Golf Players

PGA Tour Coach -Top 3 Tips To Improve Your Game!

Martin Chuck is one of Golf Digests best teachers in America and arguably the game and this #tourtrucktuesday I get to ask him what his top 3 lessons would be to the amateur golfer.

In addition Martin is the founder of Tour Striker ( ) and throughout this video he refers to some of their leading products that have helped so many golfers improve.

Beginning with the Flex Click:

Martin explains how we should grip the golf club and how this audible device can help ensure that your hands go on the club in the correct manner. Demonstrating how the Flex Click will not only help the newbie golfer but it is also something a Touring Professional would turn to as a check point for their game.


To demonstrate that point he uses the Smart Ball ( ) this is one of my personal favorite training tools. Martin carefully explains how this simple device helps the amateur learn to use ground force just by swinging with the Smart Ball in place.

The final tip he gives us is about your swing plane. He uses a product called The Toolbox:

Tour Striker Toolbox

The demonstrations are fantastic throughout and keep in mind that Martin’s protocols are all available to you at should you choose to purchase and learn more about the man himself.

I hope you enjoy the second video with Martin, he’s one of my favorite guys in the business. Let me know in the comments below if his teaching is helping your game and be sure to #subscribe if you like what you’re seeing at all the following places:



Hey guys I’m here with Martin Chuck hopefully you checked out the video that Martin did for me giving me a golf lesson getting inside my head space and you followed that one this now is aimed directly at you guys Martin Chuck as you know from watching that previous video

Is one of the best golf teachers in the United States and arguably the world his reach goes far and wide and down to a lot of the Tor Striker stuff which he is the founder of and Creator so tell us people out there watching all handicap

Levels if you had two three key things yeah so than for the awesome intro I don’t like teach to be thought of as this amazing teacher it’s not why I do it I just love the game I love the Knuckleheads and come to see me cuz it’s

A blessing that I get to do it you thrive on the mental conversations that people to love it I love everybody comes to me from a different space in golf whether they’re newbies or whatever so so I’m going to give you my good stuff here okay okay external feedback

Sometimes so the flex click and and it’s just a simple clicker there’s other clickers on the market why I like mine I’ll explain it so here’s a here’s something that most people don’t do Troy so notice how I can make a soft fist with a flat left wrist if it was CED

You’d know it right cuz you’d have this tactile auditory sound so there is a situation where I like to teach golfers actually to get build their grip in this leverage condition now they can put their Trail hand on now when they go to an address condition you can kind of see

What happens the lead wrist bends back the trail wrist flattens now they’re in a place where they can this is a dress this is an impact impacts is place that is dynamic that’s you know part pivot part expansion part all kinds of things happening so if we can build somebody a

Grip for this successful position which golf nerd speak is called P6 position one’s address position two position three position four position five position six why because the commonality of good Strikers is such that the shaft is generally parallel to the targan at this point the face isn’t pointed at the

Sky it’s neither pointed at the ground it’s a sliver strong so sliver strong means hey newbie golfer or developing ball Striker let’s learn how to grip it here let’s learn how to put our hands on there come back to a dress now you have an idea of what it is to have an

Adjusted address position so you can pass through these positions okay and hit pretty crispy shots addressing a golf ball is really hard for people it’s uncomfortable I’ll explain what they do and this is what I see at my Camp every week the ball’s in front of them the club is on the ground

They grip it for Comfort rather than function and they found man this feels really good if it feels good it must be awesome then they can’t really move the club with Dynamics the faces and then you see all kinds of stuff yeah so if we build the golf swing from a hands

Perspective first from a delivery perspective actually first then address now the body and Dynamics can work really well okay so this is one simple way now another way we use this is just to kind of roll it on the inside of the hand and so it’s like right there on my

Palm so why would it be here because if I gave that to the Newbie again they can’t grip it because to grip it properly watch where this indicator has to go it goes on the outside of my fingers so now if I went to that critical place again you have that tactile

Sound now as I start to develop my swing maybe it’s not there maybe it’s not there and then maybe it is okay where or somebody’s you know getting thrown the club’s Mass over the top too much they don’t get that tactile sound where the club gets a little bit behind that

Unwinding Inside Out strike does changing maybe more for the advanced golfer does changing the feels and the positions and the sounds so again I know golfers of my generation tend to sometimes be a little this way mod day more that way when you adjust this and

I’ve heard it a lot with top top players like World former world number ones it’s always tough to go and play with that because you’re moving oh amen yeah and and so you know you even see the world’s best do some training from time to time with things like external devices right

Like you go to the range you’re going to see your external devices mine gratefully why because I mean it’s like this is the stuff that we do all day every day now for a good player I don’t necessarily want him playing with these fields when they go play that’s where

They will train and a good player will train to start to make the feels become yeah subconscious okay okay and so a lot of golfers they don’t really realize that there’s I I call it a d-shape like so here’s a dress here’s this vertical position of loading there’s your you

Know bent wrist at the top which is actually more powerful than a flat one to be fair you go to any 3D studies a cuppy lead wrist at the top has more speed potential than one that’s here yeah okay just does and Johns Sinclair would be a good resource for people out

There to look up so there’s a Cy lead wrist okay but now nobody comes down this way at some point there’s some element of the club’s mask going a little bit behind him so that it can be slung with speed in this incline circular motion now you could make it

You could be DJ and he just kind of starts it all puts it up here and he’s so physically gifted to side Bend and smash it he’s got a lot of face you know control through his physical abilities cuz there’s no rotation yeah he’s got very little everybody has it but he’s

Got very little hanin’s one of those too jain’s a great one he’s up there like this and he’s got a lot of ability and not many people can do that though physically yeah the side Bend yeah the side bending is hard so to bring it in

For the masses this is a grip check and it’s an audio to get you in that pre-impact position grip check audio can you feel what it’s like to have that nice position and then from there you start to realize oh this is how these the these dudes physically and gals

Physically moved to really be re reliable Strikers okay cool what would be tip number two that or training device number two that you would go to that’s this smart ball 100% I was going to if you weren’t going to say that I was going to throw it in as number three

You know Ian so I’m glad that you got thanks Stephen toss that over the SM ball also my dog’s favorite chew toy yeah right everybody’s chew toy so you know it’s it’s one of those things where how did you come up with this I got tired of picking up the foam one called

The impact ball I think it was called so there was a foam divot like a Nerf ball that would go between the forearms and it had the cutouts didn’t it had the cutouts yeah so it was good didn’t fit everyone though did it not really and it

Was kind of heavy yeah you know so I thought I wanted something that I could you know take the air out of put it in my golf bag didn’t weigh anything you know and here’s the neat thing about this when you manage these arm I have a

Question on this sorry to interrupt how do you decide if the student needs it here or low it’s never been up here with me it’s always been just been below the elbows above the wrists so these we start start people off just kind of learning how to make this motion how to

Go create a little leverage and get into a finishing form because they’re all they stay down too long they separate their elbows they don’t really know how to take something that’s leveraged and let it flee away from them with any kind of speed so check this out come on over

Rest your hand on my hand just for a sec okay and then feel as this tick talks how I can start to accelerate it while it’s in a state of fall so the club’s in a state of fall I can raise the handle almost using the ground if it was a golf

CLE see what I mean it’s exactly that okay so when they have a smart ball in their arms and they’re kind of they don’t really realize what they’re doing and I don’t tell them cuz it’s too confusing I just say hold the ball so they hold the ball next thing you know

Maybe they chunk a few right often of course right but then instead of chunking it what’s the brain do hey it says hey wait a second you got to rotate stand up and rotate so they they you know now with a goal of just holding this now there’s

Some leverage that fleas out the correct way yeah so that’s the coolest thing we see like instantly this dude turns into something that goes more that way but it’s it’s it’s great players as well I mean yes you coach a lot of amateurs I mean you can see the divots here this

Golf school literally soon will be lined up with guys coming from far and wide but this is tour this is Rosie this is Cam Smith this is a lot of tour guys kimer big one for this how how did you come up with something that was so

Appealing to such a wide range I just think cuz it weighs like nothing and it you know you can take the air of it and it stays in your bag and you blow it up and so tall players don’t like excess baggage charges C the cad doesn’t like

That okay I’m with you I’m with you nothing right see get in with the caddy and you get all the get with the cadd then you’re off from running you are right so the caddies and and just so here’s the thing too so it’s so easy to

Fake a turn and and and I’m guilty of it you know it’s so easy to go like okay you know I turned but did you really really stiff older dudes and they go oh and then I show them a face on you know before and after and man they look

So much better because now there you know there’s there’s really a chest rotation happening you know and it’s just just so connected and sequencing yeah yeah guys this one I’m going to put the links down below and that’s not the intention to why I’ve come here but this is one

You’ve seen me use all the time this without doubt would be in my top two things that if I’m lost which doesn’t need to be as often as I am but that’s where I go for sure and so the and so I always tell people I’m not selling a

Product to like I mean it’s a yeah you’re buying a product but guess what it comes with it comes with a protocol of videos where I walk you through how to do it you can buy that you know there’s a million knockoff balls I hate

To say is the pro to is the Pro calls the same for this as well always yeah every product we have has a list of how to here’s how you get started you get that for free as soon as you it’s not free it’s part of the deal you’re buying

The videos we send you the product okay okay so it’s a no-brainer so you get access to Martin as well through that fantastic would there be a third uh there’s rather there’s 50 to be to be fair tips that you would want but let me

Let me just share let me share the last thing like so the toolbox you know you saw me use it as a tsquare I use it as a t Square with every student all the time B position and alment always so here’s a simple thing that most of our students

Really don’t understand the incline nature of a golf swing so here’s a here’s the ferris wheel vertical Circle okay here is the merry go round around here you know flat horizontal parallel to the ground and then golf is this thing where it’s kind of this incline event that works around it’s not it’s

It’s not really in a a perfect plane there’s there’s elements of how this thing develops energy and can thump a golf ball but you know one thing common to you and I that some high handicapper wouldn’t look like is that they’re going to come down and they might smack an aim

Stick and it might go you know they might knock that thing down there and go gosh I just got over the top you know so when you put this thing back now they’re going to learn how to say okay here’s an incline Circle where a golf club goes has elements of back up

And in you know down out and forward into a golf ball you know where they can hit a nice shot where they start to realize what it is that how how a club develops its way back to the ball and what’s nice is with this if you’re on Turf just bump it back

A couple inches hit another ball yeah so just by putting a physical device that’s in the way of you being able to but obviously that does so much more with the alignment and the right all there’s we have again when you buy a you’re not buying the product you’re buying the

Videos and how to develop as a golfer and here’s the product that supports those videos yeah yeah so that’s how we do it awesome great stuff there you have it guys thank you very much awesome to spend some time with you if you want to check anything out like I mentioned it’s

All down in the description below he’s based here in Phoenix if you want to come out and see the man himself I’m going to put everything down below Martin thank you so much really appreciate your time thanks mate oh


  1. Couldn’t listen to a single word after I notice Chuck is a “logo-up-on-the-shaft-guy” 😱

  2. I have a Sim1 driver with the + symbol stamped on the back of the hosel, are you able to confirm or deny what that actually means?

  3. Nice to see you gents in my backyard. Martin has some great video and I like the way he explains everything.

  4. It’s always amazing to me how the worlds best golf coaches makes no sense and barely speak English. Complete gibberish

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