This NEW FORGIVING Takomo Golf Club Makes 200 Yard Shots EASY!?

This NEW FORGIVING Takomo Golf Club Makes 200 Yard Shots EASY!?

In this golf bag I have a club which I think could be the easiest golf club for you to hit 200 yards plus from the te from the Fairway and even from the roof hi everyone my name is James Robinson welcome back to this YouTube channel now

I don’t usually test clubs like this seven Woods in particular this is quite a high lofted Fairway Wood it is of course the Tacomo ignis Fairway Wood it’s jam-packed full of Technology we have a carbon Crown we have a back weight in and we also have quite an

Interesting adjustment sleeve as well so I’ll talk to you through that later on this video but this is quite a budget Club as well it’s not as expensive as some of the tailor ma Titleist callaways some of those bigger branded names now I know Tacomo from being an iron

Manufacturer they make fantastic golf clubs in the iron section right the way through from forgiving irons down to the beautiful 301 MBS which the Brian brothers are using I’m not sure I should be using them but I’ve been trying them now when it comes to

This I used this in a video that we did on our sister Channel get good at golf so I’m going to put that in this video to show you guys how easy it is to hit it out of the roof but also a little bit

Of a tip to hit it out of the roof as well but it also comes down to say if I’ve got a difficult t-shot so this is quite a difficult t- shot for me and I want to hit the Fairway I don’t need to hit a massive long drive I just need to

Keep it in play having more Loft here does make it easier and Chris actually hits his seven wood almost as far as I my 3 wood so depending how you hit it you can still hit these quite a long way but one of the things I really like

About this club is the size of the head so seven Woods are usually quite small head designs whereas this still looks quite sizable it looks quite forgiving so you do feel like you’re going to have a little bit more confidence potentially down at the ball we have a hazardous

Smoke shaft in there and for the price I think that’s quite commendable from the guys at Tacomo and straight away look how easy it is to hit that ball straight up in the air that one’s going to go 220 230 yards carry and I don’t think it’ll run

Much today because of the weather that we’ve got but when it comes down to feel and sound a club I don’t think this is quite as nice as a Titleist a tailor made or a Callaway cuz they’re really really and the pxg they are so nice this

Year when it comes to that audio feedback but then for the price do you anticipate that you would accept good performance if it didn’t quite feel or sound as good cuz I personally would I think if you’re going to save yourself some money let’s see if we can play one

A little bit lower with this 7even wood look at that for a ball flight and all of a sudden now I’ve hit that one where I’ve pressured it a little bit more into the ground that’s a lovely draw down this Fairway it actually felt much nicer it felt a little bit deeper

Potentially you can see as well that my tea was here so I’ve hit that a little bit towy and I I haven’t really felt like it was towy so I’ve not really got that kind of feedback on there but I feel like I’ve probably got the Forgiveness I’ll show you where those

Are finished in a moment’s time let’s hit one more and let’s see if we really open the shoulders up here just how forgiving this Fairway would can be right to Como wow if you want something that’s easy to launch and I’m going to start testing

Seven Woods quite a lot more in 2024 cuz I certainly feel like it could potentially help my game it could really help your game let’s go test this out the Fairway and see if for the money this could be one of the best clubs to have in your bag in

2024 and you see I do find it really interesting because when we talk about forgiving Fairway Woods often we talk about some of the bigger manufacturers the bigger Brands Calla Tade titlist as I’ve mentioned already in this video and we don’t talk about the technology that

Goes into some of these more not as well-known clubs we going to say smaller Brands but I think what Tacoma are doing at the moment is really really cool so on clom is a smaller brand but then you look at the headstyle now that I’ve got

On screen and you see just how the weighting is so far back that carbon Crown is so elongated that really does push center of gravity back it really helps with that increased Moi and obviously more loft is always going to help you get it up in the air the fact

You have a premium shaft and premium grip on there for this price just kind of really helps tick the box as of you know what I’m going to save some money I don’t think they’re as good a value as the irons I think personally the irons from Tacomo are exceptional value I

Think these are good value I think they’re good better value than maybe some of the bigger Brands let’s test them from the Fairway and let’s see just how good they are okay so just over 200 yards out here we are from the Fairway and I’m going to show you what happened

In the video out of the roof just to towards the end of this video I’ll give you a few tips on how to get out the roof as well cuz I think this club mixed with a little bit of information about how to use it could really help you guys

Moving forward so let’s see how many times we can hit the green out of here out of three times and as you can see just as I mentioned as we’re walking down here that elongated head I think fills you with confidence and really allows you potentially be a little bit

More attacking with your mindset that 20 G weight at the back it almost has a v steel technology here as well it’s very similar looking to the sole of the made clubs that is supposed to help you through the roof supposed to help you from the Fairway like we are here

So I’d say two out of three are be good here let’s see now that’s interesting CU that is an awful strike but I think that’s all over the flag that’s left side of the green if it’s Flag high it’s going to be on the green so when we talk about attacking a

Shot from 200 yard plus something like this could really help help you I think having that extra Loft has helped me there cuz I struck it really bottomy let’s try and play a bit of a draw in here now oh that’s not a good one if that carries that bunker I’ll be

Amazed it has I didn’t that so that strike was a horrible Healy strike you can see we’ve picked up a bit of turf there as well it was a really high spin shot as well but it still got over that horrible cavernous bunker which is quite ridiculous really right I

Think we’ve hit the green twice there I will show you these just towards the end but if I was hitting a 4 I in here which would be the club I don’t think I’d be hitting the green with this bad this bad golf swing I’ve got at the moment I’m

Not hitting it that well and there still doing what I want them to do this is for three out of three which from this distance is ridiculous go on little bit of a different strike I fed that to be honest is that there I think that’s we’re going

To find out we’re going to find out I skyed that I still got there I think I actually skyed that and I think it’s might just be short that one wow so some very interesting shots there and some very interesting numbers when I tested this club I was actually

In tenf last week to go and do a little bit of warm weather testing on golf clubs and I used this on the Range using the golfs on wave and I must admit this today is no real surprise to me because I used it out there and I also used it

For the numbers and that front to back dispersion that forgiveness element was really really impressive and especially for that price as well let’s see where these are then let’s hit some out of the roof and I’ll show you a couple of tips on how to hit Fairy Woods out the roof

As well because if you want to get good at golf go and check out that channel but I’ll slip this in to today’s video for you anyway rather amazingly you can see that is three balls on the green and honestly this one I skyed it that’s the first one that we hit

That’s the second one which I couldn’t believe carried the bunker actually leaving us a nice uphill birdie put and this is the most interesting one this has pitched here and finished there and the ball speed must have been a lot less because it came literally out the roof of the

Club out to wipe off a tiny bit of residue it’s not Sky Dave if you’re watching but let’s hit these balls out the roof let’s see just how easy this club is to hit out the roof we’ll give you a couple of tips along the way as

Well so today we’re talking 200 yards out in the roof how do I do this I’m going to hit a fairway wood but you can see this is quite a loft of Fairway Wood it is of of course the Tacomo ignis 7 would now how do I attack this club it’s

Going to depend totally on how he can read stay with me how do I read these lies I’ve got four balls here they’re all lying totally different you can see we’re in the rof because we’re not that accurate we don’t hit the Fairway very often but I still want to try and attack

This par five green so in an Ideal World with the Fairway w we probably would sweep the club away we’d move it nice and shallow we’d get a nice high top of the back swing we’d move Mo forward stering behind the ball almost like a driver but not quite cuz the ball’s not

Teed up the ball’s sat okay here in the rof I don’t think you ever really get a good line in the roof a lot of people would rather see a golf ball perched up in the roof than on The Fairway but it’s very difficult to hit the middle of the

Club face when it’s like that unless you can kind of depth perception wise really really attack that but as I set up to this the ball’s forward cuz I’m going to sweep it the club Works nice and low to the ground and just like a normal

Fairway Would It Go goes nice and high towards I thought that’s going to be really good zoom on that Chris go on right we’re about 30 feet away there for Eagle you could probably tell that it wasn’t my best strike but because we’re using lots of Loft the ball still

Went nice and high faded into the green I can’t believe that’s done so well actually lost my balance a little bit there but that’s not part of the video that’s just not very good golf but you can see how it worked now this balls sat

Down more how do I attack this so I’ve still got a lot of Loft this ignis wood has 22° of Loft on there we’ve got it set at neutral as well it might be 21 actually but set at neutral so I could put more

Loft on it if I wanted to but I can’t change it mid round so that doesn’t really help me this is where you kind of throw the log book out the window because when the ball’s sat down I don’t want to sweep it because there’s too

Much Turf to get through so if I try and get through that wet grass this morning the club head speed is going to deteriorate massively even if I hit it out the middle the ball speed is going to deterior it’s not going to launch it’s not going to go very far so I’m

Actually going to hit down on it a little bit more so I’m going to move the ball more Central in The Stance my weight’s going to be more on my left side and from here I feel like the club works up a little bit more and down a

Little bit more as opposed to sweeping so the shot might not look as sexy it won’t be as high it won’t be as floaty but the key is to try and get that golf ball as far down there towards the green as possible so weight forward ball back

In the stands almost a bit like a punt shot and you can see that’s actually come out really high that is perfect I can’t believe how well that’s done again that’s pitched on the green we’ll show you where these finish and we’ll get down there in a second but that’s one

That really did surprise me a little bit the ball was here I’ve hit down it I’ve taken a divot with a fairway wood which a lot of people think oh I don’t want to take you D it with a fa of course you do if the ball’s sat down in the roof this

One’s sat down even more so we’ll go same again I’m ideally thinking of a little low Punchy flight but these Tacomo f are that easy to launch that it’s sometimes hard to play it low again that’s all over it fading to the right a little bit that might be greenside

Bunker but again a lovely divot after the shot there and we’re starting to play some really good shots I think we’ve hit the green two out three times from 200 yards plus out the roof and the other ones are chipping up up for birdie anyway so realistically guys that’s how

You can hit better shots from distance out the roof get a nice lofted Fairway Wood make sure you know how to read the lie you know how to attack this ball and you’ll be making birdies and Eagles before you know it oh Chris that’s on it that’s on It Go in Zoom

Oh as you can see guys hit the green three out of four times I’m going to take that all day from 200 y plus out the roof going treat myself some water actually for that hydrate


  1. I'm grateful for the opportunity to engage with such a diverse and intellectually stimulating group of individuals.👅

  2. Any chance you will be reviewing the new Cleveland XL Hywood? Last years version was a game changer for amateurs, so would be great to see you review it.

  3. James
    These are not as budget friendly as the irons which is a real shame. With shipping and custom duties they will cost you over £250 and I think there is better value from last years range of clubs such as the Taylormade Stealth 2 woods which you can pick up for nearer to £200

  4. I've just ordered a set of 301 CB's I play off 9, kind of scared that I won't like them compared to my p770's anyone done the switch? and had any thoughts

  5. Love my 7wood. I would echo the Cleveland HyWood for this year. Are there any improvements for this years model.

  6. In all seriousness how good are these takomos? I’m finally getting to point I might be able to golf again outdoors after 3 fusions. I’m playing a little with my 10 year old cobra clubs in my sim. I need new clubs. I’m cobra loyal but really like these clubs. Are they that good?

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