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2024 The Open at Austin | FPO FINALB9 | Scoggins, Mertsch, Blomroos, Gannon | Jomez Disc Golf

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Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the FPO lead card final round at the 2024 The Open at Austin.

Card: Ohn Scoggins, Kat Mertsch, Henna Blomroos, Missy Gannon
Course: The Open Course at Harvey Penick | Austin, TX
2HotGeese: Madison Walker, Erika Stinchcomb

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Back 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
01:03 HOLE 10
04:42 HOLE 11
11:22 HOLE 12
14:54 HOLE 13
18:35 HOLE 14
23:12 HOLE 15
27:22 HOLE 16
31:15 HOLE 17
36:31 HOLE 18

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Hello and welcome to the final nine of the open at Austin presented by flight Factory discs I’m Erica stinko I’m Madison Walker we’re your two hock Keys honk we have nine War holes at the open course at Harvey penck uh toil course redesign if you’re joining us for the

First time for some reason psychopath yeah uh on scogin story of the weekend just lighting it up came in with a two-stroke lead has extended it to nine Strokes in a very short amount of time look at that all green no Bogies fire cat merch came out strong the first two

Rounds she’s struggling a little bit more today but mental game is strong she’s still fighting her way back uh Christen Tatar from the Chase car coming in into second place Missy Ganon looking solid as a rock out there but just not not quite able to capitalize on every birdie or par

Look H 10 is a downhill Par 3 35 ft it is an island hole with a very favorable Drop Zone if you do not land safe it is a mandatory Drop Zone uh you see Four Hands you see backhand slow speed discs it was a left to right wind so I like

The backhand a little bit more um or if you do the sidearm a slower speed disc that doesn’t catch the wind and skip out of bounds we just saw Kristen throw her heart and birdie this one she is six down through 10 so same score as own but one hole

Ahead and still nine Strokes back that’s so crazy o had trouble with this one yesterday as well different wi today and it really highlights the angle she seems to Stomp the teapad uh this was her only bogey of the round yesterday right yep Missy going stable guy zraptor low

Stable shot I feel like wet teab pads have been just like the theme of 2024 so far yeah that’s true great shot from Missy everyone’s going to be so good at throwing with their [Laughter] arm cat trying to go slower speed avr3 here gets a little bit of flip

I love how that disc flips up she does too little breath of relief there and you can see the wind starting to pick up hna really good at low linear shots trusting this Hiser and it is perfect right under the branches of the tree checking out [Applause]

Nicely three for four on the island own going to have to try to save par from the Drop Zone this one the stomp got but like the smile stomp yeah like you can’t be too mad she’s like oh only one hole has my number out here Hanna with a strong bid from Circle

Two cat with a tester in the wind here strong side bounces commentary wind honk Missy birdie and that feels good after that rough wooded stretch and I believe this is when the lightning delay happened not quite yet but get ready own with the only bogey of the round so far very similar to

Yesterday I love how low Miss he threw this yeah super committed only eight Strokes now separating own from Kristen moving on to Ho 11 a par 5 900 ft love how this one’s designed that downhill right to left sloping Fairway makes back hands really difficult the farther you get the easier this second

Shot is you want to land something right in this area but it’s just such a small little Landing Zone it’s never easy and you’re usually throwing a distance driver to get there you’re third to the screen very well protected by some low hanging branches out of bounds all the

Way around the outside and an elevated basket to boot to boot now doy do Missy hangs this out over OB just how you want to it’s the ESP Drive I don’t think I’ve seen her throw this disc yet perfect cat risky high are flipping and it checks up grab your partner round and

Round she knows that that’s living on the edge cat is so animated yeah I was about to say she’s a literal cartoon character yeah H not quite putting this out wide as wide as last time but is this another slow speed disc it’s a Thunderbird I

Believe so she does get it to flip just enough and she has gone kind of aggressive in previous days so I kind of like that she’s just chilling um she has landed safe every day but then has gone OB on her second shot both days in very different

Spots oh just spiking one in the middle just bouncing around out there mhm both as a person and her discs just bouncy this is a very technical second shot you do have to carry that OB own right along the line skipping and yeah man that happens it feels like

More often than not if you don’t get all the way past the corner yeah you have to carry it a little further over that OB she can still save a par here though mhm yeah pretty big third shot but she definitely can do it Missy that disc flips up a lot yeah I

Like that she’s kind of pushing that right side hard it feels a little scary but that’s the way to land safe mhm that shot always feels so good oh it safe yes it does feel like a champion you’re like oh am I the best at this the best there’s ever been

And Hanna trying to keep this one in bounds makes the correction from the previous days she’s way up there yeah out driving everyone second shot by 80 feet I don’t know cat merch what is she thinking she think an eagle no is she going big no I don’t think so no

Okay this is going to be flirting with ob yeah that’s risky needed to hang that out to the right more similar to Missy will have a chance or own excuse me to save par what do you think like 300ish blind maybe at 280 280 275 280 oo man oh

My goodness I want to know the inches of how close own has been to OB like throughout the tournament blury yeah she’s really playing the width and that I think is the horn we had a we had a little front move through during the round and we’re going to do something

Magical for you we’re going to make an hour and 45 minutes pass by in second you can say thank you in the comments everyone going to mark their Lie and we’re back isn’t that crazy oh man doesn’t even look like nothing nothing even happened it was I didn’t actually clock it but it was definitely closer to two hours than one uh yeah it was 140 and Missy looks like she was nice and warm also the way

It happened there wasn’t really a lot of time to warm back up like you were kind of just jogging to your hole Yeah on Tournament Sunday everyone’s trying to cram in there’s not there’s no extra morning time we have on Monday to be able to finish so gets a

Little wild when we have bad weather on Sundays but props to the tournament staff like they did everything MH the right way to keep everyone safe cat catches a tree that keeps her safe yeah she’s thrilled oh big putt for par save wow gosh can you tell that she’s not warmed

Up anymore no mistake shows it’s just yeah straight from the car right into a circle two putt on an elevated basket yes own Hanah for birdie yay heck yeah and Hanah takes her first breath in six holes no that really does feel good though it sure

Does Missy with a great birdie two in a row and a good pars sa from cat who was OB Kristen with the current hot round still at six still eight Strokes back of own hole 12 double mandatory hole it’s Par 3 310 ft uh the wind was pretty right to left so kind of either throwing a flip up or a turnover out towards the right and

Letting the wind kind of help skip you towards the pin it feels a little longer than 310 just cuz you can’t really work like your typical heer play uh there is OB right that you can find if you really turn something over but it’s I wouldn’t say it’s a common mistake most common

Mistake is probably Heering too much out to the left side leaving yourself a circle two putt it’s a nice little flip up from Missy it’s a a thrasher I feel like we actually haven’t seen one of those in a second was this mostly just right to

Left or a little bit heady it was mostly right to left at least when I came through kind of hang this one out really far to the right need some ground play here some really nice over stability on that disc it’s another champion Thunderbird and she’s inside the

Circle and this is the mistake I was talking about it’s easy to juster way over here there’s no OB but at only 310 you’re really wanting a putt at this one cat just so much power on and so much spin on her discs that thing went way

Past own Heering as well but it checks up yeah she had that little bit of flex on it I think that really helped there cat playing a different hole than everyone else coming back at it and some great touch on that approach yeah that was into a bit of a headwind as well

Done own forc to straddle around this big tree dang girl gosh dude was that just outside yes she’s in human wide straddle to the side of the tree dang the last two putts were insane after just sitting around for almost two hours how many of those two hours do you think she spent

Putting I mean you weren’t really allowed outside so unless she was putting in her very small van Missy catching the top of the cage not quite able to get it into the chains cat with a little bit of work left to do for her par as

Well a quarter of the field got this hole ooh cat go weeks it in there Missy in for her par own the only Birdie on the lead card she’s playing lights out and I think the only Birdie on Chase card as well wow crazy such a committed

Putt goes back to six down tied for the hot round with Kristen nine Strokes dude dude and this course is so punish finishing hole 133 315 ft I think this is one of the more getable holes on the day you have to cross this big Ravine there’s that out

Of- bounds green on the right hand side wind really does play a factor in how difficult this t- shot is and how close you can get it to the basket thankfully it’s a little squatty basket not elevated um and not a lot of things you

Have to worry about here as long as you land in that wide open area important update that little black half circle in the map truly is just a spare tire in that Ravine I just needed everyone to know that accurate art on the T signs we love

To see it oh throwing the flex line getting the fav really favorable Roll Just a perfect little roll I mean it was a great shot regardless but uh now it’s an easy putt I like how own still is surprised every time the disc just works out even though it’s every time even

Though it’s every time Missy with a good-looking Hiser shot that’s coming in just a little deep of the basket it had a lot of speed on it um she’s going to be inside the circle a little deep that was a Zeus so good at these Hiser

Lines she’s good at all the lines yeah she just she legitimately looks like a dis golf machine when she throws it like error [Laughter] zero just has to calibrate the putt mhm cat also going Firebird as did henna big old spiky guy and Cat the opposite of

H just emotion yeah only just like wild form wild dis selection but it works doesn’t even look at the basket before [Laughter] putting nice little step putt Miss strong side yep yep Missy for a birdie look like she wasn’t quite able to get her full legs into the putt a

Little obstructed by that Wiggly tree oh and CTP is she oh wait hna doesn’t matter she still got a birdie yeah you’re right psyched about half the field got this birdie just realized that Missy was all green and has a shamrock on her hat St Patrick’s Day I didn’t notice that

Earlier it’s not like I’ve been staring at her and judging everything thing she does our only job is to watch Missy H getting another birdie as well and similar to yesterday kind of a rough start but then picking it up gaining some momentum here on the back two birdies two

Pars and we head back into the woods oh seven down our whole Chase C kind of uh slow in their roll we haven’t had a check in in a minute as we move to whole 14 and 465 ft an out of bounds line on the left hand side that is legitimately

Terrifying for the for this shot for to be a backhand CAU you want to land something right a forehand is the perfect thing to do that the more right you are the more open the Gap is you can throw whatever you want to this green basket on an

Antill no out of bounds to worry about I’m really glad that you took that fly over even though it was my turn I really couldn’t have said it better it wasn’t even my turn own doing the backhand that is good to do on this hole here and she she executes it really well

Hanah with a slower speed disc it looks like let me double check here yeah Rock three catches and kicks but luckily does not kick out of bounds going to be possible to birdie but really difficult most likely a par Missy with a really beautiful backhand here P the line get way down

There Thrasher in the woods love to see it cat I don’t know I don’t know man what she thinking no one taking the forehand route as he said no and that is why most women take the right side the left side can get you way up there for an easy

Birdie but man it feels risky high risk no reward for cat merch o hna trying to get all the way to the green she knows there was a chance she catches those last two little guard trees yeah that was looking great it like skipped between them look how

Skinny it is yeah she hit both of them cat even after the obese stroke just going to have to pitch out can’t get up and down to save par oh lining up this right side it’s a cool Gap most women going out the left ooh swoopy o and just checks up perfectly

Just rolls right right to it just you think she goes out there and trains him Bounce Around legitimately she gets to know the green she finds just like that one little bump you have to hit she just knows her disc better than anyone else it feels like Missy coming in hot yeah she’ll

Have a bit of work left to do but she’s putting for birdie cats forth just an easy little pitch up to the green smooth there were only six birdies on whole 14 today yeah played a little harder all weekend than I expected honestly yeah you just have to be in such a perfect

Spot to get out of this Gap MH Hanah pitches up for hopefully an easy par here Missy with a headwind and an uphill putt a really terrible combo that’s a nice little checkup it good run difficult to make yourself run those and put too much air under the disc just

Blow by so easily I love how Missy commits to Black Putters yeah I never really thought about that she always uses black Putters well it’s her thing it’s our day for noticing things about Missy do you know she’s is married a nice par from hna and Cat’s going to have to settle

For a bogey after an early out of bounds 35% of the field taking a bogy on this one probably is from that exact thing mhm man own is just light years ahead of the rest of her card and also still so far ahead of Kristen just still stacking

Them up just yeah I mean why not go she’s literally 14 Strokes ahead of her closest competitor on her card when I say this is how you do golf too that’s what I mean because she’s playing only against herself she’s trying I bet you 10 bucks she’s trying to beat her

Own score and that’s it yeah which is crazy like most people would take their foot off the gas even subconsciously just because no one’s even close to touching her yep whole 15’s a par 3 345 ft the kind of trees on the right off the

Teapad force a little bit of a flex it was a favorable left to right wind today so you could throw a Hiser Flip or just a anheiser that turns gently you want to make sure it doesn’t turn over too far and cut roll is probably the main

Mistake or just going nose up and Heering out early there is OB you can find if you really blast something deep what was the wind doing today you said left to right left to right okay at least when I came through m M which was before the delay that’s a nice little

Wind uh for this shot you want it it’s cool for it to be able to help turn the disc a little bit late in the flight just like this um I like how hna drives the bus and her follow through getting it to come back to the green Missy turning this Thrasher over

Nicely oh yeah speaking of knowing your discs well cat threw a Thunderbird yesterday looks like this is a Halo something or other that is a bit more stable mhm had some nice high-s speeed turn but also very quickly f you heard of the something or other from

Ina they’re always coming out with new discs I’m just going to lay up here she has 15 Strokes to give away it’s not that many what is it 11 she’s 11 Strokes I believe over not that far off yeah I know I wasn’t even barely exaggerating oh cat giving it a great

Run and dealing with a mean little roll see a lot of those on this hole uh our apologies if we’re not trying to make it so exhilarating in the booth here but 11 Strokes is uh pretty impressive yeah it’s been a while since we’ve seen like a that do huge blowout like

This no I think this is the most difficult green on the course h I saw more putting woes here than I did anywhere else I guess I did see the most rollways here Mhm cat finally sneaks one in for bogey we all hate a three put there were only eight birdies today on whole 15 strange feel like that’s lower than I would have expected good look like the wind died down nicely here for henna man it’s just rough Missy for her birdie yeah from

Right around the bullseye Edge Hanna showing her frust ation here relatable oh just bouncing Around absolutely destroying the competition I think I’d be a little bouncy too yeah and gidy Missy overtaking henna there who drops to fifth Missy in a tie for third with cat merch Kristen holding on to Second whole 16 320 ft looks like a headwind huh sure was and a nice

Turnover that is very difficult in these conditions it plays a little longer than 320 the main things you want to uh worry about are just those Hazard bunkers on the left hand side if you throw something overstable try to flex it it could come back and get a little Skippy

Into those and make putting very difficult to save par the headwind definitely made this one a bit tough although it doesn’t look bad right now no it looks pretty calm yeah again I I played all these before the delay so my information might not be totally accurate Dang the delay did her good she probably would and had a couple snackies that was another Thrasher yeah I think I heard an interview actually where she talked about her snackies snackies maybe some dog pets yeah and you know dog pets yeah mhm snacks and

Pets is H going faster here no I was actually just going to say this is a champion Road Runner oh just displaying perfect control and I think is she outside the circle just a little bit yeah unfortunately glues yeah feel like that should have been a bit more rewarded it

Was a great line and this needs to sit doesn’t quite hold in the wind as much as she maybe wants but it’s pin High just a step outside the circle Hanah I feel like giving these longer ones a bit stronger of runs yeah a little more comfortable [Laughter]

Here what a reaction off the I’m glad we get see this again look off the right side Nubs and bounces in really strong looking bid here wow doing a little dance on the rim relief yeah always nice to sink a big one when it hasn’t been the best putting

Day own from 50ish why not I mean yeah get it girl you’re right she probably is trying to beat herself from yesterday yeah she’s an absolute freak backto back slow messes yes please just so pure in the heart perfect nose down right over the rim cat leaves her 30 bid short gets another

Roll shorter one this time than the last hole rude there we go man it like makes me uncomfortable when people don’t Mark with a mini why I don’t know I get nervous for them like what if you miss short cuz you didn’t mark it I’m the opposite if you need those 8

In then should be out there I need him I need every inch I can get CH nine down yeah krist’s still holding on hasn’t quite grabbed any more birdie since we last checked in in the front nine full 17 is a par four for the FP there’s a mandatory on the right OB

Line on the left both can come into play if you’re not careful I like the backhand Hiser flip up that drifts right you can also do a turnover it’s a tight sidearm but you can make that work too you want to get as close as possible to

The mo pin and then kind of pitch through the woods there’s one primary gap on the left there’s a couple sneaky ones on the right side elevated pin can be windy out here on a bit of a hill as well haven’t seen a ton of birdies chase

C checkin oh Christ tar Where Have You Been look at this forehand it’s perfect that right side is the better side to be on as well she’s landed there every day mhm it just gives you a couple more options they none none of them are great but there’s just more of them yeah

And it’s safe the whole time the backand feels a little risky off the tea wow she did the same thing yesterday she punched through quite a few branches to par that one that was sweet almost a carbon copy nice is Kristen bogey free I think so

I that could be the case yeah it could be a fact for all of you to maybe know yep she is bogey free nice isn’t it crazy that that’s still not good enough Christen tar bogey free oh Missy going to be OB right there it’s

Kind of tight on that tree it can be tough to scramble for par for over there is is such a scary backhand t- shot that little skinny Corner Tree is right there in the way if you accidentally work the disc instead of the let the disc do the

Work I actually think it’s a scarier forehand for the reason we just saw because those trees ahead on the right the two skinny ones kind of block the shot make you throw the flex oh makes a mistake but it works she’s winning by it might be 15 at this

Point henna with a great backhand Drive cat gonna try to Heiser flip a backhand this is a destroyer okay no flex huge all right early out of her hand and safe good reaction but the frustrations have set in watching two rollers on the green that’s enough to get anybody

Especially when you’re already fighting for your life Cat still trying to make something happen here mhm that’s huge yes so close great shot little bit of a throwing hope over there what she doing with that long I think she’s about to bench out of anger me some power squats

Yeah with the flexi lines in the game Circle two Missy after the OB stroke and going to sneak one up the left hand side yeah this is a really tough shot you can see the footing too not ideal Missy doesn’t care she’s just gonna lace something down there to 15 feet that’s

One of the shots of the weekend yeah that was incredible M oh good I’m G to see it again so tight not ideal footing at all just the most beautiful heer flip too and if she missed that bran she would be even closer mhm wow hna with the furthest Drive she has

A nice Gap to throw through does she yeah it’s there okay it’s there it exists I’m just call it nice beats the one tree you have to cat floating one up there going to save par so close to getting a birdie look is own thinking about okay she’s playing herself I’m honestly

Surprised she didn’t run it just for fun I feel like the crowd was probably yelling run it probably that’s that’s own fans Hanna not messing with it either playing for position at this point yeah headwind elevated basket I don’t blame her Missy with such a great par save

Yeah there was only three birdies on this hole we saw Kristen get it Sheila May lie and Vanessa van Dy at Shelly May sh May sh shell May Le uh lie Li okay we’re all learning here together I wouldn’t know I unless I played with her love all the new faces

Out here as well Texas with 53 women at this event it’s so awesome yeah and we’re we I believe we have a field of over 100 for US Women’s coming up next week yes we do own beating her card mates by at least 15 beating Christen to car by

9 wait 11 Jesus math wow and we finish out with hole 18 a par 5 685 another wooded hole out of bounds all the way down the right and left side the left side line is pulled back into the woods a little bit though so you’re going to

Have to do some scrambling if you end up over there this is a really cool hole but play has played pretty difficult every day looks like the FP field kind of figured it out today only about 0.15 over par today with 25% of the field getting it a fun finishing hole let’s

Watch Kristen do it from the Chase card that’s looking pretty solid just needs to not fade too much to the left she with that t-shot you think she was chasing the eagle I like I mean it wasn’t crazy aggressive I don’t think so is this about to be

It’s pretty far still oh she’s doing it mhm I feel like she was chasing it but there those trees on the right hand side getting in the way thankfully it lays down doesn’t go out of bounds and here’s the classic little scrambly shot to the

Green we see on ho 18 all the time Christen currently seven down which was the hot round of day one um yesterday obviously owns 13 down was the hot round I’m trying to think of who was behind her was it a seven or an eight it was an eight eight

Mhm so Christen squeaks it in for an eight down and a great weekend for Kristen believe she averaged a thousand exactly yep just really tough to keep up with own yeah in her current state but she finished at 15 down so no one on the

Lead card here going to be able to catch her Missy catches early own what do you think chasing the eagle that’s not her game plan no I think quite a few women actually kind of took some off on this hole just to play for the easy

Birdie that was a great shot own doesn’t get Eagles she just gets 100,000 birdies mhm hna maybe a bit of a slip kind of pulled to the right but that’s not bad bir’s still in play from there I think she was trying to go huge she had an eagle look

Yesterday probably wanted another crack at it this is such a the most perfectly tight little t- shot I was going to say that corner tree is just right in the right spot cat finding it if she missed that it was going to go a country mile an Arkansas

Mile yeah that tree really is in the perfect placement oh my God taking the inside to inside oh gets away with it you stressed high risk baby oh yes and scores are tight here for third place Missy second she’s in the best position right now for that Podium finish do you like

It more on the right side in the second half of the Fairway honestly both are so workable are fine yeah as long as you’re I think the left is probably slightly better unless you go way way right M but you know in bounds on the second shot you’re

Happy wow wow I say she’s not going for Eagle huge shot she she’s within range that should be an easy birdie if she wants it she could also lay up 10 times and still win cat working that right side again risky I loved it me too Missy showing us

The right that rain just starting to fall as our lead card gets through the round wow that was great this is making for Like A really lovely like kind of dramatic finish with the ring for for the podium yeah not cinematic cinematic catic is the word I’m looking

For Hanna skipping a Heiser around the right side and puts it inside the bullseye nice or a birdie nope a nice little chip up to the green and own has nothing to worry about here oh man what a tournament to go backto back hot rounds you know

Even if she doesn’t make that putt she still has the hot run of the day is insane Missy outside Circle too so only seven people uh finished under par today wow and the next behind own shooting a 10 down today was Chris and Tatar everyone after that with like

Four to five Strokes below crazy crazy cat a rough day at plus 6 and a bogey finish what I liked the attitude she had out there the strong mental game oh no hna oh man and now a longer one coming back for par and get this lady off the course yeah

Live to fight another one get her a snacky just the putting her throw is looking amazing I believe henna and cat going to finish in a tie for fourth with that one uh Natalie Ryan eagled the last hole also to slide into that tie for fourth

But the story of the weekend the story of all of our hearts own scogin you’re open at Austin Champion let’s go [Applause] [Applause] on Let’s he it for your [Applause] [Applause] 2024 own you just have had the best rated average of any fpo player ever the highest tournament ever own what does that feel like it’s it’s feel amazing is it’s it’s I I still blow my mind it’s crazy because last year I played so bad on this course I still

Remember I got 16th Place I come here this weekend I didn’t have any high expectations uh the people were so nice I I I love I love them all you know even Randy people coming out and share us and I don’t know it just like I said when your week is

Your week isn’t It and Texas looks good on own it sure does and it is definitely her week wow what did you say the average was all weekend 10299 y the highest ever as Nate Perkins stated unreal it’s crazy I mean she’s what 42 she’s winning Master’s World titles left

And right and she’s still just coming and beating everyone stomping just annihilating Kristen tar I mean just I mean by 11 Strokes yeah H my gosh Missy gon playing really solid to slide into that third place position behind Chris and tar also playing unbelievable golf all weekend and we had what was a

Three-way TI yeah H and Natalie and like I said earlier there was only seven people that shot under par today with the conditions with the rain delay um so it’s even more impressive that ‘s going to shoot double digits when there’s only seven doing under par and back to back double digies

That’s how you do golf folks that is how you do golf congrats own we’re so happy for you uh signing off thanks again to flight Factory and to the team at Austin open I’m Madison Walker I’m Erica stinch we’re the two hot Keys honk Oh [Applause] M


  1. FPO is stuck in the first, maybe second gear. Majority of players are either terribly inconsistent, or amateur level putters, or both.

  2. Hopeful for Kat this year but choosing when to Putt-up to secure Par and minimizing lost strokes is better than the numerous roll-away nightmares she suffered. Ah, young guns!
    I believe and love you Kat – Great placing T-4th, nothing but best wishes in life and on the course for all the wonderful FPO. Such great competition overall.

  3. Ohn Scoggins is an assassin on the putting green. It was awesome to see her dominate the second and final rounds. Congrats Ohn.

  4. The Ohn Ranger, How you do golf, the hot Geese simply nail it every time. My first choice in coverage. Rather watch them than ever know the score beforehand.

  5. Ohn is truly amazing. How can you not love her??? But also, Hennaā€™s putting is heart breaking. I really hope she can gather herself and get back to form. Congrats Ohn you fucking rock!

  6. So cool to see Ohn ohn the field like this. She is a cool person and so smart to be able to get so much flight out of her form and shot selection with such a small frame. And she makes disc golf a little more diverse as a bonus!

  7. Unbelievable performance by Ohn!!! We need more courses like this in the FPO. Not every hole barely out of reach for most of the field. I totally enjoyed this tournament!

  8. My drinking game for coverage is when either goose says ā€œchecks upā€, or Uli says ā€œguardian treeā€.

    Iā€™m pretty much hammered, as you would imagine.

  9. On hole 16 the graphics say Missy threw a Zeus, Erika said it was a Thrasher. Same hole graphics say Henna throws a FD but Erika says Roadrunner.

  10. I feel for henna tough to watch every putt she swings her arm a different way I hope she figures it out

  11. Thank you for the commentary
    I like the fact that you gals are always giggling and having fun.

    I was wondering if you guys could do me a solid
    And not say God or Jesus and unless youā€™re praying
    Maybe you could come up with some kind of bird name, instead šŸ˜‚

  12. One should consider few things about what Ohn did (I mean event rating). 1. Nowadays athletes can be competitive in 30s and late 30s. It is not just what an individual can do, but general level of training 2. DG is not a kind of sport which require extraordinary physical abilities, so it is the specificity of this sport, which makes it possible. 3. DG is just establishing itself as the sport, what means it is not really professional sport yet (trained coaches, theory etc). However, Ohn is expanding the boundaries what is possible in DG.

  13. Just an incredible performance by scoggins she never let up. She was determined to set a record. 105 lbs of pure perfection.

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