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New York Giants FRIDAY Live Stream 12pm (EST)! Giants Comedy Hour! Lock coming to compete!

New York Giants FRIDAY Live Stream 12pm (EST)! Giants Comedy Hour! Locks coming to compete!

Online Big Blue Bringing you the Best in New York Giants Sports talk and entertainment!

While I am a huge New York Giants fan I base my opinions via “status”. I look at statics, analytics and review game film. I spent over 25 years off and on working in the sport for Two NFL teams, Two AFL teams and two known worldwide networks in their NFL Divisions.

You may not agree with my “take”, but rest assured I researched and sometimes even reached out to former NFL contacts before I based my conclusion.

Some call me a homer, some say I am mean and hate the New York Giants, but I love my team and the sport! I just want to provide fact-based information in a timely matter and let you the New York Giants fans draw your own conclusion!

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A hip hop hippie Hipp Hipp Hipp hip hi poop you don’t stop rocking to the bang dang B said jump Bo said Theo the Boogie the be oh I can’t talk today why because it’s giant time in the morning on a Friday 1201 noon heyo it’s the morning

Zoo here 120 no on noon and right now we got traffic on 95 backing everything up but it’s going to be a sunny day out brisk 75 degrees so make sure you go outside and now here’s cashmir told you I always want to be a morning Zer guy uh

Because you have to be you want to be a giant fan you want to be a guy that uh follows this team you got to have some sense of humor because I watch all these other teams I watch everyone make all these moves I watch all these things

Going on and then I see the Giants we get the backup tight end from the Eagles who had 20 receptions in three years and it’s the greatest move of all time and I love it because one um One Beat writer had it we stole the Eagles tight end you stole their third string

Tight end who has 20 receptions in three years for 183 yards if that’s stealing please give it back but seriously folks we we have we have we have people talk we have people talking that at this point in time that we are trying to have someone like uh uh

Drew lock come in I know I know come in and be the starting quarterback for the new yor football Giants there’s a report there’s a speculation that the GM for the Chargers came out and said that Drew lock was basically promised that he’s going to get an opportunity to

Start for the job for the Giants and then I love it because then a couple hours raater Paul Schwarz the greatest non- giant beat writer who’s basically just for a shill for the Giants comes out and said this is all fabricated it’s all false and I don’t know what I don’t know

What this guy’s even talking about because but he doesn’t give any information he doesn’t give any uh innuendos he doesn’t give any Paul Schwarz said is he doesn’t give any any father out there for us to look at no no no he just says it’s not

True okay so you guaranteed $5 million a year to a 27 year old quarterback because of the fact that you you just thought you just give him 5 million guaranteed when you don’t really have a plethora of cap space but you didn’t in you don’t and the quarterback Market already dried up

So you needed to entice somebody but everything that the guy guy said from from Seattle is a lie we’re such a [ __ ] train wreck oh all aboard the giant train wreck on track number three and then there’s the whole Justin Fields crap now everyone is like we need

To go get Justin Fields let’s go get Justin he’s gonna be the guy yeah a couple weeks ago everyone hated him and no one liked him and no one wanted him on this team and now they’re like now there’s certain people and I’m not going to say

Who they are in reference of giant content creators because they’re all morons sitting there going well the Market’s just dried up for Justin because nobody wants him because he’s not that good that’s the people on the other camp and then you got the people in the

Other camp now that are just G bat [ __ ] crazy that we need to go get Justin can I give you guys a Moment of clarity and explain to you why the Bears haven’t traded Justin Fields yet now I’m I’m going to talk I I I this

Has got a lot of moving Parts but I’m explain this to certain groups of people the both groups of people Kaleb Williams blew off his 30 his top 30 visit with the Bears told them it was too far for him to travel from California because he’s

Got a pro day on the he’s got a pro day on the 20th of this month he has refused to still release his medical records he has yet to come in for a physical he’s yet to come in for an examination he’s yet to come in to the Bears for a meeting

The Bears are not going to take their starting quarterback from the last three years and turn around and trade him when they have no clue what’s going on with Kaleb Williams and the first overall pick you can’t trade a guy until you have some idea or even actually meet you

Know in person in your building with a guy that you are potentially going to make the first pick overall it’s called being smart it’s called Ryan poles is not tipping his hand by saying okay what we’re gonna do is we are just gonna get right of Justin fields and we don’t

Really know about Caleb yet because he blew off his top 30 visit with us he has yet to take a physical and we don’t we haven’t had a meeting with him so let’s just trade our quarterback it would almost be like going out and getting a defensive end when you don’t

Have a quarterback and your quarterback is coming off an ACL and two neck injuries in three years and expect your season to go swimmingly hey I I I I just don’t I sometimes I just don’t get people and I’m not trying to be rude about it but it’s like all of a sudden

All these people were B all these people were bashing Justin Fields bashing Justin Fields but now it’s like we need to go get them the Bears aren’t going to do anything yet the Bears are smart the Bears are sitting there saying Hey listen we’re not going to make a trade

We’re not going to do anything until we have some basic idea what the hell Caleb Williams is even doing so why am I got to get rid of my starting quarterback after I just grabbed another wide receiver to go with DJ Moore and I grabbed a running back I’m

Building an offense and I can easily run this same offense with wait for it my milkshake my milkshake all the boys in the yard think that it’s better than yours better watch out because I might have to Charge doesn’t anyone notice this I feel like I’m taking crazy pills I don’t get it but I don’t care like I’ve always said I am not here on this planet to get it let’s see where we got some here let’s go blaz and says y’all better pray

Shane and d and evident now there’s a report that Shane and D are in love with JJ McCarthy oh dear lord if we go for another reach at of quarterback at six I I I I don’t know what I’m going to do I don’t I don’t I don’t I I don’t

Know what I’m going to do Bruce says why can’t the Giants have a nice thing no we’re not allowed to have nice things because we’re cause because because we’re stupid with them we don’t play we don’t play nicely with them we don’t put when I was a

Kid I still have [ __ ] from when I was a kid why because when I was done playing with it I put it back in the box and it the the main reason was you know back in the you know when I was younger we didn’t have a lot of money so

When I got something it was the greatest thing in the world so I made sure I cherished it I put it back in the box so I had it forever yeah the Giants don’t do that MKV says winning the games against the Eagles really [ __ ] us because I don’t think the Cardinals will

Trade out of that but the Chargers definitely will Char I think the Cardinal are gonna stay in their spot why would they grab another wde they can get they just they could get a wide receiver or an offensive lineman who is better Drew Jake Locker or lock you know what the thing with

About here’s my thing about Drew blck here’s a thing that bugs me a little bit everyone talks about well he came in on that 76 yard drive he came in and he and he beat the Giants on that drive took him down yeah it was a busted play by

The Giants and he also had that big 11 yard run he was two for six Justin lock a certain magic still lingers in the name in that game against the Giants he need do anything that game he was two for six the giant defense is the one that basically gave the [ __ ]

Away but here’s the thing Justin locket drafted by Denver couldn’t beat out BR Teddy Bridgewater couldn’t beat out couldn’t beat out Gino Smith twice but he’s gonna come here and not compete for the starting job even though we gave him 5 million guaranteed because Paul Schwarz says it’s so

Me the Schwarz be with you oh my god Todd says here’s to comp uh to compete that and acknowledge that Jones contract was a mistake yeah it is it was a huge mistake Walla Wala Walla says hey Tim uh you’re not excited about all the non

What I love the moves let’s talk about these moves I like the way you move let’s talk about these moves John runan Jr basically on average paying him 10 million years 6.8 three-year starter with the Green Bay Packers playoff team who also beats Cowboys in the playoffs growing team

With a Young quarterback you would think they would want to bring back a three-year start at 6.8 million a year talk to somebody in Green Bay talk a couple people in Green Bay Green Bay said he was the weakest link on the line for the last three years he is not a

Guard that is going to be proficient in run blocking he’s good at pass blocking has a tendency of tripping over his own feet so you can’t pull him in any regards uh and they just were saying and they said if his if his salary went anywhere near $10 million they were

Letting him go you grab the big guy from the Raiders he’s very excited to be here great your your career’s been kind of pedestrian but okay you’re better than anyone that we have uh then you turn on what you get Mills the corner the 31y old Corner whose snap count has dropped

From like 90 to 70 to 40 you got what’s his name Isaiah McKenzie didn’t he get suspended the other year for Te a detrimental a conduct detrimental the team brought him in but that’s okay because we need another slot receiver that’s that’s that’s just that’s just we

Just need another slack guy because this team isn’t full of slack guys but that’s okay we’re gonna we’re going to bring him in as well because of the fact that he is he has that he has that da connection okay so that’s uh that’s that’s another that’s another one of

These brilliant moves uh we then turn around of course and we run out and resign um and then we got stole the tight we talk about stole the tight Jack stole the tight end Philadelphia three years he’s been there he’s got what 20 receptions for 183 yards in those three years another great

Pickup then we give $5 million to Drew lock because of the fact that he is not going to compete for the starting position uh and then we run out and grab Brian excuse me Brian Burns and then turn around I called him uh I called him

What did I call him I called him Brian Banks the other day because I was watching the uh uh the Brian Banks movie right before the guy that got accused of rape and he lost a scholarship to USC and he went to jail and I was actually

Watching the movie before I did the video um but but we then go out and get we get old Brian Burns who we then turn around give $25 million a year which the deal reeks 100% like King of the almost sack we burn through some of our draft

Capital not only do we give up the second round pick which is ours we didn’t give up the Seattle pick we then turn around and swap picks uh with Carolina so we go from 140 to 162 then we also give up another fifth rounder for and I love it because like I said

Pat Kerwin and a bunch of people on NFL Network were basically saying the last couple days good player but the Giants gave $25 million a year to an eight sack guy then I have someone on uh Twitter telling me well you know eight got eight sack guys are are high commodity you

Know naming some guys that had more sacks and I actually proceeded to put a list of 20 guys that had 10 and a half sacks or more just last year including khil Mack who had 17 and a half sacks at 497 years old then I actually had to

Point out that KH Mack if you take his first five years in the league comparing the first five years of Mr Burns you can see the difference when because KH was averaging like 12 and a half sacks and 70 tackles oh and by the way right now with

Estimated cap space we have and this is estimated cap say was without the stalles the Mills McKenzie the lock uh and the Carter Coughlin the guy from the Raiders and the the our Long Snapper we’re about a million dollars with the rule of 51 right now with the ru without the rule

Of 51 we’re at four we’re about 4 million and we still haven’t accounted for the 11 million or the 10 million we’re going to need for the draft Capital excuse me for the rookie draft pool of course we’re only going to need about four and a half to five million of

That immediately but we’re still going to need that money as well because those contracts are guaranteed once they’re signed and then they’re on the books but you know what it’s been a stellar season offseason so far oh and then we lost Xavier McKenna and saquon Barkley and the money that we

Lost for Xavier mcken say Quang Barkley we basically gave the burns and if we would have just not paid Burns we could have kept both of those gentlemen and we gave it the 24y old homegrown safety that went to Green Bay played only a 100 snaps could play in the Box could play

Free safety and got paid because of the fact that we underestimated his value on the marketplace the same thing like we did last year with saquon Barkley then we have idiots like Tinky Barber just sitting there bashing saquon Barkley in reference to him not being you know you

Know he’s dead to him and all this crap and this is a guy that retired in midseason with two years left on his contracts and the next year the Giants go out and win a Super Bowl and then I watch everything the commanders are doing I cry then I watch every then I watch what the Vikings just did now I have two first rounders which you know they’re probably going to try to package to move up and grab a quarterback I was talking to James Williams before I

Came on the stream and I said my biggest fear is Giants go 0 and 17 and you know what there’s no quarterback at the top of the draft next year and I’m not really seeing one you talk about Sanders kid but I’m still not 100% sold on him talk about the kid out

Texas still not 100% sold on him there’s no clear defined person right now that you can say that is the number one first overall quarterback pick not like this year this year you can literally still argue that Jaden Daniels or Caleb Williams could go one or two

And then you still have the likes of May and Pennock and maybe McCarthy and as a giant fan as a giant season ticket holder and everything else I’m supposed to sit there and I’m supposed to be sitting to myself well this has been such a great off season because we got Brian

Burns who happens to have almost identical stats to Kon tiida but if you put him up against the other top 20 rushers in the league he’s a five-year guy that averages about eight sacks a year and then people like well he got eight sacks on a bad team well Kavon got

What 11 and a half 10 and a half on a bad team last year and neither of them can really play the run and you have a guy in Shane bowan who likes to use a fourman front to generate his pass rush please go back and watch a Tennessee film because I

Loved it to this day when people I kept telling people no he runs lot of four man in front oh he runs a three four okay I just watched the majority of all Tennessee games last year and he likes to take his ends and drop that back in the coverage which

Neither Burns or Kavon can do but don’t worry we don’t need a quarterback because we got Drew lock hey oh my God we’re way behind skylon said hey everyone let’s Drew walk puns begin Drew bled still is still the best Drew back I agree what’s Joseph say hit the like button and

There’s no sarcasm think you get wait wait what war sarcasm War sarcasm okay everyone knows sarcasm is number 24 that’s the button okay uh let’s see if we stole Dallas God yeah if we stole him then I’d be happy too uh I like stealing free [ __ ] that’s basically what we got oh my

God X is going off on Shan is a genius don’t get it Joe rev I really don’t get it I am sitting here looking at these moves going what the [ __ ] do people see that I don’t I I’m literally I am dumbfounded I am perplexed you got an offensive lineman

That Green Bay didn’t want you got another offensive linean the only reason you got him because he’s got a connection to your offensive line coach who’s not that great you went out and got a 31-year-old corner safety whose snap count has dropped exponentially the last three years you brought in another

Slot wide receiver and you made a trade to give a burn through your draft Capital to get a a player who is identically eerily similar to the guy you already have oh and you still don’t have a quarterback oh you got Deon single ter too an 800 yard guy who’s never really

Been a bell calb but don’t worry we’re gonna get AJ Dylan oh too soon where do you go my lovely BL says I really don’t see what this team’s turning a corner and we have no offensive Playmakers oh we got we got Isaiah Mackenzie we’re all good do the

Doctor says doctor doctor is there anything I can take I said Doctor Doctor to relieve his belly got put the lime in the coconut and take it all up uh since the com since this is comedy Friday have you seen our quarterback situation hey Paul Schwarz works for the Giants he’s

On the app all the time I loved his response what it’s it’s not true okay Paul I’m gonna get Paul shortz on the phone uh Paul can can we get a little bit more information about what’s not true about what the general manager of Seattle said because they probably

Talked to Drew lock can we can we get some information on that hold on I have to call the Giants Yo Joe I got Tim on the phone he he wants to know what what information I have what should I tell him just really I mean lock will start

The season and Tim will cry Chris says hey Tim what’s up shaking uh let’s see msh over the current free agency colel from the commanders just signed with the Rams are six and a half million we sign Mills what so Mr Robert says the Vikings have two first rounders at this point

The Giants are going to miss out on one of the quarterb I think they’re gonna miss out I think we’re gonna get stuck with like some kind of JJ McCarthy crap at six and if they take McCarthy at six I don’t know what the hell I’m I don’t

Know what I’m gonna do still don’t want fields that’s okay you don’t want you don’t you don’t you don’t need to have a good quarterback it’s all good then field smoke is a currently comedic they will make him a running back Todd says homers are already out of control they

Are Beyond out of control Timothy says my son’s name is Drew Casey only thing going for luck oh my God James says hit the like button salute to the chat Caleb Williams to Washington I actually kind of think Caleb may end up in Washington I don’t I

Keep thinking I I keep thinking that the Bears pick is up for grabs salute to Big Tim Hit the lik say blazing Skyland says they think we have fallen to the point we are having a competition be dreamed true lock for the starting job at this point in time if you sat

There and you thought to yourself I I we’re gonna have drew lock compete for the starting job for the New York football Giants gentleman who couldn’t beat out Teddy Bridgewater gentleman who couldn’t beat out Gino Smith twice he is going to compete for the starting position for the New York football

Giants stupid as a stupid does Mr Blue ah what really was Burns a need no he wasn’t a need yes you needed a pass rusher yes you really did you need but you need we’ve talked about this before you needed a true if you are going to have someone like K on

Start at your defensive end position you needed a true defensive end not a linebacker quasi defensive end on the other side who understands how to generate a rush maintain his assignment and hold his Edge while pushing the running back back into the center of the field where your strength is in Dexter

Lawrence seems like Caleb doesn’t want to be in a bear I don’t blame him altogether what do we got here I I don’t blame him he doesn’t want to be bear how about the team how about the teams the Bears are putting together the Bears are another team they’re putting [ __ ]

Together I look at all these teams around the league and like I said I my my biggest concern I know they had a [ __ ] ton of cap space is Washington Washington has got exponentially better they find a quarterback we are we are the fourth team in this league for the next couple

GE because we’ve talked about this before everyone’s like well don’t worry Tim and 2025 we’re going to have millions of dollars in salary cap space really because we had 100 million at one point in 2025 we’re down now to like 60 I heard that last year that we’re

Going to have millions of cap spays in 2024 and I kept telling people no you’re not stop all these self-proclaimed C experts that are on Twitter and YouTube now ever since I’ve been doing it for three years stop you don’t know [ __ ] for the people that are likew if if

We if we release Daniel Jones post June 1st we’re only going to owe this amount of money in dead cap space because it’s going to be pushed out over two years I’m gonna I’m I’m gonna break something down to you dummies even if you keep them on the

Roster that cap space is still going to be pushed out over two years it doesn’t just go away thank God it’s Friday Friday night just got paid oh my goodness gracious Great Balls of Fire I I just love the idiocy of people it it doesn’t take it doesn’t take long

To figure something out guys what is Max custom kicks how you know what’s really cool I made custom sneakers on um Nike I’m very excited about that how is it smart sticking with Justin Fields when Caleb or Drake May would be better than him how do you

Know Max custom kicks tell me how do you know that’s gonna happen remember when Ryan Leaf was goingon to be better than pton Manning remember when a kiwi Smith was GNA be R was G to be awesome remember when Russell with the Raiders another another count Miss Prospect you don’t

Know get on remember what Daniel Jones at six was a steal we could have Russ that’s the other thing we could have Russell Wilson wasn’t coming here if you were Russell Wilson and you were only going to take a million and a half salary um a one point

1.25 million would you rather take that money and be with Mike Tomlin and Pittsburgh or would you rather take that money and be on a bad team in New York I’m going to Pittsburgh what’s up Evan the Bears aren’t addressing the offensive line like they should there’s something also called the

Draft we’ve talked about this before on this team built through the you built through the draft you augment through free agency uh so they’ll be fine they’ll be fine I listen couple years ago Justin a couple years ago Alex Leatherwood was their starting left tackle they’re getting there they’re getting

There Max what are you talking about dude there has been multiple you know what Max you’re you know what Max nothing you lose good day sir Max you need a timeout you want to come up in here and be stupid this ain’t the day uh there’s multiple reports from different things really on

Twitter there’s multiple reports that I’m [ __ ] awesome Caleb wants to go to Washington I think he might want to go to Washington people are now regretting those empty winds because now the Chargers need wide receiver help and they could take neighbors I saw that when when they made that trade I was

Like they’re going to take neighbors aren’t they was like there this is going to be like Devonte Smith all over again who isn’t that Devonte Smith uh yeah TBR has a question I have a question is the line still gonna be an excuse for Daniel Jones no not having

Saquin Barkley is not going to be the excuse the Chargers got rid of themselves some entire offense their defense definitely taking the best wide yeah they’re definitely taking the best wide receiver one hell of a thing green green says another quarterback expected to be a better Pro than he was in

College I’m not sure who that was the whole locker room is weak it is kind of weak but it’s okay I think the Giants plan is to trade up for May Plan B is to trade for Justin because there is no other expect explanation for the Giants publicly bashing

Jones I don’t know if they really publicly bash Jones did they really publicly bash him I mean honestly have they I don’t think they really have I want to thank to all the people that are current watching on the Twitter sphere and 10 and something people got

In the chat don’t forget to hit the like button or I’m going to start doing my radio voice blazing says I don’t think they will draft an offensive lyan I don’t if they take Joe alal again I I I will I you if the Giants take Joe Al I’ll have an

Embolism because then once again you’re gonna we talked about before you’re gonna take a left tackle in College move him to right tackle and then you’re going to take the right tackle that you was a left tackle in college and move him to right guard and pair him with an undersiz

Center what could possibly go wrong two teams gave up on lock already we need to stop we are the Knicks we have talked I was talking to James about this we are the early 2000s mid 2000s Knicks remember Michael Beasley we’re gonna take all these Reclamation projects and thank you for

The thumbs up on Twitter uh we’re going to take all these Reclamation projects and we’re going to make the for former first round picks former first overall picks we’re going to go get what’s his name by what’s his name bani whatever his name was guy from Toronto we’re

Gonna make them all fit into our system yeah it never works out Aaron Donald just retired did he so I guess Brian Burns now is the uh the greatest defensive end Aaron Donal was a tackle best way to compare our fre agency to the most of the league is we

Purchase spam and another person going be pimp name SL back Tim Xavier Ken he just said this morning that we need an elite quarterback to be able to even have a chance and I believe he is an elite quarterback he said that was a big factor in choosing Green Bay I did see

That I did see that do you remember yes I do remember John runan Senor uh actually LT took him the left tackle are you saying LT took him to no that was Michael Strahan that took uh that that was the Strahan battles because got to

Remember Rion was over in uh was was he over in Tennessee first or was that Houston was in Oilers I don’t remember but he yeah that was the straight hand battles you’re talking about uh greeting green says Isaiah McKenzie why because we’ve been trying to get Isaiah McKenzie for two years now

Since [ __ ] D got here and now we got him re revenge of the slot guys film at 11 uh Slayton is still our best overall wide receiver strand to runion Jr to school sort of they battled it was funny cuz uh yeah when um Philadelphia went out and got runion it was for

Stran stall might be the worst Titan in the league but we got him yes I missed King of the AL sack uh James says you guys can’t think losing Sequon Xavier for nothing made sense it made zero sense you talked about the fact that you need to hit the like

Oh no I’m sorry you talked about the fact if you’re Joe Shane that you weren’t going to negotiate with Xavier McKenna during the season because you have to wait and see how it plays out so you kind of knew you probably weren’t bringing them back you knew the money

That saquon wanted but instead you kept them on the team and got nothing for him you are going to get compensatory picks for these two guys but you probably could have gotten more for both I I don’t get it I truly don’t get it but like I’ve said a million times

Before we are not here on this Earth to get it what is Steve in New York says great battles hell of an offensive line when is DJ gonna be gone I hope soon Steve look at that I’m answering questions on Twitter I’m so multitasking today uh let’s see here KT had more without

Having one for six weeks till the end he did we talked about that but we talked about the fact that if you go back and look and I’m not fashion Burns if you look at it compensation wise for a good team that’s like on the playoff cusp or

A playoff team what they gave up from Burns makes sense if you’re looking at a team that has an opportunity to make the playoffs or make a deep playoff push giving Burns 141 million makes sense but like everyone is basically saying a lot majority of people saying

Good player Giants overpaid for an eight sack guy CU you can’t all of a sudden omit what he has been the most the entirety of his career how many games did we go through that he had did he have either zero or one solo tackle I think it was

Seven last year he averages like 30 something tackles a year talked about it before Khal Mack in his prime was getting like 12 13 sacks with 70 tackles and majority were solo so you brought eight sacks for 150 million wow the Giants have the worst ront office in leag

Being being bring being bringing back uh Jerry ree Daryl says do you think the reports that lock was brought in to start because of the team’s plans limited Daniel Jones playing time so they won’t have to pay his gu inter guaranteed after next season I really don’t know what they’re

Thinking I really don’t know what they’re thinking I mean do you believe uh the GM for Seattle do you believe Paul Schwarz do you really bringing a guy at 5 million even though it’s guaranteed to compete with your $160 million man I don’t know I don’t know what to think

Anymore uh don’t the Vikings have Sam darn mans he’s a legend yeah but here’s the problem the Vikings now have two first rounders two watch this hey uh New England um you know would you like to trade three four for two first rounders a second rounder

And a third two second rounder next year oh look Drake Mays with the Vikings uh the Giants will RSVP to the basement of the division yes I’m rsvping yes I can’t believe Aaron Donald retired that’s a kind of sucks maybe Burns a Kavon will alternate week’s hibernating then you will end up with

One cumulative season of consistent effort you know what that worries me and I and and Robbie I know you’re joking but what if Kavon and burns have one of those games that they have at least six seven times a year where they get no pressures they get no sacks they get no

Tackles they get I don’t know let’s let’s just let’s just jokingly say they get manhandled by a quarterback um what if they have one of those games together that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s not going to be good it’s not going to be good then I

See all these big names being moved on from from other teams with basically nothing compensation wise and you’re going to give up your second which is which is in the high 30s you’re going to give up your second you’re G to swap your fifth which you go

From 142 to like 160 and then you’re gonna get up another fifth Rounder yeah yway eight saxs is 37th in the League last year I know what a deal I said said the same thing every free agent and let’s see every free agent is a player a team didn’t want yes you’re actually 100% accurate about that you’re actually but a lot of times it’s because

Of the fact also that the team doesn’t want to pay them they’re looking to get younger they’re in a bad situation and also the fact that sometimes you just don’t have the salary Casper the Friendly pass defensive end put out a quarterback AB be on the bo Steve you’re

Pretty funny Steve I’m gonna give you a l and a thumbs up on Twitter ah my God Giants guy said I knew the Giants wouldn’t get Justin Fields Giants don’t like black quarterbacks we’ve talked about that Todd says gy was an idiot for signing like two Panthers but his

Coaches since theyve have signed even more guys than they used to work with even before uh what do we got here Giants potentially stuck in quarterback hell is perfect because the idiots Justified the Jones contract are now with some recent moves can be out of the contract and wide receivers but then hey

People loved the Tommy DeVito wins I think I was the only one that didn’t like the Tommy deito wins I kept seeing our season going up I kept seeing the offseason Going Up in Smoke and I kept saying I would I kept saying that I was concerned that the Saints game in that

Dome against that defense was going to be Tommy DeVito’s downfall because it was the perfect storm I I don’t remember what happened I think Chicago drafts danels or may Washington drafts Williams I like it what’s up my brother how’s everything going we can still get penck I love

Penck but I do think that neighbors is going to be gone now at before six uh I think but the problem is this I I can’t take penck at six I would have to trade back and roll the dice on getting them and the problem is you use some of your

Draft Capital this year to bring in Burns so we can’t keep we we can’t pull a sunny Weaver like he did with the Browns and trade all those picks to Seattle and to Jacksonville and then hope that Bo Callahan Falls far enough for us to trade back on and get at least

All of our first rounders come on Tom say it with me you pancake eating [ __ ] where’s the dmer I missed the dmer Scotland says Drew loock is going to be The Comeback Player of the Year NFC East is terrible right now I I’m sorry is that Waring sarcasm

Waring sarcasm you got you got to clarify that one because Washington just got exponentially better Dallas didn’t get any worse and the Eagles just got Devin white as well I’ll go along with saquon Barkley and everyone else that they’re signing and we got what we

Got so Skyler my brother I I hope I hope that was a joke I hope you’re you’re you’re being I hope you’re being non serious the Giants are relying on Drew lock to be the guy Tim I told you they’re they’ll suck again this year you did Big Greg says if

You think panx is your guy draft him at six you know what I I don’t disagree with that philosophy it doesn’t make sense but I don’t disagree with the philosophy of taking penet at six I really don’t I mean it goes against football logic to take a 24 year old quarterback with bad

Knees kind of sounds like Joe namoth what’s up big Mark what’s going on uh if Drew loock starts week one on purpose I’m officially done no reason to fall this franchise into hell I I I reup my season tickets uh and honestly I I you know I I’ve been

Thinking about it and I’ve been thinking about it and I’m thinking about it and I’m like okay I could wait I was waiting for free agency and I still didn’t see anything going on still I still don’t see anything great but then I was like well maybe Something’s Gonna go on with the

Draft and then I see all these moves being Nam and and I I just are you crazy or just playing stupid stupid is stupid I’m going with just playing stupid AJ says I hope the Giants draft penx Jr I have no problem if they take

Penx tbrad says if the Giants take JJ at six I’m gonna get my resume ready to be the next general manager of the Giants I think I can do a better job I know you can t Mr Rob Robble says I’ll be cool with px6 if the Giants actually fix the right

Side of the line currently the right side of L line is abysmal hey you know it would been really cool if we had like an your second round pick uh what a what a therminator it is bad dog still blowing Shane like he did all last season I don’t know I don’t

Watch that’s what she said uh what’s up time I think it won’t happen but would you be upset if the giant stra Panic panics you know they took penic at six I would understand it because it would be the giant thing to do it’s the giant

Thing to do we’re going to overrate we we never did it been like in 2019 we never reach for a quarterback we’re just going to reach again 24 years old two I think he I think penic outside of Williams is the most Pro ready I think

He actually may even be a little bit more Pro ready than Caleb he’s got all the tools he’s got all the intangibles he got the big arm people talk about his Mobility but I like the way he understands the pocket he understands his pocket awareness the way he slides the way he

Moves he know passed all of his physicals but it’s scary to think you would take a guy 24 years old with two bad knees at six and then hope with your offensive line that that guy’s going to be your guy of the future but don’t worry we got John runan

Jr Todd says we’re back to the brown oh God I knew Todd why would you say that we’re back to the brown Grant and canal canal days but Danny Canal took us to the playoffs is there no Carri Collins to save us this time I don’t think so

John Mars got to sell the team Jason instead so instead of getting fields we thought Drew locks was a good idea everyone’s hung up on Caleb but here’s the thing the Giants don’t here’s the thing about why the Giants can’t get Justin Fields it is that 20 plus million

Fifth year option which is due in May you’re not going to trade for a guy and not pick up that option and then you’re still gonna have a competition of lock Jones Fields well just maybe Tommy Deo will go away um but you still have that competition

That’s why the Giants aren going to it would make sense for the Giants to do it cap space they have the money next year to eat that money especially if you get rid of Daniel Jones but at the end of the day would are are they going to be bold to do that

No they’re bold by trading for an eight sack guy who is eerily similar to the guy they already have said it before if you traded for Burns and you were a playoff team it makes sense you traded for burns you’re on the cusp of being a playoff team makes sense giving up that

Cap makes 100% sense in the world he’s not a bad player and I can’t tell you what system the Giants are going to run next year I don’t know if Shane Bowman’s going to totally mix it up and run something entirely different with the players that he has but if you go off

His work in Tennessee it doesn’t make sense but like I said I can’t the jury still going to be out on this deal once we figure out exactly what the Giants are going to do defensively because I can’t tell you CU you still don’t have a CB2 and you still

Don’t have a safety you’re about two linebacker shorts and you’re about short and you’re about two corn short as well and we have no money Todd what do you say wait is worse than Jones making more than those three combined together yeah that is pretty

Bad that is pretty bad tad says just one I think the Giants can’t get wisely Joe Shane says hold my beer does another boneheaded move Daryl says hit the damn like button honest honest question is Shane better than gettelman in year three I think they’re equal do the players get dead cat do

Players get the dead cat money no they don’t get the dead cat money unless it’s guaranteed but they don’t get the dead cat money only the only the team gets the dead cat money and it’s more of a penalty for it’s it’s to preclude people for signing people to these huge as

Contracts and giving them all the money up front and bonus money that the league figured out Hey listen we got to make a dead cap number so you can’t do that and then just cut the guy the next year and then not have any ramifications Giants

Guy says it’s time for Mara to be uh it’s time for John Mara to he our hear our voices sell the damn team Washington fans did that thank you Giants guy I was trying to read Tad says let’s watch as the Giants draft another offensive lineman for the stupidity stupidity

Trior Mr Weaver says just trade up get a wide receiver or a quarterback jamen D I don’t even want Drake May Giants need to know that Duke and North Carolina schools are basketball schools not football schools well Lawrence Taylor will probably say different but I understand what you’re saying Mr we I

Get what you’re saying I’m I’m right with you I’m right with you on that but I I I’m not I’m not in love with Drake May Drake May to me is a more athletic Down Jones with a bigger arm I I I have more of a I have more of

Um I would get more if they took JJ McCarthy not that I think JJ McCarthy is better than Drake may but JJ McCarthy is more of an unknown so I really think the the I really think the players in the NFL know to stay away from the Giants this is a dysfunctional

Organization for real Tim I think I’m gonna be a Chiefs fan yeah TIY says the giant should trade O’Neal Oar the 25th to Third and 264th to the Vikings for the 10th no you can’t do that uh you can’t do that Steve wants to know when is DJ

Going going gone I don’t think anytime soon T Brad says the giant guy is is correct Mera is killing us Chris uh King for Christmas TV says how do you feel about trading back with the Vikings for 11th and 23 you add Byron Murphy and AD

Davis I can’t I need a quarterback still I need a [ __ ] quarterback I need a wide receiver and a quarterback I’m not asking for much hell I don’t think I’m asking for anything tbrad said I would rather have Malik Willis than Drew lock you could probably get Malik after what after

What’s his name just went over to to the Titans Port Malik just needs a shot I feel so bad for that kid he performed so well in the preseason he actually outplayed Drew lock not Drew lock he outplayed what’s his name the kid they drafted I don’t know I can’t he was

[ __ ] he outplayed him and then he loses his he then the tanah hill goes down and then he loses a certain job to a guy that was injured and then he has that big then he has that big game and then he falls off the planet Greg says if we hit a 100

Likes I will take five shots of I will take five shots a fireball yeah cuz that’s what we do here guys get a give me $20 in a Super Chat I’ll do some Fireball yeah and then I’m gonna make [ __ ] up okay that was pretty funny Mr McCormack says what do Mr cormi

Say I meant to say we are looking at Arizona’s pick and we’ll probably move up I don’t think Arizona is gonna get rid of their pick unless we give them a lot I don’t think they’re going to get rid of Pi Joe rev says this has become a

Recurring Story the Giants overpay free agents and draft projects that don’t really work out you’re right Tim says pimp n how come I don’t hear about Aaron Donald or or TJ Watts leading and pressures and having a few sacks if you get the girl’s number but never set up

The date you will never win oh I like that one a lot well Aaron Donald just quit he didn’t quit he just retired uh let’s see here Steve says Casper the Friendly path treasure put out an AP on them boys just for just for my brother James who is home today who

Is not working today who is having a day off eating some pizza hey kids look over there who is it it’s Kayon the friendly pass rusher oh no now he’s gone I just love that sound effect ah you know it would just you just would gets me so much as you look

At all these other teams and what they’re doing yeah and I know we don’t have the cap space but whose fault is that I just wish we would do autot roll out We R I think Omega spram says I think our free agency stinks whil than the sanitation plants one exit up

From metti and on the turnpike good God the Vikings are killing it my yeah they are killing it uh let’s see here Todd Taylor says if we take eight eight sacks a year we would probably actually be disruptive every game the problem is players like KT disappear and three guys have two sacks

In the game and then vanish for three more sacks you’re right Joe rev said instead of playing a three4 or 4-3 they will be playing a polter defense uh let’s see here you’re not Tim I don’t like Tommy Two Chains win well thank you I thought I was [ __ ] crazy

Tad says many experts give the Giants High grades on the offseason moves I disagree with most of the experts but I disag I loved it because um back uh uh what was um what was the Whata call what was what was the draft uh back with the McKenna

Draft um and that was uh you know that was that was that was a gentleman draft and I loved it because everyone told me that we we we knocked that we knocked that draft out of the park we killed that draft I kept hearing that and I

Love it because we got Andrew Thomas and Xavier mckenny in the first two picks and I loved it and I love it and then I saw the rest of the draft and I did a video the next day that said that g Dave Gelman snatched uh snatched a defeat out

Of the jaws of Victory and everyone killed me killed me then I looked okay let’s see Matt from Connecticut daring Holmes Shane Le mu cam Brown Carter crawlin TJ Brunson Chris Williamson and T Crowder there’s only oh wait a minute is darney Holmes still on the team

Carter coffin just signed so there’s one guy still on the team for that draft but the experts love the draft I looked at and said I don’t see it like please explain it to me because I don’t [ __ ] see it everyone in the chat rid accuse me

When I wanted the Giants to lose at the end of the season I didn’t rid accuse you brother Todd says Callahan sucked that’s why the movie didn’t get a sequel I would like to know how that did play out uh let’s see here Josh rosan DJ

Re Sam hell all gone one year but we resigned to keeping Daniel Jones oh OG says I told you for months now don’t R I know I know but I was like I got to give him a shot I love this one made by John in ladies and gentlemen introducing Daniel Jones’s

Evil twin Drew luck uh does anyone believe me of this curse of obj is real I don’t believe it’s real blue blood does Jimmy does Daryl did the 49ers resign CH young if not why did they trade for why did we trade for burns when we could have gotten him

Because we are stupid keep telling you this wants to listen to me uh tbrad says Joe must go I’m selling T-shirts for the whole season Mr bford says hey Tim any chance that the rest of the NFC East is so better than us we 0 in 17 next year

And draft this front office scares me um no we’re not gonna go in 17 Jaden Daniels equals RG3 I would take that RG3 went out because of injury and Washington rushed him back for that playoff game um so I I would take I would take

An RG Miguel says Tim I’m sorry I’m late to the party but I don’t think you touched on DJ’s injury Clause I think you’ll he’ll never see the field again he’s going to see the field again it’s at ACL I had two of them like two acl’s he’s fine made by the

Giant says I’m sorry Shane is Beyond trash I’ll be worse than Gman and that’s saying a lot Tim is awesome he knows math was it Aristotle I forgot who invented math not Aristotle I wish I invented math do you get a royalty if you invented

Math I wonder if we can entice James to come on on his day off James can we entice I’m put the I’m G put the link in the chat James can we entice you to come in on your day off I can we entice you Greg says Ah the

Six piig of the drive neighbors we’ve closed having a medior o line now a quarterback I believe JJ is better than May says King Chris TV I don’t know that’s I I he might be there’s such an unknown with JJ McCarthy 369 passes in three years there’s such

An unknown to this kid that you don’t know you really don’t and and I think that’s what’s rocking him up the charts because everyone talks about his leadership quality everyone talks about all these intangibles I saw a guy that had NFL arm strength velocity wise against nobody on

The field but he needed more he needed to generate more torque on his throws than people like penx or even people like Joe Milton so how is that going to translate into the NFL I don’t know but he’s he’s got that outside in tangible that you don’t know

What is the bear with a big old Super Chat Travis Jordan Michael Pratt Joe Mill Spencer rler if we picked one of those in the later rounds who would you pick I like Jordan Travis say is but I don’t like the injuries not a b huge fan of rat Pratt Spencer

Spencer Spencer rler Flames out in Oklahoma kind of cracked under pressure of being potential Heisman I mean I guess I gotta go Joe Milton but I wouldn’t take Milton till like sixth or seventh round Joe Milton’s got the arm Joe Joe Milton if you want

To look at an NFL caliber arm look at the passes he had holy boy Great Balls of Fire look at the passes he threw during the combine but having a big arm does not equate you being a great quarterback so Tim you can’t handle the truth Jo s knows

Nothing oh my god let’s see Bor a Gman do giant fans really think will’ll be competitive this season it will be a few years before we will be really competitive to compete really ready to compete no I agree Tim do you remember the r says Tim you remember the legion of boom Kavon

Now will lead the legion a boo I like that that’s bad I like it because it’s so I like it because it’s bad chat sports are reporting the Giants are contenders don’t even tell me that don’t even tell me that I love it when people go to me when

I say these things on the mic I love when they go to me well you know you would never say these things to these people in person and I always think to myself really really I was like ask dom dom flew in from the UK first time meeting him in

Person pick him up at the airport not even 20 minutes in my car and I threatened to throw him out the [ __ ] window imag imagine that being your imagine that being your your Forefront into the into the United States He represents Queens I was raised out of

Brooklyn he’s got what’s up big James what’s up as always it’s James William the black gzz Grizzly Adams coming for your probably doing man stuff not not yet now just having some lunch relaxing chilling with my brothers what’s up chat what’s up chat big old James William in the his house

James we were talking about some of the moves that the giants made you and I before I even jumped on the stream um yeah and are you smoking a cigarette yeah I’m trying to quit y’all these are bad for you these are bad for you trying to quit hope hopefully uh in

Like three months hope it’s better just to smoke weed I know so you should just you know there you go it’s legal it’s legal it’s legal uh we were talking we were talking about these moves and we were talking about um and maybe you could maybe you can you

Can put a put a outline to this um because we couldn’t figure it out I mean where where are these huge moves that certain segments of the giant fan base are sitting there going well this makes us good now um I don’t let me let’s say let me

Play Devil’s Advocate we don’t know first you know we don’t know you know none of us know not even people on ESPN Fox and none of us know a Brian burds could come out and have a Aaron Donald type Cleo Mack type year Kavon may may

Wake up you know we may have a good defense you know um offensively that remains to be seen just because of the parts there you know but we you know we don’t know some of these signings may be good these linemen we picked up they may

Be uh a little more than just backup you know trench players you know we don’t know however however the the reality says that we overpaid on on a younger a decent or good uh defensive player in Burns but not a not a a world changer um we let two of our own

Homebred grown drafted guys walk out the door one rival one to a division rival uh and and both of them for nothing when you could have traded them and got something for them during the year and um honestly for everything that everybody’s saying about these moves Shane has not hit it

Out the park yet we’re going into his third year this is you know third draft this is an important one you know three strikes and you’re out usually you know I’m a big baseball fan so if he doesn’t knock this one out the park I you know I

Think it’s over for him in his water bottles after this season you know I don’t I don’t think you can keep keep him no matter what anybody says nothing he’s done has been a real home run hitter well Bob I think he was a good move that’s not a home run

And and if we’re going to sit up here and say Bobby Oker is a home run well that just tells you the state of of us as a team well we did well we overpaid for an off the ball linebacker considering what someone like David long

Jr got out of Miami and had very irly similar statistics even Devon white we couldn’t get Devon white Devon white signed with eight and a half million I think for the Eagles we couldn’t get Devon white no we every money you know well now I mean now you know but I’m

Just saying like with the rule of 51 we have about three and a half million he got eight oh he got eight okay all right I thought he got a little little less than that sorry no all right but I’m just saying nothing but even with the

Bobby like what move has Shane done other than resign ghettman guys that has been a home run hitter you know Banks Banks was a great seems to be a great pick that seems to be on his way to if he keeps progressing okay cool that’s

Question it with banks I mean how to the Shane Bowen system who has not been known to groom defensive backs I mean I don’t know anything about this CH you know only thing I know about Bowen is really what you’ve told me little stuff I’ve heard on the radio you

Know any anybody out here saying they really know you know too much about this guy I don’t know anything about bowling we have to it’s it’s another wait and see we’ll see how it goes thing just like everything with the Giants wait and see we got to see how it goes and then

Usually when we see how it goes It goes bad you know I just you know it’s sad to say but you know the other night like I told you on the phone I was so pissed I’m still mad now I’m just like inner mad you know I’m not showing it as much

But it this going into this draft can you really say you have conf we have confidence in our in our front office I am inner mad I like that I’m in I’m inner mad now you know what guys I’ve decided with James I’m now going to be

Inner mad I’m not gonna I’m not gonna let I’m not gonna you know what I got to be mad about there for a second though and you and I talk about briefly it’s it’s the whole um stupidity of giant fans and certain content creators are like the Giants

Should get compensation or or the Eagles should lose all their draft picks for tampering with saquon Barkley they tampered with him they tampered yeah right so you want to take away all this team’s draft picks and you want to get some compensation for a guy you didn’t tag you didn’t

Tender a contract to that you let become a free agent and you think they should drop the hammer on the Eagles for a guy’s head coach making a comment which the organization said no it’s not true but stupidity in our minds that we should go out and go and somehow get

Compensation or they should lose all their draft compensation for signing a guy that we didn’t want we let walk I know people are hard up for content and hard up for putting things on Twitter but can stupidity stop reigning Supreme please that’s what it is just just you know

Just just just make my heart feel better but before you post something before you create a video on something before you do something that’s asinine and stupid think about it before you do it because intelligent people that are that areund and some people in this room and the

Other 70 on Twitter understand that it’s a guy you didn’t even want and then to sit there and all of a sudden you kiss the Ring of saquon Barkley for years and now he’s an [ __ ] and a bum because he went to a division rival and we’ve said

It once before you’re making $20 an hour at your job and some other job come say Hey listen we’re gonna give you 40 and your other job doesn’t want you and they just let you go no you wouldn’t go and take that $40 an

Hour I I told you on the phone the best breakdown I could simplify to people as this let’s say there’s a guy there’s a guy you know he’s got this girl she’s smoking hot she’s beautiful he’s not treating her right they’ve been together for a while everybody can see it

Everybody can see it it’s to the point that when she goes out and she’s by herself people all like oh girl you okay hey how you doing oh man that guy you still with that you don’t need to be with that guy he’s not doing you right

He’s not the mailman is telling her man I heard you guys fighting the other man you don’t need you’re so beautiful that it it gets to the point that so when she leaves that guy and even people are like hey you know you know this guy over here

In Philly oh he really likes you oh man like he’ll treat you right man and that’s where that’s your hometown he understands you oh man he sees what’s going on over there man it’s so it’s so bad the mailman is saying stuff and so when that girl

Leaves and goes to that other guy over there is is that really tampering no and that happens all the time you want to know why you didn’t like Tim said with his toys you didn’t treat your stuff with care we didn’t treat sequan with care that guy is a real weapon all we

Talk about is we need weapons we had a weapon and now we let our division rival get the weapon Dr Garrett wants know can we get some rapper Delight from you Tim we did that earlier in the Stream um we’ll come up we’ll come up with something else for

You I I I’m thinking it’s treated Rock and R to rock and Ry the Ral time tricky I think we may have to go a little bit with It’s Tricky uh this girl named Carol far Daryl’s every gig we play and J I ain’t lying think I’m a

Star always tearing what I’m where I think they’re going too far uh Stanley says hey running back rashen Ali out of Marshall pick in the NFL draft skills close set saquon Barkley I love you Stanley but I’m gonna I’m just GNA go past that uh hey James

If you don’t want to come on L which he will I will happily come on I have time to kill H Le we’ll get to you bit bit Le Lex you you’re supposed to do something you and Zach was supposed to stop some of these moves you guys are Evil

Geniuses what are y’all doing out there man get Lex get on it we got stop the Giants we got big Soul C Sanders coming in just stopping by to say what’s up Tim everything’s up everything’s good it’s a Friday night just got paid swing culture TV says Tim James what’s the good word

The word the word is no what up what up what up says what’s up James uh let’s see here the James rant herbologist says the James R it’s just the James rant man inat today not gonna go crazy today inat him Tim CER says what’s up James go

To vape no Vape is actually for you no no yeah don’t do that man you should get off that c Sanders brother you’re actually sucking in metals into your lungs little metal little metal particles it’s not actually it’s you are it is actually scientifically proven it is better for you to

Smoke Believe It or Not Right believe it or not it’s it’s weird to say that cigarettes are something better than something else uh Joseph says because you’re a loyal fan Tim just buckle up and close your eyes to season it’s Gonna Hurt what’s gonna hurt even more is I’m

Gonna invite James to like eight of the nine home games oh God can you imagine being out there and rooting for Drew Drew lot can you can you imagine that we we if he’s on our team and we at the game and he’s starting we’re going to have to root for

Drew lock listen I I I reup my tickets you’re going to this [ __ ] show with me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you oh you gota be cursed I’m trying to be [ __ ] you we gota get happened to the inner mad you’re right that’s right I’m peaceful today you’re right you’re right you’re coming with me

Bro you’re coming with me that’s all I’m gonna you are going to sit right next to me and you are going to watch this [ __ ] show with me and you’re going to piss people off and you’re going to pick on little kids I love kids kids love me that’s why

That kid turned around he’s like yeah that guy’s telling the truth I want to say that word no his dad was like hey don’t say what he’s saying he saw his dad ah don’t say what he’s saying son all fairness oh my God for trading mcken we

Could have gotten a second we had three second we had three second round picks you probably could have got anything you could have got a napkin and a paper towel and that would have been better than nothing and it’s still I love this one by rasle the great tick

Tick I mean that’s Kavon zag says the same thing happened to Tyson Campbell and Jacksonville similar player to Banks oh he’s right I forgot all about Tyson oh my God I forgot about Tyson cample oh my Zack and good good um good job good good call good job as always uh

Joe overpaid for Burns and who’s our CB2 in safety that I mean that’s oh Jaylen Mills right we got Jaylen Mills and also you got jayen Mills well well James and in all fairness um who is who do you think that you I mean you

Still have the likes of um I mean Dori Jackson still out there I mean the Giants don’t have I was gonna say what’s going on what’s going on with him though like what nobody seems to be biting him can we you think he could get them for

Cheap cheap no not too cheap you know what’s funny um somebody put on um on I it was uh I I forget what show I was watching and they were talking about the remaining free agents and one of them he was talking about was ad Dori Jackson and he said

Dory ad Dori Jackson good corner just don’t put him out on an island like wink marale and I’m thinking to myself shouldn’t your corner be out on an island once in a while he’s he’s gonna have to fend for himself I mean this is this is the job this is what’s required

That that comes with I just thought that was such an interesting comment don’t put him out don’t put him out on an island don’t leave him out there by himself no he needs safety help did Dom docs just say that Nick mccloud’s gonna be our starting safety can we get youf Corker back

Is that possible you bet I hope he’s talking about McLoud from Highlander only moud I want to can can we go over to Home Depot and see if youf wants to come over and play oh that’s right because he flamed out in planing camp this is this is gonna be interesting

Guys that’s all I’ll say this is gonna be interesting I’m actually quite curious I was watching Highlander the other day the TV series I remember that I don’t I don’t know why because I think cheaters wasn’t on uh the best weapon on a bad team what

Is the best point of having a weapon on the bad team nothing damn I’m late what’s up time says big old Nick Joe R said ha James metaphors makes me want to go saqu one Eagles roxon Rox Rox I want to be your man H what’s up

Nick Nick McLoud I think they offered 14 million who did they offer 14 million to who I know I’m not not up on every you know like you know I I I’m not up on I’m not like Zach and not as good as that brother you know with all the moves like

You know even with the Aaron Donald thing somebody said that in the chat I was like no way and then I checked it oh stn no Aaron Donald retired salute to Aaron Donald Young says here go sign a veteran corner or draft one at with the 47th pick I’m Gonna Keep explaining this

To everybody and I’m I’m gonna keep trying to explain this James why the Giants are going to be precluded from making any big moves unless they restructure the deals of both Thomas and Dexter Lawrence and hopefully Darren Waller retires with the rule of 51 you have about $3 million in cap space without

Your rookie allotment which is going to be between like four and half five million so then you have negative cap space and only first only the guaranteed top rookie contracts will be on the books without the rule of 51 you have right now about a little over a million

In cap space now these numbers are not inclusive of the Carter Coughlin deal the kid the guy from the Raiders Drew lock Isaiah McKenzie Mills are stoles these numbers do not include those seven or eight contracts oh wow so going out and finding someone on the cheap that’s

A good defensive end excuse me corner is not going to be easy because you took all your money and you gave it to you gave it to Brian Burns you you Brian Burns 23 and a half million so you’re not going to restructure his deal no and

Now you have 40 something 45% of your money tied up between Jones Thomas Burns and Lawrence which is crazy not to mention you have about another five not to mention you have another 10% tied up with a car and Waller so you have almost 50% of your c

Space fired up in seven guys I’m sorry six guys and guys I hate the burns move was our big move that was the home run your move that was our move that was that was your home run move that’s it so so you’re gonna have to restructure these these these deals

The Thomas and Lawrence deals have to be restructured they have to there there’s there’s no way around this and for everyone that’s trying to sit there and tell you on Twitter and and all the other GM Geniuses well we’ll just convert it all into bonus money okay well here’s what happens when

You do that first of all you convert it all into bonus money that money now becomes guaranteed second of all you cannot convert an entire salary into bonus money third of all that some of that bonus money is going to have to be pushed out into 2025 as well so now your

2025 numbers for these guys are higher because we we looked at this with gettman you are just kicking money down the road you’re kicking the can down the road and you are hoping that you’re going to have to do the same thing you are stuck in the same vicious cycle that

We’ve been suck for 10 years now and you went out and got a guy when you were not one guy away from making the playoffs and Waller saying there is and Shane saying James that there is no timetable for the for Waller okay well that’s $7 million of cap space potentially handing hanging

Out there I’ve said it before me I did not invent math no no you’re getting no royalties for that to answer your question wish I could we didn’t no no no Sumerians did was the samarians I don’t even know I’m not I don’t want to say the

Wrong thing I hate when people you know just be on YouTube or say just say any old thing it it was the atlantans I don’t I I don’t uh i z get on that who invented math who invented math wasn’t it the Greeks wasn’t it the Greeks that invented

Math I would like to think it was before the Greeks I don’t know why I would say that I not basic mathematics I mean like algebra and geometry train calculus Oh you mean like oh oh oh I I think it was around I think it was in uh I always

Want to say it was like in it was like in Mesopotamia but someone get on that and find out who invent not who invented basic math because I think that was the Neanderthals if I kill three brontosauruses I can make eight um so I want I’m talking about

More complex math yes not not the Joe Shane math well well if I have three Jones that means I have zero quarterbacks carry the five car now I have six quarterbacks Waller then needs to make a decision yeah we just talked about that the problem is this we told Waller there’s no

Rush yeah take it easy man work on your work on your Beats is there is work on your flow I mean diction do you believe that Joe Shane told Darren waller or are convinced Darren Waller not to retire that was that was a speculation that he convinced him not to retire I

Think I I think Shane is doing all this passiveness with him yes uh because I think he would feel stupid if you just signed this guy who had a subpar lackluster year and uh then he just came out and said I’m retiring I’m going to

Be a rapper you know U I think Shane is starting to look at his giant tenure here and look at it because somebody probably brought his attention like hey buddy uh every some of your moves haven’t really been all that great you know you you

Need to kind of like hit this draft and offseason out the park so do you think that Joe Shane learned his learned his lesson by learning my lesson I don’t think he’s learned anything honestly this is learn my lesson by Darren Waller are you are you trying to play

Some Darren Waller rap right now we don’t need that we like the music scene is bad as it is the beat man leave me alone stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it his wife is a better athlete than him by the way his wife is nasty inv

Bol shout out to her if he no stop do not play that do not play Darren Waller rap he doesn’t retire we won’t have that no if well he’s working on it while he’s playing I’m telling you right now that’s the problem he honestly needs to concentrate on one because I don’t think

You think he’s you think he’s watching the The Playbook or plays or studying film no he’s he’s studying rat tape uh salute from Mr Fitness Joe says o line dline more important we can get competitive with a good o line than and a dline it sucks we’ll be lost saquin

Mckenny for nothing but resigning them wouldn’t to make this any better burns doesn’t make this any better honest if you want if you want me to be blatantly honest and having saquin makes us better we have to I don’t care we’re not saying greatly but we are a better offensive team with

Saquon Barkley you know what we’re gonna see we’re gonna find out we’re gonna should have been we’re gonna finally see Daniel Jones without his safety blanket and we’re going to see how he does in the real world the real we don’t no we don’t we don’t like the real world

World that’s that’s where scary things happen um all I all I’m gonna say right now to everyone is please hit the like button hit that like button you’re gonna get more of it yeah you stop stop I got you see my face I’m not even playing stop Darren

The Darren Waller rap Darren when you told me that I was like no he probably just did something on 100 likes that in the background for four hours stop stop that guy is that guy is well saying that stop I’m no no she you know but secretly you know she’s got to support

You know a good wife supposed to support your husband good husband supports his wife but so initially she’s got to be like well yeah honey if that’s your passion go and try it but you know when she’s with her girl she’s like oh my God

Oh my God I heard his oh my god did you did you see that video did you see his video that’s what she said it’s like oh my God I wish he would work on his his footwork in the game I pretending not to know

Him oh my God Waller have like a cool rap name what stop it no I’m that was actually a serious question I don’t I don’t know but even if it is no he should trade it he should give that to somebody with some real skills let them

Use the name see here you go right here around 3,000 BC buy the marians there we go oh thank you thank you swing watch this watch this watch this Mesopotamia this guy to sit up in the chair [ __ ] sit up in the chair yeah that’s right Mesopotamia kids go

Google that [ __ ] mamian I pull that [ __ ] out my ass oh man that’s hilarious that was uh you know that’s the extent my college education that was it we are on a road to nowhere Craig this is you went to college the guys out here like this guy

Doesn’t know anything man he didn’t even graduate high school man he’s fake Giants fan man was believe or not I was College I graduated they let me graduate four years like four years this I wasn’t G do this in four years I graduated in four years was it that math right there

That’s that Giants math in four years man I would have done that I know someone on Twitter would have taken that and clipped it into make a make a meme or a little video s f Chris says this like discovering you can’t pay for it uh J says Fanboys are post on

Facebook something about car Shane forgetting listen Carl Banks is we have invited Carl Banks on this show numerous times the real Carl Banks yeah yeah the real Carl Banks we’ve invited him on Millions times actually we’ve never invited him on he would never come on he

Would never talk to you I love you but car’s not coming a [ __ ] question he’s not he’s not doing that s there like when he goes on some other people’s channels listen Carl um when this is over can I smell your jockstrap is that possible do you have one from

The 86 season because I really only been watching the giant since the 90s and the late you know but I know all about you oh it’s scary it’s scary out here kids I would be sitting there and i’ say Carl let me let me let me ask you a

Question what do you what do you want to ask Tim why do you kiss the ass of the Giants so much why do you say things in the middle of a game that makes sense that may be considered derogatory but then back it P it when you get out you

Go word yes back well what I really meant to say like when he said basically at one point in time last year that the Giants were a [ __ ] show that there was this was a terrible team and then all of a sudden he comes back and says well you

Know there were some good things that the Giants did today oh that’s such an interesting point you he does do that like during the season you listen to him like during the games what’s going oh well of clarity he he because he calls it like it is like he he’ll literally

Say oh he just he missed that guy you got to make that throw there and he said at one point in time I think it was I think it was the Seattle game when he said in the middle of the game the Giants are officially a broken

Team and then he comes out goes back up to the studio and it’s like well what I say the uh the bench the heater on that bench broke during the game that’s very that’s a interesting point you’re right you’re right people pay attention to that if you can if you hear Carl banks

On the radio during this the game he’ll actually call some stuff as you’re supposed to as it is but afterwards has a minute of Lucidity and then all it just disappears that’s funny that that’s real that’s funny man you’re right I I give Howard cross all the credit in the

World because he is the ultimate Homer there I’ve been I’ve talked to I’ve talked to Howard cross probably last seven years of giant games you know off and on for like seven years and he nicey EX for James Wanted nice guy but the ultimate Homer ultimate

What it was bad that but to sit there and make up an excuse interception to a Witherspoon was because he had been getting sacked all game long it’s like he wasn’t even pressured and Withers comes out and says we know he likes to go to his first

Read said that like right after the game like on the field he was like on the field said that like real quick like yeah we know we know that that’s the best B you’re right it was right on the field he said it you’re right he he said

It right after the game he’s on the field I forgot to report a young lady’s name interviewed all right guys we’re at 66 likes yo real quick too just to jump on that point because um I’m gonna finish my lunch and I’m pretty sure you guys um

But yo the Tiki Barber thing the Tiki Barber thing is real crazy to me it’s just like like even if you were saying that tongue and cheek as he proclaims or whatever you do you shouldn’t be coming out and bashing you’re you were a running back you know how hard that

Position is you’ve gone through there you take the the bruises and the bumps and the The Blood Sweat and the tears you’ve seen what this guy has gone through the New York Giants other than you know drafting him the high pick and giving him his work they never gave him

Any kind of reup serious deal no and he had to watch a guy in Jones in his old locker room that he knows and everybody else on the team knows Barkley helped that guy success he helped that guy get that money we never heard no reports

About Jones saying oh he gave back some money to try to help keep Barkley none of that not saying he has to but he didn’t do that either and it’s like all this all this like TIY tongue and cheek crap and people on YouTube bashing

Saquin we have no right to bash that guy for taking care of himself and his family after we didn’t seriously uh care for him just to put it in in those terms we didn’t like just be serious like it’s kind of it’s kind of embarrassing I’m getting embarrassed to be a Giants fan

On certain levels like what’s going on out here when now the people and even some of the people I like on YouTube oh sh went to the Eagles we forget him he’s dead yeah what are you talking about they’ve gave him the most money oh the

Running back position is dead oh yeah oh yeah Austin Eckler Austin Eckler’s in our division too by the way Redskins we’re gonna have to see that guy too it’s like what are we talking about out here guys all the top running backs got picked up on the first day boom let’s

Not talk about Austin Eckler about where he went let’s let’s not bring that up I’m just saying because I forgot about that move too why why why why why you want to bring that up listen to the people I I gotta just say one thing real quick here

Um and I don’t know why I get this because someone just emailed it to me again dm’d it to me again I don’t know if this there’s there is a woman that I guess she does uh giant content I I don’t know who it is and someone keeps sending people once in

A while send me pictures of her and say is she is she a man is she a drag queen I don’t know oh my God send me better stuff ask me about you want to DM me that’s what you’re gonna DM me is she a

Dr is her content good how about that I don’t know I don’t know who the hell she is her he whoever like if there if they’re speaking fact it’s kind of like the Caleb Williams thing that guy could come out in a wig painted toenails painted finger nails I of press on nails

With with with Elizabeth Taylor perfume and if he’s coming out and he’s throwing them things I don’t give a damn I don’t care either said that a million times he like yo nails and he can throw the ball 90 yards down the field yards down the

Field I don’t care I don’t give a damn he did with some of those at USC last year with no offensive line hope with nothing around him I don’t care but I have no idea if people drag yeah like how how is Tim supposed to know like yes by looking on the

Screen we can identify that what are we doing out here man I don’t know is he part of the giant scouting Department I don’t know but I I love looks like a quarterback it’s like and then honestly it’s like I’m really gonna answer that question the people are crazy I told you

Gotta be careful be careful when you go on the X Twitter sphere or oh you said email somebody emailed that to you excuse me sorry they dm’d it to me on Twitter oh they did oh yes well the the ex Twitter sphere this is like the second or the third time

I’ve gotten this DM in like three four like what’s what’s going on out here man and people are just assumption she’s she or he is a drag queen I don’t know I don’t know is is the content good is she speaking facts how about that I don’t

Know but I’m more interested in the fact that it was 3000 BCE the samarians in Mesopotamia I hope Wes uh my God uh Fabian BR get Fabian Broach played well two years ago g go good Isaac yam tbrad says that we went from an offense with one weapon to an

Offense with zero weapons but how but we are how are we better we are better we areally better he says I told you Giants grass brass loves JJ kthy Zach says Bob Papa doesn’t like Tim no Bob Papa doesn’t like me Bob thinks I’m somebody

Else he doesn’t like you I can see it on his face he thinks I’m somebody else in in all fairness I GNA talk this about this before you leave because you were there because Bob Papa asked he doesn’t like Bob Papa asked me who I was

On Twitter he goes what is your handle on Twitter this was at the rookie no this wasn’t at the rookie Symposium this was at no this um was I don’t remember the the in New York City yeah it was a giant Town Hall thank you yes I asked my

Question and then Bob Papa had to make a smartass comment you know of course just that way uh and then he asked me you know what my Twitter handle was and I told him and then he told everyone I think Joe Shane was there and everyone

Else was there and he goes oh I’ve gone out it with this guy on Twitter and then I thought to myself self because that’s what I say to myself when I talk to s the [ __ ] is this guy talking about I don’t even follow

Baba oh he mean wait hold up he got you mistaken for some other uh very large white man got you mistake wait your own brother got you mistake which guy looks familiar there are other there are other very large white men out there that’s hilarious no he doesn’t he

Didn’t like you at all that day but but then during the rookie Symposium we’re in the Giant Tim went back for more guys I had to go back for more because I’m an idiot but I did like I said I did win what did I win well what did I win

Congratulations 2023 season ticket hold member Fantasy Football League champion booah booah uh but then I’m at the I’m at the rookie Symposium and we were in the giant cafeteria and Bob papa is down in the hall and he’s by himself so you know me I gotta hell no I’m saying you walked

Right by him and didn’t say anything no no no I yelled at him yelled at him from across the hall because I’m me uh yeah he still didn’t like me well big surprise wow but Bob just just one thing I follow you now on Twitter because that day that you told

Me you didn’t like me because you and I went at it on Twitter I have never talked to you on Twitter I have never messed you on Twitter I have never liked a comment or posted a comment did anything derogatory you on Twitter James is correct there are other very large

White men in this world besides me just saying I’m just throwing this I am just throwing this out there Bob just saying have this ill will against me it kind of hurts oh oh oh my yo let me tell you something man you’re going to be like they’re

Going to start they’re going to have like the Giant Secret Service taking pictures of you so now the next like public events they go like look out for this a-hole all right I I told you the uh the time I went to the game with dom

We’re all out on the field and Dom comes out of the coaches club and walks up to me and goes these two police officers want to talk to you oh well Dom yeah he didn’t he didn’t know that I told Dom you your boys and the cops are

Looking for that that person you don’t tell them you know where he is and is a good man Dom told the police I will bring him to you and I thought to myself I thought to what you just thought I was like oh [ __ ] I’m gonna get thrown out because you

Knowwhere he’s not he’s not thinking about that D’s a good brother he’s just think oh the police you’re looking for my friend come let me walk you right to him come on but I love it though because he just like oh yes I I told him I’m gonna bring you in was

Like said we’re boys man you don’t rrap me out to the cops you know and and they probably heard his accent like oh well we could trust him he’s a trustworthy fell chop I just die I like oh dear lord man a good that’s a good story Tim goes

I want your fantasy advice so I can win my league don’t draft any Giants don’t don’t draft a giant uh let’s see Nick says yo it’s 2024 don’t get get cancelled ah Jesus I’ve gotten canceled how many times I get I get canceled in my own house he right though you gota be

Careful buddy be careful oh man I always love with people I’m like yeah okay okay yeah like I’m gonna like I’m gonna be worried uh H for real says what’s up Tim what’s up James James I gotta get out of here because I gota have some lunch and

I gotta go pick up the kid at school soon oh yeah yeah it’s getting close to that time I just got another notification on Twitter I was wondering if it Bob Papa asking to come On that can you can you imagine Bob Papa and Carl Banks wanting to like like even be somewhere with the two of us like on it that would never happen like like there’s certain things in this world like that would we would never be in the

Same battle arena so to speak to even ask them questions like so guys here’s my here’s my thing and I’ve said this again I I invite anyone on the show I don’t ask I don’t ask for super chats I don’t ask for anything I anyone that

Wants to come on the show as long as you’re respectful as long as you’re nice you can come on the show True treat anyone poorly all I do is I ask questions and I I put out the challenges always people like Bal Papo and car Banks and all them come on the

Show for a half hour don’t go on these Lily white vanilla shows sorry James not to offend you these ly white vanilla shows and all these wonderful questions you know but I’m respectful I’m not going to be mean I’m not gonna you know I I I will

Just ask questions and if you don’t want to answer those questions just be nice I will just be myself and probably call you a derogatory name and say you’re hiding [ __ ] but I will do it with the utmost respect yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] yes it’s ridiculous it’s never happened H real

Says it best don’t you love it when you call me Big B pop oh my God blaz says i’ like to come on the show Tim for like five minutes or less well blazen you can come on next time I’m actually heading out because I

Gotta go have lunch and I gotta go get my kid from school but next time you want to come on blaz and just let me know just but tell me early tell me like when we first start don’t don’t don’t wait till we’re 1 hour and 36 minutes into a 30 90 minute

Show um James what do you got to say what do you got to say that’s good tell me something good man I’m take my vitamins while you tell me we we’re still going to draft a quarterback that’s all that’s all my hopes are I’m I’m um in the dra in in the oh

Um you know what I’m I’m gonna we’re still gonna draft a quarterback in the draft I’m gonna I’m gonna say this because I I have to have something to hope for right so I don’t think we’re gonna trade for Justin Fields I don’t see that happening for some

Reason oh God I have to really hope against hope here it’s like Luke Skywalker trying to hit the freaking inside of the Death Star so I’m going to hope that we’re gonna draft o dun and then somehow trade up or trade back into to the late first or early second and get

Penance that’s going to be Shane’s move where he finally does something that was actually GM like crafty and okay we’re going to get some pieces in here we’re going to get a quarterback for the future yes Daniel Jones will be our starter if he’s healthy week one you

Know he will be here this year cool but we will have our future on the bench but I’m gonna hope for that that we’re probably not going to trade for fields or even Willis because we could get Malik Willis right now try him out for

Cheat but God forbid we do that um a doomsday and then we’re gonna somehow use our last bit of capital and even future Capital to get back into the late first round early second and grab penic before some other smart team grabs him that’s my hope that’s what I’m shooting

Young Fleet wants to know James which quarterback which quarterback pennet draft huh that you’re gonna draft they’re gonna take Panic I’m saying that yes P I’m saying they’re shoot I’m saying that the JJ McCarthy hype at six there’s no way that sh I mean there is a

Way there is a way it’s a stupid way but there is a way that that we drafted Daniel Jones at six you cannot come back uh six years later and take JJ McCarthy at six again the same uh draft spot and and and he’s a guy that’s not really a

Sure thing because that’s the Daniel Daniel Jones for all the hate I give him the bottom line was he was not a sure thing nobody’s a sure thing but he was the farthest thing from a sure thing out there and we took him at six you cannot

Do that with JJ despite him being on my brother tbads uh T Brad’s Championship Wolverines and I know he was in the Limelight and all that he was not a heavy thrower like a pennx or a Caleb or even a drake May so you can’t do that

You can you can you can’t but you can but we can’t so I’m saying all the JJ thing is smoke and we’re gonna get pennx and Odun because we’re not getting the higher guys unless we trade up for the P to the trade with the Patriots

I want to thank James for coming on I want to thank the 107 people that are still hanging out on X the other 107 people still hanging out on Twitter not Twitter whatever else it’s called YouTube want to thank Big James for going out there don’t forget to go on

Twitter right now and Bug the [ __ ] out of Bob Papa and Carl Banks to both come on to the James wills and Tim hour every noon on whatever day I decide to jump on the mic uh James I want to thank you for coming on I want to thank everyone for

Coming in drop a by drop it out this is Tim giant Straight Talk power Bic blue for James for Tim we’ll see everyone Sunday for that regular 10:00 Sunday stream you know what guys we’re out of here have yourself a good


  1. can the Giants get a top 4 QB now or they just toast and if that the case why follow this effing team i might just follow KC Chifes at least Kc Chifes now how to build a winning team

  2. Let's be honest if Barkley was a WR. We will still say the same thing. Average QBs benefit from their "weapons". lol Baker is not good either. I don't care if you think he's better than Jones. Shrimp Noodles vs Chicken Noodles.

  3. Just today Mckinney backhanded slapped the Giants saying you win with elite QB'S in this league being interviewed by the Packers media.

  4. I'm am so tired of this team and the New York landscape that if we don't get a top 4 qb in the draft i will boycott this team.

  5. Tim JJ is the real deal. Buy into the hype. All he is missing is reps. But i think the guy has limitless potential. I think we won't get him because NY does not get nice things anymore. The vikings will jump the giants and take him unfortunately 😢

  6. Remember the name NYGFRANK87 and his words… 1-16 if they do not pick up a new qb. I can’t wait to sit next to you at half the cost lol

  7. Giants front office is delusional thinking they’re going to be competitive running it back for the 3rd year in a row with DJ when we have the worst qb in the whole conference and about to have the worst qb in the division by FAR

  8. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Horrible podcast and SO negative and uninformed. I will never be watching this again.

  9. We keep signing oline, GOOD. Thats alot of dudes after today. Overall im pretty pleased with that. Ive said im ok with schoen daboll, let em keep workin man. Still have needs, and qb 😛 Love your channel time. By your command 😂

  10. The Giants are in a mess right now. They’re in QB hell. To make it worse the Vikings might jump in front of the Giants now.

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