Golf Swing with the Arms VS Using the Lower Body

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus Joe through the exploration process with Frank to assist him in discovering his own optimal golf swing mechanics.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

I normally try to get the range at least once a week something twice a week okay but I say last time I just I just give up a little half bucket BS and walked away did you yeah I was wasting your time you going to tell me I you play

Left anything no so is there still a lot going through the head when you swing yeah at the moment no I’m I’ve just come here a day to think s it I’m just going to forget everything I’ve ever done yeah and just swing I’m probably exactly like 95% of

People come here yeah I E from there I high b anyway yeah it’s either high right or thin it okay I don’t take a divot I want to manage expectations I’m not coming here thinking I’m going to H the ball miles I just want to strike the

Ball you want you want to Strike It Strike sweet and have some sort of structure to know that even if you like a bar one I know I mean I’m doing something right with a structure yeah okay that’s what I’m after let’s get a few shots to loosen up Frank get you get

You going I’m going to set the pressure plate up we’re going to take some measurements find out what’s going on okay get inside your head find out what’s going off in there good luck with it with the golf swing and uh and um yeah and then start to see how get a

Perspective on how you see this and how you’re experiencing it how you feel it where your awareness is I noticed from videos that my my game and a lot of other people yeah play from up here yeah um with everything I’ve seen so far ground up ground up and that’s the

Complete opposite yeah and even though I see see some videos I went out to the range there’s no until that’s why I booked this I just couldn’t do it myself I had to come here and yeah do it it’s a common story of course we’re starting from the ground up but we’re we’re

Actually creating the forces to apply to the ground so it’s starting from within and then we’re applying it externally and then we get something back and it’s what we’re getting back that we’re reacting to but it’s how do we and the number one question is like You’ said

I’ve seen this thinking about my feet thinking about using my feet thinking about working from the ground up but I I don’t know how to do it so of course because we’re actioning the movement to create the forces and then we’ve got to react to these forces so that’s exactly

What we’re going to be doing nice one are you naturally right-handed yeah right footed yeah you going to tell me if she playing Left any no do you have to wear glasses at all any for reading just for reading nice one let’s have a look at

What’s going on so hi guys due to the high demand on the golf trips we’ve got another trip planned for Gloria in Turkey in April it’s from the 21st to the 25th and we’ve sold four places already so these trips are exclusively for a small group of six people so

There’s only two places left if you’d like more detail please contact fars at grf atravel and he’ll be able to give you all the information you need and hopefully we see you there although it looks like you’re just swinging back you push in off your left foot a little

Bit and then it pushes you back so you load a little bit into it and then you push off it and then you start swinging which is great it’s rotated that line you’ve got some early torque but this pressure is hanging around here this should be gone so that pressure is kind

Of stalling that’s the back foot yeah yeah and then you’re kind of a bit stuck and then what happens now is your hands and upper body start to move and then the pressure just reacts to you so now look the hands move and the pressure is

Starting to just move with you and that club’s getting thrown and your pressure is moving at the same rate so you’re loading into the floor and you’ve already fired so you’ve got this potential vertical Force to use but the system that you need to transfer it through it’s already off and running the

Levers are firing the horse is boltered you’re still loading and you nearly you’re releasing the club so the body has to just brace can’t really use the legs or anything because your pressure is moving with you so is that pressure is moving there with you as you’re

Swinging down you’re on a moving floor so it’s really unstable so the body has to just brace to try and let you hit to create some stability the age old biomechanical phrase you can’t fire a cannon from a canoe okay cuz it’s too unstable it’s going to

Sh go off in any direction okay so you’re then having the mechanism that you’re fired with is also the mechanism now you’re trying to control to steer The Club at the time when you just want to let it go but you can’t let it go because you’re in that

Canoe and it’s like something’s got to stabilize well we’re stabilizing at the end of the chain the problem is we’ve just fired and we’ve added loads of Loft and now we’re just keeping it trying to keep this CL face Square if you do let it go more like loosen your hands pull

Drawers which you’re just let the club face continue to rotate if you recognize it yourself we’ve got to completely turn it upside down basically you’re hitting it with your arms so all the levers are getting fired early instead of just using some vertical and just let this

Club swing up we’re doing that if you’re putting all the effort in you’re under tension you can’t move very easily It’s all under t it’s like a block and then the end of the Chain’s going to have to go for the speed whereas if this is all reacting to

Basically that angular momentum we’re creating now we’re free to move and create that platform and we can react to it then you’ve got that platform now it ain’t the canoe anymore now it’s like you’re on a concrete base so the first thing we need to do is

We need to find out what it feels like to get moving the lower body twist your hips for me that’s enough now walking with the walkin action Frank twist your hips at this this is what we need in your golf swing let’s see those hips twist good the pelvis rotates

Yes just step forward onto the carpet for me and do that so you can feel it with the ground that yeah different feeling yeah going really let your hips Twist from side to side bit of Elvis there we go look at that but use your toes and use your feet to

Push it’s not going to happen like this in a gol swing so you’re not going to need your Elvis tribute act costume when you play golf okay it’s not going to look like this you’re going to see Trace elements of it but there’s going to be

Other stuff going on roll it first and then stand up to Spring there you go roll it the other way and then stand up yeah beautiful so your rotation the last thing you standing up and fire the transfer the rotation through the arms are the last thing to swing

Nice awesome that so different it’s unbelievable really is this is why it is so difficult to translate what you seen on the videos to a feeling yourself cuz when you come here and experience it yourself it’s totally different to what you imagine it to be body just feels like you a’t got

Controlled it’s no it’s gone okay all that what you perceive to be to control the goal swing ain’t really controlling the golf swing in the way that you that you need to for what you want feel different yeah feels loose yeah really loose okay feels feels good but grip

Yeah you got let them move you don’t have to you don’t have to grip loose you just got to let these move that’s it that’s what we’re going to do just let them move let the wrists flick the wrist back flick them through there you

Go nice nice so you’ve got a crack of the whip on the way through there and you can crack it back as well whip it back let it snap back so you can start to use a swing weight got to let that energy flow through the arms through the

Wrists to the club head that’s it now we’ve got something we can use we had a club Wasing where before you couldn’t hear nothing no now there’s a whip yeah to this now I can hear it hear it sort of sort of there yeah that’s look it’s lovely looks awesome and that

That whip by the way that that swish that snap that’s what you play your golf shot with at that you change direction earlier and then the snap can come even later yeah you fit it yeah yeah you’re creating more and more time have a few shots FL

In the club and the flail gives you time the body gives you time very good fantastic strike bit too active with the hands then mhm yes well done lovely that’s up there is’t it it’s definitely up there a blank those ones c yeah didn’t even see it oh yeah

Brilliant lost it do you want to drive yes please okay so a bit of draw you want to be swinging this way believe it or not you need to be swinging over here right now the reason is look it looks like that but it’s actually this right it’s on an

Arc and we now we’re hitting up paths m to the left so we’ve got to shift the swing direction to the right just to get a path that’s slightly right that is brilliant awesome different feel yeah I’m using that that FL and fling it over

That way yeah and see the C the club face closes it starts the ball yeah over here cuz it’s closing then it draws a bit cuz she passs over here yeah and you pass not as far out as you think it is You’ just got a nice little draw but

You’re having to swing this far to get that little path cuz you’re wrting up it’s lovely that flight is fantastic isn’t it that’s awesome it’s so good yeah I’ll take that I I’ll s over it all right yes thank you brilliant Frank really enjoyed that me too thank you very much awesome

1 Comment

  1. Awesome video again- Just a question why you ask about being right handed and right footed?

    I am left handed and right foot. I play golf and any other two handed sport right handed but If I was to throw a ball or play tennis I would play left handed? Just wondering if this makes any difference 🙂

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