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Kings blowout Bucks | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

The 2023-24 Kings have been unpredictable, and Tuesday night’s dominant 129-94 win over the Milwaukee Bucks — their most significant margin of victory thus far in the regular season — was the latest impressive win for a Sacramento team that has performed well against the NBA’s top teams.

And NFL free agency officially opens today. What’s the latest news?

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39140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross just going to warn everybody this morning man I’m still digesting what I ate last night stinky what did you eat dve I ate a w that’s what I ate baby a big fat 15 game streak beating Double

Y that’s what I ate it was fantastic still burping it up this morning and I’m fine with that I haven’t even taken off my wrist B I’m wearing this wearing this like when I had kids till it gets all moldy and weird not the kids The Wristband why can’t they do that against

Other teams do who did you just sound like oh you sound like uh the dynamite luy luy why couldn’t they do that I food Tina how you sound like you Dave yeah good morning that’s Chris for live that’s Jason Ross and my favorite uh hoodie of I just got it it’s new yeah

It’s brand new uh what whatever um whatever uh you do or uh oh no you said you you do the laundry there right either one either one of us yeah uh whatever deter but I’m get ready to come over to your house to fold clothes yes it’s a nice morning show bonding

Experience um good morning and and boy isn’t it it’s good to be with you it is really good to be with you I’m fired up this morning I am I’m I’m go I’m freaking jacked just absolutely jacked this is one of those hey you know what I

Do the show for a discount today not free not be honest do not let them know that yeah 100% yeah it’s contract time right now let’s just do the show for maybe a slight discount today but then that only if you pay me more other days yeah you know what I’m saying for

Cheeseburger on Tuesday I gladly pay you Tuesday for hamburger today yeah is that what it is yeah I don’t know either uh shout out wimpy uh we don’t shout out wimpy enough um you know if there’s anybody that that Wagers that listens to this show if you really

Listen to us you’ve had a great couple of weeks you’ve had a wonderful couple of weeks the Bucks were favored by one and a half yesterday yeah they were they didn’t cover they did not at any point even at z z they they never cover wire to wire

And I came away from last night with one thought in my head which is we should have swept him that was my one thought I’m just kidding that would be the negative thought I did have that thought but it was fleeing it was a fleeting thought I found myself asking myself

Self was last night the most complete Game of the Year for this team it’s on the list right I mean I don’t know sure I’m like I don’t have to debate it and say no you just you just annihilated uh one of the I’d say top

Four teams in the NBA yeah Fair yes fact yes annihilated them yeah without a starter right you just and a bench player out in the second half yeah we’ll update you on Trey LS if and when we find something out he was he was hurting

Last night he tried to gut it out for a bit and wolf so this is the coote so far hold on complete completest complete one of the year yeah you want M MC right I m m m yes they won the game with a rubber band and a paperclip the problem is he

Said three seconds mcody the problem is he said qu and I’m instantly thinking like something someone said yeah like that was a nice quy from Coach Brown there was some good quties there was there’s one in particular great quy that Chris played short and sweet do you have that

Queed up by the way I could get it real quick please do shout out to our old friend and now Fierce competitor Kyle Madson oh I said old friend yeah like we used to be friendly um can I do a a stats check really fast I would love that um second

Game for you yes did they win the first game yes they did two them did we talk a lot yesterday about struggles at home a lot about struggles at home just think just put that in the back of your head you’re you’re thinking maybe that’s the

Thing I don’t know I can’t prove that it’s not you’ve been there to two what was the other game oh I think it was was it uh uh it was the uh was it no it was the Warriors the one they the yeah the one they won

Yeah could have a win this wow I will tell you one thing for last night though it’s it’s not sitting with me well this is this is I’m not making a joke now stinky we went with uh our friends and their seats are uh right behind the uh

The visiting bench uhuh okay so at one point because coach Jagger’s on the buckstaff yes at one point towards the end of the game former GQ model former GQ model Dave Jager at one point he he’s like turning around he’s kind of turned around towards us looking

At looking at one of the bench people and then he’s like I feel like he’s looking over my left shoulder and I thought we made eye contact for a second so I gave him like the head nod like hey there you are and then he just kind of

And then he just kind of like he stayed looking and then he just kind of looked back forward and my wife caught it and I was like oh maybe yeah maybe he didn’t see me or something and and she goes no I think he saw you I think he saw you

Huh you were seen I think she thinks that we made eye contact and that he saw my head nod and was just like yeah no uhuh not cool and the problem there is that we haven’t talked since he was let go and I broke the story that he was let

Go and then I went to sleep and then I woke up and I had three Miss calls from him and then I called him back and he didn’t pick up and then I text him a few times and he’s never texted back so it could be a perceived issue on that I’m

Pering maybe just didn’t you know he didn’t always text back he is a coach not at that time not at that time he was very un wow wow I know wow was a clo uh hey you don’t not look at Dave like that right I’m gonna defend you I’m freaking jacked

Like I don’t know like I don’t know what to do do I just let it go and it sits with me at least you’ll never remember it again do I dude that’s the thing do I text him and I’m like hey it was great to see you last night theame yes text

Him now to see hey I just want to do you remember the game last night I don’t want to be were you looking at me I don’t want to be feuding with Dave not feuding it’s not a feud I don’t want I think he’s ticked off I don’t want to be

Not friends with Dave Jagger I like him a lot I like Dave Jager I still this I very much like I don’t think he might yeah but it wasn’t my fault like I didn’t do anything wrong could have answer the phone I was sleeping I do a

Morning Show and then I called him back like the next morning I called him back but maybe it’s better that you didn’t answer the call I probably oh no honestly what you think he wanted to say I think okay this is where it gets dangerous this where gets dangerous

Because honestly this could all be this could all be perceived and I don’t I don’t want to put any thoughts or words in his mouth but we had a really good relationship and then I’m the guy that reported that Vlad was going to fire him after the Portland game well you weren’t

Wrong I wasn’t wrong yeah but did you want to tell him first I that’s what I’m saying like did I did it’s like did maybe did I break like a did he find out from you I don’t know but I have a feeling he might have did you think he was gonna

Find out from you they were on the road in Portland they lost I got the word I reported it like I’m supposed to I’m not like breaking news I’m imagining him getting on the plane and that’s what I think that’s what honestly this guy that’s what I think happened I thought

We were friends I can’t wait till I’m a visiting coach and opposing team and he sits somewhere near me I’m not gonna look at him kind of now that I’m thinking about it I’m thinking he’s talking to someone like what should I do if I see him at the game should I I’m

Sure that’s what he should I just like what here do I say anything no no no that’s that’s giving him too much what if I just ignore him or maybe there is a world in which he’s not mad and he looked at someone past he looked at someone past me and that none

Of this is a thing and if I had made a point to see him afterwards in the hallway it would have been like hugs and handshakes no to to be fair I know someone that’s got season tickets right in that area maybe they were looking at

Him he is well known to the opposing does he have a giant beard yeah have I told you that I’m right in front of them every game have I told you that story with the uh Kings bench no with the the PUK game no no do tell okay so that one

Of the worst games ever yes the puke Walton game yes so at some point that person during a timeout goes to the king’s bench and just rips into them like what are you doing who do you think you are our our our bearded friend yeah

Yes who do you think you are play with some heart at least try what is wrong with you just going absolutely off on the team what so I find out about this and we’ve got a friend that works on the king’s bench Doug Christie who comes in

From time to time sure so I was telling Doug I’m like Hey do you remember that game he’s like yeah of course I remember the game I said Do you happen to remember a fan yelling at the bench and he says no I don’t remember that we

Don’t really pay attention to anyone any of the fans on the bench were working on and then he pauses and said wait does he have a really big beard oh my God he’s like I know exactly who you’re talking oh my God I can’t believe he did that like that is I mean

He’s fiery and all that but he doesn’t strike me as like that this is like the first time ever but like that would be the game to like break someone right well it literally made a dude lose his lunch on the court like that’s how bad that game was and Kings fans will

Recognize this guy it’s not like we’re blowing him up big red beard he’s he’s been to every night almost every night there he goes to a ton of you know like if he goes to a road game we’ve seen him in like the front row before uh he’s a

Great guy I mean I love love sitting with near those guys it’s a lot of high-fiving and a lot of fun but I I’m like trying to visualize him doing that yeah and I can’t it was one of those when the group found out about like wait what right yeah

Like was it uh was it uh I’m sure it was but was it was it performance enhancement based yes yeah yeah performance it happens um so yeah anyways yeah I don’t know man I I don’t know so don’t text him like don’t text him just when was

The last time you text him way back then I honest to God don’t know hold on I what would be the text for now like uh good hey like hey great see great sorry sorry I didn’t see you last night or talk to you last night sorry I missed

You last night great to see you was right behind you I know it wasn’t the result you wanted but so glad to see you doing well uh personally and healthwise take care I mean there’s a very good chance he didn’t recognize it right we’ve all had that where it’s but when

You add it okay okay so I’ve sent him two texts since that night okay that’s I don’t want to okay I want to be careful here because I don’t want to like I don’t want to like get in the Privacy thing like some of this is

Let me be careful I but also uh is there any chance of a new number yeah I guess maybe I should I’ll verify I know somebody who would have his number I’ll verify that uh but I I he texted me after the game I won’t

Say what it said but it wasn’t a mean text it was just like you know it was asked a question and then that was April 10th 2019 and then I woke up in the morning I won’t read the whole text I sent um no I will read the whole text I sent that’s

That’s okay I I would say this publicly coach crashed last night after the game figured your phone was on fire today I just want to say thank you for being such a Class Act uh with the community and everyone else I think you’re a hell

Of a guy and a hell of a coach and I appreciate your friendship and everything you’ve done for the team and the community uh I hope we can still get that cribbage game in someday he’s a cribbage guy we talked about that before yikes what that’s a bad text I can understand

Why he didn’t text you I’m With You Chris you’re stupid and then he was on I think he saw you now and then the last the then that last text I sent him was the next day at 4:50 pm um we good no I

It was I said I just said just heard you on what he I guess he went on Grant show that afternoon I said just heard heard you on with Grant you’re all class because he said some I remember that he said some really nice things about the

Community but the last time I sent him apparently was October 26th of 2019 at 8:36 p.m. and it was a hand shrug Emoji I don’t know what the context is there that’s what whoever whatever team he is working on the Kings just curb stomp that’s what it

Was I don’t know by the way what was last night what was last night yeah what do you mean curb stomp dog oh uh it was uh bat flap it was uh all of them maybe that was a pounding oh I think that’s the appropriate word that was an

Absolute that they took them to Pound Town yes gross Pound Town party of bucks Woodshed that was a Woodshed that was the Old Yeller moments yeah behind the barn like that was but actually the public saw it that is true they did like that was public Guillotine it was the

Biggest blowout in the league last night yeah it was huge you were there for it I ate too much candy at the game I did I had like they had they had full packs of Lifes Savers stoi like full packs of life more than one pack

Really wait are you just like what packs of Lifesavers are you just chewing on them the rolls yes yeah are you just like aren’t they well anyway what no here’s the thing I you just put in a crunch and it’s done I have habits when I’m at a game I’m

Incredibly nervous and I at what point did the nerves stop in that game nerves mid fourth quarter early fourth quarter and we’ll recap that today because we got a break uh we’ll recap that because I was putting uh I was putting polls out yesterday and uh you

Know the the whole like hey the kings are up 20th the half will the Bucks win or maybe Jagger didn’t like to PS that’s really going to bother me God you know it will too that’s really really going to bother me I I I really

Love that man and I I don’t want to live in a world where he doesn’t we’re not friends I know I know we’ll take a break that’s not you know weirdly enough that is not the top story today let’s focus more on the Kings bucks how about that

Okay if you want uh Kings bucks and uh by the way you know how like people will mess around and switch letters and be like hey luck the like if they play the Lakers like I that doesn’t work with the bus you can’t you can’t switch I’ll tell you

During the break because you okay when we come back when we come back Kings win Kings win the the the the Kings win they end a 15 game losing streak against the Bucks everybody’s happy we love it we got a lot of stuff to cover today we have

Guests today Jim Les will join us after a win that’s fantastic Katie Christensen will join us after a win that’s fantastic you’re all with us after a win that’s fantastic on your home of the Sacramento Kings set out SPS last season the Sacramento Kings gave us a little

Bit of everything a Pacific Division title GM of the Year Coach of the Year clutch Player of the Year all stars and all NBA performers plus we got to light the Beast are steal by Fox the Breakaway he’s got the rip with the left hand does

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Off the three top stories in the morning huge news this is very important here’s cut number one final seconds away Kings fans thundering now the like the beam chat as they come to their feet and this one is over and for the first time in eight years since February of

2016 the Kings have broken a 15g game losing streak to the Milwaukee Bucks and they do it with their most lopsided victory of the Season 129 to 94 it is the fifth wire-to-wire win this year for Sacramento joining games that were successful against Oklahoma City the Lakers the Brooklyn Nets and the Utah

Jazz microphone how about Molly walked somebody Su that works that might be the term of the day I think all of them are acceptable today how does Molly feel about that getting wed she got wed uh what a game what a game what a result I

I I you know I know we’re all prisoners of the moment time to time I just somebody find me a better situation this year they’re playing the Bucks Giannis is playing um you know they’re missing Middleton I understand that Dame Lillard held to what 10 points something like

That something silly they’re great on him uh they the kings are missing a uh a starter and King and Murray um you know Trey ly uh hurts his knee a little bit hopefully a little bit we’ll see yeah um it was just that you you kept waiting

For the inevitable whatever there was no inevitable whatever in fact the only quarter that the Bucks out scored the Kings was in the third and it was 22 to 20 and I think that’s an important quarter because let’s look in recent memory Dave if that’s a typical quarter

Like it’s been happening when they’ve had these big leads let’s say that’s a 36 to 20 it’s a game in the fourth quarter 100% they didn’t only score 20 well they only gave up 22 and they’re completely fine going into the fourth quarter uh turns out let’s see 58 the

Kings hold the Bucks to 64 points in the final three quarters 26 22 and 16 it was 3830 after one it’s just a complete performance yeah and for as much as we’ve been critical fairly so of these ups and downs and ups and downs the best

Thing they’ve done is come back up right I mean there’s no denying the Rockets loss was bad yes the Pistons lost the Bulls lost the heat all these home losses that they’ve really given them chance for momentum to their credit after those games as frustrated as we’ve been they’ve bounced back

That’s nice we’ll discuss this in three for madness because this team has been weirdly predictable in ways they shouldn’t be I’m at a loss about tonight because they they this doesn’t match the it does not match the patterns like they should be if tonight was flipped with the last game of the home

Stand Memphis then we go yeah pattern will be set tonight absolutely but it’s the Lakers it’s Lakers and it is on the second night of a back to back but it’s the Lakers I you know I I think if I had to pick a pattern because the most consistent

Pattern has been up down up down up down that the Kings lose tonight yeah if I had to stick to that pattern but I’m nowhere near as confident them in them losing tonight as I was confident in them winning yesterday also one disappointing thing uh from the game and

Uh this is a a three in the key preview but did you guys see Conan come in and hit his first two shots right away was a two or even three well he hit oh it was three he hit a two a three and a two

Yeah and he had seven points in like 30 seconds then he went the way of the bock that yeah that was it I turned to my wife I was like I predict this guy averages Five Points a game I said today he was gonna he was gonna score 14 or

More he’s got seven in about 35 seconds it’s on well on his way he is well on his way also does it take anything away from the win that uh thanas SED a goo scored I feel like that’s a moral loss is it I mean come on

Uh and could stop the AOS we you can only hope to continue as a matter of fact fases and Giannis combined for 32 last night yes that was pretty good yeah uh and later on today we will talk about the play of the game oh my gosh I’ve

Never seen anything like that in person I’ve never rewatched a video as soon as I possibly could as many different times to see the reactions I still don’t completely understand what happened I don’t either I keep looking okay there was a trampoline we’re talking about Jackson Jr the rookie 22 years old with

A putb dunk in the fourth I was not in Oakland during the slam dunk contest involving Vince Carter when he stuck his arm in the Rim Yeah but I have I have rewatched that so much and we have done so many segments on the crowd reaction after that Carter dunk and I imagine

It’s very similar to what the crowd was doing last night it wasn’t there was a few like oh but was mostly like this murmuring of like what the hell did we just see his he could have dunked it with his face he had to short arm dunk

Yes it’s not hyperbole it was his lower neck was at The Rim Yeah I honestly I I it looks like he does hit his li like his it looks like it I don’t know that he I mean he had to turn his head to the side to make sure he didn’t like

Decapitate like did did he jump did he jump off someone’s hip yeah I still think Brook Lopez was down there and he jumped off of him by the way hey not for nothing I know we gotta move along a dumb question here is that illegal I don’t think so

Like for example if what’s the call if a dude had the ball at half court was driving and Brook Lopez just went down to his hands and knees at the free throw line and dude sprung off of Brook Lopez’s back for the dunk I feel like that has to be illegal right the

Key this got to be what’s the whistle what is right what is assisting cut number two please cut number two minute 37 in counting Here Comes Fox M floater he’s got the bucket he’s tied his career high 44 points for dearin Fox just an amazing performance tonight in Los Angeles spin move Reeves

Inside skips the pass outside I I I don’t want to say nothing but I think if the Aaron Fox ties or breaks his career high tonight the kings are gonna have a good chance of winning I agree with you on that uh against the Los Angeles Lakers they come into town e

You can smell them already 7 pm and this is an aspen game tonight oh okay yeah yeah ESPN be nice to hear a sweep La chant uh would be one I would like a light the beam chant in the second quarter okay because it’s an 87o lead you know it’s

Funny last night of all nights you’re like they they probably could do this a lot earlier but everybody was like hang on let’s wait for it to get to 35 you were working so I don’t know if you were you were tuned enough to this part of the game to to

Notice I think any time in the second half the Bucks went on a 40 run the energy immediately dropped to the arena like and I get it everyone was just we’re all just waiting we’re waiting for them to come back it’s funny like I

Think it the lowest it got was 14 and I know people were nervous understandably yeah because and it’s 14 like if you could have said before the show or before the game excuse me hey anytime tonight in the second half they’re gonna be at

14 and it would have been oh no what are they gonna lose by eight yeah there were 14 and people were uncomfortable and then it got back 20 something we’ll take a break here I’ll do this early because I just saw it uh gentlemen as we break

Here let’s play our fun game right now the Lakers visit the Sacramento Kings tonight Kings off this big win Lakers have had a couple pretty decent wins ESPN game who is favored and by how much a little thrown off by this one because I think there’s such a love for

The Lakers Kings have a better record they’ve swept them they played last night all right let’s do it Kings by three and a half I’m going to say it is a pick him it is a pick oh that’s big discrepancy for Chris and I it is a one

And a half point spread Lakers for the Los Angeles Lakers I’m pretty sure the king honestly why because I think the king’s reputation has finally reached Vegas I think it’s part of what you said people love the Lakers but I think we’ve talked about it I think the reputation has reached Vegas

They’re looking for a king’s letdown tonight and if I’m Mike Brown I’m circling this and I’m making sure everybody sees it at their locker tonight it didn’t hit Vegas last night it did not hit Vegas last night Kings were underdogs by one and a half it was

Two and a half and dropped to one and a half by the end of the when we come back we’ll go around the NBA the Knicks throwing back to the 80s and 90s could an old friend help out the Sacramento Kings and much more including a possible big injury affecting the

Western Conference playoff race we’ll get to all that next on sack down sports did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack down and search our podcast Page and Play our shows when you want the

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Sacramento Kings sack toown Sports your local sports leader The Minnesota Timberwolves without Carl Anthony towns are they better well they beat the Clippers 18100 J but let’s go uh let’s go inside the game shall we let’s do it since the 200201 season there have been over 5,500 instances of an NBA team falling behind

By 22 or more more points on the road including playoffs the Timberwolves are the only one of those teams not only to come back not only to take the lead but to establish a 22 or higher point lead themselves wow that’s what they did to the Clippers last night they win 118 to

100 so you know it’s not time to start looking at the tea wolves yet let’s not start all showering together but at the same time you know it’s you know you want to keep an eye on them because they’ve been struggling obviously uh the Nuggets they have tied the Thunder

That’s coming that’s a that’s Champs took them all season mostly but they’re there they are 45 and 20 the second best record in the league along with the Thunder because the Celtics uh they won they are now 51 and 29 and3 at home by the way uh still have

To go there Kings still have to go to Boston um thanks to old friend Tyrese halberton and the Indiana Pacers uh as they beat the Thunder I you know thank you but yeah they’re they’re they’re probably a little Out Of Reach um and uh the Knicks are they’re doing some things

Right now doing some things right now they absolutely the second biggest blowout of the night was the Knicks by 27 over the Philadelphia 76ers who scored per quarter the following 14 27 20 and 18 that’s 79 points yeah that’s the third straight opponent the Knicks have held under 80 Point yes including Philly

Two days ago and they lost to Philly yeah that so they’re two- one in this stretch but to hold a team under 80 like a 100 is a feet this now 100 is if King’s holding a p like last night it’s like oh my God that’s great right and so

Keep in mind so under 80 the Kings at 75 at the half yesterday that’s insane that’s actually insane when you compare the two they lost to Philly a few nights ago 7973 I thought they I’m like wait where’s the fourth quarter fourth quarter they didn’t print that thing

Right there I guarantee you we’d have to look it up there there has to have been at least a handful of total points in the first half games that were 7973 absolutely uh and then they beat Orlando 9874 uh the game before that so it’s

Interesting I I I got to take a look Tom timido teams are always he to play them twice we Haven even played the Knicks yet yeah they’re they’re coming here uh fairly soon yeah Saturday uh let’s look at uh where the Knicks are in the league uh yeah they’re second the funny thing

Is they’re uh they’re one they’re 1.6 points behind or ahead of the Timberwolves the Knicks have given up the second most points uh in the league the Timberwolves the least amount of points here’s an interesting one Jason you know who’s given up the third least amount of points in the League this year

I I love putting you on the spot I’m gonna put the over under at nine and a half teams that you will have to name before you get to this team all right so you said the first two I did so you got 28 to go and I’m calling nine almost a

Third nine and a half teams so you win if you can get it nine or lower I mean you got a lot to work with yeah yeah yeah um I know the numbers say the Rockets the Rockets the Houston Rockets no but they are top 10 um or bottom 10 whatever you

Say let’s see let’s go with Miami the Miami that’s a great gu the Miami Heat R sixth okay let’s go with problem is I built it up so like the obvious ones right you’re probably not gonna want to guess now yeah maybe I’m maybe hey maybe I’m doing a Dipsy Doodle

Um it’s Minnesota you already gave us Minnesota and the Knicks you’ve already guessed uh two in the top 10 Cleveland the Cleveland Cavaliers our fifth getting closer um I don’t think I have it the Orlando Magic oh yeah I wouldn’t have guessed that right yeah the Orlando

Magic have given up the third fewest points in the league by the way their coach signing a nice extension there uh yesterday as well welld deserved I would not have guessed the Orlando Magic who by the way have also scored the fifth least amount of points in the league but

The Orlando Magic how about that uh just in case you’re wondering by the way we could check in the Sacramento Kings are now up to eighth uh in the league or down to eighth in uh Point scored and uh let’s see one two great Radio 1 two 3 4

Five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 30 17 18 19 the kings are now 21st in defense okay which is an improvement Mike Brown said they would be better than whatever they were 29th or yeah 29 28 something like that so look uh the last night helped the

Last night did help and in case you’re wondering where the Kings stand Idol Phoenix last night uh the king’s a half game behind the Suns a half game game ahead of the Mavericks and two games ahead of the Lakers so depending on how everything works out tonight uh the

Kings could find themselves worst case scenario in eighth place just a game ahead of the Lakers or they could find themselves let’s see uh who is Phoenix playing they don’t play today but they play the Celtics in Boston tomorrow oh so so odds are heavy odds are if the

Kings were to win tonight they would have a halfy game lead uh at the close of business tomorrow over the uh over the Phoenix Suns okay got to take care of business tonight gotta take care of this yeah let’s not start having delusions of grandeur like Dave caval

Right you know we we got to take care of business tonight and LeBron’s coming in and Anthony Davis is coming in and they’re hungry and they had a really good win uh the other night as a matter of fact they’ve won two in a row two real quality wins Milwaukee Minnesota

And by the way you want to talk about a little bit of a gauntlet for them the Lakers last five games Jason all home games Denver OKC Sacramento Milwaukee and Minnesota and they are three and2 in those games with wins over the Thunder they beat the Bucks as well by

One and uh they beat Minnesota by 11 uh back on Sunday so the Lakers have had three days off wonder what LeBron was doing last night in Sacramento probably hanging out the soer maybe went the game d see him maybe he saw him maybe you think he does that on occasion where

He’ll just do like could he do could LeBron James is there a disguise good enough out there doubt it for LeBron I mean you can’t hide the height right and he it’s not he pull off like Groucho Marx glasses or something like he’d have to do like a full Hollywood makeup thing

Yeah and aren’t they in a thing where they’re like they don’t even leave California for a while uh they here they play Sacramento tonight and then Golden State uh on Saturday the last time they left California was February 25th in Phoenix then they played the Clippers on the road so yeah

Fe after the warriors uh after the Warriors oh I’m sorry I didn’t even notice that you’re right they’re home uh my God Home Atlanta home Philly home Indiana then they go to Milwaukee March 26th which means that for a full calendar month they don’t leave California nice stat Jason Ross stat of

The day nominee we’ll enter it yeah enter it in there brought you back Rumble cookies yes we’ll take a break when we come back so so far we have that and we have uh the Timberwolves coming back from 22 now yeah all right I like your stat better that’s in the lead

Right now okay when we come back the Kings under doesn’t matter they win and we’ve got dearen Fox talking about the contributions of Keon Ellis he The Missing Link was he the missing link we’ll do all that next the only place you’ll find Keegan Murray is sack toown

Sports out to Keegan Murray straight away for three Keegan KN down the triple hey Sacramento it’s Keegan Murray you’re listening to the home of Sacramento Kings sack toown Sports your local sports leader hey guys do you know your tea level revive Men’s Health here in Sacramento is helping you take that

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And set that appointment at 916520 9990 that’s 916520 99 9 or American Energy waking you up with the best in local sports make it interesting you know it’s the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports Morning Mike oh hello what you glued to Cameron uh just your screen unfortunately unfortunately what do you do for a living Cameron I’m a carpenter a carpenter right so how safe is that for the climate well I work with Timber which is a much more sustainable material rather

Than concrete I also you work with trees that have been cut down then don’t you it’s a Sustainable Building practice how is it sustainable if you’re killing trees because it’s regenerative you can grow trees right well you can you can grow all sorts of things can’t you well you can’t grow concrete you

Can see you Cameron British people are funny okay I don’t know what it is if you have a confident sounding British voice Americans will believe you on everything why do you think like all the Wizards are British in movies you know what I’m saying you know if Gandalf had been like

Y’all can’t pass hey don’t if he’ had a Southern accent sassy southern accent yeah every hey y’all can’t pass then 100% everyone would have passed everyone would have passed and like Harry Potter hey you’re a wizard Harry wait that’s not a good country accent is it is that

What that was you’re a hey you’re a wizard Harry hey harry you you’re a wizard Harry Harry no I’m not good at Country accents I’m not good at any accent I am good at being really really happy after King’s Should I Say giddy actually I probably shouldn’t say that but another words I

Am I I’m ecstatic after uh after Kings wins especially last night against the Bucks someone told me the Bucks were good prove it I mean look wire to wire and out of wins sometimes you know out of losses but also out of win sometimes come questions yeah questions that need to be

Asked if you took a popularity poll of all the Sacramento Kings if you were to tell me Keegan Murray would win that popularity contest I’d be slightly surprised I think it’ probably be foxer sabonis but yeah but Keegan’s very likable nobody dislikes Keegan Murray yeah and I do really

Believe he is the future of this team yeah big part of it and that was another thing entering the game you go oh man he’s out like he would have spent some time on Lillard he would spend some time on Yannis this could be a this could be a big deal

Tonight well he didn’t play last night yeah so Keon Ellis had to step in y the kings are now three and two without Keegan Murray okay so that’s nice kings are now five and0 when Keon Ellis starts and he started at like the point the offguard basically and yesterday I don’t know I

Guess it was offg guard is it time I love sports radio is it time to look at starting Keon Ellis okay in all seriousness I know it’s not time to bench Keegan Murray but here’s a question for you you know the whole thing about like well if we take

Monk off then okay fine well what if you what if you go what if you go with Fox monk Ellis and then sabonis and Barnes and now you have herder and Keegan Murray coming off the bench does does that help with the whole we don’t want to take

Monk out of the second unit thing I mean Keegan Murr is not gonna get mad he’s you know coach was asked if Keon would be a more permanent role on he he was asked about that he was I’ve got the audio here thanks thanks Chris Let’s uh let’s

Roll tape on that um you mentioned that you guys are 5 and0 with Keon Ellison the starting lineup and it feels like hold on that’ss s familiar I I recognize that hey is that old friend now Fierce competitor Kyle Madson fierce fierce competitor the hated Kyle Madson let’s

See hey Mike um you mentioned hey Mike hey Mike hey Mike um you mentioned that you guys are five and0 with Keon Ellison the starting lineup and it feels like a lot of what he brings is pretty sustainable is that a change you’ve considered uh making permanent [Laughter] no no

No guess that’s a no next poor Kyle we W have fun with that but also at the same time like he asked a question yeah it’s not an inappropriate question not at all it’s just a question that Mike brownfeld five and0 five and0 Mike Brown felt very no

Final question of the press conference was that did that down did that shut it down walkoff shut it down big man oh no oh man poor Kyle shutting down press conferences left and right dearen Fox was asked about Keon Ellis and here’s what he had to say yeah I mean I was

Gonna say that’s I think a lot of that had to do with Keon just being able to pressure the ball he’s long very active um he’s able to get through screens I think he was big for us and then obviously when davon’s on him uh just continuing to pressure the ball getting

Through screens fighting just making him have to work I think those two guys were were were big were big on him tonight and obviously uh there are times where we got lucky that that happens that you’re not going to every single shot won’t you can’t contest every single

Shot there are times where you just have to you have to get lucky but I think we did a great job on him tonight that was on defending Dame I mean 10 point he was a non-factor non-factor absolute non you know what I would argue this if his name

Wasn’t Dame Lillard we’re looking at the box score he was a factor in the negative way true two of 12 on the night uh in 33 minutes 10 points he did have six assists and five rebounds to go with the block two turnover so he was trying

To do other things one six from beond The Arc that is an absolute shutdown yeah of Dame Lillard and look let me let’s also give Dame credit too he probably you know look brass tax end of a road trip for the bucks uh Doc Rivers had mentioned uh in the postgame that

They had guys that shoot around asking when the plane leaves he said it’s my fault I did not have these guys mentally prepared for this game we deserve to get ours kicked um and that’s not taking credit away from the Kings the king saw a wounded animal it’s a buck it was

Limping and uh and they took advantage of it and and yeah you’re gonna have off nights sometimes uh and and and they took advantage of that and they never gave the Bucks the confidence to go oh I’m finding my stroke now let’s go because we all know Dame Lillard could

Have two points at the half and end with 36 exactly he’s that that that is not out of the mark for Damen Lillard that never happened he never got going uh and Dame was one of two three starters I should say uh in double figures four

Total for the game Bobby Porters had 11 uh Malik Beasley had 11 uh Dame Lillard 10 and of course yis oned Kumo with 30 uh Bobby Porter came over came over to the uh the scores table he’s one of those guys that always needs to put the

Chalk on so he comes over at one point and I go hey Bobby and he because all yell at Players like a lot hey and you know they don’t notice hey Bobby he looks like he looks right up like it’s like his old friend Billy and make eye

Contact and I didn’t expect it so I was like I just waved a little wave back just a little wave back and left and then my yeah and then my wife’s just dragging me the whole time maybe he went back to the bench and told jger and Jer oh no what’s

Upthe hey is that your guy yeah hi saying hi to us when we’re down 26 the guy you’re not texting back that was maybe my most Pleasant opposing team player interaction since Charlie villain W stole remember when Charlie villain wavis stole some of my popcorn you remember that game when he

Reached in during the game just during a break and grabbed a handful of that was pre-co by the way Charlie V we’ll take a break when we come back uh Jim Les yes UC Davis basketball coach big big big times for them they are the two seed in

The big West tournament they get the double buy and uh they got a semifinal match Friday night sack toown Sports 8:30 they need two wins and they’re going dancing they’re going dancing we are crossing everything on our bodies for that one we’ll talk to coach Les about

That and more coming up next on the Move got somewhere to be take Sacramento Kings basketball with you the sack toown sports hat will let you stay connected to your passion never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with the sack toown Sports app at LL Floyd we’ve

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Internet service and Wi-Fi equipment actual speeds VAR khtk Sacramento kymx ht2 Sacramento from the power business technology toiba Studios your Flagship station for the Beam Team can we light the beam light the beam Baby set down Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at

916 339 1140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports you know what happens after big wins the hours fly by we’re already in hour number D and coming up text to win tiets to go see the Kings and Memphis we’ll give you the keyword yep

You’ll text it in and yay later this hour right later this hour as a matter of fact let me grab my branded sack toown Sports pen and uh 7:30 yeah let’s do that shall we having a fun text back and forth by the way with our old friend Kyle yeah

Yeah nice yeah shout of the day joining us right now so big win last night for the Kings yeah but you know what rear viiew mirror as they say yeah because there’s more there’s the Lakers tonight and I would argue even more importantly a couple of games coming coming up uh

Including this Friday night 8:30 at sa toown Sports as our beloved UC Davis Aggies start the first of what we hope are their two wins in a row after the double buy that they earned and I look I saw him play Jim Les was one of my favorite players I’ve

Never seen him at a wedding or in a ballroom but I’m just going to guess because we’ve seen it before this guy knows how to dance and I want to see him and his team dancing again as two wins away two wins away we welcome him in right

But you know what Jason you look at the game in front of you first one Friday night you don’t look ahead for the second game or the dance you got to take care of what’s in front of you 8:30 Friday sack toown sports coach Jim Les joins us good morning coach good morning

There’s nothing better than March no so can you dance coach yeah can you no oh I cannot are you like us where it’s like you’re just waiting for the slow you can do the like slow dance rock back and forth thing but once the uh once Chubby Checker hits or whatever you’re sitting

Down yeah I’m hiding in the corner of you guys coach uh let’s just start with a general question and of course we get that you’ve got a job right in front of you and that’s that’s what we want to focus on but honestly does having gone through the process and and gotten to

The big dents whether it’s just colloquial you know just just stories or experience whatever does that previous experience as a coach help you communicate in any way or is it like dude that’s behind me doesn’t matter we got one game ahead of us no I I do think

It matters in just in terms of you know the the the game in front of you and the mindset that you want to have you know your team to go in with and there there’s so many distractions this time year and and and as you said it’s always

Easy to start to look Beyond and you know what you’re playing for and selection Sunday and all those things and you start getting focused on all that and and and you’re going to get tripped up pretty easily at what’s in front of you so uh we we have a a really

Good mindset and and really it started last week you know when I when I talked to Jason before we took off last week that the pressure of hey we know this two seed is out there there and a double buy into the semis was huge but we had

To go win one game on the road and and playing two very tough road games and so I I think those types of gradual pressure situations help you navigate what you know is in front of me with with the big games and staying focused on possession by possession reiterating

This is what makes us good as a basketball team and we can’t Veer from that now and we can’t change and we’ve got guys playing awesome in their roles on our team and now just because the game or the stakes get higher you can’t change that you you can’t want to get

Away from your role you got to be a a star in your role so all those things are being communicate in fact yesterday we did a zoom uh with four of our past champions uh three of them are still playing in Europe and having great careers and the other is is someone

You’ll remember is Cory Hawkins who’s assistant coach with the Orlando Magic um so you know at this point of the year they they’ve heard me talk every day I don’t want to hear myself talk every day so I know sometimes the message falls on deaf ears so we we

Brought in some new voices and I thought they were awesome talking about their perspective at the time when they were going through what this team is getting ready to tackle as well as some of the maturity and growth as they’re playing high stakes games in Europe and Cory

With an NBA team and and how all that translates to what we’re doing so we’re we’re trying to create a narrative that keeps us focused on the task at hand coach Jim Les joining us here on the Fulon Lake Honda hotline coach know your team knows you know what the big prize

Is what the goal is but does it help kind of keep that focus for friday night honestly you have no idea who you’re going to play I mean there’s so many combinations that it could be the fact that you kind of will be forced to lock

In because you won’t know that until the day before well and fortunately I’m blessed I I have a great staff in fact we’ve got the the most tenur staff in division one basketball in terms of continuity of being together so uh the trust that those guys can look at all the scenarios

And worry about potential opponents is great at this time of year because it takes that off my plate where now I can just for this week focus on us you know I can’t prep for team and and watch any tape of them so I’ve just been delving

Into us what makes us good things we want to tweak some things we want to add uh you know heading into the tournament and uh and that’s been good and I think this is also a great opportunity for us to get a little bit of rest guys are

Banged up at this time of year but also get some work in where we’re staying uh fresh and keeping our Rhythm coach just just kind of going back to the you you said you had to win one of two games on the road you you did

Better you won both you won both in the space of three days one against UC San Diego who who no no disrespect throttled you guys at home by 33 back on on the 27th January then February 15th Long Beach State you lost to them by four you

Want and by the way one of those was on uh I think it was on Mochi night by the way which which is Boba night I think um what what I mean just simple stupid question what changed well um one I I I think we we were just

Are a better mindset uh W with our guys and and you know once you see a team uh once um I I I think what our staff does really well is just making some adjustments you know not wholesale changes but making some adjustments to maybe how we want to defend or how we

Want to attack a certain team and I I think some of those adjustments and and they could be very small but mentally it it feels like our guys have an advantage and they feel like Hey we’re going in with a little more ammunition than we

Had last time and this is going to be a little bit different which can make the outcome different and you know what sometimes it’s you know the the mindset and where the guys are at at that particular time you know we we had two tough losses at home to those

Two teams and and we have a prideful group and they felt like we didn’t put our best foot forward in those opportunities and they just came out with a little more you know piss and vinegar yeah coach your name came up last night which it’s all you know as a former player in

The NBA as a former King uh Records are me to be broken Malik monk sets the franch Sacramento record for most assists for a reserve Off the Bench he passed Bobby Jackson’s record but there there you were uh listing there with Larry Drew yourself Mike Woodson Bobby

Jackson and now it’s Malik monk but um that’s happened before like we said records are made to be broken but what’s it like kind of having your name thrown back out there and you know acknowledge what you had done here in Sacramento well well it’s it I I guess

It’s it seemed so long ago Jason and um you know I I I didn’t have a lot of stats attached to uh my career my name uh so I I guess it’s a nice thing to be reminded that uh I I I did play at that

Level and have a little bit of success ESS uh but other than that I’m really not a numbers guy or or not huge with Nostalgia um I I do want to say I I I appre appreciate the Kings and not how they’ve just treated me but treated the

Former players you know the the new ownership and organization uh really takes pride in treating their former players well and appreciating the The Blood Sweat and Tears that we put into the organization and you know the fact that I get to go go back and watch practice and I get

Invited to a game uh occasionally my schedule’s crazy enough so I don’t get a lot of opportunities but th those little things are are really unique and I know there’s a lot of former players who feel the same way so I I think that family cultural environment that they’re

Creating says a lot about why they’re making strides and having success as a team because it starts from the top with the leadership well we’ll we’ll end the interview on this note again as now we’re talking to X King uh Jim X Sacrament the Kings great I say Jim he

Was on the board last night uh coach we we’ve kind of talked about this all year but uh the Kings last night just destroyed the Milwaukee Bucks wire to wire beat them by 35 they were actually underdogs by one and a half according to Vegas that didn’t work out so we look at

The Kings last few home games they lost to Chicago then they go and they beat the Lakers in La they should have lost to San Antonio they did lose to Houston and then they throttle Milwaukee and by the way this is all after going on the road and beating Minnesota in Minnesota

In overtime we’ve tried to do it we can’t you played let me ask you what the hell is this team you know it’s it’s amazing how the the end of the year and the last 25 or or 30 games and and and you look at a

Lot of teams uh across the league uh are are completely schizophrenic uh you I think about the Warriors too they they get throttled by Boston by 40 and then come back and beat and it was somebody pretty good at home their next home game so uh I I think you see the culmination

Of the physical and mental fatigue of an 82 game schedule and the long season and the travel and all the things that come into play so there’s a lot of inconsistencies and it it it becomes mind over matter to uh keep the eye on the prize and finish the year strong but

Uh certainly not not an easy task Jim W coach of the UC Davis haies big test ahead we don’t and you know what you know what we didn’t ask we didn’t ask if you have a preference as to who you’re going to match up with because you know

What coach it doesn’t matter if you guys play your best game you’re going dance and I think we can all agree on that well and and and one of the things going through our League season is uh we’ve beaten everybody you know there isn’t anybody who swept us so uh I I think

That adds a little mental confidence but we we also know anybody can get hot at the right time and uh we just got to make sure that we do what we do and and when we defend and and we have an aggressive attacking mindset on the defensive end of the floor uh that

Usually leads to good things so we’re we’re going to pack that on our way to Vegas and uh hopefully good things will happen then maybe we can talk next week about uh where and who we’re playing yeah that’s right I’m looking forward to that conversation I’m looking forward to

Listening 8:30 sack toown Sports Scotty the Body Marsh on the call UC Davis Aggies in action good luck coach thanks so much as always for giving us time this early each and every week and looking forward to talking to you next week thanks Dave and Jason appreciate it

Thank you take care that is coach exciting times you know full disclosure as we go to break you know sometimes um when you talk to college coaches you got to get to know them you got pull out of it’s not always the easiest interview we’ve gotten really

You coach Hawkins was great I can talk to Jim Les every single week absolutely he’s just a blast to talk to when we come back three for madness brought to you by fire Wings have we found a pattern and if so what the heck’s going on tonight a secret stat involving one

Of the king starters might be the most important stat on the entire team and let’s talk about Keon Ellis Kyle Madson style without getting shut down by the coach was that a mic drop Mike Brown Mike Brown okay we’ll do that and everything next right here on

Your home of the king sack toown Sports our first year is the radio home of the San Francisco 49ers is one we will never forget going deep down the sideline for our you he’s got it and he’s gone 10 five touchdown s frister go is on fire congratulations to the

49ers on a terrific Year and thank you for so many wonderful memories when you’re high you feel different you think different you talk different you draw different you listen to music different but you probably knew that problem is you also Drive different and not in a good way that’s why driving

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Smoothly see what Cintas can do for you visit oh I’m ready and get ready for the work day three questions three answers it’s three for madness on the car Michael Dave show with Jason Ross here’s question one all right ah coming up next we’ll have your text to win in the

Next segment we’ll go next to win thank you we got audio from Malik monk with the the Gman by the way when uh when Damon sabonis came out of the game last or no not when they came out of the game when they announced the uh that he passed for

The double doubles now I haven’t been to every game you heard it I heard it I thought I mean maybe it just because I was in person but I thought that was an overwhelmingly good damont sabon but I also think it’s you were you were listening I was listening for it yeah

And so I mean it it was there but it’s you know because I’ll literally look at people to my left so I can see about 20 people from the and some are not saying it yeah and then others are saying it like together I I I think the Kings

Could do one just one more thing and then it would be completely adopted because I think there’s a little thing yes yes the bouncing ball on the screen because I think a lot it’s just ignorance and that’s not a insult it’s just they they’re like like they don’t know right and then I

Think once people see that then it’s like oh yeah but I it was a good at least I think half the arena last night that was going for it we we were we were there you know cup hand you know yeah then every time Mo looks over at me and

Like gives it like a grade oh yeah yeah he gives it gives what was the highest grade of the night I think that was an eight okay I think that was an eight that was an eight I think it happened when he went out of the game they did

They did it I I think there was either three or four times I counted last night where there was a do deont saus chant and you know there’s that whole row down there I look to my left there’s Mo and then old friend jod bacon was right

There and then Katie yeah I liked what I don’t know what color uh she was wearing last night but it looked good she was standing out it was like a turquoise I something te turquoise yeah Aqua might have been Aqua we ask her we’ll go yeah

We’ll ask her today we’ll go with aqua we’ll go with aqua okay we’ll uh we’ll talk to Katie at 8 AM and we’ll ask her n or nine yeah you know what Jason let’s talk to her at nine let’s give her an extra hour yeah she needs it

Uh let’s talk to Chris right now three for madness brought to you by fire Wings question what so if we seem to have found a pattern with the Kings what the heck do we do to with tonight yeah I I I don’t like it like Jason you said

Earlier if tonight was against Memphis loss loss but tonight’s against tonight against the Lakers they’re three and0 against the Lakers two and0 three and0 sabonis is nine and0 against Anthony Davis but we saw a big streak in last night yeah friend of the show last week John Ireland Lakers announcers said look

The Lakers have trouble with guards Malik and fox went off last time they’ve gone off a lot against the Lakers they’re playing well there was a big article in the times yesterday someone sent me it was like before the before the Lakers solved the Nugget before the

Lakers look look to the Nuggets they need to solve the Kings they’re ninth guys and they’re favored the Lakers are tonight Lakers are favored in Sacramento uh I don’t know I I felt very confident the kings were gonna win last night absolutely we have the receipts very

Confident the kings were GNA win last night and I’m not Optimist guy uh I felt very confident they were going to lose to the Bulls and the Spurs is wrong on the Spurs I don’t have a sense tonight I Jason I if you Gund tohe head I think they’re gonna

Win but this is it this is the latest in a in a series of tests everything’s a test now for this team you know what I’d like I’d like another wire to wire a 30 point w oh that’d be great that’d be wonderful um so you know Chris has

Accused me and maybe it’s maybe it’s true of being a spy for La La spy my my roots um some of my spy friends down there uh the Kings loss the king’s defeat of the Lakers what last week was like a gut punch I basically I think

A lot of people down there felt like that was their game like that was the game to launch them look they would have been a half game back at the Kings remember they led by 19 they were crushing Sacramento yes and then it was flipped completely uh their postgame

Laker Legend and James Worthy said it was the worst loss of the year like that like they had their their uh wow what do we call it the W the Kings yeah that’s what they felt that’s where so like you know we can’t put ourselves in those

Team shoes but like their F like they were really really down about that and so I thought wow I mean we just enjoyed it up here but so having that that soon knowing that they’re Owen I feel like they’re going to get a great effort from the

Lakers I hope they don’t I hope they don’t either also uh but the Kings do match up well but that’s the other part in still under man Keegan’s been a big part in these victories against the Lakers and you know we do uh I’m sure uh kind of talking to some people last

Night I think Trey LS will be out for sure tonight yeah so um okay little under man uh the Lakers lost to San Antonio December 15th in San antonio9 115 they lost on the 20th of December in Chicago 124 108 they lost Friday January 5th home against Memphis 127 to

113 uh I see a lot of other woes on here Jason Ross maybe they forgot the Sacramento Kings are the defending Darlings of the NBA I think they just meant maybe the impact of not like an well they were up 19 you mean the the

Back I got you yeah and so like they were ready they were focused 0 and2 against the Kings they were home they were thinking hey look this is our March up the Western Conference standings and then the Kings punked them well we had that number earlier the Timberwolves are

The first team since the 20201 season to go on the road and be down 22 and then build a lead to 22 I wonder how many teams since 0 20201 have been down 19 andil and built a lead 19 or more on the road the Kings

Did that that night all right number two please question two when scoring 15 or more points Harrison Barnes is 15 and three this year with the Kings is he actually the xfactor on this team there’s a few X factors and an X Factor can’t be Daren fox or damont sabonis because they’re the

Factors and honestly if you’d asked me well what are the x- factors on this team this year I probably would have said in one or the other order Kean Marie Malik monk 15 and three is a pretty large sample size and a pretty damn good number and Mike Brown talked earlier

This season when Harrison was really in a slump he talked about they don’t really run plays for him well you know what I don’t know man maybe if you’re 15 and three let’s run a couple plays for the guy but you know then maybe if they

Did that they wouldn’t be 15 and three when he scores 15 or more that being said uh when he scoring the Kings tend to do a lot better yeah I think look we’re looking at some of these bad losses recently uh the Escape really from the Spurs the Bulls loss um the

Heat loss uh the Rockets loss the Common Thread was not only Barnes but generally Dave it was Barnes herder and Murray that were all below 10 points and so I mean when you’re getting three starters not doing things for you um there’s just too much pressure right now on Fox and

Sabonis and really monk Monk’s coming through now regularly for this team yes so they need multiple guys to contribute and last night not only I mean Barnes herder got there too herder didn’t he kind of fizzled out a little bit but he got off to a great start so um they’ve

Got to do it collectively because yeah they’re gonna get it I think right now from sabonis Fox and monk it’s just they need at least one or two more guys helping them out 25 points off the bench for Malik monk 19 points for everybody else on the bench other than Malik monk

Still though will’ll take the effort as well cut number three or question three please three is Keon Ellis a stop Gap at this point or should be looking at him being a far more heavier presence minutes wise well I mean Keon Ellis did pretty well let’s let’s ask Mike Brown hey Mike um

You mentioned that you guys are five and0 with Keon Ellison the starting lineup and it feels like a lot of what he brings is pretty sustainable is that a change you’ve considered uh making permanent no um let’s let Mike answer that okay okay here here’s what I asked

Earlier the whole Malik monk starting thing could possibly the answer there be putting Fox and monk in the back court along with Keon Ellis and now you have herder and uh Keegan Murray on the bench I I I don’t think that’s the answer but it would be interesting that being

Said Keon Ellis the answer might be both he might be a stop Gap now but maybe they should step up those minutes and make him a serious part of that second unit if you’re you’re having a guy like that having that much success as a starter team success he’s going to have

Some success as a bench player yeah and he’s a success story I like this like look he was brought in he was a draft pick but like two-way guy mainly going to be in Stockton he’s gotten above that he’s got a contract here now he’s minute

Like this is a guy that has developed credit to him credit to those that have helped with his development and I I think the results are showing not just Five-0 as a starter I think he’s a good plus minus guy he’s never really stare at his stat page but he defends really

Well gives him enough offense and just kind of fit I think there’s a good energy to him a good vibe fans love him um I don’t know that he has to start but he needs to be playing I think it’s clear just about everything went right

In the city of Sacramento last night as we go to break it’s not part of the three for madness but honestly how difficult do you think it will be for him to recover and or can you recover from what happened last night I’m talking about Kyle Madson oh

That question sorry um yeah it’s tough yeah shut down the Press this is a walk-off like we said I think Mike Brown basic like we only heard the audio of it I think Mike Brown I don’t know he had a look I think he might have been flipping him off double bird when

When that happened yeah you think Kyle like do you think Kyle on the way home like threw on some Sarah mlin and was just kind of looking out the window maybe window down chilly Sacramento night one tier one one tier and then he just got home opens the door

Lovely wife greets him hey what’s wrong what’s hey what what happened and K he tries to say something but the words don’t come and he just kind of shakes his head and falls into her arm sobbing just letting it all out you don’t want to do that in front of anyone else right

Letting it all out just basically like someone had to ask the question and I did I did and now everything’s ruined ruined I say I think he was probably saying oh God I hope Chris didn’t hear that here’s the truth God bless you because I had no idea that happened until you

Played it for me before the show this morning and then honestly that might I might that might have as much or more to do with my wonderful mood today as the Kings wire to wire win last night we’ve all been there for the record is a perfectly valid question yeah is a

Perfectly valid question it was a very good for him and I hope that that doesn’t dissuade other young upand cominging Med members I hope that the absolute embarrassment and Devastation that Kyle went through last night does not dissuade other upand cominging media members shoot your shot shoot your shot

Sometimes that shot might be blocked into your face and leave a mark But you shot you miss most of the shots you don’t take said fact somebody yeah when we come back we’ll throw you the the secret word the key word for the texal win so you

Can get King’s tickets and uh we’ve got audio why wire win for your Sacramento Kings Mal monk talked with the Gman after the game as well got all that for you right here on your home of the Kings and really good questions zown Sports last season the Sacramento Kings gave us

A little bit of everything a Pacific Division title GM of the Year Coach of the Year clutch Player of the Year all stars and all NBA performers plus we got to light the be a steel by Fox the Breakaway he’s got the rip with the left

Hand what does this season have in store f out each and every Sacramento Kings game can be heard right here on your proud home of the Beam Team sack toown Sports and Sack toown Sacrament the weather is brought to you by fulam Lake Kia I’m

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The only place in the morning to get your sports fixed live and local the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross in the last six games the Sacramento Kings beat Minnesota on the road without dear and fox huh that’s good that’s good great lost to an injured Chicago Bulls

Team at home after being up 21 that’s bad it is bad yeah no I agree with you there too Chris two for two uh beagle Acres on the road that’s good that is good uh coming back from a large deficit blew a 20-point lead to the San

Antonio Spurs and then pulled one out in the end and won that’s good I guess goodish good it’s a win it’s a win we took it right you got to feeli the tough ones too can’t just do the easy ones lost to the rockets at home after being up 13 that’s bad easily

Bad blew out the Bucks by 35 at home that’s good that’s very good it I is is that’s four and two what’s wrong with that does this team qualify like is it okay to bring back the k n gz moniker with that is that Pete kangs no no that’s that’s only

For the losy teams yeah okay well it started out great last night started out fantastic Beasley into two-point range shot blocked by dear and Fox Fox on the Run three Defenders there so he swings to the wing Keon for three he’s got the triple and the Kings get the first three

Points of the ball game thanks to the block from dearon Fox did I say it started out great Uh Kevin herder in charge the sabonis sabonis takes it strong into the paint against Lopez deep position looks for the cutter it’s herder to the rim and he scores and it’s

An 80 start for sacrameto great energy to start this ball game in the first 90 seconds bucks are 0 for three kings are three for three hopefully this just getting started by the way and we want to make sure you know that sack toown Sports has teamed up with the Kings and

Your chance to see them in action next Monday as they take on the Memphis Grizzlies what is certainly going to be a tough Rough and Tumble game all you have to do is text today’s keyword for your qualifying entry to score this coveted Pair of Kings tickets ready for the keyword

Ready today’s keyword is Beam Beam not like xpj golfer Rich beam right which B eem Beam as in light the yeah b e a m spelling counts all caps doesn’t Beam not goal beam 916 339 1140 text beam and you get a shot at those tickets uh the game would continue

We could play all the highlights maybe we will later but want to get to Monk and uh and Gman the game was fantastic the kings were very good they just continued to build their lead and then late in the game as if Kings fans didn’t get their money’s worth already the one

Milwaukee Bucks highlight was something anyone there who saw it will never forget AJ Green makes a move to the left hesitates digs pulls up off the bounce misses the two-pointer oh a huge stick back and look at Andre Jackson Jr he had to pull his head out of the

Way to avoid smashing it into the rim Henry turner oh that boy was off the ground 4 time 44 must not be his jersey number but his vertical my [Laughter] goodness was off the ground well done Henry that’s the high flyer saying that yeah that was impressive uh never seen

I’ve never seen anything like that in person we talked about it earlier if you haven’t seen it find it on on YouTube on social media it’s out there it’s everywhere this dude put back this shot and no joke like his nipples were touching the rim I I it honestly looked

Like he jumped off of somebody’s hip and and honestly the one comparison I’ve seen that was floating around yesterday uh somebody posted the clip you may remember remember the old Tom Chambers yeah yeah the old Tom Chambers one-handed dunk that that that’s that’s a little similar now look we all know

About Vince Carter dunking over the French guy and you know blah blah blah they’re better dunks it’s just the surprise of How High he it just didn’t make sense and the the the best part I still say was the crowd reaction it wasn’t a it wasn’t a cheer it there was

Some O’s and Oz but it was a it was it was 18,000 people going oh my god did you did that just what was that and I know we’ve got some audio later on this but the the king’s reaction Fox is look herder leave like gets off his feet like

It’s a king’s dunk the team dunked on yeah was them like at that point they’re up huge they’re just appreciating yeah what they saw what they saw and yeah well and by did you see Keegan Murray’s reaction yeah yeah it was yeah ke can said three Malik grated is a

Three here’s Malik monk visiting with the legend this is great Gary chal after the game well Malik monk is about to slip on a headset down at the scores table as Sacramento enjoys this one d man where you at man hey I’m with you I’m up here in the reaches how far where

You at we’re waving at you I don’t where where where where where I’m looking I see you G man I see you G man I see you I appreciate that yes sir I appreciate the fact that you’re even cognizant of the fact that we’re a long way away from

You oh yeah for sure for sure for sure how satisfying is this win oh yeah it’s great man especially when we um when we let let our guard down against Houston um to come in and be the top team in the East man is great especially with all

The great guys they got over there um with them being in the finals winning the finals um it’s great to get this win like this this is the 23rd time this season that you’ve scored 20 or more coming off the bench do you think about numbers like that no sir um I don’t

Think about it until you tell me about it um I just go out there and play BAS basketball and just try to play as hard as I can every time I get out there what was the difference in this game once I mean you were able to get this

Separation but unlike so many other times when big leads have turned into no lead what was the difference today we kept our we we we didn’t let let our guard down G man we didn’t um we didn’t hold off we kept the pressure up the whole game we usually relax a little bit

In the third quarter and we didn’t do that this time and I think that was the biggest key let me ask you about the contributions from Ellis particularly defensively sure man Keon I think I’ve been saying this before Keon every time he come in the game man he steps up big

Whether it’s hitting shots guarding making the right plays and that’s just him being ready and him being a professional and he just made a big play right there is he just lit the bean man lit the bean he lit the bean like the bean baby how much gas in the tank for a

Possible sweep against the Lakers tomorrow night oh yeah I got I got a lot of gas in the tank so I I hope my U my teammates follow behind me I’m going to make sure they behind me though let’s play too thanks yes sir where you at G

Man Le’s the best he really is would it would it be inappropriate for Gary Gerald because I feel like he could get away with it would it be inappropriate for Gman to be like Malik listen great night tonight obviously it Just Smiles everywhere this is something you don’t

Want to leave right can we get a commitment from you right now that you’re going to resign with this club he he wouldn’t want to disappoint the G man wouldn’t no right be like what if G oh my God what if that’s negotiator or closer what if he got him postgame it

Was like Malik I’ve been doing this a long time and I’ve run into few people that have the the heart and soul and fun youo playing the game now I’ve got to be honest I haven’t told anybody this yet but I’m honestly considering retiring at

The end of this year but I’ll tell you right now if you come back I’ll come back if you leave I’m done would probably say let’s do it together G run it back let’s run it back let’s go yes how awesome would that be unless Malik

Was like I mean how about your alltime pfir exactly well he’s like actually these are my last games here a really big offer in the off season it’s gon to be awkward but but they have a radio opening so oh my God you want you think

It’d look weird seeing some people in a different Jersey oh my God imagine Gary Gerald calling games for a that is like Beyond Jerry Rice with the Broncos right exactly that that ain’t he’s not allowed to even if he wanted to which he wouldn’t yeah we would we would go to

His house and we would hold him down yeah we won’t have to worry about that we would not have to worry about that are you kidding me you can’t think Kings without the great legendary lovely talented allaround great guy Mr Gary Gerald we will take a break when we come

Back hey look what you did here last night was a butt kicking they kicked their butts it’s really good I like I appreciate a good pun we’re going to talk about this we got some audio for you King set the tone bucks in check and so much more the they

Were de antler last night let’s talk about it next but first breaking news it’s Wing day Wednesday today oh my God it’s Wing day Wednesday today if only there was a sports match going on tonight Sports match if only it was a nationally televised yet locally radialized right broadcast yeah

Uh a sports match against I don’t know let’s say an old rival that you could enjoy 88 cent wings oh but wait there is because it’s Wing day Wednesday right now at fire Wings bone in boness any of their 21 flavors it don’t matter girl you could get them all just

Go to fire find the location nearest you and order you order right now order right now and set up the time you want me personally I think I’m going to set the time for 6:45 I’ll roll in there because there’s a sports match at 7 o’clock I want to

Watch tonight and I want to be you know what deep in a big pile of Firs fire find the location near shub carich day s you enjoy enjoy Wing day Wednesday firings Just Wing It the Bucks the Kings the most complete performance perhaps of the whole year we’ll get to it next

Sweep La the Kings go for the season sweep tonight against the Lakers here’s a great steal Malik H ahead to Keon Ellis a full-blown two hand Throwdown and the Kings have a 20-point lead as the defense has just been spectacular the Kings and Lakers tonight at 7 on

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And he he just kind of tells it as it is and gets to the point Jason Ross he has a lot of pretty smart things to say he good what he does on sa Sports I haven’t said this in a while so I just want to kind of give everybody

You okay with a quick food tip everybody sure we’re getting close to St Patrick’s Day just want to remind everybody this is the time of year where those like yellow prepackaged uh slabs of corned beef are are there’s really I don’t like it you don’t like corn beef it’s too

Salty well Chris this this part of the second ments for you then friend because it’s as cheap as they’re ever going to be in some cases it’s like 50 to 70% off because there’s so many right and then day after sometimes they go down to at certain grocery stores now

And they freeze perfectly you can just take the package throw it in the freezer and forget about it now is a really good time to buy a handful of these and if you like corned beef great just throw it in the old crock poot and you’re good to

Go but throw that corn beef in a uh in a in a little container of water and put it in the fridge and forget about it for a day uh then take it out let it dry in the fridge for a second day rub it with pastrami rub which is

Really simple coriander and a few other spices throw it on the smoker for a few hours and you got yourself homemade pastrami so you could do corn beef do you not like pastrami too salty sound like my mother now it’s too salty all right well for everybody else

With Chris for lot no my dad doesn’t care uh go with h you know I’m just saying it’s a great time to have corn beef and Ramy and if you play it right you could have it all year long same thing with turkey buy buy those cheap ass turkeys during Thanksgiving throw

One or two in the fridge if you have the room summer turkey freezer freezer yeah yeah freeze that turkey freeze that turkey grab a couple extra you for like 10 bucks for a big old turkey freeze turkey put it in the turkey turkey freeze turkey that’s what she said in

Police Academy right yeah anyways just which one uh which Police Academy I think every one what I don’t think I’ve seen the first one you haven’t seen the first one fre turkey there’s a clip there’s yeah exactly I think I’ve only seen three and four it’s like they just get better

Yeah the original is the best I think and there’s a clip floating around of Michael Winslow he’s the guy that makes all the uh the uh the sound effects with his uh with his his mouth and other things there’s a clip of him on a talk

Show doing a lead zein song I I it’s one of those where you look oh my god you watch it you go this just one of those examples of you you just have to salute human beings that have talent right just like last night I think about 18,000

People were saluting a lot of guys with Talent on the floor by the way not for nothing the Bucks got steamrolled last night in LOL yanis and kmo is really good yeah sure he’s just you watch him and you’re just like dude that’s just not it was okay that’s just it’s just

Not fair sometimes also also breathe on him and he gets a foul okay I did not I mean when the Kings won by a 100 yeah I thought the officiating was rough look what was it like what was their first foul shot second quarter late mid second quarter

And and you know for the people like well the king’s just shot three it’s not true king scored more points in the paint they were attacking the paint I thought I thought the fouls the Bucks were getting were touch fouls out near half court yes and I’m like okay you got

To call that both ways you’re right I I generally don’t and the Kings won by a a ton right you were going to say but load I know you were but uh I thought I didn’t think it was great I didn’t think they got a great whistle at all no they

Didn’t and thank God that had nothing to do with anything and as a matter of fact we’ll get into the king’s free throws a little bit later Jason’s got some numbers there 35- 16 was the free throw disparity last night it seemed like King had 16 Kings ended up with 16 free throw

What did Yannis have uh Giannis just Giannis had 14 he was 10 of 14 props by the way to uh Kings game offs for putting the uh the timer up there so we could all count down uh from 10 every time Giannis was on the floor they set the tone the Kings

Did a 75 Point first half but they did it with defense as well in the second half just scored 20 points in the third but they only gave up 22 and our good friend uh Frankie cardelli Jason uh has some numbers uh when it comes to the Kings

This season you know we talked about Harrison Barnes being 15 and three when scoring 15 or more they’re Five-0 and Keon Ellis starts we talked about that in the last segment when Malik monk scores 20 or more they are 17- six when they are shooting 35% or higher

From Beyond The Arc which by the way it’s a good number yeah it’s not lights out 29 and nine when they dish out 30 or more assists this is the key I think 22 and five and that ain’t the key this is this season when the Kings score 120 or more points

32 and four wow Jason Ross and they scored that many but also held an opponent under 100 for just the sixth time this year there was no 30-point quarters after the first for the for the bucks I thought early on it was make Giannis work for it but no one else was

Going to get theirs and it they didn’t get a double figure score till late in the game um Dame was a nonf factor and I love that they just didn’t let up because I thought of all things I I was here’s how I Was preparing myself last

Night because we’ve seen the Kings have the blown lead let down I thought this one actually could happen in a natural way one they were playing a really good team yeah two I thought the shooting was so out of whack I mean the kings were making everything in the first half I

Said well if the bucks keep getting the whistles they do have Giannis they have Dame I know it’s a big lead but this one to me would have been believable of a comeback and instead the Kings never let him in the game that was awesome they

Never let them in the game what what was it didn’t they opened 11 to two yeah it was 80 and whatever it was and then the closest it got late was 14 but then again before you know it back up to 30 plus in the largest win of the Season

Could they do that tonight let’s hear from let’s hear from an old friend of ours anything’s possible anything possible it’s nice of kg to check in it is nice of kg to check in big Kings fan he’s always listening we’ll take a break when we come back a couple of things

Here there’s still a lot of other things to talk about from this game a lot of things that we’re going to take from this game that happened also we’ll hear from dear and fox post game as well on the defense of the Sacramento Kings so

Big fat segment for you top of the hour 8 o’clock on your home of the king sack toown Sports subscribe to sack toown Sports on YouTube and watch the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys live Monday through Friday from 6 to6

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Microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did caller texted all you have to do is remember the drive game that Gman called out it’s the entirety of the game seriously it could be and that was that game was the drive yeah of the game yeah there’s one play

There’s a good one it’s pretty good one and uh all you got to do is know that one and you know what you will win a $100 gift certificate to Jiffy Lube oil change tire rotation would your wipers yeah so many things you can do there’s a

Plethora of things you can do so 18920 11140 there you go um we’ll get to dear and fox in a second let’s go through some things I’m put my feet up there a lot of stuff to go through yes okay this post game the dunk yeah Andre Jackson Jr dare

I confess last night first time heard the name Andre Jackson Jr that I remember it’s okay understandable just you know no offense to him but I will remember the name Andre Jackson Jr for the rest of my life and what’s weird is I think you’re going to remember that

Play for the rest of your life and this was one of like we said the best wins of the year the most lopsided but that that highlight is sticking with me that play and and I think it’s fair to say that highlight is sticking with the players

On both teams yeah now the Bucks I’m sure weren’t you know I let I didn’t even see their reaction I don’t think I honestly after looking at the replay because I couldn’t see the Kings bench from where I was but I was right behind the Bucks bench yeah I didn’t tell you

Right now the Kings bench reacted more than the Bucks bench to that and for understandable reasons uh I don’t know that I’ve ever seen one play convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt if Andre Jackson jior is not in the dunk contest next year then shut

Down the dunk contest yeah because that dude has like a 59 inch vertical again jetpack trampoline launch off of someone else I don’t know I mean obviously he can jump yeah and I think it was jayen Slawson that he Conn so I don’t know if

It was one of those that he hit him and somehow it propelled him higher it just we’ve seen eight million games it didn’t make sense to the eye when you saw it no no it didn’t yeah and that’s why we talked about it it’s my favorite crowd reaction it’s not the everyone goes

Crazy it’s not booing it’s none of the normal stuff it’s a crowd reaction almost like a no hitter you just have to be lucky enough to see and hear it’s the the reaction of I don’t know what I I need to process what I just saw I think

I saw his neck at The Rim I think but that doesn’t make sense in my head yes oh no I did see that there will be a day I want to say In Our Lifetime that if we follow the Natural Evolution of athletes I believe that there will be a day as

Long as we live full lives before we pass this Earth that we will see whether it’s in a game or whether it’s in a dunk contest that we will see a front flip dunk I do believe that’s going to happen I I don’t think we’re there yet yeah but

I do think it will happen someday and I think that’s the type of reaction we’ll hear when that happens as long as nobody knows it’s coming yeah and somebody bust out with a front flip dunk you think oh my god the guy just did a forward flip

And dunked the ball I’m gonna go nuts that’s not how it would go yeah they do a front flip dunk and the crowd would be in stunned silence like the people do on the off trampolines of the game yeah but that’s off trampoline right no no no no

No somebody bust that out in a game holy crap yeah you know what I’m saying so that was you’re saying uh leg the uh this was a fun moment everything’s going right when javil MC3 yes hits one from Beyond the AR yeah that was great was

Like everybody wanted him to take it he did he just drained it just drained it left the hand up there the kings are one and0 this year I believe when jbelle McGee hits a three I think you’re right I think I’m probably right Jaylen Slawson played uh two games in a day had

20 points for Stockton yeah they played down in Ontario went for 20 get and they probably thinking well I’m here it’s cool I’m put in the uniform but whatever and he plays isn’t that great yeah he played two games in a day dude that is Fant he pay

Twice he has to that’s overtime that is does he get paid overtime yeah does he get paid like time and a half or double time whatever the the rookie minimum is or whatever two showers yes yeah couple of showers two postgame meals yeah Malik monk set a Sacramento Kings

Record for most assists we talked about this with Jim Les who was on that list uh he passed Bobby Jackson um Bobby played here for a while Bobby played that was the most like I didn’t even expect to see that and when I saw it I

Went that well that can’t be right yeah at first I was a bit confused I went oh in a season okay okay wait no career all time Malik’s been here a year and not two year two3 yeah yeah wow I mean we gota it it should be in the bag right

Bring Sam no I mean as as far as oh six man yeah I got a little bit of pause last week when we talked to Sam he’s like well you gotta keep in I’m like yeah you’re right but I’m like there’s no way I’m gonna stand in front of Sam

And I hope he’s okay with me saying this I just think that was us putting Sam on the spot and he even said a little bit like I haven’t dived into like look barring something insane or terrible between now and the end of the season not only is Malik monk going to win

Sixth Man of the Year it might be it we may be seeing a it might be a runaway it might be unanimous like this isn’t going to be close he is your Sixth Man of deservedly so deservedly so and it will be the second year in a radue you can

Now add four national awards Coach of the Year exec of the Year clutch player of the year and then this year Sixth Man of the Year nice no allars though day y nope no allar St um Damonte sabonis finally sets the FR I say finally because there was that

Mistake a few few weeks ago sets the franchise record for most consecutive double doubles in the season with 47 he passes Jerry Lucas there’s 82 games in regular season uh Jason and damont sabon has 47 double doubl in a row but he has 60 for the season a row 60 for the year

Which what’s funny to me honestly when you tell me that he has 60 in the season God how many how many games they let’s see 64 yeah 37 yeah 64 it’s such a compliment to Damon sabonis that the first thing I think is he had four games without a double

Double what’s going on there uh what’s going on here by the way is this I think this is Ashley good morning Ashley morning so um I again uh watched the game live on the TV but I’m pretty sure I know what it is okay the drive I’m going Malik Monk in

The second quarter on the dime to Dear for uhon Ellis Malik monks dime to Keon Ellis in the second quarter well I can tell you that you’re really really close you got the right player oh you got the right quarter that was not the Jiffy L Drive

Of the game see he’s talking about this play rare is it to have five men in double figures in the first half of a ball game here’s great steal Malik mon ahead to Keon Ells a fullblown two hand throw down and the Kings have a 20-point lead as the defense has just been

Spectacular and Doc Rivers has called another timeout 244 to play in this second quarter Bo the Kings have brought fire to this one can they sustain so that was not the Jiffy Loop not the Jiffy Loop Drive of the game but thank you for trying Ashley

Second day in a row I believe we talked to Ashley uh let’s go to Ralph not enough Ralph’s I agree not enough Ralph’s these days think Ralph great again when I say the name Ralph what’s the first thing you think hey Ralph mou yeah I think of the

Uh the sheep dog with Wy coyote when they used to clock in Ralph machio Ralph oh Mount Ralph more let’s get to that in a second good morning Ralph good morning Dave hey what about Jason well you too Jason thanks Ralph Ralph my friend what is the Jiffy Lube

Drive of the game well that would been from sabonis to monk for layup for two sa bonus to monk layup for two rare layup for two let me see if that was the Jiffy Lube Drive of the game malake mon circles to the left wing gets in

Two-point range goes strong goes to that left hand off the window and he scores again Malik mon the Kings on a 120 run let’s make that your jippy Lop Drive of the game from sabonis Malik monk in full Attack Mode on the left angle hey confirmation congratulations Ralph you

Are the winner of the JY Loop $100 gift certificate congratulations my friend well thank you Ralph one last question good luck what sports radio station makes all your Jiffy Loop dreams come true Zack Town Sports 1140 that this is my second win this is your second but in

Over a few months we’re following the rules Ral you know what you listen we will bribe you my friend well thank you like I said I I listen to every game there you go Ralph appreciate that you know who else appreciates that Gary Joe yes and me and

Jason and Chris yeah and you does Alan Styles I don’t know I’ll have to ask him yeah we will but I appreciate it Go Ral way to go Ralph we will take a break still a lot of stuff to get to from the game as well who the heck though who the

Heck are these will the real Sacramento Kings please stand up please stand up please stand up uh we’ll ask Mike Brown about that and we got some more numbers for you we’ll do all that in just one minuto on sack Down Sports keep it here to sack toown Sports for the Sacramento

Kings push toward the postseason get analysis from our local shows breakdowns from our Kings insiders and all the thrilling moments from the Gman he quick catch quick strike there’s another one up in the lights and in the well 10 three-pointers made Keegan Murray putting on an alltime scoring exhibition

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Told Bobby I was going to beat him did you yeah I told him that how do you take it and I told him that before I even soon as I sign I’m like yeah I’m I’m G beat your record Bobby um I’ve been here two years

Too I got a feeling Malik I got a feeling Malik on the golf course as a as a treat oh my gosh yeah he’s a treat yes he’s talking garbage the whole time yeah uh one more thing to clean up here from uh from before that that that

Jackson D we were talking about Andre Jackson yeah uh Fox was was asked about that fox first off camera caught you in the bench uh Kevin’s reaction was crazy Kevin crazy he was I don’t know if y’all saw I hit him on the head he’s like he’s

Like he’s from upstate I’m like bro I don’t care that’s the first thing that worldwide W post that’s the first thing that people are gonna see is how we react and it was he got him for sure wow why shout out there from the Twitter account one of the better NBA Twitter

Accounts by uh by uh uh dear and fox yeah they were all over the place I love how Kevin loves the fact that he hey he’s from upstate shout out Upstate baby uh Mike Brown was asked about this team as well and on the inconsistencies here’s what he had to say is going

Through some ups and downs in my opinion like any any ex inexperienced team in the position that we’re in I mean we’re we’re trying to play uh this game uh with some expectations as a group that we’re not used to having overall and you know it’s going to cause for some UPS

It’s going to cause for some downs and the one thing that you hope is is everybody continues to stay together uh but while staying together we each we each hold each other accountable and you know as long as you feel like you’re making strides especially towards the

End of the season going into playoff time I’ll leave I I for me personally I can I don’t like it I don’t want it to happen but I can live with some inconsistencies throughout the course the course of the Year especially uh where we are as a group

When you’re looking at the individuals on this roster which is not a ton of experience in the position that we’re in right now okay but it goes back to I think we brought this up yesterday so now that they beat Milwaukee the record against the top three in the East top

Three in the west is now nine and six so that shows you what they’re capable of now we have to live with the the Charlottes the Portlands the Detroit I mean that’s that’s where kind of the head scratching is going right they are 0 and one against

Boston one and one against Milwaukee now one and one against Cleveland yet they are three- one two- one and two And1 uh progressively against Denver OKC and Minnesota as you said that’s nine and six overall and still another game with Boston so they obviously in Boston that’ll be very tough in another game

Against OKC they can help the record they can hurt it but it would be winning record regardless even if they get 0 and two for all the ups and downs for all the inconsistencies for all the the inexplainable losses I’m going to go back to what we talked about yesterday

And I think this is going to be my new happy thought this team is far more likely to be a Western Conference Finals or NBA Finals team this year than they are last year based on how they’ve played yes yes it’s angering frustrating whatever you want to call it these losses that to

These bad teams or average teams especially when you compare them to wins like last night wins in Minnesota but we’d far rather it be this way than sitting here going you know I mean the Kings take care of business against the bad teams but they just can’t crack

Through they can’t break through against the good teams that’s not the conversation we’re having at all we’re having the opposite yeah and so if you think about if they’re so fortunate to be a playoff team which I believe they will be um the that part that frustrates

Us they’re not going be playing the bad teams doesn’t mean they’re right means they’re a gimme to get through but what some of the regular season trends that I think could pass over into the postseason is it’s not crazy to think they’re playing whoever a good Western

Conference team in the first round and they maybe have a 20-point lead in a playoff game they could I mean they’ I think it’s the league a little bit but the Kings have shown that they don’t always keep that lead so that I think would be something that could transfer

To the postseason positively and negatively because they’ve come back from some 20o deficits too to win I think I think if you know look they got to get in the playoffs I don’t want to see them screwing around in the play I don’t either and they’re right there right but if they were

They’re half game off the Suns right now if if the season ended let’s say Phoenix’s last game was tomorrow they’re playing you said Boston I think let’s say just for you know you know what’s in Giggles the Kings finish up uh ahead of the Suns they’re the six seed and we’re

Sitting here going into the playoffs and it’s the Timberwolves and the kings in the first round I’m not feeling overconfident but I’m like you know what I I kind of like this match up I I I kind of like this match up now if it was son if it was Kings

Pelicans if it was Kings maybe I don’t know Nuggets Clippers yeah but Thunder Timberwolves Suns Mavs Lakers hell Warriors I’m feeling pretty good going in here there there’s there’s a couple of big speed bumps obviously in the Nuggets uh pelicans and Clippers in front of the Kings but

To me if they continue to play this style in this way the road to the Western Conference Finals is just going to highly depend on who those matchups are yeah and it’s you know I don’t know whether it’s the inconsistencies that lead us to the thought that like they haven’t played

Their best basketball but they’ve shown us here I would say now if we’re going you know maybe the last 15 games the win at Minnesota the win at the Clippers the win last night and really after the first quarter on on the Lakers they’ve been great I mean great now same Squad

That’s frustrated us with other losses in between there so it’s it’s the peak looks really really good well and and and speaking of looking great you know they haven’t they haven’t won every game we’ve wanted them to over the last few but if you focus in on the last five

Games which are not all wins one of the consistently frustrating things about this team has been their free throws yes and dude very quietly the Kings H have figured it out at least temporarily they were 16 of 18 against the Bulls in a loss 10 of 12

Against the Lakers in a win 17 of 18 against the Spurs in a win barely needed those free throws had they shot their average of free throws they lose that game 20 of 23 against the rockets and a loss 13 of 16 against the bucks for a

Win Jason over five games that is 76 of 87 that is 87 perc phenomenal and what’s great in those five the Bulls game was their season best as far as fewest misses of two they beat that two games later like you said against the Spurs and one was a

Loss and the other one was a near loss but I I think it’s now starting to at least lately a five-game stretch that again shows you hey look what they’re capable of what they’re that’s exactly right what they are capable are they still dead last they are dead last uh

Because they were pretty far down there they were they are now uh they’ve gone from almost 2% back to uh they are now Point uh excuse me they’re one. two back so they start to move up this late in the year they’ve made up a little bit uh

But I’ll tell you this much over the last three games they are number two in the NBA in free throws made number one 90% the Detroit Pistons that’s so weird wow the Detroit Pistons but hey you know what screw it 87% Jason I’ll say this if the Kings can

Shoot 87% from the free throw line for the rest of the year they’re going to make some noise absolutely make that combined with their three-pointers were falling last night I mean that was fun again I love that herder got off to the Good Start Barnes um and then filling in

The pieces Fox sabonis sabonis didn’t quite get the triple double thought that would happen for him but that’s okay I mean that is just that guy’s rolling right now he he is he is he is almost on autopilot uh and how good he is playing

Uh and and I think it was Fox that said something to the effect of you know outside he was asked about sabonis and was like outside of us here locally it doesn’t seem like anybody’s talking about it don’t take this for granted like we’re watching history right now

This guy is absolutely insane not good enough to be an Allstar not good enough to be an All-Star but good enough to be historically good with double doubles and and what do we what do we say he’s leading leading the league in triple doubles double doubles and assists yeah uh all since January

1 that’s pretty pretty pretty pretty good and and it makes me think let’s check the Kia race to the MVP ladder uh still better be top five uh let’s see uh the latest we actually is Du to come out here uh pretty soon we’ll go back to March 8th Nicole yic number one

Understand guilis Alexander number two lannis admo number three okay probably Luca Jason Tatum oh oh yeah Tatum number four Luca donic all right number five Damon sabonis for the second week in a row at number six he’ll probably stay there right I mean Luca’s still been doing great it’s funny you know

Every time he has a triple double that’s featured I mean it just is sabonis doesn’t you got sausage arms and cankles sabonis doesn’t get talked about as much on that Tatum I mean I feel like Tatum should get a little more recognition best record best player on the best team

51 wins um but yeah that that list makes sense I I I think yage is your MVP I do too I think that’s the the you know he’s a presumptive favorite I I’m okay with Gil Alexander being number two just because Oklahoma City’s so good but then

I would probably put I agree with you on Tatum I would probably put Tatum at three uh Giannis at four again it’s just me Luca Donis is putting up those are some pretty crazy numbers yeah all right uh and you know that not only are they behind the Sacramento

Kings but sabonis a guy not known for his defense is a better Defender than LCA donic he’s being asked to do more on that side than LCA donic he’s a center as well putting up uh these numbers did you see that story floating around yesterday on social about um who was it

That said it Michael Finley about Luca in practice in practice Yeah I’m not gonna name any names but Grant Williams basically said blah blah blah and then Luca proceeded to just go nuts in the in practice and that and and look obviously an incredibly talented player don’t get

Me wrong yeah uh little little too much of a free throw Merchant for me yeah yeah one of a few of those in the league he’s not like James Harden right who has more free throws made the made which still that still absolutely blows me away um so as we said

Earlier we’ve got ourselves a bit of a pattern going with this team um and now that we’ve got a little bit of air beneath our sales as a fan base I don’t know what to do with tonight because it doesn’t fit again if they were playing the Grizzlies the

Raptors uh the Hornets the Pistons the Spurs I’m thinking Trap game let down yeah this isn’t a top team in the Lakers but I think they’re treated like a top team by the players I think these guys get up for LeBron James and Anthony Davis and everybody else they’re playing

At home second night of the back- toback at home but you know what there I mean this a young team I don’t know that a second night of a back-to-back at home should necessarily affect them but the the the Lakers have not played since

Sunday MH that was a big win for them uh the Lakers are favored by one and a half coming in tonight but it’s like all right we beat the Bucks and if I hope that Mike Brown and all the coaching staff and the players are all saying

Okay we enjoyed this win or maybe you know something in the postgame locker room of like enjoy the win until you walk in the door at home and once you get home and that door shuts I want you to completely forget about tonight’s win and I want you to think about how your

Fans the national media and Las Vegas all believe that you’re going to turn around and throw that win back tomorrow night at home against the Lakers exactly that’s exactly what I want to motivation motivation prove them wrong right prove us wrong yeah lot tonight’s looking like

A dog fight I don’t want it to look like a dog fight if they can beat the Milwaukee Bucks by 34 they match up better with the Lakers and have shown that right and show it you know at the end I don’t know if it would have mattered I thought they could

Have taken the starters out about a minute or two earlier but whatever this time I don’t think it’s not like they logged and I don’t know what the difference from 34 minutes to 32 minutes would be played but um yeah they didn’t have to really overexert themselves so

They should be ready to go I don’t know that it’s necessarily being fair to Mike Brown and I don’t know preemptively how much I’ll be uh you know I’ll be all over this but last night uh It was 95 to 78 9578 so you have a 17-point lead going

Into the fourth quarter yeah which ballooned very quickly to 30 plus I think they scored the first seven too timeout dock it’s 24 right away you’re like okay good I completely understand that this is hindsight I completely understand that this is Wednesday morning quarterbacking I completely understand that we all know how this

Team has been with blowing leads I get it but if the Kings do lose tonight at home there are going to be some questions as to did you leave those starters in too long CU those starters were in what was it two minutes left maybe three when he cleared the bench no

No it was more than that was it I thought it how many minutes did like Slawson and Jones play Slawson played two uh Jones played five okay U but yeah 34 32 32 for Fox Barnes and sa bonus and then 20 27 for real that’s not that bad it was

Closer to about five that he played those guys I would have liked to seen them play 18th well you know starting the fourth quarter they had there this is a team that lost a 22-point lead with eight minutes to go in Phoenix and they still had Lillard and Giannis on the

Floor he couldn’t take that risk and that’s why I think like I’m I’m I’m waffling here I I I I take it back I get there may be some questions if that happens tonight they won’t come from me I get it I get what I get what they were

Doing it’s like dude you know what let’s just let’s just make sure we have this win someone else will ask those questions oh yeah yeah maybe shut down another press conference uh either way the when they’re driving home last night yeah forget about the win move on to the

Lakers yeah what were they driving I don’t know but I imagine it might have been something from our good friends at HBL Dodge where right now the Jeep celebration events going on you can save big on your next off-road Adventure when you get 15,000 off MSRP on remaining new 2023 Jeep Gladiator sport

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Your favorite team games are you a fan of the Kings ners and the NFL well sat down Sports has you covered touchdown San Francisco it’s all on his shoulders he Fires for the win he’s got the triple catch all your kings Niners and NFL games all year long on sack

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Together a heck of a lineup it’s 100% fiber internet you get a dedicated connection and lightning f upload and download speeds up to 2 gigs plans start at just 25 bucks a month so everyone can join in the action Country in the Park is Back May 17th and 18th at Cal Expo

With Brentley Gilbert Dustin Lynch Jen Walker hay and more ticket start at just 46 bucks Country in the Park May 17th and 18th at Cal Expo for more information visit citp brought to you by California Army National Guard major wood home fishings and RVs of Sacramento the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross call or text at 916 339 1140 on sack toown Sports you’ll be happy to know Jason that came downstairs yesterday afternoon and I see my wife and my son in the living room with a laptop and a yellow pad they were discussing their March

Madness picks oh um at this point I feel like your wife is leaning on Mason because Mason’s been pretty tough the last couple years he has he almost cashed uh at least once I think twice but we got to be honest here it’s it’s tough in my household yeah

Especially for for my wife but my son it’s a pretty big shadow cast when your father husband is I think either tied or leading in the all-time Cash Out pool uh including a championship like I the ring ceremony they were there they were clapping and all that when I won cash uh

By cash I mean you know for real cash fun Bock uh yeah your lifetime ahead in that department I I think I definitely am I think I think yeah and um easily also a second night with dog by the way new dog and dog is proving to be quite

Slippery uh not like out of your hands but she is adventurous and she’s so small that sometimes it’s it’s it’s strange to uh she disappears sometimes and we get worried and the house so last night it was dogin on our bed not in the crate like they should be of course but

On our bed the way my wife and sis so Nacho’s buried somewhere who the hell knows uh Gus sleeps alive uh alive okay we have a dual mattress nacho at some point during the night somehow gets under our covers goes in between the mattresses and rolls over on her back so

She’s like stuck in between the mattresses almost she likes the feeling you know Chihuahua are afraid of everything yeah this dog talk about slippery when I went to bed my wife was already asleep Gus was in the little Nook of her the back of her legs you

Know like like how they’re bent and just kind of nooks in there uh Gracie new dog was sleeping next to Gus it was like a big pack animal thing well apparently my wife woke up in the middle of the night went and got some water or something

Comes back and I have no idea how this happened but she took a sleeping picture of me somehow the dog sorry you can’t see this on the radio somehow the dog new dog B burrowed its way under the covers on my side and it I I for lack of

A better term it looks like I’m we I’m spooning the dog the dog’s head is under my chin facing the other way I did not even notice dog dog was not there when I woke up this morning also carpet’s a little bit Polkka dotted I informed the dog yesterday if

She continues to pee on the carpet it’s going be an early swim for her wow just kidding or am I maybe hot maybe hot tub okay um so that’s that update 11 games over 500 J the magic mark they can’t do it they can’t get there they’re afraid of it they don’t

Want to go 11 games over 500 apparently or should it seem because they’ve had opportunities they were in Cleveland yeah they were 29 and 19 didn’t do it understandable yeah end of a road trip if I remember right and it was a good road trip no Jimmy Butler the

Miami Heat no Duncan Robinson no like half the team they were 33 and 23 home to the Rockets 36 and 26 we know what happened there yeah the kings are 37 and 27 they host the Lakers tonight they can go a season High 11 games over 500 and

By the way you can text us at 9163 39140 uh from uh fome Mike tonight on national TV is a statement game for No One talking about sabonis for Fox and sabonis being snubbed in the All-Star Game for League respect you kill the Bucks and Lakers on back-to-back days

That’s harsh people have to take notice that means something for us the players know and they will step up I would only disagree with folon Mike in the following should the Kings blow out the Lakers tonight let’s say and they destroy the Bucks in the Lakers let’s all see what happens but my

Prediction is this they will lead off the studio show in some shape or form with how this affects the lak absolutely 100% 100% be and then maybe the second or third block will be somebody saying and we got to talk about the Kings a couple of impressive back-to-back wins for them we

Really bonus 3020 and 13 yeah yeah amazing how did that how did that make LeBron feel yeah and we just kind of have to get used to that oh and by the way here’s your stat of the day Damonte sabonis is now 10 and0 against Anthony Davis how does that make Anthony Davis

Feel right whatever sometimes I sometimes I’m aware of sometimes I ask myself and I go dude should you just stop worrying about what the national media says and just you know they’ll they’ll talk about you when you win championships and what everyone talks about Denver now this that

Whatever you just let it go but then the other part of me is like no it’s not fair no because you’re going to be upset when they don’t talk about them and then you’re going to be upset when they do talk about them I’m only going to be

Upset when they do talk about the Kings is if when they talk about the Kings it’s all bad stuff I want them to talk about the Kings a lot and have it be good stuff yeah sure the Kings blew the Lakers out by 43 points but can this last in the

Playoffs can this last in the playoffs uh somebody on the oh caneo silvas on the YouTube chat guys is this true Kyle Draper is challenging Carmichael Davis the popcorn man at 1140 I didn’t even know that that’s like that’s one of the things I’m in the lead

On that I don’t even look in my rearview mirror I haven’t for a years what’s the story behind that I don’t know what the story is but I don’t even think about being challenged not just as the popcorn man of 1140 but I feel like

I’m kind of the popcorn man of the city we’ll have to ask Katie about this if she knows I think we will she knows both of you she knows both of us and if she says there’s a challenge there I better St my game up yeah because uh

Interesting did not know of this going to go there I had a box of popcorn last night pounding that sucker a box they have the boxes in the thing yeah it’s enough um can I say the free popcorn at Golden one isn’t all that good you can

But the paid for popcorn is amazing the paid for popcorn is movie theater quality the the and and the thing is though is that the paid for popcorn not only is hot and fresh but also you have the butter options at two different stations now the free popcorn there that

They have in the lounges it’s boxed up like pregame out of a bag so it’s not going to be hot it’s not going to be buttery it’s just it you know what it does guys it gets the job done if you need to take the salty to go with the

Bag I had of Lifesavers lollipops uh there were a couple of fruit rollups in there so all fruit candy no chocolate it was all no I didn’t do any Chate last night didn’t feel chocolaty to me it felt fruity and salty and you know what it wasn’t that

Your first DJ name uh fruity and salty as a matter of fact and uh you know what 34 Point win came out of that yeah but I did finish the popcorn it was fine it was it the assorted flavor of Lifesavers or Butter Rum no assorted fruit flavors of Lifes

Savers buttered rum yeah which I mean you know get that at Amy Hardware yeah give me the give me the give me the assorted fruit flavors uh as I said took out three rolls of those and my tummy started to hurt a little bit which doesn’t usually happen it did did hurt a

Little bit after all you ate I don’t know where it come from well I didn’t mentioned that I did also I hadn’t eaten before I got there and I did hit up there’s a pregame Sushi thing that I hit up and uh yeah H A lot of that I think it was

The Wasabi oh yeah that could be you have in my stomach you have on an empty stomach you have Wasabi three rolls of Lifesavers and a box of popcorn I can see why it happened well think about that we’ll take a break when we come back who’s hot who’s not we’ll

Recap three in the key we got a three in the key to do it’s a back to back three in the key for us KD will join us at 9:00 a.m. and uh you know we try to stay off that third rail of politics everybody trust me when I say this is

Politics for everyone as we may have a new entrance in uh one of the parts of the presidential race not sure if you heard about this but dead serious ties right into sports we’ll tell you about that later on in the program who’s hot who’s not next sweep la the Kings go for

The season sweep tonight against the Lakers here’s a great steal Malik Mar ahead to Keon Ellis a full-blown two hand throw down and the Kings have a 20po lead as the defense has just been spectacular the Kings and leers tonight at seven on your home for Kings basketball sack toown Sports and the

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By American Energy heating and air Sacramento’s complete Heating and Cooling company and second opinion partner who is hot Keana Ellis yeah he is go Keon go love it he finished the night with seven points four rebounds and two to assists but more importantly the kings are five and0 when Keon Ellis

Ellis starts the game when Keon Ellis starts over anyone else yes yes that’s good the question has to be asked should this be a more permanent fixture for the starting lineup who should ask that yeah who should ask that you know what somebody should ask Mike Brown that

Question um you mentioned that you guys are five and0 with Keon Ellison the starting lineup and it feels like a lot of what he brings is pretty sustainable is that a change you’ve considered uh making permanent no oh someone did ask I I tweeted out earlier I said If

And I tagged him I said if somebody sees Kyle today maybe smile and Pat him on the back and the first response was somebody took the meme when Mike Brown when Mike Brown brought up the laptop and says remember the time when the teacher didn’t like your question it

Shows Mike pointing at the laptop and they’re on the laptops Kyle poor guy that too was the Milwaukee game that’s right yeah maybe maybe Kyle should get in early and just take out the end where or maybe Kyle says that Mike Brown’s full answer was

No doubt I should do that and he just paused a little bit who’s not Jak Crowder J Crowder last night his 16 minutes he had zero points shooting o of o from the field I love from the field it’s also zero for Zero from the three-point line and nothing for nothing

From the from three-point line Elsa did have two assists and one steal that’s fine also Ryan cot is in the uh in the the uh YouTube chat uh by the way last night totally separate I was listening uh a little bit during halftime I had my

Little ear piece with me it’s the sound on the station was a little bit off did you guys have a different engineer last night not last night no it wasn’t last night oh it wasn’t Ryan last night I thought it was damn okay I was gonna do a whole

Ryan was there two games ago two games ago Spanish right oh oh ah because sometimes I like to flip over to that yeah yeah I know you do I do often see but uh Ryan’s the one that will often let us know like he’ll text and be like

Hey your monitors aren’t fling and with the thinger I don’t like when they don’t flama John I don’t either but he commented earlier that my tweet about Kyle was vague and I was like it’s not vague if you’re listening to the show pal that’s right four hours just cuz the

Dude won an Oscar for sound or whatever the other day with Lucas film yeah congratulations now now but what has he done for us today yeah what what what has he done today and he’s got a long way to catch up to Loyal listener Greta Gerwig when it comes to Awards when is

She on again uh we just had her on she’s busy with rb2 electric Baloo yes the College Years three in the key I’m just k Kings and bucks that was really good I saw that last night my uh my daughter played me uh uh Ryan gosin doing I’m just K

It’s pretty good pipes yes was okay wow him and Justin Timberlake were both on the uh Mickey Mouse club together that’s right and Britney Spears and Christine aguiler yeah and Dilbert mcgillin yes yeah and young Carmichael Dave Young I I was as a matter of fact car Michael Dave

Did the fun house part yes it was pretty cool Chris did the Living Spaces how do we do last night Jason Ross great back to you back to you great let’s see how we did on our three in the key predictions we had fourth quarter fox versus Dame time we just wanted the

Fourth quarters from these two guys yeah that’s all we wanted dve said Lillard 10 Fox 12 I said Lillard n Fox 11 Chris said Lillard 8 Fox 13 well had one and fox had nine Dame Lillard by the way honorable mention for who’s not yes uh we also asked what quarter this was

Your uh category day what quarter would damont savonus achieve a double double wow we were just presuming that the guy would get a double double y well uh Davey said the third I said the second Chris said the third the correct answer was the third quarter bring it you and

Chris were correct yes we were I was a failure random stat Dave you said Pat conaton would score 14 points or more he was on Pace for about 70 he had he made his first three shots he had seven points in under a minute when he checked

In and he ended with seven points seven points um still not a bad effort not a bad effort I said there would be four or more technical fouls I believe there was only one yeah there was one on the leak monk I remember yeah like a weird technical foul thought Bobby poris might

Get one but he didn’t uh he just waved at da hey Bobby and uh Chris’s prediction was Chris will end the streak and win by six points or more lebody said they would win comfortably okay oh wow I don’t know why I wrote six points or more but win comfortably I think you

Did say that I said six points or more I said comfortably six points or more okay there you go and I would say Chris well done well done Chris they did win comfortably yes they did uh Kyle Draper stole a bunch of popcorn for kids and

Got mad when called out sow he’s coming for you David what is this story yeah is this is this cornate do we do we have a legit corn gate all right recycle the music please John T Tak it away three in the key Kings Lakers Lakers favored by one and a

Half at gold one Center that’s enough to tick me off hope that passes on to the team because you won’t like them when they’re angry 34-point win over the Bucks and they think they’re going to lose to La well they might be right but but we’ve still got a three in the keyj

Well let’s go to some you know we have King Killers people that come in beat Malik monk dearen Fox are Laker killers they are so Dave we want Fox points and Malik monk points tonight those two individuals uh give me 34 for Fox and 22 for Malik which means king and Arabic

Yes it does yeah it means king and Arabic I looked it up once oh Whitey used his nickname for Malik in the press conference last night T Malik what did he say do we have audio for that we do we’ll get to that we can get to that I’m

So so much fun Chris did a tease on our own show that I’m now really like I’m not tuning out yeah you kind of want to stop the three uh the yeah my ADD is like I don’t want any part of the rest of this but we’ll have to wait all right

Uh Fox I I already written mine in we’re close Dave I had 38 for him and 22 so you had 34 22 I 3822 Chris Fox points and mug points I’m going to say 35 for Box 25 for Malik okay we’re all in the same can I do a category yeah yeah all

Right what will the free throw disparity be for tonight God you know what’s funny that was my that’s my category no way I have sack free throws Laker free throws we been working together way too long uh I’m going to say 28 for the Lakers seven 18 18 for the

Ki 28 18 okay uh I say Lakers 34 Kings 19 goly I’m gonna say Lakers 30 Kings 14 I got to pick the date on this I’m doing a I told you about this earlier being I’m guesting on a podcast today and the subject of the

Podcast I want to say it’s the fifth time over the years I’ve done this on a podcast this the robbery of the 2002 Sacramento Kings I didn’t even realize until coming into work today when I told you that day I picked was Kings Lakers I’m going to be extra fired up tonight

Too yeah because I don’t like reliving that except every other week yeah not that it’s getting old which it’s not final category random stat random stat for tonight Dave uh from the 916 did Chris mention already that last night was for the linear Championship I’m 95% it yeah this person

Says I’m 95% sure they kept track of it correctly now that’s not our bit classically want to give credit but honestly if it’s the linear Championship I think I’ll have to check that out dur K interview but I’m trying to think who would the Bucks have taken it

From anyway I hope so anyway which mean the Kings currently have the belt if that’s correct we’ll just assume it is what was the final question again random stat random stat LeBron James will not be on the floor from The 4minute Mark of the fourth quarter on yeah that’s right that’s what my

Random stat is okay uh my random stat tonight um I don’t know this for certain so I’m I’m I’m running a risk here whether or not this is gonna happen but I’m gonna say Keon Ellis is going to go to 60 as a starter oh that’s a good one

Chris I’m going to say demonus sa bonus will have a first half double double okay there we go I hope Chris let’s see what was yours again Jason Keon Ellis go six and0 as a starter okay so ranking in things that I wish I hope happens tonight well all three can happen but

I’ll say number one I want yours to happen the most okay because that would mean a win yeah but that also means probably Keegan doesn’t play I would trade Keegan on playing for a guaranteed win though oh absolutely you know no no I love Keegan but I just

Want to say muray uh we’ve done that last night if Mo confu would he have confused everybody if he went Keyon oh my God great Point Mel hey oh oh as we go to break uh guys um update did I just have a brain freeze on

The show the other day or did we not have Scott Mo on who then three-way called Scott fresh hour yes and we left a message yes that’s confirmed right correct so when I saw Scott fresh last night after the game he looked at me with de eyes because he does have

Beautiful deep eyes there was no message from us on his phone he didn’t know what we were talking about so either he’s a liar or did we leave that message for somebody else because he called something was Mo calling that’s what I’m saying and then fresh approached me and said we might

Have we may just have the opport to get Allen’s baby back in later in the year so the bid had gotten back to him and I explained to him that the Stockton Kings had thrown out an invite so the baby was the baby failed getting set

Down to the G League maybe the baby baby Ella can be like Jaylen slaon and have two races in one day oh my goodness and get paid overtime yes that’s extra animal crackers yeah we’ll take a break when we come back hey speaking to animal crackers Katie Christensen will join us

Analyst for the kings that works we’ll talk about that y did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack podcast Page and Play our shows when you want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason

Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys plus other podcasts like Return of the Empire return of the Roar The Stingers up Podcast and Golf to go with Frank L Roa they all available right now on Sactown honeylicious taste so a cold won’t slow you down ever since

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For beginning golfers not getting into bad habits gives you a much better chance of enjoying the game and shooting lower scores John hows in golf monthly says these mistakes should be avoided first know your Club distances take your yardages not from your best or worst shot but somewhere in the middle and no

Dancing allowed swaying in the back swing is a common fault which forces you to compensate in the downswing mastering impact trust the Loft on the club face and don’t try to lift the ball Club face control for right-handers take care to set the perfect grip with two v’s

Between thumb and forefinger pointing to your right shoulder bunker shots many struggle here because they fail to open the club face before hitting the shot turn the club before you take your grip and finally learn how to read greens and hold more putts even on a miss putts

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18th at Cal Expo for more information visit citp brought to you by California Army National Guard major wood home fishings and RVs of Sacramento from the power business technology to shba Studios khtk Sacramento kymx ht2 Sacramento the only station in Sacramento giving you local sports coverage from 6:00 a.m. to 600

P.m. Monday through Friday sown Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone where he not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 9163

39140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports yeah all right all right 9 o’ on a Wednesday what better time stays with Katie that’s right talk to the uh analyst for television for your Sacramento Kings the one the only Katie Christensen good morning Katie good morning that’s okay there was more too I was waiting for something else all right

Good morning yeah you know I like to really uh wrenching it sometimes and change it up not you uh before we get started with the important stuff you know I I generally do not comment on announcers wardrobes because of the whole stigma there it’s like well we’re

Talking about what Kyle War why we where we gonna ask about ktie war but uh you know except privately oftentimes C be oh that looks good hey maybe don’t wear the orange in opening night but the uh how was years ago we’re over that we’re over

That against the Suns okay uh never over it yeah we were Jason and I were talking off the air and we were just trying to figure out what the official title of last night’s outfit color was and we landed on Aqua how close were we I mean sure I

Guess I didn’t really give it a lot of thought it uh it was bluish tur turquoise turquoise Aqua not seafoam no but it was brought up in a complimentary way very compliment Katie true or false I texted you last night I said wow that that that’s a really cool

Looking outfit and I won’t say what you said back but I look back yeah that’s and yeah seriously Katie my wife anyone you try to give him a compliment and it just gets tennis balled back to you and I don’t know what to do there I was like

Not so much I don’t know what to say just you didn’t you were like right to my right I could see you you weren’t that far away and so when I saw your message and then I text you back I was looking at you I didn’t just kind of to

See like the the steam come out of your ears what am I how am I supposed to respond I don’t know how to Res yeah exactly talk about putting me in the I don’t know putting baby in the corner I don’t know what to say a lot of it is

Just to make you uncomfortable and you know how about just take the compliment which because they’re very rare really bad at that I’m really bad at that I have it has been brought to my attention yes by multiple sources that I’m not great at compliments so true I’ll work

On it yeah um I know we’re GNA get into a dive into the game Kat but I do want to ask you I didn’t obviously was working with G man heard his call I would love to know your reaction your call Kyle’s call to the Andre Jackson Jr

Dunk I mean look Kings won by a thousand but that dunk uh people are still talking about that yeah it was crazy I I had a big reaction I can’t remember exactly what it was but definitely had a big reaction I really like that kid and

He played um a lot more earlier in the season obviously the coaching change and and Doc has has gone with veterans like d Ari and and obviously Pat Bev um so there’s some shifts there but yeah I I said gosh we got to keep an eye on this

Kid because he he does play with a ton a ton of energy and really good defensive player and I don’t know if you noticed but he’s fairly athletic yeah yeah I think I can’t tell I think I have the Sacramento call [Applause] here little tough Flo [Applause]

Oh okay so it was an oh is there more after that let me see there was more after all right I’ll keep going all right all right hold on let me I’ll R hold on here little tough float oh Andre Jackson J did he who did he justb to get to the

Topbody looking oh my goodness he didn’t just have his head like his chest was like wow he uh 100% could have gone over the that that they switched to De five so yeah even from our angle and it happened so fast I couldn’t even see who

It was that he went over but like Dunk Contest stuff right yeah obviously later we you know saw in the replay but um you know it’s like the dunk contest where the guys were jumping over Shack and stuff like that like that definitely could have happened but uh he came in

Took advantage of his minutes Jason pointed it out earlier and we just saw we confirmed it during the replay he looked like no joke he looked like he hit his chin and mouth on the front of the rim he I said before I thought his

Nipples got up to the rim but his yeah he got he got nipple length but depending on where they lay but but he definitely hit his chin and and and lip on on the that’s insane and Katie what we were talking about is this rarely happens it’s kind of like like I said

It’s like a no- hitter in baseball it rarely happens and we go back to Vince Carter’s Dunk in the dunk contest in 2000 in Oakland where he stuck his whole arm in it rarely happens when you have a crowd especially a road crowd but you have a crowd there wasn’t like a huge

Cheer or or oh I mean you heard a couple of those there was mumbling in the crowd for a good minute to two minutes last night where everyone it was 18,000 people saying what what what did we just I don’t understand what we just saw yeah yeah I don’t there’s definitely not

Going to be a replay of that in the arena so they they probably you know was a lot of did what did we just see type things yeah it was it was a pretty pretty uh you know pretty cool moment for him absolutely um so of the things

That you did see from the Kings last night obviously I mean that was a fantastic performance what did you like the most of what you saw you know I honestly I think defensively they were just so kind of connected and in sync and and on the

Same page and you know I watched the Clipper game for Milwaukee the game before and Dane came out and hit four straight threes in like the first quarter like like halfway point of the first quarter because you know the one thing with Doc now there there’s a much

Larger focus on getting Giannis and and Dame into pick and roll action and it’s like how do you how do you defend that because uh Giannis is such an athletic player and and you know big and his size and his ability to roll and put pressure

On you in the paint and then Dame obviously one of the greats in terms of perimeter shooting and they were in a drop the whole night and I was like oh my God what are they doing like and I’m sitting there watching it going like God I hope the Kings don’t take this

Approach with the pick and roll and go into the drop and they didn’t they were really aggressive Dame was a non-factor in that game and you know it it was kind of like okay they’re going to see the fact that they can’t throw two three people on Giannis at all times because

There’s too many great Shooters there’s too many people that can hurt you so let’s you know try to do our best to contain him in single coverage and then the rest of us just do a good job on our individual matchups and you know it was

It was late in the game before they had a second scorer in double figures and I I thought just defensively the kings were so good and what that is it’s like people ask questions about runs like how do you stop a team from going on a run

Well you know it’s not about scoring buckets necessarily right it’s that’s the obvious thing but how do you get the buckets what kind of buckets do you get and like I thought last night the Kings did an excellent job of using their defense to create their offensive energy

And a lot of times I think with teams especially that have a lot of three-point Shooters they feel like they got to create their energy on the offensive end and it just kind of spirals out of control for L larger sections portions of the game because of

That so you know the L I think it was in the third quarter where the Kings kind of struggled offensively you know they scored 20 points but held them to 22 was because you know I felt like they stopped moving the ball the same way

They were one of my keys last night was you gotta drive and kick you got to get it into the paint and you got to get those Splash threes where the pass is coming from in front of you instead of you know the dribble in transition pull

Up threes and that was what they were getting more in the third quarter so to me it was just that their their defense as a whole really did a great job of creating a ton of of good looks and and Easy Flow for them and Rhythm on the

Offensive end Katie the fan base is understandably a little bit broken in trying to figure this team out I put two different polls up yesterday uh one was at halftime the kings were up 24 what you and your poll yeah me in my poll thank you Kings up 24 at home in the

Third will the Bucks Take the Lead at any point 71% of Kings fans said yes the Bucks will take the lead at some point 29% said no now the positive side is I put up a second poll the kings are up 17 at the start of the fourth quarter will

They win 70% said yes they will win there was some confidence there so they they trusted him there in the fourth but when we we look at these patterns lose to the Bulls beat the Lakers on the road almost lose to the Spurs beat well they

They beat the good team last night which we thought they would I don’t know where to slot the Lakers now is this one of those they’re going to be up for it on the second night of a back toback or is this going to be a let down game what

Can this team do to break this roller coaster up and down and sweep a team that they have dominated especially Damonte sabonis Anthony Davis for the entire year yeah what is I mean domos has dominated Anthony Davis his whole career I think it’s like nine and0 now or 10 enough so

Yeah something like that against them all all time which is is really wild when you think about it you know what did we say um you know I think I I talked to you I can’t remember um but you know what do you expect going into

The Bucks game oh I know what it was it was our our pregame uh you know on the floor conversation with the pregame show and you know like what do you expect tonight after you know that last that last game and I was like well I expect

For them to come out and be highly competitive because that’s what we’ve seen is that this team does a really fantastic job against teams that are dominant in this league like you look at the standings of the teams above the kings in the Western Conference now really one through um one through six

Right the only team that has really dominated them is New Orleans they’re three and 0 against the Kings and then the flippers are now two in one Kings took care of them last time but other than that the Kings have have done a terrific job against top level teams

This season um with the exception of Boston that was kind of a spanking uh but they’ve kind of spanked a lot of people at this point um and you know I kind of look at it in the sense that this team understands that when they’re facing top level teams that it’s goingon

To take everything that they have and when they kind of face some of the lower level teams I don’t know if it’s a I have to believe it’s a subconscious thing where it’s like okay like it’s a battle for 82 games during the regular season um some of them you don’t

Approach in the same way and this is you know this is typical every single team does it um you you kind of are like okay it’s it’s not going to take a 100% effort tonight maybe it’s only going to take 80% effort and that’s where you

Kind of get in trouble so when you look at the Lakers I think that they’re a team that you consider a top tier team just because of the franchise and the fact that LeBron James is on that team so I think they have been a team this

Season that the Kings have have given their full mental focused and physical you know um ability to so I expect even though it’s the second night of a back toback for it to be the same tonight and if you look at it I think the Kings

Started 0 and four in second night of back Tob backs um and I think they’re five- one now or something like that they’ve done a really good job in the latter part of the season um and with the implications obviously in the playin situation right now and how just

Brutally close the western conference is you know I think that you’re going to get a good effort Katie another good night for Keon Ellis um again stats don’t always jump out but he’s more than that what do you see from him what’s he providing for Mike

Brown oh man uh we had him miked up last night and that was a fun thing to be able to hear him on the broadcast and um for him to step in and really take on the challenge of you know pick up Dame Lillard and um it it it was an

Interesting change obviously you don’t want Keegan to miss games because you miss a lot when he’s off the floor but I thought it was interesting that it was Keon that was in the starting lineup um but I see why he why Mike Brown shows that and I think it was the right

Decision because you put him on Dame Lillard you kind of move bearon Fox off the ball a little bit which takes um a little it spends a little bit less energy for him throughout the course of the game you put Kevin herder at that three spot which he has the size to be

Able um to to move over into that position but Keon has just been you know very consistent in the month of March particularly of when he comes in defensively knowing that he has to make an impact and that’s where really his impact can be felt but because he’s been

Playing more over you know the last you know this month or so you’re also starting to see a little bit more confidence with him offensively and he’s a very capable offensive player but you see it with Chris Duarte you see it with uh Davon Mitchell it’s been the same

Thing as of late when you don’t play for large you know segments of of the season and you might have 10 you know dnp CDs um you know in a stretch of 12 games you don’t have any flow offensively and then you come in and you’re expected to make

An impact well with all of those guys Keon included there’s just more confidence and flow um to their offensive game but there was a couple passes that he he dropped and we actually played some audio of him on the bench um talking to one of the the

Coaches behind the bench about why he didn’t go crazy with that dunk and he goes well I had dropped two passes before so I wasn’t gonna make a mistake again and to me it’s just you know again it’s timing it’s it’s you know time on the floor with that starting group um we

Saw a lot of a lot of different you know uh groups of five last night because of the injuries and then Trey ly went out in the game so I I really applaud that second unit they have been so so solid and obviously Malik monk kind of head

That that whole thing and Trey lyes is wildly important and so you know all of the other guys it’s really hard as a guy coming off the bench because you have to find a way to be impactful in short amount of minutes um when you’re coming

In the game cold so Keon got the the chance to start and I thought he’s just you know he’s he’s being very consistent and and his minutes they’re positive when him with him on the floor just me I didn’t bring my glasses last night is it

Just me or with a little bit of a facial hair adjustment like it was it Jaylen Slawson and Chris DTE like they could be cousins has anyone else noticed that that they kind of oh yeah the beginning of the Season I’m like I’m gonna get these two mixed up seriously evene Jones

Kobe Jones too like the three of them we’re on the floor together it’s like the Spider-Man meme yeah yeah the three of them but it’s like as you’re around them a little bit more um like it’s so easy for to point out even without seeing you know jerseys yeah um like I I

Can point that out easily now but the beginning of the Season I’m like oh my God which one is this like it’s so true there’s three that they’re kind of you know look like they could be brothers uh a couple people on the chat line you

Know you you know this on our chat line especially YouTube your fan base is absolutely uh without a doubt the maybe the strongest anywhere they love you uh and and I I was at the game so I didn’t hear this otherwise you would have gotten attack I love those

Cisms it’s not a cism it’s a live TV thing where you’re you got a producer in your ear you’re looking at a stat sheet you’re trying to follow you’re trying to chart like I chart every single possession yeah so that I how many stops in a row how many baskets they’ve made

Um turnover is that kind of thing what kind of turnover like I chart all that stuff so this game happens so incredibly fast but there’s times where I look down real quick to start the the play and I’m like oh my gosh what did I just miss so

Um I I do not doubt that I said you know that backwards well and and in being at the game and and you know she was saying she was I was just to her right looking over I’d look at Katie sometimes during the breaks or whatever and uh I I forget

Sometime what stop stalking me you were looking at me first anyways so I look over and you know just say say hi or whatever see see what’s going on Mo’s there she’s there Jody was there on the line as I said earlier and and Katie you are what people Miss on the TV

Is like when they go to break I swear like literally half the breaks if not more you are so animated and I want so badly to know what you’re saying but whoever you’re talking to I’m I’m assuming it’s roow or or somebody in your ear but you you’re doing hand

Gestures and like the whole thing like a maestro oh wow yeah um I was unaware of that but yeah you know that that’s also that’s kind of how I talk in general that is true um the only reason it’s not happening during the game is because I’m

Charting probably um and then you know I’m working with Kyle and you know he’s extremely animated during the game do you guys after accidentally uh hit each other with your hand gestur during the game no but I I definitely have like hit Mark before and like grabbed him but it

Was like a oh my God play right um but no Kyle I think Kyle is up to three pairs now this season that he’s broken yeah yeah three what chairs seriously when there’s a crazy play he jumps out of the table or out of the chair and he knocks the table and you

Know oh with both Mark and and Kyle and I don’t know if it’s a personality thing um with Clay versus analyst or whatever but Dave you guys know me really well I’m very meticulous in OC so when you look at my T I have my charts perfectly

L I don’t have a bunch of papers I want to be able to easily access everything I’ve got everything in its place and you look up at Mark and Kyle’s you know section in front of them it looks like a bomb and you know half the time I’m

Taking the the notes from our statistician and I’m throwing them in the garbage or I’m taking you know the the stat sheets from the you know that we’ve compile throughout the game and I’m throwing away teabags and I’m throwing away you know like all the the

Stuff that is just like building up next to me and I’m like I don’t know how they function I truly don’t and that’s just it’s the difference between you know personalities I think but it’s uh yeah it can get a little crazy over there for sure and I definitely have hit people

Before um someone else brought up and you would be able to answer this we know Dave is famous for his love of popcorn um is there something going on with Kyle and popcorn that you can address somebody said he’s challenging me for like popcorn King dudee a mark is the popcorn King I

Mean he might have three boxes during the course of the game and he he considers himself a popcorn connoisseur um because he obviously is in all the Arenas a lot especially with the dsbn stuff and so he’s heating popcorn at every Arena and he swears swears that uh yeah that the golden wi

Center has the best popcorn but last night Kyle did have some big bag of like cheddar pop and like a big old bag of candy like I have no idea what that was or where it came from but it did disappear before the game started this

Will not this will not stand Mark and Kyle wow yeah g have a popcorn Throwdown yeah I mean I may not I may I’m I’m not quick but I can last a long time when it comes to eating a ton of popcorn you have stain power I have

Stamina yes I have I have I have popcorn eating stamina I’m not like Hungry Hungry Hippo I can I can all right last thing Katie uh before we let you go here uh hey what what say we talk politics real quick are you okay with that yeah okay uh did you

Hear that your guy is on the short list for the vice president position for uh yeah oh my God what in the world now everybody relax before we get into this is we’re not getting P nothing to do I don’t care if you love or hate

Yeah but Heron Rogers is on the short list apparently for Robert F Kennedy Jr’s uh running matate on the independent presidential ticket I guess my first question is if he’s planning on he’s supposedly gonna I mean he almost played in the the he could have played

In the last game so it sounds like he’s gonna be healthy my only legitimate question is this not that you’d know the answer Katie I don’t but if if that were to happen if it was a Kennedy Rogers 24 ticket like does the dude play and campaign how how’s this going to work

Katie are you reallying this seriously well I’m it’s a real story this is kind of the general theme of politics are we taking it seriously or we just living in a terrible nightmare right now yeah listen Aaron roders I freaking loved that man he was a packer

I’m a Packers fan obviously I have mad respect for his game but like I don’t know I haven’t seen like a pack of Kool-Aid in a long time I think it’s all in his possession he’s drank all the Kool-Aid he’s all off on some kind of

Weird I I can’t even I can’t even go there he’s not the man you remember no he’s not he’s he’s changed he’s changed it’s not the Aaron we knew I saw that I saw that last night and it was with some of the pr people from the

Kings and I was I just I saw it read it and I was like oh my God they’re like what I was like did you see the the Rogers thing and everyone was talking about it so I don’t really take it seriously I don’t care if campaigns um I

Don’t think I don’t know that it’s ever gonna get to that point but who knows maybe it’ll shock all of us and we’ll we’ll finally see can I put someone on the ticket can I put Harrison Barnes on the ticket I V for bares or something

Put him on the top of the ticket I’m voting for him swear to God Harrison Barnes Barnes 24 hey how about Barnes Murray 24 yeah can you imagine the rallies very short speeches right very very for us thank you a good job are we gonna do this right now or yeah that’ be

I got wiggle I got uh by the way one of our listeners saying they gave Kyle the cheddar or they pronounced it chatter chatter popcorn for his afternoon snack so maybe that’s a little bit inside basball there we’ll find out we’ll we’ll have to talk about this kin Mark popcorn

Connoisseurs coming up later on the drive lat on the drive we’ll discuss the popcorn habits of Kyle and Mark has Katie finished all of her homemade dog food preparation we’ll get to that shortly my goodness by the way I’m G finish with a personal question did Jade end up finishing her chicken

Nuggets because that was that was happening on the phone the other day and she was there was a little bit of an argument about dinner and Katie said go back and finish your chicken nuggets and then we can talk about the candy or whatever and child is like a candy

Monster like all she wants right now is candy and so as a parent that is desperately trying to deal with eating issues and all that like it’s always incentive um but it’s amazing how she miraculously will drop at least one chicken nugget on the floor and the dog

Will eat it like smart I didn’t to do that yeah so she’s I’m I’m I am not dealing with an amateur no no because I heard on heard on the phone call the one thing I did hear towards the end of the phone call with Katie was and I

Quote fine give that nugget to Dolly don’t waste it so that that that’s just feeding into her hands Katie gotta be honest all right that’s Katie Christensen play bypl boy excuse me analyst of your Sac play-by-play voice of her world uh privately analyst publicly of the Sacramento Kings thank

You so much have a wonderful week congratulations on the aqua outfit and we’ll talk to you soon my that’s Katie we’ll take a break when we come back what to watch tonight we’ll clean up the rest of the program and uh then we got a little bit of cross talk

Yeah Al Watkins celebrity birthdays and more don’t miss half hour of the program now sweet la the Kings go for the season sweep tonight against the Lakers here’s a great steal Malik the KE two throw down and the things have a lead the defense is just been

Spectacular the Kings and NS canot it seven on your home for Kings basketball stack toown Sports and the stown sports you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game want for another triple man is he feeling it can he do it yes there’s number 11 hean

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Sacramento Roseville Modesto Stockton and Vacaville for a pre- fitting and test walk All Guest come to you from the falson lake Honda hotline of f Lake Honda onetop Honda waking you up with the best in local sports and just make it interesting you know it’s the Dave show Jason Ross on sack Sports big news out of the soccer World you never hear that Killian who is a super duper Star Unskinny be awesome nickname for no

Unskinny it that he’s doing a kebab shop H you’re going after’s favorite song ever oh my God you know what I Mi that upop you’re absolutely right I apologize thought that was your one of your oh coming back with C Jam yeah sorry no skinny po skinny pop or Unskinny pop

Blows me away I got that wrong apologies to Brett Michaels friend uh so Kelly mbappe the suing uh Kebab shop owner using his name in the description of one of his sandwiches Mohammad Henny an influencer based marsel and well known in the football World in France soccer

Has opened a kebab shop the description of his Kebab is that it’s made with a quote Baker round bread as round is Skull and he is a Marse fan with 1.8 million followers on Instagram received a certified letter SE by ESPN this morning from bap’s lawyer on behalf of

The company created by the player to deal with all sponsors demands the name men within eight days before taking to court for using his without purposes which number one tells me he three days use his name that’s the influencer clearly shocked by’s action react to on his

Inst love like I don’t know this has got to be a translation because it just doesn’t sound like a real sentence are you not ashamed you have nothing else to do suing me for something so FTI it is incredible I can’t believe itri p Uh hstar is currently playing a vasama he’s also part of has loaded if you were going to have a food named after you King near the golden wood Center EST would you want it to be like the Ross ribs uh would you what about um Jason’s jumalia Jason’s jumalia is pretty good

The uh oh I’ve got it got the no he didn’t yes he oh wait no that you don’t have it I don’t have it what were you going with well for some reason I in my brain it was no he didn’t yes he what would that have been yes only what

It yeah that just what with did did did no he did no I want to play off that line digits chicken digits oh by the way chicken digits sounds disgusting want to eat them ever why are fingers okay I don’t know where used to that’s exactly

Right hey can I get some ranch and barbecue with chicken digits but nuggets fine fingers fine chickens don’t have nuggets I know I don’t think they have fingers either I think that’s actually more accurate than nuggets or fingers they also well I guess they do have

WS also guys guys for chicken nuggets or fingers or digits or digits I’m not saying it’s the preferable I’m not saying it’s number one on the list I’m just a simple question is ketchup in a jam and acceptable differ yeah see yes am what about for fish uh fish sticks

Sure you like fish sticks South Park is completely WR with that dude fish sticks is ketchup I mean tarar sauce is preferred right I guess I can’t even remember the last I was just gonna say that probably at least 20 years I think we have like uh I think every family has

A package of Gorton fish sticks in their freezer we probably do I just can’t remember the last time I had a fish he doesn’t have a beard on your box uh the Gordon fish you know what oh you wait does that count fish sticks I could eat fish sticks I’ve never had fish

Sticks wow I’m gonna bring some in with with potato salad salamy slicer pamy slicer and the the dog the dog dog and the uml not golf spikes the oh the spikes what would I do when I bring those in I don’t know why did I ever say I was bringing in the by

The way this year G spikes the year off last year back on it’s back on every two years we’re gonna be hitting the is the rule uh that’s what I read the thing so when do you uh put them on and walk around a month a month yeah because

We’re gonna start our garden stuff here uh yeah yeah oh yeah this okay yeah yeah we’re doing uh we’re doing tomatoes peppers you know I’m always well let me agressive uh Lakers Kings Tonight sa Down Sport 7M is your first pitch nuggets at Heat final matchs

And and the Warriors J take on those hated Dallas that one you got sausage arms and kles I think this yeah maybe a die uh I think I think we kind of by the way everyone say the sound sounds weird there’s apparently an echo sleeping filter sound uh yeah very very

Descriptive by here so we’ll try to work on that dur I might just be a thing maybe it’s 1140 in Canada dominating when we come back crto celebrity birthdays and more Styles Watkins join us on your home the king second Harrison Barnes plays here Harrison bares it ham

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Us today for all of your business print you need at 844 power bz that’s 8447699880 biggest stories hard-hitting analysis yeah this is none of those things and now here’s carmichel Dave and Jason Ross yeah yeah yeah yes yeah I yes I don’t know I’ve ever asked this question before but a lot of times Allan and uh Watkins come in at or near the beginning of uh or after the beginning of uh yeah where are you guys we do back

There like what what room are you in we’re out there in the pit and then like are you guys like jamming so much stuff into whatever you that like like you’re like oh God cross talk and you’re like running down the hall you got a lot of sometimes people

Will try and talk to us like right at 9 you ever just put a finger up to their face and say can’t right now cross um brought to you by I’ll just point because you know we play throughout the station I’ll just point up and say uh Dave we were talking about this

Earlier I think you should hear what Malik monk had to say about the franchise record for assist Off the Bench uh should we I’ve gotta hear please yes please go ahead King of the Kings you uh you clearly are a much better point guard than than uh a lot of

People realize the more point guard you’ve played while you’ve been here do you feel like you’ve gotten better at playing point guard um more comfortable I wouldn’t say better um because I had the ball in my hands my whole life um I just got way more comfortable um in the

Decision making and reading the NBA court all right so which is more embarrassing that question no I meant like of the Kings addressing in that one yeah okay I actually thought WHYY pulled it off yeah he said it before said okay I would want to see Whitey and bik hang out for day

Oh I that could be that could be an 8:30 PM Thursday night show on NBC Malik I think Whitey would really enjoy Malik uh so uh that or what our nominee for nominee question of the day um you mentioned that you guys are five and0 with Keon Ellison the starting lineup

And it feels like a lot of what he brings is pretty sustainable is that a change you considered making permanent former friend former massive enemy now see him today P fine don’t listen to the show absolutely not uh speak of the media room there yesterday huh were you you

Were in the building I was in the building I’ve never I’ve never been you still haven’t been in the med never been the really not once not even on the tour before welcome okay I don’t know what in there yes yes there is cookies food what water soda no way

Yeah but you know anyway good win last night great maybe what was your uh sorry what did you say it was m m most complete M sounds like something from Star Wars that’s right M like fire the M laser or or it’s an alien type of

Person are are you we have news for you the other day we were talking about your child which I’m sure it’s super comfortable for you and uh we had Scott Mo on we were trying to get an invite back uh for young Ella and uh we got threeway

Called Scot fresh hour and we left him a message I saw fresh last night after the games he had news for me but I said well first you know sorry about that message we tried to get you he didn’t know he knew nothing about what I was talking

About leaving him a message so we think maybe Mo called the wrong person and they have a really weird message but then fresh told us that he this bit had gotten back to him I informed him that ston Kings reached out to you because

Ell been sent to the G Le yes get right and fresh says they think they’ve got a a spot so maybe Jas pointed out it might be like a Jaylen Slawson situation where maybe Ella pulls off the baby race right at the the stock game and then later

That same day two in a day two in a day real Pro I mean I’m just saying Happ for the Long Haul we are not doing that well wow that got shot real quick I was just like no we’re not doing that we’re we’re moving on to bigger and better

Things what if first prize was $400,000 would you do it yes okay well let’s get sponsor now we knowy more trle cookies fig they bring us celebrity birthdays to be spent with family and friends listen nobody and I mean nobody family and friends together more than crumble Cookies real quick let me

See if there’s anything worth crap today it’s been a rough week for the uh National mlist day okay um National coconut T day thing coconut pie day coconut T guys that looks like pie to me looks like coconut cream pie yeah uh National Good Samaritan day good uh

National earm muff day interesting are those on a dog on a dog uh and finally this is a great one National registered dietician nutritionist day it’s the second Wednesday every March guys you ever tell your kids the ear mu uh physically do the unless you’re watching a king

Buck yeah I’ll tell you off the year I said something at the Milwaukee one when Dame hit that shot I was him yesterday I said I I invited the Kings teams team to participate in something that is not a good out loud sentence and I said that

In front of my kids and I caught myself real like Daddy’s just showing you what not to say a bad thing to say and then they’ll be in the they’re too old to be in the baby race I think AES would that be interesting adults crawling in a race

I think that would be we’ll be introducing baby races next year in huttersfield town and pointed out to me that the average temperature in huttersfield town during the season is about 16 degrees so it might be a FR Celsius right yeah exactly so that’s whatever in Fahrenheit about celele birth happy

Birthday today the common says uh common uh 51 uh common is 5 he’s actually 53 55 he’s 54 correct answer is 52 all around almost uh Happy Birthday Jack Nicholson Carlo correct wow Carlo I’m so EXC not want to get that one right uh Jack is 29 yeah 28 say he’s 26

Know Watkins being such a car I’m gonna say 26 as well because we have a correct answer 26 president of the fan club yeah oh happy birthday to former King Tristan Thompson leg 37 dirty cheater no he’s suspended well that’s right but he’s technically not playing still yeah he he’s 30

36 38 yeah 37 35 the Clos is 33 what got more years to play Happy Birthday Coco beware goof go Coco beware great poll Dave thank you thank you thank you Coco go uh Coco go she’s actually younger than 21 I don’t know if she’s that uh I’ll say

23 22 she’s 21 last year 22 interesting her age today actually I thought was I thought she was she’s 20 I thought she was still a teenager to be honest yeah yeah so she’s 20 uh Happy Birthday to former King Karan Butler tough juice yes H excuse me he’s 50 49

45 47 Chris Watkins the closest 44 I have to do this one for Carmichael Dave you should know this happy birthday I don’t will W CL Chris is a bigger Jack Carlo f j is a Will Clark that’s just a fact if you were more than two years off I’m really disappoint

Your hero I think Will Clark is 58 59 n can be Jack harlo after 61 Chris berlad the closest it’s a big 60 I was two years old number 22 the best to ever do it for k for Jim Les uh for Jack harlo for Emma’s dad Christoper L and what I

Say Emma yeah well I don’t know maybe there’s Emma I don’t know we just met a fews dad for for a purple shirt I’m Dave oh no I threw my stuff away what friend are we talking about oh wait hold on I know this is yeah it’s

HBL is it a hoblet is this hobet music no no out of my uh oh hey by hobet we meet American Energy this is going great let me tell you I don’t you know I don’t need water right now listen American Energy uh I don’t know if you know this they are

Your second opinion partner Chris uh so here’s the deal if you by the way do you have a competing uh endorsement going right now with this okay so I can talk um here’s the deal let’s say maybe you got in well you know if you were you

Know I would want to do that

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