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NFL Draft Offensive Line Preview

On today’s Daily Draft, join Ross Uglem and Owen Riese as they break down some of the best Packers fits along the offensive line in the 2024 NFL Draft. Don’t miss this one!!!

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What is up Packers fans and welcome back to another episode of The Daily draft brought to you by the good folks over at Badger State Brewing just minutes away from beautiful Lambo field in Green Bay Wisconsin I’m your host and the publisher of Packer report Ross uglam

And today we’re talking about one of the more popular picks for the Packers which is offensive line um a lot of Jordan Morgan talk a lot of Graham Barton talk a lot of Troy fanu talk and so it’s a it’s it’s a big-time spot um Green Bay

By the time you’re hearing this very well may have a released you know probable uh I would say locked in Packers Hall of Famer David bakari and honestly potential NFL Hall of Famer David bakari he will more than likely be out the door and while um I’m very comfortable with his replacement Rasheed

Walker some folks are not I mean that’s a seventh round pick um certainly didn’t play Flawless football last year and the depth behind him if they don’t resign nyman or John runan junr I mean it’s a it’s a position of need it’s a place that I think that they’ll go after

Bodies now whether they’re go the uh normal Packers route which is like round four round five and round seven and two out of the three end up being like Pro Bowl level players or they get a little spicy and grab a couple top 100 offensive lineman which is not something

That they’ve done a ton U but it is is certainly on the table and joining me to talk offensive line would be none other than my good friend Owen ree Owen buddy how are you good man how are you doing uh spectacularly and I’m excited for

This one like uh and I can’t remember what order we’re dropping these in we’re kind of putting them in the can so like I’ve had um Trevor Sika on great guy uh but but not a Packers fan not like totally ingrained um had a chance to talk to Eric Crocker about cornerbacks

Like one of the smartest people you’ll ever talk to about the quarterback position not a Packers guy so the ones that I get to do with guys like you guys like justice eventually guys like Jake stack Jake moley um they’re they’re a they have a little bit different flavor

To them because when I go through the Packers specific stuff it’s a conversation it’s not just me droning on and on so uh super excited um let’s talk about the state of the room right um you know I think Green Bay if the season started tomorrow would have a pretty

Darn similar offensive line to the group that ended the year right you had uh Walker at left tackle well he’d be the left tackle you got Elton at left guard Myers at Center they’re pretty entrenched although Myers is I think working on an expiring contract and very

Differing opinions on his level of play you had a rotation at Right Guard between sha runan I I I combine their names between sha Ryan and John runan a little bit of conversation about potentially John Ryan or John runan goodness gracious me John runan returning but if he doesn’t it’s just a

Full-time gig for Shan Ryan and then our King Zack Tom at right tackle after that it gets super dicey uh the Packers have spent some time with some kind of oddly shaped offensive lineman for them Caleb Jones at 69 370 or whatever he is uh Luke Tuda um there are some you know

Projects going on in the building but nothing that you would be really excited about if if some offensive lineman started to drop and and I think that’s something that needs to get addressed and competition certainly competition at Right Guard uh there are some folks that would be more comfortable with some

Competition at left tackle uh movable pieces too Elton Jenkins can play right tackle can play center can play left guard Zack Tom was a very good Center at Wake Forest you draft The Tackle and move Zack Tom inside maybe kick Myers out to guard tons of conversations but

Just your kind of feeling on the offensive line room as you see it yeah I think the big thing right there’s some some uncertainty about the future of David bakari and um even if you do feel good about Rasheed Walker taking over for him I think anytime you can add more

Competition in depth to the offensive line room it’s something you have to do um and then as well as obviously you know talking about John runan um you know he’s a guy that I think you should continue to look to upgrade even if you don’t um even if he is retained which I

Do think he’s good and he provides value that way as a rotational offensive lineman and um can fill in multiple spots you know uh but as far as that I think it would be a Fool’s errand I think to just simply run it back with the same guys and just say well these

Guys have been serviceable in the past um we’re going to continue to do that and you mentioned guys like Caleb Jones and Luke Tuda and kadim tford are guys that they’ve had in um and those are fine and I think those are guys you need

To continue to try to work in and and really um you know you’re going to find guys every once in a while just by kind of recycling through I know that was part of the a little bit different but when Ron wolf took over the roster right

I think they set the NFL record for transactions in a year and the bottom five to six guys of the roster were just a contining revolving door of guys until you find the guys that are really it um and so I think you need to continue to

Do that but um I think anytime you can add competition to the room is good and and obviously investing higher level of draft capital and and assets uh will be important for that I I agree too and and I just ask you kind of where you stand

On it I mean um we’ve had the the argument online not you and I but I mean just in general and and then there is certainly conversation about uh the Packers and and the way that they do business and I I looked it up just because I was having kind of the

Conversation with somebody and Brian gacun took over in 2018 and look I look I I understand that um you know he inherited truly a Hall of Famer certainly a Packers keep call Hall of Famer but certainly a Packers Hall of Famer at left tackle so one of those

Spots uh appeared to be locked down he thought I’m sure when he signed bakari to that extension that spot was going to be locked down like longterm lock term uh but in his time and and we’ve seen uh what’s he 18 19 20 2122 so we’ve seen

Six drafts this will be his seventh he has not taken a tackle to play tackle until round four um he took Shawn Ryan in the top uh 100 as a college tackle he was never going to play anything but guard for Green Bay and then the the Elton Jenkins pick but

He was never designed you know kind of to play tackle um it’s just not been something that that gy has done yet lo and behold you got a fourth round pick basically playing Pro Bowl level ball at right tackle and a seventh round pick playing above League average ball at

Left and and so is this a draft or does it bug you even not specific to this draft that G’s like no I’ll just do it later and and by the way successfully but he has not gone Heavy after a tackle yeah I think it’s something too

Where like I I wouldn’t say it bugs me um but it’s something to where uh you know uh again we don’t know the the order that this will be dropped um you know but you’ve had our our friend uh justice moscada on the podcast and he’s

Talked about um kind of like being pass rushers being quarterbacks right like when you want a legitimate one you have to invest and I think the Packers have kind of swung above their their range for quite a while obviously B was a fourth round pick and and you’re kind of

Talking about they’ve been able to make chicken salad out of what they’ve had um and and above what uh above average I don’t want to say that Zack Tom and and Rasheed Walker and them aren’t fine but they haven’t had a truly a big investment in the position in it in

Quite a while um you know probably I guess Jason sprigs right and so whoops it would be nice um it would be nice to see a legitimate um substantial investment in the position um however it’s they’re kind of in a between a rock and a hard place with bakari because just the the

Nature of how life goes right the second you move on from him now he’ll be healthy right and then all of a sudden you’re moving on from this guy one of the best tackles that’s ever played in Green Bay um and you don’t want to run

Off other people you know but I think probably part of what’s played into that a bit and uh goes a bit with their cross trainining method as far as how they play guys is they always have in the back of their mind well I guess we can

Always move out in the right tackle if we need which obviously isn’t ideal um or isn’t what you’re looking for but uh you’re able to get in and out of games that way or stretch as a play that way so they haven’t had to kind of really

Say and invest like these are our two legitimate book ends since they’ve had bulaga and bakari um so it would not hurt my feelings uh as a obviously a college offensive line coach I’m always trying to add more talented big bodies to the room as you can and um I am a bit

Of a Believer at the offensive line position right like you should take value in your coaching and your ability to develop guys but also like you’re going to get what you pay for a little bit right and so can we get a a starting level player potentially out of Rasheed

Walker sure would I rather take a swing on someone like Graham Barton or Troy fanu absolutely like just give me give me a bit more marble to work with um you know and and I’m willing to take a bigger swing on that um but I think I understand why they truly haven’t done

It um you’ve had we’ve had stretches of bakari right obviously some of these injuries are unforeseen right like it’s it’s tough to forecast uh an ACL and then a potentially botch dis ACL right or coming back too early and then the turf issue and all that stuff so um I

Understand why they haven’t done it uh to an extent but I I would be a big believer in I wouldn’t want to bank on rashed Walker continuing to play Above League average as a seventh round second year guy right so like he may end up starting

And that’s sweet or Yos n end up being kept around and that’s cool but like I would feel a bit more um able to sleep at night with a heavier investment at the position um and it doesn’t have to be like he’s going to end up being your

Left tackle for the next 10 years or anything but I’m simply cool with adding a more high value spot as opposed to again kind of the classic shotgun method of the Packers like let’s throw a couple of bodies at this on day three and see

What happens yeah and I mean like I say it is it is a little bit hard to argue with um just from their success level and then the two that you know you talk about the the shotgun approach in the uh the the successful runs and and the

Two big ones to me um that stick out in my mind are 2022 and and we are sort of uh juries out on Shawn Ryan but man uh you go Shawn Ryan at 92 Zack Tom at 140 and Rasheed Walker at at 249 if sha Ryan continues to progress

And you just nabbed three starters that’s insane and then the the alltime crazy one that they that they pulled off was uh taking um treder and and bakari within 13 picks of each other treder basically ends up becoming a um and by the way they grabbed Nate uh excuse me Lane Taylor so

They got basically in udfa they they got basically a League average to slightly below average starting guard in udfa they got a Hall of Fame left tackle and they got like a pro bowl level Center that got super paid after he finally left Green Bay so it is hard to argue

With but I I mean I do understand one other thing and like you and I I think we recorded a show just for Packer report two years ago and we had a just like a brief discussion about Daniel fele from uh from Minnesota and I said

I’m not GNA do it they’re just not like they’re not and and um I’ve gone back and forth with people online and and this is the the offensive line um episode so I want to address I’m probably G to write it out more long form actually on Packer report but uh

I’ve done a lot of study just based on what they normally do and not to like prove I’m the smartest guy in the room but just say hey guys who should we actually be looking at you know who who what what players do you want to familiar familiarize yourself with that

Really have a good shot of Being Green Bay Packers what does a Packers offensive lineman actually look like and that brought me to um to this here which is every tackle that they have uh drafted to play tackle in the first four rounds since Super Bowl 31 why is that

The cut off well because the the table looks real neat and cute like this but um yeah again people say well Ross why do you care about 1996 well because Ron wolf taught Ted Thompson who taught Brian gudak they haven’t gone um outside the tree and the funny thing is I don’t

Know if it’s funny necessarily some people and and and sometimes I catch myself doing it but some people will attribute this to the Zone blocking SK system uh no you think they were running zone blocking when it was Aman green up like Marco Rivera and Mike wall that

That was not zbs that was not Alex Gibbs Kyle Shanahan nothing like these these preferences predate even even you know running the leaf Flur stuff so um what am I saying I’m saying that a tackle that’s going to play tackle for the Green Bay Packers they’re cool with short tackles like in general

They are cool with with short tackles you look at Ross verba you look at Bak tiari Um Zack Tom and certainly like you know Clifton and bulaga and sherad were not were not Giants uh but when I talk about what they won’t do and I’ve called them the super xl offensive lineman fele

Was 6 foot 9 370 or whatever it was and you’re like well he’d be interesting and I yeah for Baltimore which I think is even where he ended up going uh but you know no no lighter than 300 but no heavier than 321 no shorter than

64 but no taller than 66 like very kind of specific in what they do and and this is just sort of like I said my proof in the pudding that I kind of know what I’m talking about or at least this has been um what they’ve done do do you not like

The strategy do you understand why they do it does it does it bug you um what’s kind of your thought on their historical love of kind of the same sort of body type archetype type guy no I get it it doesn’t bother me I mean it’s I

Think that the Packers probably more so I always bring this up and you brought up Baltimore and and my admiration for them as a an organization is not well hidden um but I think the Packers are one of the few teams too in the league that have as much of an identity or

Known identity as as a lot of a lot of teams do and that’s good right like I think you know like we’re on Twitter probably more than we should be and the amount of fan bases that like don’t have a great idea of what their front office

Is going for or how they’re going to build a team is you know I mean there’s a lot of change and a lot of a lack of continuity around the NFL constantly and I understand that right but but having an identity is good right having a type

Is good I think right as long as it’s good right like you know like people are like oh well that’s the fastest guy in the draft that’s a Raider I’m like yeah that’s cool not when it’s like jacobe Ford and Darius Hayward Bay right like haward Bay and Henry rugs and Randy Moss

Right they trade for Randy Moss I’m like that makes a lot of sense right like he’s their type of guy so but the Packers the way they’ve done things historically and and obviously defensively they’ll start to I think look for a little bit different body types up front with the half leet

Signing but like they’re going to like we know what we know what they’re going to go for right and so those big bigger jumbo sized guys typically tend to be a fairly volatile asset right they could be really really good or they’re probably pretty bad right and so what the Packers have kind

Of been able to do with this like no like we’re not going to deal right it’s the devil we know versus the devil we don’t and we know what we know and we’re going to live within that world and you know may may you miss on a guy like

Orlando Brown Miss on a guy like Orlando Brown sometimes sure he’s been a very good tackle in the NFL for you know and for a guy that was historically poor at the combine and whatever else cool you’re also going to get guys like I don’t know someone like not that he was

A bad player but someone like Jared Gaither right or somebody like that was a a mountain of a human being but like injuries are going to be a problem because it’s hard to live yes much less be a world class athlete at 6 foot n and 360 pounds and so

Like they know what they know they’re very utilitarian I’ve mentioned this before the Packers cross train their guys almost as much as anybody it’s tougher to cross train a tackle to play guard when they’re 68 and 375 pounds right it’s just different it’s not wrong or right it’s just

Different and so they allow themselves to kind of have that versatility and utilit um utilitarian mindset of that you know Shawn Ryan could play tackle sure y could also play guard he also not out of the realm to play center right David dcari had he not been a a All Pro

Tackle maybe he plays that guard right you don’t know like and so they’ve kind of and again this is like a a a player style comparison not because he ended up any good but the guys like Jake fiser out of Oregon a couple years ago who

Were a tackle that ended up at Center and jumbo tight end and wherever else but like those kind of guys that are a bit more moldable maybe and aren’t so archetyp and pige hold to I can only play one spot are the guys that they’ve tended to lend sours right guys like

Caleb Jones who are currently on the roster are not the norm and notice they deviated from that Norm with an undrafted free agent guy that’s late they’re not they’re not allocating assets to something that they don’t typically do right and we’ve even seen now some of the exceptions they’ve made

Outside of even the position Amari Rogers was not a Packer guy they made an exception it didn’t work right and so I’m not saying that like you can only ever look within your spot but what all of this overarching part to say is the Packers have a type and they stick to it

Because it’s mostly proven to be successful and so like I’m not I’m not mad to haven’t I’m not mad they haven’t deviated from it I mean are there guys that I’ve really really likeed that are different sure but like at the end of the day what

They do works and I’m not I’m I’m as far away from a person as like don’t fix what’s not broken right like this has worked please continue to do it until it’s proven to not work right like don’t there’s no reason to to reinvent the

Wheel if you don’t have to yeah and and I’ve gotten that in the past right where people like hey idiot Rasheed Walker is heavier than what you’re talking about you know like their starting left tackle was 324 well first of all she was 313 at the combine so he was right in

What they do but even if he wasn’t even if they thought he was going to be a 325 pound guy they waited until round seven to take him and we’ve seen that over and over again where like a guy like Carl Brooks I had him in the top seven and

This is not like oh Ross you’re so smart that’s not the point I had him in the top 70 and that is based on my own thoughts not necessarily like this guy’s going to be a packer I would have told everybody Carl Brooks doesn’t have a

Chance in hell of being a packer but they will go as round five approaches and certainly as they get into round six round seven and undrafted free agency they’ll go whatever this a football player like we have what we want in the top 125 but then it’s whatever how do

You think larius Gunter running a 47 at corner ended up a Green Bay Packer how do you you know I said Carl Brooks with his goofy body how did he end up being a packer well it’s round six undrafted free agency how did Caleb Jones at 69 and 370 become a

Green Bay Packer undrafted free agency that’s when they’re going to take a swing on oh hey this might be interesed or like kingsy anari late in round five he’s just too good at football we no longer care that he doesn’t fit the athletic profile anyway we’re almost 20

Minutes into the show we’ve hardly talked about any of these prospects um the last thing I will say before we actually do get into the prospects though is I again we don’t 100% know kind of these um order of operations but Trevor syiko who’s the uh uh lead draft

Analyst at PFF phenomenal dude said the exact same thing that you just said which was boy it it almost freaks me out how knowledgeable Packers fans are online about what their team does in the draft and and I like to think that we’re a big part of that but like he said you

Know there’s so many fan bases that just have no clue which is fine and he even talks about wanting to get more keyed in on what actual teams or what actual general managers like to do but he was blown away at how well Packers fans understood the way that their team does

Business and he was he was impressed by that okay um let’s talk about the stuff that Owen hates which is the uh testing the numbers um and and we talk about Packer people and Green Bay kind of we we’ve studied sort of what they like uh over the years and and um it’s

Really the same and I think a lot of that has to do with uh the cross training that they do their wants needs whatever uh for interior offensive line don’t really change much for for tackle uh the only thing is once you start approaching that 325 pound Mark they

They they generally will kick you inside like they’ve done with Shawn Ryan like they’ve done with a number of guys you’re just not going to play tackle at 330 for the Packers if they draft you at all frankly um so what do the Packers like they like the relative Athletic

Score again we know goody doesn’t use relative Athletics score but they have a system that correlates closely or I wouldn’t be able to continue to pick out these guys so generally they will prefer to draft an offensive lineman especially in the top 150 with a relative Athletic

Score over seven they like them to run the uh short shuttle in less than 4.75 and they like them to run the three cone in less than 7.75 uh those are the big ones so it’s it’s an agility position for the Green Bay Packers when we’re talking um about

Actual testing numbers and so who are some guys that um that fit that well Joe Al good luck good good luck with all of that um tyan gyel was somebody and and and look this is just in shorts and uh a compression top right I I had not watched a ton of

Greybull I hadn’t he was not on my top 300 to begin with so like hand up I I just he wasn’t on my radar and I know it’s just how they look but I I am a the Packers like them if you ever kind of sort of pay attention to what a Packers

Offensive lineman looks like but dudes that are 320 that don’t look like they’re 320 dudes that are not carrying the spare tire or you know the uh when they when they’re running there’s no stuff flopping up and down which happens by the way guys at the combine gra yeah

Dude gyel looks awesome yeah and and tested super well um Patrick Paul would hit everything he’s a little bit tall to be a Packers tackle Patrick Paul from Houston um fuaga hits everything I think he’s a guard for the Packers but he had everything one guy that is a super

Packer in the sense that he also played in the Pack 12 is Troy fat tanu’s um teammate Roger rosengarten that dude screams mid round Green Bay Packer so those are some kind of and I think Su Mattia actually from BYU uh uh hits what they normally look for in explosives but

We don’t have agilities and that’s a whole conversation why the NFL has basically scheduled agilities out of the combine um but we just don’t know enough about the three cone and the short shuttle for most of these guys to even get a grasp on who may or may not be

Athletic fits so let’s not dwell on that I just kind of wanted to talk about the the what they do generally want so as guys run agilities at their prod day which is where they will run them then you can start sort of start to like okay

Is he taller than 64 but shorter than 67 is he heavier than 300 but not as heavy as 325 and you know are his short shuttle and three cone good okay now I’m may be looking at a Green Bay Packer okay um let’s dive into favorite guys in

This class um I’ll go I’ll go first if that’s all right um guys that I definitely like and and we are talking offensive line here not just uh not just tackle I know we’ve been kind of tackle heavy but guys that’s the thing four of the five positions on the offensive line

Green Bay will take a tackle to play them at at the NFL level so it’s like you kind of take the center prospects and then you take the tackle prospects you throw out all the guard prospects sometimes sadly and then you start to understand like who Green Bay might

Actually draft so um guys that I am definitely higher on than consensus on the offensive line I would say that I’m I’m pretty heavy on Jackson pow Johnson the center out of Oregon a real Barrel chested type guy um but just love the way that he goes to work elite elite

Pass protector but I think has enough nasty to run block and and certainly if I’m GNA put a center in round one which is where I have jpj like he’s got to be a dude I guess I don’t know how much higher I am than him on consensus but I

Know I like him quite a bit Cooper B for me is 34th overall short arms short player don’t care probably not going to be a Green Bay Packer but boy does he move people in the Run game uh a year at left tackle a year at right tackle a

Year at left guard um this is a dude that has a ton of college experience and it was just really good he’s given up two sacks in the last three seasons and I’ve got a highlight reel right now on my X profile of him just mowing guys

Down in the Run game now he’s 6′ three he’s got 31inch arms probably not going to be a Green Bay Packer but I think he’s going to be a 10-year Pro uh starting at guard a little bit further down the way as far as uh guys that I

Think I am probably higher on uh than than most I I would I would guess and again I don’t have necessarily like all the um all the uh consent of stuff directly in front of me Brandon Coleman at TCU I think reeks of Green Bay Packer um I I I’ve got him

At my number 100 guy so technically he is a top 100 guy but I mean that’s where he is for me played tackle played guard super duper athlete like crazy athlete and would be excited for him to join the crew um in Green Bay and then a guy that

You I mentioned Rosen Garten the last guy that I’ll talk about that I think just gets overwatched because everybody’s looking at his teammate I kind of like Blake fiser from Notre Dame he’s a good player um and and I would be um interested to see you know he he kind

Of had a sort of a more mediocre relative Athletic score uh ended up with a 7.72 real quick this is great video I’m G to see how many of the actual tests that he did just so we understand how complete and he did everything so that’s pretty locked in um missed what

They like at the three cone by a 100th of a second and cleared what they like with the short shuttle she’s he’s sort of right on the right on the edge but man um 65 and 38 310 multiple year starter that’s a that’s a packer if you

Know maybe he can shave Just a Touch off that three cone at Notre Dame’s pro day any guys that you like in this class uh yeah um admittedly and I’ll I’ll say hand up here um I’m I coached division three during this football season uh so

I’m not as plugged in as I’d like to be on the national scope like I’d be lying to you if I said I watched a play of Roger Rosen Garten I have heard of him um I have heard of him I have heard of him but I don’t right so like there’s

There’s certain blind spots I do have admittedly to that um but th Soh through my time at The Shrine bull um i’ I’ve gotten to know some of these guys and Tylan gyel was a guy who um we had gotten recommendations from from coach

Hand herb H the o line coach at UCF and obviously a bigger taller guy kind of built more like a power forward as you mentioned than a true offensive line Lan um but moved well some of the guys I think that I probably have a bit more of

A tendency for um Julian Pearl I gave a really big grade to last year ended up going back to school um came back out this year um played left tackle in Illinois I think he’s a really nice athlete he is a mammoth person in in

Person um I saw him at at The Shrine Bowl he’s all of 66 315 um built really well again not a lot of soft uh baggage on there uh I like him quite a bit um Garrett Greenfield from South Dakota State I think is a guy that I think that

Um should test well and should end up in Green Bay’s ballpark somewhere in probably early day three uh as a guy that maybe moves inside but um big long developed player out of South Dakota State um Donovan Jennings the left tackle from South Florida is a guy I’ve

Also for a couple years thought is a Fitz the Packers mold um broke his leg last year against Louisville earlier in the year ended up coming back um had a hell of a game against Alabama you can go watch that um against Dallas Turner and Chris brazwell if you have any level

Of competition concerns about him coming out uh Ross someone that you’re familiar with Jaylen sundell as a guy who’s played tackle and Center as far as looking at the Green Bay um kind of take out the guard prospects and look at the rest thing um put a big grade on him

This summer I couldn’t believe uh that we ended up getting him I figured he would be playing an allstar game down in Alabama this year um but had a good year is a very good athlete probably a a slightly above average athlete as a tackle a well above average athlete as a

Center um he’s a guy he end up unfortunately got dinged up early in the week for us at The Shrine bull so um have to see hope I’ll be n Pro because he did not run so I’ll be I’ll be there Pearl didn’t run either and I

Tell you what I don’t mean to interrupt but again didn’t run didn’t do nothing you talk about a Green Bay Packer let me talk to you about this 66 flat 312 with 35 and one AC in Big 10 left tackle Julia Pearl Green Bay Packer I mean we’ll we’ll see how the testing

Goes but I’m I’m with you there and by the way just for your own knowledge both jack rabbits tested out of their minds McCormack and Greenfield blew the thing up correct um and then uh kind of speaking to um I guess well Julian Pearl should test I think pretty well I don’t think

He’s gonna be an elite tester but should be fine should put himself in Green Bay’s Ballpark and then the last two guys I’ll mention are two um obviously John R up in his ballpark Carson barnhard and Trent Jones were both uh Swiss Army knives from Michigan over the past two

Or three years played multiple spots a piece both played tackle at times for Michigan so we can cross that threshold off um and should again both be modest athletes not poor athletes but not top top guys um but can kind of fit anywhere if you told me that they drafted Carson

Barnhard to play guard and Trent Jones to play center sure right like any of those things they will fit about anywhere um and so those are guys as well I think that uh should fit also I think we’d be remiss uh as a as a Wisconsin based Packer based podcast if

We don’t mention Tanner bortolini who tested outside of his mind um at the combine I would not have saw that coming uh they practiced at wwp the first week of their fall camp this year I saw Tanner play in person I thought he moved well but I would not have suggested that

He would be a top 1% tester ever at the center position um but but important thing even for like the anecdotal stuff uh played tackle at times during his career at Wisconsin earlier just like Elton Jenkins did as a freshman played tackle and then bumped to Center the

Next three years and then um ended up in Green Bay but had the tackle experience so he would be another guy I think and again who should fit physically in that 64 is 30710 is pound area where he’s not too big but he’s not small um I think the

Packers and and this goes back a little bit you mentioned right they kind of have like fit in these specific parameters right not like they just cross a threshold but also like not too not too short Not Too Tall not too heavy not too light I think a lot of that has

To do with um how the Packers have chosen to pass Pro in the past as well and they’ve stayed away from those size outliers um for the most part I think simply because the Packers asked their tackles to be on Islands a lot in pass Pro not

Quite as much from what I saw later in the season with Jordan love as they had in the past with 12 but they need the guys to be able to move right and so when you have those big size guys like fele or like Orlando Brown or or Bryant

McKenna those guys in the past those huge huge tackles they’re mostly just going to undet everything and make you run around which is fine but that’s not how the Packers have technically right a lot of their bigger plays have been broken extended plays and it’s much easier to give a quarterback a two-way

Go out of the pocket to escape that way when the tackles can play on an island as opposed to when you’re just saying don’t get beat inside and make them run around right so and I think a lot of that goes the inside as well just better athletes right simple ability to mirror

And handle things one-on-one as opposed to trying to dictate the rush Lanes of the D linan and so I think that these guys right like they’re not the outliers they’re not the aliens but that’s for a reason right they all are fairly similar um and then they can move better that

Way as opposed to again like I said trying to like just don’t get beat inside like well cool but like it makes it tougher to escape when the DN is just autoc containing because he knows he’s not gonna win inside I want to talk so

We’ve done I think a good job here of sort of um bringing some guys’ names to light right some guys where you know we’re talking about what the Packers have actually done under gudakunst then again good batter or indiff whatever I however your feeling is about that um

These mid- round targets your your Zack Toms your Sean Lions these are the guys he’s been actually acquiring so we we’ve done that we brought those guys names to light a little bit but I do want to get into the top guys and you kind I I kind

Of went on a long winded uh Twitter thing as I sometimes do and you know took out Alton fashanu not gonna happen just just call it not gonna happen right and then took all the guys from uh 15 to 100 on the consensus board that that played tackle right and then um remove

All the guys that don’t fit removed uh the the guys that are taller or shorter or heavier you know and and that ended up unfortunately being a lot of guys fuaga leam Mims gon suam mataya Patrick I think they would take by the way Su

Mata and put him at guard and I feel the same way about um Kier I think the the Yale kid both of them but uh that really brings us to if you are in the camp and many are if you are in the camp that the Green Bay Packers are potentially going

To use pick 25 or or pick 41 on an offensive lineman then there’s four guys to me there are there are four guys um and really three and a half because I mean Blake fiser is consensus 96 and that’s really not that far off from like

Where I have him uh Blake Fischer’s not viewed in the same light as these other three guys so I want to get your thoughts on Troy fanu sub6 foot4 enormous arms like real real long arms and uh you know I think a lot of people would consider him a guard

But I’m I’m willing to see Graham Barton tall guy short arms again a lot of people thinks he’s think he’s a center think he has to move inside at the next level I’ve heard Green Bay likes him you’ve heard Green Bay likes him uh some some discussion on on Graham and then

The guy that I finally ended on and said here’s the guy here here might be the guy and that is Arizona left tackle Jordan Morgan kind of your thoughts on those three guys yeah so uh again kind of hand up I did we did for the shrine

Bull we did Summer cross checks so I did see fanu and Jordan Morgan um they junior tape and had Jordan Morgan as my highest rated tackle coming into the year um and he’s a guy like you said him and Brandon Coleman were both very high

And I agree both of them scream green B Packer to me I think um Morgan has some injury history if I remember correctly uh so that’s something to kind of monitor um I have not seen I’ve seen a lot of the Twitter Clips I know fanu is

A stupid athlete and the 63 thing does not uh necessarily scare me away as much as as some um obviously the the average NFL tackle is not typically that short but we have seen guys like Kelvin beum do it again Kelvin beum like not a world

Beater right so like if those guys can survive there I’m not saying it’s ideal or prototypical but shouldn’t just necessarily be a um well you can’t play this spot because um so fanu I know I’ve seen a bit of just through secondhand twittering um and again I think

That his movement ability uh should should allow him the ability to fail a tackle first um I I know the the height thing or whatever I I just simply like I’ve seen enough bad offensive tackles at any level of football that are just large so like that doesn’t necessarily

That’s not the uh the killer to me if someone’s half an inch shorter than what you’d like them to be um so faton would be a guy I’d be very generally interested in and then uh Graham Barton as well someone I I do the ACC for the shrine Bulls I’m very familiar with

Graham I met him down last year at oine masterminds um obviously a Duke kid he’s gonna be stupid smart um but as far as he’s a guy that played center as a true freshman in the co year um and then has played left tackle for them the last few

Years I I’ve been very high on Gran Barton for about two and a half years now so I’m probably a bit biased that way but again I’m not super I’m not as willing to completely just write a dude off due to arm length I understand the concerns and I’m not

Again like ideally do I wish Grant Barton had 34 inch arms yeah so does he probably but like I you know it’s one of those things where um I’ve seen grah Barton do extremely well in the ACC against miles Murphy against um Jared verse against guys like and and he’s

Done fine so like am I gonna sit here and plant my flag on the hill that Graham Barton can never play anything other than left tackle no but if he was a guy and if so if with all that being said if Green Bay said we’re going to

Draft Gran Barton at 25 or 41 and we’re going to let him start out at left tackle if he beats out Rasheed Walker sweet if he doesn’t he’s gon to be our top interior Reserve at all three spots and if Rasheed and he both play so well that they eventually think about moving

Zack Tom into Center because they have three starting tackles cool you know what I mean but like he’s a guy I think that would be able to fit in find at Right Guard especially in that wide own scheme right like he’s not a again and that’s kind of the Packers thing right

Like they don’t have a bunch of like 340 pound guys that well we need to be able to dis place this guy six yards off the line of scrimmage just not thing right is abilis I have no questions about right I know he was hurt didn’t play at the

Senior Bowl because of that didn’t test at the combine because of that but I know like Grant Barton’s an above average athlete as a tackle so he should be a very good athlete inside so if that if that’s the that’s the fallback I’m completely cool of that um but honestly

All three of these guys this conversation I’m more familiar with graham but whether it’s Jordan Morgan or fanu or Graham Barton it’s all a very similar conversation which all kind of lends us back to this this flat circle of a discussion of green by has their type and the guys

That fit their type should fit their type um so all that being said admittedly I’ve seen much more of grah Barton than I have the other two um but Jordan Morgan was my highest rated tackle in the country last year in Cross checks and I’ve seen a lot of the faton

Stuff and I completely understand the hype so this is very poor analysis on my part as a guest on your show but it is a complete cop out of I think I would probably take Barton just due to familiarity nothing else but I think that those three guys are like very

Clearly um home run swings worth taking in the top 40 one picks and I think that those are kind of getting back to Trevor’s Point like is probably kind of annoying how good we’re getting at kind of like maneuvering through the smoke and figuring out like well these are the

Guys that actually matter yeah 100% and the other thing too is like hey if if Barton is that good and Tom is that good and sheet is that good you just let Josh Myers’s contract expire and I don’t care who plays center whoever snaps the ball

The best like I it can be Barton it can be Tom it can’t probably be Sheed but it can be Barton or it can be Tom uh no problem at all one other name I do want to throw out there just because I freaking love watching him play football

Is Zack Frasier the center at West Virginia yeah oh my God is he fun to watch I don’t know if he’s going to be a Green Bay Packer but uh a ton of a ton of uh a ton of fun to watch okay uh we’re gonna we’re gonna button up the

Show here and I’ve been answering this on the last couple that we have recorded but that is not a requirement because you know what the heck is going on in Green Bay and that is the gun to your head question um the Packers are going to have seven picks in the first five

Rounds because of the alen Lazard comp pick the rasul dougas trade where they lost one gained one and of course the trade of quarterback Rogers from a season ago and I think this is not that difficult of a gun to your head question Owen will the Packers take an offensive

Lineman with or before the Allen Lazard comp pick at the end of round five I’d be more shocked if it wasn’t two that yeah maybe because like I so I this is a bit off the rails I was talking to Justice when I was at the combine my in

My opinion what I my preference would be and this probably isn’t like the the cool thing that like I hope they trade down I hope they end up with like four second round picks and they can go and they can compl because I think that’s where the strength of this draft is dude

I’m with you I no like 25 to to 80 if like if if I could pick as many times as possible between 25 and 80 I would I’m I’m a th% with you because like that was I think that’s where the strength of this class is and like I did uh I mean

Obviously our favorite mock draft simulators right like which is of course what’s going to happen um but like if you told me that Green Bay could trade down in the second round and they could get like trade to like 35 and they can get grah Barton uh

Tandre sweat Jonathan Brooks I’d say cam kinchin but he tested very poorly but I still feel as though he’s actually a good center fielder some mix of James Williams in there as your your box safety enforcer if we’re gonna we’re gonna go uh true Jeff Halley and and

Play some sticky man and heat the boys up single High um you know but any of that area right Jordan Morgan could be in there Banu could be in there um you know the I think that’s where the like the breadth of the class is and instead

Of like in years past we’ve had this issue where we like truly had to like well no I think they should take one of these eight play like I remember when ran Gary went at 12 everyone had this like I hope they take one of these 13

Players at 12 I’m like cool you know what I mean but like it’s very hard to do that but I think that if you can say like if they can come away with two or three of these seven guys from the second to third round like then then

You’re really cooking and then I think you’re getting more bang for your buck out of this class like if you’re not gonna like unless if they unless they take 25 and 41 and trade up to 17 to get Jared verse or something like that if

Unless you’re G to go up and and really take a home run swing pull back obviously that’s the easiest thing to say of all time and you need to have someone trying to trade up to trade back but in my ideal world come back and come

Get get five starters out of this group as opposed to trading up and getting two starters out of the first three rounds obviously easier said than done but that’s that’s where I see it at and so like then if you go you trade back they take Jordan Morgan at 41 and they

Take Tyler nuban no bini in the fourth or fifth round is is then then you have your former tackle who’s also going to be an interior return rotational guy and you have your tackle who may play guard but also may play tackle and like that’s where I think like

Ultimately we’ve talked about this at nauseum here but like the flexibility that the Packers give themselves by drafting guys that could or can play multiple spots has really been kind of the key to their right well John ran was a left tackle he’s also played left hand

Right Guard and probably could also play center if needed may have already played center right Zack Town played center he played left tackle in college he’s also played right tackle for the Packers Sean Ryan played left tackle in college he’s already played guard for the Packers like the the amount of like flexibility

And cross training allows them to like truly optimize their 46 eligible guys every week and that’s the big thing too of like well Grant Barton might play guard who cares he can also play tackle he can also play center right like and so instead of having to pigeon hole

Yourself into like well I need this spot at this draft slot otherwise we can’t do it right that’s what allows their kind of their shotgun method to say we’re gonna take three really good offensive lineman and let them figure it out and let Luke buckus figure it out because it

Doesn’t really matter and as an offensive line coach I hate that because of course it matters but right but like you allow yourself the the ability to like have fallbacks as opposed to like I took Daniel fele in the first round and he didn’t work and now what now I have a

A quite literal waste of a large waste of space on my roster because or like Lucas yangang with the Chiefs right like yeah struggled right and I I like I admittedly kind of liked him coming out but I was like you look at him now and

He’s struggled to tackle and he can’t do anything else you’re like well now what doesn’t have the leverage to play inside 100% And so now you the Packers don’t take those 69ine guys because they take a bunch of six5 guys and six5 guys can play everywhere you can’t play a 69ine center

So all right Owen thanks so much man this has been truly awesome uh appreciate you very much and we’ll catch you down the road absolutely man appreciate you having me all right we hope you guys enjoyed watching the show uh we hope that those of you that are

Listening on the podcast side enjoyed it as well how can you help us out buy the Packer Report Draft guide use promo code daily as in the daily draft da AI l y for 10% off of that bad boy check us out over at Packer report U follow me I’m at

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Can get every ounce of Packers coverage on a daily basis that you require and that you desire have an awesome rest of your day folks go Paco


  1. I wish we knew how the pack feel about guys like Caleb jones and tenuta. Do they really like them? Are they limited ceiling guys? So much unknown

  2. The Packers are incredible at developing offensive lineman. Hopefully Jordan love can scramble a bit more. Losing offensive lineman breaks that chemistry. I hope that the Green Bay Packers management makes good hires in this draft and strengthens our offensive line and defense. What Brian Gutekunst is doing you know we need to sign our own free agents too. I would take a skilled player in the 1st round and in the 2nd round take the OLine. You can get quality offensive lineman in the later rounds of the draft so I think they should go coverage linebacker in the 1st round. It seems like we have our tackles taken of but depth would be great. Goodluck to Yosh and I still wonder why a few years back he played well but they did not allow him to play in the playoffs against San Francisco and he did not play real well. I’m going to go out on a limb and say Brian Gutekunst is well aware of the importance of OLine. We still have the draft and cutdowns this spring to shop yet. The Packers had all of the lineman to compete most of last season. Both in practice, and games to test depth, abilities, and dependability. I’m sure they know the strength, weaknesses, durability, and injury history of these players. I hope that they have all of the replacements for all of the people that they let go. I’m sure they still do, they were young, rookie lineman brings in lots of pro experience. They have the 11 draft picks and the undrafted free agents. They have a lot of options to get OLine guys. I’m just worried that we are losing too many key players that won’t easily be replaced. The team from last year had something special. That karma can’t be replaced by rookies or other players from other teams. I guess they know what they’re doing, just like they said most of our free agents would come back. Losing 2 guards are scary. If any area on a team that relies on chemistry it’s the OLine. They could draft 4 legit offensive lineman. Last year was the 1st time that they drafted a lineman in the draft. This year they are going to load up. Go Pack Go 💚💚💛💛

  3. U can C why YIMAN RUNYAN let go, price tag 2 rich.
    No brainer shore up wit Jacobs / Mckinney above average starters.
    Lean n2 2024 draft 4 OL potential quality starters and depth pieces.

  4. Love the episode. 100 percent trade down GB & We have a Tylan Grable appearance, from the stuff i can find, love the dude. So hats off. Blake Fischer, RAS, its worth mentioning only 20 (maybe just turns 21 soon), give him 2 to 3 more years, RAS probably higher. 2nd Contract be chilling at 25 years old. McCormick just looks like a Packer, Let him cook at center. Grable is why we need 7 round mock drafts.

  5. Suamataia and Amegadjie dont fit their type because of their weight or whats the deal with them being written off? They're only like 5 lbs off, one heavy dump and theyre right there and id rather take them over the guys with shorter arms. Lol

  6. The only reason I don't want to draft Rasheed Walker's replacement in the 1st 2 picks is because we still have worse players playing Guard and Center…So lets say Rasheed Walker is a top 15 LT, and top 10 pass protection, you still have guys in the interior that are worse and how much better will they be than a 24 year old Rasheed Walker, the improvement unless you get a pro-bowl level talent won't be drastic.

  7. So far this is my favorite episode. I like that you guys talked about Tylan Gable, Jalen Sundell and the two Jackrabbits offensive lineman. All four of them fit the Packers perfectly. You mentioned Kiran Amegadjie for a second. I would love to hear more of your thoughts on him. I view him as a guard and his scouting reports highly intrigue me. I believe he could step in day one and start at right guard unless Rhyan has some monumental leap next season. Also, I am the guy that had a bit of back and forth with you about PPF's grades, particularly the week 1 grades of Love and Fields. Thank you for the clarification of the regrade of Love. I won't carry on too much more about PPF's grades, however, I would like to know your opinion of the regrade in regards to its very slight improvement. If you look at Love's stats, passer rating and QBR they are very good. Even after PPF's regrade not so good.

  8. Love hraring about the boys in the trench. Face the truth it all starts on the line. You need to block some holes for the running game and you need to bolester the line to pass.

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