Golf Players

NLU Podcast, Episode 802: Players Championship Preview

It’s practically a home game, as the PGA Tour heads to North Florida for the 50th playing of The Players Championship. Soly, D.J. and Randy discuss this week’s top storylines with a lengthy game of Buying or Selling.

Be on the lookout for live shows after each round of The Players over on the main NLU YouTube channel: @NoLayingUp

Thanks to this episode’s sponsors, Duer and Rhoback.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the no laying up Podcast suly here Players Championship preview episode joined by my guy Mr Big Randall hey big hey guys great to be back on the program uh players wow what a what a week excited to talk to you guys about it do you have

Your script are we gonna you got to follow your script uh I know you don’t live in Jacksonville anymore but uh you know we have we have our talking points let’s stick to them okay I do yeah mine mine were just uh delivered via um FedEx FedEx yeah FedEx I was searching

Good one there and i’ and I’ve also got some cross points from Excel that steiny just wired to me so I feel like I got my bases covered uh also you hear the laughter of Mr DJ pawski hello pman greetings guys great to be with you uh dare I

Say unironically turning into one of my favorite weeks of the year I love the players man I wish you guys I wish somebody would have come in town I know I should I’ve got a little tinge of that going on myself this week a weird year

With por sauce edit for you I know it’s just kind of the timeline doesn’t work great but um it is it was nice I went out and touched grass today and it felt really good it was uh it was good to get out from behind my keyboard and uh and

Go see a little golf talk to some people this episode’s brought to you by our friends at roback active Weare you all know roback best fit best feel they are fresh off new restocks of our favorite polos hoodies and qzip trust us when we say there’s not better gear for when

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That’s r h o b a 20% off bottoms Q Zips hoodies and more with code nlu get ready for the golf season with roback I almost had to switch to the to the Polo I almost had to put the hoodie away and put the polo on 64 degrees here today

In I know it’s crazy I I was I was kept trying to refresh my phone when I pulled up the pon aidra weather because I was like oh it must still be showing Milwaukee but no 57 down there I saw did you get a little that did you get a

Little that funny feeling up there d a little bit a little bit you know we’re now into March which is good off on February 9th was a little uh that was a little concerning but uh now I think I’m about ready for actually more appr propo of nothing for those watching uh this

Podcast DJ what what what is that hat is that a uh what what do we have on the front of your hat there uh I believe it’s the El Paso Chihuahuas uh farm system of the uh of Los Padres like I got a buddy who works in the Padre’s

Organization who kidded me out with all kinds of gear I didn’t want to wear a Padre’s hat I I feelig feel like that would have been offensive to you guys but I felt like this was okay a lot of confusing messaging on and we should say

Randy you can now watch this podast if you’re so inclined on on our new no laying up Podcast YouTube channel so if you prefer to see The Smiling Faces of of the lads uh well that’s a new thing we’re gonna be trying out we we hear for

You we’ve heard some things and uh you know that’s that’s now up and running available Wednesday if you’re listening to this on Tuesday it is not available just yet trying to do a little movie Magic there but you’re right it not quite but close thank you subcribe there yeah and there’ll be a

Backlog of a bunch of episodes that are slowly going up there it’s very timec consuming but we’re working on it we we as DJ said we here for you so uh P busy day for me I was out uh running all around I’m gonna toss the Rings to you

To kind of keep us organized you let Daddy Take the Wheel here for this afternoon let’s let’s do it and you know what the first thing I’m gonna do so is I’m gonna throw it right back to you no because me and big we’re just we’re we’re going back and forth on slack

We’re like God I wonder what s saw out there today what did he see does he have four notes he could kind of provide to us some news and notes some nuggets you know we’re always looking for betting tips we’re looking for insights from the ground and who’s who better to have

Those in our our guy Chris Soley solivan we need that info suy we want it hot we need it hot kind of in the same vein of when we had to take some laps walking the range when we did the AT&T Pebble Beach PR this past year I just got a few

Little small nuggets right just you know everything I uh that I caught wind of today um that I thought would be interesting to translate I walked up to the putting green saw Brendan Todd absolutely grinding on the putting green obviously making everything he looked at

And this is not where I thought we were going first no but that’s interesting hopefully they get hotter hopefully hotter no listen he uh Miss lippy’s car is green he makes every putt he looks at and so I said to him I’m like what you

What are you doing over here like why do you need to be practicing that and he he hit me with a line that like defines golf a little bit before like he’s like you’ve never got it you’ve always have to be working at it and I was like oh

That pretty serious dude I was kind of just messing around but man whatever that was an interesting literally the best putter on tour I would assume I think he led the field last week at Bay Hill uh and is well known as one of the best Putters on tour was just like yeah

You’ve never actually like got it like you just have to like always keep working it’s like oh okay well all right that leaves me hopeless but that’s really interesting though um Michael hold on what’s that cliche about you know the the rent is grinding over three Footers every day for four hours and

It’s due every what what’s that what’s that uh yeah something about the rents due every day right success is least and the rent is due every day or something like that I don’t know you were not close I that’s all I know right but I think I feel like that’s what Brendan

Was was that’s the message he was conveying and so that’s that’s noted Michael G works so hard um I saw him out there and he uh you know I was like what do you have to he’s like I’m gonna go roll balls on nine he’s like I got about

Six or seven hours of work I need to do on like uh reading greens like just R going out to Greens and roll and reading them like I remember seeing him do that at the um at the US Open like the 18th green just spending like repeating repeating repeating rolling

Putts rolling putts rolling putts uh to to make notes to for green reading I was just like dude that is something that just does not show up on camera ever but how much everybody knows guys go out and chart courses and do all that stuff but

I don’t I don’t know if everybody’s cadd is going out and getting that level of detail but that was that one stuck out to me I remember seeing seeing bones do that that’s like a sneaky I know there’s not a lot of fans out there on on

Mondays but if you can ever get into a tournament kind of early early week really before like proam day like seeing some of those caddies go out and just like watching them do their work is like weirdly fascinating stuff I I remember seeing bones doing that at some course

That he had been to 35 times and he was still out there doing the same thing I was just I that has always stuck with me very as a very admirable part of part of the gig it’s not not necessarily just you know the old Randy what is it you

Say keep up shut up show up uh it’s not really that anymore no and I always say you know the to to bones and grer and um you know you never got it you always gota be out there working at it um so that’s I talked I talked

Despite the uh the tough edit we got in full swing I talked to noing up Podcast listener Roy mroy he did confirm that he does uh still listen to the podcast we’re cool right like are we you know we’re cool like it must have been like a

Thursday or something I don’t know like you know I listen I call you after every pod uh they uh you know talk how you doing what what’s going on he’s like yeah I’ve got this incredible feel going with the driver but that feel is also contributing to a a big left Miss with

Irons and he hasn’t like worked through it all the way and he’s like get on the greens I’m fine get off the tea is fine I just like can’t I’ve still got this weird little little left miss going uh with the iron so he’s got some time to

Figure that out but um that thought that was an interesting note don’t love that uh that’s that’s I mean we saw that I mean right exact no totally totally it’s uh yeah huh was hoping doctor I was hoping to have some better news about about what R was I I had the opposite

Reaction I thought it was like a you know he was working on a left to right win uh he’s working in both sides of of the range today working on on that shot just uh with wind off the left and wind off the right and that made me think

Like all right we we can we can triage this one issue right and yeah we’re that good off the tea and that good on the greens then uh then we’re going be fine so all right glasses half full last note uh I got to spend the afternoon filming

Something with uh with titlist with sahith tagala uh my favorite golfer on the planet and I’m biased because I was there but it was awesome it was so much fun we just like played one whole bunch of different like kind of on repeat a par five and just talking strategy how

He’s kind of dialed in his swing off the te kind of learned that you know he can’t be hitting this massive cut everywhere on the p G tour and tightened up his dispersion with driver how he aims from like 275 into a par five not

Trying to do the hero shot like how he plays the odds and and and picks his way around it versus how he hits like a the different ways he can hit a 100 yard shot look for that video when it comes out on titles channels I think it’ll be

Out this week it was fantastic I just that dude was so invested in the whole process in the video and like explaining things and again it’s not going to surprise people that he he endeared himself quite well to to the people so those are my four nugs from this from

Today he uh he’s got a little little bit of or maybe a lot of of speed to him doesn’t he like when you when you get around him just like unbelievably eloquent in explaining how he hits golf shots and what he’s feeling out there and also just like similarly chaotic on

On in the way that he plays golf which I think is you know has a lot of magnetism for me I I’m very much drawn to to watching those people but I I think as we as we see our gu speed maybe not quite be the uh you know 2015 2017 2018

Type of uh type of player I think you know many people could take maybe take some refuge in in sath get out there and and follow him shot to shot because it’s it’s a similar experience I totally agree with that very big emotionally especially it’s h

You know the ups and downs are are a lot of fun so any uh anything else Golf Course wise to note out there anything you’re noticing anything your model soft softs off but I will caution people we got a lot of rain here this past weekend it absolutely dumped on Saturday night

But um they get they can get this thing firm they’ve done it in the past that the weather looks good leading up to the tournament I remember that one was that two years ago where they had the um the Monday finish maybe it was that three

Years ago now I can’t uh I can’t remember but the the Monday finish day um that that’s somehow was like the greens got firm after just a day and a half of just a deluge weirdly the softest it’s been was the the co year when they had no rain leading up to it

And they overwatered the greens um but so I I don’t want to like uh you know all the all the tipsters that that are looking for for Golf Course updates I don’t know if it’s going it won’t be this soft come Thursday I don’t think but it’s been a tough winter here

There’s a lot of water on the golf course but uh I think they can get it sub AED and dried out uh by Thursday I would think so yeah weather looks good should be fun week out there R up a lot of rough overse it’s still thin and kind

Of wispy is it’s not like as penal I wouldn’t say as Bay Hill but uh there’s there’s plenty of rough you know just off the Fairway out there which I think is almost I don’t want to say more fun but like at least that kind of introduced the element of Flyers right

Like when you when you start to get rough like that it’s like just gets harder to judge coming out of there whereas like when you get that Bay Hill it’s almost like the big nasty like Northeast stuff where it’s like yeah it’s just going to go to the bottom and

You’re just like hacking it out when it gets kind of like wispy and overse like that it feels like it’s like oh [ __ ] this one might jump or it might not or it might come out fat or at least it’s kind of a you know game within the game

Within the game type of thing to to watch on shots Randy what are you laughing about no man that’s Amen to that brother beautifully stated well I don’t think we need to relitigate beill but like the difference in this too is also like the design of the holes and the

Green complexes specifically and the PE die elements of all this and how the contouring all factors in is like the missing Fairways at at the Players has a different impact on missing Fairways at Bay Hill and there’s possibility for Recovery in a lot of spots from some of

These but uh you obviously don’t want to be doing that it’s not just beating you over the head on repeat with kind of the same question on repeat that that’s very very very very different situation uh at a golf course this one that I that I I’m quite fond of especially watching the

Pros play and green surrounds too if you can’t control your spin coming out of those Fairways it’s like you’re you’re probably coming trickling off greens and instead of going you know one foot into the shin High rough like y Bay Hill you’re going into some like really tight

Closely moan areas and you know just a a bevy of other challenges so totally uh anything else you want to say from your your day out there or you want me to open up the markets for a little buying and selling uh lastly just the the comment that that brandle made this past

Week about like you know the thick rough promotes all kinds of different shots I I asked a player about that he’s like no you just like grab your 60 as soon as you hit in the rough when you go up to the green like you didn’t hit the same

Shot on repeat so like I’m gonna take the the the advice on somebody in the field that’s it that’s the last one I’ve got congratulations uh total Vindication I’m G keep poking BRD till he comes back on the Pod come on man maybe maybe’s just trolling you that’s I

Think I don’t we should throw that out that’d be good I’m turning the RS to you they’re all yours all right we’re going to do uh you know we’re always looking for segments on these pods this is nothing more tried and true than uh the classic buying or selling Randy I know

You’re focus group tested yeah people love this a huge Watcher of the markets Su I know you’re a big diamond hands guy you’re never selling anything but uh you know I’m for Bitcoin for the record force you to sell some things today and uh so I put together a list these are

Just kind of the the topics that are on on the top of my mind as we enter here this the 50th Players Championship uh and number one I’m gonna throw you I’m gonna ask you a simple question Randy buying or selling uh defending Champions at the Players Championship you’re going

To hear this stat over and over and over again you probably already are nobody has ever defended a title at the Players Championship meaning nobody’s ever won in back to back years little bit of a wrinkle this year since the hottest player in the world Scotty sheffler is

Also your defending Champion So Randy let me start with you buying or selling what do you think is this the year that this age-old 50-year-old stat goes down what what an incredible uh what an incredible stat let me let me start right there it truly no no hyperbole uh

To think that a tournament that’s been around 50 years has never had a repeat winner is is pretty incredible I think think especially like a super Elite tournament right where you have tiger and Jack and you know all these guys have kind of played it yeah it’s a big deal tournament

Um I I think certainly this year is as good as any for that that streak to be broken I mean state in the obvious Scotty looked great at Bay Hill dominant win we certainly you don’t you don’t need me to tell you you’ve heard it from others that his his te to Green

Performance not only this year but several years in the running now is just fantastic and so if if he truly did find something with the putter or if he’s a little bit of a hot streak going with the putter If he if he’s got some good

Vibes standing over the ball uh I don’t know that this certainly could be the year I’m not sure if I’m ready to say that I’m picking him to win but I think we gotta look is is that fair DJ so I I guess I I don’t know what am I buying

And selling again what was the question just I guess the idea that the defending ch ion can’t win okay I I will um I’ll sell that idea but but you’re not looking for like a huge return yeah ex a safy play so what what do you got this was a bad one

To start with as far as the semantics of the game but I appreciate you guys I’m interested to talk about all these things I don’t know if we need to do in buying and selling but I think it’s like if you look at every single Instinct in

My body about the history of the players is telling me like Scotty’s not going to win this week right not like it we this is like the one Golf Course where we point to and be like people don’t really have the same level of course history as

They might at other courses I mean you can Phil Mickelson famously won this event and then one time said how did I ever win here like it just become you can have really high peak weeks and you can have it totally befuddle you Rory’s had a very mixed bag of success here

Like I go to like of course look at our friends data golf they have a tool that shows like your your course history and and how you’ve performed versus expectations like there’s not really many top names that pop out to say they’ve performed way above what you

Would expect them to perform um so all that to say like everything we’ve learned about TBC sress would say like no the guy that you expect to win is probably not going to and yet everything that based on what we just witnessed would say like of course he’s always

Going to win but honestly if it was if I he’s like plus 550 to win which like is that’s like decent odds I’d say and it makes me like want to not pick him to bet like if he was like plus 300 I would be like I don’t know I think that that

Probably makes it more likely that he would but I don’t know I I I’ll say this I don’t think he’s winning this week I’ll say this I think he is winning this week I I am either buying or selling whichever one makes more sense uh on

This one I uh I think I don’t know it’s GNA be it’s going to take a while to unsee what we saw at Bay Hill and again I I said it on the recap pod like he doesn’t need to putt like he putt it great at Bay Hill and he won by a

Million he doesn’t need to putt great he just needs to putt average and I just have a feeling that that feel is going to lead to at least average putting we know the ball striking is going to be there the one thing about the players that’s kind of interesting and how it’s

It’s evolved I think and maybe we’ll get to some of this in a little bit is it wasn’t like I think some of that flakiness is has gone away over the last four five six years where like it yes it used to be this kind of tournament where

It was like oh CRA like some years it was like oh tiger some years it was like oh Tim Clark that’s crazy oh here’s KJ Cho SE wo Kim Oh Martin kimer Ricky Fowler like it it was kind of this weird grab bag it has been like top 10 players

The last four years that have won this tournament and so I I feel like it is getting much more topheavy than it has been in the past and I I’m gonna I’m gonna ride that Trend I’m gonna think I think Scotty wins again this week Scotty’s history here cut t-55 win um

Just figured it out find that interesting I find that interesting I also look if you look at the uh 2022 results uh I I don’t have the list off top of my head but the the best returning player from 2022 is Keegan Bradley who finished fth because the top

Four guys have all got to live yeah from from 2022 and then yeah JT won in 2021 obviously there wasn’t a 2020 winner Rory won in 2019 web Simpson won in 2018 uh so so I I don’t know I’m I’m put me down I think he’s winning it’s it’s

Gonna take a lot to move move me off of that I I think the putting change is is very real it feels like a lasting thing but it is just interesting to note for how Golf Works he’s dat of golf’s got him 12% chance of winning this week

Which is sure like which is also like pretty astronomical for golf it is but that yeah it is but it’s hard to picture him losing and they’re saying this odds winning or 12% like that’s just how Golf Works Randy so let me let me ask you

This if if Scotty does win and and we’ve now established that is a large if even even for the the best ball striker in the world if he does win okay are we looking at a Scotty sheffler potential season that could be on par with maybe one of the more dominant Seasons we’ve

Seen since tiger was in his Heyday are you guys buying or selling that Scotty has a tiger-like dominant 2024 in him do you want to throw any numbers on what that means we’re talking like we talk are we talking like 12 wins can we say not tiger like can we say a dominant

20 ignore the tiger part and just like is he going to be dominant this year do I think he could win five times this year yes well I guess what’s what’s the threshold then like how because for me it’s wins right like I I get it you can

Ball strike it to death and you have this many top 10 and top fives but like a lot of lay people it usually boils down to how many times did you win this year so what I guess what would to be in the same conversation as a tiger esque dominant season like what

Does that even mean to you guys maybe we should start there somebody I forget who on the preview pod to start the season uh predicted he would win four times this year and a major um so that that’s that sounds like a dominant that’s that’s a

Dominant season to me in today’s day and age like that’s that’s a and that’s player the that’s not a tiger dominant no that’s not yeah that’s kind of standard Fair Player of the Year material right there I I I don’t think no I don’t think he’s

Gonna do a tiger thing I I I would agree with that people just don’t do that anymore there’s a reason why I don’t know I don’t want to say I also don’t want to say like the best season since tiger like padrick Harrington won two majors in a year like

It you know some weird [ __ ] can happen but do I think he can win multiple Majors this year yeah of course like I this is lining up very very very very well for him look I’m I’m going to throw this out there I’m GNA give you one

Chance to either you know refute it or not SU the gra the ROM Grand Slam thing turned into a huge joke last year which was very very fun are are you getting any of the same whiffs are your models even like blinking a little bit on this uh there no they’re

Not uh they’re not quite just because I I’m concerned that he’s going to maintain the putting um whereas Rah just truly looked like he had a cheat Cod of of not gonna ever hit a golf ball offline again but um I was only like a little bit joking when I thre Scotty’s

Been doing that for like three years I know that’s where I’m kind of at is like dude that I feel like we’ve seen the B I mean listen of course like ball striking can drop off and you get a different Fe like you just heard Rory talking about

It right like or you know you were relaying what Rory was saying where like you get a weird feel and things change and they evolve over a season but like Scotty doesn’t seem I I don’t know man he’s been the only guy that’s kind of been exempt from that over the last like

Three years and like there is such consistent floor on like the ball striking stuff that it truly has been the putter that has been holding it back and if again if that just gets to like an average point it feels like we’re cooking we are cooking I the only knit I

Can pick with Scotty’s like resume as a whole a teeny tiny bit of a horse for course and like you know I mean he’s won the Phoenix Open twice and he’s won Arnold twice so far right and his other wins all come in this time period right

He’s won uh the match remind you that he won the Players last year chion he won the PLAYERS Championship last year and of course he won uh the Masters in April his other uh he won the hero in in December last year which a lot of people don’t really count

But all of his seven wins have come in February March and April um so he has not sustained it through the summer to be able to go and and bury people in win tournaments that’s the only knit I’ll pick in his resume that’s really interesting it is Big what do what do

You think well well I was just looking I I think to answer my my own question going back a little bit I I think to to consider it to elevate a season and and to get it into the conversation of of like a Tiger Woods esque season I think

You got to win at least six times PGA Tour uh win so regular events Majors because that’s that’s you know going back um you know Justin Thomas won five times in in 201617 Jordan spe won won five times in 20145 Jason day won five times in

20145 so that that’s kind of like hey that’s been done but once you get to that six or above number like going back to you know Tom Watson W7 in 1980 but but besides that it’s all Tiger Woods and then you have the VJ sing 2004 where

He won nine times but you know tiger won nine times in 2000 eight times in 2006 eight times in 1999 so I I think that’s the standard do I think Scotty can win six or more times I do DJ for the reasons you said like if and and we’ve

Seen he’s starting to make some changes I mean going from a blade to a mallet it like maybe is not that big of a deal but I think it at least signifies like hey he’s willing to try really try some new things um to to address would have been

Some putting issues and so I think that’s a fascinating stat though about his win all kind of coming in that January through April time frame I I don’t know what to make of that um it’s a little reminiscent I think of like Phil melson I feel like without really

Going into the numbers I feel like that was a lot of Phil he used to you know really pile up wins uh in that same time frame so I I don’t know I guess um I’m not sure I I think it would be listen I’m on the record saying

Scotty doesn’t pass the ey test I think it’s a good take I stand by the take I I think it’s a good take when when you really stop and think about it um but I think it could be good I think it could be good for the

Game I think it could be good for the game to have a truly dominant season and to give guys like hey this is what you’re chasing like this is the standard because as we’ll get into with some of these other guys I I just feel like we’re nothing’s standing out and and

Golf is really boring when nobody or nothing really stands above the pack uh if it helps the conversation I’m counting last year from this point on he made 15 starts so I’m assuming he’ll play a similar schedule um in this coming year so four more do I think he

Can win four more times in the next 15 starts absolutely especially you know if a couple of them are you know the Dallas events he plays at Byron Nelson he plays Colonial which are GNA be non-elevated events the rest is going to be like again last year we played obviously

There’s no match play um but there’s the majors there’s RBC Heritage um there is is Travelers Scottish open he played last year and then uh the three playoff events that’s pretty much going to get him to the end of the year I may call on Scotty depending on how the next couple

Weeks go I may call on him to enact the big tone protocol go into Detroit Minneapolis start [ __ ] up some of those guys go win some exactly yeah just go get some scalps you know why not win’s cool no matter where you do it all right let’s let’s move on we’re gonna

Move down the before we do that before we do that I got a report I have to another report from the ground guys my doer pants and jeans they’re getting some run they’re getting some some run I’ve been wearing these things everywhere you wear them out to dinner

You wear them all traveling you can wear them to meetings what I love the most about my doer pants they’re wildly functional they can be both dressy and Casual they’re very comfortable I’ve always struggled to find that like that category right I feel like you know uh

You know a pair of khakis can feel a little bit too formal and then like a pair of jeans isn’t formal enough like that in between pant uh the no sweat pant from do is fantastic at that and I wore their jeans this past weekend they

Are crisp they are really strong color I have the rinse color in those you’re going to want your own pair their stretch performance Denim and lifestyle apparel is designed for all day comfort and durability I have the gull in the no sweatpants which uh uh is is is I can I

Strongly strongly endorse then uh but the again the jeans are a fantastic pair of jeans as well they got styles for men and women that can be worn all year round the denim is antibacterial it means less washing it’s made of temperature regulating fabrics for moisture management uh it has cool Max

Technology keeping me cool and dry in any weather uh ureer clothes are sustainably crafted to last there’ll be a staple in my closet for your it’s always a good thing when you’re buying a nice pair of clothes you know it’s going to last a long time mil pants or clothes

I’ve regreted buying is cheap stuff that does not La last very long so I love my doer jeans I know you will too you can check out doers Flagship stores in LA or Denver believe we have a guy out there uh or you can shop online at shopd nlu right now listeners can get 20% off sitewide when you use our special URL shopd that’s shopd nlu don’t wait to get 20% off nlu Randy you should swing through the uh the doer flagship store in Denver do some activations like blocky at that Raising Canes bring your

Bring your jeans in Randy will sign them for you be nice I’ll be there this Tuesday afternoon from 11: to 1 p.m. yeah come through come through uh all right we’re gonna we’re gonna go down the the uh I don’t know I was going to make some Financial thing

We’re go we’re gonna keep the markets open here we’re going to the next buy or sell I’m pushing the buy or sell thing through I don’t give what you guys think next one where your mouth is Joseph Jay Monahan uh we’re gonna hear from the commish this week Randy for the first

Time in quite a while uh as as that already tickled you uh into a laughing fit I’ll just start with you do do does buying or selling Jay reg any kind of momentum this week no not for me I I don’t fall continue I was thinking about this this morning when I

Was brushing my teeth I I I just really to me to me I I think the J Monahan ship has sailed there is literally nothing he could say that would Curry his favor in my eyes to to make me say you know what this guy I I understand that um I

Respect that I I think he’s the man to lead the PGA Tour and the PGA Tour Enterprises for the next however many years just because I I I I cannot take him seriously anymore I I I once the hypocrisy of the June 6th agreement came about after he had

Invoked the the 911 families and talking about how the guys you know should be proud of the tour they play on um the the January 6 framework agreement was not something that you know that the players or the membership was behind it is not something that Jay was forced to

Do by his constituents a lot of players were behind the JN 6 movement let me just clarify sorry the June 6 sorry the June 6 I I just think that day jay lost all credibility for me like there’s there’s literally nothing he can say to to unwind the the blatant hypocrisy and

Just uh poor maneuvering if that’s what it was that was on display and and so my personal opinion I think it’d be much better for golf at large and the PGA Tour if they made a change of leadership and had somebody that could come in with

A fresh voice and say hey mistakes were made level set with the public level set with the membership level set with every you know constituency that you need to um but I just don’t think Jay Monahan given the timeline of events and what we know and and his actions and

Other actions I I just don’t see it from him I I’m sorry I there there there’s nothing he can do to redeem himself in my eyes as a commissioner for the PGA Tour I I you to buy or sell I guess to sell you have to be holding some of the

Stock right or I guess think too much into it yes okay yes thank you uh I mean it’s obviously sell for me just be I I I still just like don’t know where my instincts point on this because I’m trying to castan of this thing almost of like common sense I can

Clearly like in my head clearly see where things should go like we need to get the golf world back together like I can’t get much more obvious to me yet Common Sense has not driven 98% of the things that have happened in pro golf over the last several years other than

People wanting uh to make a lot of money that’s really about it so I I just don’t know what the plan is I don’t know if there is a plan I don’t know if that plan is going to be best for any of us sitting here as golf fans to to like I

Have no hope that that there is a plan that’s gonna appease all of us right because again Manan serves the players right and I don’t know I just can’t figure out where the players or the leadership is at in terms of trying to bring piff back into this thing to bring

It back together or still trying to figure out this out on their own with SSG and like my gut is telling me that they’re shutting piff out or not uh they’re trending more towards the other way which as much as I still believe all the sports watching stuff and don’t need

To get into all that like I think the best path forward for golf fans is going to be getting the Golf R back together and and giving up the hostage situation that the piff has the PJ tour in but I don’t know man I don’t know what the

Plan is so I there’s absolutely nothing I can hear this week that’s going to like make me be like oh hell yeah let’s go because unless everything comes back together it’s all kind of waste yeah I I don’t have much to add as you’re describing that uh it what popped in my

Head was uh was my white socks of just like yeah I mean I I know you put a short stop like back on the field but like there’s no plan here like what are what are we doing what is the long-term vision for where any of this stuff’s

Going and that’s where it’s like uh you know am I buying or selling it’s like yeah I guess I would buy if there was like a if I thought that there was like they were going to pass out a a you know some like packet to every member of the

Media and just be like hey okay sorry for all the confusion here’s here’s the point here going here’s where we’re going here’s where here’s the Beats of how everything’s going to go here’s how all the dominoes are going to fall don’t worry I know it seemed like we didn’t

Know what we were doing but we totally got under control now and like yeah I just don’t think that’s probably gonna happen and instead it’s kind of like no I think we’re just gonna finish fourth or fifth in the central for the next like six years like there I I don’t know

I mean yeah I guess we got Lise Robert Sheffer but I don’t know well that’s not [ __ ] doing us anything you know I don’t know that that’s where that’s where I get to is just like in in my in my view of course you just need a different mouth to to communicate things

Like they could have the best plan in the world to tour you know and and hey we’re gonna solve this in the next 18 months and I just wouldn’t believe it coming from Jay’s mouth because of the the harm and and the reputational Damage that he inflicted on himself seemingly

Uh C you said he you know he he’s there to to serve the membership and he’s doing what the players like how how did the June 6 like every single player was blindsided by that that’s where I’m like I just can’t Square this circle no matter how many different ways I look at

It like like the thing that makes the most sense to me is we we they desperately need new leadership and a new voice and that’s the person that has to sell this reconciliation of sorts because I I don’t think it’s ever going to um maybe the players trust him and and

Maybe he’ll be fine but but I think public relations wise outwardly folks Like Us Golf fans like we’re never gonna have that respect and Trust level of Monahan totally I mean we don’t I don’t want to litigate all this all over again but I would say like the best the best case

Scenario for June 6th was like I know you guys are going to be pissed but I think this is going to be the best possible thing for golf as a whole and for players and we’re gonna if I brought it to you you’d say no and look I’m am I

Backing us into a corner sure but we’re going to go do this and do I think it was the right call like only if you’re gonna actually follow through and and see it through and you lost ROM in the process of all this and that’s a massive

Loss and I don’t think you’re sitting here feeling any better about the situation uh than we did on June 6 but anyways Dodgers just got more money man just buying all these guys up uh all right moving on Play Let’s Go to the the size of the field that’s been a a hot

But an issue I feel like the last couple weeks how big should these fields be Randy we were talking about it today uh you know Signature Events are 69 7075 guys and all of a sudden the PLAYERS Championship is 144 we uh we buying that or not s I’ll start with you

How do how do you feel about the field size um I like it and I don’t know I’m I’m strug going to marry that up with like my thoughts on the on the signature events which I am in fav favor of the smaller fields for those I I do think

This event has to be different than the Signature Events and so having everyone here to be able to play for the biggest purse on the PGA tour um I think is a good thing if you’re asking me like to marry that up with my thoughts on like

Eliminating a bunch of people from the field for the Signature Events I can’t know if I can fully explain that other than it would feel weird to shut a lot of players out of the players it is called the players like it is the Players tournament it’s not we didn’t

Say which players it’s not called the administrator Championship um some some Players Championship better popular Players Championship um so yeah I I’m I’m I’m fine with that and I don’t know if I can explain why on why that’s different than the Signature Events other than it just

Needs to feel different Randy shrink the game for me come on what do you what do you got well I I yeah I don’t have as strong of opinion on like 144 players being good or bad b i i more was coming at this like it’s it is interesting to

Ju suppose the players against the the signature events which are limited Fields um I I don’t know like I’ve really tried to get worked up one way or another like I just I I don’t know I maybe just don’t care like maybe we split the difference

In call it 120 players or something I I I’m not sure what the right answer is can I hold maybe I’m holding sure can I I think I can back into it a little bit thinking about it a little more like this is a bigger tournament than

Signature Events right and like I don’t hate that there’s 156 players in the US Open like give me all the US Open golf you possibly can British Open like play all day like I want everybody in this all kinds of storylines like do I feel

That way about Bay Hill do I feel that way about Wells Fargo like I don’t I I don’t need to see all that much golf I do think they should make that feels like a regular PGA Tour event that there’s been a change to to to make it

Better let’s give you all the best guys are going to play on this course it’s kind of taking a WGC and putting it on a familiar golf course because the wgc’s always felt out of place players has enough reputation and enough going for it that like having everyone in the

Field and playing it it’s not a major it’s never going to be a major and I’m not saying that but it’s as close as a Tour event is to a major so like having a full field for that makes sense in in that way to me yeah I think that’s I

Think that’s fair I think what I keep coming back to is kind of what you were saying Randy like maybe maybe middling this a little bit and I I kind of like the the 100 player number that you know Rory and Windham Clark were talking about uh last week and I know other

Players have been talking about before that but I think it still comes back to something I was saying on I think it was the happy hour for Bay Hill but like just getting to a point where you’re you’re calling a spade a spade and you’re just kind of being honest about

The fact that there’s two tours you know I just think it’s really confusing when you go week to week and to your point Randy like the these being so dramatically different like just is confusing for everybody I feel like and getting to a point where it’s like you

Make the signatures a little bit bigger you make this one a little bit smaller and it’s kind of a hey man there’s a 100 PJ tour players is it feels and if you’re not one of those hundred then you’re not getting into this event or Bill or Memorial or Riviera and I don’t

Know that’s that’s kind of how I feel but I certainly am not worked up enough to linger on this topic any any further so we’re going to keep going just only thing I’ll add is like hey a big a field a Big Field this time of year again we

Got daylight savings now makes it you know days are getting longer whatever but like you throw weather in and it exposes the flaws in it right I mean it’s it’s harder to get all the golf in it really is and it’s you’re gonna have time starting weird your TV Windows get

Messed up like there is something to a smaller field getting everybody through the golf course like there is there are benefits to a smaller field so here here just throw that out there uh we kind of talked Royal a little bit just a a quick

You know we we talked about this on the Pod last night too but it’s one thing when it’s you know winter golf hey try some shots make some eights do what you’re G to do we’re kind of rounding into all right it’s time to play some real golf here before the Masters Randy

Buying or selling the rib at the Masters no right now at this week right now uh no I’m I’m selling somebody told me yeah well he’s got a big left Miss I heard he’s got great feel on the driver but it’s causing some big left misses with the iron so for

That reason I’m out no I I just think listen the he he just looks very sloppy looks inconsistent uh this is gonna be a great clip when he wins by the way but I am I am I’m selling he he just hasn’t really impressed me doesn’t seem like

He’s at at in complete control of his golf ball which is I don’t know it’s it’s just a feeling you get when you watch people like you know Jord we we haven’t felt Jordan’s been in control of his golf ball for years um I just feel like Rory just makes too many big

Mistakes to to win a big tournament I feel like Rory plays his like you can usually see his best golf coming you know what I mean and it doesn’t seem like he’s close to his best golf right now I feel like you you you tend to see in the weeks leading up like

Oh [ __ ] Rory’s Rory’s starting to put the foot on the gas and then he goes and rattles off some victories and I feel like we’re not all that close to that right now so I’m I’m still as well Randy I when you started the question I

Was getting ready to sell and I I’ve somehow talked myself into buy here right if he’s liking how he’s putting if he’s liking how he’s getting off the tea I almost feel like and this might be just looking at this wildly optimistic and and just totally missing what’s

Right in front of me to try to you know invent something in my own head I almost feel like TPC can push you towards being more conservative like there’s not a ton to gain by being hyper aggressive to a lot of these pins so if you got a left

Pin like dude D aim just aiming more conservative can address so many of your issues if you’re rolling a good you’re coming in from a nice distance like hey just don’t make the big mistake just don’t do that and like yeah your big mistakes are gonna get punished really

Hard out there but you can play this golf course conservatively and uh I don’t know it feels like he might kind of be building towards a little something he’s shown flashes of playing really good golf he played pretty darn well at the cognizant other than making

That triple um it was you know he made massive numbers at Bay Hill he obviously had the great nine holes on the back nine on Saturday there’s a little bit of signs there and if he’s hyper aware of it going left that can work two ways

Right he’s like I know how to address this or all right I’m just going to hit shitty shots both ways if I’ve got it going left but I don’t know I’m gonna talk myself into buying which I I’m surprised I’m there I’m surprised even to myself that I’m that I’m there that’s

An interesting thought because yeah I’m with you on Saw Grass in that like it is not a subtle place it’s almost like the decisions are are so obvious when you are taking on a really big risk it’s not like you’re really going to put your

Hand in the mouse trap all that all that often that’s that’s interesting way to think about it look at let me ask let me ask you guys because you guys know more than I do about s graphs uh you know Rory’s statistical profile right now is

He’s first in shots gained off the tea and like 1502 in shots gain approaching the green Strokes gain uh which which would you rather do really well at Saw Grass would would you rather drive the [ __ ] out of the ball and be very shaky in approach play or the opposite I think

The opposite I think you would rather be like the best iron player in the world which like huh I wonder wonder who that is yeah so I don’t know I I yeah I don’t see it for I’m still selling Rory you makeing perfect sense but I I I’m I’m

Just tot I’m going against logic here I love it all right another guy that look at us look at us who would have thought thought uh another guy I moved him above the fold here guys because I think he he deserves a spot in this in in the bdp

Section these days the only guy that’s really like when the lights have gotten brighter his game has gotten better and that’s wam Clark uh I just want he’s currently 15th down the odd sheet right now uh and I can’t really wrap my head around that I think if you’re in a a

Legal betting State I I Wham Clark at 40 to1 is provocative and interesting uh that was at least you know courtesy of our our friends at the draftking sports book so I I would I would give that a really long long look and that’s a long way of saying

Like I’m going to keep buying the the Windom heater I I like it man I I think it’s it’s a very different golf course but he also freaking won a Pebble Beach which is a very different golf course so I I’ve liked what I’ve seen from him and

It’s it’s pretty clear that he looks like somebody who’s taking the leap for for what it’s worth um he is sixth worst in course adjustment on data golf for for TPC s grass but I say that noting uh a guy two spots worse than him

Is Rory who has W here and a guy just a few spots above him is JT who has also won here so I don’t know how good the course fit tool is here but it would tell you this place emphasizes driving accuracy greatly and he’s not the most

Accurate driver of the golf ball he’s long and he’s good iron player but does he have to hit that many drivers though right like I feel like it’s kind of one of those places where it’s like you’re hitting I don’t know I mean I know it’s not an auto Fairway if you’re hitting

Less than driver but like it’s still is I I don’t know it it seems like it emphasizes accuracy a lot more than a PJ tour a normal PJ tour course it is it’s it sticks out it really does the relative importance is is very strong as

Well so um and it gives boosts to guys like Zack Blair Ryan Moore Aaron Ry Brendan Todd chz reevy again it doesn’t mean that those guys are going to win like they just on a compared to an average PJ tour course those kind of guys are gonna get boost which is kind

Of why we see different names all the time up on the top of the leaderboard at TPC sass because it just it is not the driving re uh you know distance prerequisite Randy any any Windham Clark thoughts I I’m buying Windom overall I’m I’m with you I I feel like he’s just

Gone about his business he’s he’s played quite well at a plethora of different courses just looking at who’s ahead of them in the betting markets and I I know that’s not like power ranking one to you know whatever but you know ludvig who do I trust Windam or lvic that’s Windam

Easy spe ahead of like who do I trust more Windam or spe right now it’s Windam easily good test you know guy like Shane Lowry is is less odds than I I just I don’t know that’s that’s a little bit of confusing one um wind or Rory I kind of

Like I think Windam you know Windam kind of emerging as as a guy capital g a guy like again it’s it’s good we need people like him so I I guess I’m I’m rooting for his ascendancy and and if that means a Player’s Championship all of a sudden

He’s got a super compelling resume over the last you know year plus and I think again that’s that’s a good thing for for golf and I think what’s so interesting about that is like how much it underscores like man all that matters is good play at the end of the day right

Because like remember getting to like that Quail Hollow you know when he won a Quail Hollow and he wins like these big elevated events are just kind of starting in Windam Clark kicks one off and everybody’s kind of rolling their eyes at like oh God Windam Clark this

Isn’t what we needed at all and then it’s like man you just keep rolling and you you kind of turn into one of the dudes you know it’s it’s it’s a true like ball don’t lie situation Randy the D the dudes got to come from somewhere

You know exactly we need to we need to cultivate dudes I think that’s what we’re doing uh all right couple a couple age old you know these are these are these have been in the portfolio for a long time you’ve heard these questions before we’re just just checking in we

Don’t need to linger we’re just checking in fifth major conversation uh you know so you alluded to it earlier the players it’s not a major it’s trying to buy a ma you know being a major it’s throwing FedEx Cup points I think it’s 750 uh is what you get for winning both

The majors and now the players as well uh the purse is as big as anywhere uh where where do we stand on this s you kind of made your feelings clear earlier Randy is there any movement here on on the fifth major conversation no I don’t recognize I don’t recognize this as a

Major just a good PGA Tour event the players as the strongest field in golf I think it is the fifth major championship uh no I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s the event that has been hurt the most by everything that’s happened it it is um still greatly look forward to this week

Like this used to be the best field outside of a like best field of any tournament like truly of the Year even including the majors it was the the top all the top players in the world play this event and that’s obviously not the case anymore it is the the Signature

Events have been have gotten a lot better with like Hey we’re going to get the best that’s left on the PJ tour and get them all together all right we’re g to do that that’s has has elevated those events what made this event special was everyone played in it and it was gosh

Going to this T you just couldn’t I had the hardest time deciding who I wanted to go watch when we would go to this tournament because of how evenly spread out it all was and it’s just definitely not the same without the guys that have

Left and this one this is the only event that had all of that right and it’s it’s definitely taken our hurt from that here here’s what I’m going to say uh have rolled my eyes at the fifth major conversation for a very long time I let

Me get out in front and stay I I still don’t think it’s a major I still don’t think it should be a major I that’s my one or zero that’s that’s how I feel however uh I think I think the they’ve been moving the chess piece forward on

This one I do think it keeps getting better and better and better and better and better I think you know the the note that I put in here is like man the only thing that matters is the majors and this week kind of feels like it matters

To me I don’t maybe that is just because I have a lot of memories at the Players because I love watching this tournament because I love the golf course but I I’m not saying it’s there I’m not saying we need to rewrite history or anything like

That but I do think the chess piece is is moving forward and if the World of Golf like comes back together and all of a sudden you have all of the everybody’s back together playing this event you have SSG and the PJ tour buying up all kinds of Golf properties you have like

You know this this does kind of sort of become like a a centerpiece event and I’m just saying watch this space I don’t think we’re there yet but it’s just it’s interesting I think I think it’s it’s ticking up in my portfolio right now I’ll tell you I’m holding on to it I’ve

Thought about this so much and I can’t figure out how and we’re GNA do a podcast about stuff like this in the in the near future just about you know improving the product if you will they need to f figure out a way and again I

Do not know how to make this the championship yeah this should be like the finale of the PGA Tour it doesn’t make sense in August in in Florida it really does not and I don’t so I don’t know how you get there but like that would help Define it like make it its

Own I I don’t know I got I still have to think it through but it should be like the championship I fully agree I think the Tour Championship either needs to be here or Pebble Beach I think that has been like the problem with the yeah this

Is a whole other conversation but it’s I I think there’s a lot that you could do with a small amount of of like tweaks and moving stuff around I don’t know man I think that chess piece like keeps moving forward and keeps inch and closer to to Major status could you could you

Play could you play the players in January or would that be ridiculous daylight is tough I mean just for if you want everyone to play it you know it’s I I think it makes more sense in like September October right I guess you getes and football it’s hard before like

Tour championship before I guess in my mind I’m looking yeah I’m looking like let’s end golf at the Tour Championship right when when football season kind of begins and taking a page out of tennis right they they you almost start the year with a major at the Australian Open

I’m just wondering if like what if we kicked off a new golf year with the players you know and and it can be like this huge tournament that kicks off the year I’m not sure but my only push back to that would be like it seems like a

Golf course where like you just have to be so freaking sharp to to play well here and like first week of the year might be a [Laughter] little uh well I’m I’m into it Randy right make a note re yeah let’s let’s keep reworking this schedule we’ll take

That offline uh very quick one here buy or sell 16 17 18 is the best finishing stretch on tour agree disagree I’ll say yes cuz I can’t think of anything else at the moment I I retain the right to if something else comes to me I don’t know what else would

Even be in the conversation I know that’s where I get to I like my natural inclination was is like oh no no no no but then it’s like yeah it kind of is yeah I don’t I don’t have a an alternative to throw out if 18 was

Better at Scottdale I mean 16’s not a great hole but it’s a great environment 17 is a great hole 18 is is kind of what that that finishing stretch is always really really exciting um but yeah I don’t think he can beat 16 17 18 here

All right couple more players we can we can move through these these guys quickly here uh Randy I want start with you uh Vic what I mean guy looked like he kind of solved golf last year which again I think just you know I think illustrates how impressive Scotty’s like

Three-year run has been uh because Victor did it for a good like two months and looked like the best player to ever play golf and now looks incredibly mediocre so how do we feel about Vic as the players approaches I don’t love him I don’t I I don’t haven’t liked what I’ve been

Seeing I I guess where I get with Vic is he’s still he hasn’t quite made the leap up into the upper echelon for me I think he’s a players or um certainly a major like I I I feel like he’s just not quite there yet and I

Know every was hoping this would be the year that solidified his greatness and it still could be for sure but I don’t know if if I’m playing armchair analyst and totally guessing which is one of my favorite things to do it seems like he’s probably distracted right we heard a lot

Of Vic Liv rumors going back the last couple months we know he’s split with a short game coach it just seems like there’s a lot going on there um that that has to be somewhat of a hindrance to his play on the golf course I hadn’t really thought about it like that until

You said it but there’s got to be something to be said for like playing extremely well like extremely great golf for the first time right and like getting like having that big first breakthrough like almost exhale like oh my God this is what I’ve always been

Capable of it’s got to be really hard to sustain that for the first time like you remember that with spe right where it’s like 16 was so much different than 15 and there’s got to be a you know a little bit of a like okay hold on let me

Catch my breath and then I’ll I’ll get back to what I was doing which is where I’m you could convince me to buy you know my financial analysts could say that that’s a good time to get back in uh maybe maybe buy the dip here but I I

Don’t know s where you at I’m just kind of looking kind of on in the opposite direction of Scotty in terms of you know this has not been his part of the season in the past he did finish T3 here last year at the Players but you know t42 T20

T10 going up into this last year I mean better than this past year but nothing crazy for what what happened shortly after that this year t22 t58 t19 t36 so definitely worse but um he finished T3 at the Players last year t7 at the Masters then went T2 at the PGA won the

Memorial won the BMW won the Tour Championship like is he is he more of a summer golfer like different grasses and that’s just a that’s a something to consider maybe he’s used to that 24 hours of Darkness this time of year I was going to say the yeah the natural

Rhythms of his body might might still he’s in hibernation mode and he’s a he’s kind of now aged out of or played himself out of all these Resort you know he was like the resort King like the Margaritaville golfer just going beating up all these Resort tournaments he’s he

Doesn’t you know he’s too good for them now my Theory’s not very good because yeah the year before he won he won in December twice uh including the hero then won this the he won in Dubai and then was T4 T2 T9 in that uh sa stretch

In 2022 so maybe not I don’t know uh all right next guys I’m going to count these guys as one guy Xander and or Klay uh Su where where you at with these two kind of a you know Randy I think maybe when you were saying earlier like you know

Nobody’s really doing anything uh I think that could be the poster poster boys for them although like Xander’s sneaky playing really good golf and it’s probably gonna always even better it’s even better than it usually is I feel like I know but it doesn’t actually mean anything

I don’t I I don’t know what that means well no it gets back to my Scotty it gets back to the point I was trying to make with Scotty like yes if if you are hard hard hard hardcore PGA Tour or like golf sicko and you’re like dude

Well Xander you know look at these top 10 look at the ball striking look at The Strokes gained like that is impressive and but I like go tell that to my buddy he’s like wait like what’s he won like no he’s not like you just got to win at

A certain point I hate I I don’t hate it actually I love it but you love it it it has to distill down to like winning and big wins and that’s where I get with Xander and Klay like I just I’m I’m good I’m selling I’m sold off I hold no

Positions until one of those guys does something and and truly wins an event that matters all right let me let me give you this between you two you gotta you’re trying to pick a winner this week one of you gets Xander and Klay and one of you gets JT and

Spe I’m taking Xander Klay great I’ll take JT and speed okay yeah it’s a good question I I don’t want to eliminate spe from that but like the JT part is is intriguing to me I I kind of feel like they all might finish T8 I can’t see J

Uh spe maintaining something for 72 holes right now I’ve made that part clear and Xander I don’t know man it’s he’s literally the second ranked player like in data go number two Scotty Sheffer he just doesn’t have the peak weeks which is like if that’s your criteria I totally a million percent get

It like you’d rather trade like you’d rather have havins run uh than than Xander’s consistency for sure like that’s that’s just how that works but man it’s just I’m trying to look at I’m trying to look as he a Bad final round player like I I don’t think he is um his

Pressure tool rankings look pretty darn good um you know he he outperforms what he’s expected to perform um you know when he’s in contention it just like doesn’t doesn’t go apeshit and you got to go AP [ __ ] to win you really truly got to go apeshit to

Win uh all right another guy let’s let’s move down my my big board here uh I thought this was interesting Rob Bolton uh does his power rankings every week had this guy number two behind Scotty Sheffer uh that’s the pro Max H uh this feels like a great Golf Course for him

Just feels like a place he should win and just get in the cash booth and Hoover up some dough uh t13 T6 in his last two starts here I think he finished T8 last week at uh SLE Hill uh I am buying the pro it seems like a really

Nice week for him it could be you know it seems like a great fit for him where where you guys stand anything I’m missing on on Max I seems like a great fit of course uh I feel like when we say that it doesn’t work out for in Max’s favor like

He kind of sneaks up on us more than it is like you know gosh that should be a great course for you go dominate it push back would be Riviera totally yeah I mean I guess yeah we we’ve we’ve learned that to this point but um I don’t know

But I’m always again this is like the biggest copout ever but I’m always get tripped up with like this is what makes sense for TPC s grass but just weird [ __ ] happens at this tournament every single year gut telling you man what’s the eye test say a gut is telling me no

Because I love to be pleasantly surprised but he wins every time that I’m like ah he’s like our friend like he’s not like he’s not actually that good like he you know he can’t be and he wins all the freaking time but so Randy where you

At put your put your name on one here yeah who am I to disagree with Rob Bolton uh the portfolio is not full of things but we got some stuff in the portfolio that you know it’s more of a heart play than a head play it could be

A brand I like or you know somebody’s doing something that has my attention and so I think Max slot’s in there I I I’m willing to buy a little bit you know we like supporting good companies is he your Dogecoin I’m not dignifying

That and so yes you know I S said we he is a friend of ours I root for Max so of course I want him to do well e portfolios where you’re you’re trying to really like support green companies you know why can’t we have a

Win-win Yeah couple more on the way out here uh Randy your guy Colin morawa don’t give me the olive pants will you apologize yeah what’s going on how does he how Unbecoming was that to go out and shoot 80 you’re supposed to be one of

The best players in the world and I feel like everybody’s just kind of like H yeah whatever that’s disgusting I was trying to come up with something in Slack gross I was trying to come up with something in slack what’s a what’s a sporting equivalent to like a a player

Of that caliber going out and just shooting 80 and everybody just like H nobody really cares like quarterback like quality quarterback going out just throwing six interceptions or something it’s gross and nobody gives them any hard questions nobody nobody cares everybody just kind of like oh I guess

You know golf’s hard I guess we’re on the next week it’s gross yeah it is gross I know I hate it I I hate that I’m in a position where it’s like like am I supposed to apologize for Colin I feel like Colin should be apologizing to me

I’ve stuck my neck out for him I’m not getting any returns you know we thought we’d at least get a modest dividend for for what we’ve been doing I I don’t know I Colin’s a tough one like every fiber of my being wants to be in on him he won

Two majors early like that’s exciting but man it’s just there’s there’s something that’s just missing and I I can’t put my finger on it I I don’t know what it is I’m not ready to apologize for him but we’re we’re nearing we’re nearing that point just unable to sustain a

Outrageous outrageous start to a career ball striking wise is his iron play just dipped like a little bit not a lot but his his driving has dipped you know more more so and I mean the putting was never a a strong suit like he had to hit it

Really really really freaking good and like yeah it’s kind of you know I keep falling back on this one but kind of the Derrick Henry Mark Ingram meme like when you put Scotty next to him now it’s like well Scotty drives it farther than you is accurate and hits his iron it’s like

Way better than you now uh so yeah I don’t I don’t I’m not seeing the path really maybe unfair to compare you to the top player in the world but uh it’s been a while since he’s kind of been the dude um I know he won the Zozo allegedly

In in October but um yeah it’s not not not been great I mean where we talking about morawa maybe being the best iron player in the world maybe the best since tiger was that a conversation did I hallucinate that what that was happening though that was a real thing he was he

Was outrageously good and that has that has not been sustained I mean he’s still good he’s still like way above average but like it it you know it is it is Fallen back I mean from mid 2021 he’s like 50 round moving average was one and a half shots

Per round better with irons that’s six shots better than field average over the course of a tournament that’s massive that’s that is like close to Tiger level um but yeah now it’s it’s down kind of more at the one range which is you know a 33% drop that’s a pretty big fall off

Here here’s what I’d like to know I’d like to know what pisses calling off like like what’s does he have any dog in him have we ever seen him upset visibly on a golf course like what is he after I guess those are questions I don’t know

The answer to and so I want to think he’s you know wants to win four five six majors and be the player of the generation and and all of that but I don’t know that’s where I get to with a lot of these guys I I don’t we’re just

Dying for people to like Elevate themselves above and away from the pack and I think you’re gonna end up rooting for Scotty I think you’re gonna end up like a huge Scotty fan I think I really do think you are the flip is going to be glorious like everything you’re asking

For I think might be about about to happen’ be interesting speaking of guys that go out there and just take it suly how’s our guy big tone looking these days because I it seems like Mr Irrelevant are you ready to apologize I was told he’s the best player in the

World uh you know I was told Steph Curry’s not a good shooter uh you know are we’re gonna see let’s get it mode anytime soon I’m just checking in I’m just I made a note to Circle back on this you know a year from a year from

Last year I just just checking in how we doing I’ll take anything from you D you actually paid off your mutton chops bet and uh you know and acknowledge that you lost the bet in Grand fashion about whether F now would win I lost track how

Many times he won since we had that conversation it’s because he’s stopped playing televised events he was just playing like you know aw prams in the midwest big tone made a putting change uh you know made somehow made his putting stance look more awkward and it

Has not served him well um that’s a it’s a pretty big problem he’s not really been threatening much I walked couple holes of them today he was of course his delightful normal self um but I I have a good read on him right now he’s not he

Goes on great heaters and when he does get on those heaters he does look like the best player in the world uh he’s he’s still hitting the ball really nice and his his his iron play has still been very very good but the Putter’s been uh

Been quite an issue her he’s a little under the weather I don’t know if uh for like six months I mean come on he hasn’t been that bad for for six months he’s finished t13 in Mexico t19 in Genesis he’s got top 10 this year it’s not been

Great but that’s what that’s what you’re looking for that’s a standard no I’m looking for his six wins his six wins since you guys whined about him not winning much uh yeah he did it six times since then so uh all right last one for me just you know Heart play here

Cincinnati Reds we buying or selling how how are the boys feeling the stock is high wow God that is not what I was expecting I you jump I’m buying the plan I’m buying the Plan D I don’t know if 2024 is it and I’m I’m comfortable with whatever happens this

Year I still want to see some development uh I still don’t know if they know what they have it’s an imperfect roster they got a lot of depth but um you know they kind of overachieved last year and some comeback on a lot of fronts some batting average

On balls and play regression some regression that is to be expected so I’m not like jumping off the screen of like yeah these guys are going to run the central because I just don’t think their ceiling is that high but there’s a lot of things to be excited about a lot of

Players to be excited out um I’m just really even if they only win 70 games this year like I’m going to be heavily intent on following so many guys career and their development that has me has me tied in so I think I think they can win

82 I think I’m expecting an 82 win season again this year Rand you miss anything I I couldn’t disagree with my associate more put your name on something have a take the Reds win the NL Central they’re winning at least 88 games 88 this this team is coming they

Are Ellie DEA Cruz is a superstar in Waiting Matt McLean’s a multiple time Allstar they’re strong up the- middle by all accounts they have a truly a wonderful Clubhouse guys enjoy uh the company of other guys I I think it’s a great environment for these for these

Young kids to to come along to find their footing uh I I think they play with joy with passion and the Cincinnati Reds this is this will be the beginning of a rebirth of the of the Big Red Machine wow I think we’re already in the

In the in the rebirth right I mean it’s it’s a I agree with everything you said I just don’t know about 2024 I I I heard a little bit of news today too that I don’t think is on top of no Ali Marte getting suspended 80 games and another

Thing I heard today has me just a little apprehensive on how this season’s gonna go big but I believe in Nick CW I believe in the vision I will say that I think it’s uh they’re set up for a they they have a huge window it’s a really

Big window right now so well guys uh that that hereby closes the markets thank you for uh thank you for playing along uh and you know I I’m I’m ready for a big fun week at the Players Championship I think it’s gonna be great thanks for everyone submitted questions

We didn’t get to any of them today but we’ll we’ll save them we never do uh but they do inform the show they’re great and we’ll sa there was a good one yeah sorry we we’ll save I know which one you want to save I real quick answer I

Thought this was a good one would you rather consume uh what would you rather consume as a as a viewer great players on a mediocre Golf Course or mediocre names on a great golf course I thought that was a great well well said from our guy velvet Steve on The Refuge waiting

In the Velvet Steve um it’s good qu good question like Sunday probably the great players on a mediocre course like Thursday through Sunday I’d rather watch the mediocre names on a great course I agree with that but I’ll if I’m if it’s a one or zero I unfortunately I’m going to

Probably say I I would love the Hipster t take of like Oh no just give me horrible golfers that I’ve never heard of on a great design would love to be somebody who actually believes that model yeah come on I I don’t actually believe that I think give me give me

Good names on a on a bad give me the entertainment yeah yeah uh R agrees I think that’s oh sorry yeah H I like a great uh I think a great Golf Course would win out for me hell yeah Hipster alrighty that’s going to send us towards

The end here uh thank you everyone we will save some some of the questions we’ll have a Wednesday happy hour show Mostly reacting to I’m assuming Monahan presser a lot of other pressers and then we have live shows presented by friends at High Noon Thursday Friday Saturday

And Sunday what’s that big are we making picks here or are we doing that on the happy hour Happ gotta tune in Wednesday gotta tune in gotta so much can change too between now and then exactly I know I know got to get suspended like your boy

What if I get more Brenan Todd nuggets you never know what’s going to happen between now and Wednesday so hey the rent’s due tomorrow big I need you clocking in right I’ll be I’ll be out there I’ll be getting it that is it for us thank you for tuning in we’ll see you

Wednesday cheers


  1. I prefer watching/listening to the podcast on YT, if i can. Sometimes i`ll listen in the car. But i`m not sure i understood why you needed a new YT channel for the podcast? I might have missed the explanation

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