Golf Players

2024 VALSPAR CHAMPIONSHIP, Fantasy Golf Picks & Plays | Fantasy Golf Degenerates

2024 VALSPAR CHAMPIONSHIP, Fantasy Golf Picks & Plays | Fantasy Golf Degenerates

Kenny Kim and Tyler “Tambo” Tamboline preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 Valspar Championship picks. The guys give their Fantasy Golf picks and best bets for the event at Innisbrook Resort

Episode “362” | Scottie NECKler

#ValsparChampionship #FantasyGolf #PGATour

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Intro – 0:00
Recap – 1:19
YouTube Comment Winner – 23:53
Underdog Pick’ems – 25:14
Course Preview – 33:37
DFS Strategy – 39:08
Tiers – 42:32
Bets – 1:05:49
Outro – 1:11:22


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Kenny Kim Twitter:
Fantasy Golf Degenerates Twitter:

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I’ been getting dirty money Jordan Bing Penny while I’m flipping these birding Ond what is going on DJ Nation Ken Kim here bringing you another fantasy go the generous podcast this week for the Valar Championship as usual I’m here with everybody’s favorite Canadian Tyler tamboline Tyler we missed you last week how was your vacation everything good yeah man everything was good happy to be

Back you said as usual it has not been as usual lately we’ve been off and on but that’s good need a little break we’re gonna be good for the rest of the year give or take a week or two so you guys don’t have to worry yeah I don’t

Plan on missing anything unless I’m sick or anything yeah back at it again though excited to be back go through this one with you had a great week to talk about we’ll get to the players in a second before we do though I want to remind everyone very quickly this show is

Brought to you and presented by shipping now is a great time to join if you go I said last week join for the player stay for the Masters if you join for the vpar you can use code Masters 15 gets you 15% off and the setup is easy

If you get in right now after uh today Monday Tuesday Wednesday whatever it is you’ll get right through the Masters including All The Showdown slates which are usually pretty good over the weekend so yeah Sheffer gets the job done Kenny we’ll get into it but how was your week

Man what’s going on yeah I mean like personally for me the week was great uh so uh the week started off for me with the underdog play that we had uh on the show last week what I didn’t realize if if you play a two-man Underdog pick them

And one of the one of the picks pushes you get your money back so I was hyp about that one of the picks from the show last week pushed one-1 got our money back it’s better than nothing right the next thing that happened hit Xander first round leader uh I got a

Boost to 45 to one now again it was chopped but I also had the eway uh for five places so that basically covered my gambling plus some uh then Friday I hit a three man uh Underdog fantasy pick them for $1,100 and then Saturday night I I bet Scotty Sheffer live 28

To1 um 28 to1 on when he was on 15 uh he ended up birding 16 17 and 18 to get back into and he was like 8 to one by the end of the day so the closing line value was really solid on that and of

Course he won and then Sunday I guess Underdog has these crazy like scorcher multipliers on Sundays only um and so I I made a bet it was I made not a bet I made a pick them uh it was abber minus 2 and a half or less than two and a half

Bogies Hideki less than two and a half bogies and Sheffer less than5 Bogies with a five time multiplier um so for the multiplier it was like I think it was like 25 times the multiplier I had for that I put the max bet on it and I won six grand on

That one Underdog bet and it was you know the funny thing is if I bet all if I did all three pick thems five under bogeys I would have won like $32,000 uh now you know I mean you’re just look it’s you know the whatif game

And no one really likes to play that game uh but still uh and then I forgot I also had Dei uh each way eight places so it was like a [ __ ] huge like the biggest week I’ve had I withdrew five figures uh you know I withdrew

$10,000 um this past week in the last eight days counting last week’s Underdog play I’ve withdrawn 10 grand so it’s been a very very very very good uh couple of weeks for right when we start Underdog fantasy of course we’ll go over that here in a minute but of course use

Promo code Mayo get yourself 100% deposit match up to $100 uh on Underdog fantasy um now H let’s go how you did and let’s go over the week because what a tournament what an event yeah it doesn’t like I didn’t barely play I was in bah oh yeah you on vacation any great

St a few entries in there I didn’t get anything out I finished 77th in the Millie and and then I had tickets to the 3333 and those didn’t cash so yeah nothing special my way last week but had a great week I can tell you that much

Down great weather in the Bahamas great food with my wife of 10 years oh man you should have stayed this week so you could see tiger and Yasser meeting today just stayed yeah I should have stay live on site with Tambo interviewing Yasser uh and tiger up on Tiger’s

Yacht is see those guys for sure I’m thinking about Bermuda which is like 2 miles long Bahama’s a little bit bigger right than Bermuda um but yeah so we missed you last week but what an event uh first off the TV coverage was spectacular uh so many golf shots so little

Commercials this is the way it should be and I know the way the PGA Tour is it can’t be every week but we need more than like one week a year on the PGA tour for coverage like this they got to be able to do something where they can

Get maybe like like the Signature Events with a cut right get get all the Signature Events with a cut like this where the sponsors opt them I’ll say them out loud because everyone should be buying their [ __ ] for doing what they did opum uh Comcast Morgan Stanley thank

You thank you for for doing what you did and and and and and and covering the commercials for the players because it was spectacular like especially in the morning uh before the real coverage started ESPN plus had all access you could see every single golfer in the

Field um you know that you want this is the way coverage should be and I know it’s a pipe dream to think about having this type of coverage every single week but give it to me more than once a year give it to me like you know the majors

Are usually good coverage give me like four more events five more events so we can make it like 10 events a year where you get this type of coverage and watch the ratings for those 10 events will be insane because it made everything so much more fluid right from from a from a

Viewing standpoint and from a casual fan standpoint you know it will keep the Casual fan more entertained more focused because they are not a commercial break every three minutes um now what do and what you think about the cover did you get to watch any tampo yeah I get to

Watch at least a day and a half but I get to watch the last 10 10 or so holes once I got home from the airport so got to see the the finale of it all but I didn’t see all that stuff like I didn’t get to enjoy the better coverage or

Anything like that I think the takeaway there though was what we always if you watched it it was you know the whole all weekend was the uh was the uh limited commercials yeah that that I did I definitely didn’t see very much of that but like I said the the setup was

Because it’s like in the pj’s Hometown like everything’s like right there right like you said I don’t know we’ve talked about this forever like it doesn’t seem but did they move the PGA office to Austin is is that their home area still I just can’t hear people talk about that

So I don’t know if it was true or not but again like I said the the setup above it I didn’t see ratings either yet come out cuz I saw someone posted I thought that was true they said if ratings are down for this one we’re in big trouble because not only the

Coverage and then the fact of what we got out of the leaderboard which we’ll talk about in a second but I mean in the end you know it’s Scotty got to the top I had Scotty not have G up there I’m not sure if people would be saying the same

When it was Xander Clark SEI wo you know it’s still good I mean it was obviously incredible down the stretch to the end but Scotty winning that was super as sort of an added bonus I wish Windam or Z I wish Xander birdie 17 or windham’s putt went down because it’s the three-

Hole aggregate playoff it would have been incredible like me yeah we missed out on the last chance we would have got at the Monday 18 hole playoff between DJ and spe in their Prime at Chambers Bay because DJ had that three putt from8 feet or whatever and then Windam double

Fist pump thinking about it didn’t get there with it couldn’t get it to go down Xander on 17 I want to see that man like I I audibly like gasped like when that ball rolled out let’s speak about the that let’s speak about the tournament a

Little bit like Sheffer I know a lot of us people the DFS guys the gambling guys we don’t want to see sheffler win every week it sort of [ __ ] us because not we don’t often bet the favorites like we’re not like you know and the funny thing is

You see like the handles and the most money spent um it’s usually with the favorite and that’s probably not us right that’s probably not us that’s probably the casuals that are going out and betting um but the thing about the casuals is like a dynasty like uh an elite player who’s winning everything

Like that will bring more people to the game and and I think Scotty I don’t know something different was different about him this week like in the beginning that press conference on Wednesday when he spoke when someone asked him like who do you blame uh for this Rift uh in golf

Right now I like [ __ ] the guys who left if they didn’t [ __ ] leave there would be no Rift I’m blaming them I was like godamn really I mean like he liter I mean it wasn’t exactly the way I he said it but it was pretty [ __ ] close right

And I was like wow I mean like he’s really putting it out there uh you didn’t really see Scotty saying stuff like that at all right uh I don’t know if he’s getting more comfortable in his skin about being Leader by being a superstar the Superstar on the PGA tour

Maybe he’s getting more comfortable in his skin um I don’t know uh and then what he did Friday basically it’s just Willis Reed moment like everything that happened with him this week should make him you know should make him be from a star to a superstar he’s he’s our

Superstar now now he does need to win some more Majors but as of now he is our Superstar uh and what he did Friday where he could barely he was getting the neck massage like in the middle of the round and then after the round Ted Scott

Is like I don’t think he can play tomorrow like you’re like what you don’t think he can play tomorrow right um and then and then going out there and and having a you know a so so Saturday round and then biring 16 17 and 18 to get

Right back in it and then coming in on Sunday and just starting off strong with that with that eagle on four right that just sent it off for the whole day and uh it was pretty incredible stuff what he did uh now Xander he didn’t play

Horribly but he does what Xander sort of does he’ll play very very well for like 69 holes and be in the lead and then like they’ll be like the last three or four holes it seems like the pressure really gets to sand um 13 runnerup finishes I think he only has like six

Wins maybe even less uh you know 13 runner up finishes that’s that’s definitely saying something about sander shafley now do I think it’s gonna be like that forever no or do I think he’ll get his major and he’ll get his wins yes what you know he didn’t play horribly

But he’s not playing Like A Champion like Scotty did or like wam Clark uh I mean the thing about Clark is first off he he chunk that ball on 17 um on Saturday and then made that miraculous bogey right and then on Sunday he wasn’t

Great right he was a little bit off of all time and he sort of was falling down the leaderboard just a little bit but then on the back nine with a few holes left he starts turning it up right and like people who do there’s not that many

Golfers in the world that can do that right because it ends up being like Sunday pressure when you fall off a little bit your game just falls off the whole time he knew his game wasn’t on and then he came roaring back on with the with one of the only birdies on 17

Right almost an eagle on 16 right and then that [ __ ] lip out on 18 um really it was spectacular tournament spectacular leaderboard we had Harmon up there of course who probably should have won as well because he didn’t birdie 12 or 16 basically the two easiest holes on

The course on Sunday he birdies not to he wins right he wins so he probably should have won um CW with an unbelievable Sunday decki looking really strong out there looking like he could be one of the people that can take Shefler at the Masters because

Of how well his ball striking is um yeah what did what did you think of the any any anything stick out to you Tampa I guess the like you said the ending stuff like the shl thing always comes up up and now it’s 13 times like you said in

The runner out it’s just unfortunate the timing cuz you go like flip it the other way everyone sees the Clark lip out and that’s just because the actual result of it would have meant playoff you know it’s the same thing the 70 should he make it yeah you’d expect Xander to make

That putt on 17 he just didn’t if that was the 18th it would feel the like if you flip those situations it’s now the same feeling about that but the the stuff with the long term with him I guess got to compare it to other guys in

History uh we were joking earlier like all the stuff I I put the joke out there about you know Windam Clark is he the next Patrick Reed but you know because earlier in the day was is he the next Rooks keco and it’s like maybe he’s the

BET maybe he’s the next Phil Mickelson because you know he knows that Abend the rules in his favor I didn’t I don’t actually think he cheated all the stuff was fine by the rules it’s just funny he’s the guy that pops up every single time that we see stamping his feet down

And doing stuff that you would think wouldn’t be cool but it it’s it’s technically within the rules and then the other thing is the uh you know Phil didn’t win his first major until 35 so people were on the case of you can’t call him keco when ke’s only like two

Years older and has four more Majors than him on top of other stuff but the way he’s been playing is you know solid a rock solid in these tough events but then you could also say someone called it today I thought this the funniest nickname was the Little Big Game Hunter

Brian Harman he’s doing the same thing he’s showing up at all these huge events right at the top winning the open the chance to win this one he’s been in the mix of US Open stuff the the the guys like Sheffer Zan Clark Harmon Fitzpatrick all these guys Harman really

The way driving the ball on that back nine until like the last couple HS really impressive the theala quotes did you see theala I did I was reading more news than watching but theala quotes on them were pretty Rock Solid too when you think about like how long harman’s been

Doing it the ups and downs he’s also been through but like he drives the ball it’s longer than you would expect for a guy of his stature he just doesn’t make a lot of mistakes think he called him a striper you know like he’s out there

Just making it happen and well I mean that shot on 18 yeah right he needed a birdie to win and it ended up he hit it from the pine strong the shot looked like it was going in the [ __ ] hole right and then the ball I don’t know how

It happened but like the ball literally just stopped when it hit the ground um from the pine straw you’d expect like a roll out right um he could have had like a two foot putt for um I think that’s what he wanted uh instead of like a you

Know an 18 foot putt uh going back to Wham Clark I don’t think he’s kka but he has kka tendencies right I mean like coming up clutch at the end I know he didn’t this time but it was [ __ ] close really doing well and Big Time events he just needs a couple more

Majors and then you know may me right gota see everything play out like you said with Scotty Scotty’s a different story well one thing I’ll say about Scotty I think is so funny is because obviously the SS does stand for Superstar like you said we’ve seen it

But what if he’s just getting bored now Kenny and it was like you know how Michael Jordan would like make up fake beef if you watch the last Dan he’s like I just need to create a rivalry I go off tonight well all people said all week is

You can’t see nobody wins back to back at the Players there’s no chance what the dude was like number one in all the stats the Mallet putter has been incredible for him back-to-back weeks winning with it what I mean he was like 10 11 back at one point on Saturday

Maybe he just made that [ __ ] up said give himself something to push himself you know like you know say my neck is [ __ ] up let me go out and see what I can do with all the pressure really on me and try and make it like a Scotty Flu

Game Scotty neck game and he goes out and finds the way to the to the top Scotty neck Necker we got him up at the top getting another win so I don’t know it’s incredible stuff we talked about all the game all the times last season this the other thing too variant right

We we talk about in DFS and betting and all these different things like [ __ ] happens but think about last season how many times did we get on this pod a show and talk about Scotty sheffler and say he literally just gave away the win with with that putter like he was right there

He should there was like five wins we counted on he missed like one putt yeah on on on Sunday I think he missed like one punt I think it was on like 16 or something like that or something late he missed like one punt but what a time and

Turn I’m saying do you like let me ask you this and again we’ll never know the answer but just C I mean literally we talked about three to five wins last season that we we said were his that he just didn’t get and that’s just the way

It goes if you got if he hadn’t found any type of putter he would have he would have won by a handful now he give does he give up all those to be the first ever back-to-back players champion he has to it’s what happened anyway but

I’m saying in his mindset you just keep grinding through it and playing and now you go back toback weeks at API and the players and just get you know one of the biggest what was it eight or n million dollars too on top of it all so I mean

Just everything that goes with it it’s the way it goes those second places and top five finishes where he should have could have whatever won to now get this it’s it’s quite the trade-off and it just you got to stick with it man the big one is always right around the

Corner as long as you keep grinding through yeah the only narrative he has to beat now is winning after people right I mean like I guess he doesn’t do that that often that that’ll be the next narrative that he has to be let’s go back to Wham Clark real quick because

There’s been some instances of people think he’s straight up [ __ ] cheating like when I first saw what he did with that drop he basically did like the Samoan like War dance Haku like on top of the area where he was going to drop the ball right like literally stamping

Down and like I I slide to the left yeah yeah like a little twist there twist you I mean so I I guess that’s not against the rules um it can’t be against rules because everybody saw what the [ __ ] he was doing and no there was no action

Like it can’t be against the rules if it is against the rules then I don’t know what the [ __ ] the PT is doing okay so so so I’m going with the fact that it’s not against the rule I’m not a rule guy I do not know the rule guys for sure oped in

The comments cuz I was just supposed to as a joke I was making fun of the earlier in one in the day whenever was like he’s the next kep go it’s hard to place that on him this early rules guys said it was legal rules guys all said

It’s fine I’m good with that I’m not a rules guy I don’t follow it I don’t care I I so I mean [ __ ] I KN I didn’t know that if I had known that I’d be doing that [ __ ] on all my drugs I don’t know how it smart as [ __ ] right it’s

Incredibly smart to do does it improve the lie though is the question of course it does that’s what I didn’t understand about it so the rules guys can hit me up again and let me know because I don’t care I don’t need to be right on this

But but it’s not it’s not improving the LIE of the ball where it is because you don’t know where you’re going to drop it you don’t know where it’s going to land let improve everywhere and then see what happens yeah yeah it’s crazy the way it

Works that’s why I said thing last week where brandle actually said it was a penalty where you know he he put his club Behind the ball and the ball moved down now personally for that rule I think that he didn’t improve his law so I think technically that R verbiage of that rule

Is you your lie has to improve and it basically just sunk deeper down into Anyway said the next Phil because it’s whoever knows how to bend them the best and and it also always comes back to the same thing if he’s not doing anything wrong I mean and other people

Can do it then they say in golf they always say that’s fair because anybody could do the same thing Windam did so then in that case he should do what he’s allowed to do and get away with it but the re I usually hate that one when we

Talk about about the back stopping because while everybody can back stop it’s crazy when it’s a playoff and someone puts it in the Fairway and has to click it up for their second shot and somebody’s behind the grand stand like just slightly blocked you both also knew

The grand stand was there one guy hit a proper shot one guy just blasted it and he’s like well that guy could have done it too but it just it it changes the game a little bit but I don’t know either way my thing is whatever he’s

Doing is fine if if the rules say it’s fine go ahead it’s just funny that his one popped up people think you’re trying to knock him down it’s just commenting on what you saw the guy’s been involved online in our same space we always talk [ __ ] about you know the the Pebble Beach

One where he stamped it down the API where the club did similar to what Rah did at Memorial but apparently didn’t improve the lie or it’s such a technicality that who knows and then like you said it was like a dance move on the thing someone also said I didn’t

Go back and look CU again I don’t give a [ __ ] but someone else went back and said he took an extra Club length but I they would called that [ __ ] I said he got he’s on TV if he’s really going to break a rule badly they have to call it right

I mean like so I don’t think he broke anything I don’t think he broke any rules yeah yeah uh before we go off I do get a shout out to the PJ tour because what a week this is what we needed uh shout out to the PGA uh tour social

Media uh they were doing some they actually that Rory aent spe interaction on the first day with the rules and the drops and the turn and all that [ __ ] that was great [ __ ] content and normally in that type of situation you know the the PJ would scrub everything from that from online

But they actually posted the entire 10-minute segment on their social media right they had some funny things happen like I don’t know if you saw on their social media they had this one where they were interviewing golfers with a guy at mumbles and like you can’t understand like what he’s saying right

But like he’s he’s interviewing the golfers and the golfers are trying to understand what he’s saying like some guys are giving answers for literally the guys saying gibberish and I thought that was hilarious um they said that they would change uh the the PJ tour logo the Scotty you know with they got

Somebody new for sure there’s running they have to sh you know you know we give the PJ tour a bunch of [ __ ] every week because of their Pro when they do something good we got to give them props and I got to give them props for this week I mean what a

Fantastic week of golf in all from from on the course to the TV to the social media they did a great [ __ ] job um I and I know we can’t get this every week but give me more than one week of this a year and you you’re gonna and you’re

Gonna get more more fans more people watching this product all right so let’s move on let’s talk about our winner for the um comment section so make sure every week go to our YouTube page comment comment page and pick your winner and add your DK handle right and

If you if you are the first one to pick the winner you get to go against me and Tambo in a thre man you win the three man you get into our Tournament of Champions uh in the in the Sony Open and we don’t have a listener League anymore

And we don’t have one for Underdog yet we’ll probably work on something with them but as of now we don’t so this is your only way to get in to the Tournament of Champions for all a bunch of prizes cash all that good [ __ ] so make sure you go to the YouTube comment

Section on our YouTube page pick the winner put your DK handle now we have our first second two-time winner now um because I’m going based upon when uh you know the the first one to go ahead and put the winner the first one to pick Sheffer this past week was impeccably

Coming up once again uh this is his second win in I think three or four weeks um so good for him he’ll come back if you’re GNA pick the favorite you better get on early right to pick and be the first one on because that’s what

This guy did he’s on for a second time all right before we move on to this week let’s do our Underdog segment here Tambo like I said last week um pretty incredible stuff if you’re not on Underdog I don’t know why uh I know uh mayo and Chef they’re doing the draft

Part they do that all the time they’re getting strategies for that um I’m a picking guy uh I’ve won almost 10 grand uh in the last in the first two weeks I’ve played uh on the pick them uh now one the couple of strategy things uh

That I wanted to go over before we do our picks for this week um I don’t like the first round um there’s so much variance right um you know and a golfer can play like [ __ ] one week and then the next week and go out win of the event

That’s just the name of the game right so that first day I’m not a big fan now for the podcast we’re gonna have a a day one you know pick them every week that’s what we’re gonna do but that’s going to be the only pick them I’m going to do for day

One um on the weekends I think is the best because you have an idea of how the guys are playing uh you have a little bit more idea of like what to expect from these guys and a lot of the times when it Underdog they don’t change their

Numbers uh for example the course wasn’t playing very difficult on Saturday and Sunday right um and they still had the best players in the world who are the best ball Strikers of the event obber Sheffer and Hideki um and two and a half Bogies and that was the pick them number

Um so you know you could find stuff like that as the week goes on uh so I like the weekend play better but we do have our uh segment so my pick them for this week it’s a twom man pick them it’s always probably always going to be a

Twan pick him for the show but Nelson Adcock of cutsweats a friend of the Pod he is a mass guy right numbers guy and he told me that thre man and fivan picks have much better Vig for us um you know you’re getting more more bang for your

Buck in a thre man and a fiveman um pickle but I don’t want to do three man for the first day okay because I want to win right and so I’m doing a two-man pick them for this week it’s going to be for the first round it’s going to be Taylor

Moore lower than 70 point 70 and a half Strokes the par 71 all he has to do is shoot on the par Taylor Moore shot under point and I think 13 of his last like 18 routs so around a 70% clip of course he’s the winner from last year he’s made

I think he might be leading the PGA tour in Cuts made consecutively because I think it’s like 12 or 13 um if you’re making that many Cuts in a row you’re not shooting over bar very often right U and going back to the the winner from

Last week so all he has to do is shoot one pawn and we hit that um my next one is is min wo Lee higher than two and a half Bogies or Worse um six of his last eight rounds Min wo’s had three Bogies or more all eight of his last eight

Rounds he’s had two Bogies or more he’s never played this course it is top five top 10 most difficult course on the PGA tour um so you know I’m going for the first round first time seeing this course and what he can do because he can

Go off a lot um and if you look at his numbers um I mean it just doesn’t fit what we’re looking for this week right I mean like in the last 24 rounds he’s 110th in strok ski approach he’s 110th from 175 to 200 which is like where the

Majority of all approach shots are going to be he’s 141st in this field in par three scoring the par 3es here very difficult a lot of them over 200 yards I think you can get the Bogies just on the par 3es um so that’s what I’m going it

Pays 3.6 times so again um Tor Moore 70 and a half Strokes I’m going under and I’m going Min Wy two and a half Bogies or worse over um more than I don’t not over I can’t say over what do I got to say higher than sorry higher than two

And a half half Bogies or worse and that’s going to pay 3.5 is on your bet Tanda yeah mine is similar but for what it pays but on the three picks that we talked about and I just focus on the Bogies I do like one thing you said

Especially for the the round one stuff you can just sort of Play It uh you know with less of your bank BL right you you obviously are betting more over the weekend when you have more information maybe you find more Edge but there is still Edge to be found for example right

Now literally 90% of the guys have the same Bogies or worse for those that have’t listed and there’s quite a few options so if like you said you found out that there was and I’m not saying there is but let’s say you found out there was a weather Edge I don’t know

How quickly they go to adapt for it if you want to find that as your angle in I’m still going to take the highers on the Bogies or worse just cuz like you said coures hard I hope that we finally get a course where they actually let it

Play hard but we’ll see you know set it up tough all that but again because no one really as the simple yeah like you said very tough course either way so two guys that were in the mix one with a lot of short game one that always shows up

At the Players is Doug gim two and a half Bogies are worse higher MAV McNeely two and a half Bogies or Worse higher MAV was like all short game keep it a minute could he do it again yes but tough to do around a place like this and

Could still find coup find those three bogeys and do or worse and do and do the same so I think we’re fine there and then Bo Hustler just the guy that didn’t really pop up for me anywhere on anything and two and a half Bogies or

Worse for him so if you got McNeely Hustler and Doug gim all three of them it’s just under four to one on the highers so I’ll take those three Kenny one thing before we move on I will say on Sundays it looks like Underdog fantasy does crazier scorcher like pick

Thems so a scorcher it will add to your multiplier uh basically when it comes to how much you’re going to win uh the the sheffler point5 or under um picko was a five time multiplier um the funny thing is and and like everybody had like a

Five time or a three time multiplier in in their thing so you could really like do some crazy stuff on Sunday basically like the three guys I had I had aberer Hideki under two and a half they didn’t have a single bogey at all and of course

Sheffer went bogey fre so all three went bogey fre if I went 0 five Bogies or under for all three and I bet the max my Max bet is $250 they won’t let me spend more than that um I would won $32 $2,000 so there’s there’s some crazy

Stuff uh that you can get done over on Underdog fantasy all right before we move on to this week let’s go ahead and pay some bills Underdog fantasy is the easiest place to play fantasy sports it’s also the fastest growing fantasy app in the industry whether you like head-to-head or pick them games

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The PGA Tour moves to Tampa Bay uh this week for the valpar championship which will be played on the coppered course at inisbrook Resort this is a great course that brings every type of golfer into play but is usually presented with a less than Stellar field due to its

Placement in the schedule uh two years ago was probably the best day had um now with the elevated events this turning once again weaker field but you know a little bit topheavy at least we got some studs up top that we can go with once

You get past like a 9k range you know you’re looking at like a a pretty weak field event um there is plenty of course history here the tournament’s been played here since 2000 there was like a renovation in 2015 but it really didn’t change that much uh this course is

Routinely one of the hardest on tour ranking like around the top 10 most difficult courses on the PJ tour year in and year out weather and wind can play a major factor year as wind’s above 50 miles per hour pretty noral I’ve seen different Wing forecasts

For this week already uh and the worst days look like Friday and Sunday with 30 m per hour gusts uh there is some rain um in the forecast Friday and it rained today Monday now I talked to a friend who lives in Tampa and he said they’ve

Had less rain than usual so far this year so I would expect the course to maybe dry out a bit by Thursday and we should see firm and fast conditions again it could rain on Friday as well and again that’s dangerous too because remember what happened last time at the

Players where the rain and the weather sort of flipped the wave advantage that can happen again so you got to be careful um now one tidbit of information uh 15 of the last 16 winners had a top 10 during their during the season leading up to their victory at coet that

Includes the fall swing when the fall swing was a part of the new season the rler all right so the copper course 7300 plus yard par 71 five par threes again that’s why I don’t like mwo that’s why I think he can get three or more Bogies on

The first round for that Underdog pick um and it has four par fivs of course usually one of the most difficult parts 71 tracks on tour it’s known for the snake bit very tough three old stret 16 17 18 that’ll probably decide the winner I’ll come Sunday hole 16 always catches

My eye I love that hole because it’s got a dog leg right off the tee with water lining the whole entire right side you know making accuracy a must like if you overcompensate hit it left bunch of trees um if you over faded of course water is going to water if you over

Whatever hit it to the right water is looming great gole we’re going to see like a myriad of clubs use off the te like I remember Charles schwartzel when he won year um I think he had like a three iron off this team left him like

210 on his approach he made par ended up winning Bill hos who was in the lead at the time um hit a perfect three-wood you know like almost 300 yards right down the middle but then he ended up short siding his approaching bogey in the hole um you know 16 routinely the hardest

Hole on the course and one of the most difficult holes on tour uh cooped is deceptively long four of the five par 3s over 200 yards all the par fivs are over 550 yards and only one R4 is under 420 yards add the fact the driver off the t

Is not normally a good play on most holes and this course becomes a daunting task with positioning and long iron blade being the key to success now off the te golfers will be challenged with tight tree line Fairways massive dog legs thickish rough elevation changes bunch of bunkers and water in play on

About five holes um and I just lost my spot oh the fairways are average in size but tend to get more narrow the farther you get from the t-box most Fairways on the course get extremely narrow at about the 300 yard mark off the T now because of this

Average driving distance coppered is one of the shortest on tour routinely ranking in the bottom 10 in average driving distance precision and placement more important than length and driver is left in the bag for most golfers on the majority of holes the greens are usually firm and are average to above average in

Speed 11 to 12 on the stip unless you land the ball above the hole since most greens here are sloped from Back to Front the greens are average in size when you take into account only square footage but it will look a lot smaller to players because they’re going to be

Hitting mid-to long irons on their approaches on their approaches for the majority of the holes there are also some very long skinny putting surfaces which skews the average size of the greens the par 34th and 14th come to mind as greens that are very long but

The landing area by the pin is usually very tight in width as of both courses in Florida the grass is uh the grass on the green is Bermuda grass but it is overseas eded with poetri Vialis same type of graphs we saw last week at Saw

Grass and about a month ago at Waste Management T what are you looking for in golfers this week yeah not much more than what you talked about I mean stats wise that’s kind of what you stick to we know this course we’ve got history at it

We’ve seen it I think the bigger thing this week is just going back to it again like I’ll bring it up because it’s been brought up I know last week has brought up more talked to hoop on the first look show a little bit today over at the

Shipet nation YouTube station but this 5K price range being back in the again like I don’t know that we’ve seen it yet right like it just continuously becomes a thing and even we get to it later I know like it’s a Copo when you get to the content people say oh like you

Didn’t talk about anybody down there they just jammed 69 nice guys down at the bottom there is only 15 guys in the 7K range this week I believe that was the number I’ll double check it here now yeah now these 5K guys they’re not like not playable I mean Sam Ryder last week

5K guy I think he was top 10 most birdies ever at the at TPC S grph I add him I had him each way to eight places and they couldn’t even finish inside the top eight with the most birdies ever so let me finish my strategy nugget here

Because that’s what you just said is the key that I think people mess up so okay maybe he was and he comes through and Sam Ryder’s there and you can go build an optimal that has him very easily after the fact or whatever that makes perfect sense but I think what people

Confused is that so there’s almost 110 guys of this field are priced 6,900 or below the people watching this it’s literally called the fantasy golf degenerates we all know we can make up a story about so many of these guys down here Kenny like you can go in the 5K range like Aaron

Weise is 5900 we can go talk about his story We you can go down Troy Merritt there’s lots of guys that we’ll bring up and mention a few when we get down there but I I think if you’re going to go down to this range you need to commit like

You need to build enough Sam Ryder lineups if he’s your dude last week that you have a chance that ends up where it becomes a Scotty Xander lineup because think about it Scotty probably would have ended up in them last week with Sam Ryder but how many Scotty Xander Ryder

Lineups would you have got so my point is where people are like oh and I’ve said this for years if I just find this diamond in the rough well now they’re bringing in more diamonds the more shiny pieces down in these ranges 110 golfers almost from 6,900 and below if you start

With they’re not pumping the price on the top guy I know everyone think Xander is going to withdraw we’ll get to that second he hasn’t so there’s no reason to think that he will if he does we’ll know but they only price them at 112 so you

Still have 7,800 average left when you go to Xander and that’s just a piece I want to extrapolate on because that’s the whole point of all this is if you’re gonna go down low make sure you actually play some dude play some of the dudes you’re picking and not just try and

Pinpoint the one guy to get in there because even if you got 150 lineups and you take that one Sam Ryder lineup what are the chances it with Sam Ryder with Xander and Scotty and I only use them because that’s almost what you’d have left over for you’d still have room to

Fit all the other guys you’re not put you’re not leaving five grand on the table so I’m just making it very uh results oriented off of last week where people say oh no but he’s only 0.5% on that’s the point you don’t need him then because nobody has him and even those

That do have him probably don’t have him with the right combination or even close to the six-man parlay of what you can call it where you need to put six guys together to get the best fantasy score so I’ll keep that in mind as a strategy

Note here but we’ll get into the tiers when we get to it it it’s just really watered down 7K range is only 15 guys so you know you got to do some do something different when you got that ja but what do you do over this 10K range yeah up

Top is interesting the you know Xander play to me stands out as the best still uh I know Burns has the history that’s going to come with the ownership if there’s any type of ownership discount I highly doubt it but honestly even if Xander and burns were about the same I

Would still be fine after last week with Xander and just how good of a player he is in general the strength of field how he’s that much better than it how the price didn’t really get the bump that you would expect like this is the type

Of field where I would expect to see 125 Xander 119 Burns and then drop it off from there or something but again they’re not doing that so it is what it is um so Xander stands out I guess the tougher one is between spe and Thomas they’re both pretty similar to me though

Honestly on paper long term and speed’s actually one here before he was fine here last year but everyone’s going to look at say JT uh you know the last 3 weeks has been sorry the last three times he played here has been better and so go that way they both missed the cut

They both were horrible did you see by the way the smash GC Taylor G and those guys and Brook ska they you know after JT was talking that [ __ ] and then he missed the cut and smashed G GC put up the scissor chop and said you won’t be

Saying nothing actually pal on this weekend there’s nothing you have to worry about any asteris is because you got cut thought that was some good uh good stuff back and forth on social media but probably going to be interested in one of these guys I think

It’s going to be speed just take a shot because the the thought process here and again who knows how it shakes out as the week goes on could mix them back in play different you know double sets where you play both but I’m just saying I think

The ownership is gonna be there on Thomas I’m not sure it’s going to be there on speed so Burns is why First Cash game Cornerstone pretty simple I mean first first six in the last three years here he’s under $1,000 um it’s very very easy to put him

Uh as the first cash game Cornerstone I mean just makes sense uh so I’m going to go bur I don’t know what I’m doing up here with the rest though it’s possible that I play everybody and because I the 9k range I don’t know I don’t know like

I I like cam young and I you know I like my cash play but outside of that everybody else is sort of iffy for me um so if I go if they’re iffy I might only play cam young and then I play everybody else up in this 10K range um and then go

In that mold um you know something like 30 30 30 and then like 20% burn because he’s my in my cash line uh which I normally you know all max out anybody who’s in my cast line about 20% of my gpps I’m thinking I might go that way

And then try and find somebody in the akk range uh to be like my highest own of like 40 45% right now I’m leaning Aaron Ry we’ll see um but I I don’t know how I’m going to go about this range quite yet I I do uh of course I like I

Like Burns for my cast I like Xander a lot because I mean like he’s been super consistent like I said like you know a win is probably there for him at some point in time there’s no Scotty here there’s no Windom Clark here he’s by far the best player at least world

Ranking wise in this field uh this could be where he get his W uh so I I I I like him but we’ll see I haven’t made my final decision um I’ll probably have something for that decision when I go over my stuff on gubs corner with my

Wednesday article now the 9k range I did say I had another cash game Cornerstone it’s going to be Nick Taylor over here at $99,100 now if you you know of course he been playing very very well he had that win um you know a couple weeks ago

Quite a few top finishes uh this year but the big thing about Nick Taylor is you know at this course you need really good iron play and you need to scramble very very well because you’re going to miss greens here especially with the wind and stuff like that if you in the

Last 24 rounds in this field if you just put Strokes gain approach and scrambling together the number one player in the field Nick Taylor uh so I’m gonna go ahead and use him as my second cash game Cornerstone like I said the only other guy I’m really in love with here you

Know I’m thinking about Haron but cam young and something about events where you know you need long irons like that’s that’s what I like him more even better than you know drive or heavy you have to be strong off the te I’d rather play uh Camy young in in in events where there’s

A lot of approach shots from 175 plus and there are a lot of approach shots from 175 plus um in this event uh in this course and he’s second in the field last 50 rounds from 175 to 200 he always seems to do well in these type of events

Also tough course you know he’s like top 10 four of his last Majors majors of tough courses so I I I cam is going to be my favorite gpp play uh in this n9k AG outside of that everybody else is sort of eh you know I might end up going

Down here if I don’t play spe or if I don’t play JT I still haven’t made that decision yet and a lot of that will probably have to do with if there’s a wave um you know a wave stack that we need to go to so we’ll see on that what

Do you like in this 9k range yeah I should not too definitely going to be interested in the wave stacking as well if it’s going to whether it’s there or not I think this is a good spot for anything in Florida typically it comes up so that could change some things but

I do think just in general kind of as the first look that we’re doing here uh cam young who you said was interesting but I like the guys below him again I just don’t think when you’re looking shortterm longterm whatever people are looking at you know cam young is still

Okay and popping but sunj 18th and 31st people saying maybe he’s back can he so so sunjay I’m always going to have love for fow is this is the thing okay fow you just went through it but like Nick Taylor is 9100 and I think that’s where people are

Struggling but this was one other interesting tidbit I brought up earlier today for those that don’t watch the first look show if you go shortterm with Nick Taylor he won the event that was JT’s best recent finish of 12 in the last four events Nick Taylor Wins it

Then JT misses the cut we’re talking about $10,400 JT 39th for Nick Taylor then you go to JT oh another 12th what did Nick Taylor do 12th and then last week at the Players JT cut we said it earlier miscut 26th Place for Nick Taylor he was on the first page of the

Leaderboard on Saturday right but then someone’s gonna say okay but you’re talking about two guys now long term I’m still with JT here I’m not there’s no Canadian bias no nothing I’m just saying but even if you go like 18 months out in fantasy National or wherever you want to

Go look at your models things like that and consider it this man was winning tournaments Nick Taylor when we were talking about would JT even get on the Ridder Cup team going through struggles then too so I mean you’re you’re really putting like JT’s career which is obviously much better versus Nick

Taylor’s and don’t go it that way when you’re comparing this this setup but is my question to you is is Nick Taylor crazy bad at 9100 or is it a good spot that maybe people don’t want to go to him because they it’s just out of line

With pricing I mean like at this event I got no problem with his price I’m using him he’s one of my cornerstones I got no problem okay that’s what I was wondering I kind of like him better uh than some of the other options around there so

He’d be the other one I would consider there obviously Harmon who you talked about earlier playing uh just really good the interesting part for Arman is like get this tournament not good for whatever reason you’d think it would set up perfect for him but it just has not

Really um but other similar tracks to this if you take all like the we just saw it at Saw Grass again Colonials the you know Harbor towns the PJ Nationals some of these other courses that are similar um setups or you know things that you could relate to it he shown up

Quite well at those courses so it’s all what you make of it but I think like uh the guys in the middle that might go overlooked like if im fow Nick Taylor on the longer term stuff they would still pop for me so I’d have interest in them

AK range zud third cash game Cornerstone again last 24 rounds if you put stroke SK approach and scrambling together B Zen ho is the sixth rank golfer in this field of course he had that faux win uh with the Nick Dunlop win where he got the first place money uh he’s had some

Strong finishes short game solid iron game very very good inside the top 15 in proximity from 175 to 200 and two and 200 plus in the last 24 rounds uh give me Bez uh as my third cash game Cornerstone my favorite GB play in this

Range is Aaron Ry uh it could be a little bit of recency bias I was on the Mayo Sweat Show on Friday and of course he almost holded out uh he needed a birdie on the last uh to uh to uh to to make the cut he was on the pine straw

Almost hold out made the birdie uh and you know he was in my cash lineup now the cash lineup I had uh a cast in like three of my 10 double ons so it wasn’t great but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have cast at any uh you know if of course he

Did not um make that birdie and the thing about Ry when it comes to this event I think it’s perfect for him like uh T green he’s solid uh avoids Bogies uh the the proximity from 175 to two to 200 200 plus well above average uh in

This field he does really well on par 3es I mean this guy I I just really like his game I think he can do something uh he might be my highest own the gpps we’ll see I might go in that type of Direction go high on him and then spread

Out a little bit up top we’ll see uh that strategy’s actually been paying off for me in gpps um I’ve been usually been able to get like one or two lineups every Sunday where you know I got a chance you know what I’m saying that’s all I’m asking for basically because I’m

Playing the lottery I’m playing the $5 Drive the green all I want is chances on Sunday to win the lottery uh and sort of that type of like lineup construction where I you know focus on one guy in the 8K range he’s my highest own like 40 to

50% and then I you know still go above the field in the higher price guys but you know I’m like 30 30 25 30 something like that when it comes to the guys in the 10K range and the 9k range and that’s been working for me so we’ll see

If it continues T but who do you like in the AK Ranch yeah I think it just stands out that it’s the same dudes like Bez Ry gim hadwin and then make your stand on your last guy whether it’s a McNeely or Bradley or a Cole or something like that

But I think it would probably be Bradley or Cole that I would pick for like the gpp plays the other plays stand out they’re all going to be played in gpps when we say that we mean that obviously you know you’re taking a little bit of risk like Keegan Bradley uh you know

Second here three years ago when he played it but if you look recently he sort of fits the mold of what we saw this past weekend even at the Players we saw it again with guys like um gim and with sewu Kim and with the gala where

They just they they do the old maxom they either miss the cut or they pop and you look at Keegan Bradley Lately Miss cut 36 Miss cut 11 really bad result like 43rd or 45th second so that’s we’re playing it for can they show up in this

Field to make it happen Eric Cole even lately miscut 21st miscut 10th 49th 14th so I think you want those guys in your pool still and those are those are going to be the pivot plays to the other guys around that I think Keith Mitch would

Fall into there as well but just noting on some of the stuff early it looks like the popular plays are going to be Bez Ry gim and maybe hadwin people always like hosler for whatever reason so but just saying that’s popular the guys I would like for tournaments would be like the

Mitchells the koh’s the Bradley’s some of those guys that you can get probably at much lower ownership that what’s the real big difference around them and then you can mix them in with some of those other guys there as well go ahead with the 7K range T yeah uh one guy that

Popped for me a little bit off the top was straa again another guy that’s he fits the mold of what I just talked about he pops me in a couple other places as well of course specialist usually that’s what we see I mean he pops you know other places too

But he again just 16th 57th miscut well miscut 26 like for this price point now you’re talking about just giving us some sort of top 25 upside and some some sort of find your way around maybe have a spike round something like that we know Taylor Moore is going to be popular I

Like utam last week I don’t know how he ended up finishing looks like he fell off over the weekend finished 53rd he was 6200 last week it’s quite it’s quite the price bump but before that week he was eighth so I’m not sure um if you can

Go back to him on some of the longer term stuff I he didn’t really pop but orchel on the longer term stuff popped for me Lucas Glover looks pretty good at 7,300 again this is a small range and then just one note to make like Daniel Burger he’s going to pop especially if

You’re looking at models fantasy National things like that but remember it’s all his old old old stats it has really nothing to do with what we’ve seen lately where he’s missed three cuts and came 28 so um just note that on him other than that I think OE he’s a guy

You can always take a shot on Boom bust I think he’s fine and then I’m interested to hear who Mayo Likes down here like between his guy Davis Thompson or Rio or something like that I’ll talk with him on Wednesday but not a lot of other guys in this range for me Kenny

What about you yeah I like Taylor more like I said I talked a bunch about him earlier on the underdog segment of why I like him why I probably have him in cash now Sam Ryder you know you you feel like you’re chasing when a guy does like 27

The most birdies ever right um but the thing is he’s this is a very very similar course where you know the off the te play is is Sam’s weakness and of course it’s not really that big of a deal at this course because so many people are clubbing down um and the

Other thing is it’s the exact same grass type so you know he had to putt his ass off to to get 20 seven freaking birdies last week right he’s going to the same type of green like same type of grass like everything should be super familiar

Uh you know just right down the street and you know he has that momentum he’s coming through um I I don’t mind chasing him this week usually like a low price 7K guy that you’re chasing from like last week’s um you know really good performance it’s not really like the

Best play you could do from a game theory perspect expected because they’re always going to be like overly owned in what they should be probably but I like Ryder I just everything sort of fits right and and so so I I’m gonna go back to him I have no problem going back to

Sam Ryder horel pretty interesting uh here Florida of course you know the man’s the Florida guy really really crushes the par 3s uh playing the par 3s really really well uh you know there’s five of them uh this weekend maybe a little Rio here a tand of course might

Be a little too difficult for him so I might have to do a little bit more research because it seems just from like an outsid looking in type of perspective that he does better on easier type courses so I want to dig a little bit

Deeper but when it comes to just stats I mean last 24 he’s inside my top 20 really good iron play really good from 175 to 200 um avoiding Bogies uh you know so someone to look at in the 7K range Tampa why don’t you go to our 6K

R yeah this is where I have just a few like I said 5K will get even worse but just going down through it here um I don’t know if Damon’s going to be popular after last week but it’s funny he he finally finds his game so I hate

To chase it kind of what you just talked about but it’s like if you do go back and look at some of the other stuff even longer term for these types of setups and courses and now like you just talked about everything with the Saw Grass comparison and bringing it over he does

Actually pop a little bit so maybe him I kind of like uh Matt Hughes at 6700 chess and Hadley some of these courses you could see him in the easier fields at least that he can pop up Matt coocher could grind 6500 again another guy at these types of courses Bud collie

Another guy like burger just to keep an eye on because a lot of those stats are going to be older so just a note on him and then I think Mayo will talk me into a lot of Carson young so he was something every week right yeah 6,300 I

Mean the price is just sitting there after that though I don’t think much else man like again there’s not much down here for me but uh maybe some JJ spawn too I might put him into the mix but yeah that that’s about it down here um Jimmy Stanger impressed me last week

Like I got to see a lot of him in some featured groups um I like his game I’ll play him for $6,900 uh I like Matt Hughes down here when it comes down to one of the best around the green and one of the best in

The field in par five scoring those are two pretty important things here uh when you think about it because there are four par five still here out of par 71 uh which of course is rare I think this will probably be one of the only courses

On tour where that happens uh so I do like that I do like the fact that he can get it up and down with the best of them uh so I do like Matt Hughes down here um Taylor pendrith your Canadian Brethren he just rates out very very well for me

Um you know stat-wise when it comes down to it his long irons are really really strong really good at par five scoring um bog ofo shockingly you wouldn’t think that for Mr pend but in the last 24 rounds he’s seventh in the field in bogey avoidance now you sort of got to

Look back and see what courses that he’s played um I guess I could do that real quick because of course if he’s playing like all the easy you know coures that stat will be a little bit skewed but I mean you’re looking at the Players you’re looking at a Honda you’re looking

At Farmers um so those are you know easy courses uh so he’s he’s getting it done uh with the bogey avoidance so I do like pendrith a lot um oh and my final cash game Cornerstone it’s going to be Mr Grayson C at 6,300 again when you take

In strok ski approach and you take in scrambling and I I got to give credit I saw this somebody posted these stats on Twitter on X I don’t remember who it is uh it might have been Ron Claus but I’m not sure so I apologize for not giving

You the credit for this but it’s somebody posted this on Twitter uh that’s where I got this information from if you did shoot me a DM and I’ll retweet your Tweet for you okay um so uh looking at Grayson Sig when you take in Strokes gain approach and you take in

Scrambling into account last 24 rounds third in the field in the last 24 rounds he’s ranking fifth in my model six in approach first in par three scoring fourth from 175 to 200 for 6,300 bucks I think he’s played this course once and made the cut right so for 6,300 bucks to

Get a punk Play and play three guys at 8,800 8,700 or more um that’s how I’m going about my business and I still have about 1500k 15,000 left uh to fill out my lineup so cash game cornerstones for this week and I do like them which Al

Probably means they’re going to suck but uh cash cap cornerstones first it’s going to be Sam burds at 10,000 900 Nick Taylor uh at 9100 Christian bazo 8,800 Grayson Sig 6300 like I said I think it’s Le you L 149 plenty to put Taylor Moore and somebody else in your

Cash lineup so other guys I went over quite a few guys in that 6K range uh that I like like right on the numbers 6K uh Maddie smid was sort of In Contention last week for like the first two or three days again playing a similar type

Florida course same type greens you know Lon driver off the tea yeah you got to hit Fairways but same it’s like a lesser driver type course uh so we’re going back uh to MADD smid I’m not going to go crazy on him okay and if and and if he’s

Going to be like 10% owned 9% owned like one of the highest owned in the six car range I might think about a f I’ll let you know that but I don’t think that’s going to happen I think he’s going to be fine Center L right um also in this

Range in the 5K range let’s just go on down Justin lower seemed like somebody that I could get behind at this was in contention you know a month month and a half ago he has game he makes cuts um so I do like lower um other guys like Zack

Lair finished 10th year last year um he has like that thing you were talking about Tampa where he could finish high or just completely miss the cut he’s sort of in that mold maybe not as high as like other guys like the six G or 7K

Range but he can get up there top 25 for you he’s done it before at this course um and Aaron badley is another guy that I just threw in because of the putting because of his around the green play and his bogey avoidance and you know at that

Price tag you know you’re taking a risk whatever um that’s about it I don’t really like anyone below 5600 now we’ll see I’ll probably end up rostering one or two hear some podcast somebody smarter than me says they like someone I might end up playing them but we’ll have

To see it’s tough under 5600 who do you like in the 5K yeah almost nobody like I we could have yeah Tyler Duncan is a guy that I sometimes play uh you know he’s maybe fine Justin lower um you know going down the list lipsky I’ll sometimes play is interesting longterm but like

Again it’s mainly course history stuff that I’m not that into so yeah I really like I said just think you’re you’re look for a diamond in the rough for no reason so I don’t think anything major to go into uh you can play I was I was

Showing this today too keny you can play uh Burns it was Burns Taylor you’re you’re who oh Taylor Moore right is Taylor Moore in your cash game cornerstones Y no no no no but I did say he was my fifth play yeah either way sorry yeah gave away the fifth for

You if you did you did say it I think that’s what I thought my point was you could play burns more and then take your pick of like a bed who you liked or if some people think McNeely is is wrong price because he’s back now and he’s

Been so good since coming back from the injury and all that stuff it’s whatever the medical extension you look at all that stuff you still had like 7,500 left per golfer there’s just nothing that really requires it for what I see a a setup here Anything could happen but I

Just don’t see it being a big deal and I’m going to stick to that for this week so bets I haven’t made a bet yet but I do have a card that I put down uh I’m not making a bet so I figure out the wave Advantage so probably not till

Wednesday but I did make like bets that caught my eye uh baz who 50 to1 Taylor Moore 60 to1 and these are all with eight places um Taylor Moore 60 to one um uh Davis Riley who’s just randomly has done well at this course 150 to one

Sh Kim 140 to1 Maddie smid 140 to1 Zack Blair it was 250 to one now it’s 150 to one I haven’t made any of these bets I’m waiting until uh the way Advantage but those are the ones that like when I first looked at the numbers just caught

My eye yeah I don’t hate it I I did the same like I didn’t Place anything yet so um you know some of those guys I like too but it’s just not been super super high priority lately so just looking at it like you said waiting on Wave

Advantages or last week I really hated it or it was a week before last I was talking bar off you weren’t on with me and we were talking out the board set up at the API there was like 30 guys 25 to one or worse like I don’t it’s then

You’re just similar stuff you’re just picking your two that you like or three that you like and just rolling it but I don’t know it wasn’t like a main priority trying ra rather try to take these tournaments down than pick a needle and a Hy stack from those weak

Numbers so I didn’t see that’s crazy that you think taking a gbb down is is is is easier than hitting an outright back it’s not even close that’s not the statement I’m saying I would rather just put more money into that where I’m trying to do that and have you know

Success said a real payout versus trying to figure out who my 25 to1 guy is and just throwing it out there so it’s how I always do it I just I got no problem with that and then some of the higher Stakes smaller field stuff it’s not that

The odds get better you’re playing against much better players it’s more of I’d rather that’s like this week is a $4,700 tournament with 200 Grand to First 234 people of the best in the world want the bag I want to try and get that that’s how I’ve always done it so

Yeah I don’t spend as much time grinding these things as as I should or as others do it’s no different than basketball it’s the same when people talk to you about that like I don’t spend a lot of time even on this Major’s basketball I’m

Going to have a look at it because with Underdog and all that I’m kind of excited for it this year because it’s for the majors and it’s coming up and I I’ll take a look at it but it’s just not something I put the extra time into it I

Probably should I don’t like to change the balance what what’s the balance that we always talk about you know like the forget the word theqii or something like that yeah no I understand that yeah and that’s why that’s why it’s you it’s been here’s the thing about Underdog because

It’s not it’s not my money that I’m betting you got to remember like I told you guys last week they paid me by putting the money in my account right and so it’s like not even my money I can’t even withdraw that money until I spend that amount so basically like I

Have to win and I did I won almost $110,000 I’m I’m golden now right and I still have all their money in my account so I’m playing with house money and that’s why I’m Max betting everything that’s why and so I I get what you’re saying because you you know say you’re

Playing those those smaller field um higher dollar entry things where you know you can win like still a big time amount um for me when it comes to TFS I’m just not as good at gpp so I can’t be putting $4,700 on like one on like one one l i i

Don’t play $4,700 in 10 weeks right in DFS and I don’t buy into that that’s if I have a ticket I’m more so mean about adding things to your life adding Underdog and making some picks on there is probably fine I mean you’re doing well with it congrats again huge week

For you but just saying it like when people are like oh you got to play every sport you got to grind every slate you got I think that’s bad advice and I always try I only do golf which is weird I only gamble golf in NFL so this time

Of year I don’t do anything that’s the take I have a I have a I was just away my wife of 10 years first off that’s how you keep a wife a good wife of 10 years you you have that balance but I’m saying when you people try and do too much and

Change it up and now they got to grind this and this slate and adding it like it’s you know you got to have a balance in life and that’s the key to it all so I don’t add a bunch of things just to do it betting is easy everyone says oh you

Can just go pick your five picks and place it it just I I don’t feel like I have to bring five bets just because that’s what we’ve always done so that’s where I look at it as you know some weeks I’ll just say you know what not

Gonna I didn’t see anything off the top that I’m jamming usually it’s bear off talking me into something I didn’t have that this week because I was getting back from vacation but in general find your balance I’ll be honest I’m playing a $100 Less in DFS or 20% Less in DFS

This year um because I shifted that money to more candle uh because I’ve had more success like like I said since I started playing with eways I’m actually up like you know which is crazy like you know you know I mean when it comes to each so so I have been more successful

In that range and my cash games are fine they’re doing well uh but I I i’ like to to I like the gambling because I feel like I have a better chance especially with the eways uh to do what I need to do and and so I’ve actually taken money

Out of DFS I play $400 a week now instead of $500 a week and then in in gambling instead of betting 150 I’m betting 250 now a week and so that’s just what I’ve done um anyway I think we’re going off Target Tambo tell them

Where they can find yeah on X or Twitter at toag Ando tidbit will be back this week I know a lot of people are looking for them don’t do them any crazy short weeks I don’t do them if I’m away I don’t do them they’re free they come out

The weeks that I’m here they you know I barely ever Miss so I don’t mind I don’t feel as bad I appreciate everybody that’s always reaching out and looking for them I always will get them out to you when I can they’ll be back this week

And moving forward so you can count on those go check it out on X toag Ando and then of course shipping promo code Mayo gets you 10% off you can go there got everything going on had a huge week last week Saturday we took down first second and third that’s members of

The community and that was like four lineups into 60k our guy pick it got to give him a shout out does all of our free tennis stuff it’s just a community Discord Channel he won second for 20K huge Sunday for a bunch of members it’s an awesome time right now check out

Shiping if you guys want to join the community and have some fun use promo code Mayo for 10% off you can find me on X at Kendo VT actually like three of the wins I had this past week I posted on my on my timeline like you

Guys could have won too so so there you go also you can find me on gups corner I have my article there every week it’s my course preview goes over stats to look for Trends my final betting card any changes to my cash G cornerstones my fade of the week this is

My worst fade of the week I think this for the players it was seah uh so that didn’t work out but I’ve been crushing that as well so make sure you go check that out should be a fun week uh the players got me AED I’m ready for a great

Season let’s get this done let’s win some [ __ ] money PJ Nation i’ been getting dirty money Jordan Bing Penny STS while I’m flipping these birds on Rock trip them up with the wor and I think my Third



    Intro – 0:00

    Recap – 1:19

    YouTube Comment Winner – 23:53

    Underdog Pick'ems – 25:14

    Course Preview – 33:37

    DFS Strategy – 39:08

    Tiers – 42:32

    Bets – 1:05:49

    Outro – 1:11:22

    2024 VALSPAR CHAMPIONSHIP, Fantasy Golf Picks & Plays | Fantasy Golf Degenerates

    Kenny Kim and Tyler “Tambo” Tamboline preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 Valspar Championship picks. The guys give their Fantasy Golf picks and best bets for the event at Innisbrook Resort

    Episode “362” | Scottie NECKler

    #ValsparChampionship #FantasyGolf #PGATour

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    Tyler Tamboline Twitter:

    Kenny Kim Twitter:

    Fantasy Golf Degenerates Twitter:

  2. Kenny…Congrats on fire! It would be nice if people in the golf discussion, especially Golf Media, would understand the difference between the PGA Tour and the PGA of America. PGA of America moved HQ to TX.

  3. I agree about the coverage this week. It was amazing watching ESPN in the mornings and then even switching over to NBC I was blown away by the lack of commercials

  4. DK illinifan13
    Sam Burns for the win! Congrats to Kenny on the big week at the Players and welcome back Tambo!

  5. Going with McNealy DK – @djgerhab

    Congrats on the win Kenny! I have to admit though that I’m quite bitter with Underdog. I used the promocode to get in, deposited and then went to bet some Pickem’s that would’ve hit but got rejected as I hit submit.. apparently Pennsylvania isn’t allowed to use Pickem with Underdog. Makes no sense as I can use DK or Fanduel for sportsbook. Underdog said they will refund my deposit but mad that they didn’t tell me before depositing in the first place 😤

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