I have NEVER Used a Grip like this before! It’s gained me 10+ YRDS and feels like FREE DISTANCE!

I Wish Someone Had Told Me This About MY GRIP! I’ve gained over 10 + yards from using this 1 simple change. Oh WOW, I LOVE this grip and didn’t think I would gain the yards and speed that I did! To be honest, I couldn’t stop slicing the golf ball until i used this HIDDEN GEM of a golf grip technique that i have never used before. I use this grip technique with all golfers of all abilities to help square up the clubface with irons and learn to square the clubface with driver as you coming into impact to STOP slicing the golf ball.

I have NEVER Used a Grip like this before but it gained me 10+ YRDS, it’s like FREE DISTANCE! So many golfers ask me about golf grip, does a double interlock golf grip give you more club head speed and distance? How to improve your grip, grip control, what is the best grip for long drives, what is the best grip for straighter drives, what is the best grip for mid-handicap golfers, best golf grip. Well for me, this could be it, it’s basically like giving yourself free distance.

I have NEVER Used a Grip like this before but it gained me 10+ YRDS, it’s like FREE DISTANCE!

Get The Perfect Golf Grip With This New Technique! Use this NEW TECHNIQUE for a perfect golf grip for beginners and every day golfers! This is a super simple new technique that makes the world of difference to your golf swing. Use this golf swing drill to get your golf grip working for your golf swing no matter your age or ability. This simple golf grip will help so many issues you have with your golf swing, stop your slice, stop your hook and start gaining big distance with your driver.

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I don’t know any golfer that would say no to some free speed well today I’m going to be testing a brand new grip that I am personally never ever tried before going from interlocking to a double overlap yes a double overlap a little bit of a myth bus test to see if

It’s worth you trying so the double overlap on pic Harrington’s grip specifically with his driver is something that he’s done for three years is and no commentator no golf pro has ever picked up on it so the double overlap being that he said on all these

Iron shots and normal shots it is like this but when he goes to his driver he brings those hands closer together and makes that double overlap grip because he uses that logic that The Closer your hands are together the easier it is to generate speed like think of about this

Logically for a second if we had our hands really split grip just like that and I made a golf swing one I would have no control but two it would sort of feel disjointed that’ be a snap my arms can’t really swing the club head now if we went the

Opposite way around and went literally my hands all together like that the club head feels really free and I can generate a lot of speed very easily obviously I would lose tremendous amounts of control so let’s see if this Podrick Harron double overlap that nobody has noticed in 3 years gives me

More speed and what I want you to look at this as me doing a little bit of myth busting for you right here to literally see if it’s worth you doing out on the golf course because I don’t know anybody that doesn’t want a little bit more Club

Head speed and a little more yards off their driver okay so we need a little bit of a benchmark so let’s just hit five away get the average Club head speed with what I do with my grip and my driver and for reference I interlock so

My grip is just one like that I don’t have them baseball I have it interlocked so I guess they’re relatively close together but what we’re testing is that closer more speed easier apparently I’m a little bit nervous I don’t actually know how this is going to go I saw this

And I thought you know what there’s got to be something in here so five drives away my normal grip style let’s get the average Club head speed then want to take that drive all day long I’m loving this new driver by the way first driveway 112.1 Club head speed now I’m going to

Try and just swing this as I would normally out in the golf course so nothing stupid and I’ll do the same with the next grip that was it like like an absolute honey of a hit 112 the same exact speed again because I guess what it comes down

To is it can we get our overall total longer so at 112 I just hit that 289 yards and just think why is this useful well it’s useful if we can hit it a little bit further on Long par fours we’ve then obviously got a shorter

Second shot in more likely to hit the green or for instance like this hole playing off the yellows I could probably reach this in two hting get longer H 112 [Applause] again that was meant to be a really cool club twir and that last one 114 so the

Results are in and with my grip with that single interlock I was 113.24 average clpp head speed for the five shots and you could see on those shot traces that the dispersion was really pretty good I think I just missed the Fairway by one in the semi-rough

Down the left hand side but all of them I would take okay the test is on myth busting time double overlap double overlap I can’t believe I just said that this really feels a little bit bizarre that I’m about to do a double overlap with driver look at that double overlap

Right there first drive away it really does feel like I can slingshot that club at the bottom a little bit more I’m going to put the same speed in I’m not going to try and do anything more let’s just see if we can get some free speed [Applause]

Here down the right half but a decent drive a little bit less to start with 109.0 not the start I was expecting I’ll be honest I think I was a little bit apprehensive on that one that was bulleted that had to be quicker 113.9 okay so 113.9 on shot number two

That first one could be a little bit damaging now I have to say that feeling is very very bizarre it feels like I would describe this The Club at the bottom is sort of being slingshotted through a little more and that the club is really overtaking me a little easier

Now think why that would generate more speed again go back to this analogy it’s hard to get a slingshot of the club with your hands ridiculously far apart now I know you’re never going to take that grip so bringing them together that whoosh at the bottom

Really feels great the more I get those practice swings in the more I feel like I can do this okay ball number three just down the right half coming back in going a lot higher I have to say that 112.1 so we’re three shots in there

We’ve had one a little bit quicker one quite slow that first shot and I think that was a little bit of apprehension but right now I would say it’s really evenly balanced with we need a few faster ones again to make this average higher for me to gain and for me to say

To you you know what this is worth doing I don’t know 114 the one thing I’m going to say is I didn’t even feel like I had to hit that I felt like Smooth really smooth smth let’s now go into this final ball and see what

This one does I’m trying to relax that grip pressure I think on the first view cuz it feels like I’m going to let go the club a little bit I was strangling it really limiting that speed I literally feel like got no pressure on this just like slings through

15.9 since I’ve relaxed that grip pressure justed it a little more that speed just climbed I really want to do this because I think there’s something in it now I honestly think this is the fairest thing to do think of those last two drives that I hit 114 11

15.9 mph and I’ve never used this grip before that speed was climbing and climbing when I sort of just started to relax that grip pressure so I’m going to take out the first two drives and add in these two cuz I’ve never done it before

I need to sort of go right okay well I’ve done that grip for the last 25 5 years of playing golf I at five shots with this one let’s see what we can get on these last two so relax that pressure relax that grip that really felt fast that 114 let’s hit another

One oh my God that’s the best driver I’ve ever hit in a long time I just literally let that go literally let that go so look at that last Club head speed right there 114 it’s climbing now I know I’ve not touched a 116 but my average is surely higher here

But more importantly look how far this has just gone 299 y so a little bit faster and 299 Ys so so that now puts my average with this grip just under 1142 M an hour so a gain of just over 1 mph but a big gain from 289 yard to 299

Yards 10 yards in total so what I would give you as my overall opinion of this grip is that it is longer it does take some trust but I honestly think if I can keep using this grip I could get at like four five miles hour Club at speed with

The trust if I’m being perfectly honest that last shot that I just hit was the one that I trusted the most was the one that felt the best and put it in perspective I’m pretty new to this grip so I think there’s something in it 100%

You should be giving this a go thanks so much for watching

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