Jake Knapp Swing Breakdown

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If John Daly’s golf swing and Freddy couple’s golf swing had a baby the child would be Jake nap let’s break this swing down and let me tell you why he is now my favorite swing on the PJ Tour all right Jake knap so I know it might be a little cliche to say the uh past weekends winner is my favorite swing on the PJ tour because I feel like you know anytime someone wins that’s what everyone is talking about or trying to replicate the the following week but

Overall I think the way Jake swings a club is everything we talk about over at hit being free being an athlete uh having really good sequencing and then flat out building a swing that that allows you to bomb it so that if you need to you can you know have a

Really nice smooth Tempo and and and finesse your way around the course which is what he did and that’s where you know my opinion Jake has the ability to go 135 140 if he wanted to he could probably compete in long drive but he doesn’t need to and that’s why he could

Coast his way around the course and have Freddy couple’s effortless speed Tempo my good friend Dana dalquest is part of Jake’s team so he’s been involved with coaching him over the last couple years so very excited to see Jake and his team get it done super happy for Dana let’s

Jump into this and let me tell you why I absolutely love this swing continuing the theme of looking at PJ tour winners we’re going to see some similarities with his body alignments however this is going to be the first strong grip winner that we have in 2024 remember the past

Winners this year have all been on the weaker to neutral side of the spectrum and it’s going to be cool to look at uh someone who is on the opposite side of the spectrum now we don’t see as many of these grips on the PJ tour I think generally speaking if someone doesn’t

Move well it’s a little bit harder to manage this grip but nonetheless it goes to show you that you can get it done different ways which is why we are doing this analysis so starting with the the left shoulder to left hip you guys can

See that that is aligned on top of each other I’m big fan of that that’s going to set us up in a little bit more right Bend at a dress really important as we move to the top of our swing we have to have range of motion to be able to move

Into left bin and setting up the way Jake does puts us in that position now foot flare just a little bit okay not not much and then you can see Jake stance for a driver is a little bit on the narrower side of the spectrum compared to like a Windham Clark in my

Opinion the reason for this is Jake doesn’t have to step on the gas as hard as he as he can you know because his swing is so long you know and he can create so much speed in my opinion somewhere around 140 if he had to he’s

Sort of almost dialing back and and and having a narrower stance helps him finesse his way around the course because there’s so much available speed in this swing if he wants it now grip this is a strong grip so I know some of you uh in other weeks fought me on for

Example Nick dunlap’s grip I said it was weak a lot of you said it was strong but in my opinion this is a strong grip okay three Knuckles visible on the left hand we draw a line up from the V points outside the right shoulder uh ding ding

Ding we have our first strong grip of the year now if we look at the lead wrist okay uh he’s going to set up with a little bit more cup okay so uh the important part about a strong grip is making sure that uh he maintains that

Cup throughout the the back swing to ensure that that face doesn’t get too closed down the line absolutely textbook okay the first thing that sticks out to me is he’s definitely under the balls of his feet if I draw a line down from his hip to his ankle bone um you can see

That those are on top of each other really important for being able to create depth in the back swing okay so so now he actually has range of motion to move deeper um versus if he set up back already there would be no range of motion to create depth so really like

That everyone watching this knows I’m a huge fan of letting the arms hang naturally you can see the lead humorous hangs on the forward side of 90° and then obviously a lot of space from the hands to the pelvis really important uh if you want to bombit you

Got to have range of motion to move through love the spine and pelvis alignments okay so pretty neutral pelvis okay we could make that assumption based off how flat his lower back is and then he starts to get a little rounded up top not as much as like a Kyle Burkshire but

Uh there is a little bit of curve there really important if we start a little more in a flex position we’re going to have room to move into an extended position so uh I posted a reel about this last week making sure that we have a little curve in our spine obviously

Different players are going to vary but the bottom line is because we’re moving into extension in the back swing you have to be able to have range of motion to move in to if you start extended most golfers uh will run out of room very quickly overall this is textbook here in

Terms of uh what we preach over at hit and let’s move into the takeaway all right so off the ball uh we see Jake moves slightly to his lead side okay so we see this from a lot of the bombers and what that does is that’s

Going to allow them to push off their left side uh and send his body up into the right okay so you can see uh moving back his head is not only moving up but it’s moving to the right so we have a little up with a little lateral if you

Remember back to Windham Clark Windam had the up portion in there but uh for the most part windham’s pelvis stayed in between the lines out of dress uh Jake has a little bit more lateral Motion in there now down a line view uh as we move

Him back to P2 remember what we talked about at a dress if you’re going to have a strong grip it’s going to be important to maintain the cup in the lead wrist As you move back okay that’s going to ensure that the face is square to the

Spine okay and it’s not getting too closed and you can see Jake does a nice job of that now one of the other things I like a lot about this swing is because he sets up with a a lot of space between his hands and his pelvis at a dress

That’s going to allow him to keep his hands in front of him okay so you can see how he keeps his hands in front of his chest once we get back to P3 you can see his hands are roughly over his his right PEC and because they’re staying

More in front of the body that’s going to allow the the pitch of the shaft to be a little bit more on plane if we want to call it you know I think being on plane is a dangerous term because there’s really no such thing but in essence the correlation I’m trying to

Show is that that if his hands were to work deeper and more around the body the shaft would be much more acrossed okay so because those hands are staying much more in front of him the shaft has a very pretty look at the top okay now

Trail leg is losing Flex okay so you can see it it it losing Flex um but it’s not locking out and that’s a byproduct of his pelvis uh turning through a big range of motion so you can see how much pelvis turn he has here the lead leg as

A byproduct is getting pulled back behind the ball and the interesting thing is Jake gets back well past parallel without allowing his heel to come off the ground okay so um you know that’s that’s pretty impressive that he can create that type of range of motion

When we see a golfer with this long with the back swing one of the things that uh can happen is it’s okay for this Trail elbow and Trail shoulder to work a little bit more behind the body okay so you can see that trail elbow is behind

The Torso it’s what we call transverse abduction for the trail shoulder this would not work as well for someone like John ROM who has a shorter back swing there wouldn’t be enough time to make that up okay in fact this is actually pretty advantageous uh what this does is

This is going to set him up to have a huge stretch from his right shoulder all the way way down to his left hip in fact if I get these lines out of here you could actually uh see that stretch happening through his shirt okay so that’s basically his core being

Stretched and loaded if you load your body correctly a lot of things are going to happen for free at the top of the Swing you can see the cup that we were talking about uh that’s important to making sure that that face doesn’t get

Too close so you can see uh the face is is barely pointing up at this Sky if that lead wrist went flat with a strong grip uh that face would be very close it would look something like that if not maybe even more extreme so really

Textbook as far as the back swing goes you know we do see a little bit of folding of that lead arm at the top I don’t think that’s the end of the world um you know obviously it’s going to allow him to create a little bit bigger

Range of motion I also think part of that is happening because he’s changing direction really early so you could see the club is still moving back as he’s starting to lower okay he’s lowering and what that’s doing is that is starting the process of reflexing this right leg

As the pelvis opens so you can see how his his right leg is now reflexing so a little bit more extended he lowers it reflexes and then when we get him to P5 you can see that at this point his knees are square okay so so knees are square

That’s a sign that his lower body is starting the downswing for the most part we don’t see a ton of lateral in there okay so in other weeks we’ve talked about the importance of the left hip okay staying inside that left heel so you can see he does a good job of that

Very similarly to to to Windam Clark we we see this left elbow move okay so we see the left elbow flexing towards the target so there is a little bit of a a pulling motion going on once he changes Direction so once he creates that separation and the arm loads across the

Chest we do see a little bit of that lead arm pulling towards the target ultimately that’s going to help move his handle more forward this is one of the reasons why when he gets down to P6 or just before P6 uh that club is going to

Be a lot higher and once again this is something we see from a lot of the bombers right wendam Clark Ricky fer Victor hin so you know in terms of the average golfer looking at that chicken wing as being a bad thing you know don’t get me wrong it most certainly can but

We do see players having success at a high level with that in there so I think you really got to closely analyze uh if that’s something something you want to work out of your swing now one of the other things that we see through the transition is if we watch Jake’s hand

Path okay so obviously it’s it’s working more in front of him in the back swing and as this Trail elbow Works back behind him one of the byproducts is as he changes Direction and loads this core that’s going to help drop the club in

The slot and what I mean by that is if we watch his hand pack from the top of the swing and I put dots as we move down through the down swing we’re going to see the hand path almost work back and in before it works out okay so what this

Is going to do is this is going to help neutralize his club path okay and make sure that that path doesn’t get too far across the ball But ultimately that’s what’s happening is if we we overlap the back swing and the down swing correctly that’s what allows the the hand path to

Stay in before it works out okay now the benefit of doing it the way Jake does it is he has enough body rotation to uh control the exit Okay so because his lower body is is open now the hands can work around the body okay so that’s how

You can drop the club in the slot but still make sure that everything exits nicely around the the forward half of the Ark is because you have the rotation to support it where I see a lot lot of players go wrong with this is a lot of

Times if they see those hands working too far this way to quickly in the path too far to the left a lot of times what I see is golfers restrict their lower body and try to pull the arms down okay the problem with that is if if we pull

The arms down enough to where it stalls rotation the arms will drop like Jake does but then we’re not going to have the rotation to support it and and control That Swing Direction but but also that face okay so a really important detail there um that stems from how that trail shoulder is

Obviously working really nice delivery so we can see Club is working through that form at P6 Club is slightly in and below the hands I love that and then obviously some really good face alignments there face isn’t going to be as on an angle so I know going back we

Saw the face a little bit more like the green line uh we’re not going to see that as much in the down swing okay um because some of the tilts of the body are changing so just know that that is a a square face right there and one of the

Things we see is we we even see as he starts to use the ground okay that leadis going into a flex position okay so so it’s it’s not staying cup throughout the back swing it’s actually cup and then he’s starting to lose a little bit of that uh into the downswing

Okay which is is going to help help with some of the face stuff now love his impact position textbook absolutely textbook okay especially as it relates to this lower body okay and I know this video is in between frames but you can see first and foremost a lot of pelvic

Rotation on the left and as that happens the the left hip is getting pulled back this way okay the left leg is moving into extension and when we look at it from the face of you you can see that extension as well so so really important

One of my mentors C miira always talked about making sure at impact from the left foot back to the sternum he called it the chine uh so you can see that he he has those angles in there obviously the uh bench right elbow impact is really important uh Hogan talked about

The power package and obviously we want to keep some Flex in there until after impact okay so you can see how he’s flexed and then that extends through impact and a lot of that is because at that point the body has created enough rotation to support the direction the

Arms are going to be thrown okay and then once once the club uh goes past the body everything gets thrown off the body the club releases and then obviously they straighten but uh he has the the rotation to support it so club and hands exiting roughly through that lead

Shoulder okay which is a sign of a a nice uh stable release and ultimately you can see why I love this swing so much okay it’s it’s a lot of the things we talk about at hit bombs you know as I mentioned earlier we’re trying to you

Know obviously build a golf swing that supports Club at speed right and it’s not that you need that at all times to play good golf but the important part is is having that uh in the tank and especially as you get older right so as as Jake ages okay and gets into the

Latter part of his career his swing is built to support longevity okay granted obviously injuries could happen but in terms of Club Ed speed you know the two things that uh are going to keep people competitive well into the later part of their life whether you’re a professional

Golfer an amateur golfer is is Club at speed and being injuryf free right the good part about Jake swing is is when he reaches 45 years old um I would guess Jake is going to have enough speed to still play at a high level now the

Opposite would be looking at like a John ROM right someone who has a very short swing will that start to catch up to him at some point


  1. Picturing John Daly and Freddie Couples' baby is something i wasn't expecting to visualize on this fine Monday. What a swing!

  2. I am impressed by how much the head has moved backwards out of the head frames you set from address. I understand the downward motion of the head. Do you advocate that much Trailside head movement during the downswing?

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