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NFL Free Agency! 🚪 Open To The Public!

We in the lab talking all NFL with guest from all over the league! They will fill us in on their teams in free agency and what are the expectations from the draft. Also, a pre Commanders show 👀

#nfl #nflfreeagency #dallascowboys #sanfrancisco49ers #houstontexans

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Welcome to Red Zone DC media I am du SC my man DT uh to my let see my left over there yeah what’s what’s what’s good man like we got some news man like today gonna be crazy right so um today is actually enters the lab so we’re g to

Switch to enters the lab in about 15 minutes or so we’re still continuing our NFL free agency run we got free agents from all um I mean we we we we we we had friends from different fan bases all week and we got more today let get the

List we got 49ers in the buildings we got Patriots U we got the Dolphins we got the taxans that’s snuggin we got kmac we got jmck we got black Texans girl that’s gonna be joining us later and of course DT uh uh C Henry and the

Lady e they gonna be coming up in just a minute but before we before we get started and switching over to today man bro yeah s trade it’s crazy bro yeah yeah it’s crazy crazy times of DC man crazy times of DC it’s crazy man let let me let me pull

Up so basically what it was it was two pck swaps right um uh Pi let let me get the exact pcks but um I thought I had it up I should have had it up but we we we sent Sam how to the um seatt Seahawks uh the Seahawks

Receive um Sam how a fourth round pick number 42 and a six round pick 179 we received a third round pick number 78 and a fifth pick 152 two and Albert Breer had a clear breakdown of it um uh let me see where it

Is oh where he put it at it was it was simple too um I think the first pick was like 27 spots we moved up 27 spats and I think the second was like we moved up 24 spats so we didn’t gain extra picks but the

Value of our picks changed we took a fourth round pick moved in the third went up 20 seven spots we took a six round pick went in the uh the fifth um moved up 24 spots so the value of those pick changeed so I mean what do you what

Do you think like what do you think that means man A lot of people are saying we getting collateral to move up for Caleb I just don’t know what Brian POS is doing but what’s your thought process on the trade man I mean the This was um first

Of all this is it was a shocker but not a shocker I mean I think kind of the writing was on the wall with the Marcus Mariota signing and a couple of people were talking about you know you know it’s possibility that somehow might get shipped off you know we we talked about

It um even earlier you know like possibilities of him uh get it traded what can he bring back and you know a lot of people said if he could bring a third um they’ll do it well this guy bring a third and even though it is a

Fifth round pick it’s a fifth round pi that is basically two spots away from 150 so in the draft you got about 200 and what 59 is players that’s getting possibly drafted you you got Adam Peters coming over here and they’re going to be able to evaluate the talent in the draft

And evaluate and get the roster the way they wanted to do this was a A plus trade not only for the fact to basically move up picks 20 spots but you’re also you’re kind of doing due diligence and giving Sam H how an opportunity to go to another good organization and possibly

Get a chance to eventually develop the right way and probably become a future starter somewhere down the line his career so this was this was a great trade pretty excited for what Peters has done with this roster or overall and the ammo we have for this year and the years

To come yeah man like it works for both sides like when you think about Seattle I think they’ll receive Sam how um with open arms even though there was a Seattle Space open I heard that they was going crazy they don’t like it um you

Know because this I but I I don’t think this takes away them from going quarterback early you know somebody like um Michael penck fall uh bo Nicks somebody like I still don’t think that this takes away from it but I wouldn’t be surprised if it does because you have

Samow you gave up these picks but not really right you you you gave up spats like we talked about the 27 and 24 spats so it’s really not like if he doesn’t work out year one or or you know he doesn’t beat out uh uh brassette or if

He doesn’t beat out the rookie it’s okay you gave up a few spots to take a chance but if their goal not to go quarterback early they have Sam how um I don’t think you know I mean not brassette um Gino Smith I’m sorry Gino Smith so when you

You have them you have them up there if they do decide to uh run with Gino Smith for a few weeks just to see what Sam how has they can absolutely do that but at the same time they did give up some type they did give up asset even though it’s

Only picks but still they have to make a decision on him he has two years um he’s played he had two years he’s going into his third year so if they are looking for this guy to be the franchise if they looking for this guy to be a hit like uh

Russell Wilson they they have to play him early yeah and based off of Gino’s contract that he got I believe it was last year um around this time you know it was basically written in the shape of okay only have a couple years with you and we’re eventually gonna find a guy that

We’re gonna train out to be our future quarterback um and that’s still a high possibility I do agree with you Duce um I still don’t think that shouldn’t diminish the fact that Seattle should look into this quarterback class since it’s pretty strong obviously the offensive coordinator for the Seattle he

Went to Washington and guess who was playing quarterback at Washington last year in the National Championship uh Michael penck Jr so there’s definitely some strong ties right there but also Ben Nick B Knicks is definitely an option as well but I think this is a good healthy opportunity to have a young

Guy um who just turned 23 um samow he has 17 games of experience you’ve seen the good but you also seen the bad and you know can they have a plan for him as well and possibly you know be that guy in Seattle so we’ll wait to

See yeah I can’t wait and and to actually see you know what they do up there but you know I ain’t ain’t really looking like that you know Sam how is gone um you know now it’s us like what are we gonna do right I mean some people

Looking at we is for to move up one spot some people saying is to make the the locker room a little more um less awkward with Drake with Drake may you know what I’m saying so it’s it’s there two ways to look at it depending on

Which side you want to come is is is is definitely uh you know a argument for both sides for me I just like what Adam Peters is doing man like he’s doing a heck heck of a job um and and and one of my favorite signings so far and everyone that’s joining us

Everyone that’s watching on Twitter everyone that’s in the chats uh we’re just talking about Sam how U before we start the enters the lab show with DTC Henry and the lady e bringing on uh some fans that you all are familiar with from Twitter to talk about their teams uh

We’re gonna have snuggin in the building we’re gonna have km we’re gonna have J Mick we’re gonna have Houston Texans girl um so we’re gonna have all them joining the show today they gonna talk about all NFL um so please stay tuned to that it’s gonna start up in the in in in

A few minutes but uh and we gonna talk about more commanders on tomorrow but you know I really like the signing of um uh this my favorite sign I forgot the got the guy name uh uh the Special Teams guy from from Detroit um help me out um his name

Anthony Michael yep Anthony yeah Anthony Michael Michael Anthony it’s one of them funny names and he’s not really like he’s not he and somebody can put in the chat if y’all can help me out real quick um because I’m running around but I really I really like that signing of a

Special teams person because when you looking at teams that that’s successful right you have three phases of the game right you have football I mean you have offense you have defense you have special teams and with us over the years you know when it came to special teams

We kind of neglected it right it was always if he wasn’t good at your position on offense or if he wasn’t good at your position on defense yeah Michael Pitman no not Michael P Anthony Pitman Anthony Pitman so you know if he wasn’t good then all right let’s throw him on

Special teams and let’s try him on special teams you know but these guys like when you have people that play special teams you really want them to want to play special teams right and that’s what we have they sign back all proo he loves playing special teams he

Wants to play special teams you have sip you have uh Revo I mean you have Percy you have Christian Holmes these guys excel at playing on special teams so now you have to bring in another backer you bring in this guy that excelled in special teams over the last couple years

In Detroit you bring them in you solidify that special teams and you are actually getting players specifically for what you want them to do not secondary and this is what I like about Adam Peters and how he’s doing and this is why this is one of my favorite moves

Because it’s showing that they looked at the special teams they looked at the tape and they said you know what we need to upgrade here this is not good enough let’s sign back to All Pro Revo let’s go out there get someone else to compliment him along with what else uh with uh

Everything else that we have yeah I agree um Pitman definitely a solid player for special teams um also played in Detroit um new org he came from Detroit as well um I still think for you know particular reasons in terms of still trying to you know shape up the

Roster just a little bit I like to see a vet corner I see um the the kid from New Orleans who used to play for the Giants he’s he’s visiting us I liked him he had a solid year for New Orleans be a nice addition um to add in that backfield

And Tackle um I don’t I don’t think they’re going tackle in free agency man I think the Ryan on wall is they’re they’re definitely going to invest in the um tackles in this draft Yeah man like that’s the thing like you have the Tyron Smith the Tyron

Smith um Jon Jones that’s some like that I definitely want i’ rather have him from from the Texans he hasn’t signed back with them yet he’s someone that I definitely want that can play you know right tackle he can play left he can be kind like a swing guy they still might

Bring back Lucas but he’s a little older I like Trent Scott but no there’s no one on this team that I want to to start at tackle nobody last year start a w hopefully they move him to guard like he don’t need to be in no tackle meetings

Or nothing I want them nowhere near the edges of the offensive line so it might be something where we go tackle early and then we end up having to go tackle again or like we might have to go two tackles um um on day two I mean we got

These extra picks the extra third so we got five picks think we got six picks in the first 100 so two of those might be on tackle if they don’t use any to move up so I’m really kind of like intrigued about interested in what he wants to do

Because so far we’ve been wrong all the way around when it comes to what Adam Peters is doing yep and um for those that probably question why would you get uh two tackles that are rookies well Seattle did that formula a couple years ago when they drafted uh Charles cross and they

Stuck gold with Abraham l from Washington State and both of them are starting now I know they signed George Fant because mainly it’s been injuries but those two guys turned out to be you know pretty solid players so far throughout their young career so I think

Just how good this tackle class is I mean you’re might be talking about like trading up in the the first round Deuce to be honest with you got guys like Tyler giden uh no Mary Ms his his stock is definitely going to rise up it it

Could probably be top 15 pick with all the traits he has but this this definitely a a a great tackle class and also tro Fano from Washington you a lot of names in this tackle class um definitely could see what Peters could cook up or you know we could also talk

About one thing like this before we head over um so obviously Curtis just signed with the Buffalo Bills that that’s kind of the contract I predicted he was going to get in the market um wide receiver um I know we still have Jan we still have Terry but um definitely when you look

After those positions you’re kind of like okay so what are you thinking about in terms of like it be okay with getting one of those high quality wide receivers on um day two or possibly packaging those picks to get a guy yeah that’s possible especially if there’s someone down there that they

Like um you know uh someone down there that that they like that’s still there in the around the 20s or something like that definitely like that’s definitely um a possibility but again everyone that’s joining on Twitter on out there on Facebook and on YouTube definitely appreciate all you stopping about but

Please stay we about to switch over to enters the Lab podcast we got uh talking all NFL we got guests coming up from um you know from all over the NFL we can’t wait to talk some ball with y’all um so on the other side of this we’re going to

Have enters the lab my fa what happened eating poy some poy commercial this clip your hand WIP your hand commercial we over here about to die thirst over Here they going to meet you today bro and that’s worth that’s worth for 60 minutes bro that’s the only job we got to do today bro what you playing for playing for what you playing for What get real Lonely with the mic on bro want to talk to my friends and welcome I’m hosting the show now I goty this is enters the Lab podcast presented by Red Zone DC media we got the crew up here today Lady E Deuce I don’t know where C Henry

At pulling the C Henry right now I’m pulling the C Henry how y’all gonna sit up here and brain me up when I was I’m trying to get prepared Jesus hey you better get prepared after we ask you in the in the group chat your boy Kirko out there shirtless already

Man know I’m saying you got the ice Iced Out yeah I use the old one where the new one at Jesus Christ this guy but um it’s a it is a good Thursday afternoon with the crew got de up here um believe this is what your fifth

Appearance of the show other than times when see Henry say something crazy you gotta pop out nowhere on audio that’s crazy but look free agency has been going crazy um this week uh we have a lot of storylines so obviously we’re gonna talk with the most prized position in all the

Sports right now it is so Atlanta don’t come over here why not don’t come don’t come over here look hey we gota we gota start with y’all yo every time I turn around see him all over the place let’s let’s start with Atlanta so e you guys made the move

Um it wasn’t Justin Fields but it was Kurt Cousins um give us your initial reaction the first time you heard about it and give us your overall reaction now after you know the deal was completed and your overall thoughts within the fan base about Kurt Cousy leading this Falcon team

So my first reaction was now y’all know I’m Jamaican and I don’t smoke but I wanted every type of any anything Newports menthols I wanted it all I was stressed I was stressed when I heard that um I even got into a shot of mouth with Phoenix me and

Phoenix was going back and forth about it um yeah it it was a a huge shocker because again there was the rumor mill that his wife is from Atlanta he was looking to come back um you know they were looking for houses out here they were looking for schools for their kids

So we’re just thinking oh okay well hey you know she can live here in offseason he’ll be up there in Minnesota or wherever he’s going to be at whatever so again we we weren’t trying to believe the hype until it came out when it came

Out that that’s when it it hit the fan but um because the contract didn’t come out automatically when the contract came out I think that’s when I started on my second pack of menthols um and was stressed because I was like four years four years like 90 four

Years um so yeah I was I was back stressed again um you know but once I looked at the contract and kind of understood what they were doing and how they’re moving I said go get my my quarterback that’s all I that’s all I need y’all to do go get my quarterback

This draft and I will be fine at that point because again he’s not going to be here the full four years that’s number one um it’s really technically a two-year deal he just got his money up front which is hey get your money go on we’ll pay you whatever whatever you know

What I mean so he did that a lot of people were saying that he flee he finessed that’s fine he can flee finesse again um I prefer I like the route that we’re going you get the vet bring him in you get somebody that can automatically

Get you into the playoffs yes he’s not going to take us to the Super Bowl but he’s going to get us into the playoffs make us more of a contention team and then we’re going to sit over here and go back and in a sense have our guy the

Future of the franchise sit learn and then Trot him out there in 2026 maybe even 2025 who knows it just depends on KIRO but other than that you know um we just fingers crossed that we get at least the Kirk that was you know pre-injury not the post injury Kirk and

Then that then that deal is gonna kind of backfire on us and yes three packs of menthols okay y’all leave me alone I was I was stressed yeah but first off what’s good uh snas man glad to have you on the show bro oh yeah man no first and foremost

Yeah thanks for having me on um yeah happy to be here man and just shout out you know and shout out to the Atlanta Falcon fan that was just talking on a personal level I would have been a little more stressed if you if I was a

Falcon fan I would have gotten Justin Fields but hey we all have our differences but I think it was a smart signing but yeah no but I’m happy to be here guys thanks for having me yeah I think I think the reason why is again

The F like we don’t want to be like the Indianapolis Colts or anybody else that has to sit over here and keep kicking the can with vets and I I’m like look give me the youth first and we’ll work out the struggles later but Kirk actually fits our system um we got you

Got to think too we got a rookie OC like he’s he’s brand new at this job ease him in he gets a bet can be a little bit easier while he can also focus on the rookie and grooming him to the way that he needs him to be so again I love the

The I love it now because I’m just like okay cool now go get me my Edge and we straight like go get me my edges that’s that’s what I need and I’m good but again we have to get a quarterback this year we cannot keep put PL along in this

And waiting until next year and different things like that we have to get the quarterback this year so again even though I don’t like this take Spencer Rattler might be a good fit in the a you know he might he might and I’m pushing it because I’m not a big Spencer

Rattler fan um if pennx is there I’m cool with that as well um but if it has to to be like a Spencer Rattler type I I’m fingers crossed because again we just shipped Desmond off today and I don’t want to ship another one off I

Don’t have a problem with getting rid of people that I don’t want that’s fair that’s fair yeah what’s good C Henry you you just came in yeah I know you got questions today so you’re initial your initial reaction and your overall reaction now that Kirk Cousins is now signed a deal with the

Atlanta Falcons man you know I’m I’m a Kirk The Jerk fan man I think it’s a good move as long as he’s healthy um I think that you know um he he has history with Zack Robinson or history in that offense Atlanta’s at a point where you know

They’re coming off a seven- win season they’re ready to take that next step um he’s got weapons there they’ve got a defense that can get better and you know possibly be top 15 in the league so I’m I’m a fan of the mood if he’s healthy I

Mean they got the best guy you could possibly get on the market okay I agree with that so um I wasn’t I wasn’t mad about it but I definitely felt um you know the words of reason from E uh talk about you know just trying to get a young guy on a

Rookie deal that you can develop and have your own but you know I I think this Falcons team um you know they they show some things last year I was very impressed um the talent is there offensively they had a top 10 defense that nobody really talked about um they

Do need a edge rusher which I I definitely can see that now especially with um acquiring uh Rond Del Moore from the Cardinals and also adding more speed and some versatility in that wide receiver room so kind of makes it a little bit um of an option now to get a

Edge rusher to go with that defense to make it a little bit better but um definitely keep an eyee out for day two possibly trying to get a a young guy to groom for the future y yep yep I’m I’m happy for it just give me my Edge okay I’ll take

Verse at number eight get my Edge that’s all I need all I need and I Ain got smoke no more menth I ain’t got smoke no more mens oh no Kirk a had you out here like that did he Kirk had me out here

Like that Kirk had me I was I I was stressed y’all gonna be all right y gonna be so so kind of done with that big news that was kind of the big news Domin up to me but s let’s go ahead and talk about the San Francisco 49ers so

You know you guys were just in the Super Bowl you lost um in a thriller against the Kansas City Chiefs um you guys have um a couple of Boos that happened U one of them that was kind of surprising to me was um Armstead the defensive tackle

Um being released um do do you know the true reason why he got released um was it more of like a cap casualty thing or not restructuring his deal what what what are some things that your fan Bas that talk about with that yeah no so um uh Armstead obviously so we’ll get

Out of the way um he was a great play for us for nine years um he was one of he was the longest 10e guy now that now Falls onto KD and use check as long as 10e ners currently on the roster um but it really can down to a little bit of

What you said um the cap for sure um but also just really what it came down to is um you know it’s it’s uh sometimes even though it’s hard to move on from a guy because you know he’s yours right you drafted him turn him into this guy um he

He’s got he’s getting up there in age um he’s missed some games like he did this year um his technically his last regular season game he played was the game against the Eagles um he really did play that game hurt um but you know with what what happened the prior year you know

Obviously all of guy try to you know Buckle forward and for that game um he has um he has pler fitis one of his feet um and he’s coming off Miss miniscus surgery um and when you’re 32 he’s a bigger guy he’s about six you know he’s

Close to 66 um I just think it was one of those things where where we allocated that money um it would have pretty much just would have went to just him and we’ve been able to basically bring in three defensive tackles or you could say three defensive linemen basically with

That money um another reason too is one of the things things that we did kind of struggle with especially when he was out and then you as a lot of people saw in two of the three playoff games my run defense just wasn’t the same last year

And part yeah and part of the reason why was once he was out um the depth just wasn’t there um so it looks like to me what we’ve been doing this offseason is we said you know what we’re gonna have to make a couple tough choices which

Obviously he was one of them and we’re going to go ahead and do kind of like they say as they say like quantity over quality I gu see not that the players weren’t quality but just giving some more depth to that position when you you know you brought in the defensive tackle

Who ranked six last year in you know Run Stop weight for the guy from the Browns obviously we traded for Malik Collins who was very good for the Texans last year so I just think it was a combination of of all those things um but yeah I’m happy he got paid today by

Jacksonville doesn’t have to deal with the California state taxes anymore for a couple years uh but yeah but other than that man it was just it was just a combination of all those things so I have a question um Le Floyd where where where where do y’all see him

Going for you guys because I I mean I know he’s kind of been team hopping a little bit yeah yeah no for sure um I I think he I mean I think right now if you were to roll out a dep chart he probably would be penil in as the starter um but

I also know deep down that I know he’s not per se to be like a dominant run Defender he is obviously very you know he’s you you could say he’s good to very good getting after the pass rusher I mean he’s got pretty much double digit

Sacks four years in a row I think one of the years he had like nine or nine and a half so um I would imagine we’re going to use him a little bit like the bills and Rams did uh remember that he did play with Staley in Chicago and also

When sty was the Rams DC so and those in those years and even last year when he was productive with Buffalo usually he’s productive when he’s surrounded by guys and obviously he’s gonna be playing with hard Graves and Bosa um but I would imagine honestly deep down I think we’re

Would be surprised if we’re still trying to find one more Edge um I I know we like them toast guy the gross MOS guy we signed from the Panthers um but again I don’t know if you know we going to penil him as a starter and then kind of bring

In Floyd in certain situations but it looks like right now Floyd would be the other Edge opposite Bosa and you know we would bring in matus and stuff like that when when needed okay okay quick question for you quick question for you yeah um how do you guys feel about your

Cornerbacks I know Ward is coming off um a pro bowl year how do you guys feel about your cornerbacks and what do you guys think that you need to do on your offensive line going into next year so The Corner Room so our our two main Corners who are Mooney Ward or javarus

Ward and Lenor um we’re very comfortable with um they both um they both had really good Seasons as you pointed out uh Ward I think had his first or his second you know uh Pro Bowl season I think he was the second Team all pro as

Well um he had a really good year um that if any if wils brought anything to the table this past season um he he definitely improved our secondary 100% um so kudos to that so yeah so we’re comfortable with the two starters now the nickel Corners are

Different story um we do have Amry Thomas on the roster we have Sam WX some we drafted a couple years ago actually I believe in the same draft we took we took Thomas and then we took another Corner last year in uh Daryl lutter from South Alabama who were actually really

Really high on um didn’t play last year you know he played special teams and stuff like that but you know we had other you know just depths behind him you know things like that but um but that is actually a position um that I

Am kind of if we’re going to do one more splashy thing before the draft I think it’s going to be in the secondary I think it’ either be a corner or safety um so then maybe we could put Jer a little bit more towards the line of you

Know closer line of scrimmage um the safety we took from P last year but that is definitely an area that we’re certainly looking at um because I I don’t think deep down we’re fully comfortable with Amber Thomas having to be the starter again sure we’ be okay

With it but I think if we could find a different route we want to go that route and then for the offensive line um you know we extended our right tackle we still have her you know we still have um The Right Guard a couple of them a

Couple years ago on the roster I’m surprised we haven’t resigned Feliciano yet maybe he’s just kind of playing the waiting game just to make sure nobody else kind of gives him an overpay offer because I think as we’ve all seen offensive linemen not that they’re not important because as Bill parcel says if

You don’t have an offensive line you don’t have a team um but there have been a couple offensive linemen who’ve gotten who’ve gotten overpaid I I I think that’s that’s okay to say um shout out to the Carolina Panthers but um but but um but yeah no but I uh I at

This point in time the way this offseason is shaping up and as I said and I think we’re kind of G to go after a secondary guy here in the next few days um it looks like our draft is going to mainly be geared towards getting that

Offensive line a little beefed up and maybe even adding another weapon uh we have 10 picks we had 11 but we we traded one of the sevenths to get Malik Collins so I I don’t see as keeping 10 players out of the draft so I wouldn’t be

Surprised if we try to trade up maybe that’s when offensive lineman would come in maybe some like fall to us to 31 but um it looks like we’re going to be using the draft to add a couple offensive linemen that was gonna actually be my question so thank you for answering that

Oh yeah no of course of course so Sno what what is the status so Sno what what is the status on um Brandon auk in the front office right now I if I’m not mistaken he did get tagged so where are the team at in terms

Of trying to get a long-term deal done with him well so yeah I’m sorry and that’s Kobe my dog you know some dogs in the house he he’s a he’s a 25 pound shihu but he thinks he’s a 50 pound pit so I’m sorry um so Brandon ith man I’m gonna be

Honest with you um I would be really really surprised um if Brandon auka is out of 49er for you know the next few years typically the the way this regime has worked uh we’ve done all of our extensions you can go back and look we

Did KD um we did Debo um trying to think the couple others under this regime that oh we did Fred Warner all of them all of them were summertime extensions um one of the things that we did do with Armstead is he’s gonna be a June 1st technically designation you know to be

Officially released and that’s going to free up 18 million in cap um that we’re all pretty much understanding that’s probably going to be used to extend uh iuk um I would think sir the only way that brand iuk will not a 49er this upcoming season is if some team

Absolutely blows us away with an offer and that would probably be a first round pick probably within the first 15 like it’s gonna have to be an offer like that like like a second round pick wouldn’t get it done um because the thing is is unfortunately he doesn’t really have a

Lot of Leverage you know he’s under contract still and we can pick you know and we can pick up the fifth year so you know knowing how that goes I yeah it’s a tricky situation as always but I would be a little surprised he’s not extended come come the

Summertime so it’s interesting you said that about IU because we heard some Rumblings in the last couple days about um the Ravens possibly reaching out to you guys regarding Debo how do you feel about what do you feel about Debo and his contract situation is he someone

That you know could be possibly move um due to financial um considerations because you guys got a lot of miles to feed over there right now no we do we do for sure so well so the the Ravens thing was was actually kind of I mean I don’t

Know if it was a PR spin on the Ravens GM’s part but but he kind of shot it down today um I kind of got the same Rumblings too that the Ravens never really called for him now I was kind of flirted to the idea that when we were

Attempting to get Brian Burns or we when we at least made that phone call um it sounds like the Panthers started to ask for him and I think that’s kind of when the talk stopped from our end they’re like okay well if you’re gonna win Deo

For us to get Burns then you know then we won’t really go further with this um Debo again I could see him being moved next year um I’ve told a lot of Niner fans that I would not be shocked of going into next season our main

Offensive core is pie iuk and CMC um but with the way this is set up right now and the way that we can do it maybe one more time with this core again kind of like auk I’d be a little surprised he’s moved but if he was moved and this is

This will be a massive hint for everybody who’s wondering it would definitely be after June 1st because two things will happen there that’s going to save us 22 million and only give us 6 million in dead C so I will say this much if you see the 49ers in this draft

Right now coming up take a take a really welln receiver not some guy in the fourth round that you know you’re hoping like we’re talking like one of the big four or five names that you can think of if you see that guy drafted by the

49ers if I was Deo I would start to get a little nervous but if that but if that doesn’t happen and I think the idea and hope is is we’re going to try to roll it out one more time with the big four of KD cmci you can Depot for one more

Season because remember we don’t really have to pay py until next year so that’s interesting you say that because in a in a in a draft that’s really really deep in receivers right I mean there could be somebody who slips through to that third or fourth you know

That third or fourth round and with a year to kind of sit behind and soak up game and you know develop I mean it wouldn’t surprise me but that’s that’s a great point I’m sorry lady e what were you saying no I was I I said we we had

Actually had a conversation about that um in our B about when when it was going to be a proper time to play pay party cuz um yeah contract is coming up when when will that like you know when would that be like a a grand idea to help you

Guys when it comes down to the money situation but again like what would his contract look like because he’s a seventh round pick you know Mr Irrelevant and again he has taken you guys far but can we consider him up there with like the Joey burrow the

Justin herberts or is he gonna kind of get like a Daniel uh Daniel Jones is type deal of what the Giants got so it was kind of like a back and forth but where do you see that that contract could be since you don’t since you don’t

Have to pay him next year where would that money kind of look like for him um I mean I think I think two things are going to come into play with his contract I think how he per not that he’s not g to get one but how he does

Obviously next year you know if he has another season because this year he set the record for passing yards in the season for us as a like that so so if he really kind of quote unquote pops off again and maybe has like another 4,000

Yard season um and then on top of that he um obviously you know like say health and stuff like that I I would imagine it’s and the market than the market too you know we have to consider the market so I mean but I I would think somewhere kind of like you mentioned

Maybe in the vein of maybe a little more than say maybe a Daniel Jones and maybe not like as quite high as you might want to go with like a Herbert um not that I don’t think he’s the better back than Daniel Jones I absolutely think he is um

But yeah kind of depends too but I but I will say that I I do know that our front office will be creative with his contract same way we were with Bosa for as much money as we gave Bosa um his contract really doesn’t blow up as far

As a cap hit until 26 he’s only A4 million cap hit this season and that’s like in the vein of edge rers especially his caliber that’s like Beyond that’s a that’s a bargain really you know that is a bargain right so I’m sure we’re going to structure pretty’s cont to be the

Same way where you know it’s going to take like a year or two for it really really like a massive cap hit but yeah but the Market’s going to dictate a lot but I would think it would probably I’m sure her average out somewhere within the top like six or seven maybe top

Eight when it’s all set in okay yeah yeah interesting party about to get that b yeah yeah 24 years old coming off of UCL bro and I mean we all saw how he played I mean Homer talk or not man I mean it’s it’s hard to it’s hard to ignore what

The kids done now at this point in time you know it’s basically two seasons worth of evidence or at least a season and a half and I mean he’s already got more he’s already if people are a quarterback win St guy he’s already got more playoff wins than some quarterbacks

That I know you guys think are better than him so you know shout out to him man you know yeah I mean because I mean he he was in the MVP conversation um some people might have him in the middle of the pack of the quarterbacks again

Give give us another great season like that then we can have that conversation like I do agree I don’t I don’t think that he’ll be like on the Daniel Jones level of a contract but give us another season like that it’s gonna be kind of hard not to have that conversation to

Give him a little bit more guarantee like you said so um yeah so but I so I noticed you mentioned too um you didn’t mention George Kettle um when you when you rolled on to next year so do you guys have your eyes on a tight end to

Replace him um I I don’t know who that tight is yet but I do know um we have been trying to find one in free agency and I don’t know if that means via trade to help be the guy you know like the G

KD or I can tell you we drafted two last year we took the Lou kid from Alabama who some were high on some weren’t you know and then we took Willis Oklahoma now Lou didn’t you didn’t see him a lot because he got hurt and I think it was

One of the preseason games and then we just kept him on IR I mean we could have brought him back but we had three other tight ends you know on the roster time it’s so really wasn’t like a necessary thing um so I think we’re banking a

Little bit on him to like see where he’s going to go um and I would not be surprised and I’ve told a lot of Niner fans this that you know we have six picks in the first four rounds with three being in the fourth um I would bet

A large amount of money that we’re going to take a tight end with one of those first six picks um just now it doesn’t mean KD’s gonna automatically be gone next year but just at some point in time you got to think about the future you

Know yeah um and I just did mention him I mean I I feel like KD’s one of those guys that he just like I don’t think KD’s never not going to be Niner until was just is time maybe retire or maybe go finish out the last couple years of

His career somewhere but um but I definitely think tight end quote unquote finding the future guy I think that’s gonna be pretty high on our list going into this draft yeah I agree I agree CH Kansas got to do the same thing for Kelsey so that’s why I was wondering

Like when when are y’all gonna have to make that make make that decision so yeah yeah and the Ravens kind of did it when they took likely you know I mean Andrew Andrew still very productive but if they decide to move off of Andrews in

A year or two they know they have likely on the roster so exactly I would imagine the same kind of situation will happen with us all right I got two final questions and we’re gonna get ready to let you go I to do so um this one for C

Henry though um I don’t know why this question was asked um are you guys looking at quarterbacks in this draft this year I know you guys drafted Hendry hooker but yeah I think we’re looking at um you know we may be looking at somebody long term maybe we’ll come

Across a a brock P or something late in the draft we may throw you know um you know saying a lottery ticket out there but I think right now we’re going to kind of concentrate on um getting um golf extended and probably seeing what we have in um hinden hooker this off

Season so I think that’s where we at got you and SNS this last question for you right now you guys are the 31st pick in the NFL draft what do you think go wish I can get to that one day but what do you guys think the the 49ers will do with that

Pick um if if if somebody told me it’s a lock that we’re going to stay at 31 um based on how free agency’s gone I would assume right now it’s going to be an offensive lineman or maybe a defensive tackle of one of those few that are you

Know that are people are high on Fall um I but I would I would put a lot of stock into being a trench guy now based on free agency I would put a little more a little more money if you betting um that it would be an offensive lineman guy but

Um I do think it’s going to be a trench guy man I mean I think this regime has shown that they believe you know you went up front that’s how you win um and I just feel like we haven’t gone crazy in free agency with offensive lineman

Because I really think with those 10 picks we’re going to use the first couple of them to try you know try to Shore that up so if I had to make a guess I would say a trench guy and I would lean towards an offensive lineman okay all right gotta well we

Appreciate your time appear podcast and you are very much welcome to come back and talk B of us BR you’re one of the best guys on Twitter I listen to you in the space and stuff you know you when it comes to the 49ers and in the

NFL I appreciate man no like I said I really do appreciate you having me on I’ll come back anytime just let me know and but yeah like I said but shout out to the Niners I appreciate you guys again and yeah this was great man I appreciate it bang bang Niner

Gang go let’s go have a good guys bye later all right that was some good information learning about what the 49ers are looking at this offseason uh I was I was was I was very surprised by the um armad thing a little bit but listening to that conversation it kind

Of clears some things up but um another infan to know I definitely think offensive line and the trenches will definitely be addressed with the 49ers yeah this off season um seen you know Trent WIS he’s the main starart um you know they have some guys but they held

Their own but you clearly there’s some times they lose with their batt and stuff like that and also with the whole at defensive tackle um you know you got guys like gazelle Newton from Illinois that could possibly be a good option for that Von defensive line

Yeah no I mean again you know because they they they have to kind of be strategic on how they do stuff because again you got the pry contract coming up they got to playay I you they just got rid of some some cat money right there

No lie you know what I mean they they got to do that shout out to them uh cow girls right now cause Jerry got y’all looking s hey you know you know what I say you know what I say about you know how like

You go to a store and you know you ain’t got much money my grandma always say you window shopping they some window shoers G stop talking bad about them Cowboys man they gonna be a it is it is it is surprisingly all it’s not looking good right now Jerry

Man Jerry you told me you was gonna be all in oh man what happened man what’s going on Jerry told us he was gonna be all in they ain’t got no chips to put to the middle of the table man they better get DC together they better get CD together they better

Do something it’s looking bad so so before we go back so y’ y’all know I stayed in Texas so I have a lot of Cowboy friends that are fans like literally like when they found out that they did not get Derek Henry I promise you I feel like my Facebook just shut

Down they was like oh Jerry is so unserious he’s always talking this we’re FNA do this we don’t do this why couldn’t we pay him that money like it was crazy so like trust me I I get it that that he said that he’s like he’s

Cool he’s calm they do this every every year but y’all have a lot of things to address and I don’t think that that can be done in the draft alone and then this quiet offseason not making moves you guys can’t keep doing that like you you

Gotta you gotta gonna make a splash at something because you need linebacker help you still need I I still I still say get a wide receiver on the other side of CD I’m sorry you know what I mean we don’t know what digs is GNA look

Like so I’m like y’all gota y’all have to really kind of really look at this and try pinpoint this stuff out because again I the draft is just not going to just solve everything you know what I mean Dak is getting older y’all gotta resign this man here pretty soon so it’s

Just like what that got some that got some other issues I’m reading on that got some issues praise be to the Lord hallelujah we hope y’all didn’t even pick up the phone y’all didn’t go hey Big Head y’all didn’t do none of that oh wow boy

They should have known it was gonna be tough to get Derrick Henry when um they couldn’t pull off the Zach Moss situation um that was an indicator right there that there was gonna be some problems there was some fiscal irresponsibility that was needing to be uh and and it’s crazy because I mean

Washington took three or four and took half they squad over there so I expect them to have a little bit of room they didn’t took the coaching staff they didn’t took the offensive line they don’t want Tyron but they need Tyron but you know I’m I’m I’m

I’m one year deal I don’t understand why they can’t make no move what’s going on somebody say Jer gotta pay on some of these babies I a heard me though so you got a question from no you didn’t even you didn’t even have to put his question up there that that that’s

My cousin you didn’t even have to sit over there and do all of that not play uh like you didn’t have to put that up there we he we we had this conversation so KY pits um since we since we kind of talking about Atlanta a little bit um KY

Pits so just just let y’all know this um K has already talked to Kirk and told Kirk to get him the ball so we’re just we’re we’re finding out that Cal has been disgruntled this whole time with this quarterback situation that’s going on at this moment so again more than

Likely if C can get the ball he is going to resign with us so I’m fine with that is give the man the ball that’s all we got to do give him the ball yeah Kurt Love T yeah Kurt Kurt has a very nice oh yeah so um y’all

Should be y’all should be fine he should be fine I’m expecting great things I hope Kurt don’t let me down I’m expecting great things for yall I hope y’all don’t let me down down there y’all was supposed to do something this past year you know what I’m saying

Yast year so now you know y’all got Kirk the jerk I like the I like the versatility gotone r more y’all Y y’ y’all y’all making some moves over there look I’m just I’m just gonna say this a lot of people have stop I need yall to accept KK accept the

Jerk okay you know what let let me say this we would have probably accepted Kirk if Kirk wasn’t about to be 36 coming off an Achilles injury don’t worry about all that look no no no no C they said he last time y’all was flying high was with another white boy who was

36 don’t worry about all that hey we was flying high but he had a noodle on but we we trusted that man some people didn’t trust that man but we trusted that I trusted that man I did that I trusted it I’m just saying G be all

Right G be all right K don’t let me down baby hold on what what did Mike say I just got off my show did Mooney get signed the Run Track I remember him dropping passes a ton okay so about that because a lot of people were saying that about Mooney now let’s

Be real here let’s let’s let’s look at the quarterback situation that was up there in Chicago let’s look at let’s look at that quarterback situation and the way that this man has not been able to like Chicago has not been able to find a trade for this man

And you got Sam how and Desmond Ritter getting traded before him we not gonna do we not gonna do We’re not gonna do Justin like that just justtin I have been CH already we can’t we can’t bring this we can’t bring down this this black man trying to

Bring up this other black man down Mooney I ain’t never heard y’all say another word about D until he got on your team so listen here D Mooney you decent you got a chance to redeem yourself I hope you do better but don’t be talking about it was Justin for that

He only caught 400 yards in in receiving last year it wasn’t all Justin for but good luck to you with Kurt Cousins in Atlanta down there Moon uplift all us black men today Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we are gonna touch on the Justin Fields thing because I definitely

Have this weird feeling that I’m will talk to you guys but um one thing I do want to talk about is though like um the the wide receivers that you guys just acquired um just said Darnell mood and you guys traded for Rond Del Mo now rondelle is kind of interesting um was

With the Cardinals uh he he definitely had some flashes but I think the biggest thing that you will hear from him has been kind of slightly inconsistent play but mainly injuries have been uh the biggest problem with him so far how do you feel with you know you know because

A lot the biggest problem for y’all was passing the ball quite frankly weapons what do you feel about this now especially in your division like it could definitely be living up to the potential the offense that you’ve been dreaming about again this kind of puts me back in

A remind of when we had Matt Ryan where we you know back in the Gap when you had you know youry white J Julio Jones your Taylor Gabriel like this kind of puts me back in that mind of it and I like it because again we got somebody that’s a

Sure definite passor that’s number one um and again we all know um we got a twin with cow pits I want to see more from him um I want to see Drake pop out I really do I want to see Drake be able to do with the things that we drafted

Him to do so again um I really do feel like this offense has gotten a lot faster too um you know what I mean not just tall and big but actually some speed there and we we had that before um especially when we made our our Super

Bowl run we had that speed that was right there so again um the addition of bej you still got you know uh Tyler air you still you you we’re we’re I right now this offense is clicking I still um I’m still looking for um I really kind

Of want them to go and try to see if we can pick a tackle um Jake Matthews is not getting any faster he’s getting long so it’s is about time to kind of replace that um if I can find me another right tackle in this draft um I can cut my

Losses with Cayla McGary and move that on berson came uh came off very well this season Lindstrom is Lindstrom so if I can just figure out that right tackle spot and start working in my uh left tackle of the future I’m fine with the offensive line as well so again I want

To see what Zack Robertson is going to do for us um like I said he’s a rookie offensive coordinator so again you have a vet here who is very comfortable in this system who can actually figure out this system you get your quarterback of the future sit behind him learn a little

Bit and I’m good moving forward you know again people still saying still take a wide receiver in the draft and I do agree if lad makoni just falls into my lap give me lad okay I am pushing that agenda I want lad makoni he needs to come here because I need a technician

Give me lad that’s what I’m saying I think y’all might be I don’t want to bust your bubble and it may work out for you but I think low key y’all might be out of the lab business when I look at Rond Del Moore and I look at um um

Mooney they got very very very to me similar skill set yep yep yep um I’m I mean I don’t know if you guys are G to look you know um for another slot guy in this draft I think it’s very very important that um Drake like you said

Takes that next step develops his run um run a route running ability and again is available for for Kurt to throw the ball you know Kurt’s gonna want to sing it um but if not though if he doesn’t make that next step or if this um front

Office kind of sees him possibly as a number two type of guy it wouldn’t surprise me if you guys jumped out and got one of these great wide receivers again through probably through the first two rounds I mean those are guys who can possibly be highend wide receiver twos possibly wide

Receiver ones throughout those rounds so it wouldn’t surprise me um if they’re not quite sold on one of these guys that they have in Camp already or on the team already to get one of these wide receivers but y’all a good man somebody said we might be carrying six yeah

Somebody said we might be carrying six for our receivers this year so we’ll see um again I I’m just I’m just excited to kind of see what what where this is going to go um what how this is going to go this season again we got a whole new

Regime in here a whole new head coach whole new offensive coordinator they they they got their hand Terry over here cooking he cooking in the kitchen L made sound like a movie character playing football y’all gonna leave that Georgia boy alone he surprised me we do got another guest

What’s going on bro what’s going on J how you doing man oh I thank you yeah yeah I was muted my bad I mean nothing much man I’m doing good on a Thursday night J what’s going on what’s going on and what’s going on E look that’s my other Georgia friend see

Y’all see see he know about lad he know about l I definitely know about L that that that’s something I really know about and I mean we I mean we we sitting at 34 or so you know what I’m saying we you know I mean live you never you never know you never

Know you know they gota get um gota get a little white boy in there you know what I’m saying a lot of people were saying if bich was still there that was his Julian element right there I’m just saying I know about I know about Patriots I’ll be

Watching y’all I’m be watching before we talk about the young man who gonna catch the ball we gotta talk about one of these young men who gonna be throwing this ball man who would you like to be the quarterback of the Patriots and who do

Have we have we have you heard is the preferred choice of the front office and the team if you don’t mind me asking so so I mean I’m pretty tapped in with the fan base um cuz I’m we be having our spaces on Twitter and we have group

Chats or whatever me I I different from the whole fan base like I’m I’m I’m a jadden Daniels guy like I want Jad and Daniels on the team that’s who I want but unfortunately I mean we we had won a couple games we ain’t had no business

Winning like we we beat the Steelers and and Denver and so by doing that I mean we gave the commanders a second pick and so I mean like I said like I want Jaden because I I mean like I just feel like his career is going to be a better

Career than than Drake May that’s the way I feel now I mean like like the fan base wants Drake May and I’m not like I’m I’m not here to like down on Dr May or nothing like that like I just think he he’s GNA take more work um because for

Me the film that I’ve watched of of of Drake May is the situation for him is is his throwing motion and his mechanics and his footwork um so like he needs to kind of Shore that up and I just think whoever draft him he not gonna be able

To play right away I think he gonna have to sit a whole season regardless um and the Patriots have kind of set that in motion by signing jacobe brassette in free agency so I think their their goal no matter if they draft or Drake that they going to sit the

Quarterback the quarterback not going to play week one I mean they might get in there middle of the Season or end of the season or whatever um but yeah like but now as far as the team goes like i’ I’ve heard different things like I’ve heard

That uh Mayo who was our new head coach he really like Jaden Daniels that’s what I’ve heard um I mean but I’ve also heard that the GM for the GM is like he’s going to pick who whoever’s there like because I guess the main issue is you

Don’t know how many times you gonna get up in the top five like that that doesn’t happen that often my franch so yeah like they’re they’re like hellbent on taking a quarterback there’s people people that right for the team that say that they should draft Marvin Harrison and just draft a quarterback

Later like someone like a a Bo Nicks or or Spencer Rattler or guys like that but I feel like I said at the beginning I feel differently like even if Jaden gets taken by the commanders like I would still take um Drake May May at three

Like I’m I still take him he’s got Elite he’s got some Elite traits and I mean you know you got to give him a good quarterback coach and just I mean like work on those things so interesting so um I have a couple questions for you so talk about the the

State of you know your skill position you know I think that has been kind of you know the one of the problems you guys had the past couple years um there’s definitely a opportunity for y’all you know we just talked about it with lab coni but now only you could get

Some guys in free agency to probably help um but this draft class is very deep with the skill especially a wide receiver um is there some guys outside of the big three that you like like uh obviously we talk about Marvin Harrison you know possibly him going for Malik

Neighbors and Romeo adun what what are some guys that you looking at um to be added to the New England Patriots to help out a quarterback so for me I I’ve like since the season was over and I mean I watch a lot of NFL a lot of

College football as well so I kind of knew we was going to need a quarterback and I knew that you know the top three guys and you know I’ve been tier one tier one wide receivers in the draft I knew we weren’t going to be able to get

Those guys see as we need a quarterback um and so like this you know just saying that like the the state of the the Patriots is like we’ve never outside of like Grandy M obviously like we’ve never had like a constant stream of elite wide receivers it’s just not it’s not

Something that we ever had it’s just something that we don’t and we don’t obviously don’t draft that well either I mean we we in the last four to five years I mean like we’ve missed on a number wide receivers from like Nel Harry to like way back in the early what

2010’s uh I think look his name like Chris Jackson out of Florida we drafted him he was a buz um and then and then we took tawon thoron out of bayor and he’s just his rout Tre has been pretty limited I mean he’s a he’s a super fast

Guy but when your rout Tre limited and your hands not that good I mean that that’s just not a good combination to have if you trying to be a wide receiver NFL um so that’s just the state of it I mean like currently now like I mean

Obviously like we we were trying to sign Calvin Ridley that that kind of fell through um and so I mean we brought back Kendrick Bourne but the only issue with him is he uh tours ACL I think mid I think it was like October November so we’re bringing him back so hopefully

He’s ready to go um we cut Devonte Parker who who who Who’s on the Eagles now because they they picked them up um the only the only other two exist well other three existing wide receivers on the uh you know like in that room is Quan bout and I don’t know how much

Longer he gonna be there with that whole gambling thing that he he got caught up in um and then you have Demario Douglas who we drafted last year out of uh Liberty who’s pretty much the I would say the best wide receiver that we have currently right now um he’s he’s he’s

More of a slot guy um he’s got the he’s got the Bild to get separation just to get open so I mean if we don’t get any more town at that position like he would literally be our primary target um and then we have gu gu who I mean long story

Short when we signed him last year I never I never wanted to sign them um I would have preferred to keeps I I I I told my fan base they was excited about I like I I never wanted Juju I never wanted because I knew he just wasn’t

Going to fit the system that that we’re trying to run um and so we’re kind of stuck with him so I mean I see see that we missed out on cin Ridley um actually wanted to sign Curtis Sams and I found about an hour ago that the Bill signed

Him so yeah I mean realistically on the freeny market there’s not really any other wide receivers I mean I would take Hollywood Brown I’m just because he would make our room better um but outside of that there’s just nothing left on free agency as far as the draft

Goes outside the top three guys um so we be looking in the second third round like I’m looking at guys like you know like Xavier legot I’m Xavier Le but I mean Leed I’m looking at uh Donnie Mitchell who you know you know who stand at Georgia and was was was last playing

In Texas um I’m looking at Malachi Corley I think he’s out of Western Kentucky like I I I I learned about him during the season um that that that’s a guy that I really like um and those are the guys in the second round I’m looking

At like the guys in the third round would probably be like someone like Brendan rice out of USC um and um parus and the baker too so parus um those are the main guys I mean like lad like like I I don’t like the funny thing is I don’t think we’re

Taking a wide receiver in the second round I think we’re taking offensive tackle because we haven’t address that uh I mean people people in my fanas are talking about signing Tyron Smith which at the beginning fre I thought was a bad idea now not so much because uh Trent

Brown is is is not coming back so we kind of need to left tackle so if if we were to sign Tyron Smith it would let us draft a wide receiver in the second round but if we don’t then then we’re GNA need to take a tackle and then we’ll

Take a wide receiver third round so I’m kind of looking at a like a Brandon rice or or or or a Leed or a baker or um there’s also there’s also the kid out of Holy Cross I forgot what his name was but he’s kind of he’s kind of going up

Draft boards too right now I mean he I mean he had a pretty good I I think I think he was at the combine I believe um so yeah I mean that those I I mean those are my targets like I said like I’m not

Gonna get a a Rome or a neighbors or Marvin Harrison or even a Brian Thomas or Keon Co those aren’t guys that that they were’re gonna get so I’m I’m pretty much I’m settled on that already so so I’m sorry go ahead go ahead no no

I was I was just gonna say because I know he mentioned are which side of the ball you f to talk about I’m just ask about the whole off seon because I’m looking at some of the additions that you guys made you guys have a a decent amount of money um but

It looks like you guys have chosen kind of to keep a lot of a lot of the talent inh housee if you will see we we were we were GNA do that because I was gonna ask about where they were going in the direction of the defense though but yeah

A lot of talent inh housee and I feel like and it just may be me not having my my PA on the team but it feels like there needs to be a little a little bit more upgrading going on maybe not so much keeping the same guys with some

Upgrading going on how do you feel about the offseason so far and how and what do you think needs to happen differently um from a from a gming player Personnel standpoint as you pointed out the last three or four drafts have kind of been setar for you how does the New England

Patriots replenish the talent level on their team I mean from a team perspective uh the def like talk about the defense first I don’t really have any issue with the defense like they they pretty much brought back all the same guys um they let go of a couple

Guys but for the most part like they put the transition tag on Kyle Dugger who who I mean he was a pretty good safety um who who I who who I found out that a lot of teams actually wanted to sign um so we tagged them they weren’t able to

Do that um defensively they resigned um Anthony Jennings um he he he went to Bama um he was he was one of our best like run Stoppers um for the most part our defense is young but they’re they’re good I mean we you know we drafted Christian gazal in the first round last

Year I mean he’s he’s coming back off an injury so he should be good um and we just had a bunch like we had a bunch of Corners go down last year to to injuries and I mean like the defense was still able to keep it

Aoat now as far as the offense goals yeah like like in terms of this free agency like I probably give him I give him a B minest I mean they haven’t given out any horrendous deals um they’re trying to keep their young Talent which wasn’t really a bill bich thing like

Bill bich would try to play hard ball with the you know some of the free agent players that he would draft and he would just he just wouldn’t sign them back um so I got to respect the fact that they resigned um Michael Michael a wenu I

Mean who T I mean he was I mean I mean he was on a lot of people’s list to to to sign either at the guard or tackle position he’s he’s got that kind of flexibility um but yeah like I mean I mean I was hoping when the news came out

That they were pursuing Cal really that that I mean they could get him that just I mean like they they offered 22 million and like once I figured out how much they offered and he went to the Titans I think for like 23 or 24 I was actually

Okay with it I mean I would have loved to get him but I think they should have transitioned their efforts when they didn’t get him a couple days ago like they could have tried to get Curtis Samuels um they could have tried to get Tyler Boyd um and there’s some trading

Options that that I mean they they they could pursue I don’t know if they’re pursuing those options as of yet um um they could uh try to trade for T Higgins um I mean there’s reports that the ners and the Jaguars are talking about Brandon IU being traded possibly I don’t

Know if those though it’s been properly sourced or whatever but those are just some things that I’d like my team to be involved with because you got to you got to be able to upgrade the wide receiver position I mean tight end wise I mean we

Signed Hunter Henry and we uh signed um Austin Hooper which which is a good move um and they also added Antonio Gibson from the commanders which we needed a a pass catch and running back which I like those moves but I just feel like to start to start the free agency with

About almost a 100 million and now you’re sitting back you still they still got about almost 60 um if you’re not going to pay outside players then I’d rather them start extending guys like Christian barmore because I mean Christian barmore is going to be up he’s

Going into the last year of his deal I mean hopefully before the season starts they they they extend him I mean he’s not going to get H Christian Wilkins money but I mean he’s going to be like right under there like I anticipate they’re gonna have to pay him somewhere

Between 20 to 23 million per per to to okay um thing is like judon is pretty much our leader on defense um and he I mean he got a payment not a payment but a salary adjustment last year and I just he’s going on the last year of his deal

So I don’t think that he’s gonna play on that deal so I think they’re either gonna have to extend him or if they don’t do that they might have to just trade him okay okay got shout out to J Grand Valley State University yes sir

I’m a proud ofone shout out to Big Mike from Detroit ctech aome proud of yeah baby doing big things well yeah I mean yeah but yeah I mean that that’s that’s what I was I was hoping to go in there and they spend some money haven’t done that yet but but

We’re only in like day four of free agency so I I just just I’m still gotta give him some more time so gotcha gotcha so quick question you um you mentioned Antonio Gibson what what are your thoughts about him coming through New England as long as he not

Running the ball between the tackles I’ll be be just fine with it the boy be fumbling when when when when he runs the ball and I mean like luckily for us like we you know we we have mandre Stevenson so he’s pretty good at running the ball between the

Tackles um he he can catch it out the back field too but like Gibson for me would be a primary third down back that’s just I’m catching the ball at the backfield I don’t I don’t need him doing uh like I really don’t need him doing

You know I mean um you know I mean much more than that like so I mean like the the the the less he’s taking handoff from you know my my new quarterback I I I I think the you know I I think it just

Be for the best pretty much so yeah I I I’ll say is about gon um very good character guy great guy in the locker room I think one of the biggest flaws with him has been you know his vision U when he’s running inside and for a guy

Who’s 62 and supposedly run a 439 four44 it doesn’t look like that when he’s on the field so um definitely I would consider him just to be a third down back and it’s best to just use him in open space when appropriate because he will he will call out of nowhere you’re

Like why in the world he’s doing that but um Gibson he he’s definitely a guy that can make some plays for you um if there’s a way that Alex vanel can get him back to 2020 Gibson when he scored 11 touchdowns his rookie year I think

That’ll be a solid um addition to you guys with your offense makes sense and I mean I mean talking about the running back position like I also anticipate that they’re going to draft a running back too not not early probably like fourth or fifth round they probably get

A get a running back because I mean like I said like mandre is going into the last year of his deal and I’m not sure they’re gonna pay him I mean like the way these teams are paying running backs you you just don’t know if they’re going

To pay a running back so I definitely think they’re going to draft one real quick question real quick question for you you got a new coach over there Jero what is the expectation for him this year and how much of um how much leeway do you think management is

Going to give him to turn this program around I mean so my expectations for Mayo is like so we won four games last year so you know you know with a a bad quarterback situation offense was one of the worst in the league so so my expectations is for this team to win

About six or seven games depending on how the draft goes because we’re obviously you know fre has opened up and you know people have signed the teams or whatnot um so so so as long as they have a solid draft like I don’t I don’t see

Why they cannot win six games next year I think I think that’s a very uh you know goal that’s obtainable I mean I I don’t think it’s crazy um and you know for for Patriot fans it’s interesting because like for for for the older Patriot fans like myself that been

Watching the team for a while like I watched gerro play for us I mean he he was our middle linebacker a lot of them you know championship teams that we had um so I just think that he has the kind of character to I mean to to to to lead

Men pretty much and I mean a perfect example is that is like I mean Josh uch like we you know he he had better offers you know with with other teams um and he chose to I’m mad at y’all about that too I mean you’re mad the Jags are mad like

I mean there’s there’s so many fans I care look I don’t care about the Jag the got R the got to run me my fade they got to run me that fade why I I mean they didn’t even resign calar Ridley though that that’s the whole thing they let

Y’all sit over here and put the thought that oh he can goonna get some money in the way when he could have got some money there and I could have got my second round pick but either way like I mean they was gonna make that deal on whenever whenever the deadline was that

Deal was gonna make three minutes after it yeah so yeah so I mean like talking about like I I think Mayo has an effect on the players because like I said Josh uch I mean he had better offers like he I think he had offers of making like like

10 11 million guaranteed but he chose to come back to the Patriots for for like a a one-year deal I think it’s like a $4 million deal that’s guaranteed he can make up to eight and I mean he’s saying the primary reason why he came back was

Because of the coaching staff like you know our DC Covington who was our dline coach last year and you know I mean like Gerard is obviously our head coach and that’s the primary reason why he came back to the team um so I feel like the

Team is in good hands with him you I mean as far as the program goes like you know like we’re in a rebuild so give him a good three to four years I mean but I I do want to see progress and I don’t link progress to wins in terms of a

Rebuild I just need him to rebuild the the roster and just like the the players that we get on on the team whether they’re free agents or from the draft like he’s got to be able to um develop those players and so that’s what I’ll be

Looking for the next two to three years um I mean now like I mean we’re lucky enough to draft either Drake May or Daniels and like you know like that person you know I mean like ends up being a franchise quarterback and we we start getting better than that that’s

Great uh I mean but I I do expect it to be about a two or three year bill so okay I mean I’m I’m with C Henry I mean with you guys you know signing some of the old guys back like and you’re saying like a two are you confident with some

Of these the the players that you guys are resigning back to help you on that two to threee plan or are you looking for them to kind of go get some young and new talent in the draft since you are drafting at a high position this

Year I mean I I definitely expect him to get talent in the draft I mean like luckily like Bill drafted a lot of good solid defensive players so so I mean the majority of those players we kept that I wanted to keep um and you know I mean

Offensively like Michael leenu I wanted to keep him and we did there there were players that I wanted to let go like Devonte Parker like I have no use for for for Devonte Parker at all um and so I mean when the news came out that they

Were cutting him like that I mean definitely made my day I think that was yesterday so I was happy about that um and then there’s just certain players on the team that we just did not keep and I you know I think that’s a good thing

Like I think overall I mean like and obviously like you know I me we traded away m m Jones I mean like personally I never M Jones to begin with like in that draft I actually wanted to get Justin fields and we were almost there and then

The Bears traded up right in front of us to get Justin fields and I was kind of bummed because I knew I knew we were going to draft Mack after that and I mean Mack is not a bad guy like he’s not not any of that it’s just you know I

Mean whenever you got a rookie quarterback put him in a new system and you know you have three different offensive coordinates in the first three years like I I think that’s tough for anybody to be successful so I mean it is like J they got the same little story

I sound like Justin and Mack and Justin got the same story three different offensive coordinators I mean the only difference is like our defense was much better than the Bears like that’s that’s the major difference like and I mean like Mack was pretty successful his

First year I mean he he you know he made it to the playoffs but like he I mean like unlike Justin like Justin has you know you know I mean better physical attributes than him like he he’s got more arm strength you know obviously he runs the ball better um I

Just think he’s overall better quarterback so that’s why I wanted Justin fields and you know instead of Mack so but I mean like I think if you put Mac in the right situation with the right you know I mean like weapons I I think it’ll be a I mean like an average

You know you know I mean quarterback in the league I mean I just think in our situation he’s just you know like he just was not built for the Patriots that’s all yeah well and that’s funny that you say that CU I I always always believed and think that the Patriots had

A different style that not everybody can come to the Patriots and play like for instance when you guys got Cam Newton I knew it wasn’t gonna work up there I already knew I’m like cam is not the style that fits with the Patriots it’s almost kind of like

You guys are like in a sense singled out from the rest of the NFL because it has to be certain particular players like we were talking about earlier alad m fits you guys for whatever reason he fits you guys because that’s like he’s he’s the style of player that you guys

Look for like reason huh I need I need you to find somebody else who diverse who fit fit too there too I know it is was up there for a long time shout out to CH he fit he fit I mean but the funny thing is like

So the funny is about like a white wow breaking news uh Devin white has just signed a oneyear deal with the Eagles oh wow they they mean do need linebackers so yeah they do I mean he really a that good but I mean hey I guess I guess so not really a coverage

Guy no yeah but I mean yeah I mean like that’s kind of the that’s kind of the like the thing that gets stuck on the pages like we had a white wide receiver but the funny thing was the one white receiver in the draft that got well not

The one but one of one one of the white wide receivers that was linked to us the whole offseason last year he didn’t we didn’t even draft him so I mean we don’t always go for the quote unquote white wide receiver so well last well the thing about it is lastman time at

Georgia he gets faded he’s he don’t fit in that category just saying I mean personally for us like like I said I don’t think we’re taking a wide receiver in the second round so I I don’t think I mean there’s a chance lad might not make

It out the first round I’ve seen Mo where where he gets taken 31 or 32 I’ve seen it so oh yeah I mean I put it to you like this if he makes it past Casey then whoever is in that second round is going to be Mighty happy Mighty happy if

He makes it pass Casey hey look she said he don’t get faded but he sure get 10 Fades you know saying so J MC manah you know I’m saying I’ve often heard you man in the in the in the different spaces man shout out to uh Brink um if you had ideal

Ideally what would you guys grab in the first three rounds of the draft that you think would help you guys improve well I mean obious like I said first round taking a quarterback whether that’s Jaden the Drake I mean that’s I mean either one I’ll take so that’s the

First round second round I’m g go tackle um tackles I’m looking at would either be Jordan Morgan or the or I think the kid Paul out of Houston d d a big dude I like 65 350 like that like he’s he should be a solid left tackle um and then third round

Hopefully hopefully I mean Malachi Corley like I’ve been a strong supporter of of I mean Malachi for a while um if Malachi was gone in the third then I probably take someone like Brendan rice okay I think that’s realistic man that’s all right that’s all right you got there

There’s a new era going on in New England right right they got a black coach we gotta Embrace that Mayo that’s right yeah and his brother supporting his team man they diverse I got a question for you though uh oh you talked about jayen and Drake what do you think about JJ

McCarthy yeah that’s a great question a possible fit for New England now you Pro you probably don’t like him right but he probably some people man talk you ain’t got let you didn’t ask the question let the man talk yeah I just I go into some more clarification okay like that didn’t

Sound right I’m just gonna sit my te right now I ain’t never been like so so so let me get on this thing with JJ I get all the hype like I get it and no JJ is not Tom Brady Jr it’s not even close it’s not even close so I mean my

My my biggest problem with JJ is man like how am I gonna draft a quarterback that doesn’t throw to the left side of the field that well like that’s that’s my whole issue is just like there certain things he doesn’t do well and I

Mean I feel like I mean for me on my board he not even the fourth quarterback on my board I mean like if I had the fourth pick in the draft and the top three guys were gone I would draft penx to be honest because I think pennx might

Be the actual like no don’t don’t you put that in the her come here put that in the earth I mean penx to me is he might be the best thrower to the football in the draft to be honest like so I mean I just don’t like I get the

Hype because JJ’s 20 I mean he was on Michigan the national championship team I I I I I get the hypee I get it I just wouldn’t want to draft him because I I mean I just feel like you got to put him in the right situation where where I

Mean you got a good run game you got good wide receivers and I mean all that and so I just don’t think that’s a fit for my team so I mean like if you got teams like like like I heard like the Giants like they’re really interested in

JJ for some reason I don’t don’t really know why but they are uh I mean because I feel like he’s like Daniel Jones light that that’s just how I feel so but I mean you know I mean I mean he he might be really good in the league I just

Don’t want him on my team that’s all okay he ain’t everybody’s couple te baby but we gonna see we G see here here come that Michigan bias a no listen I’m listen I’m done caping for him we gonna see we just listening and taking receipts that’s all we doing at this

Point that’s all we doing yeah I mean like personally like I I do like JJ better than I like you know you know I mean B knck I mean I’m not a I’m I’m not a b Knicks guy at all like you know I watched him when he was at Auburn didn’t

Really like him then I think we know him about Auburn J mck yeah and you know I mean personally I just think at Oregon like I think it’s easy to be an Oregon quarterback I just think you know with the kind of weapons that they surround their quarterbacks

With and the scheme that they run I mean the those are wide open so I just think and I’m not saying Bo was a bad quarterback I just I I would not be drafting him in the first round so and uh Mike said that he’s a Daniel

He’s he’s not is he a Daniel Jones light yeah that’s that’s what I said to me he’s Daniel Jones like to me and I think Daniel Jones Is Right Now is better than him right now like I don’t like I don’t know how it’ll turn out in

The future uh but I mean like JJ could get better like I mean my biggest complaint is I just don’t think he got put in the offense where he didn’t have to throw a lot so I can’t blame the kid for that like that’s that’s that’s not

His fault that he he was in the offense with you know I mean like Blake km and and you know you know I mean like brillan where where they ran the ball great so I can’t I can’t blame him for that but he he just got to show me something that’s

All I mean I think this year to be honest with you you have what probably three QBs that are like kind of solfi that they can go out there and um you know kind of help their team a little bit and then you got the ones that there’re still question marks that you

Like you said earlier like you got some that probably needs to set um you know yeah like you said you believe Drake May needs to set you know what I mean um I didn’t heard some people to say you know possibly let penck Set you know what I

Mean to to try to help him you know get a little bit better get a little bit more confidence with it because you know of his injury history um you know so it’s I I feel like this year’s quarterback class we have a lot to choose from but I think that it’s still

Like hey you got Caleb Williams then who you know what I mean but some people are I didn’t seen some people now this is just me scrolling on Twitter and me just laughing and scrolling on Twitter now I’ve seen some people put saying Jaden is over Caleb so again you you you got

Some people that that look at particular things but just like kind of how we discussed before um the quarterback position is the hardest position to scout it’s the very hardest position to scout because we have seen it to where we didn’t seen you know and I’m G use um

Levis I’m gon use him he was good as junior year very good could have came out as junior year could have did did all of that he stayed one more year he lost a lot of weapons he he was still kind of injured in his senior year so it

Didn’t help his draft stock a lot and then even when some people like oh well the class next year is going to be good I’m not sold on quitting yours but everybody saying that Quint yours is a top God I’m like I haven’t seen it show

Me show me where at show me where it is shador same thing with shador I need to see a season of shador on consistency I I can’t I can’t say that shador is gonna come out and be the top guy next year either I got to see the

Consistency you know maybe if he would have came out this sure we we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation but staying a year can either help or harm some of these QBs you see what I’m saying like it’s it’s a very hard position to scout it’s like we don’t

Know yeah I mean because I’ve even had people in my fan base say trade the pick stockpile picks and go back in the you know you know mean draft a whole bunch of tal this year and go back in the draft and I’m like do you you watch

College football like because I do and the quarterback’s coming out next year to me this this quarterback draft is much better right now like I obviously can’t speak to it because like because you got like guys like Jaden Daniels that kind of like exploded this past

Year so you could have especially at the end of the season too like closer to the end of the season where he really took off yeah so you could have a guy like that but in my opinion the next year’s draft just not that strong like you were

Like you said he gets hurt every year like it just it’s a fact like I don’t like I mean I don’t like to put the you know he’s always injured bug on him but that’s kind of what’s on his jacket right now and then you also got Carson

Beck who people saying gonna be a first round pick and then you got you I mean shador like like he said I mean shador kind of got to show me like he took you know I mean like there’s certain things that he needs to clean up in his game um

And then there’s even people throwing out the name of um Drew to Penn State I personally think he’s garbage you know is D with I I would have took the kid from uh from Ohio State before him and he not at Syracuse no it’s not how I feel I’m just telling

You what people been telling me that’s for you know for no and this and like and like I said we’re we’re doing this based off of what we’ve seen this past season we don’t know how this season is GNA come like like Mike said shadur wins and he will

Jump up draft boards that’s true but it’s still GNA be a knock on him I mean look look at Bryce young and look at CJ stra a lot of people had had Bryce young higher than CJ Stout and then you know I hate to put it like this but once he got

Into the lead CJ showed that he had the mechanics to where it could have been either him him him or brght you know what I mean but because of some test and people like well he can’t run okay let me go ahead and throw this facts out Bryce young was at Alabama everybody

Know that almost all Alabama quarterbacks at least win One National Championship he hasn’t done it so it’s it’s just again it’s hard to scout this and tell what’s going to happen we don’t know no chip is because of us that that’s part of the reason why

He I know that I I just love that that we didn’t let them do that it’s so exciting but I think also you know CJ stra you know he was going against the Ohio State quarterback bias a little bit like you said the the the the the

Testing um didn’t quite go his way so I think that kind of hurt him and then you did have um CJ who was I mean um Bryce who was kind from that Alabama pedigree Tua had kind of set the bar you know saying hi there along with jayen Herz so

It was kind of you know what I’m saying it felt natural but um again folks I’m not going to say they got it wrong but one year under the belts it it don’t it looks like they got it wrong it looks year three year three is gonna tell us

Everything just like I hate to say this about Trevor Lawrence I haven’t seen what a lot of people seen in Trevor Lawrence and and we’re going we’re we’re past the year three now we’re we’re past the year three now so give these QBs time again we just don’t know know and I

I do agree with what Mike said too sometimes you have to see these sometimes these these teams think that their offense is structured for these QBs and sometime it’s not sometime it’s not like like you said Mick like you you had M Jones he had three different offensive coordinators in three years

That’s not g to help any type of rookie in their success that’s not going to do anything that don’t even help sometime help vets to be honest with you Matt Ryan every time he got a new offensive coordinator it took him a year to get

Used to it so we had a down year and then we had a good year and then bam they were gone so it it really just all depends on the offensive scheme that’s running and just you know the talent around the quarterback too I I’ll say

That plays a major factor in it if you ain’t got a good offensive line your rookie ain’t gonna look too high Carolina I’m looking at you the funny thing is like Carolina though some of their moves they made during fre I I actually like a lot of

Their moves though I think they really you know you know I me trying trying to improve their team though so well I mean the the thing about it is when you kind of go back and look at the dumb mistakes that they made you could have had two first round and a second

For burns so you let him walk for a second and a fifth like you could have put yourself in the category to build upon on that to help your rookie out like so again I I feel like Carolina is is is finally kind of learning from

Their mistakes a little bit um but yeah they they they’re quietly doing some things we just we just have to see in the season if they gonna pan out or not I mean they got to look better than they looked last year I gotta you know signing a couple guards you know you

Know getting some more pieces on defense getting Deontay John I gotta the offense got to be at least better because it was pretty bad last year so exactly we’ll see we’ll see we really we I I still got them fourth in the NFC South so I’m good

It’s only three teams in the NFC South that I recognize okay only I don’t I don’t know who them is I don’t know who the who who the Panthers are you know little BR just that is that that’s that’s very much liil Brun now for real for real

Well well Jay Mick we appreciate you coming on ENT Lab podcast and giving us your Insight on what is going on in New England and having a little chop up with us you also as well is welcome to come on this show and talk ball with us and I appreciate

It all right man you have a safe night all right thanks have a good one hi Mick see see hry I’m I’m G hurt you man you you you couldn’t let me you you couldn’t let me get to my narrative I was about to ask first of all the the

Way that Deuce popped in here with that side he popped in when he said he couldn’t throw to the left yeah you know saying listen man I ain’t even I love JJ man and listen I knew he was gonna blow up I hope that the Ascension keep continues to happen I

Hope he lands somewhere you know what I’m saying in a good situation where he can show y’all right away man left to right right to left he he he’s the guy man you know what I’m saying hey it is what it is man it is what it

Is we G we’re GNA like again we’re gonna see J JJ might be the best out of the class who who knows who knows we don’t know I mean again it’s just right now Jim Harbaugh that’s what Jim Harbaugh say I don’t know I don’t know I mean hey all

Quarterbacks are going to have their strengths they’re going to have their weaknesses it’s up to the the team to develop these strengths and these weaknesses if this is just the weakness is just a weakness but it’s up to them to develop it if he lands in a good

Position to where they can V to where he can throw left then he can throw left you know but again may take a little while you know never know never know depending on his learning ability just never know but you know these these QBs can turn into something different I’m

Just being honest they can turn into something different just saying I feel like he’s just like right here had his hands just writing like this oh no man listen listen I’m I’m feeling good man I’m sipping a little something we feeling real good man free agency is going real good Brad is making

Moves under the under the the darkness tonight I see the commanders is putting it together man they didn’t draft I mean they didn’t sign like 16 people you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying they got Adam Peters out there looking like the handyman he out there patching

Every hole up he can baby he out there working baby he out there work Bruce Wayne I mean shoot look look the commanders got to do something man they they gota do something y’all taking all the players Jay mckam can’t even get no players you know what I’m saying they

Got just money much money as y’all they ain’t even they can’t even get nobody man look at y’all man look at y’all look at God y’all been praying Hallelujah hey man it’s just that time bro just trying to tell people bro once once we get certain people out there the

DC gonna be a a place that everybody want to come back and for this right man if y’all maneuver this right y’all doing a good job if y’all maneuver this right man the Tex so yall gonna get a safety could be possible uh I mean they we just

Signed chin so we’ll see how that work out um I don’t see cam curl definitely coming back um he didn’t get you know the numbers that he wanted or not yet you said what I thought I thought KL sign was somebody or not yet no Curtis signed with somebody CT ain’t sign with

Nobody yet okay I could have sworn I heard his name being called you know couple tackles you know what I’m saying yeah tackle tackles some um looking at I I’ll be cool with Tyron for one year but if they want to get their guy um probably use those two picks to trade up

First round get a guy I’m cool with that too we we we got options we got options after we get this okay okay okay but somebody already as of right now look like they got their quarterback situation straight as they were at number two last year and they drafted CJ

Stra we got this Houston Black Swan how you doing this how you doing I’m doing great how y’all doing this evening hey how you do we are doing well hey e hey how are you hi and can y’all hear me yes ma’am yeah I wantan to make sure my mic

Not too loud but Curtis Sam did sign he sign with uh the bills yep yeah I think it was three years 30 got 30 million yeah 310 3:30 yeah yeah he won’t get that with us respectfully but um let’s go ahead and um talk about the Texans so Texans have made some moves

After um they made it to div Vision round in the playoffs this year um CJ sha was offensive rookie of the year one of the best quarterback seasons of all time for a rookie that we have witnessed so let’s talk about some of the moves y’all have made so far um denil Hunter

Um gonna be on the opposite side uh with Will Anderson what what do you think about that move so far uh I love it it’s gonna be nasty I wouldn’t want to be in my division seeing they’ll come after my quarterback so you know it is I’m I was a little disappointed with

Not getting um Eric uh Armstead him going to the Jags but you know I was being greedy uh so looks like I’m gonna be doing that in the draft and that’s okay but some of the other depth guys and backup we uh signed a fley fassi we also did uh Theo

Ary look at see here shaking his head that’s the one I wanted y a nice little deal think that was like two for 10 million that was a nice little deal too yeah I’m heard about that yeah I’m heard about that yeah so you know we beefing

That up we coming after the quarterback we was doing it last year we just G to have to be able to do it against the big boys so you know Deo and them know they needed to step it up so you know I love it

Um I know uh the guy that you drafted C Henry uh and he may have been on your team uh e the corner Jeff yeah so he had a nice season uh with you yeah but they they’re they’re looking and going into another Direction which we already kind of

Figured it it we can keep them cool if not cool we we weren’t we weren’t but what I like is that he had a you know folks was down on him and he came to you all and you know he looked really nice so it’s like okay it back there got

Injured there yeah he got injured there a little bit um close to the season but um the only thing that we we we kind of noticed with him um was just with the bigger guys it it the bad angles that that’s that’s kind of that’s kind of one

Thing that we did that we noticed a little bit with him but he was he was good he was good it was just sometimes he he can get lost he can get lost out there just a little bit but again he working in a new system being injured

Not really getting a full training camp too as well because he got injured in training camp and he didn’t really come in until like we started the season so again if he can have a full healthy offseason a full good training camp get out there and get a little bit I I feel

Like he can be solid it’s just with us it was just kind of like a bad little OU him but he he he he did what we needed to do and I’m fine with it I’m just mad at y’all about my denil okay y’all better take care of my yachty brother I

Know he I know he from Texas but y’all better take care of my y he could have came here but we can’t be taxfree money the state of Texas don’t have no taxes tax yeah so and it was 48 million fully guaranteed out of

49 so he got the he got all his money yep yep yep so but he said in his presser today was you know what truly tipped it over was uh the Cleveland Browns uh Texans football game because you know he lives here so he was at the

Game you know obviously with family and so forth and it was like you said it was just infectious uh you know how it was with our team you know the excitement with the city with Coach Deo that’s the biggest change is I heit coach I mean we had our GM but you

Didn’t have to write head coachs to change your culture and as y’all know let’s face it we spent the two previous or you say three just being dragged through the mud self-inflicted a lot of it but to watch how it changed around in one year because folks kept saying well

It may take about three to four years I hope y’all give him time I’m like I don’t know why we can’t do it in one year CU I looked at the team that went 313 and one and watched us at least three games which I’m grateful

For which it’s record I won’t say what we were doing but I know they were doing it but anyway but I saw that team even with um inferior coaching and playing out of position this team just having the right coach adding pieces get a quarterback you can compete at least in our

Division trying to tell these Commander fans you know I just want to win seven games listen man y’all got 100 m y’all got six picks in the top three I just seen Houston do it and I don’t think they had 100 m y’all can do it too

No but see but this thing I told Swan last off seon I said out of everybody out of the AFC South people better be on the lookout for Houston because I said they’re doing things sneaky and when you have a team that’s doing things sneaky especially the way they

Did their draft last year I said they’re going all in ain’t no two to three years I I I said that the that probably last year was goingon to be that year where they kind of hit that roughing that last little ruing bump and this year they was

Gonna come out guns of Blazing they coming out guns of Blazing this year but they didn’t hit that ruing bump so they FNA carry this on like Houston is a sneaky team that’s the problemy team sneaky team they’re a sneaky team because they they did everything so quietly nobody wasn’t like there was

Some people that there they were like who is Nico what what is that gonna do they don’t have no wide receivers and people found out real quick who he was I’m just saying oh man I want to take D I thought he would still be there okay I like T we

Didn’t mind we didn’t we didn’t mind that we tank was on people’s board um with that so yeah I mean again Houston did what a lot of people didn’t think and I think a lot of people kind of downed that on CJ now yeah there was questions with you guys with your

Offensive line like was the offensive line good enough to protect CJ and they held up they held up and let me speak on that so the first thing we did was last March sh up the all line we already had our bookins we had Titus Howard and we

Had uh Larry tonsil Alabama State our interior was weak um Ken Kenya green who we drafted the previous year you know he got beat up real bad uh in his rookie year you know Deuce is one of his uh teams beat him up bad they treat him like a little rag doll they

Did but we knew it weak interior so they traded for Shaq Mason from the bucks so you took care of the Right Guard and we needed to solidify left guard and our Center we extended our two guys on the bookends and went into the draft we drafted two

Guys second round and in the fifth round we never started the old line that we went into the off seon with at all that’s right that’s true so they never developed the continuity we were truly except for Shaq Mason who played all season nobody played the whole season

Other than him we went down to the third and the fourth guys and that’s not exaggerated I mean literally we did and I got to get props to my uh old line coach for actually managing to do that because there are teams that can’t do that with their starting o line let

Alone when you get to just your backup but to get the three to four and if you check CJ didn’t get sacked as much as you think he should have I think he’s like 30 some close to 40 possibly yeah but for a rookie you would have expected

He would have been close to you know 50 60s and it wasn’t so it was a commitment to do the oine it just Health got in the way so when people say well yeah your oine did well yeah that was not the old line that’s supposed to be out there

Because we got over100 Million Dollar on that old line okay think like about 130 yes so so so let me ask you this you guys um definitely did good in free agency so far you actually added um aiz Al sh is another guy that I really

Really like but you traded for Joe Mixon uh yesterday what effect do you think that’s going to have on this young offense and how is that going to help um um CJ strride I thought you had a pretty decent back in uh Damen Pearson single

Tary but what can Joe bring to the table that’s a little bit different and a little bit and that can help this offense going forward okay so one thing uh we also extended Joe Mixon is uh afternoon and gave him three years 27 million okay okay yeah so so he’s here

Okay obviously uh Deo and them feel like yeah he’s gonna be a major contributor one is he could do the Zone uh running that’s where Daman sign I mean Daman uh Pierce struggled at he is a PowerBack Bruiser run between the tackles straight up the middle the

Ability to see holds is where he struggles because it’s that Vision thing because that’s never what he’s ever asked to do at Florida he indicated it was more of a struggle than what he thought and that’s something he said he would work on an off season however you

Can’t sit back and say because he was this rookie sensation you know the previous season that we will just run it back you do need someone who can catch out of the back field so he’s not CMC however you can use him that way and I

Think that’s what SLO because this is a kubak Shanahan offense so they like guys who can pass block you have to catch out of the back field you need to be able to cut back you need to be able to run through the tackles so he could do all those things

He is still a very good back so I expect him to open it up because if you think about a single te in the second part of the season when he got the start it looked a little bit better the the offense didn’t stall as much and there were holes that were

There that’s something we still have to do better at our run blocking but Joe Mixon will make up for that the same way CJ can make up for some plays when your offense you know fails to get a block or they don’t hold that block long enough

So that’s what I’m looking forward to uh because that only opens it up for Nico and for tank and for D Schulz for Noah Brown and whatever rookie we bring in we still have Mei we don’t know how that’s gonna work out this will be his true First full off season where

He will be working from start to finish whereas he was coming off of his cancer treatment when he came into the offseason so now he’s truly played some game reps so now you know the speed of the game uh we have a rookie Xavier Hutchinson made contributions so it’s

Really exciting time right now for the offense but we still need a another running back at least two need another tight end and like I said I would at least want another wide receiver if not two because I I don’t believe in I don’t mind pushing

Folks I want to be like your team I I you know hey I want to throw a 30 points minimum a game you know and then let my defense just pin their ears back but my thing is I believe believe that that you guys can um in all retrospects again CJ had a

Very overachievement I think I think a lot of people kind of underestimated CJ a lot um and didn’t think that he was going to have the season that he had but just just looking at going back and looking at some of the some of his games

And even some of the things that you know I can tell that he’s going to be working on he’s he’s he’s zoned in I I do believe that you guys can you know what I mean you got the offensive weapon Weaponry like again how many picks do y’all have this

Year we have five and the one in the first one in the second one in the third and two in the fourth and then we don’t have a fifth or sixth we have three sevens so are yall looking for another wide receiver most definitely according to Deo at the combine presser he indicated

He needed um someone that had separation that could keep the chains moving on third down so tank can do that but the moment that when tank went down the offense changed did Nico get his did he did we still score to an extent yes where there’s certain teams we could beat up

On but if you watch that Ravens game uh without a solid Run game we didn’t have a chance because those big boys are going to be coming out you the chiefs with Spagnola with that defense I mean you got to have more than one so if you

Take one away you’re not leaving one guy forced to do it i’ rather have two other guys if somebody goes down the offense shouldn’t have to change significantly yeah okay so is there a receiver that you’re looking at a draft that um is your man

Crush I would say that you would love to see CJ Thor the pill to I’m a greedy woman so I have like I have three so these are my realistic ones we’re not talking about the one the guys that are up there at the top but

Realistic that could be at 23 so I flu fluctuate between Brian Thomas Jr and AD Mitchell and Xavier worthy and for the record I’m a long horns fan die hard so uh well ad is a Georgia Bulldog first just no no no I understand that

But he drafted I know where he came from when he it’s going say from the University of Texas uhuh let me ask you this let me ask you this it Ain gonna say Georgia Bulldogs it’s gonna say from the University of Texas when you put that

Burnt orange on you are a long horn for life but yes so I would love to have it’s it’s really trying to pick between two children that you love between uh ad and uh Xavier worthy Xavier Worthy is in the same category to me with tank m i mean he has

The true speed but their styles are similar whereas the d a little bit bigger so to me I can get the best of a big receiver like Nico but with the speed of tank so if tank is out and the’s on the field you still in trouble if Nico is down the

Field and it’s tank and it’s you know ad it still can be ugly and Noah brown or whoever can be sitting there Zone just cleaning up makes sense makes sense makes sense how do you feel about your Corners I saw someone asked about Stephen uh Nelson is

He coming back you want to get younger there how are you looking to draft one or two of those guys what do you want to do at the quarterback position um I wanted Kendall Fuller but you know he gone to the Dolphins but anyway no I really want I wanted a shot

At him but yes um if Stephen Nelson came back I would not want him to be back as a starter I would want to be a little bit younger and our secondary took some hits because one when you was talking about uh Auda in the sense of

Him taking bad angles I love jayen Petri don’t get me wrong but he got that problem too uh and and when he make when he takes the bad angles it’d be for big plays um Miss tackles so I need someone stronger so I got Sting the side just

Help but he needs to stay he’s on that side he’s good so I need a younger guy on the other side he doesn’t have to be a burner but I need you to be solid I need another uh safety I wouldn’t mind having Justin Simmons I’m just saying just putting that out there

You know what about Cameron curl huh what about Cameron curl I mean I mean I have to yeah I mean let let you come off the board and then my mind my mind will shift to all right I can’t have you so let me go and go to my you know second

Third choices here’s how I feel about the draft this is me on what I want not what they want I would love to go wide receiver 23 second round I’m okay going DT because I need a a guy now since I didn’t get the other guy or I could go

Linebacker I can go edge I would prefer if I could go and get a running back but I know I can wait till the third round cuz there are some good backs in the draft but I really want to go wide receiver with that 23rd pick now my my

Head coach on the other hand I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes let’s say ban Murphy Jr Falls to 23 I’m pretty sure he’s gonna snatch him if there’s a chop Robinson if there’s a Darius Robinson there so or let’s say what’s the young man’s name um is it Teran h

I could possibly that because I think I don’t think Quinn is gon fall to 23 but if somehow he did I would see them doing that okay that’ll be a pretty solid thing is it it appears we did a lot of work and we did because we didn’t it to

Upgrade but we still have a lot of work to do as far as concerned it’s not the same we can compete with anyone now based on what the roster look like just today I feel like in any game I can be in any game with anybody now can I beat everybody uh

I wouldn’t put my money on beating the Chiefs right now based on how we constructed but do I feel like I can go in a game and compete with them yes uh do I think I’m better match right now with the Ravens I think I would do

Better this time around than I did the last time so there are certain teams that will give me a run for my money but I feel like I can be in any game and I got number seven therefore I believe I got a chance to win any game because

Young man on the knees 46 seconds sometimes you know I’m just saying as the bus I mean like I said y’all y’all are y’all are a sneaky team in that South y’all y’all people gotta watch out cuz again after what we saw um this past this past season again it’s all OD on

Houston y’all making big splashes in in the free agency right now um again if you guys can do that draft and get that draft where you guys need to be and get the pieces and fill the hole I I mean again yeah we’re not going to say that

You can go up there and and and compete and and say that y’all can beat you know casy or you know right like that but again I you know there there’s no waiting y’all are there y’all are going to be play in playoff contention this upcoming season I just you know give

Give CJ one more probably one more year and he he can probably can go out there and go Toe to Toe with Patrick Mahomes yeah I to me my goal is I want to get to AFC championship game this season uh because to me I’ve already been to the

Divisional round with a rookie yeah and I didn’t have what I have right now and they didn’t know what they know right now so everybody should be coming back minus Health better you’re in the system second time both from a offense and a defense because nothing changed we came

Back with our coordinator we came back with our quarterback coach so that didn’t change so there should be some continuity uh and CJ being the second year in the system you didn’t play the whole season you had time to study film and see how folks played you because

Guess what these D season had all off seon to look how they think they can shut you down because you’re a rookie you surprised us oh now I know what your Tendencies are oh I know what you like so you’ve got to adjust as well the

Other thing is I make jokes minus the Tennessee Titans and just for the record I Will Never root for them none whatsoever I have personal opinions I will keep them to myself however other than that the rest of the vision is not going to be a cakewalk AR did not play

But three games this past season so we have not seen him play a whole season with the colt and the Colts were right there with us yep so is a young team that actually has a nice defense Good Old Line JT so I would say we’re equal in many

Ways uh the Jags I gotta see how they handled the disappointment of not winning the vision because they they did they collapsed I’m just going be you can’t be eight and3 and then W up went you finishing 9 and8 so you collapsed because you should not have

So how do y’all handle that and come back so I expect the division not to be that what folks call us ass or the worst Division and so forth so I expect for folks to be entertained this year Watching the whole division minus the Titans uh but yeah so I I’ll toot my

Team’s uh horn but I still have to respect the other teams in division they not going just lay down just because I got rookie and of year and a Defensive Rookie of the Year on my team and we want to visit somehow you just go sit

Back and say oh well it’s their division for the next 10 years oh my gosh no I like what you guys are doing man you guys are definitely going in the right direction you got the quarterback to your point you know if you’re um offensively you guys can put up you can

Play so many different styles you can you know um getting shootouts if you will you got the Weaponry on the outside and the quarterback you now have a running back that is what I call a mutter so in those games that come December and January if you have to

Travel you know to inclement weather you got a guy who can you know who’s used to that and can produce under those um conditions defensively you know you add denil Hunter and Deno arry to that defensive line with Willie Anderson now you’re trying to get after all of these

Quarterbacks in the AFC you’re trying to get after uh um Patrick Mahomes who has a little bit of a problem at that right tackle spot you trying to get after uh uh burrow who they don’t know who they right tackle was going to be and Lamar you know what I mean so I

Think you guys are definitely putting it together in the right uh the right way um you guys get a little bit better on that back end again you guys G to be a young problem over there in the AFC who knows the Houston man they doing a great job this off

Season in facts facts I can’t I’m excited I’m excited I’m really excited to see what CJ is really gonna be um this upcoming season because you already know that sometimes people say that hey QB has a good first year they have that that soft more slump I don’t see that

Coming from CJ honestly I really don’t I feel like he’s going to be really more improved and I think he’s going to learn a lot from his rookie season so I’m excited to see him and I’m Ro for him I’m Ro for you guys down there even

Though I’m not a Texan or Texas person I’m still rooting for him I’m still shout out man I was down there for the final F man hey man listen they gonna get some free agents to go down there for sure from years to come because that’s a beautiful city beautiful food

Beautiful people you throwing in there no state taxes hey I see y’all living down there everybody got almost got a mansion down there too I’m trying to get down there too them property taxes let me tell you about that she don’t even want to show

Us where she stay I know you in a mansion down there I wish you better you better tell them and let them know until them property taxes start hitting yeah tax that State snow state taxes good into them property taxes yeah but here’s the difference is

When you making they kind of money them property taxes don’t mean nothing to you exactly so for them it don’t mean nothing that’s just more house they can have exactly beautiful city though beautiful city see you know you down here just because of the women don’t

Don’t be talking about it was it was the food yeah the food is good too now they good too they now they look nice too I can’t I’m not fron anything 31 Flavors down there bask Robins fellas basking robins go down there and get you a scoop

If you eligible that’s all I’m GNA say he and you can get a single scoop a double scoop or a triple scoop if you ready with sprinkles and all that’s all I’m gonna say Houston got It Lord Jesus it is what it is so other than that I mean look I’m I’m over here looking at the contract I see see okay so Jeff only got one year I don’t know why I was thinking too and I think he said one year

Too how much room are you got cap money do you guys still have what working with I think we have like 19 we had like 21 22 and I know we signed uh Tim settle uh the DT from the bills I don’t recall uh

Him as much but we signed him I think he got one A two-year deal but you know one those low like two million or something I think it was or oh yall sign Settle yeah is he that good is he decent so settle we drafted settle in Washington

Um he was a good rotational player when we switched to the 4-3 he he’s very explosive he he has a great move when he swim move going in between the tackles I just think when he went to Buffalo um they didn’t really use him much and maybe you know you could probably ask

The Buffalo Bills fans what happened um when he went over there because I don’t think I think the expectation for him because when we had our defensive line as deep as it was he wasn’t really the starter he wanted to go become starter in Buffalo and I don’t think

That really fulfilled that opportunity for him over there but he’s he’s a solid player okay so he’ll fit well in with Deigo okay thank you appreciate that she’s like hold on I need to get I need to figure out who my I know free agent no we just we just did him today

He he yeah he came in yesterday and then they signed him today that’s dope that’s dope all right so we don’t have depth we just got to get us started for that DT got you got you do you like any I ask you you know it’s your boy Alan

N I think I think looking at these moves I think he gonna change his mind a little no hold up no cuz I be hearing y’all be talking about I’m sick of him I’m sick of him always complaining I’m like hey I’ll take him what he’ll take

Yeah yeah it’s um I I am kind of questionable him at times but I think you know we’re just very emotional fans and stuff he he’s been you know he’s been our leader um he’s been one of our best players past couple years um it’s just you know frustration just

Consistently losing you coming from Alabama when you’re consistently so I I think that was all is but um I don’t think he’s gonna be traded I think he’s loving what Dan Quinn has done and Adam Peter has done with the roster so far and the way these guys come in on

Defensively I think he want to be a part of that yeah I like what you’re doing it’s a to me if you look at it it’s a pattern with the anybody coming from that San Francisco tree uh their philosophy you can see it and I really do think you’re walking away with a

Quarterback uh for you all that is cayb because I know that’s what y’all want but if it’s not maybe Jaden Daniels I’m not a big uh Drake May fan I’m sorry I’m just gonna be honest with you I’m not so so hold on Swan so cause no no cause Jay because Jay Mick

Just came on here and he said that he’s not a drake May fan and it’s it’s a couple of people that are not not so sure so what what is your I’m not being a fan his thing is I one is decision making processing that’s a big thing for

Me and that’s the thing when people say with CJ and I had some questions because I was a big Bryce guy was Bryce is right it was the whole thing I didn’t want CJ uhuh because I said it’s it’s not that he wasn’t talented my concern was the

Receivers that you had I didn’t see you under siege enough cuz you had one of those Topo lines you had a run game and obviously College you know it’s not like you’re calling any plays or anything so it just looks so easy and then the other concern

Was I know in the NFL you’re not gonna be just be able to sit back there in that pocket you’re gonna have to be mobile and move I don’t want a quarterback that’s running uh you know that’s just me I want you to be mobile run if you have to

But I want your eyes downfield I want you processing so CJ surprised me with that his comp osure it didn’t matter what was happening and this is a rookie no matter what you was throwing at him he was calm while all the chaos was happening

You got vets looking at you we would you seven because that’s what they said we would you seven like I’ll give example we had too many close games what we won like that but the Tampa B was the one that just really showed me what this young man was

Going to be your defense just gave up the touchdown cuz you’re leading and it’s 46 seconds you got two timeouts and you gotta go length of the field and four plays you do it with six seconds left on the clock you never panicked you didn’t put the ball In Harm’s Way he had

One game he threw three picks and I think everybody was so surprised when he did that was like what what what’s going on but he takes care of the ball he can read the defense and this a rookie that’s doing this when I see Drake may his decision making I agree is

Poor and the processing looks like I don’t know what you’re seeing you can’t coach processing you can’t coach decision making what you can do is you can treat a player like a Jimmy Garoppolo let me not let you put the ball in horms way which means I got a dollar offense back

And I to dictate and limit what my offense does because if I allow you to do you then you’re going to turn the ball over there is nothing that handicaps CJ whereas to me I look at Daniels I look at Caleb they kind of like those

Moments so I don’t think it’ll be too big for them they’re gonna make mistakes because rookies making but they don’t seem like they Panic even though everything around them could be chaotic and to me when you act like that what happens is you gonna start getting Happy Feet you’re gonna

Start goost and you w to being I’m G to say it the Zach Wilson’s the Sam darnold and that’s the fear I have with Drake is that that’s what’s going to happen because if you get pick number two and based on what quarterbacks are doing coming out folks going to put

Pressure that you got to be the f of a franchise especially one that has been marred with a lot of issues because I’ve been there and being able to carry that weight I don’t know if Drake can do that because if he doesn’t come out looking

Like CJ or if he doesn’t come out looking like B these guys that have come out or Josh Allen you know he had his struggles but he still you saw it then is he going to start making mistakes and then I don’t want the fans going like man see this is what happened

We shouldn’t and then you get down on a young man and now his confidence is shaken so that’s my concern yeah definitely agree you was I think that’s why you know the past couple of months I have you know I’m starting to lean a little bit more with

Daniels um I think Drake is a little bit talent but the the inconsistencies on tape you know is for this fan base you know know the biggest question is can they be patient and trying to fix that I just think Daniel Daniels right now is a better processor of the football and a

Better decision making and I feel like he can instantly come in and be and have that impact for a team so appreciate your Insight on that for the number two pick yes yes yes I look forward to our game this year the the lions are playing

Houston in Houston and I’m gonna be down there for that game we already got a a guys trip um we just don’t know what day it’s going to be but we going I’m going to be down there in full force and I can’t wait for that game two upcoming

Teams I think it’s going to be a Detroit Houston Super Bowl possibly I’m putting it iny with I’m manifesting right now we can do that I know e like I don’t know all about that I don’t I I mean right now I you can’t talk about the Super Bowl until

She embra KK The Jerk okay if you if you use my son right which I think y’all will y’all should be interesting team too yeah y’all did my boy Bean wrong this past year you know what we’ll make up for it we’ll make please do I you know hey I

Had my money on him being Rookie of the Year I’ll take that I got it but I really had him as rookie of the year we’ll make we’ll make it up yeah we we we’ll have him breaking some records I got a question e uh Patterson y’all uh

Released him well technically he it really wasn’t a release we really just didn’t resign him per se because he it it was really his last year um so we didn’t know if we were going to do that anyway and then they they’re going a whole another route so if somebody want

To use them they can use them but yeah unfortunately he still got some in the tank for that return game and everything return wise yes but I’m going to say right now he’s getting up there and them injuries or are are keeping him down that’s what I’m talking about SW

Swan not Swan not she not satisfied she trying to look she trying to see who’s available who are here right now we got 19 to 21 what y’all want to do I hear oh yeah because I can restructure for my Gody my liment I get uh 50 Mill off of

Them okay look she she’s already plotting already plot but thank y’all I appreciate it really appre appreciate hopping on the show tonight and you as we said to everybody else you’re always welcome back on the ENT the Lab podcast to talk ball and give us Insight on the Houston

Texans and what they’re gonna be doing this offseason and the coming 2024 season thank you thank you bye Swan bye all right guys so um I guess that’s it um had three great um guests on the show we we learned about their teams what they want to do U in free agencies

Some of the um pickups they had and also what their thinking at their um expected picks in this draft and what they think about some of our teams um during this offseason yes I’m excited we only got a couple more days against the draft so we’re getting close yeah month month out

Month off before my wonderful city is hosting that draft again if you in the city I mean if you going to be in the uh City for the draft pull up I would love to meet some folks have a couple drinks tell you where to go tell you where not

To go listen I’m here to help y’all keep y’all safe we don’t want no calamities during that weekend okay no calamities all right you funny man no calamities I’m I’m yeah yeah okay but look that’s it for today’s show this is enters the Lab podcast presented by Red Zone DC media

Next we’re still gonna be talking free agency but we got a couple of big dates I’m talking about Pro days we’re talking about USC we’re talking about LSU and we’re talking about North Carolina in the next coming weeks this is enter the lab C Henry and Lady E we’ll see you

Guys next Thursday live at 6:30

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