Golf Players

Thicker Than Water | Family Business | Golf Digest

Sometimes dubbed “The most remote city in the world,” the Western-Australia beach town of Perth punches above its weight when it comes to producing elite golf talent. Minjee and Min Woo Lee share their love affair with their hometown, and how it helped shaped their superstar careers.

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Can’t beat a day like this hey it’s like the best it’s why we’re living birth what the hell that’s um Zach’s brother’s girlfriend how are you did you know we were doing this no they just came in so funny hi um I think I’m just going to do

A ice latte yeah what do I what should I get ice chocolate can you just make me an ice chocolate please do ice cream no it’s okay who’s going to win more in 2024 I would say I think cuz he’s like more competitive he’s going to say himself no

I mean but you’re good you’re pretty good I’m pretty good track record I’m I’m striving right now many got two oh no you got two you got one last year I got two I got two all right I got two within three events or something I got

Two within me too to be continu yes Mii is a straight line minw is a squiggle they’ll describe me as a joke star I have fun with whatever I do a social butterfly he loves attention he loves to show off he’s got a great long game he’s got a great short game

There’s no reason why he can’t be a world top 10 player he does have that switch in him like when the crunch comes down to it he he does click into a different gear him being that happy go-lucky self and he takes that to the course that’s when he he plays his best

[Applause] Goal m is different to Min a little introverted my caddy would probably say that I’m really quite intense pretty like tunnel vision when I’m on the golf course do my job and then I’m and then I’m out of the there probably the hardest work I’ve ever met and

Known M Lee wins the US Women’s Open at P needles she could win every major for her to get beaten by the opposition they’re going to have to play pretty well she’s just worked her her ass off and she’s amazing she deserves to be where she is

Growing up in Perth was awesome there was always really great weather great beaches and really great um practice facilities we had lots of friends and friends to practice with and I think that’s why we were you know really competitive as we are now and yeah I

Think the weather is the best part of it you know least cloudiest days in the in the world which is nice yeah courses were nice and really windy so it was good for our golf game do you reckon the water will be cold yeah it won’t be terrible though oh it will be

Nice do you remember coming here when we were little we used to sit over there in the Great Grass it maybe I was not in my conscious mind yet I don’t remember little kid little kid men my mom was a golf professional and then she started teaching so uh that’s

How my sister and I got into it see let us do whatever we wanted when we were younger so I swam I um I did dance I did um theater I did so many things and golf kind of was another sport that I did like naturally because our whole family

Played and minwu was always um always really interested and our parents um they always played every weekend I’d have like a little bucket of balls and I’d be hitting them and Mom would be like oh um let’s try this or let’s try that so it was kind of funny now that I

Think back and I’d out drive her and she’d be like ah you’re out driving me now I was always kind of quite talented as a kid and I was good but I like playing basketball and soccer and swimming more than Golf and then I decided to play golf when I was about 15

Menu wasn’t quite um wasn’t quite at my level at the time so he would be practicing with his friends and I would be like just go away you’re too loud or too noisy you’re annoying so we didn’t play as much when we were younger but we

Play a little bit more now um here and there and I think he thinks he has bragging rights at the moment it sucks for me cuz everyone was at one point in their life they were the best golfer in the family and I’m still I’m still

Trying to get there so um Dad played off plus one 7 years ago he was a really good golfer still is pretty good golfer yeah we were a golfing family and that’s how we got into it did you surf is it hard I was actually pretty good for like the first

Time I was pretty good yeah maybe I should it’ll be it’s so fun you know you know that first feeling of like doing something for the first time that was Lot what if I suck no you’ll probably suck perth’s the most remote city in the world we use that to our advantage I

Think you know certainly within Australia where The Underdogs and we’re seen as this Outback town that has looked down upon at times and we use that to advantage and that we we want to beat the opposition and we want to beat the easn Staters and we you know we feel

Like we’re not spoiled and they are and they don’t have to travel we do and yeah if we’re going to travel for 24 hours to get somewhere we want to play well when we get there to it’s not the case of just going around the corner yeah that’s what I was trying to

Hit perfect mom and dad has sacrificed so much for us and it’s nice that then both retired now and they can come out more often I think I think they’ll definitely be proud of the way we’ve handled ourselves it’s definitely great to you know make them proud and

Play well as much as we can they also have a sense of we can do more there’s a sense of great job but there’s also a sense of let’s go do More


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