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P.B.R. Top 15 Large School Rankings Revealed | YBMcast

Join us today as Kevin Moulder and Andy Urban join us to break down the Top 15 large schools in Missouri, and reveal their rankings! The pack is tight! Who do you have coming out on top? Let us know in the comments below!


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Hello everyone welcome inside the red Earth Production Studios for this edition of ybm cast powered by king7 baseball ging 7 you’re registered we know you are tournament ready starts this coming weekend it’s great stuff baseball is around I can smell the grass it’s or the turf whichever you prefer either way

It’s baseball time and uh I hope yall are ready we got some great stuff coming up with game seven baseball tournaments around the corner uh so make sure if you haven’t got in one if you got an open space whatnot make sure your team’s registered get into game seven baseball

Go find a tournament whether it’s Tennessee Illinois Missouri Kentucky whever the case may be check it out you won’t regret it Dave and Dave do a great job gam s today on the prime Sports Midwest col and Link I have a couple of guys from prep baseball we’re going to

Be talking some Rankings today oo that’s the big ones uh Andy Urban all the way over on the west side of the state Andy how you doing thanks for joining us excited to be here today ready to talk some baseball absolutely and always joining us from his uh his his uh

Command Center there you go I love that the guru Kevin Moulder how you doing buddy we’re just making it bigger every time Kevin Hey bigger and better always um got all parts of Missouri covered today as we always do but uh yeah I’m doing great beautiful weather uh must

Mean it’s uh opening uh opening days right around the corner right absolutely absolutely I think everybody’s ready for it um I mean everything’s fluttering right now I think everybody’s ready to get on the field and uh start swinging the bats hope the weather stays uh it

Looks like it’s going to um you know so you know all points uh showing West that’s what I like So today we’re going to get into this um now folks I I’m going to be releasing some stuff here uh Kevin uh I’m going to let him go to this I’m going to be

Releasing some uh top 10 of class five six and and uh four five and six myself from ybm my own thoughts on this and we’re going to discuss a little bit of this today but Kevin um talk to the folks about your rankings coming when and where they can see those yeah we’re

Going to post our uh large school and small school rankings today um couple days before the uh start of the season and uh this is the one that is uh out to make me look silly these are these are educated guesses um we’ve gathered a lot of information throughout

The winter obviously we saw teams play last season but a lot changes um we’ve seen a lot of players in our state uh over J through January and February we’ve put together that information and this is uh this is our preseason poll and this is the one you know where where

Nothing is really earned or said on the field this is our projection and then we wait a week and a half and then we start going off of more or less what’s happened on the field and the kids kind of decide the players decide where the

Rankings are I always like to to players when I coach they write the lineup I just put the pen to the paper uh so this is the one where it’s it’s uh you know it’s a collection of U you know Andy and I getting together Diego um we talk we

We have uh we we pull the High School coaches we get information from them and it’s it’s a combination of our events um and then also the information we’re getting from The High School coaches and um this gets the conversation started and it’s a lot of fun to uh talk about

These things but then ultimately uh Friday kicks off um you know the baseball season in the state of Missouri and ultimately we’ll do let the play on the field do the talking and we’ll Crown a champion uh in Ozark Missouri um at the very end of May beginning in June depending on your

Class there you go Andy you got uh so how much how much did you uh put into this I am a secondary source for Kevin on the west side of the state a lot of those players will come to uh showcases that I’m running personally uh while

Kevin’s running elsewhere so I will I will feed Kevin some extra tidbits of information um I know Diego does as well um Kevin really Kevin really leads leads these rankings but but uh we have conversations we talk about um prospects is really is really where I’m feeding in

Um hey this guy’s been really good lately this guy hasn’t been as sharp and then he he takes that information kind of compiles it all up and and really determines where where teams and players fit um I just don’t have a a ton of resources or or exposure to the east

Side of the state until summer comes and people start coming and playing at Creek Side so um I chip in I chip in when when he asks for for extra info um hopefully I’m I’m useful in that Brian if anything looks off or wrong to any of our

Listeners or people that will’ll put Andy’s information up and that was his it was his idea um his fault uh so that’s the key to remember uh we talk about that with you too that we’ll put Andy’s cell phone out there as well and get them corrected oh man well that started

Early we can so there you go folks um like share and subscribe please well let’s start and just an understanding with PBR uh folks with prep baseball report these guys are not put this is a large school we’re going to start with just a large school so

This is class five and class six schools okay so over the last couple years they’ve split these uh which I think is a good idea personally I I’ve I’ve liked it when they split the six and the five I think it’s given a lot more uh attention to th to these schools

And it’s really good baseball at both levels and uh so that’s where we’re going to start and um I want to look at the bottom five here of your large school rankings guys uh starting with number 15 Parkway South um that’s a that’s a really good

Baseball team over there it is got a new head coach this year uh Matt Brown uh son of Scott Brown um who has uh W State Championship uh former CBC and viani coach and I think uh now back at CBC is an assistant coach as well but Matt

Brown uh who was a heck of a player played at Arkansas in Missouri State now leads the charge over at Parkway South he has a talented roster this year um led by bra KBR who is a super 60 participant um fast left-hander um heading to LSU will be on some uh will

Be on the draft radar uh this spring for the pro Scouts um up to 96 strong physical young man uh really good feel for the change up has a curveball to go with it uh that’s a true Ace and we talk about you know you look at

Missouri the past couple years ran we we’ve been down there for the state champions ships what do all those state champions have in common they have a big time number one on the mound yeah uh you go back to Tate Maguire Carson milbrandt that’s in Missouri that’s kind of how it

Has been going recently you have to have that guy on the mound Parkway South has that guy on the mound I would say April 10th it’s a Wednesday this year April 10th we’ve got Desmet at Parkway South we’re going to be live streaming that game I think that’s going

To be a Dandy match up there to smt going to Parkway South uh we may not see Kell Brink in this one I don’t know how the schedules work but and the thing I like about Parkway South is they have some pitching depth uh Eddie Ahern uh who is also a future

Gamer uh three kind of a throwback three sports star quarterback of the football team uh fouryear starter on the basketball team um he’s he’s our top uncommitted senior um in our rankings um he can help you out he he’ll be up on the mound uh he’s uper 80s on the mound

With good armide run and syn and then also is there cater does a can really throw from behind the plate and then Luke solivan uh who’s a 64 right-hander with a a big time feel for things on the mound uh with a three pitch mix kind of

A later developer uh took a big jump this off seon um got up to 90 at uh one of our events for the first time uh before he was kind of a mid 80s pitch ability guy great for you know getting outs in high school he’s taken that next

Jump and he’s so that gives them a formidable one two three which um you know Andy as you know if you have three starting pitchers uh I mean you’re you got to change chance every single time out so this area back here is basically production um they do a lot of the

Artwork that back here they do the production so any of that stuff that comes in off of let’s say our fanwar stores stuff that comes in off the team stores a lot of the coaches wear a lot of the last minute hey we got to have it

In the next 10 minutes stuff that’s all comes back here this area is where all the day-to-day stuff that comes in really goes through the retail store is its own little entity this is where the real work is done we’re g we’re going to get back to

This though Fort zalt South is is next on the list now I personally I think this is a team that that has uh final four capabilities um I’ve got them number two in the state personally I think this team is loaded for bear I think they’ve got the

Experience um hany car Cox mendle full horsed uh Atkins uh Reynolds um the list goes on with this team there’s depth there there’s experience there they’ve been there the last like two out of three years um and this is a class five school I think they’ll probably stay in

Class five I know they that one year they bump but that gets kind of kooky but I think they’ll stay class five if they stay class five they’re they’re a top four team in the state you know my that’s my favorite subject in Missouri um you know we don’t

Know the exact uh classes yet um but I would anticipate them staying in five and if they are as you said they’ve been to the final four two of the past three years they’ve uh they had that young group and they and they’ve played them for multiple years and now that young

Group is seniors um you know this is the type of Team where you know they’re not just trying to get to state they’re trying to win state um they’re one of the top 15 teams in the state in my opinion uh regardless of class yeah uh they got

They got a lot of pitching depth four legit guys up top you got Carter Cox who can be a leg a number one also the quarterback of the football team great athlete uh you got a shutdown catcher um Conor Mandell back there um heading to Northern Illinois uh a lot of experience

They’ve been there they’ve done that uh this is going to be one of the top teams not only in the St Louis area uh but in the state so this is going to be a a fun team to watch this spring hey and the other thing they do you know and they

Always Teeter they always Teeter they play with a a big time Edge about them um you know we it’s almost like watching a uh a junior college team like they are they are intense they’re coming right at you kind of brash personalities uh I like like it

Um but if you’re in their way they’re going to try to steamroll you yeah and as as we talk about these I get to listen into some of these East Side conversations between Kevin and Diego and one thing that always comes up with these guys is when in doubt it’s hard to

Bet against them because they win uh especially at the beginning of the year you know like Kevin said at the beginning of this oh you don’t know you put educated guesses on but but one of one of the strongest ways to educate your guest who wins year in and year out

And and and heads your bets that way and these guys are winners yeah they are and you know I’ve watched them the last few years and I love mendle behind the plate I I’ve seen him back pick so many guys at second base uh just getting you know and I

Haven’t seen such a he’s got one of the most accurate cannons I mean he can throw the ball with accuracy and it’s uh it’s the guy is really tremendous behind the plate and I think as a senior back there I think uh Kevin you could probably say this too I

Think Carter uh Cox we had him on a player Spotlight I really enjoy talking to him I think this year he’s kind of figured out the pitching part agreed yes yes and I actually saw him uh during their jamere uh yes he he yeah I I I think you’re right uh he’s

Always had good stuff um he’s commanding the strike zone um you know you got Evan full horse on the mound as well uh heading to Valero and you know what a luxury you know having a Frontline catcher um in high school baseball uh is a luxury most schools

Don’t truly have a a a division one type Catcher And they have that not only to handle their arms but it shuts down the running game and he’s also a pretty physical B too so he’s going to figure into things in the middle of that lineup

And kind of be the centerpiece of that offense kind of the anchor if you will absolutely Kevin you talked about needing to have a number one in Missouri and and three strong arms I would argue in order to want a state championship in Missouri you have to have that catcher

Back there too I I I don’t think you can you can win those those competitive games with the with with everything on the line without a championship level catcher um again it’s I think it’s a huge separator no doubt we’ve all seen that where you got the big arm and then the

The catcher that can’t handle them and that uh that can cause some real issues for team but uh South does not have that issue no no they don’t um next up you got uh Willard um coach Scott McGee he kind of seems to just uh reload that team every year and

That’s the terminology you know we talk we we always use the term program uh this is a program and uh this this this group starts uh at the youth levels uh we’ve had coach McGee on the show uh where he’s our he’s our opening day next Tuesday we’ve got camton at Willard of

Course uh it’s tragic uh uh I I hate to hear that uh Duran won’t be able to pitch um so that’s that’s kind of tough with camton I hated to hear that news but hey it’s still going to be a good game I think Cam’s got a lot of good players there still

Willard that’s a that’s going to be another good team there uh I think uh they’re definitely in the top three top five um Kevin your thoughts most likely a 5A School I’ve heard some scuttlebutt that they’re close to the line I think there was a two or three schools above

Them in the pecking order to go to 6A if but in certain worlds that they could scoot up to 6A but I think they’ll be five well obviously wait and see um if five if they’re 5A and even if they’re 6A but especially at the 5A level they’re going to be again Championship

Aspirations there they’re not just trying to get to state they’re they’re a team that could legitimately win it um they’re there year in year you’re out uh right on that cusp always and they got they’re loaded they’re a loaded group this year uh coach McGee one of the top

Coaches in the state um you know it it’s really competitive now down there in the southwest part of the the state so um I know you’re going down next week Brian uh I’ll be down there a week or two after that um so it’s not going to be

It’s certainly not going to be an easy Road um but I do like this Willard outfit this year um and we’ll um you know look forward to seeing them this spring any thoughts down there andy have you seen heard much about them it’s just a name that that continually Echoes around just because

The tradition and and the the consistency at which they play with with so not a whole lot of specifics uh but but you know Willard’s going to be in the mix and you’re just never surprised when you see their name in the win column no no and and I’m looking forward

This is the first time uh since the Championships that we’re going to get to see them play in the regular season looking forward to that it’s a great venue down there um uh the stadium we got a chance to go down there meet uh coach McGee at his facility and getting

Ready in preparation for this so we’re decided to go down there and uh and watch that team play and uh call that game so I appreciate coach McGee and all his help uh getting this together for us so yeah we’re gonna see that I think Willard’s right there uh fesus the uh

Defending State uh Class 5A Champions um I think they’re I think they lost a little bit myself personally uh I I think they you know they still got some dudes um and they’re going to be a very good baseball team but I still I I we’ll see

What uh what that their youth can come back with this year Kevin so it starts and stops with uh the a who’s who’s um started two um you know back back years he started as a freshman in the final four form and he started the state championship game and was winning

Pitcher so can’t have any more experience as a junior than having two state championship starts under your belt um or final four starts and so Mason shmer back uh is a huge thing for fesus uh the junior heading to committed to missou also anchors the middle of the

Lineup so kind of have a two-way star there um and again having back-to-back trips it’s kind of the uh you know you got to take them down before you can beat them so uh um or or to to Dethrone them you’re going to have to beat them

So I like this fesus team a lot a threee is certainly not out of the question for this group are they gon to get run into stiff competition absolutely uh but this isn’t just a courtesy hey well they won it last year so we’re going to throw

Them in the rankings these guys are loaded again the I’ll almost be surprised if they’re not back in Springfield or Ozark this this year final four um you know so this this is you got to say replacing Ian Brown and um oh gosh his name

Just went out of my head oh my goodness that’s terrible and I like this young man he’s at Jeffco um oh my gosh Nate um Nate Nathaniel Moore yeah Mo Moore Nate Moore Ian Brown Nate Moore they were big time pitchers for that team last year uh that’s two guys two arms uh

It’ll be interesting to see how they replace that yeah I it will be I I they had a sophomore center fielder Brady Nolan that’s a junior now that’s a special talent as well um so that yes you know and un like anything else um you know they lost bizel that uh

Senior catcher as well but it you know it’s high school there you’re always going to lose some guys you’re always going to add some guys um I it it will be interesting but I I think uh group it is and I think they’re still talented they’re up there um but I’m not

Got haen Bates at shortstop who’s a really talented guy you got a senior short stop there so you know we it it’ll be interesting but I I like this bestest team and like I said a three repeat is not out of the question for them obviously um you know we’re giving them

The nod as the top 5A team uh not to ruin the rest of the rankings but they are the top 5A uh Team uh in in our rankings there you go that’s that’s some love right there folks that’s some love so um now we’re going to go now over to

The western part of the state Andy um I I think I think this team is a little higher personally in in the rankings than than where you have them myself this is my own personal thought process uh Blue Springs South uh this team to me they are

Loaded um and I think that uh they’re going to be a very difficult team to deal with um not only from a senior standpoint but man at the the junior class this team up and down they’re just loaded everywhere thoughts they lost a lot and and they’re

Going to have to have guys Step Up um is the talent there yes but there’s some unproven pieces Ashton Nance the Kansas commit the junior class he’s going to have to deliver and he’s a two-way two-way athlete who probably shines a little brighter on the mound right now

But but they’re going to need him to do it not saying he can’t but he’s he’s gonna have to play a role that he hasn’t played before um you know Spencer stman is is gonna have to the the recent Central Missouri commit is GNA have to

Step up um you know the Garrett rooper is gonna have to step up Mason Stover there’s some new names not new to us as far as prospects but the guys that are going to be in the mix and asked to do things that they weren’t asked to do

Last year um you know but you also have Grant Hollister at the same he’s Grant’s Grant’s been a leader since he feel feels like he’s been there for six years now and and leading that team um it’s really really hard to bet against that

Kid and in any team he’s on um he’s just going to hit he’s going to play defense he’s he’s never going to get sped up um so yeah there’s there’s there’s some pieces that some guys that are really talented um but they’re they’re going to have to deliver uh so that’s that’s a

Really interesting team i’ I’ve seen some other rankings come out that have them really high I’ve had some other seen some other rankings come out that have them lower um everybody’s got them ranked but it’s it’s an interesting it’s an interesting group This Year Kev what

Do you think Andy if you had one at bat with the game on the line two outs in the seventh inning runner at second base who you putting out there who you want it’s really hard to not just immediately say Grant Hollister he’s that good yeah it’s really tough

It’s really tough the guy has played at at a high level his his entire career he’s come through in the clutch he plays with just a an even Keel Miss never gets sped up the moment’s never too big um and by the way he can really really

Hit special hitter certainly one of the top top bats in the state if not the top bat uh in terms of pure hitting uh I’m not talking about the the running and who has the most power just bat to ball skills Grant hallister foure starter at

A big time program um you know so Brian to your point if they’re going to make the charge they’re they’re LED there and you know last year they were one of our um kind of our picks uh to make a good run and uh were upset in in the playoffs

Last year so certainly uh I’m sure they had a long offseason to think about that and I’m sure that drove and uh put a couple extra logs on their fire uh throughout the winter um and I’m sure they’ll be ready to go this spring there you

Go I you know when when I’m looking through the names and I’m looking through these people and where where where this is going and and Blue Springs has been in it they’ve been there they’ve done that and uh I it’ll be interesting to see how that comes out and I’m

Hoping I talk with Coach Perkins um on March 30th we’re going to be able to live stream the third place game and the championship game of the midwest classic so I’m looking forward to that and we may see this team in that I know they’re in the midwest classic so uh

It’ll be interesting to see how they come through that tournament it’s always a grinding you never know who comes out but uh uh we it’ll be eager to see if it ends up at uh Francis hell and uh and Blue Spring South in that championship game of that midwest classic we’ll

See one can only hope yeah there we go there’s a lot of prospects to be seen and the other thing that makes Blue Spring South interesting they’re going to be strong on the you know Grand holler on the left side of the infield but also a guy who who keeps

Getting better in Colin Dobson and and that’s a guy who was asked to be a role player last year a short stop a guy to fill in and be a pce if he can really come into his own and and be a top middle of the- order bat along with the elite level

Defense we’re probably seeing them in the postseason winning games there you go there you go and and these are this is why these are predictions these are projections folks you know we haven’t seen people play and that and I think that goes to what you said at the at the

Top of this you know we’re we’re projecting we haven’t seen them play yet so there you go uh at number 10 and this is a team I honestly uh kind of spaced out on and uh I shouldn’t have uh but that’s uh Eureka it’s a good it’s a good baseball

Team for an awful lot of baseball games last year um and in return a lot of positional players um probably led by Brady picarelli um physical left-handed senior bat um hit over 440 with a ton of extra base hits doubles triples I think he had five

Homers last year to boot um you know the mizou commit or S um but then they there’s a lot of depth behind that uh them that that offense is going to be one of the better offens is they have a sophomore that I like a lot uh that got some time as a

Freshman uh Craig ringy um he’s a short stop he might play Third Base this year um you got Kyle regg who I believe will probably play shortstop um returning great athlete uh so you got a big time left side right there um and then some more infield depth Brody Hunt’s a really solid

Infielder uh handles the bat well the piece that’s going to be interesting for Eureka is they have experienced positional players uh and then they have a senior right-hander named will fizer um who can be in the upper 80s um but they’re a lot of their talented arms are

Sophomores um so it’s going to be an interesting Dynamic it needs to be you know they need will fizer to have a big gear on the mound um they need um these sophomore Dakota joggers uh BigTime athlete good basketball player on the varsity basketball team uh about

66 he’s going to have to be a have a big piece of it um for him this year so uh they lost to Asher sink who was their top pitcher last year so it’ll be uh it it will be interesting that’s my one question question with eurek can

These young arms Step Up um and um and kind of lead the way they have another sophomore named Ben Lackey um who’s got a real chance 63 or so uh right-hander that that is also in the upper 80s so they got the pieces they got the talent um that’ll be the

The SE thing if we can mesh that together they’re going to have a special type season Kevin correct me if I’m wrong is that Dominic and selo over there behind the dish for those guys he just transferred from Marquette so yes Dominic melmo um the Bradley um s uh that’s a

Big time transfer uh so yeah they’re gon defensively that’s going to be Rock Solid there and then you got someone that can I like that they have a senior catcher we just talked about the Sou the talent and the sophomore the young arms it it does uh kind of steady the

Waters when you got a veteran back there behind the plate dealing with those young talented arms that that transfer could make all the difference for them with his ability to help you know your coaching staff can only do so much at some point you need the guy catching the ball to help those

Young guys grow there’s a chance he makes all the difference for that that staff this year between between just competing and and winning a state championship absolutely I love that thought process too when you you got a catcher here that’s going to Bradley he gets in there with a A young staff and

Is able to develop and help them grow through the season and make an impact that shows a college coach that he can handle a pitching staff I mean that’s the job of a catcher is how well do you catch all of them how well do you bring that game out of the pitcher

Correct 100% um you know and eure is one of the teams um they were kind of the favorite in their District um last year they were in that district with um I believe Lafayette um and viani and Lafayette got the better of everyone and I think they

Were the five seed um so it kind of just talks about the depth and um of of that district and Eureka is going to have their work cut out for him but they should be one of the top teams in our state again this year let’s move

To uh uh Kevin’s favorite venue in the state Jackson High School sir comes in at number nine uh coach roach down there JP saour leading the charge back um Kaden Bogen pole over at Missouri State destroying the baseball um man he’s he’s he’s uh he’s playing some good baseball over there isn’t

He he yes he is they got him right in the two- hole most nights um you know but that this Jackson outfit is one of my favorites in the state we all know that um they’re going to be strong again obviously you don’t rep a Caden Bogen

Pool uh especially at the high school level you know 66 Light Tower power um also can get up on the mound and be 95 uh but what they’re going to do is they’re going to they’re going to fill and it’s going to be a team effort to replace that because there’s not going

To be a sophomore freshman or a junior that comes up that can provide that type of that power and in the the wow tool set that Bogen paol had um but there’s a lot of pieces a they got a true number one in JP sour the Tain uh s uh so they

Got a True Ace on the mound uh which is huge especially come postseason time um they got a lot of depth I like their lead off hitter a lot Cooper roads uh left-handed bat kind of table setter uh prototypical lead off type guy can grind

That grind you out uh on that bats uh can run a bit um hit for a really high average last year um so they have depth uh and they are also one of the ones that we they’re not really uh what I call a good team it’s a good program

It’s it’s year in year out um they seem to replace and replenish um even when they lose a couple of their the top level guys uh because they had a catcher bayen hackard who’s now at St Louis U um so they certainly lost some pieces um but they have enough depth

Within that program to withh withstand that um and uh they are in our top 10 there you go um moving up here next real quick uh W to is one of our favorites um I I think they’re a little high here because I think there’s some question

Marks but I mean theyve get they definitely Got Talent it’s just it’s one of those teams uh in Fort Zumwalt West uh you know they they’re winners they just win and uh Coach G always has that team ready to play and they structure that team around defense and

Pitching and uh you know they lost the two big arms last year in Carson Clark and um Kenton devman and Jeter rup Tanner Sullivan coming in this year it’s going to be an interesting mix you have the the stud sophomore in Nolan sism and the anchor there that’s been there since the

Sophomore and Nick alagna um this is uh this is a team that’s got some question we’ll just gonna have to wait and kind of see yeah and you know what I I I did a lot of thinking on this one um and I I got a little burned by them last year uh

Because I think I had the same approach uh oh they lost um Denman and Whistler how can they you know move you know be that good if they lost two division one big time left-handed arms and lo and behold um you know they made it up into our top

Three or four in the state now they they came up short in the district championship game against Hal but we’re clearly one of our better uh five or six teams in the state last year won 30 plus games again um and you kind of hit the

Nail on the head they I really like them up the middle you got Nolan system you got Nick alagna there uh that it doesn’t get any more steady than that in the State uh right off the bat so noan sism either let off or hit third for him

Inserted it short the entire season as a true freshman um you know the missou kit there uh super talented um I think they’ll find a way I like cheater rup on the mound um they always replenish um so I I I uh I feel good about this uh this zumalt West team and

The question is who’s going to be the guy that steps up uh we’ll see they also have a freshman that I really like um and they proved last year they’re not scared to put one out there and put him in a key spot look for Michael wolf

Potentially uh to make this ball club and and and make an impact on Varsity level he’s a he’s an infielder by trade um I don’t know if they’ll need him on the infield this season um but he’s a good athlete you could comfortably slide him out to left or right field you could

Put him in third base obviously DH uh so it’ll be interesting to see what they do with him uh but either way Michael Wolf’s going to be a name to watch over the next couple of years uh and will make an impact sooner rather than later at the varsity level level

Yeah he’s a big physical bat uh Michael wolf yes I mean as a 14year old we saw him uh last year playing and and uh we had him out at a home run Derby uh for uh for for our one of our um fundraising guys St Louis Youth

Sports Outreach with Billy Mayall and I mean just a big physical kid I always look at this when I see a 14-year-old standing next to me and he’s bigger than me I’m like like that’s that’s kind of kooky man we saw a lot of those out there with you Andy didn’t

We yeah that 26 class in Kansas is out of control I mean it was big so I I think that’s it’ll be interesting but coach golf always has those kids ready to play um so I think it’s very interesting so the next one up here in number seven

Spot Andy you you can probably kick this off Blue Springs when you talk Blue Springs you got to start with the Gibler Brothers as they go that club will go uh Cole Gibler up to some reports 96 997 uh from the left side on the mound he’s added a ton of

Physicality um didn’t have his best year on the mound last year uh really produced as a bat uh look for him to get right this year and and not only could does his stuff and in history say he’s got a chance to be one of the best

Pitchers in Missouri he may be in the running for for National pitcher of the year at least the talent and track record is there to suggest that um with the added vlo the pitch ability um and then you know brother nick uh right-hander he was up to 9092 with a

Sinker and a slider this preseason as well so that adds you know he’s he’s always been a good athlete he’s he’s going to play in the infield for him too uh those two guys alone on both sides of the baseball are enough to win games um it’s I can’t overstate how how talented

Those gu guys are and what what type of impact they can have on a game um but it’s not just those two um going through my notes right here you know Logan craft behind has a chance to to do something behind the dish for him um it’s it’s a

Club and it’s a club that wins coach McGill over there understands the game and competes year in and year out um it’ll be it’ll definitely be someone I get to uh immediately out of the gate and and we get coverage on immediately um and and to see to see where they’re

At this year um so it’s we’ll find out soon enough with those guys do you think these two seniors uh what is it Ronan uh vinent vincenti and Trenton Mitchell will they have impact as far as pitching as well Vin city is has been one of those

Guys that uh I think I saw him a couple years ago in game fast ball heavy you know some projection in the frame there’s been all sorts of Buzz about his vo taking a big jump this year uh again we’ll see if there’s strikes there not

To say there’s not going to be but but we’ll we’ll see if there’s strikes and if he is yeah it adds a huge weapon to to the uh the pitching staff there you go I would call him the Wild Card of the team and if he is good that be becomes

One of the most formidable rotations depthwise obviously you got Gibler who you can make an argument is our top pitcher in the state um if you if you’re rolling if vincenti has taken his game to another level then I mean then you’re talking about a state championship caliber type ball Club wow

Wow wow wow there you go and and and Drew McConnell I got I gotta throw out that that Drew McConnell is is maybe has taken one of the bigger jumps forward he was always a guy that could play baseball always always sound but he’s got some strength to him now it gives

You an anchor at shortstop in the middle of the field that really understands the game he can slow everybody else down uh so yeah it it they’ve got a chance to to win a lot of baseball games helps having a division one shortstop Drew heading to

Evansville um so a lot to like about this Blue Springs ball club and man a lot going on in Blue Springs there’s a lot of talent in Blue Springs School District my goodness it’s a hot bed right now my goodness uh number six Nixa Southwest Missouri uh final four

Contestant last year put up some uh really good baseball in that state championship came in fourth um we’re going to have Nixa uh with uh at we’re going to be at their facility they got Springfield Catholic coming in uh that’s going to be Thursday uh next week the

21st so we’re looking forward to that coach Logan Hughes great guy really enjoy talking with him um you got him at number six here Kevin uh let’s let’s light that up so yeah Nixa kind of crashed the party last year um you know truth be told maybe

A um arrived on the scene possibly a year early and credit to them Coach Hughes did a phenomenal job they had two of the best sophomores in the state last year now Juniors Kaden cloud is a special talent um absolutely lit it up at the future games um now committed to

Kentucky um you know so you got a dynamic short stop you got Wyatt Vincent in in center field for them the Missouri State commit um can really hit um so that is a dynamic Junior one2 there you got Ryland Michelle uh dude can flat swing the bat heading to Crowder and

Then you got Jackson gamble uh back on the mound um I really like them this year now they’re not sneaking up on anyone this year um so they’re they are I I think pretty widely regarded as the the top team in that Southwest part of the state which is going to be extremely

Competitive we’ve talked about that at at length over the past couple weeks or month um so they’re it’s not going to be easy for them whatsoever but but they are going to show up to the field and there’s going to be a Target on their back every single day now so how they

Handle that uh we’ll see I think they they have just as much if not more Talent this year honestly so they’re set to have a a a huge year um and they’re going to be a fun to follow I looking forward to getting to see uh Nixa this spring

Though they also um senior catcher going to Drury Jackson Edwards um is behind the plate and we we’ve talked about that those are Keys when you’re solid up the middle defensively you have that senior catcher that senior leadership then you got I think that makes a huge

Impact so yeah I think Nicks has got a got a path back to that U final four it’s definitely good it would be fun to watch um going back to my Central Missouri days we would recruit Nix of players all the time whenever we could and it always seemed like they they

Played with a little bit of an edge um they they expected you know I I don’t think anybody on that Nixa team was probably surprised that they won last year that that program always expects to be in the mix expects to beat good teams uh and I think there’s something to be said

About playing with the with some quiet confidence and some grit that that school you know you just get used to seeing them play with so now that we like Kevin said you take that Talent mature it another year I think they’ll be pretty dangerous man and Coach Hughes has got

That uh program going in the right direction he’s working from the bottom up and those kids come into the program so he’s got some guys over there kudos to them next number five the back-to-back state champs uh Liberty North team here uh they lost some guys

Um you know and I I you know I said this to Kevin off the air I personally think you know they might be a little lower than that there’s a lot of respect here for this team they’ve got a lot of guys coming back but you know you lose Tate

Maguire I think it was Tai wisdom as well um off that team um they lost their their number two starter it’s it’s it’s it’s going to be tougher for them to make that run it’s not that they don’t have the talent to do so but I think uh I think Liberty

North is is they’re right there it’s not like they aren’t talented but you’re dealing with some very tough teams in in that western part of the state guys I I jump in here real quick on this uh 100 % you got the backto back defending state

Champions um and they lost a ton there is zero question about that I I I look at this um you know coach steagle is one of the best coaches in the state I’ll start there um this District they in is insane and we’ve talked about that

Before so this is a good chance where uh we have a top 10 team um that that won’t get out of their District now I’m not saying Liberty North won’t because they they certainly could they have the last couple years but they also have an awful lot of talent

Returning um Trey sneider’s been on the map since you know since his freshman year he’s back as a senior shortstop arguably the top player in the state you got Bo Jonas same thing been on the map the whole time uh been starting since his freshman year behind the plate so

You got two BigTime seniors at the catcher and and um in shortstop position heading to Great programs um you know I think I think you got to keep them in there um and and that’s why they’re in our top five and uh and to someone knocks them off um

They’re the champ right so uh that being said we did slide them back a couple spots uh just acknowledging that they did lose an awful lot um so it’ll be it’ll be interesting but they it’s another program um that replenishes uh they reload They Don’t Really rebuild

And uh it will be uh a fun team to follow Andy what do you got any more thoughts on this North ball Club yeah I’ll I’ll just throw out a player to watch and and it’ll be William bolognia uh Short Stop uh on his summer teams obviously won’t be playing short over

Trey but could could really firm up the middle if he ends up being the everyday second baseman for them uh that that that it puts a a premier defender on the on the infield with them um a little bit under size still hasn’t quite hasn’t quite physically got to the level of of

The trace Siders of the world but but isn’t scared doesn’t play doesn’t play scared um is going to be ready for the speed of the game um so he could be he could be a nice piece that really helps them kind of bridge the gap from last

Year to this year year um if he’s in the mix go senior pitcher right hand uh Matthew Lewis is going to be a key to this team too he’s going to really need a step up in fill a void um for them this season but um I still expect Liberty North to be

Highly successful this spring well and there’s another one of our Missouri showcase games we uh we we’re appreciative of Coach steagle went over they got a beautiful new turfield going in over there uh as a huge high school man oh my gosh that thing’s massive but uh we’re going to be out

There April 29th it’s a Monday April 29th Staley’s coming to Liberty North we’re gonna have that Missouri showcase game um I got uh Andy’s gonna come over and work with us on that one as well uh help us call that game so I’m looking forward to that it’s going to be a lot

Of fun that’s that’s a that’s one you don’t want to miss that’s going to be one of those games that you have on your calendar you’re like don’t want to miss that Lee Summit West number four um this is a loaded team as well I mean up and

Down uh couple of Big Time bats in this lineup we know Drew Dickerson um is it uh Atkin right the kid going to Oklahoma the third baseman um Jackson aen Jackson aen what’s your thoughts on this this group here Kev you want to jump in or do you

Want me just to start rolling because this is a group I’m pretty familiar with and and really like go for it kick kick us off here yeah so so OB I I’ll I’ll start with Dickerson who uh Pro Scouts are are buzzing about um it’s all the tools you

Could ever want in every facet of the game uh if if he if he uh if the production matches the talent this year uh he’s gonna win some games on his own um but but you know let’s kick it back to Jackson Aken who you were just

Talking about uh that guy’s big physical and has a and had a huge summer uh he could be one of the better bats in the State uh on his own and and help anchor the left side of that infield um and and then you got uh you know uh wood is the

Last name let me see if I can remember Kevin tylerwood is that is that the name I’m looking for I just saw Tyler wood throw mid mid mid 90 fast balls in the preseason that’s just absolutely explode out of his hand and oh yeah he’s pretty

Physical with the bat too so when you start talking top end Talent professional players on the field this Lee Summit West team is ready to go um it’s it you you go through our our rankings in every class and it seems like they got a guy

Um in in almost every spot that that’s going to that’s going to contribute you got Jake Jake rigan the Leander is a guy who came to events this preseason and was really interesting look for him to possibly have a breakout uh season as as a rising Jor a mid 80s left-hander I’m

Not sure that’s a name that a ton of people know about but he sure grabbed our attention this preseason um Kev anybody else you want to you want to jump in and and talk about sophomore uh sophomore Hayden sharp is going to be a name to watch too um you know they got

A lot of depth in that lineup so it’s G to be tough for a young guy to crack in but Hayden committed to missou I I would imagine they’d find a spot for him uh whether that’s at first base a corner Outfield spot DH uh there’s just a lot

Of depth and we start stacking these big names in there you could see uh that’s going to be a fairly formidable lineup I I’m just looking at the seniors here on this squad uh Kaden Carter going to Missouri Southern Evan Watson Johnson County Owen ply uh umul uh Austin Marsh

Northwest Missouri State around this group a lot of senior uh leadership kids going to play at uh good quality College uh programs I mean uh the Summit West I think is a team that has the potential to be in that final four guys they can play at every position there’s no

Holes it’s is it pitching that’s going to be the big the big key for them I think it is for everybody really right yeah if if if guys like Dylan Cassidy and and Jake rigan can can really develop you know be left-handed arms if Tyler would um you know with guy

With young guys that throw as hard as Tyler you never know how many innings you’re going to get as as far as you know wanting to protect them just a little bit two-way guys that are going to play in the field um so I wouldn’t think Tyler Wood’s going to be a

Complete game shut out every time out um you know he’s still growing and developing his command um but yeah there’s there’s just if one guy has a bad game over there for Lee Summit West you would expect somebody else to pick them up and and to have and to be able

To produce that that lineup is just you’re not going to have many holes in it there’s not many times for a pitcher to take a breath um you know you mentioned Austin Mars he came to a preseason event and tested you know not a huge frame but tested through the roof

On on all the physical measurables and and he’s a guy that’s proven ingame he can hit there’s just no no soft spots for these guys may may you know I Kevin I I don’t know if you agree there no 100% I do I like that depth uh a lot and that

Is a physical lineup and and arguably the state’s best lineup one of certainly in a short conversation the list is you know they they’d be right there wouldn’t be outside my anyone’s top three I wouldn’t imagine wow that’s formal when you can when you can put that much

Pressure on a on a defense I think that and you got a pitcher really laboring to get through a lineup you know in high school you get past number six five even sometimes you know they can uh they can do some damage but when you got that one through nine in

High school that’s brutal it really is hey let’s hey Brian before you unveil we’re we’re to the top three now yeah I want to do a real quick hitter I’m going to roll through some teams that just missed our top and I’m going to give you

I’m going to go fast here um but this is our on Deck teams someone in this group will certainly be in our Top 10 rankings at some point in the season Lafayette just missed out one of the scarier offenses in the state led by Xander Schmidt uh Paul Pratt uh

There’s a lot of offense in this Lafayette ball club and won that District that Eureka and bani were in last year they’re going to be a handful this year uh boura man it was tough leaving them out of the top 15 they got one of my favorite players in the state

Jack noi a legit two-way guy electric arm um will be on Scouts Radars up to 94 um Carney um GNA be a really good team over in the Kansas City area um Columbia Hickman a lot of pitching depth there three legit arms uh Tanner Grahams

Over there um a lot of pitching depth at Hickman Rockhurst brockhurst to have a big year this year um they got an awful lot of talent uh love their catcher Evan de Mario uh Lucas red on the mount there wouldn’t shock me at all if Rockhurst has a huge year uh Columbia

Rockbridge um really good program um a lot of talent there they did take a hit Tai Thompson transferred uh and is now in a prep school in Florida um but brid is really well coached and always a solid team uh Glendale another team out of the Southwest part of the state um

Sebastian Norman one of the top talents uh in the State uh outfielder heading know Third Base Outfield guy heading to Oklahoma State uh sekman one of the top lineups in the State uh led by Ryan Bradford and they got a really really deep lineup uh Liberty the Kansas City

Liberty um we we’ve talked about that District in there with uh Liberty North and and Staley and Park Hill uh I think Liberty could have a good year zumalt East um has been to the final four in recent years um you know got er Eric Williams Jackson Carter a lot to like

There at Zoom Walt East um Liberty Wentzville or other Liberty uh lot of pitching depth there um we’ll see if anyone takes the next step there they got some big big big arms Tai Holman who missed last year with injury the St Louis U commit uh is up to 93 Braden

Scherb a 66 right-hander up to 92 uh heading to John Logan and they have some other pieces behind that um they haven’t quite qu crack through in an extremely extremely competitive league that they play in uh but have the pieces to do it this year uh

Desmet uh I like this dmet out ball Club a lot um there are some very solid pieces there that’s going to be uh I think the MCC uh right behind one of our top three teams is is pretty wide open um this year uh it will be fun to watch

That Desmet team Oakville has a lot of bit a lot of Talent on the mound Adam Kilburn uh who missed most of the last year heading to Tennessee um CJ Lake on the mound um they have a couple other uh really nice pitching pieces Haas Catholic in the

Middle part of the State uh has been really strong um Ozark um Cooper Pumphrey heading to Missouri uh Hudson Roberts heading to Arkansas is going to be one of the better teams in the middle part of the state um you know CBC lost a ton um they

Had one of the best and scariest offenses uh don’t sleep on them they got a number of bats back this year um I I like them Derek pittz big fan of Derek pittz um uh Jake McGee uh heading to Oklahoma left-handed bat I I like him a lot and

Then St Dominic uh out in St Charles has a lot of arms that I really like um so those are just wanted to hit on those guys that’s a really strong group and are on deck and those guys just missed our top 15 Brian yeah um there

There’s a lot of teams man to talk about there we can’t we don’t have time but that was good um number three viani um up and down man uh the middle of that lineup Trey JS wowski Nolan dorski Riker Ben Big Time bats they’ve got the arms this

Team is is ready to I think make a a final four run it it is uh you know I I’ve talked about viani for a couple years now telling you how deep the or how many good young players they had well now those young players are Juniors uh or

Most of them are um I like this fiani team a lot uh arguably the state’s best pitching depth at least in terms of highend um you know you’re you’re looking at start with JD Dorman recently committed to missou um as a top end guy you got Nick Stewart um who’s currently uncommitted

But another 90 mile power arm you got Charlie spoonhower the Missouri State commit uh Jaden Ferguson uh most people don’t roll out a closer a true closer in high school baseball they got one uh the the Texas A&M uh commit who is a low to mid90s guy um there is a

Lot of pitching desk and not to mention TR can hop on the and go upper 80s you got Andrew Anderson um there there is a lot of pitching depth there uh at at viani um and then you know you go at the lineup some big physical bats uh Trey

Jarowski is one of the top bats in the state no question about it and he can hurt you he can you know run the ball out of the yard and split gaps um Nolan jarasi or Nolan jari um 66 left-handed bat just committed to t uh to Cincinnati real feel for hitting

Um wears out the left Center Gap uh high on base percentage guy power’s going to come as well um but hits for an extremely high average and lots of doubles then you got rker Benz the Oklahoma commit uh looking for him to have a big year this year um so I like

This viani club they certainly have enough talent and more than enough pitching maybe two times over to win a state championship this year um you know a lot of them are Juniors this year um so we’ll see there’s some battle tested teams that we have uh

Slightly ahead of them um but I I it would not surprise me all at all if Yani uh was the ultimate state champion here ultimately the state champion here in Missouri you were Andy got something to go in there yeah it’s just more of the same I can’t

Tell you how impressive JD Dorman was at the end of the summer last last year on the mound and and Kevin future gamer correct one of the top arms at at the future games um anytime you’re that’s where you’re starting you’re in a good position U but like Kevin said Jaden

Ferguson like that’s that’s that’s a legit college closer that they’re going to roll out in high school baseball um it’s just if if they’re going to score three to four runs a game which don’t be surprised if it’s eight or nine uh they’re going to be really tough to beat

Day in and day out um and it’s next man up for them you know we talked a little bit about it with Lee Summit West with with the depth um man viani vion’s on both sides of the ball has has just tremendous tremendous depth that’s what makes them tough most

Of the teams that have a stud pitcher you you can’t wait to get them out of the game and now if you get you know one of these studs out of the game you get a stew a dorm and a spoon Hower out of the

Game and it’s like oh no now now someone that’s gonna throw harders coming into the game um which is you know kind of like how a college team or a pro team is built um yeah yeah you got to figure out how to score off Ferguson in a one or

Two inning look good luck so that that is a uh that is their uh Ace in the ho there uh number two uh Staley coach Wilson uh his last season going out we had a chance to talk with Coach Wilson quite a few times we’re gonna see Staley at Liberty North so I’m

Excited about that um another team I mean my goodness Andy up and down the lineup where do you start I I I think I think you start actually with a junior college commit and in Lucas Wilson I I think the the IQ the table setter at the top of the lineup

Switch hitter Steady Eddy with the glove I think you start there though he may not on paper be their most talented Prospect uh he may be their most consistent player um obviously you know he’s he’s been there done that he grew up in the game uh that’s where St at

Building this team and and then you get into you know a big huge cornerback and Jackson Glu he can leave the yard at any point you have Keaton unre in the Outfield who who’s a thoroughbred um he’s gonna gonna be a problem on the mount Hunter Hampshire

May be one of the tougher of looks as far as deception and Pitch ability and he’s going to run through some really good hitters this year that are going back to the Dugout wondering what they just saw um you know that’s a that’s a Johnson County commit um you know then

Then those are those are the probably the standout seniors for me though they have more um you get into the junior class and you jump or excuse me uh you get into the junior class here let me let me turn my notes over um if if my there we go um technology

You know Jake Thomas on the mound the butler commit is going to spin spin one of the better breaking balls in the state um it’s an exciting guy to watch uh you’ve got East Felipe behind the dish talk about needing a championship catcher to win a championship they got

One um and you know even guys like Jacob Garcia who’s going to play in the Outfield and throw strikes on the mound those are just their those are just their Junior and senior classes they they’ve they’ve got so much depth so much so many well-rounded players so

Many guys that have played on the summer circuit and and played at a high level um and and uh I haven’t even mentioned their head coach yet being one of the best high school baseball coaches in the country so or or their left-hander Brody erbeck um heading toop probably their number

One by the way a two-way a two-way player who who could be talked about both as an outfielder and on the mound Uh Kevin what did we just see see him up to the other day 91 from the from the left side on the mound so yes I think he

Was 98 from The Outfield he just keeps getting better um and and the scary thing about this is you know we’re not even sure they’ll get out of their District um that’s how talented their district is uh they lost to Liberty North in a one- nothing game last year in the district

Champ ionship game that that was more or less a state championship caliber game in their District final so that district is loaded um I I could see uh a couple of teams coming out of that district and I could see a couple of that those teams in that District winning a state

Championship but one or two of them you know they’re not all going to get to go only one team will advance out of that District um so it it’s one of those situations where we have multiple teams from that District in our top five and one of them won’t be a district

Championship uh this year but we do love we really like the Staley group this year uh and again hats off to coach Wilson on a great career um thank you for all you’ve done um you know for for baseball and uh you know your student athletes he’s moved an awful lot of kids

On um to not only play college baseball but just to set them and set them up and push them forward in life and uh so thank you to coach Wilson in his final year uh this year and he has the team to go out on the right note this

Year there you go and Andy I don’t know if we know we we’ve nicknamed this the uh District 8 the District of death there’s not an off night there there’s no no there’s no room for a bad day uh you’re you’re just going to it’s

It really reminds me of of kind of the college baseball setup where you’re GNA have quality players all around the field and somebody’s gonna have to do something special every night to win absolutely and then uh let’s uh unveil it uh coach Perkins Francis Hal um honestly you know I know we’ve talked

About Staley and these guys I mean this is one of those this is one of those teams I think it’s the most pitching depth and you were talking about that earlier with a couple other teams um you know and I don’t see as much on the westside and that that’s a tough thing

Sometimes we don’t get a chance to see some of these things but I’ve not seen this much pitching depth on a high school baseball team ever ever and uh it to me me this is this is what because offensively it’s a juggernaut um you don’t breathe there’s

Nobody in this lineup that you can take off uh and the pitching depth is just unbelievable yeah um the depth is just the best way to describe this how team um the program is unbelievably deep uh ton of players moving on to play collegiately um you got an old veteran

Team and then you have young exciting players that are going to push the older guys um for serious playing time and are going to have a major role on the team um to me you know we’re going to start with Titus sisle um he is our number one

Ranked player um in our senior class he is now uh heavily on some draft board uh for this spring uh Dynamic player 64 Runner um switch hitting uh shortstop who can also play center field and has played center field um you know that’s where he started his career uh for house

So he’s played center second now he anchors uh the team at shortstop um and is most likely going to be their lead off player uh batter um then you go you you got Leo Humbert who has also been starting since his freshman year um hitting somewhere in

The middle of that lineup third fourth I guess he could hit second even um who can run the ball out of the yard um major Gap power um hit hits for high average and will play center field for him um tons of tons of death um you

Slide over to the mound uh well and we’ll we’ll get to Jackson vaugh as well um started as a sophomore heading to witto State another Dynamic left-handed bat and really every single guy they have in that lineup is you know I I really like Brenan whb andm

Um they got they’re just so much depth but on the mound go touch on that um you know the interesting thing about their pitching um you know they have tons of seniors that have been there done that uh Alex Bryan uh the senior rander heading to mville has has started a state

Championship game for them uh won a district playoff game uh championship game vers zum uh for zumot West last year for him uh it’s going to be a BigTime strike thrower with a three- pitch mix up to 90 um you know you got guys like Quinn Redfield you got Adam ad Shipley heading

To St Louis U um who was you know a conference starter for him last year um you got Grayson Coleman um I really like oh Eli Skidmore um you know so it’s just the the depth is um really impressive but I also really like a couple of their

Sophomore pictures a lot um one of them which one of which pitched um Varsity last year you got Jake Brad Schneider who is an absolutely electric arm um you know low 90s stuff currently and projects for much higher he’s just a sophomore pitched as a freshman his

Brother Jack is also out of their Bullpen um and then um um Dylan Curtis the right-hander um who is expected to be somewhat in that starting rotation uh mixed this year uh 64 five right-hander with a high feel for pitch ability um velocity has come along he’s upper 80s

Right now um but it’s not too hard to look at him and see that that kid’s going to throw a lot harder and already is a proven outg getter um so good defense good pitching a lot of hitting um great coach and they’ve been right on the doorstep the past couple of

Years so they lost to Liberty North in the championship game last year two years ago they lost in a semifinal game to them um they’re right there they’ve been right there this is the year I think they take the final step uh and it is our pick to uh be the state champions

In 6A this year not to mention uh the junior Braden Ray mid 80s left-handed that that yeah and and he was one of our stars of the off season I left him out completely um you know I I talked to Coach Perkins about their team

And and he gets put in a terrible spot now every coach would want to be in this terrible spot uh they sometimes have to cut guys that are committed to colleges uh on to you know fill out their roster so that’s it’s an enviable position to

Be in uh for sure but that’s the type of depth that roster has any thoughts Andy I’ll just go back up to the top of the offense the Titus sisle and Leo Humber in anybody’s conversation for top five hitters in the state if those two aren’t in there you’re probably missing

Something so you you’re you’re getting guys that that Titus s maybe the biggest problem as far as putting the bat on the ball running the bases expect a hit for a high average and and Leo Kevin you may disagree Leo hbert may be the guy I don’t want to

Leave face with nobody on that guy that guy can leave the yard on on about six or seven different pitches um it’s he did it at the future games it’s really impressive um so just ju you talk all the depth in the world those two guys

Offensively are enough to put up two to four runs a game it’s they’re just that dangerous and I like the fact that uh Titus from the left side gained more power uh through this last summer I think you know you saw the power come in

The bat on the left side which you know I mean my goodness if you got power on both sides of that plate uh it’s I don’t know how you handle that kid it’s going to be hard to get him out especially if if you do if you do

Happen to p your way into an advantage count he understands how to hit and he understands that if he puts a ball on the ground on the left side of the infield there’s a real chance he’s safe anyway it and and and now you’ve got Leo

Humbert behind him so now you’ve got a guy on base and a guy that’s Pro you know got a real chance to leave the yard or at least knock down your fence um it just and then it just sets up for the rest of those guys it’s not that those

Are the only two but you’ve got such a problem up top and and then those rest of those guys get to hit with Runners and scoring position and and by the way you better not give up more than a couple runs because that pitching staff’s going to

Handle their business too yeah yeah so there you go folks uh uh I appreciate these two gentlemen bringing this knowledge um I think Francis Hal I agree I think uh it’s so much talent on that team it’s almost absurd uh you don’t see that too much in a high school

Team and um I think it’s going to be fun to watch but you can’t leave out we saw the depth you know you can’t leave out a Lee Summit West you can’t leave out of viani these teams are going to be right there all the way down to Blue Springs

South uh Blue Springs these are it’s going to be so competitive and the tough thing is is like we said District 8 the District of death one of these teams is not gonna you know uh it’s going to be tough it’s going to be really tough so

Uh look forward to it going to be a lot of fun guys I appre appreciate the time always fun yeah this is you know what a lot of fun this is a fun time of year we’ve had fun the past you know month or six weeks Brian talking about you know what we

Think and you know who’s done what in the preseason now the fun begins they get to sort this all out on the field and we get to go watch it all uh it’s going to be a lot of fun to take in and best of luck uh to all the teams coaches

Players out there uh good luck luck this season and look forward to seeing uh you guys in Springfield at state championships absolutely Andy we’re gonna have to get you back on talk a little more Kansas baseball uh we’re getting a little long it’s that’s okay I I don’t mind it it

Was good conversation but we will get that we got Diego come back on talk a little bit of Illinois but we definitely want to get the Kansas guys so I’ll be reaching out back to you thank you for coming on man I appreciate the knowledge over there absolutely love went on talking

About baseball and and and really there was a ton of Missouri stuff to get talked about so not not too surprised there folks thanks for tuning in please if you like what we’re doing right below here subscribe uh we appreciate that very much hit the Dinger next to it

That’s what we do chick stick the long that gets you all your notifications for upcoming episodes such as this great information from the guru himself and uh you know I I got to come up with a nickname I’m fine living in Kevin Shadow oh to I love it Drew Drew just got it

The urban legend urban legend there it is there it is I love it good thinking like my cracking ganir over there Drew come up with that so hey folks always remember have a great day in the Lord all you pitchers Kevin what a pitcher got to do keep throwing strikes exactly hitters

Andy give some advice to hitters swing hard I like it I like it folks we’ll see yall next Time

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