll get to bet on the group who has the national champion team Frank team Ryan team Jeff team Alex team Matt eight people are involved also an our director Andrew Drew dog is also in it and Sean is in it Ryan in it so we’ve never done this you

Guys have all you’re all going to be doing your brackets at home you’ve studied them the matchups are appearing when you close your eyes we get it uh but this is a a draft we’re going to be Drafting and we each have a fictional $100 purse that we’re going to auction

That we’re going to auction off it’s going to be like a a draft thing it’s going to be a lot of fun uh we have to do one punchline feature that we always do just to let you guys know it’s our 112th episode it’s technically a punchlines and Ryan you’ve come up with

A college basketball collage for today yep men’s college basketball number 12 the uh I guess best eight that could come up okay let’s see it all right Oscar Robertson University of Cincinnati the guy’s a Hall of Famer yeah the third highest points per game average in NCA history behind Pistol Pete and someone

Else uh maybe LEL Cinder maybe Austin Carr Austin Carr wow right where did he play uh I I remember him in the NBA he play with like Utah he play with Boston he played with a lot of teams Austin car was Notre Dame Notre Dame wow nice

Uh matin Cleaves now I remember when they won Michigan State University in 2000 that’s when I was on the road filming and we were in New Orleans for the final four that year and he was awesome Yep Big 10 all alltime big 10 leader and assist yeah unbelievable it

Didn’t make it didn’t do so well in the pros but Phil cellers ruter New Jersey guy there for you Jeff he’s the all-time leading scorer at Rutter okay uh also John Stockton who you found a picture he looks frightened in that picture from Gonzaga yeah it was one of the only

Pictures I could find from Gonzaga all time assist leader and alltime shortest shorts you’ve ever seen on a white man in the NBA I don’t know if you ever seen them but you could measure them they’re the shortest Billy Migel from Utah that’s a player I’m not familiar with he

Was the first African-American to play for the University of Utah is that right all right Billy Migel then you got Mark Mon and when I saw that I freaked out because I remember those games at Temple that’s John Cheney that was a Heyday of UMass and and the the Rivalry between

Cheney and Calipari but Mark mon was great man that guy I was the three-point line in in8 by he would throw bombs 78 is when they came out thank you he was unbelievable uh Steve Alford if you needed a free throw made you go with Steve Alfred current head coach of Nevada current

He’s in the tournament as the coach of the wol pack he shut down Michael Jordan one game there you go wow we all have at least once but anyway uh Steve Alford at Indiana played under Bobby Knight then Phil Ford you had to put a North

Carolina guy and you made him the number sign Phil Ford yep three-time All-American wooden Award winner in 1978 and he was the all-time leading scorer for Carolina until Tyler hbor dethroned him wow and by the way he was a three-time All-American probably because he couldn’t play as freshman year as

Maybe my guess cuz back then I don’t think you were allowed to something like that anyway all right ladies and gentlemen Ryan is now GNA explain the rules this is the first time as you can see Matt never here Alex white myself Jeff that’s half the people in the game

Behind the glass we have four more we have Ryan we have Sean an and Andrew Drew dog Ryan tell us what we’re doing here this is going to be fun all right so the eight of us each have $100 to build an eight team roster so it doesn’t

Work how we nor how books normally have uh the tournament competition where you want to have the national champion this is going to be a pointbase competition so depending on the seed number of the team is how many points you’re going to get but that number is going to be

Multiplied by the round number in which they win to be their total points so if you pick a one seed they get one point in round one if they win they get two points in round two if they win all the way to if they become the national

Champion they get six points in that round they would be worth 21 total points if you pick a 10 seed they win round one 10 points win round two win round two get 20 points get to the Sweet 16 they get 40 points and so or 30

Points 40 points 50 points 60 points if they end up winning the national championship um you get a bonus if one of the teams that you draft gets the sweet reaches the sweet 16 or reach is the final four that bonus will be four points for the sweet 16 and eight points

For your team reaching the final four obviously there’s only four teams in the final four so at least half of us are going to be out of it at that point and so this competition is you want to have the most points from your eight team roster in order to win our competition

All right but Chris and Vinnie and everybody here at South Point is placing all of our teams in groups that you can bet on for the national champion and that’s a that’s a scary proposition yeah that is you could bet on my team or I would bet on someone else’s team Frank

Pittsburgh’s not in the field I’m not allowed to say that by the way uh the chat room is a fire as usual uh Ryan and I will be discussing Justin Fields tomorrow we don’t have time we got to do this Justin Fields tomorrow uh nice try

Daniel trying to get me to save the city all right here we go we’re going to start it off we pre-selected numbers uh the draft order right Jerry’s going to come in uh we’re using the Dune 2 popcorn hottest popcorn bucket in the world right now it’s hard to find those

Get them on eBay so Jerry is uh our official here we should probably move stuff sorry Jer that’s not a big enough cup for your all right so here we go so we’re finding the region out is that right Ryan yes yes right now we are finding

Out the region which we’re all going to B officially official yeah or and bring shirts is off right we start with one with Frank we did our did our order pre-show so we was number one I picked last I didn’t even get to pick it was

The last piece of paper and there it was one Jerry what do we east east we’re going east east down and that’s the one that we practiced on so that is the one we practiced all right Ann needs a second an is in so we also have a

Graphic that will show you the order we’re drafting in I am first but all I am doing first is suggesting or picking a team from the East and starting the bid and starting the bidding and we can go top or bottom you can go whole bracket yep yep from we do eight teams

And then pick a different region after the I’m going to go ahead head and pick from Champagne Illinois I’m going to take the University of Illinois and bid six bucks and you are next and you can see the draft order we’ll get that up too so

We can see it Illinois for six Illinois for six an is passing an’s gonna pass I will bid $7 I’m GNA pass eight nine R dog’s on nine uh I’ll go 10 oh it’s back to me uh no 20 20 he bid $20 one fifth of the bank

Roll wow one fifth of the bank roll so it looks like everybody’s in this but Ann and I well that might change very I pass it sounds like it’s goingon to be one person pass thank you oh you have the draft now to Ryan yeah I will also

Pass to me oh that’s an easy pass thank you Sean a fifth of the we just yeah that’s a lot yeah Drew dog yes D dog’s out I’m out current bits Illinois at 20 and it looks like Sean congratulations you know Unity perfect we got someone to

Waste a fifth of their bank roll probably going out in the first week and the trash talking has started at 1208 ladies and gentlemen all right uh second up in the draft would be an an our director an it’s your turn turn to select a team

Okay wow here we go I’m gonna go to I want uh number seven Washington State and’s going Washington State okay for how much wait and picked a cougar $5 good joke Frank all right right um I will go $6 $7 pass I’ll take $10 true dogs on 10 I’m

Gonna pass pass uh pass as well all right so that was the first round right well so now it’s back to it’s to you is 10 okay who’s still left let it’s Ryan and Drew dog are you alive Alex and Alex correct y yes all right uh

11 all right $11 for Washington State I will pass I will pass as well so it’s up to Drew dog take 12 Drew’s on 12 he’s on 12 Drew dog’s gone 12 on Washington State Cougars mother and son 15 mother versus son they will talk about this at Thanksgiving $16 for Washington State

It’s you I will pass oh Drew dog what final price $6 okay folks only 60 more teams 62 62 I 6 Plus hang with us all right Ryan you’re up all right let’s go with f auau whoa don’t talk like that oh oh fa Florida Atlantic okay and how much $3 $3

On fa for Ryan to start how much three three I’m going to pass that one go ahead pass you’re dog four who’s on four um I we’ll give you a glimpse into my bracket I’m gonna pass pass I’ll go five bucks an pass she passes okay three people

It’s up to five b five bucks five bucks yep so it’s Drew Frank and Matt yes nope and Ryan and Ryan Excuse me yes right sorry I will pass Drew dog Frank and Drew dog five yep need six six Frank I’ll pass oh Drew dog two teams already was that $6

Yes FAU playing Northwestern to 89 yeah what do you think of that matchup tough game fa’s underachieved all year Northwestern battling injuries I think they’re finally going to be healthy in that one though well no Barry so Barry still out looks like big man Nicholson

Will be back but I mean f it was in the final four a year ago and one bracketing Quirk you have three final four teams from a year ago all in the top of the east region well and as as is always the case these 8 n matchups featuring a lot

Of um at large bids and are always really close I like Northwestern in the game but not a bad pick uh for the purposes of this cont yeah Yukon FAU and San Diego State all in that top half of the east region right so Alex is up now

Alex gets to put a team out and we’re staying in the east region this the fourth team out of eight that we’re doing right off the B thank you Matt um I am G to go with Iowa State oh her Cyclones what’s the open’s your B number

$7 jeez pass wow so Drew dog $7 pass I will go $9 pass 12 13 15 oh Alex 16 I will go 17 oh my God who is it to Iowa State to you $17 I know I know it’s gonna happen $20 I pass oh Alex I’m gonna

Pass this is to M at 20 and bed 20 $20 it’s pretty cheap I don’t get another Pat right you get it you can keep getting if you want I know that’s a lot uh 21 bucks pass Frank get for I just want to steal

It know I like it uh Ryan are you still in I passed I am uh I’m going to pass 21 FR on Iowa State what was that Ryan you win it for 21 21 okay 21 21 that’s a good one to get all right overall all

Right uh I it’s me right not Jeff Jeff par let’s keep it in that bottom quadrant Drake Bulldog Drake love the Drake Hate the Drake we’ll start it off at $1 that was for Chris Andrew Seinfeld reference a dollar Drew dog $2 Drake

Drew dog he said $2 I’m GNA go $6 oh I’m jumping up eight Wow Pass what are we at8 do you wi $9 $10 I’m gonna pass y oh this did not work the way I thought it was going to I’ll let you guys keep bidding up a team that’s going

Out in the second round pass to to my Iowa Drake is a a a pretty public dog overall at this point yeah very happy very happy to uh let this keep going I’ll pass pass okay what’s the number $111 uh 10 oh yeah you have it for 11

I’ll go 11 on on the Bulldogs I’ll pass thinks he’s gonna get they’re gonna get by Iowa State after Iowa State wins between an Ryan and Matt and Ryan and Matt ands out okay ran $12 pass loves the Drake he loves the Drake Chris Andrew I’m out I’m out

Have them for 12 by the way Daniel Pacho says Matt Everett did an this is an all caps an incredible job calling the big West games over the weekend thank you so Daniel P shout out watching yeah thanks if Matt’s a little horse it’s because how many games did you call over the

Weekend I did 11 games in 4 days and then a unlb baseball game yesterday and he’s been drinking since 9:00 a.m. so that’s very good no he’s not but anyway Matt his unbelievable job well thank you appreciate Che awesome thank you for calling that out so we uh we have three

Teams left in this region Ryan until we uh bring Jerry back up to put his hand in the bucket yep which I I wouldn’t wish that on my worst eneme if if you’ve seen the Dune 2 popcorn bucket you know what we’re talking about who’s up it’s Alex’s turn

I believe who’s six who you know it is Drew dog’s turn it is Drew dog’s turn and we’re going oh Drew oh I was going to thr okay sorry we’re going with San Diego State Frank I can’t sorry I know San Diego State San Diego State how much what’s the bid sorry

Starting at $2 okay 8 go from two to eight pass Sean passes Matt’s playing poker over there right I know he knows I’ll pass $10 oh I pass oh pass I stared down everyone pass pass what’s the number 10 I’ll go 11 so so far 13 for an only three people have teams

14 oh my God Final 14 last year San Diego State pass Matt wins it for how much did you get him for him $14 PR good they are the five seed and now I got to do math whatever the 100us 14 is that’s why I do this8 that’s why I do

This for I’m good with numbers SE team seven Matt seven Matt all right in that region I am going to go BYU for $3 to start We’re Young to start by the way Joey B says we need more smack talk so don’t you worry $3 really wait till we get down to the

Nitty-gritty $3 I’m going to say $3 yep frag it’s to you yeah uh I’ll pass on that I’ll go uh $5 $6 $7 you love BYU don’t you Jeff haven’t got the team yet against that’s why I’m laughing I’ll go eight on BYU on by you

Dog it’ll be a pass for me I’ll go uh nine on the Cougars and 12 I will pass Ryan’s passing I’m out right the bit is 13 on BYU $13 I’m passing I’m gonna pass all right is this Jeff’s first team I don’t have team I passed oh you passed I apologize Alex

I’m going to pass so and how much you get it for $15 and 15 uh looking uh and 15 that’s your first team an right so so far Alex and Jeff and Ryan do not have teams am I correct on that I have a team

Ryan how much did you spend on Drake $12 12 bucks thank you all right Jeff and Alex lurking in the weeds so this is the last picking in this round from the east region switch it up so uh Sean who’s nominated I’m actually going to throw a

Curveball at everyone I’m going to do number 15 South Dakota State at $1 how much1 $1 that’s probably all they’re worth the jack rabbits all right so 15c Jack Rabbit uh Frank you passing on them uh yes I’ll pass I’ll go $2 who are they playing they’re playing Iowa State Iowa State

Your team that’s why I crossed out sorry FR got both you know he’s a winner either way out yeah know thank God I will pass I will pass South Dakota State pass pass what’s the number two two ah too much I’m out I’ll do three oh you’re gonna lose Iowa State you’re

Throwing three bucks away theoretical dollars three’s good pass Sean wins it for3 without Dakota State okay okay all right Jerry we need you buddy so so to recap through round one yeah Drew has FAU for six uh Matt never is San Diego State for 14 and has beu

For 15 Shawn has 20 on Illinois wazu 16 to Drew dog o $12 on Drake to Ryan McCormick which I think is the best value on the board so far thank you uh Iowa State to Frank NCA for 21 and Shawn with $3 on a 15 seed South Dakota State

How do you feel about my $21 poker face poker facing it I don’t know it’s last time I saw that poker face I was taking money from him boom and if we’re talking first round bets I’ve got bets on two of the teams that just got picked already really yeah

First round bets I’ve got Alex and I legitimately do nothing nothing in round one that’s fine honestly fine with it who do you have man I’ve got Drake plus the one and San Diego State minus 6 and a half those are the two first round

Bets that I made you already put in so far on teams I got picked all right Ryan how are you feeling about your team so far with Drake the best value according to Jeff parl um I mean I I like it for the fact that I could get 10 points if

They P off the upet that’s why I like Ryan play yeah it’s good good jum all right Jerry what do we got got Jerry up next is the Midwest the Midwest Oma thank you Jerry Purdue west region being played in Detroit number one overall seed different kind of Midwest than uh Omaha

For sure is now an will start that is an putting the first team up in this region I’m gonna fold it like Jeff makes it look like I know what I’m do i’mna go I want uh let’s see uh Utah State $5 Utah State the eight seed $5 on Utah

State is the bid Ryan McCormick $6 Alex I’m G to pass that one pass True Dog $7 I will go eight on the Aggies $ nine 10 10 wow Alex what is happening I don’t know I’m gonna go $12 I will pass on Utah State take

$14 I am gonna pass I have San Diego State for $14 I think they’re the best team in the Mountain West that’s going to make it the furthest so I’m out I’m out to pass that was my Max yep Frank are you still in no I passed already oh

It’s down to the uh it’s it’s an and Drew again family relations how does this keep happening mother son and we’re at what 12 14 14 your son keeps out bidding you 15 oh my God another battle okay I’ll pass no one likes guess everyone thinks Purdue is

Not that good I don’t know Alex I’m feeling pretty good about how some of these numbers are going so far for you and I can be racking up the good teams at the end of this when everyone’s out of money we’ll see all right who’s the

Uh Ryan McCormack up now let’s see Ryan UT went to Drew or get how much 15 15 har all right all right let’s go with the 11 seed the Oregon Ducks quack quack four $4 no way four yeah sure we’ll start with4 Pack 12 winner right there you went four no he

He did he bet four yeah and then I’m next okay okay I’ll go five six Dre Dog uh seven I’m going to pass I think they lose that first round game to the game sou car I think so as well 13 hey you I know pass $13 right now from

Sean uh Frank and an pass 14 o That’s the limit I’m gonna pass see you later guys pass wow so who’ that go for no it hasn’t gone yet oh Sean’s still bidding between Ryan and Shawn I’ll pass for 14 organ ducks for 14 then I get to pick a

Team um let’s go number five Gonzaga for a dollar pass on a dollar a dollar it’s gonna go higher there’s no point of me even getting involved there pass3 one second what was the number Drew I’m gonna say $6 on Mark fuse Squad uh eight nine yep

Pass I’ll go 10 ah shoot I’ll go 11 oh Alex in the game Drew dog to you pass pass from Drew I’m gonna go 12 oh pass thank you pass and you already passed yep see we up to 12 yep I will go 13 Alex 14 oh my God everyone loves

Gonzaga I already have one five seat in San Diego State I think there is going to be a lot of 12 five upsets as usual so I’m going to pass on this one I like match thinking as well it’s me and Alex yep it’s Alex and who and Ryan and

Ryan 15 15 you can have them oh Ryan cleaning up in the midwest this is a team that I got to see in person last week and I said wouldn’t get past the 32 but love the bias my team right now yes sir uh Alex right oh that was my gag so

It is to you je okay let’s go with gonzaga’s opponent to make n State start the bidding on the boys at $1 that’s evil take two I’ll go three Sean oh uh four five and six Ryan I pass you’re already young in zag that’s smart play I’m going to pass

Too what’s the number six $10 so you’re watching the South Point Sports Boke pass March Mayhem auction draft is a golf golf announcer now it’s $1 $ no I made a 10 it’s $10 I’ll go 11 $ for got faith and will Wade Sean has passed it’s to you Frankie baby

I already I’m already out you’re out and 11 to you $15 oh is this for MCN State still is this for MC St 15 to Jeff Jeff you like him that much I’m doing some math here because I’m perfectly fine with Anne blowing through her money yep um I really do

Like this MCN team same and the way that we’re doing the format it’s honestly a pretty good one to have but it’s too much money I’m going to pass Joey B it’s all being tracked yes I am going to go out as well and Force an’s Hand into the

$15 bid on mcne state fine and are you at $45 yeah okay so she’s uh she’s the leader in the clubhouse right now in already yeah all right who’s up next uh is the Drew dog throw what team out there te out buddy 15 out of eight that

We’re doing for now we’re going to take number three kraton starting bid at $4 okay I’ll go I’ll go five on the Blue Jays so Sean pass Sean passes Frank six for crate and six and Alex I go I’ll go seven now Alex um eight 12 13

Oh I’m going to pass this is a Craton team that’s allergic to getting to the rim if you look at their if you look at their shot chart I mean they just do not yeah of course they call you Frankie mid-range I know I love it no that’s good stats I’m

Out I’m out so it’s to Sean no Sean’s already out sorry me no hold on how much is it I not my bidw dog’s bid Drew dog has how much on now so 13 be 14 you did 14 he did 13 okay 14 to 13 to

You yeah I’ll do it he’s in 13 for whatever a dollar up 14 14 on to an so yep an’s out Ry Ryan still in yes I am do I have two teams no you have one team Iowa State oh why do I have $14 or okay it is Alex to you16 over

$15 oh okay 16 oh boy this is a team I have going to the final four oh boy just showed his hand yeah did he just Bluff but I’m passing showed his hand allergic to spending money passing who’s left so Jeff out dog 17 17 to Frank 18 I pass

$19 me Tak illo I’m passing as well oh boy Frank and Alex Frank and Alex the bid is to you $19 19 hey 19 you’re at 20 got be 20 20 okay $21 no lucky number 21 on Iowa State yeah you don’t want

To uh I’ll go 22 22 24 no 23 oh okay oh man that one I might have scared him off I can’t do it no I’m passing 23 $23 for the three seed Jeff I have them going to the final four as well yeah it’s close

That was your first one Alex yes it was for on the board with all right who’s up next it is Jeff no I just I put MCN up already it is uh it is the uh Matt so I’m out I’m goingon to go with a fun one one

Of the uh fastest teams in the country by Tempo one of the highest scoring teams in the mid major ranks number 13 the Sanford Bulldogs I’ll start the bidding at $8 where is sford located you’re in Birmingham Alabama thank you how much was it $8 to you Sean uh we’ll do 15

Up to $155 on the 13 SE Frank 15 to you on sford yeah uh for a 13 seed huh I’ll pass that’s good numbers though but you ruined my plan Sean uh who’s up an oh sorry $13 or what $15 pass on that out

Ryan kind of want to bid you up but I’m gonna pass yeah I do think they have a shot against Kansas especially if um McCullers isn’t playing but I’m gonna pass Dickinson is playing though correct they’re both they’re both probably assuming they’re prob that’s interesting because that’s a really that’s gonna be

A really hot upset pick yeah um I’ll let Sean spend the money though I think they’re gonna lose so fast Joey B says parls is going all cheap a true north Jersey guy he was taught well your Nemesis Joey B oh Joey B’s gonna get that is great Drew dog the

Place to you we’ll have Joey pass’s not going like what I have to say about car pass that’s right he’s a big CSU guy yeah 15 on on sford so I I can’t out of principal spend more on sford than I did on San so

I’m out sford and son so 15 for Sean 15 for Sean on sford although I’m with you Alex I do think that they’re a team to watch to uh upset in the first round yeah they’re to watch to blow your money on Boom you want smack talk there it is

All right Sean last one for this region for now no we still got two more after that or one more after that one more after that Frank get to pick Frank get Frank gets to pick correct yeah Sean one who you got going here team seven out of

Eight to start who are the two to choose from is it Purdue you can choose any of those that’s what I thought why you oh there’s only CU then we’re going to move on after yeah there we go we’re learning I’m learning Sean who you putting up

We’ll have this snail by Samford is who I had that’s who you you ended up on them Sean M just named them okay so it’s my turn you won the bidding yeah you just won the bidd you then Frank get to name next all right Sean’s at

38 I think I’m trying to figure this out we’re all tracking it Purdue at $1 Purdue at a buck oh boy so Purdue here we here number one SE this is the one team that I was interested in seeing per and pass $ five $6 the draw is just so ridiculous this

Go around seven $10 ridiculously hard or easy easy yeah that’s what at least to the second weekend Drew dogs what was it what was the number 10 11 pass who’s up it is 14 Purdue 14 and you passed I will go 15 I will go 16 I will pass I will pass

17 Sean pass and 17 to you no it’s to me Frank sorry $18 maying up the order all all over the place what are we at sorry 18 I pass I’ll go 19 Alex has only spent 23 so far match the lowest you’ve only spent 14

Bucks yeah 19 to Jeff I’m already I’ve been Jeff uh I will go with 20 go 20 of the boiler makers is it to me it’s to you I spent 21 on Iowa St I’ll go 21 on Purdue oh I’m gonna let you two keep going I pass 22 Taylor Swift Michael Jordan

23 that that 24 in the boorder makers I’ll pass 2 okay and damn it regret wait hold on no you’re lucky I wasn’t AEK that never going to be very upset so far the highest Montana State beats Purdue oh n it’s not happening how much

Did you spend 24 $24 24 I mean which double digit CED is Purdue gonna lose to and all right uh what bracket are we in again still in the midw in Midwest Midwest Um why don’t we just go Um Tas Texas Texas two $2 on Texas no way no way she says $ dollars tree tree bucks pass pass see and when I and I filled out my bracket this was the one 10 seed playing winner that I had advancing you did

Either Virginia or Colorado State yeah just the way that they play is a little bit Virginia shouldn’t even be in there it should be we’re all in agre okay we’re all in agre it’s a crime should be with that being said I’m going to pass Joey B setting odds for this already

Joey B I tell you your numbers will be worse than CH say sean5 Joey B has a an is the current oh no she has Ryan as the current leader Joey B has and me as know wrong oh no parl is plus 450 I have no teams right now yeah that’s why that’s

Why you in first place Frank to you uh what was it on Texas how much five bucks uh I’ll go six why not seven I’m gonna pass pass pass so I got the Longhorns seven for seven or six7 $7 for Texas s for seven wow Sol solid value all right Jerry’s up again

Everybody Ryan took three of the eight teams in that uh I want to go over budgets real quick so far just double check my ma oh we’re GNA take a break we’ll come back and we’ll recap the math right uh we’re gonna take a break we’ll be back with

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Pigal poker three card poker ultimate Texas holdom and Mississippi Stud so get out of your room and come join in the Fun Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to a very special episode of Blossom no actually it’s a it’s punch lines and sports by the book we’re doing a March Mayhem draft it’s a fun way to do it Ryan’s father does this all the time we got a $100 budget and we’re drafting

Teams we each pick a team and then we go around Jerry is here out of the Dune 2 popcorn holder to pull the next one what are they called sandw worms or what are they I don’t I didn’t I don’t know what that thing is called that’s definitely

Not a worm called a lot got Jerry much on eBay is what it is East oh oh we’re going back back going back to the east back to the east we’re gonna finish it up baby all right thank you Jerry thank you Jerry no it’s actually just St it is

Up to me to name the first team so so the uh yeah this is this is fun who’s up the Auburn Tigers Auburn how much for $7 the four seed going for $7 Ryan has started the bidding it’s on to Alex eight who is up to eight

Me Jeff $9 $9 dog 10 uh I will go 11 15 pass pass everybody is in but Frank and an 16 thank you for the recap 17 pass Jeff is out pass I’m gonna pass Matt and Sean are out no Sean Dre Dog 18 18 like how

He leans in 18 and it’s to me hit me there’s three of us hit me of us Ryan to you just the three of us 19 a 19 $19 how much did I spend on kraton 23 pass people love an Auburn all right Alex Ryan and Alex Alex does not have a

Team from this region yet she has kraton I really liked the ti ERS too indeed I will pass Alex you got him thank you Auburn Tigers for $20 you’re up a $43 spent Alex next up on the draft or whoever’s four Alex it’s gonna be Alex that’s weird how that always

Happens H the player who makes the great field makes the great Fielding play Matt they come up and bat first of course happens in baseball all the time all right thank you you think that was a great play I do good value okay um let’s go Duane pass oh yeah before the number

Even comes out je Out Pass all right $1 the most overseed 11 seed in the history of 11 seed pass oh absolutely it’s the worst seated team in this tournament other than Virginia could we pay you to take them I mean I still haven’t spent

Any money I know I’m doing a great job Jeff has $11 dog pass I’m out okay John pass Frank oh $2 oh you knew it what wait it was at $1 you open one it is to kid I’m sorry an’s out mcmi I pass so Duane is $2 right

Now n oh no I’m already out it’s between you two Alex for three bucks Alex let the don’t drive it up Alex she can do it1 million you’re just going to do it just to screw me out of two bucks you know he’s gonna up you whatever it is I

That’s not true because I have Iowa State already in that region what what are we going you gotta do it Alex [Laughter] $3 they’re playing Illinois if they win against BYU but they’re an 11 seat if they pull I’m aware of that I know them

A lot of points I’ll go four bucks it’s yours yeah I knew it see I had already I already wrote Frank’s name in it was just a matter of what the final dollar amount was going to be I went I had a 3.2 I’m far faring Away Frank with the

Best value of anyone so far period those two guards come on they can shoot corre the Le so it’s me it is to you yep all right we’re gonna go with Alabama birming ham the 12 seed for $2 I recuse myself from the rest of the draft okay

See you Frank I’ll take your extra budget all right 75 left over all right so Drew duck you started at what2 $2 two bucks to Drew what seed are they 12 12 thank you pass I’m already on San Diego State so I got to pass wait what region

Pass east east they’re not the 12th are they yes they are I have no UAB is Alabama I wasn’t paying attention the Blazers I know UAB I used to watch the bid’s $2 I understand uh three bucks four San Diego State not can a lot of love and respect here the 12 five

Matchup which every year last year there were no 12 winners 12 Rarity for sure which is very rare yeah I pass this year oh okay he passes Alex $5 all right so who’s left you me and Alex is that it yep what how much I’m passing is it my turn whatever it is

No it’s Jeff Jeff to six $6 to you all right I’ll go seven on UAB okay so Frank you are passing yeah I’m out I got you cane right below them $ eight and at eight I’m gonna have to pass all right I’ll go 10 Jeff’s first team Jeff you ab and

That was his you put them up welcome put them up for how much did you he get them for 12 $10 $10 welcome I’m with me all right Drew dog let’s go number 13 Yale we’re starting at $3 Yale who won on a last second shot against Brown kind of wanted

To see Brown get in with the under 500 record but all right Yale it is three out of four years in a row te of I believe Yale has gone to the tournament yeah I’m going to I’m going to pass I think Auburn wins that that first round

Game Sean pass he passes thank pass an pass I pass Alex I have to pass um what’s the number uh I’ll bid five that really is a good pick Drew dog pass oh Jeff gets y for five now now Jeff can’t stop spending money that’s why he was afraid I’ll take

I’ll take a very game 15 a 13 seat for five bucks not too bad not too bad PA paid one more dollar than Duane all right so it is to me it’s true I am going to uh I’m going to spice this up here we’re going Yukon top top overall

Seed I’m going to set the number at $18 to start wow J Man a 18 bucks 18 bucks on Yukon the defending champs the number one overall Sean’s out Sean is out Frankie baby 20 bucks 20 bucks and pass too steep for my blood too rich for my blood $21 whatever 2

$21 Alex $22 23 pass Jeff just can’t stop buying could he get three in a row here keep in mind here he’s been waiting lurking like a snake in the gron doesn’t have to get on a plane until the final four yeah they open in Brooklyn’s trying to just talk him up I

Am going to go $25 on the Huskies orbits over here letting us know travel schedules yep yeah Frankie 25 26 pass Ryan’s out I’m going to pass too it’s hard to justify using the quarter of the budget on one team it really hit it really is

The bid’s 26 this is his inner monologue ladies and gentlemen yeah know I’m bringing it to the air I’m bringing it to the air Jeff parl bringing it to the air Netflix special you know what I’m gonna pass actually it’s it’s close but I’ll pass how much is it 26 26 to me

It’s between I have 25 you have 26 26 right it’s to you right now everybody else is out I spent 24 on Purdue I’m GNA pass we still have a lot more to go did I get it 26 bucks for Frank Frank has the top two seeds in that bracket that’s impressive it’s

Going to be very funny when it’s the four the uh you know what Elite if that happens there’s your trash talk all right Sean you’re up there’s your trash uh so we’re down to two teams we down to three three teams three Northwestern Stetson and Morehead

State are still with us we’re going to do uh Northwestern for $2 $2 on the wild cats the nine seed all right Frank pass I’m out that bracket uh $3 we’re going Northwestern yep five wait Yukon could play Iowa State so you be winner either way yeah

Exactly um $6 I’ll pass Dre Dog pass uh I’ll go seven right seven oh seven whatever the minimum is that’s what I’m on seven bucks pass Frank did you pass that one I’m out yeah I’m out Frank’s out and $7 to you eight eight bucks D Man

Ryan I will pass I will pass is that it nope I’ll pass too uh I am going to go $9 so now to Ann have fun oh have fun that’s always the fu have funun so we have two teams left in this region yep what did Ang spend

$105 Frank Frank Frank just just so you know there’s a 14 and a 16 left MH you’re required to bid on one of these two teams and if no one bids behind you you are stuck with them okay I knew that so it it is up to you Frank 5050 Stetson

Or Morehead State Stetson fits man uh no I’ll go um Morhead state I’m the one picking the team yep yeah Morhead state for a dollar and pass pass pass pass she said pass pass pass oh three Ryan I pass Alex I pass I pass as well no thank you

I am gonna go $2 $2 on Morehead State for Madden ever uh pass pass Frank Frank Washington state is not they playing illin they’re playing Illinois I know but then I’m looking ahead moving them moving them up yeah I’m out they would go how much was that $2 for Morehead $2 for Morehead

$2 all right an is up and gets to put the 16 seat up here Joey B has Sean winning the contest plus a th000 by passing on the Yukon bid what wow St oh no Sean’s plus a thousand plus all right so $1 to bid on ston for an Ryan I feel

Like we can just all go uh we we’re all passing good call way to save time Ryan and get stuck 1 2 Jerry do we need Jerry Jerry get up here in one region is complete East the East E region is 1248 we’re doing all right check hopefully

Everybody has a team from there does that make noise oh that’s you whistling Frank has the one and two that is that’s not bad not a bad one in a two I’ve only spent uh 51 bucks no I have three oh we did this wrong he’s going to be the

Favorite on the board we messed up Chris listen up I have spent $40 on three teams so far thank you how much yeah go for it Jerry three returning returning the’re ignoring the sou two of them are more their own jokes up there thank you Jerry which which

Region Midwest Midwest no he said South we’re returning to the South you no Midwest Midwest Jerry’s on Midwest going to South I’m not we’re we’re going to close out the Midwest CL out the Midwest so who’s up four four is up first it is Alex we got to pick it up guys holding

Out the Midwest here all right let’s see what we got well I mean um we didn’t do Oregon yet did we the available teams are the available team 16 seeds TCU Kansas South Carolina akan the winner of the Colorado State UVA play Tennessee and St Peters all

Right let’s go on the six seed South Carolina South kakalaki one dollar on the [ย __ย ] uh $2 on South Carolina $4 I’ll go five wow uh is it to me no Sean Sean’s I’ll go I’ll go six bucks on South Carolina for mik o day I pass all right so who’s left pass

For me so it is Jeff Drew dog Matt and Frank and what’s the bid um Frank bid six I’ll go seven to you yes I’ll go seven seven to Jeff Drew dog take eight okay I am going to go out okay Frankie Frank I’m going to pass on that Drew

It’s all you buddy eight bucks that’s great value yeah that’s good value on a six seed but I don’t really like them at all just was a cheap price how do you feel about South Carolina you don’t like them at all Lamont Paris may be top

Three coach of the year yeah great coach uh it’s me right too much tal the rest of that region y i me they got to face kraton possibly in Kansas yeah all right Rock Chu Jayhawks oh it’s time for Jayhawks for $2 do getting healthy do okay true dog who took Samford pass

Uh Sean over Sean’s on Stanford what’s the number right now what did you pass Andrew so it’s $2 $2 I’ll go $2 no well $3 more than $2 three bucks pass by Sean yep Frank uh five bucks five on KU for Frank pass by an six six for

McCormick I’m GNA pass all right so who’s left Jeff Jeff Matt and Frank Ryan’s in for six I will your board there I will go to eight on Kansas I will go to eight eight bucks I’ll go uh I’ll I’ll go 10 Frankie yeah I’ll go uh I’ll go 11 bucks I will

Pass all right so three of us left yes we’ll go to Lucky 13 on Kansas I will uh I I’ll go to 14 I’ll pass 15 never it’s the it’s the DU between sports by the book hosts ladies and gentlemen 16 he goes he goes to the

Bracket want to go to the amount of money currently Matt has spent $38 I know I’m just looking $40 so what’s your what’s your bid never it is $16 all right I’ll go 17 Jeff has spent uh I spent $20 or $15 I 15 18 all right 19 pass all right so

You’re up to $34 Jeff and he’s got Kansas I need I need some all right who’s picking next you’re watching the March Mayhem draft here is Drew dog will be post by the teams Drew dog is taking number two Tennessee star the volunteers five five bucks in the volunteers I will double it

And go to 10 I’ll double it and go to 20 I thought you were going to say double and go to 15 I was going to have a good laugh I thought that was what he was gonna do yeah exactly do 20 bucks on Tennessee we give Sean a little bit of

Credit uh 20 bucks I’ll go 21 Roberto come on dude bet by fives nope uh you didn’t bet by fives yeah you dou it oh me pass Brian I pass 21 right now huh I’m G to have to pass 22 okay 23 bucks 25 bucks 25 by 26 yeah

It’s to Me 2 by Sean it’s to me uh you did 26 I go yes sir I don’t I I’ll go 28 it’s me yep I’ve left it’s me yeah I pass I wanted Tennessee to 28 um to Drew dog so Andrew Matt and Frank 28 oh and

Sean is still in unless he’s gonna 29 29 on the balls Matt threeway bidding still they’re one of my they’re one of my top three teams if I had to pick to win at all right now that being said with my budget situation I’m going to have to go

Out there’s a couple of teams I’m looking Drew dog is it can’t spend 30 bucks on ten no I have spent he’s only spent 22 yeah that’d be half my budget so I’m out that would take him to 51 his Sean you are out correct nah we’re gonna go 30 I was just

B Sean’s at 38 spent so this would take him up to 68 and I think that’s the most money spent if he wins it but it’s up to me yep I did like Tennessee as my early pick with $51 I’ll take the vs for 31 31 Drew I’m out Drew’s out out

Sean 3 W 32 oh he leans in is it just Sean and I yes come on B me it’s a lot of money $32 right now is the bid God that would take me how many more teams do we have we haven’t even done we haven’t yet about I

Really like Tennessee but thank you I’m not done yet I didn’t say yet I didn’t say I say I really like Tennessee you should just bit him up now because he did that I’ll go $32 I’m at 32 he did I’ll go 33 Tony I’ll pass I was BL oh

I’ll take him I’ll take him Frank Chris we apologize in advance for Frank having to be the favorite in the grp we apologize in advance all chalk baby what I said okay that’s the way I bet it so Frank for 33 right all right SOC was the

Highest pric team sell so far which I think is fair which is ridiculous all right so I am going to go with the peacocks of St Peters for two American doll hairs okay $2 on the 15 seed for Matt never yep Johan um pass is everyone else passing

On the 15 seed well I might bid no i’t I’m passing and we’ll take three no one else answered oh Sean’s going back so Sean says $3 oh after he drives up Tennessee’s price he’s okay okay all right so Sean’s on $3 on the on the

Peacock hand no Ryan pass Alex pass have fun on the 15 seat Drew dog all right I can’t believe he took the bait yeah I know I wanted it thank you I think Tennessee is gonna win the whole thing I that’s why I put good $3

Uh SE Sean has two 15 seeds and he spent $6 on 15 seeds nice breaking it down in the words of Sean have fun have all right so uh number eight is up right now it is Sean you can choose between the 16 the 10 akan or TCU yeah

So TCU tcu’s up what’s the bid $1 $1 on the horn frogs on the [ย __ย ] was funny is what someone pointed out uh you’re $2 it’s a $2 bid to you on TCU if you want it to me yeah uh where are we at TC TC that’s Jamie Dixon the ex pit coach

Um who has Purdue I do never Does I do like Jamie I what is it three bucks two to you two to me yeah you’re going to yeah $2 and uh I pass $3 the quiet Al me7 $7 Drew dog no thank you I’ll go I’ll go eight I’m out Sean Sean are you out oh sorry Sean uh pass

Yeah I’m passing Alex $8 to you you have Purdue though Matt right I do H let me get out my let me get out my done bracket so who’s left is the three of us it is Matt Jeff Alex yep yeah three of us okay and the

Bid’s nine SP I bid eight most recently okay so it’s $8 bid so it be n be n to keep going okay I’ll go nine I’ll go 11 I’ll go out you’re mine okay all right Jeff 11 that takes you up to 45 spent that’s

Right see I was getting made fun of for not I’m just looking at money spent I just think we should look at this real quick uh correct me if I’m wrong Alex you spent 43 corre Matt you’ve spent 40 yep Frank 84 Jeff 45 and 55 Sean

38 I’m 56 Sean spent 41 56 I had 55 41 41 I bought St Peters Drew dog sorry 22 30 30 and Ryan 48 yeah I’m at 45 and Jeff’s at 45 yeah cool all right 4 okay all right Frank Frank’s turn is Frank how many teams are left though

There’s three teams left in the region it’s the 16 seed playing game akan or the Virginia Colorado State playing game all right I’ll take akan akan is up for $1 akan for two bucks zip two Zips for two two and keep this I pass Alex you pass on

Akan yes I pass as well taking an hour on half the bracket yeah it sounds right two dog really really two I think three three on a I am out never Sean’s passing I’m out pass all right three to Drew all right an 16 seed playing or 10 seed

Playing uh Virginia and Colorado State you get whoever wins the playin game Joey B these are from Amazon not Walgreens all right $1 $1 on the Virginia Colorado State playing game from an Ryan $2 $3 pass it’s me it’s me it’s me three uh pass we should have satad in order Drew

Dog thought of that next year pass $4 that would have made sense right pass pass for me it would be5 to you an to make you holler so it’s Ryan uh I pass so it’s Alex Alex and Matt $6 it’s it’s intriguing because you get the possibility of two teams yeah by the

Way Joey B says Drew is hilarious get him on camera $6 just saying Andrew I’ll go seven I love you you’re just trying to bid me up aren’t you Matt’s $2 for Moree head was priceless I don’t get it that’s usually about how much I spend

All right who we at I’m at $7 on the uh 10 seed winner right now wow Drew do got South Carolina for eight Ryan got Texas for seven I mean I mean that’s still pretty good value granted you’re basically hoping that Colorado State wins that game because Virginia

Can’t beat anyone with the plls pretty much I’m gonna pass all right so I get him for how much seven $7 $7 for the winner of that game I like it I don’t think Texas is as live as as a lot of other people think yeah I think that’s a

Pretty good price oh I have Yukon do I have Yukon yes come on number one overall C no I mean I’ll take him that’s all right so Ryan you’re stuck with the 16 playing game are we all out yeah does someone want a uh bid on it do

You want to bid do you want to start the bid at $10 I will go one single dollar ah I’m out H too much uh I think we’re all passing right yes y yes all right stuck with the Montana State Grambling winner all right let’s check out some

Other regions is that grambling’s first tournament ever I read it sure is yeah that’s cool all right baby half the bracket down oh my goodness thanks for sticking with us any we’re going to roll right into by the book ladies and gentlemen at 3:00 no we’ll we’ll speed it up we’re

Going to be fine we’re having fun we hope you are the chat room thank you everybody Drew dog wins this contest off the board currently but off the Joey B’s liking it what do we got we got the West we have the west west good luck oh it’s

I’m up first here right yes Jeff gets it started off oh we haven’t done the West yet we we literally just went through the two just by happen stance yeah so East and Midwest are done yeah that’s wild yeah yeah you know what we’re gonna start with the number two seed the

Arizona wild cats my bid will be $5 take $10 $12 Sean $15 Frankie no pass uh 16 I pass Alex 17 all right so who’s left basically everyone everybody but Frank Ryan that’s yeah everyone uh what’s the bid 17 I’ll pass Drew dog 18 I will go $20 21 an uh 22 Alex

23 my lucky number so far Drew dog pass Drew dog’s out at 23 I am going to I’m going to go 24 pass and path I I like that noise the pensive thought noise yeah 25 is it uh just you and me yep yep why

Is it why does it always come down to this side of the desk um $26 for Arizona yep 27 have fun with a free couple of points when they beat Long Beach stay in the first round I’m out $27 for all right 7 on uh that actually

Worked exactly how I wanted it very good you spent Alex 27 2 60 bucks uh Drew dog gets to put the team up next Let’s see we got Drew track of everyone’s money let’s go with number 11 New Mexico starting at $4 $4 on the Mountain West

Champion New Mexico Lobos $10 not never going with no regard for human life what are we doing New Mexico Mexico 10 bucks 12 bucks Big Mountain West fan over here uh I’ll pass an I pass okay hold on pass pass pass Sean said 12 yep

Um I’ll say 13 it’s me I’ll do I’ll do 14 go 15 16 jeez 18 sorry on New Mexico Sean’s on 18 Jeff 18 to you they’re playing games at the pit oh boy Sean has kind of wrecked the feud that I I actually wanted by overbidding I’ll

Pass pass we need a version of the Jeopardy music yeah uh I will go with $19 20 okay wow Drew dog are you outw out just me and you buddy 21 22 23 oh my God I’ll pass for New Mexico I think they win that first round

Game and then really stay hot guard heavy team Jaylen house one of the best best perimeter defenders in the country you got them for how much $23 for the strategy of our game it makes sense to take them 23 is a lot that’s a lot of money so I’m down to $30

But I’ve got five teams already okay yeah I know that’s six teams if you count the you get to put a team up right now I get to put a team up I am going to go with Charleston the 13 seed and I will

Do $3 $3 on the Cougars five five on the Cougars pass and what is it Charleston how much five five bucks $66 on Charleston I pass it’s to you Alex I pass seven pass pass no one likes Alabama huh Sean pass Jeff I want me you want it it’s seven seven to

You an oh I want me seven bucks is a good deal highest total in like 30 years or something like that I’ll take a team that’s more than capable of winning that game for seven very Happ boy not bad especially as a 13 seat yeah that’s not being the

GS oh where’s number eight right below uh Sean we’ll go St Mary’s throwing St Mary there’s the gills there’s the gills how much Sean uh 15 bucks oh how much that’s too much too rich hold hold on wait same Mar for 15 started highest starting B so far

He wanted St Mary’s to win at all he was going to do a future on St Mary before the tournament because they’re a very good road team he looked at tournaments are neutral sight so he’s taking St Mary you know that you know that neutral sites are not Road games right

Frank he’s saying they play well away from home was his Frank what do you want to do I’ll pass I don’t have the money hey I pass man I really like St Mary’s too but I already spent all my money on Arizona in this region so I have to

Pass love St Mary’s premium upset candidate pass I agree Drew dog $16 I am out 20 okay so it’s just Ann Andrew and Sean 20 to you an 21 22 o Sean 25 they’re battling on the other side of the glass 26 pass Sean 26 have fun an oh iff have

Fun an I don’t think you can say you’re a bluffing when you’re up to 25 bucks that 26 for you an was that 26 that takes her up to $82 I believe all right um Frankie Frankie most money to spend so far according to I see Drew

Dog’s only at 30 Sean only at 41 what is is that right Jeff at 52 Alex at 60 okay we got 30 bucks lefts left yeah I’ve already got is this my Pi sry Frank I’ll go Grand Canyon for four Grand Canyon we’re going on the other side

There Frank and it is $4 to you on Grand Canyon the Lopes Al how much Ryan fours four bucks for Ryan five bucks from Ryan five bucks all right six bucks I’ll pass Drew dog what’s that six bucks seven eight 10 pass Ryan I can’t I don’t I pass Ryan’s

Out 10 10 bucks to you Alex I’m gonna pass I’m already out um so who we got in Drew dog 10 bucks I’ll go 11 12 so is it between Drew Drew and Sean here it’s Ryan still in it too no I’m out no Ryan’s out Ryan’s out this just

Me and your dog 13 14 have fun Sean oh Sean on Grand Canyon what you got 14 bucks not bad given the circumstances pass this on to you now sure I like yeah yeah that’s that’s fair take turns two is up cuz I only have three

Teams I need to get five more dogs no it’s it’s and throwing out a team here got dollar I pass who is it I’m Clemson for a dollar Alex I’m gonna pass what team are we on guys I’m Clemson for $1 oh God I got to pass too wow Drew dog can’t let

Her have wait I didn’t I didn’t oh you’re last oh okay sorry guys pass Dre dog’s out I am out as well pass is an gonna get a six seed for a dollar Frank going to let that happen Clemson for two two the two people with the least amount of

Money in their purse left I don’t think you need to bring that up I don’t think you need to bring three four it four bucks four bucks for Clemson wow great value when New Mexico went for 23 tells you what the public really hurt when when uh when

Clemson wins that game you got it Frank yeah I do okay it’s a good one that’s a really nice value pick thank you cuz I don’t know what I’m doing the Baylor bear three seed three seed Baylor Bears $8 okay Jeff $9 it’s Alex yep nine 12 your dog 15 I’m gonna go

Out I’m out is it to me Sean’s out I apologize I’m out ranks out and’s out all right so what do we got here 15 to Ryan 16 and it just says four 16 Alex 17 Matt you’re out I am out okay 18 18 on Bor your dog one one

21 I’m going to I’m going to pass now Alex is out what do you have me at me at 52 I have Jeff at $52 all right I’m out Jeff’s out so it is Drew dog 21 to you you and Ryan 22 22 Ryan you’re watching the March Mayhem

Draft here between punch and sports by the book 23 Drew dog whoa Drew dog 24 you can have him wow Drew dog bucks on Baylor yep was that the last one one more in this region right I think we yep we have one more Dayton and Nevada did we do

Nevada not yet we the whole region is still up teams North Carolina Tar Heels oh r on the Tar Heels for how much who put him up it’s his team wait no you just it’s it’s Alex’s it’s Alex’s turn you just put Bor up okay yeah you’re

Right so Alex do you want to do do you want to do the the tar Hills I want to get this over with man yeah Drew I didn’t write Drew’s last one take Drew got bayl Baylor for 26 24 so you’re up to 54 bucks all right Alex it

Is to you okay um we are going with Nevada T seed for a dollar a dollar on Nevada two on Nevada for me five on Nevada five I am I’m going to go out wow he’s ski a Mountain West team folks stand for everything I’ll go seven man

Eight Ryan McCormick I pass nine I will pass go 10 11 it is it is Frank I’m out now an who’s also out 11 to you Ryan I already passed right yeah $11 team that you put up Paul said we should had a comment section team as well I’m gonna pass Alex

Is out Jeff $111 to you I’ve been out for a while joeyb we should have had John reagins do this but budget budget constraints I was like over four so I’m going to pass the board back I’ll pass you and they are Amazon cor yep Sean won

Nevada for $11 okay not bad not bad Sean Paul Reno Paul that’s his team wolf pack how much did he get him for $111 so it is uh is now Jeff the last one of this region and then we’ll move on no we are I was the first one of this region so

Then that’s it right there yeah was that it Jerry Jerry’s up okay let’s so we have half the west and all of the South Jerry Jerry Jerry please just draw the South here we just have him why don’t we just do this out well maybe if he picks

The Midwest here let’s see let’s just see let’s see what it says the West no it’s not is it really it’s the Integrity of the game West it says West we already finished oh Mid West we got half the West to go all right jerry’ done a very

B don’t ever yell at Jerry sorry Jerry so we’ll finish the West Jerry might say the f word again oh God that’s the last time we need Jerry because we’re going to finish the west and then bang out the South Jerry can go eat lunch he’s out no he’s literally out the

Door s to his room thank you Jerry thank you Jerry as always thanck all right someone go who’s up okay I don’t know I’m not we’re gonna go fast to the South like Americans when they drive there yeah uh did Alex with the last one out

Yes so Jeff yes no it’s the six it’s number six is first so it is Drew dog are you sure cuz I I just threw out Nevada number okay wait wait a second then how do we screw what is it because I touched the Whiteboard yeah because Matt touched the

Right board because I started that round with Arizona and Alex finished the round with well it doesn’t it doesn’t matter you one more what doesn’t matter we’re on so then it still goes six so it’s six here okay yeah which is just don’t give Matt the Whiteboard any yeah I’m out I’m out

True dog go with Michigan State for $2 see that’s tough okay they need to rename March ISO yep they doing that I’m gonna go $4 pass it’s five bucks five bucks I pass I pass as well see up true dog to you so it is a Andrew Matt Frank and Ann

Seven Matt I’ll go eight to Frank yep um I love ISO man I’ll go nine an okay three of you go dog 10 I am out okay Frank and an bits to you Frank she’s out Drew dog Drew dog uh I can’t it’s too much money I’m out

For enjoy it or what does Sean say have fun have fun yeah I think you guys are you have 82 I I’m tracking my own I have you at 82 an yeah I have you Alex at 60 Matt at 63 Frank at 88 Jeff at 52 Ann at 82 Sean

At 41 Drew dog at 54 and Ryan at 48 what are you at 70 70 I missed one on uh the UVA Colorado State I got for $7 you get to pick the next team I get to pick the next team why you guys are doing the

Match I am going to go with the Dayton Flyers the seven seed for $ pass Sean Sean’s out $4 out I’m out I am out too nope come on Jeff you can’t pass I’m out I got D for four all right I think they the most you have now a lot okay no I have five uh no one two three four five six I think that

They are the most app seven seed to get upset how much did I spend on that $4 good value All Things Considered I will say so it is to sha to throw a team out there uh we won’t stop uh stop being the bush we’ll do a number one UNC there we

Go and we’ll start the bidding at $2 oh knowing his audience wow uh I’m out an sorry Ryan $26 oh we knew it knew that was coming $27 I will pass too much for me I am out 28 Ryan is it Ryan I’m out I’m out your

Darn toon it’s Ryan’s turn Sean is 100% up bitting here ah wow 29 oh I’m just realizing I only have one team in each of those I have regions um you went 29 Ryan I’m heavy in the west baby do I look even shorter standing no you just look heavier in the

West you okay all right I’m gonna pass hey Alex is out I’ll pass Ryan got him for $29 he got his Tar Heels ladies and gentlemen it’s not bad Ryan you’re up to uh $77 and it is Frank’s turn to throw of Team yes it is we’re still not in the

South huh nope no Jerry didn’t Jerry didn’t pick the South the bucket of Destiny didn’t pick do we have left Long Beach you have the 16 seed you have the eight seed Mississippi State you have the four seed Alabama you have Colgate and you have Long Beach

Also what was the bid what was what was the final bid on Michigan State $10 right uh Michigan state was 10 bucks yep and it went to number six Drew dog uh I I have to do a team I’ll do the uh 16 matchup Howard or Wagner against

Ryan’s you’re going to do $1 on that $1 $1 on that everyone passing yep I agree perfect Frank thank you very much for doing that I I had no choice I can’t pass right no you could have could thr out any of the other already made the

Pick wait wait wait what you throw at a team that other people he already he already made oh yeah that’s right he already made the now you have seven teams right yeah yeah should we go through how many teams everybody has cuz I’ve got five everybody does know I

Screwed that up then so when when Howard or Wagner upsets UNC Frank is gonna gloat to Ryan well that’s why I took it to be honest I just want to root against Ryan and I pitted against each other wow okay uh two’s up yeah all right I I’ll speak into the microphone

Before I would have gone after people listening right now I would like uh Mississippi state3 like a four I should have taken Mississippi State for how much $3 on the Bulldogs $ four $4 on the bgs are you sure you sure you have your te $5 I will

Pass pass pass pass love that Frank I’m out okay so it’s 8 and Ryan and myself it is at five I pass seven eight I can’t go higher than that eight on the eight seat yeah and you can have them o who wasn’t Miss Missippi state so

An and Drew squared up round one there did we close that bracket or No 9 match three teams left Alabama Colgate and Long Beach State all right so number three is up that is Ryan jeez to save Beach okay you’re okay sounds good Frank Alabama four $7 $7 Alex Alex 8 I will

Pass pass $10 pass an $111 on Alabama Frank passed I’m out an’s out yep Ryan I pass okay so it’s two left Matt $11 that’s the bid I got him if if you want then I have a chance to match you no I’m staying 11 you bet 10 if you want to bet

11 that is is it an official bid yes it is I’m going to go 12 13 pass steal a couple extra bucks from you take it that is a very good bid if they are able to get past two in Korea right now that was yesterday Frank Alex you taking Colgate

I have nothing to do right now I am going to get up at 3:00 a.m. for the Dodger game though on Wednesday morning you’re a better better man than option I have Colgate and Long Beach team of Destiny playing for Dan okay Colgate for a dollar Colgate for a buck Colgate for

A dollar anybody Jeff oh no thank you I’m good anybody on that I’m out anyone anyone want Colgate NOP someone could have really helped me on that Howard Wagner thing that I screwed up that’s all right that’s fine everyone’s jealous because I got three of the top seats all

Right am I up now you got Long Beach Long Beach for a dollar anyone want to beat me all right so South team of Destiny South who’s up who’s picking we’ll try to True Dog expedite Alex’s turn Alex in the South we got the south region of finish South

Region no it’s Matt it’s Matt unless unless you want it it’s team number seven is up right now it is me which is I am going to go with oh thank you let’s see what uh let’s see what we get here Duke the BL devil for

$3 Duke for three bucks Sean I think that’s right uh five five five on Duke okay Frank welcome back are you back in or no uh six on Duke six on Duke for Frank seven seven on Duke pass driving not yet Ryan eight wow he actually bit on Duke I’m surprised nine 10

12 pass I’m out wait dude you’re pass dude pass I’m out and n’s out so it’s to Ryan for 13 I pass 13 for me Chef what’s the number 13 right it’s just S3 left you who you just bid it yeah 15 Wow Pass Dre dog’s out so it’s

15 Jeff saved his money for left Alex you have $61 you got 20 left you get 39 bucks 16 and I’m at what I’m at 53 uh got more money yes I have $47 to play with in this region Alex take them all right wow so Alex

What was the final number on that 17 we have the entire South Region left for Duke for me 16 for Alex wow $77 so now it is to Sean throw a team out there so I have six teams I only need uh two more Yep Sean’s up where everybody

Is right uh we will do Kentucky for $15 oh this should be fun Frank uh pass pass Brian 15 on in Kentucky uh I pass Alex 16 17 20 20 you suck Drew I hate you pass what I’m shocked right now pass me too Alex okay Sean’s passing I’m passing what was

The number to Drew Drew said 20 uh 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 can I come back in with my $30 bank roll I have seven all right Jeff come back 29’s fine all right I’m good I’ll take that wow that’s my only future is bet I know that’s when

They that you have to Jeff you’re at $82 that’s perfect 18 bucks to spend on one last team yeah that’s wow very well Tim very well Tim that’s fine go ahead I’m not betting on H Me Oh I thought he can we do a recap of our money yeah

According to what my stats I have Alex $77 Matt 70 I have spent 70 uh 93 for me 82 for Jeff 82 for an Sean 90 for an 41 for Sean I have a much different I’m C which Sean what do you have I have a $34 left over here so

66 wow Drew dog has spent $54 64 I missed a $10 there Ryan has 7 you spent 77 or did I miss North Carolina my count is way no that’s right I have 77 for you yeah 77 for me yeah but I had a completely different setup

But whatever again I might have missed something but what do you have I already I had what are you what is Frank have you at 77 I have you at 86 that could be right I I mean I might have missed one I’ve been too busy un and I’ve been

Too busy messing it up so I’m not I’m I’m not allowed to touch it my own I have heard 77 but Ryan’s probably more accurate 20 on on Auburn yes check the tape and 13 on Alabama that’s 33 27 yeah let’s take a break we yeah take a break

Take a break we’re going to do the South we’ll be right back thank you for watching we’re home stretch home stretch a second yes Paul I will sorry commercial now down the horns Dan South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first

Class Las Vegas Resort did you know our 400 seat showroom is one of Las Vegas’s top destinations for live entertainment enjoy live performances by classic Vegas entertainers bands and Today’s Hottest comedians plus a rock and dance floor you can also enjoy live entertainment at the Grand View Lounge where you’ll feel

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Family catch them movie our 16 screen movie theater includes two XD extreme screens for the ultimate in viewing sound and luxury after the show treat the family to a variety of treats at our oldfashioned ice cream parlor Kate’s Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand

Dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and Sundaes at katees there’s something for everyone and if you still got time to spare our Bowling Center might be right up your alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great place for friends and family fun 64 Lanes a pro shop snack bar and

Arcade and while the kids are bowling you can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking the lanes for our more serious and professional bowlers the South Point is also home to a separate tournament bowling Plaza 16 seat and a 15 seat yeah it’s fine all

Right just open it let’s go we figured it out oh we’re back was cheated that’s all we know that’s all we know all right who’s up I’ve spent my $100 everyone where are we are we in the South Region we are finishing up okay South number one is up it is Frank

Number one’s up throwing out a team uh ver Vermont for three bucks $3 on Vermont four I pass pass Alex has to pass I pass pass I’m gonna pass pass Frank it’s $4 bid to you on Vermont I know I like the I don’t think you did

Um uh I’ll pass and for $4 an gets the catamounts for $4 sorry all right and throw a team out there in Vengeance that was it yes so an’s got eight teams done Alex is at $100 so she’s going to be stuck with the 15 and the 16 yeah

Alex is stuck with the two teams that remain on the board the dues the dukies what do you want to start it never beat nap State as a division one opponent in football if you want to start you’ll just bid one oh I’ll go two two on JMU I’ll B I’ll bid

Four pass I will go five okay okay Sean six seven and not in Ryan so everybody is in but and myself Andrew Ryan’s out Jeff I’m at seven what’s the bid $7 to Jeff eight it’s me yep I have a couple teams I like in this

Region we went way not a lot of budget to do it I’m gonna go out okay although I like James Madison in the upset I’m out Sean’s out I’m out okay so Jeff for eight bucks Jeff for eight bucks I’m done that’s my eighth Great Value see I was made fun of

Not having any picks and I’m the second one to fill my roster and I did the $10 under budget wow third if you count out the two that Alex is going to get at the end all right who’s up now let’s try it is Ryan okay um by the way Dodger opening

Day is going to start before we’re done Texas no we’re in the home stretch Texas A&M out $5 Jeff’s out and an and an all right Texas A&M for seven from Ryan or for Five next up to Drew dog6 $7 pass $7 as well it’s a

Strategy I can’t I got to pass okay um $8 $8 Drew dog pass I going to go $9 between these two I pass okay the nine for nine that’s that’s fitting they got hot at the right time at the end of the year I like I like Tech say I’m here

Right oh I get to throw out a team do you want me to do one of my 16 or 15 that I have to take yeah you might as well yeah okay Western Kentucky on Three everybody 1 two 3 pass no Western Kentucky so I guess Sean really wanted Western Kentucky sean gets

Him Al can out bid you and everybody else is out I thought I had well no I’m not out oh I’ll take him for three what is happening here guys wait okay you’re going to end up with a better team now let the two of them help you you got you

Got him thank you he probably would have went up to $15 for them I drove him up I knew was get very poorly done said 15 very poorly done all right I’m out I’m out I am uh he’s just going to talk smack I’m putting Houston out there guys enjoy it

I know no one’s got the bank roll this is interesting yeah all right who’s uh who’s bid well out someone has the B Drew dog there’s a few people who have Bank rolls Drew dog is the first the first bid he’s got the most money left

St at 15 yeah there’s there’s he’s got there’s money what was that uh it is it is my bid actually Sean my bad uh I am going to go 18 all right 20 20 he went 20 Frank you’re 70 I’m out out Ryan done pass

Okay $20 the bid to Drew dog Drew dog 20 bucks Drew Matt and Drew what you say drew 20 no Sean said 20 Sean said 20 oh sorry um 22 22 I have $21 left so I’m out Matt’s eliminated Sean 23 23 like 25 25 on Houston 30 30 on

Houston the rest of his bank roll yeah does he have that much Sean has 66 F I’m saying oh he’s good Sean’s got 34 to go might 31 31 your dog could out price him by $2 yeah I think how much do I have you

Have $66 has $ how many teams left does he have though I don’t know 34 how many 34 bucks that’s his whole budget Drew 35 wins it you have 36 left if you bid 35 you win and have a dollar left over yeah but then there’s so many teams left over

That are going to go for free we did not think this threw well guys I still have a budget yeah there’s still people with budgets let take 35 wow Drew dog gets Houston very good well he has a dollar left Drew dog is$ one left just bring up

A team we’ll try to go through it who who threw out Houston I did I’m out team it is Drew do Drew pick a team I should get a reward for coming in under budget no you shouldn’t I should that’s terrible strategy yeah it was not good

Drew dog the one the two seed we’re going number two Mar Drew dog’s going Marquette for a dollar I will go with $3 okay Sean pass $7 and Ryan $12 Drew dog $12 oh you keep you can’t bid that he’s got one I’m going to go

$13 okay Frank I’m Ryan Franks out Ryan sorry $14 is it just me and Ryan yep $15 16 how much does Matt have left 17 18 this is who I’m gonna get I’m going to go 18 you said 18 is that team you wanted uh I am going to

Yeah I’m gonna pass she’s even I’m gonna pass Ryan gets Marquette for $18 you and I got stuck all right who’s throwing out a team next after Drew dog is matad it is it all right so Ryan won Marquette for $18 uh I am going to throw out the Florida Gators for five

Bucks Sean 10 bucks all pass I’m out Ryan I pass so it’s just between you two right is Drew Drew dog is $1 I am going to go $11 15 16 20 out 20 on uh Florida Florida that was my last team wow you have eight now

Sean you have eight Sean pick team just lost their Center he has to pick a team Sean you pick team does he lose pick no he gets to pick he just can’t PID yeah so we’ll do uh NC state has that one been called yet no no nope NC State so

Sean and Frank has the first bid if you want them $3 uh I pass okay I am going to go $4 $4 on NC State to me seven just you two just us two uh we’ll go eight I’m out they’re yours so eight bucks Frank you got some teams Nebraska

Nebraska is available yeah you go Nebraska three bucks did Matt Matt got Ryan to Ryan um I pass I’m on Texas A&M so I’m I’m going to pass wow very good Nebraska for three bucks that’s pretty good really you knew there was going to be some opportunities like this I was going to

SP so I actually went under budget too Jeff yeah I I think these people that went over budget should have to get our 16 seats Frank I think I like I think that’s a good I think that’s a good penalty listen you can’t change the rule7 I am the President who’s

Left all right who’s who’s up to bit uh throw a team out there after me it’s uh an hold hold on how many how how many how many people have that’s what I’m asking yeah who one team remaining who else has team’s remaining Drew has one I

Also have one left you have one left Drew have many you have left one and I need twoam has a dollar Mone so hold on so there’s five teams left on the board or four teams left on the board now there is should be five Wisconsin Texas Tech Oakland Boise State Colorado

Playing winner and Longwood right yeah and Longwood did any we already did A&M correct correct yes I have them those are our teams so there’s five teams left three people with one spot three T three people with one spot and one with two how much money you have team left right

Ryan yes so in all honesty since they’re both over budget the bidding is between you two for the remaining two teams and they’ll get the scraps me and me and Ryan yeah all right so who’s turn is it to throw a team out there Ryan’s at $95 Matt’s at

What do you have your I have $13 remaining 13 remaining and how much did you get A&M for I got him for $9 was he State Colorado wait so Ryan do you want to bid on either of those that’s fine Ryan will have the last one

To pick okay so Wisconsin will be the last one out well I was going to just let them pick who they wanted to bid on $2 $2 on Boise State Colorado winner you can have them the highest scoring Wisconsin team ever who got wiconsin that is Boise

State in Colorado is Ryan for how much $2 or three two two bucks okay so Matt you get to pick who you want between Tech and Wisconsin I already am on NC State who Tech is playing so I will go with Wisconsin okay so never gets Wisconsin

For $1 good so I said I have $12 over so how do we do how do we penalize the people who are would have to go over budget they fill out their rosters and how do we penalize them lashes cuz Alex needs Alex needs two teams and Drew

Needs one and they’re both over budget if they you have $1 left oh then Frank has the wrong number on you then so no I said he had $1 okay Drew you get to pick your team for $1 then Texas Tech Oakland or longood stuck with uh you want Texas

Tech for a dollar taking Texas Tech crap that’s Chris’s pick that’s who Chris Andrew no Drew has a great Drew’s got a great Alex gets along with an Oakland for nothing and penalize somehow we have to figure that out I got 12 extra bucks you can’t penalize me

Because you had me marking everybody that was nebras with the Whiteboard I didn’t see Texas Tech onw nice selection at the end there all right ladies and gentlemen everyone’s going to recap their eight teams and we’ll wrap up the show I will go first since I drafted

First I have top seat Yukon Tennessee Iowa State nebr Nebraska Dayton Duane and Clemson up next would be an okay Matt I have uh San Diego State Purdue Morehead State uh the UVA Colorado State winner uh New Mexico Texas A&M NC State and Wisconsin a lot

Of lot of at large teams there I have Arizona Auburn kraton Colgate Duke Alabama Longwood and Oakland oh I like your I’m very happy to be the long shot in this thing here apparently UAB Yale charest Long Beach Kansas TCU Kentucky and James Madison get your bets ready at

A very long long price on mine for a national champion good um the North Carolina Tar Heels Marette Marquette Golden Eagles say the whole name uh Drake Bulldogs Oregon Ducks Texas Longhorns Gonzaga Bulldogs I got two bulldogs Montana State and gr the winner of Montana State and gramling

And the winner of Boise State in Colorado how did I not take Texas why did I throw out Nebraska as my choice and notas Tech you know why because they were crossed out inadvertently Drew good job who wants to read their list next Sean that’s all that southa state did

You just say the S Illinois South Dakota State Grand Canyon illo Nevada St Peters thank you you finally said it say that for a month now and all right I have um my Mary BYU Utah State MCN Northwestern Stetson Mississippi State and Vermont and the Drew dog got Florida

Atlantic that’s all you need uh Washington Washington State Michigan State Baylor South Carolina Baylor Aron Houston and Texas Tech Texas Tech all right right there we go who hasn’t read their list everybody everyone read it a here’s a fun game real quick uh everyone will do this off Fair add up

The the seeds you have and the lowest total would be interesting to know who has the the lowest seed surpris highest seeds on their team all right all right anyway ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching Our Extravaganza our March Mayhem Extravaganza thank you to Ryan McCormick and his dad who’s been doing

This for five years with his buddies first time we tried it an hour we came in at an hour and 42 we said we’d do it in 60 minutes maybe next yeah Chris gave us an extra 15 minutes of buffer so 75 we went uh 102 all right sounds right

Well sounds right I figured it was going to take an hour and a yeah hour and a half so we’ll cut we’ll edit 12 minutes out we’ll edit out uh alsan leaning into the microphone anyway uh it was a fun show Sports by the book what’s coming up

Today on Sports by the book ask Jeff Jeff tune in in an hour and 18 minutes there you go we’ll see you then thank you tomorrow regular punch lines tomorrow with h Chuck Esposito and there’s the north car is that your what Duke sucks that’s Ryan’s shirk hold it

Up there you go oh I got two he’s a he’s a father all right we’ll see him tomorrow’s live about every Show

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