Golf Players

Greatest Chipping Lessons From All The Legends

Fix your chipping with tips from all the greatest Major winners. Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Lee Trevino, Tom Watson, Ray Floyd and more.
In this video each of these major winners will give you a tip on how to easily fix your chipping and short game around the green.

You will see golf tips on the flop shot, the bump and run, how to play from just off the green and more. Some of these tips are timeless and very helpful for us higher handicappers.
00:00 Introduction
00:13 Gary Player
01:32 Raymond Floyd
02:09 Hale Irwin
02:44 Tom Watson
03:45 Lee Trevino
05:34 Greg Norman
06:24 Bernhard Langer
07:40 Jack Nicklaus
09:07 Phil Mickelson
09:37 Tiger Woods Flop Shot
10:38 Tiger Woods Bump and Run

Chipping lessons from some of golf’s greatest  players all of them major winners. If I had to say   everybody from the best in the world to the worst  in the world if there was one shot that was not as  

Quite as good as the rest of the game because it  doesn’t allow it to happen is chipping. Take the   best chipper in the world if you took over a year  chipping say from 10 yards off to the edge of the  

Green probably the average distance would be that,  well you still got to hold that putt. Whereas if   you got long putts lag puts a 40 foot you could  say the average is going to be that big difference  

So chipping is so exact because you might pitch  into a divot you might pitch into the grain you   might pitch with the grain you might pitch across  grain you might just be a little unlucky with the  

Way the ball bounces and has a great effect  at being close to the hole but there’s a rule,   keep it low for the dough, hit it high and you’re  going to cry, or you’re going to die so the thing  

Is that the average weekend golfer he’s right on  the edge of the green I see him using a sandwedge.   He’s got no chance let’s see your chip one  here I got a six iron here you’ve got a six  

Iron a six iron and I always try and pitch the  ball just on the edge of the green here, okay,   so now here I got a six on I’m going to try and  pitch the ball right here it’s much easier to  

Pitch the ball here than it is to pitch it on  a spot over there. Unless you practice all day,   so okay, here we got the six iron watch this I’m  going to pitch it just on the edge of the green  

Here now look at that there’s Perfection for  you, look at this, tell me where it goes. Now   do you know that’s not trick photography, they  saw that on camera. Any question any viewer can   ask me about this shot I’m going to say to you,  just like you putt, now if you’re a cross-handed  

Putter you play the shot cross-handed if you’re  separated with fingers down, however you grip it   and whatever your stance might be, just like you  putt. Now you’re going to see me when I go to putt  

And I don’t have my glove on well that’s the only  thing I. Very simply I think we all have a lot of   a lot of instincts and what I would say to this  they say well how hard should I hit I say well how  

Hard do you throw, it if I ask somebody to pick  this ball say underhanded to that hole, they would   probably just instinctively do something like  that. Say that’s about how hard you hit it, yeah,   so I would say to them imagine just underhand  it so if they’re here and they underhand it they  

Get a pretty good role and you get a success  so what can I tell you it’s it’s the way you   teach it. One of the things that I uh I like to  teach people is that you know you can change to  

The trajectory of your flight of your ball just  by moving your grip around it’s kind of fun to   do that now watch this I’m going to take my grip  right here this is the normal grip like this and  

This is the normal that’s the normal height for  this shot I’m hitting a little bit off the up up   slope. Now if I want to hit go a little bit higher  with it what I’ll do I’ll take my normal grip here  

And I’ll take the left thumb and put it straight  down the the straight down the shaft, weakening,   that’s called a weakened left grip. Bring the  right hand over like that s keep the face open now   watch the difference in the in the ball flight,  yeah, ball goes much higher just by changing your  

Grip there, that’s something to practice another  thing I you then the opposite of that is put the   full Harley on it the left hand put that left  hand over here like this like this right hand  

Underneath like that but make sure that that that  club that ball’s in the back of your stance now watch and you can make that same Club roll. I  like to smother the ball a little bit take a  

Little bounce off the club by putting the club  back in my stance a little bit and making it   a little bit sharper. Not so much finishing  the shot as I do actually attacking the ball   hitting down on it. What that does is when the  ball lands it it actually releases instead of  

Checking the ball will release and then run  almost like a seven iron. I can make a sand   wedge see I can chip a ball with a sand wedge  and make it react like a seven iron. But you’ll  

Notice that the hands the hands will stay in  front of uh see it now watch the hands are   still in the same position to where I finished.  I’m not here now you notice when you hit a shot  

Hold the club and see where it’s at and I  guarantee you you’ll be here and I’m still   in this position. I can actually, watch this,  I can actually hit this ball hold the position,   right watch and come right back  down and hit another one you see

That and what is that due to the flight  or the release of the ball, it’ll release,   it won’t put as much spin on it you understand see  you don’t you don’t people don’t understand you  

Know what puts spin on the ball bounce, bounce  is what puts spin on the ball, when you put a   wedge down at 56 degrees and you hit a golf ball  at the same moment that this bounce catches the  

Ground the ball is on the club face and the club  actually bounces into the ball and makes it spin   up those grooves and that’s what puts the spin  on it. When you put your hands forward and you  

Take the Loft off that club and make it a nine  iron now you don’t have for 1r° of bounce on here   you only have seven. Probably the Magician of  the short game he hit shots better than anybody  

Else I’ve ever seen in my life, he hit shots  that I had never even thought about seeing in   my life. But one of the things that Seve taught  me the most and it’s, it’s remained to this day,  

He said make love to your hands when you put it on  the golf club. More so in chipping than anything   else and what I mean by that is you have to  caress the grip of the golf club do not choke it,  

Do not white knuckle. Just caress it the more  you have your hands soft on the grip the easier   it is for you to accelerate through the ball.  .Severiano Ballesteros, who’s not with us anymore,  

Gave me the greatest tip of all time that’s lasted  to me to this day, is make love to your hands when   you put it on the golf club when you go to play a  Chip Shot. The shot we all try to avoid it’s the  

Shot of last resort and what I see often when  uh even even out in in the pros at times you   know this is what what the outcome is woo and  off he goes. Oh dear. Good thing we don’t have  

Any Spectators around. So absolutely can can have  you have you got a better version of that one for   us I hope so uh I wouldn’t like to live with that  for the rest of my life. So you saw what I did I,  

I never made contact with the ground, I just kind  of bladed it, belly belly bladed, it and as Henry   Cotton would say. uh just trying chop the legs off  so what what I’m trying to do. Is obviously I want  

To hit this High I’m going to open the club face  as much as I can, and uh use the bounce on my club   and from that point on the ball is a little bit  forward I’m pretty much right on on top of it, I’m  

Going to make a Big Arc. I don’t want to lift this  club up and drop it onto the ball because that   would make me most likely blade it or hit it fat,  so I want to have a big swing Big Arc and come in

Shallow, and that is how you hit that high flop  shot it came down as Lee Trevino would say like a   butterfly with sore feet. I kind of like the one  tip that I got which really changed how I played  

Around the green and it was from Arnold. 1962  Arnold and I are playing a practice round at   Palm Springs and I’m chipping every ball off the  edge of the green and I mean I don’t care what I’m  

If I’ve got a five iron six iron nine iron what  it is and I’m sitting there hitting these little   chip shots you know boom and and and they’re  rolling up three, four, five feet from the hole  

And Arnold said, why are you doing that? I said  what do you mean? I said well I’m just chipping,   and he says well he says think about something  he said, think about that chip, how good was that  

Chip, I said how far how what how how good, I was  4 feet from the hole. I said that’s a pretty good   Chip. He says well let’s take your putter, what  would happen if you were in the same exact place,  

And you use your putter for the same shot.  Would four feet be acceptable? he said that’d   be a pretty bad putt. Well sort of think about  that your maybe your best your worst putt will   be just as good as your best chip. Not sure  you might chip the ball closer sometimes but  

You’re not going to hit the ball very far  from the hole with a putter so he told me   he says put that put that chipping iron away  let’s get the putter out when you’re off the

Green, let’s putt it off the green. I use that the  rest of my life and I people always I always give   clinics now and I’m walking up and people say well  what would you do from here I said well 11 times  

Out of 10, I’d putt it. And that’s what I do. Now  the one correct way of doing it is a method I call   hinge and hold but every great chipper does  it they refer to it their own way. They break  

Their wrist immediately going back causing a much  steeper angle of attack into the ball when they go   through they break their wrist going back now the  club is way up here and my arm has barely moved  

From there, I hold it or accelerate going through.  Let me demonstrate I break going back and I hold   it going through. All right so you may have hit  a errant shot or even a good shot to get to the  

Spot if you’re on short sided or a bunker now for  me it’s all dependent on lie. So right here I got   a tight Fairway lie slightly down grain I need  to hit the ball high now for me, when I try and  

Hit these shots I really try and feel as if the  heel of the club is always accelerating and the   toe of the club is is never shutting down. So it’s  important, like for me, I Like to Swing the hosel  

And try and really feel as if this hosel is really  moving through the golf ball at speed. So I try   and feel like it gets faster as it gets towards  the golf ball so you’re not May seeing a shot now  

Where it’s not like that and rolling over I trying  to feel like the heel moves and accelerates to a finish. So I’d be here yeah and be kind of  wrapping it that way swinging out to the right  

With it and you use the toe less resistance yeah  I’m trying to get the the heel as high as I can   that’s what Raymond Floyd used to always tell me.  yeah, and you get your get your hand up there like  

That and stand as close as you can to it. So and  just hit little baby hooks. yeah basically you can   try and build that stance here right foot, yeah  left foot, that feel weird to you no not really  

It’s a little closer than I normally am but yep  but you’re also a lot taller too yeah but when you   hook it it actually runs up that Slope if I don’t  put hook spin on it won’t get up the hill, correct


  1. Am guessing you did’nt know that one of the best golfers in the world, that no one knows, once pitched a no-hitter in pro baseball and has a Purple Heart and 5 Bronze Stars. No other human has accomplished this before.

  2. I would not recommend Tom Watsons advice he’s literally hitting different swing paths that you don’t need to change your grip for … golf is a sport where there’s a millions different ways to do the same thing and most pros learn in there own creative way but realistically Phil has always had the best chipping advice you almost can’t go wrong with it

  3. Me- “But, Greg Norman told me to make love to my hands.”
    Stranger that I paired with- “Let’s get your trousers back on, yea?”

  4. I like the format. Having individual players talking specific shot types. It’s easy to digest and work into a practice session.
    Sometimes tutorial videos can get bogged down in details. This is cut and dry.
    Keep it up.

  5. I’m with Jack. I would likely be hitting a Texas Wedge from these distances anyway. And even further out depending on the conditions. Most amateur golfers can control their putters much better than a wedge or higher degree iron. I hit a chip shot only when the conditions demand it. This mind-set has served me well the majority of the time.

  6. I would encourage everyone to pick up Paul Runyan's book "The Short Way to Lower scores." A bit pricey but it turned me into an excellent chipper.

  7. Gary Player proven wrong by modern stats (Everyone uses a 60 or 56 no matter what and flights it with various techniques). Ray Floyd right about crosshand, it's a way more reliable motion, though with limited flighting possible. Hale Irwin is spot on. Tom Watson is the best chipper in this montage. Lee Trevino is the goat of garbage conditions. He is the best teacher of the lot.

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