Golf Players

Brian Burns and his immense potential come to the Giants

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Joe Shane and the New York Giants were busy on day one of free agency what’s going on everyone Nick vato here to discuss the trade and skill set of 25-year-old Edge rusher Brian Burns who the Giants acquired via trade it was no surprise that the Giants were in The

Edge Market Big Ticket free agent names like denil Hunter were linked to the Giants prior to free agency starting but New York they opt to go in another Direction Shane sent a 39th overall pick in this draft and a 20 25 fifth round selection to Carolina for Brian Burns

And then signed the pass rusher to a 5-year $150 million contract that includes 87 A5 million guaranteed this makes burns the second highest paid pass rusher in the NFL behind San Francisco 49er Nick Bosa mind you Burns was almost sent to the Los Angeles Rams last offseason for two first round picks but

Carolina rejected the trade let’s through some Burns plays as I break down some of my thoughts on the acquisition the plays you’re about to watch are his sacks from last season and this past season where he had 40 pressures eight sacks and 18 quarterback hits in 2023 with an

11.1% pressure rate with a win percentage of 13.1% ranking 26th in the league Burns has 246 pressures and 46 sacks through 2 and 82 career pass rushing reps according to NFL nextg stats Brian Burns ranks fourth in the NFL since 2019 in quick pressures a quick pressure is a pressure earned

Within two and a half seconds of the snap since 2019 Burns has 148 quick pressures trailing just miles Garrett of the Browns at 219 Aaron Donald of the Rams at 189 and TJ watt of the Pittsburgh Steelers at 189 as well he’s about as sudden and explosive as

Diarrhea and a person with chronic dyspepsia that is his calling card trade the explosiveness not the diarhea but it’s far from his only quality if you’re looking at the screen right now you’ll see his mock draftable you see the elite explosiveness Burns 97th percentile broad jump it’s evident on his tape as I

Play through some more of these sacks Burns’s 97th percentile broad jump is evident on his tape he’s so explosive he has long arms he closes with at such an alarming rate while possessing rare Bend and an ability to slip around the punches of offensive tackles there are

Few Edge rushers in the NFL who possess Burns’s ability to reduce the surface area of his chest at the point of contact and there are fewer with this combination of burst and Ben to win on highs side rushes which will be very important in this specific Shane Bowen

System look the Giants didn’t make a commitment to Brian Burns like this solely on the fact that Shane Bowen is the defensive coordinator but Brian Burns shares a lot of similarities to Herold Landry who was the edge rusher for the Tennessee Titans when Shane Bowen was the defensive coordinator

There much like Burns Landry is a highside rusher who wins with burst and bent this is important because Shane Bowen does not Blitz nearly as often as wink marale so relying on fourman pressure packages is key it’s crucial to the defense Bowen would use wide nine rushing angles in obvious passing

Situations probably something that he learned from Jim Schwarz who was a defensive adviser there in Tennessee this alignment and angle gives explosive and bendy pass rushers an easier path to create pressure through the outside arm of tackles it’s stresses tackles and it sets up inside counter moves while

Setting up an advantageous One V one situation for the defense I want to play through some of these high side rushes so a highs side Rush is basically winning around the edge can you bend through contact can you corner and you’re going to see through a lot of these clips that Brian

Burns does not have a lot of trouble doing that and on this specific clip we’re going to see good hand usage as well leverage to sack Jared G against I believe that’s Taylor Decker watch how he meets him up the arc you can see the wide position that I was referring to

Before right this is a wide n position look how far off number 68 Brian Burns is so this gives him an easier path up this Arc and it really stresses number 68 to take a vertical set and meet Brian Burns at the top of that Arc which also

Opens up the counter moves that we’re going to see later in this video Brian Burns has a plethora of so on this play you’re gonna see Brian Burns strike with the inside arm and as the offensive tackle strikes with his outside arm you see Brian Burns gain control of that

Wrist he goes over the top and then he sinks his weight and he uses his length because he has all that length to bench press the offensive tackle off him saying you’re not going to get a clean shot on my chest right I’m going to break that contact and now I’m going to

Use my explosiveness and my Bend to win around the edge that’s exactly what Brian Burns does uses every inch of that long reach that he has that long arm technique because he does have power moves which we’ll also see later this hole he’s just a finesse rusher that’s

okay this guy can also engage in some power and he has surprising popon contact for someone who is even like 250 pounds but you can see how he’s able to break the wrist break the contact of the offensive tackle and then bend Bend Bend stay low you can see

Those knees almost touching wi around the edge sacked J golf you’re going to see a lot of plays similar to this throughout his tape just winning high side through either sheer explosiveness and burst or through hand fighting this is somebody who has the ability to employ a variety of different hand moves

He has the ability to reduce the surface area as I talked about a little bit earlier this is kind of what I mean by that right he’s wide in a four-point stance he’s going to explode off the line of scrimmage to the right side of

The screen and you can see him on his first steps it’s tight right I’m going right through your outside shoulder I’m going right through your outside shoulder on that second step he’s going to angle high and that’s going to open the tackle up naturally so he opens the

Tackle up and then he’s going to bring the inside arm to chop the outside arm of the offensive tackle while he also just he shows his back to the tackle see how he does that how is the tackle going to gain his chest when he has the

Ability and this is a very fluid movement this is not necessarily easy to do you don’t see a lot of edge rushers execute this we’ve seen aiz oari do it when he is healthy not as much from Kon Tibido as a lot of people would like Kon

Tibo has to rely on more precise footwork but Brian Burns just has an ability to bend at the waist Bend at the knees Bend at every joint that this guy has to reduce that surface area and not allow number 76 right here to get a

Clean look you can see how he just right there just simple movement just going to show you my lower back and I’m not going to let you gain my chest and in doing you’re not going to have control I’m going to have upside leverage right that

High side leverage and then he does an excellent job bending through contact Brian Burns is somebody who can put a ton of stress on that ankle joint and then still maintain balance and turn a tight corner and you’re going to see that through a lot of these is’s another

Good representation of what I was talking about you see how he just kind of gives the shimmy and then he dips dip the inside shoulder you dip this inside shoulder and you put a ton of stress on that outside leg ankle and then you could just Bend right through the

Contact to get the pressure the necessary pressure to force an incomplete pass so this is something we’re going to see a lot from Brian Burns and it’s very important because this is something haral Landry did very frequently in Shan Bowen system like I’m trying to Rack my brain right now and

Really figure out who’s the last pass rusher the New York Giants had that’s comparable to Brian Burns from a success around the edge standpoint and the name that keeps coming to me is usor and I’m not saying that he is OC but you can just see like this is against Andrew

Thomas and Thomas ends up recovering well because Thomas is a top five tackle but just watch how Brian Burns and I think Andrew Thomas talked about this during the offseason about one of the more difficult players to block it was in the NFL 100 series on NFL Network he

Said Brian Burns because you can’t line him up there is no lining up Brian Burns because he is so damn slippery remember how we used to call Shady McCoy slippery like a fish and ever evasive and Elusive that’s what Brian Burns is for offensive tackles regarding blocking him it’s very

Difficult to line this guy and you can see it right here against Andrew Thomas one of the best blockers in the league you could see how he flashes the inside arm and then just dips dips underneath the punch I love to see that dip underneath the punch Andrew Thomas makes

Contact with the five on the back of Brian Burns’s Jersey and Brian Burns from this position a disadvantageous position is able to get his hips oriented into the pocket and Corner through contact and you can just see how low he is look how low Brian Burns is on

That on this rep and Andrew thas does a great job recovering but it forces Daniel Jones to step up into the pocket and ultimately it ends up in a sack now think of that skill set in shanebow system that prioritizes these wide angles that are advantageous for Edge

Rushers and you have Dexter Lawrence coming from the middle and Kavon Tibido from the other side that is a reason to be excited ladies and gentlemen and you can include a zizo galarian on this he’s not lost he’s going to be the third pass rusher on this team now but he’s still

Going to find the football field and we should hope for that because we we haven’t seen a healthy aizo jalori in a while but every time he’s been healthy and out on the football field he’s pretty damn good football player and he also has the ability to do what we’re

Watching uh Brian Burns do right now not nearly to the to the level because Brian Burns is Elite in this regard he loses his balance on this play a little bit but watch again double punch Miss hit the backside of him look at the footwork he’s able to plant that inside foot and

Recover from the fact that he missed his punch so quickly that he can at least throw Brian burns down to not get Tom Brady sacked this is from 2020 too still goes incomplete because of Brian Burn’s pressure because again those quick pressures Brian burn is one of the best

In the league at earning those quick pressures when you look at the other names Aaron Donald TJ watt miles Garrett everyone’s like who those guys are great and then Brian Burns is like oh he’s whatever no Brian Burns is not just oh he’s whatever he’s better than oh just

He’s whatever I’m telling you man as long as he could stay healthy and he hasn’t had necessarily troubles with with health but you know it’s football people can get injured and here’s a longarm power rush move because Brian Burns can convert speed the power I get

It man he’s thin you know you look at him you’re like wait that’s a edge rusher he looks like a freaking defensive back no he’s pretty thin but he can really uncor some power we’ll see some of that later but here’s a nice move where he gets underneath low

Leverage low hat winds and then drive through your long arm technique get the tackle turned help out with the sack here you go back when he was number 53 here’s him at number zero again in 2023 we’re going to see him go around high side this is a a pirate stunt okay

This is something that we talked about a lot when Shane bow was hired right pirate stunts are going to run pirate stunts well this is a pirate stunt because you’re going to have Brian Burns right here go high side now he’s not necessarily the stun he’s the backside

Defender forcing Derek Carr to step up into the pocket later Frankie louu is going to be the looping Defender with both of these individuals slanting inside so basically the looping Defender goes around two slanting Defenders and nobody blocks him because if there’s nobody protecting that edge number 50

Who is wide if 883 runs a route number 50 is wide he’s going to force that tackle to step down so he steps down by that point nobody knows where Frankie louu is the center is absolutely picked louu just runs right into Carr as Carr steps up to evade Brian

Burns now I want to show some counter moves too like this is just the slippery nature of Brian Burns right because if you can win high side you’re going to threaten offensive tackles and offensive tackles are going to be scared of your speed which is going to result in over

Setting we see this all the time in the NFL if you have an efficient and effective counter move to get back to inside whether that’s a swim whether that is a spin move you’re going to take advantage of offensive tackles and Brian Burns did this a lot and he has one of

The more coordinated and smooth inside spin moves where he doesn’t really lose all that much momentum he doesn’t pop up he stays low keeps that center of gravity low as you’ll see right here just really quick he uses that that initial outside arm to just elbow on the

Way in and then just go right into the pocket and even when John runan Jr right here picks him up Brian burn still finds a way to slip off because he has such active hands and he’s a very adaptive pass rusher right very adaptive stronger than he looks gets into the pocket good

Job by Jordan love to escape and try to make a play and ends up going incomplete but we see this all throughout Brian Burns’s tap we see a lot of these little inside spin moves and that is something that offensive tackles are going to think about I can’t overset against your

Speed if I’m a slow-footed offensive tackle I can’t overset against your speed if I have no inside help and I’m sure Shane Bowen will dictate the protection to some degree to where the is going to be occupied so now I’m on an island against Brian Burns and if I

Overset I can get beat with an inside Spin and if I don’t I make get beat around the edge as we seen so Brian Burns offers that that ability to threaten offensive tackles in a multitude of different ways he can go inside he can go outside and here you

See this isn’t even an inside spin move just a quick arm over and we see this a lot through Brian Burns right you you just take a hard outside jab step right hard outside jab put the foot in the ground get 78 to stop moving his feet to

Meet you to square you up and when you think he’s framed he just hits you with that look at the lateral agility look at the explosiveness that Brian Burns gets in those two steps one two look at that separation that that one foot is what

Maybe like a yard a yard and a half away from the hash and it goes all the way to past the midpoint of the hash that is some damn good burst from Brian Burns and he ends up earning the sack on one Gino Smith we see this throughout the

Tape as I said here he’s going to just start up the arc this this is a pretty poor pass set I think that’s Donovan Smith 76 might have been Donan Smith before too it might have been 76 yeah I think it was so correct me there everybody who’s ripping their hair out

Calling me stupid here’s an outside spin move against Jonah Williams solid tackle you see him start with the vertical set and Brian Burns does a good job to get the footwork all mismanaged by heading inside acting like he’s heading inside and you can see Jonah takes that step

Inside after taking the vertical set spin right off to the outside try to get Joe burrow burrow does a good job managing the pocket and stepping up and here we’re going to see Burns man this is one of those adaptive rushes there is a running back chipping him so he’s

Going to act like he’s going outside through 67 you see quick chop of the outside arm Rashad white comes and he helps out his tackle hits Brian Burns Brian Burns spins maintains his balance collects himself gets contact on 67 and then Works through the block and Baker

Mayfield ends up escaping but you could see man there’s a lot of different moves going on with a snap like that here against Ronnie stand that’s just a clean move ends up getting picked up by the guard and now this is from dline vids on Twitter this is not mine this is dline

Vids as you could see right there but look at just how damn coordinated that is and the footwork that you need the footwork the points of contact that you need to execute from an upper body standpoint you need to be such a controlled and fluid athlete to pull these types of moves off

And that’s exactly what Brian Burns is he’s a controlled and fluid athlete and he’s explosive you can see right here just sell like you’re going high side get the double punch and spin right to the inside get 71 to fall down the other part of Shane Bowen

System that is very important not just winning high side for Edge rushers but it’s also creating pressure with just four men so how else do you create pressure with just four men when there’s five six man protection packages you twist you Gap exchange you run these games and that’s something Shane Bowen

Did a lot last year it’s something that Brian Burns did and Brian Burns is damn explosive and let’s roll a couple clips of Harold Landry doing it last year with Shane Bowen and how Brian Burns could be an upgrade over Landry in this department they’re going to watch some

Contact balance from Brian Burns here man he gets picked up by the center and burns is able to collect himself and crash into the pocket in in his teammate’s getting a sack but watch just how he is fired out of a cannon when he is slanting inside this these are the

Types of plays that we should be really really excited about as well it’s not just the highs side rushes the use of hands the deceptive power it’s also how fast and quick he is sudden is the word when he is slanting inside because this should be picked up by number 68 68 has

It dialed in 68 gets his eyes on him at this point and a lot of pass rushes are going to get picked up all you need to do is get enough contact to shove them into 79 and then allow your quarterback to maneuver around the pocket but Brian

Burns is damn too quick man he’s just way too quick and he gets right into the back field and then ends up sacking CJ bethard on that play and you’re gonna see a bunch of plays where Brian Burns is just so damn fast moving through the trash and finding the angle the

Necessary angle that he needs to take to get into the pocket to get the quarterback down on the ground or to at least just harass the quarterback and I feel like I watched two Detroit games right the 2022 one and the 20231 I feel like Brian Burns man like just like had

His thing with Jared G where he was just nailing Jared G every chance he got to just murder Jared G he took figuratively of course I want to show some of these Brian Burns Power and pop plays everyone says Ah man he’s just a finesse rusher

He’s just a speed rusher nah son he is not just a finesse rusher he’s not just a speed rusher this one’s not necessarily overtly powerful but you can see how he gets pop and then he realizes I’m not going to win with my power so let me work through the outside get this

Tackle feet behind him which he does work through the outside with a subsequent move then get after the quarterback leading to a sack but you’re going to see some of these plays this one right here get the long arm shove the offensive tackle right into the back

Field let me get number 76 I put this reel up on Twitter that’s just twohand pop open to the inside get a direct path in doesn’t finish the sack but number 95 does important and these are plays where you could see over setting number 76 overs sets let me engage with power look

How low he is look how low his hips are right hips are very low knees are very low he can get so much power through the ground into the point of contact when he is able to lower himself like this explode low to high into contact and

When you have offensive linemen who are overplaying due to his speed and explosiveness you can just uncor them as you see right here and then work to the inside and when you have another player who’s a three technique 66 a guard is going to have to worry about that three

Technique this is fiveman protection you’re going to win to the inside again putting stress on those offensive tackles you can see this against Jonah Williams just two pushes again look how low he is look how low he is that’s where he’s getting all this power from right it’s not necessarily just because

He’s this huge strong guy he plays with the proper leverage and he also just has that just incredible explosive type of pop this this offensive lineman for the Denver Broncos learned it right now his feet are in a terrible spot like he there’s no way for him to generate any

This is poor technique on the tackle part Brian burn just takes advantage just okay I’m just gonna push you over shoves that must be such a such a good feeling as an edge rusher to do that to an offensive lineman you can see him do it again here just one hand just throws

Him to the deck gets after Russell Wilson and that’s one thing about Brian Burns as a run Defender and as a pass rusher is man he is Relentless in Pursuit you know that competitive toughness and that Relentless nature that is something that you want from every pass rusher the guy never gives up

On any given play right so I want to see that 70 doesn’t do a terrible job here at least standing him up you see how 70 resets himself but Brian Burns is Relentless and he’s able to get after nine but a better quarterback probably wouldn’t have put himself in a position

To get sacked on that specific play but there was pressure coming from the other side now we see against Evan Neil you know you can hold your comments I get it it’s Evan Neil but goes right through the chest and this is bad technique by Evan Neil as well Evan Neil is probably

Scared of the speed right like his feet way too close together and Brian Burns realized that so Brian Burns just lowered his hat and just said I’m going to use a bull rush on this play and pushes Evan Neil backwards and then once Evan Neil’s momentum is just basically

Going backwards because he’s on Ice Gates Burns Just Adjust right back to the inside to get after Daniel Jones and get the sack going back to 2022 here we’re gonna see him just shove number 68 right back into Jared G now we’re going to get another play against

78 where he gets stopped and this is something that you’ll see sometimes as well I wanted to add this play specifically because you see the pop on contact but if the tackle can reset himself you can see how the tackle does that here it looked like he was screwed

At first he gets out that’s pop you see him generating that Force Through number 78 but then 78 sits back on the hips you sit back and you absorb that contact and then you can kind of exhaust Brian Burns out and that’s something you could do to

Every Edge rusher but then you see the damn competitive toughness and it forces go Smith to just kind of toss it out of bounds and there is a penalty too I’m not 100% certain what that was now I want to show some plays with Brian Burns

Against the run now Brian Burns he’s not a he’s not a bad run Defender but he is somebody in in the system where he played with Phil snow with the Carolina Panthers where he was slanting a lot it was a lot of lateral type of movement it’s not like it was super frequent

Where he was just setting the edge right he can do that and I just wanted to add this play in here because you see the pop in the force where he just gets both his hands on a tackle who was unsuspecting until the last second and he could just finish

You again love that part of his game that is not disgust enough and he could do things like this right I’m going to set the edge he does set a solid Edge right because he stays low he has good length and he can lock you out he is

Strong enough to hold the point of attack I want that to be clear he’s not somebody who’s just going to get tossed around all the time but this isn’t something that he did all too frequently because he was slanting so much right so you can see him hold the edge and then

He’s able to get off and then make this tackle he is a more impactful pass rusher than he is a run Defender I don’t think that’s uh crazy to say but he’s capable of doing the things that you’re witnessing right now but more so and I

Know this is a a a capping HB who’s coming across the formation but even when it is a base y he tries to just avoid the block because he is so damn evasive right and he he can just get away from from opposing offensive players who attempt to block him on

These plays where where they’re going up against Zone and a tight end is coming across the formation he either avoids them or gets cut he got cut a lot this past year I don’t think I have any clips of that but he got cut a lot in these

Situations this is the famous play where everyone’s like why are they allowed to do this when Kon Tibido got hurt in preseason against the Cincinnati Bangals it’s very common play in the NFL where they go after your knees and they hit you low you’re supposed to protect yourself well Brian Burns either gets

Cut or he avoids in this type of manner right he’s not necessarily someone who’s gonna lower his shoulder and absorb that contact and keep the keep the the the rushing Lane narrow now he can do that in my opinion but he would rather avoid you and then make the tackle because he

Is talented enough and controlled enough as an athlete to do so but you can see this is what he’s going to do more so as a run Defender I’m just going to get you out of my way use my hands and then present my chest to the running back and

Blow up the play and there’s not necessarily nothing wrong with that but there are going to be ties we going up against good offensive tackles who can line you up and you need to find a way to defeat them by setting that edge and by sitting down and relying on your

Anchor I don’t necessarily think that’s his most natural part right it’s more so like this 74 I think it’s Robins right of Jacksonville lines him up and hits him but you can see how Brian Burns Works through one side to get his eyes on and on this play he doesn’t have

Contain responsibility so he has a little bit more freedom but he still has a gap responsibility so he gets his eyes on the running back who looked like he was going to be heading towards 54 54 fits the run and then Brian Burns is right there to also make the

Tackle but this is a Relentless player who is going to be in the back field quite often he’s going to have more than 10 t tackles for a loss he’s more than likely going to have double digit sacks he’s a he’s an absolute Menace for for opposing offenses and this is kind of

What I was talking about before he’s going to avoid the contact more so than absorb it but he can absorb it when he’s asked to so my overall assessment on this acquisition is I absolutely love it I think this is a home run I seen a lot

Of people say why are you overpaying for this Edge rusher who doesn’t have that much production look he has 46 career sacks and he’s 25 years old he has over 240 career pressures if you wna get after the quarterback there are few guys in the league that have the upside the

Ceiling the potential of a Brian Burns I think the system fits him very well this is the exact player Shane bow was looking for to replicate what Herold Landry did for him in Tennessee I don’t think he’s necessarily A commanding run defender in terms of setting the edge I

Think he can do those things I think he’s more so like I said a little earlier going to evade be elusive find his way around blocks and then use his explosiveness and his burst and his ability to close with instantaneously to make tackles on running backs he’s one

Of the best athletes that are going to be out there On Any Given Sunday that’s how talented he is and how controlled and how balanced he is I love his hand usage I think he has good footwork as well and he’s going to be able to just

Wreak havoc as a pass rusher that’s what the New York Giants need when you pair him with Kavon tibit on the edges and Dexter Lawrence you have Kavon and you have Brian Burns flying from wide positions on Third and six plus with Dexter Lawrence going through the middle

That’s a recipe to get after quarterbacks that I am willing to get behind he’s only 25 years old too I get the contract is big but in two or three years when the cap just keeps on going up and up that contract’s not going to

Look that bad right and his power as a pass rusher something that is not discussed enough and power doesn’t just mean you’re running through the guy right like we saw a couple bull rush reps where he got underneath he executes great leverage has really good length as

Well which he maximizes but power is also a means to set up finesse moves right like pass rushers that can use power and speed interchangeably that’s a nightmare for offensive lineman especially when they can convert speed power and that’s something that we’ve seen throughout Burns’s tape so I think

This is a great acquisition I think this is going to work out for the New York football Giants if he stays healthy and everything goes well and it says something about the New York Giants too like this isn’t necessarily A team that is in complete in utter rebuild like

Some of us including myself to some degree thought they could be entering the season but they weren’t going to pay positions like running back they weren’t going to pay positions like safety even though saquon Barkley and Xavier mckin are both very talented football players they didn’t want to invest in those

Positions instead went out and they signed two offensive lineman as of right now and they got a star Edge rusher in Brian Burns to compliment Kavon Tibido and to help solidify this defense and their pass rush look the former defensive coordinator the New York Giants had in wink marale he brought

Five six guys we’re not going to see that too frequently we’re gonna see twists we’re gonna see games we’re GNA see a lot of things of that nature and now you have Brian Burns creating Havoc off the edge that is just a home run for Shane Bowen and the New York Giants and

I really like the potential that Brian Burns offers the New York Giant so I hope you guys enjoyed this brief video thank you so much I Nick Fato signing off for big blue view please head on over to bigblue check out all of our written content over there our

Podcast the big blue view radio network that would be lovely thanks everyone and have a great day


  1. Yes, you are telling us. LOL. Thanks for these series. I am simply a fan who enjoys watching games. I learn so much watching your reviews. I have a question. I see Burns rushing the front side and blind side. Does Bowen move his edge rushers around?

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