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Rodgers’ VP Bid & Chapman’s Surprise!

Dive into the latest sports headlines with Gio and Jerry as they discuss Aaron Rodgers’ surprising VP candidacy, Aroldis Chapman’s viral video, and more! Join the conversation as they break down the hottest topics in sports on this lively Wednesday morning broadcast.

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And we’re coming you live for the build for top Studio Boomer andiz at Great G and audience Boomer and goo on the fans simcast across the country on CBS Sports Network and wherever you are in the free ay app good Wednesday morning feels like spring outside again today it’s going to

Be even warmer tomorrow maybe even 70° in the city that is a great thing Boomer is out today he decided to leave New York when it got to 70° and go down to the Dominican Republic uh but still nicer there then here of course he’ll be

Back in a few days that means we got Jerry wo in for Boomer and Jerry is out there in Minneapolis for the Big 10 tournament with ruter basketball from a legendary radio station WCCO in Minneapolis good morning Jerry how are you well good morning G how are

You I tell you what we landed here last night it was 68° there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and I felt like I was still New York with the great weather that’s awesome and Minneapolis obviously one of the uh the most miserable places to be in January February and March so you

Were probably looking at that going God I got to go to Minneapolis with a big 10 tournament and March is going to be 17t of snow it’s going to suck uh but things are good man smile on the face smile yeah smiling things are good the weather

Is warmed we were here I guess it was three weeks ago we were here it was pretty darn cold uh not so much this time around and I tell you it is so weird um when you go to these other cities and I know trust me I’m well

Aware that Minnesota’s had their issues and I get that there’s no one in the city though like you think about New York at rush hour even at 2 o’l in the afternoon there’s cars everywhere there’s people walking around our bus is pulling into the hotel at around I guess

6:30 out here GE it looked like it was a Sunday afternoon at like I don’t know 4:00 and everybody evacuated the city it’s really weird very strange every is better the New York City is what I’m starting to realize uh most places at least uh as far as the city is concerned

Like yeah you go to other cities they’re cleaner there’s fewer people there’s not as much honking and nonsense so uh hopefully you’re there for a little while because that means ruter will be winning and having a good tournament so uh this is one of the most crazy days of

Of topics I have ever seen um of course the Aaron Rogers news which we will get into right away but then driving in if you were listening to the War up show you know I see this video of aralis Chapman and his mom that I text Al right

Away I said you got to see this before 5:00 like I need to get Al’s take on this video so that is out there as well if you haven’t seen it get your own take and we will talk about it but the Aaron roders VP candidacy uh that Robert F

Kennedy Jr put out there yesterday a a Hot Topic and obviously like the first reaction of Jet fans is I can’t believe this this is more drama uh is there any way that he retires to go and do this and I I think this is pretty obvious what is going on and

First off he is not going to be his vice president one because he can’t win and two I don’t think he’s goingon to campaign with Robert F Kennedy Jr what I think this is is Robert F Kennedy Jr and Aaron Rodgers wanting to get Robert F Kennedy Jr’s message out there more than

Has been because it’s a lot of trump a lot of Biden a lot of democrat a lot of Republican and they probably know that they’re they they can’t win like like RFK Jr probably I can’t win but they’d like to change some people’s minds in the process hey what do you think about

This hey what do you think about that hey maybe we should think this way instead of this way so that’s why I think that when they were hiking together and they posted that picture they came up with this plan what if I throw out there that you’re going to be

My VP people are going to go nuts people are going to talk about it every radio show and TV show in America is going to cover it because I’m putting your name up there potentially to be on the ticket and then all of a sudden people are

Going to look into me more they’re going to hear what I’m about and that’s the best way for me to get attention to my campaign Now is it going to work is he going to win is he going to take enough votes away from from either Trump or

Biden for this to to make a difference probably not but today RFK Jr’s campaign has gotten more attention than it ever has and that’s one reason because everybody talks about Aaron roders it is hilar I mean it’s honestly hilarious when I when I saw this news I’m thinking

He couldn’t have done this when he was with the Packers like he’s got to come here and do this now and you’re right he’s not going to be vice president Kennedy’s not going to be president probably won’t even be on the I mean o run is independent I don’t know how far

That goes uh I don’t know what the messaging will be I don’t know if it matters at all all I know is in our little world the fact that a jet quarterback who couldn’t stay on the field last year for more than a few plays who does nothing but talk

Incessantly on the bat McAfee show about everything now throws his throws his um he’s into the ring now of politics a few months before all these camps start I mean what’s next going to go up into space with Elon Musk on a Tuesday on their off day during the season I mean

It really is it is hilarious and it is so I don’t want to say it’s so jety and that’s not fair but this is very Aaron Rogers 2024 yeah it is and and and a lot of people felt that same way and most fans felt that same way and I completely

Understand because they are they’re at a point with Aron Rodgers where they are sick of everything Aaron Rodgers that isn’t involving throwing a football and I and I understand it now they haven’t seen him play really in a in a Jets uniform they don’t have any good

Memories of Aaron Rogers in a Jets uniform Aaron Rogers Jets tenure has been him making headlines on Pat McAfee show and distracting from what was a ended up being a miserable season last year so this is just another one of those things but I I really don’t think

Like this this will be a story today it’ll continue but there is no way that you’re going to see Aaron Rogers on a campaign Trail you’re not going to see him in a situation where he is debating people that’s not going to happen I mean

I just I just think this is a grandm plan to get attention to RFK Jr’s Campaign which is working and then when Aaron Rogers has asked about it he’ll say something along the lines of yeah I mean obviously we are friends and we talked about this and it’s something I

Want to do if it was a different time in my life but I obviously have a commitment to the Jets but you know I want people to understand his message and how much I want him to you know just consider what he’s saying like something

Like that is going to come out so then it’ll be gone but like agree I agree with you the one thing you said right there though like when you first started talking is so right though the Jet fans haven’t seen him throw the football yet

Like I think we almost forget I I I know he’s a Hall of Famer well aware he’s a Super Bowl champion all of that he’s a great player NFL MVP wonderful but what you just said is so perfect he hasn’t even thrown the ball yet for the Jets

We’re a year and a half well we’re a year into this thing and there’s so many things around him that I that just drive you nuts like if he played last year and played well and you know they didn’t win anything but at least they were a 12

Game winner 11 game winner and Aaron Rogers gave you an Aaron Rogers season I think I think Jet fans would chuckle hahaa whatever I do think there’s going to be a percentage of Jet fans that are annoyed by this because he’s a jet quarterback who hasn’t played

Quarterback for this team yet yes and and that and I can’t blame a Jet fan because I I say this all the time you know when when Boomer says with the negative Jet fan or or Joe Bingo why you so negative or me with my teams why

You’re so negative I mean because look at what has happened over the last number of years it’s hard to put a positive spin on things but with this I don’t really think it hurts the Jets or hurts Aaron Rodgers or hurts Rob or Joe Douglas or anything that they’re doing I

Mean it’s funny and it’s jetsi in and people can laugh at the Jets again and I think that everybody is every Jet fan is tired of that uh being laughed at but I mean you you’ve hit rock bottom with being laughed at it really can’t get any

Worse than it is and I just I just think that this will be you know once the season rolls around it’s going to be a blip on the radar there’ll be one interview with Aaron Rogers about it he’ll ask he’ll answer a couple of questions about it and that’ll be it so

I mean I just sometimes like we and especially the way we consume news and and media these days it’s like let’s just look past what is at the surface level with this like let’s just take it another step forward all right like is this realistic why are

They doing this why did he mention his name is this going to affect the Jets in any way I mean do you believe does anybody out there really believe that Aaron roders will retire from the NFL to pursue being the running mate for RFK Jr nobody really believes that right I

Don’t know anymore he’s a strange guy G I mean do I do I no do I think he’ll be playing quarterback for the Jets this fall yes I do but if you told me that there was all of the that RFK junr does pick him to be his vice president

Running mate and if you told me that there was like real momentum building I wouldn’t be shocked I am not shocked by anything anymore I’m really not again if you ask me to make a decision I think he’s playing quarterback for the Jets of course he is he’s not walking away from

His career but I also wouldn’t be stunned if something happened and he did walk away but I don’t expect that no to answer your question right and it would be one thing if if Aaron Rogers and RFK I can’t believe I’m saying this but it would be one thing if RFK Jr and

Aaron Rogers could win the election because then in in one way it’s it’s Noble in a sense like I’m going to drop football to help save the country is probably what they thinking yeah right exactly like like so in in a way that but but they don’t have a chance to win

So basically him retiring or dropping out or or or whatever from football or taking a Hiatus from football when he’s 40 years old already uh isn’t realistic like they they if there’s just that would be a total waste of time that’s a Robert Salah this morning

Oh my God I mean he gets hurt a few plays in last year and now he’s got to hope that his quarterback doesn’t leave to try and run the country bro can you believe this crap you believe this rob you serious with this bro listen I I I love

Rogers he ain’t he a winning his thing yeah I um I I don’t I I would love to be in a room with jets brass when they when they see this and get their reaction I mean they have to call Aaron roders right don’t they have to call him right

After this and talk to him I would certainly think so I don’t know man yeah I would I mean if I’m Joe Douglas I I’m I’m right away going like what what really is going on here you know and I I just and if they end up you know if they

End up getting an answer they don’t like then then that right there could finally turn them just a little bit against him and not give him everything he wants the one thing I would say uh all in all seriousness all jokes aside because I I

I am with you he’s not going to be running for Vice that’s not happening but all jok’s aside if I’m a Jet fan all I want is my team to be focused on one goal and that’s winning the Super Bowl not being a laughing stock not being embarrassed anymore and being ready in

September when the season begins and the one thing that would bother me this morning uh is the fact that it seems like Aaron Rogers has and has since he’s been here has 9,000 other things on his mind does it mean that he’s not locked in does it mean he’s not going to work

His ass off we saw what he did to try and get back on the field last year if the Jets would have stayed relevant he might have played in December I don’t know that he would or he wouldn’t have but he was certainly trying so I am not

By any stretch of the imagination challenging his commitment I do believe his commitment is there you would just wish though that his Focus would be 100% solely on being the best jet quarterback he can be and not all this other stuff because my God has there been a lot of

Stuff surrounding him since he’s been here yeah and well with this particular thing I mean I do believe and you you mentioned the the points I was going to counter you with where I mean look how hard he worked to get back and and look

At all the stuff that you saw in the the off season with him and hard knocks and how he took over the team and the leadership and all of that and he did come back uh from California and spent most of the season with the team and

Around the team so I do believe he’s he’s completely committed and I also think that you can have other interests and still be the best version of yourself in your job I mean I I don’t I think it’s an easy thing to say that just because he’s got these other

Interests or sits there and talks to Pat McAfee or gets in a feud with Jimmy Kimmel that he’s not fully focused on being the Jets quarterback I mean I I he just he is tackling issues that are from first of all he’s one of the most famous

Athletes in the world two he’s tackling issues that a lot of people talk about political issues and he’s feuding with celebrities but there’s lots of NFL players out there that have other interests outside of football that just that that distract them from potentially being Allin that we don’t talk about

Just that Aaron Rogers stuff is just out there in the media all the time so I I don’t want to make a direct correlation in the fact that just because Aaron Rodgers cares about issues in this country doesn’t mean or that that automatically means that he’s not

Focusing as much on on being the Jets quarterback because I don’t think this guy especially after last year is going to come back and be out of shape or not focused or not care I mean this guy so desperately wants to come off of this Achilles injury and be great again I

Agree like I said I’m not challenging any of that it’s just I as a if I was a Jet fan with the history they’ve had I just would prefer it to be quiet go about your business and actually win some games that’s all no I doesn’t mean

He can’t have a life and other interests as you said earlier it’s admirable that he wants to do something to actually help the world I’m I’m all for that that’s great it’s just he is clearly more than just about football and for a franchise that has not won in Forever uh

And is really hoping that you know this is the guy to take them to the promised land you just wish it would be a little quieter that’s all yeah no and and I’m I’m sure that is that is the majority that’s probably what the Jets organization thinks that’s what every

Jet fan thinks um but I would just say that it doesn’t it even though it feels crazy and it feels like this is a Jets thing and a negative Jets thing I when you dive down deep into it I I I really don’t think that it’s all that

Bad I mean and and most people and this is the the only thing that they’re going to have to survive is is everybody having the same take about this all day long like that’s all the Jets are going to have to have a day of people laughing

At them I can’t believe this this guy is a a crackpot blah blah blah like they’re going to have to deal with a day of that and then it’s going to be over like I and I just I mean I I just wish that sometimes like the majority of people

Could could just look past the what’s right in your face and and that is a that is a problem on all all topics in all worlds it’s like it’s like right in the face it’s like reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction and then like and then we move on to something else

Without actually using your brain to break it down yeah we’re in the Twitter world my friend no I know but like let’s let’s try to be better at that just try to be better at that like so so my point was why all right so why is he doing

This I think to get attention to his the guy that he wants his message out there I think that this helps that I mean how many people do you think when they found out that Aaron Rogers might be his RFK Jr’s VP looked up what RFK Jr was all

About how many people you think did that a lot more than yesterday hell yeah absolutely and then and they’re hoping that somebody stumbles across that and go oh wow he’s he’s for this he’s for that he’s for this he’s for that I mean not so bad brilliant marketing I do

Agree with that 100% I mean and I mean especially you know what what’s going to be on the ticket come November we’re going to do it all over again I know run it back 2020 run it back uh all right Jerry it is uh good to see you on Zoom

How are they treating you over there did they let you into the building okay yeah no man they gave me a key card to get in Brad met me here to make sure I was settled it couldn’t be better to be and it’s literally a block from the hotel

Couldn’t be better actually really it’s a very good setup all right it’s uh it looks good it sounds good by the way you know what they do have I got to steal one for you cuz this is right up your alley and Al as well they have U they

Have a coffee machine so they don’t have curig they don’t have Dunkin’ Donuts but they got a great uh big coffee machine you can make lattes you all sorts of things the creamers they have Snickers Snickers creamer I figured Al would want like eight of them oh my

Goodness that is so Minnesota isn’t it Snickers creamer I’d lie to you if I told you I wasn’t going to try one today you ever like go well I’m sure people have but you go to some of these uh well Duncan does it everything for you which is the greatest but some of

These other coffee places that you go to and you and you look at all the different creamer flavors you go to the supermarket you see all the different creamer flavors I mean that International Delight has got every single flavor combination that’s ever it’s like asparagus macchiato you’re like what they’ve made coffee equivalent

To ice cream yeah no essentially they have uh all right Jerry we will uh we’re going to get CEO in here with a nice little uh update in a few minutes a lot to get to this aald this Chapman video the Garrett Cole MRI the Knicks and the

Rangers winning big games last night it’s all out there on this busy Wednesday


  1. The Jets ownership must be the adults!!! Get rid of the coaching take loss on Rodgers and release him!! They’re wasting the primes of an elite Defense and also their best offensive players Hall and Garrett

  2. Now I know the Kennedy dude is out of his mind…..Roger's was tripping in the mountains not long ago.

  3. F it take Rodgers he ain't gonna do shit with the Jets… a yr on the shelf at 40 will make you a SB contender.

  4. he would be perfect, meaningless job, no one cares what he says and we would never see him….just like our current VP…….

  5. Unfortunately the masses are morons which doesn't give Kennedy a chance. Look at how easily trained the masses are, they will buy into anything. Our government is a joke, and when someone comes along who might actually want to do something for the people, they do everything they can to have the masses dismiss them. Not one person will look into what Kennedy stands for, they will just buy into the nonsense, the same way they have with Rodgers. Nothing will ever change, the masses are morons and you cannot fix that. The government will get worse and worse, the masses will always pick sides and support their own abuse, and the ones with intellect will suffer the residual detriment from their stupidity!

  6. Regardless of Rodgers actually considering this or not, the damage has been done. You can’t become a bigger distraction than this.

  7. Just wanted to point out that I was one of the many Jet fans that didn't want Rodgers as the quarterback of the Jets ! And by every passing day , it seems I was right !

  8. Lol😅😅😅 Johnson a huge Trump supporter has a QB who is not only voting for his rival but would except being VP if asked! 😂😂😂😂

  9. And just when you think this can’t become more of a circus Aaron Santos Rodgers enters ………..

  10. It's one thing to have Rodgers as the quarterback of a John Madden game , and a whole different thing too have him as the actual quarterback of your favorite team when he's pushing 41 , and just suffered from a 'ACL' tear ! Let's be smart Joe D , and draft a quarterback this upcoming draft !

  11. now is the time for the jets to rid themselves of this guy….get rid of his buddies and start to rebuild this season. this team was going nowhere with AR so it may be time to show him the door

  12. So the Jets QB may be running for Vice President against the guy that the Jets owner is campaigning for. What could go wrong!

  13. Aaron is like a crazy girlfriend that you’re not allowed to have sex with what’s the point ?

  14. It’s hilarious Rodgers has said nothing and still gets bashed for dumb shit like this lmao dudes gonna play football and people getting so worked up over something this small that has nothing to do with anything Rodgers himself has said or even hinted at is ridiculous lol he’s gonna play at a high level and make the Jets relevant and everyone bashing won’t praise him , oh no they will just find some other dumb reason to bash the dude lol he’s literally only considered a villian of the nfl because he chose to speak his own opinions and people didn’t agree with it so had to paint him as a bad guy instead of being adults and agree to disagree, sad days can’t have your own opinion unless it’s the same as theirs and he doesn’t just sit there and say the same cookie cutter stuff like 99 percent of the QBs

  15. In an RFK JR/ Aaron administration, Nate Hackett has to also be there bc Aaron will demand he join. Or else we're just wasting everyone's time. Ok??

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