Can Paige Spiranac And I Break 50 From The Red Tees?

I attempted to Break 50 from the red tees with Paige Spiranac…

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Welcome back to break 50 this is the best start I’ve had in a break 50 Series so far in this episode I will be joined by Paige spanic oh my God cheers to Gizzy and we will be attempting to shoot a mind-blowing 49 at the championship golf course in Albany

Bahamas I’m feeling a little something unique here I didn’t even bring the putter that’s how much faith I have in her in both episodes 1 and two we came within a few shots of reaching our goal But ultimately fell just short come on

Go I mean I do I even need to hit off the tea that would have been insane good shot will Paige be the one to help me complete this challenge we’ll find out today in this episode of break 50 all right everybody welcome back to another break 50 challenge today we have a special guest Paige spiranic we are going to break 50 that is the goal today I haven’t done it yet 50 with Garrett so I could be your first you can be my

First break 50 okay I like that a lot of motivation break 50 we’re playing the red teas here at Albany Bahamas is uh where the Hero World Challenge is played and I’m honestly excited you’ve got a great short game so she’s going to help me a lot around the greens off the tea

It’s all you just get it in and play we’re going to have some fun today okay so the goal of today is Fairways for you free me up all right and this is a 328 yard hole driver for me I don’t know driver for you is perfect we’ll have a

Nice little wedge shot in worst case get left just a little bit left bounce left oh perfect that bounced right in the Fairway actually you see that that’s my play just uh hit rocks and hope that they kick back into the Fairway to be honest that’s actually the

Place you want to kind of go the right side’s a little bit better than the left especially for this pin but here I’m going to hit a nice soft driver my 3-wood I have no clue where it’s going um as it’s been the case for probably 5

Months now so we’re going a nice soft driver here see what we can do start off with a bang yeah sit sit sit sit where is it cart path right behind the green okay that’s pretty good that’s not bad I’ll take that I tried to soften

That up so much if I hit that good I was flying the green it’s wild to hear someone hit a driver on a par 4 and the first thing they say is sit he plays par fours like I play par 3s so this is actually kind of a nice little shot we

Can knock this in you just trundle it down and it’ll go all the way to the hole go go go go that’s sit oh sit who wow that thing moved like crazy yeah it moved a lot all right it came off pretty clean off the LIE yeah it wasn’t that

Bad huh it was yeah fairly quick too yeah is just going right yeah I just moves so muchh that’s a lot of break I had a good little shot there that was great start off with a nice little birdie here let you tap that in good birdie good start all right B

Start good stuff so in order to shoot or break 50 yeah do the math for in order to break 50 we’ve got to go 23 under par which is five eagles on top of birding every hole pretty much it’s disgusting it’s crazy yes it’s not that Bad okay so Bryson you have collaborated with a bunch of uh golf influencers we’ll call them yeah yeah they’re great golf in who is the best player out of the bunch excluding me of course I mean of course okay so funny you say that cuz there’s a big Hot Topic Grant or Garrett

Yeah and Grant I think has the more stable game but Garrett can just go low every once in a while Y and so it’s a it’s a big Feud I don’t know who’s better to be honest with you I really don’t you say they’re the the two top

Guys yep from what I from what I know they’re the two top best YouTube golfers we have 115 yards okay so I’m going to be playing a 10:00 50° I’m going be playing a 10:30 pitching wedge funny it’s going to play like 107 I’d say so whatever that means for you

Beautiful go in why not do it oh go in that would have been insane good shot that was still insane 105 yard Shot sit sit yeah that went forever wow good shot all right looks like you’re closer I think I don’t know it could be a little longer back there though is but still that was a good shot that thing played severely downwind yeah 5 15 I can’t read greens pretty straight little

Left to right if anything trust him and he’s going to tell me where to go just a little left or right oh crushed it she crushed it pretty straight actually when you hit it 15 ft by yeah it doesn’t move much yeah I mean nothing breaks at the speed of Light uh yep and two under through that’s a better start than Grant by the way is it I like that thank You okay so Bryson you always have a protein shake with you what is your protein shake order I feel like this is something everyone needs to know yeah it’s a uh chocolate protein banana uh cacao chips almond milk milk and flax seeds okay yep I heard you’re out on

Peanut Butter what’s what’s the deal there I’m sensitive to peanut butter I’m just sensitive W all right part five dogly left 444 this is like a short part four for me oh that’s too quick to left that’s all right be all right okay I got you I got you partner right down the

Middle what we got stop I pulled it just a little bit should be good it’ll be fine though yeah it’s got a good angle on the flag that pink tea has never seen that type of action before has never seen it got you just seriously you caught me at a very

Vulnerable moment right now getting a ball out of my gol B um but it doesn’t matter when you know Bryson is your partner and we GNA use his drive anyways I mean I do I even need to hit off the tea I’ll just lose golf balls for no

Reason it’s 132 130 132 it’s into the win you play like 140 I’m going to hit a really soft little Saucy pitching wedge in There very nice go left get left get left oh short it’s playing a long way yeah I killed that too I that well I didn’t it doesn’t matter what I hit it’s not going to help you at all play like a 145 shot here 10:00 pitching wedge yeah I’ll be

Good all right that should be good yeah great shot thank you thanks that’s how you do it there Eagle is in play that’ll be two shots ahead of Grant sorry Grant that was a good shot guys that’s a six-footer for Eagle very pleased with that should be pretty

Straight maybe a little right to left okay I think it actually caught the tree look at that a little yellow it must have clipped one of the trees there and just ran out into the Fairway got pretty lucky yep beautiful simple solid what an eagle we’re to ahead good job one youle

Down what four to go four to go that’s that’s not bad uh Birdie on one Birdie on two Eagle on three and we could not have jumped up a better start Vibes are great golf is great I don’t Vibes Vibes will be better that’s what I’m here for

So I need to step up my game why is this thing not going in there Go this is the best start I’ve had in a break 50 Series so far I’m actually impressed I’m very excited for this one I think we can do it today how far is it it’s 3 341 you got this okay that doesn’t matter to

Me so I’m just going to try it to hit in the Fairway and then let him go for it how far does it open up on the uh not at all so I would go left if anything it’s actually more open on the left so like

Left side of the green where kind of where the crane is oh okay I remember this hole um that’s where I was counting for you that’ll be okay that should be good it’ll be fine you’ll be fine it’ll be okay there a little tow there a

Little bit try not to snap hook it yeah yeah I hear you I hear you all right here we go come on be right get right just a fraction okay that’s down that left- hand section there that’s a nice little Chip and Putt we’ll have a chip putt

Chiping a putt we’re going to chip it in okay chip it in yeah I like the way she thinks okay BR I have a question so I feel like this is a little bit of an uncomfortable shot for a lot of amateur golfers where they don’t know if they

Should chip it or putt it what is your recommendation when in doubt putt it yep when in doubt just putt it if you’re trying to make it so like today would you then chip it say um this one I actually probably would putt most of the

Time just just in general yeah but I feel like for a little Chip Shot it gets over this first stuff and you can control the roll out a lot better mhm um and so in this case I’m actually going to chip it yeah but I want you to go for

It with whatever you’re comfortable with uh most of the time I would be putting this as well just for in a tournament 100% yeah it’s just it’s a it’s a smart play Oh do it do it please do it oh my gosh that’s a great Chip Shot that was a good chip

Right at the end it turned left I know all right that was a good shot I’m going to try and give it an effort here I’m going to play it a little more to the right cuz I I was a bad caddy I didn’t tell you about the wind the wind is

Pumping off the right it’s okay now we know that’s right for you to make It that came off so soft go come on come on that was right on line son of a gun we didn’t need to combine our two chip shots it would would been perfect what does that mean footer just tap it right in just tap it in what’s your favorite golf

Movie so my favorite golf movie is oh God such a hard question Tin Cup I love Tin Cup my favorite by far yeah beautiful good putt another birdie we are 5 under through four the best start to this break 50 Series it’s pretty impressive you you have to feel

Like this was bound to happen no this is going to happen you every time he’s so shocked it’s just is a little offensive Right okay great start part three here short one what you got uh 111 off the left downwind a little bit okay I think I’m going to do a little 50° again what number would you play I’d play like a 107 shot here okay I’m feeling a little something unique here I think something

Interesting is going to happen just a little left get left go get left yeah good shot yeah very nice okay solid shot just free you up to make a hole in one how many hole in ones have I had I don’t know that off the top of my

Head one what one was it Augusta number 16 2019 only one yep is about to be number two right here oh oh wind it’s a little deep too dang it I tried still at one decent PT for bird here yeah not bad is that rope again

Make sure you don’t trip over it I’ve people do that before yeah what is this doing it’s uh pretty straight to be honest a little bit right center if anything I want to see you make your own birdie here would you say left Center no no no right center

Hello Beau beautiful jeez we are on a roll nice birdie thanks here’s look at that that’s your tea that’s a hell of a start we’re going to keep it going you’ve done a great job today thank you we’re going to continue That but part five straight away we can go 7 under through five right here 7 under through 5 would be a hell of a start we’d be well on our way to Breaking 50 our Pig smoke one just hit it hard smoke it let’s go that’s so close though was close you

Got to just hold it off a little bit you’re Fairway though fine it’s fine right in the Fairway that was mint oh that’s perfect folks that’s perfect let’s go it’s insane watching it in person and I tell everyone this it’s like when you watch live sports hockey it just sounds different feels different

And that’s the same thing with golf too you think like scratch golfer like they’re all this good when you listen to Bryson hit Tor proos hit especially Bryson cuz he hits it so hard it’s a sound like you’ve never heard before and it is so incredibly impressive how good

These guys truly truly are and I don’t think people can really grasp it until you see it like up close in person it’s just something like Supernatural I can’t even I can’t even explain it okay we’re 117 this is going to play 130 let’s see

A good shot here what if she hold this out oh that’s beautiful ah got a little caught in the wind just be short just a little short that’s not terrible though that’s not bad not what we need though no I’ll get it in there close um I going

To play like 1:30 almost so it’s going to be a 10:00 45 lots of 10:00 shots today cuz it’s windy are you kidding I made it just in the wrong hole I feel like the wind really picked up when you hit it it came off dead too I

Don’t know that was weird shoot well good shot Paige yeah uh caught up a little in the wind uh played a bit longer than we both thought spun back nice thing is though we have a nice uphill Putt and when we played yesterday Bryson said he had this similar pot so

We know what it should do now we just need to make it execute I’d say just dead straight from what I can tell straight up that hill yeah is grain doing anything uh I’d say if anything just just pushing it to the right a little bit so the grain’s right here

Okay so it should be going just a fraction to the right I mean just play it straight and knock it in okay smoked it it’s all right I got you I didn’t want to leave a short oh that was a good try yeah that was a really good try all right shoot I

Know it’s okay yeah just not the best wedge shot out of me call that my fault cool o that was a little closer than I thought need to get the Vibes bad again Yeah it is a reachable par 4 for for me actually reachable for me it’s 236 it is 236 so I’m going to hit driver and uh give it a go Bryson will probably hit like six iron like a six iron yep hey beautiful that felt good yeah it

Felt real good little on the heel but oh that’s perfect we’ll take it go go go okay okay not too shabby good shot very nice six iron little draw nope that’s so bad gosh I chunk pulled it that’s in the bunker there shoot I got you partner thanks okay so what’s your

Thought process when you hit a shot that’s not what you wanted cuz like when I do that I spiral like a lot of other people too and they get on the a bogey train make double bogey like what do you do to get out of that so I got to focus

On what got me to hitting it good that day yeah and I just go right back to what I felt that makes me hit that same shot again and again and again every single time so it’s really focusing a lot on myself and not being like Oh my

Gosh I have no idea what to do no go go to what worked for you in the past yeah and that’s that’s really what I’d focus on um so did a great shot there I duck hooked it nice little chip here land it right on roll it in the

Hole sit kick left sit man sit kind of flew off that lie all right not great sorry you’re good trying to think if I should bounce and run this that’s the safer play yeah that’s what I’m going to do I’m play this just short of the green bounce and run it up

Here yeah so good come on sit sit sit it’s quick oh my gosh that was fast as hell all right uh-oh I’m going to make a putt you been steady all day okay what do you see left to right 11 ft yeah just about two balls out again

Okay on the on the left on this side my right your Left I pushed it all right two three four we got to make birdie here we don’t make birdie here this is going to be Sour Patch Kids right here that away let’s go that’s how we do it nice birdie we needed that yeah we need that big time

We cannot make par on that hole no that we were going and thinking eagle and then we’re like we might make par can’t walk with a par let’s keep the Vibes low yeah Vibes low golf is Good Vibes low we’re going Low 138 I’m going to play this like 14 okay okay maybe a fraction more try to keep the ball a little low okay well a 145 shot here Paige yep ah it’s all right so I’m got to draw this just a fraction into there just a little bit Yeah

Sit hit it wind hit it sit oh perfect sit sit sit stop spinning you little yeah okay that’s good what a good shot there I’ll take that PL some he saved the day he saved the day we’re uh ham and eging it pretty well today we are actually I’m say not easy conditions

Either like it’s Breezy out here course is tough so if we do this in these conditions considering who I’d played with before she’s got to be better than Grant and Garrett as I walk over to the yeah he walks over 40 yards away this is going to be 2 inches out on

The right so right about here okay and just a nice good putt right in the hole okay easy as That pulled that snikes uh right off the face too yep all right there we go yep all day beautiful all day beautiful birdie um we are n through eight that’s pretty good pretty good pretty good an eagle here would be very nice yeah we had the one miss well

Kind of two Miss Eagle opportunities um yeah but uh we’re holding it together and uh I feel good I feel good about this we’ve got to make Eagle here yeah Right at the a hope you can see that a what we you see the a oh yeah yeah okay that’s where you’re going to go okay right over the bunker this is not easy too it’s into the wind yeah beautiful that’s a great start now I can

Free you up now I can go after it oh hook hook hook I hit it in the middle of the face dang it that’s short see that perfect right it’s perfect should be okay it was a little right but that worked out we’ll take that yep 131 um what would you play

It I’m going to play I’ll play like 133 34 okay just a little in cuz you’re going to have to start out to the right so like a 33 34 shot oh that rough got me little chunk yeah all right not it see see what I can do Here that was not good no wind sit down Sit okay we got a chance that was lot of wind there there the right draw the right line everything just freaking wind was massive there that wind shot it to the left but we have a chance for Eagle

To break the record for nine holes which is gigantic I still have my putterhead cover on so that is a great start see if I can tap it down with that nope do a terrible job yeah we can make this absolutely I got it go go to read say it

Looks like it’s a little downhill breaking left to right but it’s into the wind so you want to still give it a go problem is that sometimes when I do these scrambles I don’t want to leave it short and so I end up just hitting it

Way too hard and I hit it through all the I couldn’t tell so yeah I couldn’t tell not at all and I think that’s like a good thing for people to remember you still want to have good speed even when you’re doing scrambles even when you’re trying to be

Aggressive because if you’re too aggressive you just hit it through the brake and you’re not going to make it anyways so you still want to have great speed that’s that’s the goal of this putt for me 27 ft left to right started just outside the hole two inches outside

The hole hey that’s what I said on the on your left no way you still have to do that you would be surprised wow oh killed it it actually went that way a little bit off the start that’s good information okay that’s what I’m here for just good

Information oh Do It come on no oh no how did that not move I don’t know man that one hurt that hurt that’s a birdie okay shoot it’s okay we’re 10 under well 10 under guys through nine that’s not bad that’s not a bad start

We’ve got to go what is it we’re 10 13 yeah 13 under par 13 under par on this next side so we got to make a few more Eagles do it yeah to do it I Believe okay so we are starting the back nine now we left a lot out there which is crazy to even say out loud but we’re both well he’s playing great and I’m stepping in when I need to so uh let’s make some Eagles this is going to be a

Challenge on the back nine but we’re here for it yeah that’ll work good ball thanks beautiful good shot thank you that’s what I’m talking about I’m going tow this perfectly ah I just pushed it a little that’ll be in the grass over there on the right yeah that’s good dang

It’s a good angle in but just pushed it just a little bit hit it right in the center of the face needed to tow it a bit okay not the easiest shot here Paige not the easiest shot especially off the slide 33 yards a nice little high

Flopper just land it short Let It Go in the hole this would be an epic hole out right here it would be spin spin actually spun pretty nice that’s a good place to leave to get it over not yeah be good go come on come on go in go in

Oh that’s such a good shot that was a good shot I’ll take that any day of the week there shoot that was a pretty good shot right there yeah great shot by Bryson that was such a difficult shot especially off that line was a bit Sandy and like yeah downhill not great okay

Let’s make this and then I didn’t even bring the putter that’s how much faith I have in her right Edge knock it in perfect good pot thank you nice birdie she’s just Rock Solid on the greens very impressive I love it it’s not it’s not impressive it’s like I’m

Not shocked she’s actually no it’s not I appreciate it no you’re really good I have to Contribute okay par five this is where we can make up some ground we have to make an eagle here here if we don’t make an eagle here then um we’re going to have to make a lot of eagles we’re going have to make a lot more Eagles so the goal we got to

Make four Eagles here okay four Eagles on this side where does it where does this go so right over in between the two bunkers that you can see in front of you we need four Eagles here four equals this is one of them that’ll be good good ball than very nice

All right I’m going to smoke this one now right in between the two bunkers here left wind right that’s perfect though right it’s a little short of that so I think it should be okay that’s actually pretty nuts the odds of that ball being right there odds are in our favor that’s right

91 yards what’s the wind doing what would you play the left right now so so I’d play like a 88 yard shot okay get up run out oh run out oh all right thought I hit that perfect I mean you hit it good it’s just a fraction short I

Think the wind I don’t know little in might have hurt just a little bit oh be good be good good sit down oh it’s going to sit okay that’s up there that’s perfect holy crud that thing went a little farther the wind died down and that’s why I didn’t great

Shot go close thank you I will take that that’s a good shot we’ve got a good chance for Eagle now just where we wanted to be I mean where we wanted to be was in the hole already but can always ask for that and get it all the time uh I’d play

This 3 or 4 inches outside the hole come on we’ve got to make it yep oh oh my gosh oh my God all right this has to go in I’m going to play just a fraction more hit it a little softer playing this actually a lot more than 4

In I’m playing like 10 Ines out stubbed it come on come on let’s go baby that’s right did I st it did you stub it like fun what’s funny I stub it all the time taking it back does not does not mess with me one bit if people have ever watched me putt

There are times where I’ll like take it back and be like like gosh dang it and then I’ll just get over and then I’ll just hover a little bit and I’ll go back and through like it’s no big deal seriously no big deal we made our eagle

And uh let’s go to the next hole we’re 13 under we’re 13 under holy sh 38 138 what do you play it annoyed me asking that every two seconds what do I play it yeah what’s the number the number is 138 playing it’s going to play probably

Around 130 just a little less than 130 okay zip little left a little off the left but it is downwind okay what did I say it was 130 yep good luck ah played a little longer yeah pushing harder a little bit more left to right than I thought I’m

Going to have to go with this one 45° again I thought I could use the 50° but it’s just not not far enough up so I’m going to play a 130 shot here be right do it go in go in go in sit oh did it kick that way where is

That is that long wow that went forever yeah all right I did not expect it to go that far I think this side is going to be easier to make I already picked mine up so yes well there you go um this goes uphill left to right all

The way I mean it has to go right but it should With the Wind pushing this way I don’t think it’s going to move as much as we think not as much just outside the edge maybe okay come on knock it in I want to see a bomb

Oh do it oh oh my gosh that was a good roll that was a really good putt where’ you think that started there’s a spot let me try to find it I see the spot yeah you see that I tried to roll it over that over that okay yeah yep

Yep oh that’s so bad it just doesn’t that was a bad roll page I’m sorry NOP all right do not need a par but uh we can make another Eagle we’ve got to make another Eagle now yeah um that’s all right we got next few holes well the next three holes are

All Eagle opportunities so I can drive the green we can make Eagle Eagle the next hole 15 we can Eagle so we we do still have a chance we have a we have a chance we still have a chance yes we do man that was not our best that was not

That was not good It is crazy though when you’re doing this challenge you have to be absolutely perfect and those were two decent shots both at the green and we’re just so disappointed because it’s not close you’re not making birdie which is a good mindset to get into where you are trying

To be aggressive trust yourself and your expectations just get better cuz you’re expecting more from yourself come on let’s go let’s see a good one I’m going to pump one down there okay that’ll be good thanks I run through I think almost in the Fairway be

Fine okay time to step on the gas that wind is pretty pretty up there smoke this one come on get up there come on is that on the front edge there I think he did it that’s okay we can make Eagle 370 CH in yeah with Grant we chipped it in here

And made Eagle so it is totally possible 370 though guys that was 370 yards this is the moment we’ve got to make Eagle here we can’t keep uh shedding shedding weight here this is not right come on Paige let me see those uh those hands all right 36

Yards she’s got good touch around the greens run run out kick hard that’s a good shot that’s a good shot let me give it a run left than I thought the wind really does take it it’s crazy actually I’m going to play a little bit of a low

Runner here yeah I don’t know I just got this weird Feeling oh go go go go do it do it oh that was so good oh shoot it’s all right I’ll go tap that in for us knock it in that’s one thing that’s really interesting too when you play with really good Pros is that I always feel like I have a pretty good

Short game but I’ll get that shot to 5T 6 feet and they’re always in within a tapin range and so they most people think like oh like they’re so good te to Green they are but it’s really around the greens where most people will maybe

Double chip it or knock it up and down and they’re taking all the stress out of their lives and they’re just having tap-ins instead of having to stress over their short game nice spot partner watch so and I’ll take the birdie 14 under through 13 not great to

Be honest with you we’ve got to get going here we got to get a 6 18 yeah we got to make some moves yeah we have to make a birdie an eagle here y it’s like par three for you I got to make a bird iron in his hand that’s

Little six iron oh gosh I got left there’s a little left come on come on that’s over you’re fine fine there’s room over there Fairway 230 I got to start playing some golf here come on Bryson nice six iron right at the flag here oh that was it so good drawing just

A little bit I don’t know I didn’t even see it is it short just a little bit I did not see it at all little short damn all right we got to chip it in all right Paige well I didn’t hit on the green was close

To pin high but this is a makeable shot right here yeah I want to see you knock this one in this is the one I would love to see that too go oh bounc left that’s unlucky that’s a great shot though thanks do it oh I tried yeah you not leaving

Ourselves in the best spot like no not really that’s all right knock we’ll knock this one in yep okay this is pretty straight if anything little right to left beautiful okay that went almost left to right yeah graen got got me there another birdie not what we wanted

I know it is sad it is so sad isn’t it crazy you make birdie and like Ah that’s the funny part that’s what’s great about the the challenge it kind of changes your mind frame yeah as it gets you into a space where birdies are like

Ah whatever not a big deal right it’s actually a good training thing okay so we need to get something going I know we’ve said that before but now it’s really crunch time and we have to have to have to have to make an eagle here or all of our hopes and dreams are

Dead good ball Thanks that’ll be good left side of the Fairway yeah right over that it’s perfect all right for me I’m just going to go the right edge of this bunker that you can see right in front get left just a little left shot I don’t know where is that

Chase I think it landed just in okay we’ll see where it is might be in the first cut or first little rough area we got a meal delivery for you all oh yeah what is it oh my God is there four of them you do you you

Four at one time yeah one time one time that’s it you do ketchup must what do you do I’m I’m a ketchup only girl me too wow oh you’re a ketchup only girl yeah I am I was talking to Bryon cuz he said me too you’re funny so you are you’re a

Gizzy guy I do like hot dogs ready cheers cheers cheers to glizzies look big of a bite that a pretty solid Gizzy the Bun’s nice you’re known as the Gizzy Queen right I am um did you know that about me I am I am known as the gzy queen every 4th

Of July I say how many are can eat in 10 minutes and what’s the most you’ve ever ate guess seven six and a half I was good gu we’re down the Gizzy I surprisingly only had one what are you going to hit um whatever you tell me to hit uh

Probably a driver driver a little wedge yeah perfect 107 be good come on oh oh my God shoot that was close you good sit yep Nice Shot okay ah that was close close that was close going to the bunker we have a chance to Regal we got to make that we

Have to make that I would help you in that bunker but n I’m good she’s focused she wants to make this I what is it doing all right it’s going to go right I’d say probably about four five inches okay so we’re talking like ready here okay yep let me

Just double check yeah that’s perfect it’s a fraction downhill just a fraction but don’t worry about that come on knock this in 5 in out go in go in we got the eagle we got the eagle I’m going to hit this just because okay if I

Was able to just look at you and hit the Putt and knock it in but that’s not good enough see I’m bad luck okay we made Eagle what are we at now hold up I got to do the math 10 under 11 under two ahead of the hole 12 under 13 under 13

Under 14 under 15 under 16 under 17 under 17 under through 15 holes meaning we got to go we got three holes left and we need six birdies we need to Eagle every Hole okay so it’s 3:45 I will just again hit my driver and then price is going to go for it and be irrelevant okay I can’t say that sorry you don’t mean to be relevant no no I and be irrelevant J yeah basically Story of My Life nice good ball thanks perfect okay

3:45 I’ve got to hit this right at the flag wind’s off the left I’m going to go right to the bunker to this perfectly I got this up in the air too oh be good be good today baby come on go in the hole oh bunker just short right in

The bunker it wasn’t it didn’t go in the bunker it’s on the grass it’s right on the edge dude that was smoked that was smoking hot right there this the first bunker of the day I think right yeah first bunker of the day but uh I’m a great bunker shot player so

Are you really now is my time to shine I want to see you hold a shot come on you made you made Eagle on the last hole that was huge you know what look I’m not even going to bring the putter I have faith okay I have faith in you okay go

Ahead let’s see see what you got oh bro oh no it’s not it’s not in the bunker you lie okay that’s what I thought hop in oh oh that was close gave it a go you went for it well it popped out like much better than I was expecting yeah sometimes it

Works like that under this Bermuda you never know what’s what you’re going to get sometimes you can pop out really nice do it come on go go go that was so close oh my goodness ah we’ve had so many tap-ins today too just barely not going in all right slap that in

Perfect another part I feel like we need to regroup here for a second so we would have to make an albatross on 18 go eagle albatross hold on Albatross so I don’t think we’re going to break 50-day but we’ve got to beat Grant yeah that’s the goal now that

Is now the goal yeah we got to beat we 100% do that we just got to make I think two two birdies right oh no no no no we’re 18 under 54 that’ be 52 so we’ve got to make Eagle on the last hole we

Have to make bur than next on the eagle in the last to beat him oh no I think we could do it I think we can do It okay so we have uh 97 97 yards uh into the wind I’m going to play like 105 be good all right good shot take it very nice very nice I’ve seen better but my comment section stays the same okay this is a 97 yard shot going to play 105 just under 10:00 50° it’s going to have a nice little soft Saucy little

Shot oh no it’s like the biggest bite of my life I pulled it was like part it was the right distance too son of a gun that hurts guys man you’re supposed to get inside me all right so I did get it inside you congratulations thank you

And about 18 16 ft I’m going to guess 16 feet now it’s 15t exactly shoot this is dead straight though Paige you have got to just hit this thing dead straight and it goes right in the hole okay all right okay don’t pull it don’t pull it don’t pull

It do it do it do it do it yes way’ to go that’s big I didn’t pull it I didn’t pull it I was like if you pull this there’s do anything but don’t pull it good but oh that’s your ball what am I doing I don’t know you’re you’re just

So used to getting your ball out the hole every time and it was mine um so we made birdie and we have to make eagle on the last to be grand and to shoot 51 part five we have to make Eagle here it’s a part four yeah ruined everything no it’s a dog left just hit it out to the right left of the bunkers I’ll hit it on the green and we’ll make that for Eagle okay okay okay okay this is for

Fun this to beat Grant this is serious this is to beat Grant we have we have to make Eagle there’s no if hands or butts about it that’s what the challenge is that’s why the challenge is so difficult oh that away that’s a great way to finish off the day thank you too

Bad it’s not going to matter does not matter what you do smoke you get nothing I have to make youle here we got to hit freaking smoke drive here get left just a little bit oh yep that’s chip inable I don’t know how much more I got than that

That’s a long ways it’s 360 into the wind so I pumped it I’ll take that we’ll be good with that that’s insane 40 yards this is it right here here we’ve got to chip this in could be to beat Grant we have to chip this in to beat Grant what

Do you think this is definitely going left so you want to play out to the right yeah I mean it looks pretty flat up there so not too bad yeah uh we have to chip it in you’d be aggressive here yeah give it a go not

Afraid it’s a couple feet out to the right landed halfway on the green do you think the wind’s going to push it at all or not really definitely okay absolutely so kind of at that bush to the right side of it or not that far no that’s

Perfect okay A little trundle to the left ah come on get left go you stopped that on a Dime all right 40 yards land this just over your ball good oh just a little short ah I tried I gave it my best it didn’t go all the way but not a bad run I want you to go tap that in though okay

I can do that I don’t know what to say guys I’m we started off so hot okay Paige roll this sucker in little right oh let me see like it’s moving left to right a little bit yeah just a fra it’s pretty straight though okay just back of the cup yep you got

It oh beautiful good putt oh that was a lot of fun thank you so much for having me today um and just watching look we didn’t we didn’t break 50 but we tied Grant how do you feel Grant


  1. "I'm gonna pump this one down the middle". "It's about 5 inches out". Boys you know Bryson rizzing himself into them golf pants. Nice video!

  2. Come on Bryson…Grant or Garrett…? Don't think you've played with George Bryan, but I know you've played with Luke Kwon a few years ago…they are the better YouTube Golfers! I'm sure you'll break 50 with any on them 2…

  3. You two are great together, you should start a series together with other guys on tour and they can pick an LPGA player to partner with. That would be a huge boost to help both tours.

  4. Bryson, you forgot about George Bryan. He's def the best YouTube golfer !!! Grant comes in a close 2nd and Garrett a close 3rd. Go Gamecocks !!! (Wesley is the best, but he is a pro)

  5. this kinda shows what would happen if male tour players played from the girls tees rounds in the 50s would be common

  6. He should film this break 50 on the same course everytime so everyone has the same chances

  7. Bryson is such a great guy. He’s one of the best golfers in the world and he still puts in full effort to these challenge videos. He tries his hardest to drive the greens, when who knows that could injure him, and he does his best to read putts, just a class act

  8. bryson missed out on a true zinger
    p: 'guess the most glizzies I've ate in 10 minutes'
    b: 'seven'
    p: 'six and a half'
    b: 'so if you were a guy you'd say it was seven'


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