Stuck in the trees? Give this a try! #golf #golftips #golfcoach #golfswing

Finding yourself in amongst the trees and you’re not quite sure what to do sand wedge pitching wedge wedges and Loft are not the answer definitely don’t look for that tiny Gap high up in the trees pull out the sand wedge and end up disco dancing round

About the trees take a much lower lofted Club let’s go with something like a seven a six iron even a five iron we want as little Loft as possible with the ball back in the stance to chip it through this Gap to start at low we’re

Going to go down the handle close to the ball and very upright this angle here takes a lot of the wrist hinge out wrist hinge is what’s going to add height which we don’t need place the ball towards your back foot have the feet one to two Club heads wide and very much

Have the weight on the left hand side this is going to help your Club come down steeper launch the ball lower which will help you hit through this Gap and let it release back into safety

1 Comment

  1. Careful standing too close to the ball while standing that tall. Without your hands low enough or spine tilted enough you’ll dig that toe of the club right into the ground.

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