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NFL Free Agency Debrief | The Huddle

Welcome back to “The Huddle,” where today we’re wrapping up the whirlwind that was the NFL Free Agency period. Over the past few days, the league has seen a flurry of activity, with teams making significant moves to shape their rosters for the upcoming season. Let’s dive into the debrief, highlighting the biggest signings, the strategic shifts, and what it all means for the league moving forward.

Tune in for the latest news on the NFL as BetUS’s host Dan Mitchell and guests TD Phins Talk and Jets Media break down the latest football rumors and predictions.

In this video:
The Huddle EP #24 0:00
Who has the better secondary: Dolphins or Jets? 2:15
NFL Rule change submissions 17:10
CJ Mosley signs with the Jets 29:07
Eagles illegally spoke to Saquon Barkley? 34:31

#thehuddle #betustv #nflfreeagency

Follow us and the crew on X and social media:
Dan: @realdanmitchell
Jets Media: @NYJets_Media
TD Phins: @TDPhinsTalk

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Ladies and gentlemen welcome to another edition of the Huddle edition of the Huddle I believe this is episode 24 and it continuously shocks me every single time that I tune in and I watch the live chat and see how many regulars I’m seeing already folks thank you so

Much smash that like button for us helps the channel continuously grow we’re here every single Monday through Friday as you know Richie what’s going on with you today my friend things are great baby we got good news this morning can’t wait to talk about that definitely can’t wait to talk about that

And uh you know the Vibes are Immaculate right now The Vibes are Immaculate I’m about to go to see Dune 2 and IMAX for the third time tonight because I’m a Loser yeah of course you’re not a loser enjoy Cinema I do enjoy I’m a cinema

Buff I’m going with my dad uh his first time so that’s why I’m going I’m going to the number one theater in New York City it’s gonna be a lot of fun man so I’m really pumped up to talk about everything going on in the NFL cuz free

Agencies officially open yesterday at 4 P.M right after our show it officially launched we have some more breaking news to talk about and I feel like there’s going to be more moves on the horizon maybe some news breaking today while we’re live on the Huddle that’s a possibility already happening someone

Just said Dan’s looking like he’s about to be on The Bachelor thank you thank you thank you I appreciate that Dan Mitchell look at that baby look at that I’mma happily take a man TD how’s life baby life is great because we got breaking news the Miami Dolphins the Miami

Dolphins just signed the number one corner in free agency and Kendall Fuller let’s go let’s go let’s do it ladies and gentlemen the Miami Dolphins are making are doing they’ve replaced xaven Hower with the number one rated cornerback in free agency the Miami Dolphins now have the best secondary in the entire

NFL that’s right in the entire NFL the Miami Dolphins are Super Bowl B baby we about to get the nose tackle and it’s gonna be over it’s gonna be over puyer Javon Holland Jaylen Ramsey and now Kendall Fuller it is over ladies and gentlemen your offenes now have an

Official no fly zone in Miami Buffalo shivering Jets terrified Pat don’t exist let’s go let’s go who’s terrified I don’t understand my all right listen I will go on ahead and say I was wondering why TD was being uncharacteristically quiet at the beginning of this episode

While we were backstage when did you see this was this prior to us going liveing up right when Richie was talking Richie was talking and I saw it and it’s over baby Super Bowl bound let’s go now we got man oh man Dan we got the linebackers we got the secondary now we

Just gotta solidify the trenches in in the draft and a few free agents it’s over baby dolphins just did it now now I gotta say now I gotta say and this is me being as objective is humanly possible I like the move in my opinion I do think that y’all’s secondary is significantly

Better than what was last year I think that you have certainly taken steps and somehow you were able to improve your defense while not only walking away or I mean mutually walking away from Vic fangio uh but dude secondary is secondary is an animal I think Kendall

Fuller is a massive upgrade from X Howard I think that that’s absolutely factual at that point as long as Ramsey can stay healthy and I mean you’ve heard me give roses over to Jordan puyer I love the guy I’m certainly hoping that he’ll just have his two worst games

Against the to Buffalo Bills then obviously with javar Holland man I mean I think that it’s and so I think it’s intriguing I really really do I think the way that defenses have been running as of late with two high safety sets I think that that certainly does still

Open up some desire for your potential run defense especially up in the trenches but I mean yeah dude I mean honestly sick pickup Richie what do you think about this yeah definitely a good pickup for the Miami Dolphins they needed to you replace X um I still don’t

Understand the camps Smith draft pick but I guess he’s just going to be more depth Behind these two guys uh Kendall Fuller he’s a solid Corner get him for a two-year deal on a 16 and a half million dollar contract he’s a solid player I

Mean this is a guy who you know has been in league for quite some time and I feel like you talk about a Miami Dolphins defense that needed some help in that secondary I definitely feel like this is the guy that they should have pursued in free agency I mean he’s definitely not

Like even a top tier Corner any anymore my opinion but he’s definitely a guy that’s going to help out this Miami Dolphins defense and help them to get to where they want to go I mean he’s 29 years old and 16 career interceptions I mean they’re they’re going you know the

The Dolphins are going the route of a of veterans right they have one young stud in their secondary the rest are three older players in Fuller Ramsey and Jordan puyer so I’m sure Kendall Fuller signing is going to Hype up TD to go all the way back to Super Bowl talk and it’s

Good to have our friend TD fins talk back now with Cam Smith does he have like any experience in the slot like as like a slot corner at all or like what are y’all doing with him uh this tells me that Chris Greer is terrible in drafting certain players

This is hiding his flaw once again with Cam Smith um that’s all this is okay I already made it clear to Dolphin fans if we sign a cornerback for more than about $6 million and that tells you Cam Smith isn’t starting because they are not bringing Kendall Fuller in to be a

Backup and we know Ramsey ain’t gonna be a backup therefore cam Smith officially is they don’t believe in him okay so another failure for Chris Greer um confirmed in my opinion um and then on top of that hey fangio was right fangio was right to um obviously have sat the

Kid all this time because if you believed in him you don’t make this kind of best man I know once again it’s not like it’s this whopping you know commit um but two years 16 and a half million need to look at the guarantees but this

Is obviously a move where you feel like felt like you needed another starter you’re not bringing this guy in to backup cam Smith now who’s your current slot quarter though is it K uh Nick need him Nick need okay yeah all right yeah um and we hoping that he can come back

To you know when he played his best football you know um we don’t know what we’re getting since you know his major injury a few years ago and then retweaked it um last year so we’ll see what we get in that regard but the top is heavy the top has always been heavy

In Miami um and now we’ve you know lost quite a few topheavy guys we replaced with a whole bunch of mid guys but this is a really good move xaven Howard was downhill and this is the best corner coming off the board in free agency if you notice Corners hadn’t been moving

This was the LA the best one available the last best one available um and we got him damn salid salid stuff in Miami man I mean hey Richie I mean where would you put Miami as compared to the Jets superow it doesn’t I mean their their two corners don’t compare the our two

Corners but they’re still good they’re still definitely good Corners gosh what did I did I no no no no no you see what he did then you asked about the you asked him about the entire secondary and he always go to little Corners always going to the entire secondary Richie

That’s what the question was the entire secondary yeah I mean you guys got you guys got the better safeties congratulations but I think our Corners are that much better where balances it out yeah all together who has the better secondary I like our slot cornerback our

Slot Corner if you want to include him into the secondary mixed in with Tony Adams who is a stud little young Uprising safety and we just got Chuck Clark back Hey listen I’m not saying our safeties are better but as a collective there’s reasons to believe that J

Secondary is right there and so I think we all agree as well safeties are kind of meaningless in today’s NFL I know meop stop it TD’s making it seem like the secondary is like just all of a sudden Elite and top in the NFL like that’s not true L ladies and gentlemen

The only reason Dan Mitchell all of a sudden let me let me make sure y’all are clear okay Dan Mitchell didn’t start with this Narrative of safeties are irrelevant until about three weeks ago when dear Hamlin is his starting safety okay that’s who he’s gonna have in the

Secondary Demar Hamlin and now he’s starting this narrative that safeties aren’t that big of a deal anyway we have the best secondary in the NFL I mean when the Jets have literally the best corner in the NFL that elevates our secondary to another level so that’s really what it comes down to objectively

By the way I’m saying that consensus every single NFL fan with the right rational mind gets that as a reality but delusional Dolphins fans like yourself oh but he holds how about you educate yourself and stop spinning nonsense about that cuz you sound like an idiot

Every time you say it you Richie listen this is what this is what I do what can you say about sace besides a fake narrative that continue see see ladies and gentlemen this is what Richie does he has nothing to argue about so he holds on to Sauce

Garder being the best which elevates the secondary part of the by the way see is sa part of the secondary or is part of the defensive line I forgot rich never address the real question asked he got to go to the sub question to try to make himself question is the secondary sauce

Is part of the secondary which elevates the secondary of the New York Jet he is part of the secondary but he doesn’t give you all the best secondary we are asking you to pick one or the other Miami or the Jets don’t if I had to choose between the jet second and the

Dolphin secondary it’s not close bro I’m not even kidding you’re right there bro if ask me right now if you would ask me right now would you trade every single dolphin secondary for every single player in the Jets and just swap him I would say absolutely not I’m not giving

You that no you see you see the ladies gent and corner and Slot 100% I’ll take the Jets any day of the week not even just three minutes ago three minutes look at the look at the hypocrisy three minutes ago said he said hold on let me

Finish let me finish three minutes ago out of his own mouth he said I mean when you put it all together the Jets are right there and now it’s not even close Richie you’re pulling on strings bro just like sace you’re pulling you’re tugging you’re holding on to the one

Argument that you have in Sal Garder at the end of the day our secondary is better than yours from top to bottom when you look at collect you have the better safety duo we have the better corners and if you ask me right now I’m

Paper if I had to swap them I would never do that I’m not giving you the jet secondary for that dolphin’s washed second you have one good promising young player that I’ll give you credit Javon Holland Jaylen Ramsey is a shell of himself Fuller is a is a a quality

Player and Jordan poyer’s 33 years old he’s washed up 100% taking the Jack secondary still playing well 100% this is the difference this is the difference we doing you have the better safeties we have the better corners and our Corners elevates that’s simple you have to talk

No no no you got to talk about put it on a on a scale the jet safeties are a five out of 10 their Corners are a nine out of 10 the Dolphins Corners are eight out of 10 and our safeties are eight out of 10 that we are eight y’all Tire

Secondary is like a seven point5 call it what it is damn it’s okay Richie it’s all right second place something I would love to go across the NFL a non-objective non-bias and ask people which secondary would you prefer a secondary that’s highlighted by the best corner in the NFL Collective with Tony

Adams DJ Reed Michael Carter II and the rest of the boys or Jaylen Ramsey and Fuller and puyer and those guys I would love to see what their answer would be everybody would take the lock down of that jet secondary 100% they’ll take Holland and Ramsay over the one guy you

Got in um sace any day of the week one guy Ser they’ll take Holland and Ramsey over the one guy Corner isim eight times better than yours first of all Michael Carter the second’s about to get paid stop it I’m not gonna stop bro I’m saying Michael Carter II that’s

Objective he is a slot Corner in the NFL he was right behind the top guys as an all proo y’all ain’t winning six games Richie stop it is what it is all right this is what we’re gonna go okay all right hey hey way to prove to me win the

Argument by you going to win six games thank you a y’all win six games listen at the end of the day Richie you can argue all you want we got the better secondary all together we have the better defense anyway I mean you can keep saying all you want keep crying oh

We’re going to get CJ mosy how did that go now you’re going to move the goal po say he’s washed we never wanted him how did that go Ramsay is better than sauce but you’ll argue that too I’m not even going to go there bro one’s a Hall of

Famer and one’s an all pro one’s a Hall of Famer and one’s an all pro yeah yeah put a little more more work in before we start putting him in in a category two seasons and put some more work in put some more work in he played two seasons

And he’s on a Hall of Fame Pace what else do you need him to do Pace Pace one of them get dude listen what else do you want him to do he’s played two seasons and been the best corner in his first two years anybody else has done that

Exactly temper your expectations he only played two seasons and has been the best hey I’ll tell you Hey listen I’ll tell you what man if s were to retire this year I think he’d be a Hall of Famer if him and Ramsey the same Ramsey did Andrew Luck needs to be

In a Hall of Fame stop it stop it already Okay at the end of the day you can’t give sa any credit it’s just a t how much of a hater you are you are such a blind hater that you can’t give him any credit for being doing something

That we’ve literally never seen once in the NFL history he’s doing things and you got to discredit right here right here live on the Huddle for once I will give sace all the credit in the world ladies and gentlemen hear me and hear me clearly okay s Garner there is no one in

The league better than this man Mr holder you are literally just proving how uneducated you are so uneducated it’s bad you literally hold on to falsear you’re literally talking like a clown Richie why is it that every fan base calls him a holder why do you think they don’t watch football they don’t

Watch film they don’t watch film bro they don’t understand the sport it’s so obvious he’s at the top everyone’s got to hate on him for only person am I the only you’re not the only person you heard say that you’re opening your mouth to like you’re proving you’re not

Educated TD I would love to bring you in the film room and educate you on S cuz you obviously not educated and you know what you’re doing oh I just got you what you’re doing is you’re looking at what people are saying on Twitter oh SAU

Holds oh I’m going to attach myself to this narrative instead of do my own research do your own research and you’ll figure out the truth stop attaching to fake narratives I’m sick of this nonsense sick of this nonsense with you you would defend a jet player like no

Other I admire you bro what are you talking about bro s’s objective why is he all pro if he had this holding issue he would not be S is a great corner I’m not going to knock that but that’s not act like he don’t get away with some

Stuff Rich bro so did derell Rivas that’s what great players do so what’s your point what’s your point great players know how to know the game they know how to get in and out of their breaks they know when to hold and when not to hold and get away with it it’s

Part of football learn the sport TD learn the position and then you’ll realize the reality of the situation you’re just proving that you don’t understand the cornerback position in football that’s all you’re selling to me that’s all you’re saying let me know let me know when he start getting a few

Turnovers and stuff that that’s when I’ll you know all right all right all right let’s move on because we have some topics to discuss right now very interested to see how the Miami Dolphins defense plays this year um I’ve seen this movie a time or two ladies and gent

I’ve seen this movie a time or two about some secondary additions that are supposed to be life-changing we’ll see if there’s a different ending of that specific movie but I’ll tell you what boys listen um the competition committee has a full plate of different rules that they are submitting to be taken under

Consideration for the upcoming season in 2024 we have discussed the kickoff rule essentially and I did end up doing some more research on it like we ended up saying they’d start at the 35 if it was a Touchback and then the receiving team lines up on the 30 yard line and the

Kicking team lines up five yards away from them meaning that they can’t even move until the player catches the ball that is one and then number two is interesting I thought this was kind of cool this would basically like eliminate the onside kick but the Philadelphia Eagles suggested and have submitted a

Rule change for 2024 that rather than an onside kick a team can elect to go for a fourth and 20 conversion meaning that rather than having to deal with onside kick their team that offense rolls out there and they need to convert a fourth and 20 thoughts on this potential rule

Change do you love it do you hate it Richie that’s interesting I don’t really think they should go I don’t know I mean the onside kick is so fun to me I feel like the onside kick is part of the impos it makes it feel like it’s way

More uh they’re making it easier to come back is my opinion like you’re down two scores you score a touchdown you have to go out there and get the onside kick otherwise you lose now they’re making it a little more easy for them to for uh

Make a comeback I’m not a fan of it I like the onside kick it adds another element to the uh the the miracle of winning a game from behind like that Jets Browns game two years ago week two for the Jets being down 31 to 17 with

Two minutes left they score a touchdown they recover an onside kick and then they score another touchdown like that’s why that game was so special it was a miracle it’s so hard to recover these onside kicks I’m not a fan of the movie TD what do you think about hold on hold

Back up so the move is official now no no no it’s being voted on it’s being considered and so the eag submitted it for consideration so again the alternative instead of the onside kick is a fourth and 20 conversion fourth and 20 conversion from where you

Are uh that is unclear I’m assuming yeah so I’m assuming where you are yeah I I wouldn’t I would need to understand it wouldn’t because they would have to onside to kick it right are they starting at the 35 where you kick the ball or something like that

And you just got to get 20 yards and you get it back um I’m unclear on that but I would assume it’s probably around that nature do you like it or do you not I don’t like it I think we’re changing this game we’re changing this

Game if we go that route I I get the excitement behind it because third and 20 in a do a die situation is a little more exciting and I personally believe the numbers would go up as far as success rate um of achieving what you’re trying to achieve but I hate that the

Team that is up worked so hard all game just for you to get that try like that which is easier in my opinion and then getting an onside kick because the piece that I don’t like is you know what’s going to end up happening and people are

Going to say oh they’re cheating it’s going to be a penalty on the play a defensive holding that might be an automatic success or whatever you may call it you know I don’t know how all those details will work out but keep the game the way that it is

You got a good product already I don’t see what the big deal is you shouldn’t have got yourself in that position to need an onside kick to begin with and if you do need one then kick the onside kick that’s what the game is stop with all this extra stuff making it bonus

Round you know at some point we’re gonna get to a point to where hey if it’s tied in overtime we’re gonna put both quarterbacks out there to see who runs the fastest 40 and they win the game I don’t know just just keep you know I’m over it keep the game the way

It is what’s wrong with the way it is onside kick isn’t dangerous nobody’s out there getting hurt on onside kicks leave the competitive nature where it is and shout out to DeAndre Vega that’s what I’m talking about I’m with TD they know what time it is it’s

Secondary no fly zone going forward but that’s not a h all right see see me I actually wouldn’t be opposed to it because you look at it I feel like an onside kick is very high adrenaline and it’s very unlikely to convert right I mean not a lot of onside kicks convert

Hence why it’s so impressive but a fourth and 20 bro I feel like my anxiety is equally at a an all-time high and I would say if it’s about the same difficulty and so it’s about the same difficulty if not slightly more unlikely that it will be converted on a for in

Fact that’s a great question and so do you think it’s more likely to convert on onside kick or convert on a fourth and 20 or would you say it’s about equal fourth and 20 is easier definitely easier penalties in yeah penalties into play fourth and 20

You still got those windows in in the zone you know the defense is going to back up to play the sticks in the Deep the little screens potential it’s all yeah fourth and 20 is easier to me got it all right interesting interesting there is one more rule I did want to discuss

Something I think that all of us will be on the same page um it’s changing the game but it’s interesting but first I do want to remind everybody 251 of you currently watching thank you so much please put a one in the chat if you were

A regular you regularly tune in to the huddle as you know 3 p p.m EST Monday through Friday each and every single week and also smash that like button for us guys thumbs up sign let’s get up to 150 like buttons I think we can do it

Helps us out but go ahead and start spamming ones in the chat if you consider yourself or you are a regular of this show all right second rule we’ve already beaten this kickoff rule like a dead horse but I wanted to put something that was even more interesting the Lions the Lions have

Proposed that each coach coach in the playoffs receives a third Challenge and they can only get that third challenge if they hit one of the two challenges earlier on in that game so say for example uh that they challenge a play Etc and they get one right and they get

One wrong whatever they have this but the kicker is is that each coach has a challenge in the final two minutes of the game and it could be used against a mist or a botch penalty call meaning that they can challenge a potential missed penalty call let’s go or to

Review a penalty to see if they can get a second opinion of whether or not that it truly happened it would go up to the booth and stuff and they would look at it and then these rule makers would look they’d be like okay was this truly a

Holding or was this truly Pi etc etc TD what are your thoughts on that one this is only for the playoffs a challengeable penalty call love it it’s necessary um I know it’s a little extra but man do you know how many times you know everybody

Oh itried you know how many times on those plays where how can you just miss the blatant holding right here all of that man that happens a lot that’s the one thing I’m glad who proposed this Denver who did uh this is the lions lions thank you Detroit Lions you’re

Proposing some things that would make real differences to get it right these will get it right Miss calls are the thing that bothers everyone okay it’s not the bad call the bad call can be rectified or you gotta live with because hopefully at least it was close okay

It’s the M obvious calls that we all see at the end of the game where the ref doesn’t want to decide the game we’ll let the coach decide it by throwing a challenge and saying now this might take that Booth being extra diligent in each team hiring extra person or two to be

Real quick on it hey challenge this number seven number 17 was actually holding whatever the penalty was and you know one penalty that they’ll probably use it on randomly is in an ineligible downfield which happens all the time it’s just you got to know what to look

For and when to look for I think that this is perfect for teams um give them one that way the game doesn’t get crazy all Game Challenge and everything but give them one in the playoffs in the last two minutes I’m def definitely down for that yeah and just so everyone is

Properly informed I did misspeak it was the Colts that proposed this and this is all season long this is not during the playoffs it reads the Colts are proposing that any foul called by an onfield official could be reviewable by instant replay either through a teams challenge or a booth initiated Replay in

The final two minutes all season so the Colts are trying to make this a season long thing final 2 minutes all penalties are reviewable based off of a challenge or a booth initiated call Richie thoughts on this is this a double-edged sword talk to me yeah I mean the amount

Of times I’ve watched we’ve watched NFL games and we see a missed call and then we have a former NFL ref come on to screen and just tell us to our face yep that’s a missed call and they just have no they can’t do anything about it it

Just drives me nuts like obviously Miss calls are a big part of the game happens in every sport happens in the NBA happens in baseball it’s part of it right until they get robots doing it it’s not going to go away there’s a human element involved here I kind of

Like it I mean let’s not forget they did try this already for a season when they can challenge pass interference and uh then they didn’t keep up with it after that yeah so I think they’re trying to get it back because they’re realizing the NFL you know has an issue with these

Refs they all can’t make the right calls on a consistent basis so I’m a little more open to this I feel like this is going to be more of a transparency within the NFL of making sure that there’s no rig right because there’s so many conspiracy theories out there about

The NFL being rigged because of this because of that and I feel like it’s inevitable for a ref just to not see a call and not throw the flag or throw a flag when there shouldn’t be a flag so I’m for it I would prefer in the

Postseason I feel like that would be better than the regular season but that’s just me interesting all right and there’s several other rules that are being put into place some that are Vanilla some that are interesting for example that one kickoff rule that plagued us last

Year where any sort of Touchback or a fair catch called within the 25 down to the One automatically gets placed to the 25 that was only a one-year thing they’re voting if they want to reinstall it so certainly something to keep an eye out on we should be getting

Understanding or an understanding of some of these rules and whether or not that they will be put into play for The Following season so stay tuned for that we will certainly be making that a large segment over here on the Huddle now CJ Mosley resigned with the New York Jets

CJ Mosley he’s coming back he’s coming back man very good linebacker very very good linebacker I I know that TD was very high on the Dolphins potentially making a move for him but Richie you got your guy man how do you feel uh not shocked I’ve been telling TD

Since he brought up that nonsense from the start that he’s not going anywhere and if anything I remember TD said quote you got to look out Richie these players at the back end of their careers they want to get paid so CJ’s G either demand a big contract extension or get released

Well guess what he took a pay cut because that’s how much he loves this Jets organization that’s how much he wants to be here and I told you that from the start you didn’t believe me you kept pushing this fake narrative and I Told You So CJ Molly’s back not only for

This year but another season they add another year in his contract and it really frees up the New York Jets some cap space to work with for this season which is really big and he takes a pay cut this just shows you how much of a

Captain how much of a leader how much he really means to the New York Jets and like I’m not going to lie there are some Jets fans that drove me nuts saying that we should release him and all these things and I would always press them and

Say you are so dead wrong CJ mosy is the heart and soul he is the captain he’s the leader he is the he is responsible for the development of Quincy Williams who by the way broke out this past season who was a first team All Pro I know all pro doesn’t really mean

Anything in TD Finn Talk’s brain but I’ll just remind the people all pro means you’re the best player at the respected position and that was Quincy Williams last year who’s the All Pro the year prior CJ mosy so it was a beautiful story there where CJ mosy was developing

Quincy Williams and then Quincy Williams developed the Jets gave him a contract extension last year in Quincy he breaks out this year and now we have two Dynamic linebackers two allp proo talents at the heart of the New York Jets defense CJ Mosley I feel like the Jets are really setting themselves up

For a two-year window all the contracts that they’re handing out is for the next two Seasons John Simpson are left guards on a two-year deal we extend CJ moosy for another two seasons so it definitely feels like the Jets have this two-year window that they’re trying to go all in

With Aaron Rogers so absolute really great move for the Jets because his $21 million cap hit was a lot so what the Jets Told CJ is we want to keep you here long term and he’s like you know what I’ll do it and he took the pay cut he

Gets paid we get it it it just it’s awesome to hear that CJ mosy is so selfless and really trusts and believes in what the New York Jets are are doing that he’ll be able to do this for the New York Jets organization so um I knew he was going nowhere there’s honestly

Not one little sliver of worry in my brain even when TD kept bringing it up like sometimes I worry about some things but I’ll be honest I was not worried about this I knew CJ was going nowhere Richie you got some serious beef with TD man well you

Know it’s just been years piling on right and just like like this was the year you snapped you had him well this this is the year we probably going to gripe more than ever because this is where it’s about to go down this is the year right here we’re going to see what

Do you mean last year well your quarterback got hurt so it was an unfair fight so oh now you say that yeah yeah yeah you know I could be objective sometimes yeah now now you say but other times it’s it’s gonna be interesting because that fight for second place is about to

Be exhilarating yeah man and whoever win whoever wins is first listen Dan don’t think you belong in these conversations until you replace dear Hamlin as your starter okay is it’s that simple but I will say this it’s going to be it’s gonna be deamar Hamlin season dude he’s

About to dude dude let me tell you what man listen I hope more than anything that if it does turn out that Demar Hamlin is the starting safety for the bills in the regular season dude I hope he picks Tua off like three times in a game oh now now

I if he get once if he get him once yeah I’m losing it I’m losing every he gets him once listen I can just see your reaction on your stream you be like Tomar hlin just I can dude dude rest in peace to your chair

Bro well let me say this about the CJ Mosley move though um uh jet save money they get their guy and I will be honest the one thing that I have always been jealous about with the Jets is their linebacking Corp I mean those guys I

Mean I don’t care what anybody says they can talk about the secondary the corners and all that those linebackers in my opinion you know how I see them play in certain games they make the difference they make life easier on the outside and on the inside and in the back end you

Know they they’re just High Flyers and I love CJ Mosley but you know now he’s washed to me okay at the end of the day but no man um the Jets they they looking good um I just can’t wait for this season to start because I want to see

What this all looks like on the field because that’s all that matters but it’s going to be tough in this division between Miami and the Jets we know the Patriots are down in the dirt and Buffalo’s on a sharp decline but the Jets and the Dolphins are gonna be fighting it out

Man go baby ah that is uh dear hlin Dan stopar that’s that’s nuts man that that is nuts indeed all right listen there’s been some wrongdoing in the NFL boys the Eagles and the Falcons made a boo boo all right both of them are currently under investigation for potentially illegally tampering oh moves

That brought saquan Barkley and Kurt Cousins over to Atlanta now for really anybody that is interested in the incres of the rule of law governing the legal tampering period GMS and front offices can have all the conversations in the world that they would like to have with a players agent

The only way that they could ever have a conversation with a player is as if that said player represented himself well hoe Roseman over in Philly and the Atlanta Falcons GM sincerest apologies his name has slipped my mind allegedly H had conversations with both of those players

Right before those deals were done it made a lot of sense I think Richie may have pointed this out or maybe it was TD couple of uh maybe episodes ago when they said you know what I’m surprised that they got that much of a bag not knowing the status of Kirk Cousins

Recovery from his thing so like how did they know that why did they pay him all of that money immediately without hearing you know from the horse’s mouth that he was just good to go his recovery was on pace so I’ll start off with TD about this situation sequan Barkley Kirk

Cousins maybe tainted goods and now both both of these teams if these investigations turn out in the negative then both of these teams could be facing penalties in losing draft picks talk to me TD are you sniffing Something Fishy is fish in the air baby talk to me

Um we we already know they were tampering it’s just people start talking about it actively in the public and stuff in the NFLs like gosh man why do y’all do this you know we allow you to do it but now they’re talking about it in the public

And we got to come investigate now so get your story together so we can boo past it that that’s all that’s going to happen they’re gonna come back and be like no no no they had all that stuff ready man they they came and said showed us the

Medical showed us this hey this what we got they said yeah and we got it done that’s what it’s going to end up being the real I mean think about how many times do you see a team caught for tampering the Dolphins like other than the do dolphins with Brady situation how

Often do you see it and how many times well we’re investigating but nothing comes of it the only reason we got caught up in it because it was a part of a lawsuit and the coach was snitching like no I don’t care this what happened D they had they did nothing they could

Have done to sweep it under the table nothing they could have done so they’ll probably sweep this under of the table unless there’s some disgruntled party involved in all of this that has the evidence that wants to say no look look look this what I got if

They get a fine or and get a draft pick taken away that means somebody was disgruntled in the whole thing somebody on the Minnesota end of it or something like that that has actual evidential proof other than that they’re gonna be like you know we looked into it

We really didn’t find nothing at all um and then they’re gonna come up with a cover story this is normal man but yeah they were tampering of course they were so there could be some rats in the building man listen these GMS if you want a tamper baby just get some burner

Phones just get up like uh just set up a meeting in some back room Speak Easy marar red smoke fied hoodies disguises if if you wanted to have the conversations man you got to be smart Richie your take on the tampering situation did they do it yeah I mean you

Guys were saying every single team tampers and I’m like well if they tamper they’ll get investigated and get ridiculed for it and here we are two players that tampered and the teams are now being investigated for for that reason it’s illegal for a reason because it gives you an advantage if you can

Call players before the legal tampering period that gives you an advantage of free agency which is why it is illegal and it should be ridiculed this happened in the NBA even with my New York Knicks they tampered with Jaylen Brunson that whole offseason was linking Brunson to

The Knicks and the same thing happened it’s part of the sport and you guys just say oh it’s normal everyone tampers that’s not true if everyone tampers and everybody’s be getting raised to investigation say Jon Barkley and kurk cousins both were tampered with with the Falcons and the Eagles and now they’re

Being investigated for it now they may investigate and say you know what they actually the evidence wasn’t there then it’s not there but if they figure out the evidence was there they’ll take a draft pick away from it it’s it’s standard procedure this isn’t anything new it happens every single year there

Are teams that would like even rather tamper and sacrifice a draft pick it that means they’re locking down their guy and that’s another thing you have to talk about right with the Falcons perspective they’re like you know what let’s tamper what’s the worst that can

Happen we lose a mid round pick right so some of these teams maybe even will do it even knowing that that that they will be investigated and still get you know uh ridiculed for it so it’s not new news it happens every year happens all the time and every single you know time

There’s tampering the NFL will investigate it’s just a matter of if it’s a big enough deal for them to take away those draft picks or not Richie you really think that every team does not tamper do you really really believe that every you think every single team tamper

Every single team some people get away with it I’m sure put the poll up man no everybody does Rich I’m telling you every team does this but nobody expects you to go on a pod and start listing how it all happened and you know he didn’t really

Mean to he didn’t even realize he was spilling the beans he didn’t even realize it but every team does Richie they they’ve been talking four weeks ago the point is if you do it and you get caught you’re going to inv for it that’s the point that’s the whole

Thing jet don’t tamper jet Jets follow the rules baby come on the jet I knew that’s what you were gonna get at I feel you guys are all cheaters bro the Dolphins you’re you’re just like spewing this nonsense and making it on everybody else that they tamper because you guys

Are the ones you’re the one that’s saying Tom Brady this and you’re trying to like minimize that like that’s no big deal you might be on to something Richie we’ve been trash for 20 years and then when we finally t with Tom Brady we start getting better you know we start

Getting better once we started tampering okay we got caught right away but we start getting better so you might be on to something there Richie I tell you what man I mean sometimes you just need to stir the spot you know just stir the pot with some controversy to really get

Things going like if every team tampered the way that you did I think there would be a big issue in the NFL that they’ be investigating like a lot of things personally it’s the agents the agents are having conversations I mean let me put it like this look at many free

Agents we had right and we literally had nobody’s talking about this but we got an agent that does weekly shows in a DOL Community that’s saying well yeah my client has a lot of interest in free agency he was saying this two weeks ago yeah he has a lot of interest we’ll see

He wants to be back in Miami they want him back but you know he has some interest with some other clubs and this how do you know that because GM’s their job is to shop out there for their client hey if if he became a free agent um what would you be

Looking man they all know all of them it’s what the agents do they got to find their client the biggest bag they can to get on it right away before the market dries up Calvin Ridley baby which was a shock yeah by the way we didn’t talk about that yesterday did

We no Happ because the show the show was over and folks if you don’t remember we were all sitting here dead it was 85% he was going back to the Jags and a slight shot that he was going over to New England and then all of a sudden Calvin Ridley breaking news Adam

Sher Tennessee Titans the Tennessee Titans going over there bag chasing I feel like he just didn’t want to be in the elements over in New England you know like that like Championship Persona like that smell has dwindled quite a bit but he a th% chased the bag on this does

This does this move change y’all’s thoughts on how the Titans are going to be next year at all like did this move buy them a couple of more wins I’m not going to go as far and say does this make them division contenders but I think on paper it makes him damn

Good I mean you have dehop and Calvin Ridley on the outside TD when you like you’re right on paper man you have to respect the the the top five on a roster the two wide receiver the running back and the quarter well the top four okay it all depends on the

Quarterback what is levit going to do next year he got the weapons this is your second year you got the weapons you got a running back they’re fixed they’re trying to fix the old line right now it’s already better than it was last year but you got a little bit more work

To do so it’s all dependent on will Levis um but they have set him up for Success early on so that they could determine whether or not he’s the guy this year and maybe next year so that they could make decisions for the future but you cannot knock this move you had

Calvin really with the guys that they already have dehop is coming back you got a nice tight end you got a good running back they just resigned another receiver that is you know a third number three but he’s solid um listen will Lis what can you do with this if you’re that

Guy that you shouldn’t have any issue with this core I actually like it and believe it or not they could actually be sneaky good to make the playoffs potentially if Will Levis has a great season but that doesn’t mean you’re going to win a division but it does put

The Tennessee Titans closer in the division and the bigger concern Dan that nobody’s talking about in this move this was a massive blow for the Jaguars they Rec and they got weapons but I’m sorry that division is as wide open as it can be with the Texans as the

Favorite but that division is open it is definitely open now I test here and Richie I want to hear your take on on this and then also include and feel pretty chime in as well CD after Richie here but does that put them over to the Colts and does that put them

Over to the Jaguars it’s hard for me to predict the like the top Echelon R of the AFC South I want to give the nod to the Texans but I’m not so sure Richie thoughts on the Ridley move what does that mean for Tennessee and what does

That mean for the AFC C I mean the the first thing I’m thinking of is why did they not extend AJ Brown and pay him if they’re going to overpay that type of move I mean that’s number one number two um I mean everyone’s posting the Titans

Playmakers I mean come on tyj Spears DeAndre Hopkins Calvin Ridley oh with the bottom Barrel offensive line will Levis I mean I mean they just signed I forgot Tony Pard as well it could definitely make a move right they’re different team Now new head coach Derk

Henry’s gone but boy oh boy that is an overpay but at the end of the day that’s the game of the NFL every year there’s a new overpaid wide receiver and Calvin really is the new guy to benefit from the market and the cap space increasing

You know who else is overpaid this off season Christian Wilkins because the market is the reason for that that’s just an example $110 million like that like Calvin Ridley is like another it’s just whoever is the best player at that position that’s available on the open

Market is going to cash in and get paid the big bucks and everyone’s going to say overpaid another former dolphin Robert hunt man come on five years 100 million that’s what I’m saying my man there’s there’s overpaying things happening all across free agency which

Is why you want to try to lock down your guys um before they hit the open market for that reason so definitely an overpay but at the end of the day for the Titans sometimes you have to overpay to get Talent um so that that’s why it’s a

Double-edged short it’s like well if we don’t overpay then we’re really screwed so should we bite the bullet overpay for Calvin Ridley and give you know our Young quarterback another Elite weapon and now they have Hopkins and Ridley two veterans that are obviously uh you know I mean I I do want to

Say Calvin Ridley’s like in his prime I would say he’s right now in his prime 29 years old DeAndre Hopkins obviously is not so you’re giving someone a big time contract in the prime of his career so we’ll see have they stack up in the AFC

South I’m not ready to give them the crown it’s definitely the Texans and the Jaguars over them for me we got breaking news we do have it DJ reader yeah has been signed to Richie where do you think he signed he where do you think you sign ah

The Lions the Lions the Detroit Lions baby yeah that’s the move they wanted to make that was the piece that they need wanted to make man and it’s funny because like this news broke right when I was like starting to like really wrap my head around the AFC South and how

Competitive that they are about to be but that’s another Division coming up next year where I think a lot of the teams have built up to a point where I think that it’s going to be very interesting I’m not really confident to go out and say that

I think the lions are shins to winning the NFC North but this is a damn damn good signing for them Green Bay was looking Dam good toward the end of the year and the Chicago Bears they’re making all the moves they’re going to be Boomer bust going into it I think the

Vikes are a lost cause but I think those three teams I think that division is going to be wildly wildly competitive the Lions desperately needed desperately needed some more pass rush help to so to help out like Hutchinson and watch Hutchinson absolutely go off next year because of this move I absolutely love

It TD talk to me about your thoughts on this I hate it well why because um I wanted him well I would have loved to have them especially since we’re about to get the Miami Dolphins are about to get Detroit scraps and Bonito Jones who they released who’s one of the worst

Defensive tackles in the NFL ladies and gentlemen and the dolphins look like they’re GNA sign him remember the Dolphins brought him in in 2020 a few years ago 2021 he didn’t even play and um oh my gosh they the the Lions get the big fish and we get

The sliced up I don’t know yeah I’m oh my oh and that’s three defensive tackles that the Dolphins brought in that are just not good defensive tackles and I’m just praying that they’re going in the draft at number 21 to address the position because if they go to war like

This that can spell a major issue for the defense our secondary is pretty good right now but teams would be running the ball all over us the the Lions this is what they wanted I heard all on the online all through the threads lion fans please get reader please get reader the

Missing piece the one more piece we need get reader get reader and one more receiver and we’re ready to we’ve upgraded so much we’re ready for a Super Bowl and they got reader they got their guy and they have draft Capital so man um um it’s going to be interesting to

See the Lions because I’m G be honest with you nobody’s talking about the fact that San Francisco actually you know when you look at what they did in the trenches and and on the defensive trenches they actually regress unless they make some moves their team actually

Is has gone down a little everybody just think they went to a Super Bowl so you gotta put them up there yeah but they got less now you know so San Francisco is suspect now and I’m going to be honest with you the lions are the team

To try to step up and take that place the Cowboys aren’t doing anything you know you look at now the Eagles put themselves back up there too but those are the two teams lions and Eagles that make are making moves to get better and um good look for the Lions they’re

Definitely improving and they lock in their coach and general manager today on extensions as well so um they’re happy about that they got them locked in the 2027 so looks like they’re going to have some continuity for some time over there so good Lu for the Lions good pickups

And so you still have the Shins for the FC North next year or now ready to commit to that uh they’re top two for me I’m GNA be honest with you I’m willing to say that right now I could honestly say that if I’m GNA power rank this thing I’m going to actually

Go Lions Eagles 49ers early early ranking for me damn best team in the NFC yeah the Lions yeah first on the Huddle ladies and gentlemen the damn lines baby Richie talk to me about this move man yeah I mean this is a big move the lions

Got better they added a big piece to their defensive front and Captain for Cincinnati um but don’t see on Minnesota come on now you know where the quarterback is you know who’s coming Sam Sam Kevin o connell’s about to have Sam darnold revise baby he’s gon to be lisan

Alib and he’s about to go out there be the chosen one from Minnesota in all seriousness I actually think that the Packers are going to win the NFC North I really like the Packers I think Jordan loves about to go nuclear and uh I like their moves I like Josh Jacobs joining

Their their team their safety move was good but I think the Lions and the Packers it’s up to them too to win that division um but this move definitely beefs up the Lions interior I think that this is a big move for them um but when

It comes to the NFC North definitely an intriguing division for sure but I like the Packers dude look at that man and uh we have a Niners in the chat he’s upset he says we own golf relax listen y’all got some work to do Jared damn gof man I’ll tell you what

It’s going to be interesting to see where some of these other high-profile trades uh really end up boiling out my friend guys listen I want to remind everybody um that tomorrow we will not be airing an episode bet us is actually doing an interview a very cool interview

That we highly suggest you go on ahead and you check out once that is released on Friday um it’s going to be live it’s going to be somebody that was very very successful in their Sports Picks and won quite a significant amount of money so meaning which the boys at the Huddle

Have the day off tomorrow I am actually about to embark on a 10-hour Drive starting right now please pray for me make sure that I can you know stay awake because I certainly hate driving but I couldn’t bring myself to pay $1,100 for a domestic flight especially when I was

Just messing around and I saw that flying to London would be cheaper so I’m driving 10 hours starting here in about 10 minutes Richie what uh what are your plans for this long weekend it’s St Patrick’s Day my friend everyone’s Irish on St Patrick’s Day what are you doing

On St Patrick’s Day you definitely don’t want to know what I’m doing this weekend because I’ll get laughed at um but we’re gonna have a good weekend a day off tomorrow and um maybe this is some Jets breaking news maybe there’s some more Jets breaking news I’ll be covering who

Knows um but yeah your boy is a fan of Cinema and I’m seeing Dune part two and IMAX tonight I’m seeing Dune part two and IMAX on Saturday and that’s all I’ll say you left uh and then on Sunday he’s doing Dune part two cosplay down in Central

Park dressing up as that’s what it is is it oh imagine I dress up as the sandworm you dress up as a sandworm dude uh TI man man I know that you were uh ready to embark on your journey back home as well certainly save travels anything else exciting planned for your

Time off uh no just um GNA do some grilling tomorrow hanging out you know running around with the kids and things of that nature then I will be hopping on the flight getting back to Florida so I can get back in the studio you know I’ve

Been you know living off of the virtual background you know this a little sketchy but we made it through the week shout out to bet us and trusting us to bring fire content every single day in the Huddle from 3:00 to 4: p.m and shout out to the chat rocking and rolling with

Us every single day we love y’all we appreciate you guys and um thank you for having our backs and supporting us uh make sure that you let your friends and family members know about the Huddle subscribe if you have’t and don’t forget to punch that like button or damn Mitch

You might assault you so trust me I will find you thank you so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the show don’t forget to hit that Thumbs Up Button folks And subscribe to the channel if you hit that notification Bell you’ll get notified every single

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  1. In this video:
    The Huddle EP #24 0:00
    Who has the better secondary: Dolphins or Jets? 2:15
    NFL Rule change submissions 17:10
    CJ Mosley signs with the Jets 29:07
    Eagles illegally spoke to Saquon Barkley? 34:31

  2. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  3. Td yall got the aarp crew for a secondary, you'll see, but to sit there and say best secondary is false, maybe old poyor and on paper, but you don't know what your gunna get, you don't know if your defensive coordinator can even get the job done, save your thoughts on who's better till we in the season and they actually play, at least richies knows what his secondary actually is. You dont know and also Hollond didn't play real great last year and poyor isn't the same at saftey as he was, to why we played him in the box more, go check out his passer rating allowed last year compared to prior years.

  4. They need to leave the rules alone, they are tryna just make teams score more so they can get more ppl to watch, just leave it alone. Ppl will watch if they want to watch. It's like they tryna fix the game. Just leave it alone they need to focus on fixing the ref issue instead of dumb crap

  5. They need to leave the rules alone, they are tryna just make teams score more so they can get more ppl to watch, just leave it alone. Ppl will watch if they want to watch. It's like they tryna fix the game. Just leave it alone they need to focus on fixing the ref issue instead of dumb crap, Dan and if they go with that rule and it works against you, you'll be like this is a dumb rule.

  6. I have a feeling the 4th and 20 rule could get approved, and if it does, they'll ban it again next year after teams convert it too many times. I feel like a shitty team proposed that rule

  7. Too many time screaming about the best secondary…not so great episode.
    I like a lot listen to td speaking about football. But when he goes fan mode he loses is composure.
    See you next one.

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