Golf Players

We Still Can’t Believe THIS HAPPENED !! | Tubes, Kirsty Gallacher And Tour Pro Wild Card SCRAMBLE!

Until you watch it, you won’t believe it !! Some thing (well 3 things) happened that we still can’t believe! Such a laugh this was. We love Golf Life and we love you ❤️

Enter the competition to win a 2 ball at the amazing centurion here ….

Hope you enjoy legends

Golf life x

Welcome back to the channel welcome back to a new video you golf life Legends we’re down here at the beautiful Centurion and we’ve been joined by our mate Kirsty gah how are we you good a yeah I’m good well I’m good I’m nervous but why are you nervous ah well golf

Makes me nervous especially standing on a tea yeah but I love it I do love it but today we are working together we’re playing nine holes and we’re going to try and make or break par doing a scramble okay but we do have a helping hand a centurion Legend a golf life

Legend a fan favorite when he came on before everyone loved him he’s back it’s Mr OE fish how you mate love to see you oh this is good yeah good good so much so you’re here to help us so you’re going to give us some coaching and obviously

The wild card is if me and Kirsty have a bit of a howler we can call upon you to hit one shot per hole hopefully where we want it to go right exactly that’s what you’re banking on me doing absolutely make or break par can we do it let’s

Find out you go life Legends up the Centurion right team come on come on team come on team can we make our break PA come on I’m nervous as well oh sorry you got no need to be wow oh my gosh that’s absolutely amazing is it good set up did you see it over it go over I

Think it’s in the Trap it’s fine yeah that’s a great shot come on what a shot that was now not bad yeah all right seen a lot worse thank you very much go on Cur very good there we go is gone we’re good let’s just go down and we’re off

Right I’ve got my ball the coach has just said just hey iron Cur I’ll go first all get one out it’ll be fine well done we’re out there good well done well done we’re out fairy bunker shops troops always probably one of the toughest shots to strike yeah so I think like

When you’re playing them one of the greatest tips that I’ve ever read is to kind of try and keep the lower body as still and passive as possible oh wow when you move around a lot in the lower body it makes you kind of lose your foot

In a little bit and makes it harder to find the contact point right so so keep the lower body yeah best tip best tip I have and what I feel is just to be a little bit more stable than a lower body in a long bunker shots and it’s a little

Bit more armsy yeah and you can clip it a bit bit easier you know just back love that little nuggets I love them brilliant oh see I’ve ched that right into the other one right we’re right we’ve got my ball we’re all good and on

We go so O’s going to you’re going to hit now I think so I think we’re we need you now yeah but we we have go first and then we go if we’re not happy with it Ollie goes I think so we’ve got three shots of

This well I’ve got 185 we 185 I’ve got hybrid OE okay so me and Kirsty are going to have a a ping and then I reckon this is the shot where the big gun comes out oh this is still a long way a’t it yeah gosh brilliant what a great shot this is

You I mean you’re you’re fabulous oh my God done that is amazing and I’m not playing just play want me to hit come on I don’t I don’t need to I’ll P all right you’re P all right we whatever so olle Fisher is at taking the shot try beat

That ollie now do we do we have to take your shot you’re just going to be delighted when you’re inside me aren you basically you get the best shot you get all year and then you’re going to go right I’ll beat him here team we’re we’re a team do we have

To take your shot that’s this is the rules we got to make here so if we use your sh pressure Ollie as in me really no what do you think no no scramble still scramble still so we don’t need to use Ollie shot here we go we’re pting

For birdie this is a I mean this is my first go today dear I make you feel better here cursy fabulous look oh my gosh fat one it done great great shot a bit short bit heavy wasn’t it that’s all right bit heavy it was on was it don’t wor

Fantastic lovely shot well done Ollie well done boys uphill I think so well yes uphill what are your tips for pting oh um well I think as you walk onto a green as a pro you’re kind of assessing the whole um The Contours of the green so

You’re kind of looking around at the peripheral kind of slopes and where things are um here is quite interesting cuz he got quite a few different slopes and Hollows and that around that kind of vary the way you know and it can can kind of Offset you know there’s a slope

Here it might not make that slope look as much you know so you can kind of have a little bit of a placing tricks on your brain this part here uphill um slightly right to left at the start and looks like it’s going to go

Back left to right at the end so it’s not an easiest one to judge very unting isn’t it just let’s have a quick look from behind it yeah overall started just outside right yeah that’s exactly that’s exactly what I was thinking I’m not just say go

Cuz you said how are these fast these greens um well yeah okay for March o great oh great Y come on so we’re in for par we’re in for come on yeah come on just go for it there’s absolutely no pressure now no I put that in so how far right did

You I think you can aim it right putting that in pretty much we’re in for par come on Pete come on Cur come on hes we’ll line you up hang on and how fast is it I mean it huh bit harder than that we this oh god I’ve the wrong way all right

Very I’ve done it the right side ofing don’t worry about it we’re a team let’s just get this the way that’s it we’re in onto the second par three it’s beautiful here at Centurion come On right here we go right okay we are you’re you yeah I’ll go last we’re evens and here at Centurion this par three is beautiful yeah Ollie you’re attached to the club you’re the you’re the big dog around here this place is special is it very special um the first few holes in

The woodlands and goes out into the into the rest of the course um middle of the front line and then and then back at the clubhouses a few like so I know Design’s lovely in the pin here first is a tough Par Four for the back te’s but a par

Five for the members so it’s little bit softer little bit more forgiving and then number two it needs a well struck iron shot um surrounded by bunkering Hollow long left um yeah pretty H go so C are we going to nominate OE to I think you tactic your approach play obviously

Is second to none we we’ll both have a go as well yeah we’ll have a go U but I think if you kick us off yep that’ll be a double double decent all right here we go yeah lovely on it get up lovely a lovely

Thank you it’s a weird thing for me golf because now I know I’ve got two partners I feel so much more relaxed yeah and when I’m playing on my own oh yeah I’m like pressure on yeah crumble I’m still nervous hey don’t be we’ got your back

Sounded nice but that’s gone way right halfway y good good hit go on Cur oh God send one up there you got a bit of help there I tell you right Ollie help me I just hate the tea right I think I think what you got to do right we want

To hit the inside of the ball hit the tius there yeah yeah we get you set up in the right direction but you you go look good well you see how was spot on but I do there are things my dad’s always on at me he’s like you’re near

It’s too many you know when you’re like he bombards me with things and then I’m like it’s like a checklist not my brain explodes it must be really hard when your dad’s obviously who he is yeah um I just find so so he goes on about my

Knee there your left knee or your right knee my left knee what what did you want it to do I don’t know it looks good bend it more or something sorry Dad but you doing my head in bir you Legend Birdie the L birdie he’s pain in

The BM I tell you m it’s like seriously playing golf with my day gets Stompy and Stomps off and I’m like are you are you all right does he still play a little bit yeah loads do every day yes nice shot yeah but not enough

Like bye face half as much I can’t take any El I can’t wrong with that it’s quite slow Kirsty to hit it quite hard all right um upper tier just off the left hand side overall and so just just aim it a little to the left we’ll aim you

Up not really allowed but we’ll allow it today what lining me up little bit more to the right hang on good yeah yep great I don’t know why I did that I pushed behind I I never use this putter Putters at my parents house that is an a valid excuse

Whoa see it’s it’s not it’s not slow it’s fast well it’s not slow when you hit it that hard oh that is I mean don’t worry what happens if we swear do you bleep we bleep it oh the bleep Count’s going to right we’re going to roll it in though

We’re going to roll it in for par have have we done what we had a chance of the old dance then I know now we’re struggling for p no we’re not oh God on me oh no come on cursed can’t bear this right so I’d be aiming for yeah right just right

Yeah come on roll it in oh God gosh this is it’s quick isn’t it a bit quicker than the last one oh I’ve gone the wrong way for a stop three part we three putted oh it’s there oh my God what is going on oh for goodness sake shut just stop it

Yeah boogy we’re one over that’s we shouldn’t be three parting kst come on well kirst you mentioned your absolute Legend of a dad Mr Vernard gaha uh back on the tea there uh what was it like growing up uh in a family uh this love golf your dad was an absolute Legend yeah

Listen amazing I mean you know this is sort of my being on a golf course is like being at home really yeah it was a great life great great life dad Ted a lot yeah um and then obviously ride a Cup captain and that was stressful um

But amazing as well um and yeah it was just kind of it was the way it was we grew up on Wentworth on the golf course wow kind of just statue there he got the statue unbelievable yeah got know listen very blessed amazing uh life as a

Golfers child and and and great sort of golfing family yeah um you know and yeah just I love golf I absolutely love it I mean I don’t I don’t find it easy playing and I don’t play as much as I used to it’s really hard balancing everything with work kids life isn’t it

But and it it annoys me because when I start playing I get the bug I get that feeling it’s addictive it amazing yeah but then you play one bad shot and you’re like oh never playing this again so it it’s a bit of a travesty I don’t

Play enough I played I played a lot when I was younger um but no it’s how old were you when you started when did your dad go come on let’s get into it I was thinking about this I can’t really remember I think I was probably I mean I

Played for Wentworth as a junior um I was a good player yeah really good player but then you get you know you get into your school life and boys and things whatever life gets in the way a bit and um and I just don’t I don’t play

As much but I I was probably yeah I was a good player about really good about sort of 9 10 11 oh wow 12 I think and then I went to senior school and and just didn’t have the time to play as much but in holidays and stuff you know

We used to play a lot my brother’s an amate golfer’s very good golfer yeah um and my sister couldn’t yeah couldn’t give her monkeys it’s funny isn’t it just didn’t care one b no she’s not one bit sporty Laura Laura is not sporty and Jamie and I are very very competitive

Love that yeah so yeah no really wonderful life Wonderful Life Golf what a fantastic game great game right we’re one over great game yeah that’s come on we we’ll get this we get there this is where I need to get that competitive come oness Mr Fisher told me through

This third hour we at Centurion Club um beautiful Par Four Dog left to right yeah little bunker on the corner of the dog leg and then the Homan as its way around to the right hand side choose this is you know if there’s ever a hole

That’s made for your shot shape this one yeah yeah so um just start down the middle with your little fade yeah perfect lovely here we go come lovely there we go run a little great shot wow get past the corner done in one beautiful little nice little low low come

On oh no see that’s just awful it’s gone something though it’s out excent thank you very much I think this is Ollie shot trust the hybrid I think I think this is Ollie shot but we let’s have a pink C we could have a go at it come on pink

Come around come around yeah com in yep oh it’s long long over it’s long yeah was it was it right number I think he five would oh my gosh what can I tear up that even a fivewood yeah it’s a rescue perfect that’s what I need yeah

Hybrid I haven’t got a ball though take a ball yeah it’s like Comedy of Errors golf errors that could be a good podcast uh comedy of golf errors with Kirsty Galler there we are that’s the that’s the one right oh do you a co-host two two co-hosts yep there you go we’re

In podcast well you’re not sorted I’m not no you’re too good too good to be in the comedy of golf errors quite like that I quite like that title right um good set up and give it not happy with this scared right so I’m doing hands forward a little bit that

Push your hands forward What’s Happening Here not not not as much as that just a little bump what that that’s it perfect great watch out boys help and then what did I do last time that was wrong it’s fine just get your hips up a little bit

Okay oh flipping that would have been great the come off the come on right Mr ol Fisher’s got to have a stri two trees in the last two shots Mr Ollie Fisher nice St think he’s got to go dancing no it’s bunker is it little

Bit short left yeah is it Ollie the main man help me out here so for the go life Legends watching at home I’ve got Pitch and wedge yep uh would you say that’s the right Club selection yeah you you a good shot into the green there it’s just

Ran through trickled off the edge of the green and now you’re in a you’re kind of on the collar you just come in a little a little look here the ball’s just kind of run off The Fringe and it’s just sat on the edge of the of the uh the semi-

Rough so um not a bad Li tubes I think the most important thing here is making as good of contact as you can yeah um and just judging how how much it’s going to run out so um for as Pros we kind of look at a bit of a landing area and you

Have a little bit of um a little bit of leeway with that you know you’re going to try and look somewhere um you know a few feet on the green do you know what I mean within this area so you might go well I’m not going to pitch It Around The Fringe cuz

You might get a kick off the collar there yeah make it go a bit faster so you don’t in this sort of area and try and look for the flattest part you know this is pretty flat here so there’s no um discrepancy in terms of the slope and

How it will bounce um and it’s pretty flat after that so I would just personally look for a club that’s going to land a yard or so on the green yeah and going to use a club that will run out kind of as simply as possible right

So a little bit less Loft than maybe a lob wedge okay um what we got Pitch and wedge wed perfect yeah yeah great little pitch and wedge back at the St and well played Nice Shot very nice shot lovely shot that unlucky roll to the

Left I thought it was going to roll to the right I love I love tips and top Pros that’s class go you actually clipp that really nicely didn’t you it but CH last time we played you was a good chipper wasn’t you yeah but like you

Saying the back foot and stuff like that and listening to you there yeah it gives me one confidence and two it gives that’s what I need to do so it just really helps like you know walking around a course with someone like yourself giv you know wish that could always it’s

Great go on Hit It Go on hit it it’s too fast far too fast I’m lucky though that’s not bad yeah can I can I for that I mean right just stay one over right we need this I I’m seeing it pretty straight so Ollie you going to put no you’re not going

To oh roll in come on can I pick up yeah we’re done yeah we’re good uh full four here at Centurion Club beautiful par five um slightly wider Fairway um tree lined Hole uh bunk on the right so yeah all about the t-shot really Tu

You can get down there and get a good driveway it says the hole up nicely nice beautiful beauty Beauty well played lovely shot that moving well today CH yeah playing beautifully what what with driving Ollie I got to ask you I don’t I don’t rotate my body enough

People are saying and what would you say there for my technique would you say what what can I add to get I don’t get much distance basically well I don’t think you use much leverage in your Club so your grip and the way that you move

Your hands arms and your wrists yeah now you’re quite you don’t create much angle in terms of like using the speed of the club so if I’m going to turn this circle this hard this or my um my body as in that’s the controlling factor of how I’m

Pivoting well if I hinge my wrist and fold my elbow the club’s going to travel further and then as it comes down it’s going the speed is going to accumulate and going to be fast as a release it’s going load the speed well if you’re going back like this with not much wrist

Hinge yeah and you not any lag or any leverage in your wrists it’s quite hard for you toate the speed that you can kind of propel the ball forward with with enough um yeah kind of kind of speed is the way to say um but I think

If you match them up a bit better over time yeah then you’ll gain another 40 50 yards you know quite easily you move quite well yeah but I think the potential there I mean what they gone 200 yards dri 220 yards you know and you know the drivers now if you swing at

Half decent you should at 260 yeah I think you should you’re you’re fit you’re strong you well yeah you’re good looking carry on got transplant it looks well have you Lego man have you did you yeah that oh my God that’s amazing was that this week huh oh no got behind it

Very thank you I didn’t even know they were there right okay 256 I’ve got a five wood I I don’t have three wood okay strong fivewood five wood lot of guys do that on tour it’s just do they yeah they have a strong fivewood okay yeah

Yeah where should I be going here over the just yeah so there’s a it’s actually quite an interesting shot for you and yeah you know you’ve got 256 to pin there’s a bunker about 50 short of green so you need 200 yards to carry that bunker um gosh or there in that region

So the shots either the lay up down and go via third or if you can carry it 200 yards with your fivewood I’d say give it a crack at the flag otherwise hit a 79 or an 89 down the Fairway a pro seeing my standard what

Are you suggesting I’d say it’s 7 down the Fairway 79 yeah just because set your best chance of Birdie this is why I love this video good laugh but also getting good tips and C management 79 down the Fairway and we’ll let you hit the big dog see am

You see the post yeah see the post on the right yeah not looking at it oh sorry I think it me the the post oh just down there yeah yeah yeah you want to go you want to go just left to that post okay oh Beauty gosh beautiful we good

That’s was just made for it beautiful I think it be right it looks like short bunker littleit left well I’ve got to remember of just good turn good swing hit it hard oh no gone what what have I done there well you’re saying you do you’re very

Consistent no you need to look thing is your board’s here you see where you hit it so you even hit it you hit it way before it sometimes or something yeah so you got two shots you hit it way before it this way yeah cuz you you don’t turn

Back properly so to get the ball in the air you’ve got to drop under a bit and then you like I can’t get it in but then you’re set up also not helping that so I think if you can start turning better and start rotating through better you’ll

Start getting a better pivot and then hit hit a bit of strip hang on let me just right go on Ollie hang the wild card has been brought out here we goack that pin can we reach the Green in two so you got to go swing back all

Right I want you to keep this fine go back to the top see this see this yeah just start again right see this stick y right it’s on your hip yep right I want you to keep your hip on that club when you turn back turn turn

Your turn keep turning turn your hips great so feel like it’s it stays on that so it stays on there yeah so this line start it again do it again so that’s it so lean like back no not lean back just turn turn your hips so

That’s it great much better is it better that’s better and then right okay thank you right ex I try it this now come on then oh I love it right we brought the wild card out Wild Card deposited OE Fisher here he goes beautiful wow gorgeous what a shot I

Mean it’s just it’s unreal is it I B so hard shot that’s amazing back foot open the club up yep and look this is every time you get a golf shot you got to look at what the questions asking you what the exam papers are

You know as it gets on the green it all runs down to the hole right yeah it might take a little bit of an different bounce here on The Fringe so if you can try and bounce it this sort of yard two yards on the green yeah you

Know it will run down okay and just kind of figure out the flight I think you got a bit of a it’s quite a nice lie yeah so it’s going to come out a little probably with the down slope with the light probably offset each other the fact that

It’s going to come out like a bit lower cuz of down slope but a bit sitting up in in the ground grass so I think you just play a pretty regular shot yeah yeah like when you when you take all the factors in that’s how I would have it uh

Work out what it do just chip it down there nice and simple shot good nice shot that stop pled it plucked out the middle good weight lovely good lovely lovely lovely lovely come on absolutely buzzing with my can ciry match it come on nice here we go here we [Applause] go

Yes thanks h i love you I love you more come on oh well now the there’s the pressure on now no it’s a birdie birdie back you know this Chanel back in the game you get a birdie do you know what it is it’s the birdie

Dance oh tap it in it’s all your work this put it in come on I thank goodness we’re taking one of mine tap it in tap it in for the birdie come on oh come on Kirsty a g can I take that out absolutely whatever you need that’s

Going to put me off that’s a great shot that well [Applause] back to EV come on yes see that was a good hole come on lovely lovely par through here at Centurion this was actually the hole where uh I think Jimmy got inside p and Westwood and uh Westwood couldn’t

Believe it we put that clip just here brilliant oh that’s money oh here we go here we Go all about the caddy looks a bit confused he’s a bit confused bit confused Wy boy come good don’t make me cry you’ll make me cry you know that was good that was good let’s see if we can uh get close 99 yeah nice shot at the flag plenty is

It at the flag sit down it’s gone over is it yeah at the back what did you take n n a nine yeah wow cured it happy with that though in line oh bum like much better I’m just hitting it against trees and it’s just you’re connecting well coming out of it

All the time hey you got to get more of a turn and start getting into the shot better it’s just not right good though like you swing it good oh look at that that is absolutely that’s unbelievable where did that ball go a unbelievable well done that is

Amazing what a boy what a boy come on Mr Fish that’s unbelievable what a beauty right Scotty delighted with my shot Ollie still giv a Kirsty a lesson out there I love that I absolutely love the fact that olie’s here give us uh a lesson do the divots

Properly Pete so I’m happy with that shot uh so there we go bang bang bang pick my ball up look at Ollie’s shot here look at this look at that what a player so hopefully here comes cursy with big an hopefully I’m not going to

Need any hand here for a birdie to take it I’ll do that divot in a minute you golf life Legends is he going to get it is he going to get it everything we all one under come On Right your golf life Legends we’ve moved across to the 15th uh to do the loop and finish on the 18th here at the lovely Centurion and the Centurion are actually offering new golf life Legends uh a bit of a chance to play here a two ball uh

It’s a bit of a competition so if you get over to the Centurion Instagram page which we’ll put a link down below there’s a competition live right now where two of you can come here and enjoy this incred incredible incredible venue so uh good luck right we’re one under team yes par

Five come around come around coming around yes right get on the short stuff get a good bounce we’re good lovely I love it it when I when I come on everyone moves like that fair fair enough oh God actually marginally better but I got behind it dist your swing’s

Quite nice got distance got quite a nice round going tubes didn’t you if you were playing on your own You’ been pretty good I but I like I said the format and having someone like you with me gives me confidence straight away and I don’t

Worry and I just and I’m I just enjoying it comfort blanket yeah exactly that Lov lovely nice straightforward brilliant great shot all right smash down through it and hit it really and all the way through the Finish where’s that gone see see your finish where did it go up on the hill

Bloody night there I’m too busy looking at the worm I’m I don’t want to kill the worm uh Animal Welfare you’re you’re massively into it and doing great things aren’t you tell us a bit about it well I mean I’m trying I mean I well I’ve always loved animals I’m obsessed by

Animals I mean it’s some would say I like animals more than humans I don’t know I just I think it’s as I’ve got older I’ve got more and more aware of Animal Welfare issues um and actually it’s just you know I feel like I’ve got I think the

Older you get and you you all know this you you become much more kind of like you know we we we were at Sky 20 OD years 25 years 25 years 20 years done lots of things in my career I’m picking and choosing a bit now what I’m doing

Doing and and one of the biggest things for me is is being involved in passion projects things that make a difference and I think you know we’ve got a voice haven’t we we’ve got a voice and there’s so many things that need changing about animal welfare and the way that you know

Things are dealt with and there are so many problems um and so I I feel like it would be good for me to to try and use that voice and try and make a difference I that’s really it’s really just from the heart saying you’ve been in Parliament

And stuff like this is yeah I’m campaigning quite a lot now and I was a co-chair what is the campaign called well no I do lots of campaigns the the one I co-chaired in the House of Commons for two weeks ago was um to do with

Rescue rescue dogs and the fact that all the rescue homes are overrun with dogs people are just handing the dogs in really yeah puppy farming and so sad it’s all out of hand it’s all what so the breeding’s out of control well yeah breeding’s out of control but people got

You know pets in Co cost of living crisis they can’t feed their dog or can’t cope with the vet bills or whatever cuz can’t feed their family so they’re handling the pets in wow so it was about how it was about awareness of that and it was interesting and it’s

Just it’s you know we’ve got to rescue you know we’ve got to rescue adopt whatever um if we can how many rescues you got I’ve got well one rescue at the moment I lost one just before Christmas I got two dogs but one’s not rescue but

It’s just you know there are so many animal weal issues and I just feel like you know it’s time to use my voice brilliant it’s massive I think it was the right distance I think it’s long water shot yes I didn’t overthink anything but see straight up great shot if it had

Gone it would have been better that’s awesome that’s awes you know I didn’t think about anything I just went oh whatever exactly get on with ITW if you overthink you exactly that this bloody game right Ollie come on mate thanks we go wild card wild card used here he goes

Lovely such a lovely slap that looks lovely it’s on there it’s dancing bro for three birdies in a row come on Pete oh lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely nice that’s lovely can your come on cured attack that attack it back Really T attack it attack yeah just attack it

Really okay tap it in Fruit well tap it in are you going to tap tap it in for a four there no pressure on you try and get a birdie there we are P yeah come on first was that for a birdie no P that

Was a p I was going to say we got an e this is for birdie come on right come on thank you ollie ever so slightly right slightly right to left yeah very very slightly straight down that red line oh yeah is that my ball it’s your ball with the red

Line on it my dad must have done that he’s now drawing on all my balls oh that sounds awful okay shut up Kirsty get on with it go on go on hello hello go get in there my go oh my go toori my balls works that is unbelievable and that is a joke

There we go that’s it we go it’s unbelievable I bloody love this game of is that that can you see the red line that’s it followed it right in the L bloody L curse that was good was I’m right around the greens you see three birdies in a

Row this is a this is madness and it’s just the psychology of golf as well you stop thinking about it un unbelievable this is why golf’s amazing and really distressing as well it’s brilliant we have coaching from a top Pro what more could you have a laugh

Birdie dances times three here we go what we got tough power for is is a strong okay stroke index one stroke index one yeah so um brought you back down to the that’s the mentality of a pro yeah that is isn’t it funny beautiful beautiful it’s the tube

Stripe show is it day huh you’re oh G the bunker I think it’s fine it’s short there’s a little bit of dead ground good that’s beautiful what strike that was lovely should I just take an iron tea up an iron or is that silly or if we if we

Think that’s good don’t hit why don’t I just hit for fun for fun for fun and get your drive fun go on this is my driver I think the big one big one oh not that no I don’t even know who that is it’s

Not mine one of the kids has put that in There oh getting behind it again hey you just got a birdie who gives behind it dip it I’m dipping you just got a birdie I feel confident yeah you’re brilliant today this is wonderful fivewood here we go oh no there that’s you just a bit rough behind

You all right we’ll find oh y it’s on the path he running down the path he’s running down the path yeah yeah he’ll be in the middle of the Fairway in a minute not so good right Kirsty Ollie Step Up wow that unel that is Spot On Target

Good that is on on a well done and thank you thank goodness for you ollie Fisher thank goodness for you Fisher the pressure is off be a great t-shirt yeah it’s all right it went so right I wasy on I like doing pict much do you yeah yeah

Lot thing about I got to thing about grass as well really yeah I love grass you like gardening love gardening do you yeah you no not really don’t you not really know I love it right I love it mon I love Monty Don love Monty Don yeah

But I do need to learn how to do pitch do you love gardening I love a lot golfers like gardening and Gardens they cuz they play on grass all play around with the grass dad obessed by you’re out all the time like the big Garden the golf course

It’s a bit strange that you a lot of Pros like Tony joh Tony Johnson was famous for having a lovely Garden money loves the grass love the loads of Pros love love are obsessed by their lawns did you never know that no I’m telling you from a daughters I’m always learning

On this channel wa isn’t that wonderful right fling yeah all about Pace this one yeah tub so um long enough part what we got I think it’s just 40 foot uphill little bit right to left yeah all about strike come on tubes nice o oh oh leave it out oh what a p

It’s good effort I thought you were competing with me for a b long there thought had a chance at the end there come on cursed go on like it it like it got the I got the wrong thirsty Galla well play come on that’s a great part I got the

Wrong side though slightly I just nice way very good thank you got be happy with that a you it was all right I I didn’t it didn’t sound nice talk yourself up you’ve got to pick yourself up that’s a great part though I think I’m you actually wor than a pro golfer

That’s cuz I come from a pro golfer that’s living with a TR try my life for size pro golfer is a father and a you know and a cousin who’s a pro golfer Steven’s not great I spoke to Steven yesterday confidence-wise is he well you play a right of a

Week yes we rolled it in for a we’re still too under I don’t need to do that no you don’t need to we’re to the next one on to the next one on to the next one don’t just ignore me go on Co no you carry on no we’re fil

Huh Yay good wow come on that’s good isn’t it at least I can part G you could hit the green here yeah could well we’re to under with two holes to play here at the beautiful Centurion absolutely loving this and if you golf life Legends are enjoying it

And you haven’t subscribed to golf life please do really would help us out and bizarrely under 50% of you that watch actually subscribe to the channel so if you are a regular viewer please it’s completely free hit that subscribe button right come on team 116 lovely three come on

Tubes we’ve got Ollie wild card here so we we should be comfortable soft pitch in wedge oh nice that was to the left of the green it yes we are a dancing I’m playing all right today can hold that come on you can hold that 40 Parts go Ollie yeah

Wild Card get up there and stick it close oh tubes I’m with you oh dear go right just bit left still dancing taking yours at the moment how you gone curs go on W get it up there and off camera we’re talking about your cousin you’ve got your family is

Just jam-packed full of golf isn’t it Steven been on tour for what over 20 years yeah 25 years on the tour Sten played one rer cup yeah fabulous yeah no he’s great Steven’s great you you would love him can you tap him up for us to

Come on golf life Steph you’re going to you’re going to play with chbs he’s fun and he’s obsessed by football love that well big Celtic fan perfect my dad’s hibs and he’s Celtic I’m not sure how that happened but who’ you support Liverpool Liverpool I I mean

Yeah don’t ask me why but who you Chelsea yeah yeah you’re know right I’m just going to get my stripe got a spread here aren we complete spread don’t think about it so you’re going with what seven six nice like it yeah I like it but I’m not thinking about this don’t

Think not thinking about what I’m doing nice sounded nice right I give up I give up hey don’t worry we’re not taking that one nice no legs oh my gosh that was in that was in oh ah commit to it right all right you going to have to mark

That should I just put it in should I just put it in I’m not I you’re not just going to put it in for hopefully a par no cursed this is totally up to you now are you joking yeah are you putting that pressure on me yeah I’ve missed

It so that’s I thought you I thought you were marking it I thought I was but I then I realized I didn’t have a marker so I just sort of put it in so now you buggered that up and it’s all on me yeah just get close get close it’s fine come

On then right gol life Absol so slightly left to right yeah yeah I can’t done that come on CSE you got this CU I think you make this I think you make it you’re good from this range how quick it’s not quick it’s slow not that is it slow yeah it’s

Like it oh my [Laughter] God oh my what is going on here absolute P I tell you what just take me take me bag and pull me out on the green I can’t play any other shot but I can only green weapon sh three under three under this is a joke so

Good trying to steal it know what he’s doing it he he everyone’s trying to steal it this is an absolute Liberty Well we’re three under and the I mean the mission was par or breake par oh see oh my God that’s in the club house nice connection oh I think it’s on the um or Road there shut up yeah Nice Nice Shot you’re right there short bunker yeah y yeah perfect

Lovely lovely there come on can see what you’re doing I think so so we’re three under a couple of Legends uh Ollie what should we be doing here this is your home course it’s a par five right yeah but risk reward hot par five you know

We’ve taken your drive yeah not Mr the fair wheel day tubes you I thought right today yeah um but again second shot’s about setting up the approach okay um if we was a bit further up we could potentially go for the green there’s some water right hand

Side of the green on this hole so yeah you know it’s about putting ourselves in position to give ourselves a shot of the green cool um for you your targets that kind of tree in the distance just left of the the one on the right yeah yeah

Yeah just over the right edge of the bunker here everything I’ve got yeah okay oh all right you be okay yeah it’s a bit low when it just got over he says fine oh yeah we got the thumbs up right here we go little bit up here

I’m eight on you’re hitting an eight iron a little bit of down dra so I should probably hit what six yeah good six yeah I don’t think I’ve got I don’t think I’ve got the power for a seven tricky old green this isn’t it tricky

Old um hole I mean yeah it’s a nice finishing hole Yeah it’s beautiful gives you a chance it’s a fantastic hole and gol life Legends do not forget the competition that the Centurion are offering the link is down below you can win a two balll here so get over to

Their Instagram and get involved and try and Putt as well as Kirsty you could win a putting master class with Kirsty Galler six iron third shot par five come on oh gorgeous that was beautiful God do you know what I’m so happy with that’s so you’ve hit that a long way

Gorgeous God beautiful what’s wrong a fat here dance beautiful Dance Floor miles away tub never mind why did you not like that Miss hit it Kirsty you hit one or you just going to wait until you pop yeah bring her out in the green Ollie I’m walking up you’ve just

Said to use my ball yeah now you’re the pro here Scotty just pointed out that see my Ball’s there but look at the slope right next to the pin yo you’re uphill like my part goes uphill then downhill right then after the pin it’s downhill and if I’m short right it’s

Like a bit of an up slope your part’s basically up a pretty consistent slope all the way okay until you get sort of like five or six foot past it on the left it’s not really anything there you got much easier put than me KY what are

You saying what would you what would you what would I like to you’re the you’re the queen of part the ho the hole goes away where I’m playing it whereas from your angle the hole looks like it’s got a you’re pretty much uphill all the way

There it’s an easier part your wind okay I’m not going to yeah I mean yeah his part’s EAS I’m not going to argue with the pro my ball there you go Scotty right great point though right cursed come on just want to say thanks Ollie thank you so much

Seriously thank you so much unbeliev round amazing unbelievable finished yet I know we’re not finished but I just love I just literally love doing this channel uh oh thank you Andrew right a little off the right hand side yeah yeah three under Pon for birdie bit too

Much the line was pretty good not enough slower it’s left too short haven’t I curse is up to you again mate so what are you are you lining this one up or not well I mean should I think he should it’s pretty much of the hole

Isn’t it oh there just a little bit off the right oh you you’re actually literally is that right really yeah right stra up there yeah fine perfect so it’s quite quick it’s quite slow isn’t it yeah oh come on she done it again done it again I can’t believe this oh that’s what

The well done yeah come here very good I actually can’t believe what is going on here this is an absolute joke a complete joke once I thought oh twice I thought every three times three times she’s she’s 100t yeah 120t apart I literally I can’t believe Ollie coming can that unbelievable

We and that is the best part I’ve ever seen on golf life is it best part we’ve ever seen on golf life big an absolutely that was unbelievable massive massive thanks to centuri what a place and don’t forget the competition we keep talking about I don’t know what to say I’ve lost

A words for once Kirsty gend unbelievable literally I’m running with’s P it’s a joke joke


  1. Tubes…I've noticed a lot that you seem always tight…if you break it down in 3..1 being set…2 being strike .3 being follow through and relaxing all the way through, your 1 & 2 are great…but as soon as you strike the ball you seem to take a step backwards drop your club and see where it's gone..relax on your last step 3. Big love …love the show

  2. I think, yet Tubes is a solid putt, you’d need Ollie only, on the long putts and around the green.

  3. You should do a scam vid with some ”random” touring pro, who turned out to be a major champ from yesteryears to fool few college golfers or newly turned pro people.

  4. Kirsty so down on herself. It was great that she putted so magnificently. As someone else also said she also incredibly fit.

  5. I can't wrap my head around what Kirsty did there! I wonder how long it would take for Tubes & Olly to hole those three putts, in succession as Kirsty did.? Proper quality, one for the Golf Life Hall of Fame. COYI.

  6. 4.39 when Olly tells Tubs " youll be delighted when your inside me" 🤒😵‍💫😳!!
    then they hug.

    🤣😂😅 spat me coffee out and the wifes like WTF!!!!

  7. what a video, my favourite part of this is hearing how posh Kirsty talks then all of a sudden she snorts when she's laughing haahah

  8. Tubes would love to see you have a driver lesson with Ollie, the thought of an addition 40 yards by using your wrists properly is something we could all benefit from

  9. play the vid in .25 for Kirsty's shots and you can see she over rotates, with her body well in front of the club on the downswing, with her hands coming down from on high, way above the club plane, leaving her club face WAAAYYYY open at impact. She's got nice flexibility and speed, so plenty of potential, but yeh, needs to keep the hands a LOT lower to not come over the top and give herself a chance of squaring the club face up.

    lessons me thinks 🙂

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