Golf Players

Same But Different | Family Business | Golf Digest

Min Woo Lee is a “squiggle” and Minjee is a “straight line.” According to their longtime coach, Ritchie Smith, this is the best way to describe the siblings’ respective approaches to golf and life. To those who know them best, their contrasting personalities are what make them so successful.

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You get a busy couple of months ahead of you B that looks a bit honest I haven’t hit for a month this is what happens when you don’t hit for a month yeah like that that’s great yeah it’s okay The best traveler uh I think I am better than you at the moment at the moment cuz but you only travel from like America and I’ve travel everywhere excuse me I’m very global global LJ tour is very Global I know but I’m I’m more Global do Asia as well yeah Mel ah and

Japan yeah she can’t talk Just watch the way that that leg is just collapsing just slightly the left knee goes a little bit too much you need to pressure the ground more through the inside of your left foot yeah but again like it’s all relative right so if we don’t do a better job at the top the

Back swing then you’re going to get moving out through that left knee ready to go yeah go again thank you no worries Richie Smith golf professional golf coach lout Richie has always been there like as a coach as a friend as family I started with him probably when I was 14

15 and you know he has a really good understanding of theep person as well and not just a golf game he just knows what to say when it gets tough out there so over the years of seeing the progression for both of us it’s um it’s

Been really cool to be on this journey with him yeah where we are now is because of him and we’re just trying to get better and he’s just trying to get better and props to him and what he’s done I met M for the first time at junal

Up Country Club on the Range there I think she was 11 or 12 when I first met she was different from the moment that I met her she was very quiet you could see that she didn’t really necessarily have to be part of it as in like the groups

You know the clicky groups she was happy just to go and do her own thing and from the first moment I met her she her eyes were different like her you know how you you look at someone and they may be looking at you but they’re thinking

Really deeply at the same time and and she was different than that her thought was deep she was obviously hardworking but she was still Rough Around the Edges my swing was just like a young kid who wanted to hit the ball really hard we worked really hard together at that

Point and it was more the mechanics of the swing I think the other things followed like with the skill and um you know chipping and putting and things like that you know now it’s more the 2% so it’s like the skills and like you know the little flop shots or the things

That really you need for with touch so I think it’s just a little bit different from when I was 14 to now m is the girl who gets here at 7:00 in the morning when it’s summer and it’s going to be 40° and 2:00 in the afternoon she’s

Still here doing the work doing the practice the number of times I’ve seen her do that through the summer is just outstanding she’s been doing 60 hour weeks since she’s 12 years old and doing it with a smile on her face and yeah she’s happy doing that the Post-it notes

They’re real if it was school then I’d have like the assignments that I needed to get done I would always have like posted notes um of my goals and kind of always been like that and my parents always kind of taught me to be disciplined and um be organized and have

A good work ethic so I got it a bit more from how I was growing up my earliest memory of mimu would be the little brother not wanting to do anything that the older sister was doing so she was there working hard he was working as little as possible he was

Having as much fun as possible possible she was having fun in her own way but in a very different way and um he still like that what club have you got there eight eight so if we’re working on 2 and a half uh mile hour increments we should

Be at 92 and 1/2 with your ad IR okay so that’s at 97 A2 it’s quick doesn’t feel quick at all he’s always been hard to pin down on the on the on the golf course I mean he doesn’t train like other people he trains in a competitive environment and he doesn’t like doing technical stuff a lot of the

Pros will go to the chipping green and they’ll just put down 20 balls and they’ll chip into the same hole men would get bored of that in 2 seconds so men just wants to compete I met minw first first um when I was I’d have to say 11 or 12 got paired

With him in a Junior tournament down in bumbury uh at the time I think I was 12 my putter head came off with nine holes to play and I was playing with men and we’ve always laughed and looked back at that since we we lift each other’s game

Up where we’re both super competitive and we both don’t like to lose but he’s a really good player and it’s just good to have someone like like himself to to practice with and grow both our games when he’s on the putting green putting or hitting balls on the Range or on the

Western Range chipping and and practicing there’s he’s usually with there with some other kids it’s really good competitive practice for him because he doesn’t like getting beaten and you know they have challenges and even just yesterday the boys were on the rain uh the bottom pting green and uh

You know they were having these competitions and chipping and then they had to have a playoff so what they did they got the air hose and they had the air hose sticking up the ball balancing on top of the air hose and they were chipping balls off the outer air with a

Balance on the air hose so they have fun but while they’re doing it they’re practicing and learning school so they’re just they’re just like having fun the interesting thing about men is that for all of his uh eccentricities and the way that he likes to train the competition stuff he’s actually really

Data driven we standardized his lengths into 2 and A2 mph increments 5 on was about 100 mph I think and then you know um 7 on at 95 say but that allowed us to go to a golf course work to those speeds and then work at how far that was going at every

Different golf course I’m a long hitter so let’s say there’s a driveable par 4 and my wedge game is is not as good as you know the top Pro so if I hit it into that spot you know I’m probably not gaining as much as Strokes gain as they

Call it on the golf course in that wedge area so with my driving though I’m I’m positive you know most of the time cuz I hit it so long and hit it somewhat straight so if I hit it near the green and my chipping is so good that I’m

Probably going to make more birdies from there than from when someone lays up for 50 yards or 50 m so it it’s definitely the 1 percenters that stuff is the difference between good and great m is the exact opposite she normally just Scopes the length of the

Shot when she gets there then works out what it is relative to a normal length and if you don’t miss the middle of the club face then it becomes pretty easy to work out how far your club’s going and they’re two really different people that you would think would be the exact

Opposite but again that’s the difference between the two


  1. Great video!
    Been a fan of these two for a while.
    I think they'll both win on tour this year 🏆🏆

  2. Bro said the moment he saw her he noticed her eyes were different, jesus christ could of worded that a bit better 😂😂

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