Join Luke at Weekend Tour Pros as he puts the Callaway ERC Soft golf ball through its paces with a full and in-depth review from the perspective of the average golfer.

Luke starts the review by telling you the key information on the construction and expected performance of the ERC Soft before putting this highly popular Callaway golf ball through 4 key tests:

1. 20 Yard Pitch Shot – Is the Callaway ERC Soft’s short game performance good?
2. Pitching Wedge – Does the Callaway ERC Soft stop quickly?
3. 7 Iron – Can you hold greens with mid-irons using the ERC Soft?
4. Driver – Does the soft feel of the ERC Soft cost distance off the tee?

For each of these tests Luke will hit a batch of shots, giving you his immediate feedback on the feels and performance of the Callaway ERC Soft and how it compares to other golf balls he’s tested, as well as how it compares to the Titleist Pro V1.

After each test, Luke also delivers an in-depth deep dive into all the TrackMan data including distance, spin, ball speeds, ball flight and dispersion and a thorough comparison to the Titleist Pro V1 to see where the trade offs are vs. the number one ball in golf.

Luke wraps up the video by offering his final thoughts, including an explanation as to why he thinks this golf ball is ALMOST perfect! So make sure you watch one of the most requested reviews in Weekend Tour Pros history – the Callaway ERC Soft golf ball!

0:00 – Introduction to the Callaway ERC Soft
0:58 – 20 Yard Pitch Shot – Short Game Testing the ERC Soft
5:46 – Pitching Wedges – Full Wedge Shot Testing the Callaway ERC Soft
11:09 – 7 Iron – Mid-Iron Testing the ERC Soft
16:13 – Driver – Off the Tee Testing the Callaway ERC Soft
20:12 – Why the Callaway ERC Soft is ALMOST Perfect!

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I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to James at City Golf in Chichester for allowing me to film in his awesome TrackMan studio.
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Hi everyone Luke here from weekend tour pros and you’re joining me again today at City golf in Chichester for another golf ball review and this time we are reviewing the most requested golf ball on the channel over the last three months the Callaway ERC soft now so many

Of you guys in the comments section have been telling me that you play this golf ball and absolutely love it and a keen to see me do a review and put it head-to-head against the Titus Prov one now from what I’m reading on Callaway’s website this golf ball might be the

Perfect halfway house it delivers that soft feel that so many of us like but they do promise some of the performance Carri characteristics of a premium golf ball that are usually a little bit firmer so what we’re going to do today is we’re going to put those claims

Head-to-head to the test against the number one ball in golf the tightest prov1 to see what the benefits are of a golf ball like the ERC soft and if there’s any things that you’re trading off or giving up by playing this golf ball versus a premium offering right let’s get stuck In right let’s start by hitting some shots that 60° wedge 20 yd carry on the pit shot that we’re aiming for here with the RC soft and we’ll look out for those spins those ball flights just see how hot it is off the face and and most importantly I guess in this

Part of the test how does it feel I like that feel I really do again feels nice that one felt lovely the interesting thing here is I’ve hit maybe two or three so far quite consistently they are carrying and flying off the face a little bit more than maybe I’m intending

To but the spin rate on those shots seems to be always around that sort of 42 43 Mark which again is good it’s consistent that felt nice I do say this in all of my videos I am an average golfer I am a handicapp golfer that makes these videos incredibly relatable

But what it does mean is that I am the biggest variable in this test I’m not a robot and I always think it shows up in this part of the test the most because of my ability to consistently hit this shot 20 yards with a really good strike

It always sort of shows up any deficiencies in my game so we need to look at the averages and we need to bear that in mind that felt great that felt good as well another one back to back that’s awesome I think I’ve just stepped

On it a little bit too much it’s a create strike just a little bit too powerful that felt like a lovely one to finish on so just finished hitting that 20 yard pitch shot with the 60° wedge and first impressions in the bay is I think I get

Why so many of you in the comment section have been asking me to review this golf ball and telling me how much you love the feel of it it does feel great it feels like a perfect halfway house between a real super soft feeling golf ball a very low compression golf

Ball and starting to move into that kind of Premium sort of compression because you definitely can see that it is soft but it does have a tiny bit of clipp to the sound of it which does feel a little bit closer to something like the prov1

But it really really was nice to play the short game shots with it I also think that in the bay the spin looked like it was quite consistent off these type of shots so really Keen to get home and look at the numbers now and see if

That is backed up in the data so you’ve just heard me talk about how great the ERC soft feels now let’s have a look at the data from that short game shot to see just how well it performed now starting on the left hand side you can

See that the smash factor with both these golf balls at 0.92 was was exactly the same in this test however what you can see is that my club head speed and my ball speed were a fraction slower with the ERC soft so that will make a 1

Or 2% difference to the rest of the numbers that we’re about to see so please do bear that in mind now the first of those numbers is the spin rate at 4120 versus 4570 it’s absolutely no surprise to to me to see that the ERC soft is spinning a little bit less than

The prov1 somewhere in the region of about 10% now what I do think is if those ball speeds were equal that 41 2 would become 420 and we’d be looking at somewhere in the region of a 7 to 8% reduction in spin with the ERC soft in

This part of the test now for me that is exactly where I’d expect this golf ball to be because when I look at budget friendly golf balls they usually drop off 10 15% when I look at kind of more premium golf balls they can be anywhere

From sort of 5% less to 5% more than the Prov one depending on what they’re trying to achieve with the cover and the construction of that golf ball in terms of bull flights again not a surprise to me to see that this ball launches a little bit higher and has a slightly

Steeper land angle when it’s landing on a green versus the Prov one which has that kind of slightly more penetrating Tour preferred ball flight but what that does is it hopefully negates the slight reduction in spin that we see from the ERC soft by giving you a little bit more

Stopping power from the ballf flight if we just move across to those numbers we can see that demonstrated here the one big call out from this data set is on the green that ERC soft is stopping a little bit quicker than the prov1 now at 0.1 yards obviously we’re never going to

Noticed that out in the golf course but I think what I’m trying to call out here is that in terms of how quickly they stop on the green the ERC soft is doing a great job of keeping up with the number one balling golf the prov1 in

This part of the test so a really strong start from the ERC soft let’s see if that continues with the pitching wedge right about to start the pitching wedge part of the test with the ERC soft things we’re looking out here is what’s it do in terms of distance in terms of

Spin ball flights that stopping power with a wedge so they’ll be the sort of things that we’re looking out for when we get home for now while we’re in the bay we’ll be looking out for just how it feels and just see if any of those numbers do stand out while we’re

Here first one out the gate probably not the best strike in the world it was probably a 90 95% strike carried at 104.4 spinning at 7148 which is good ah such a shame hit it eight yards left stopped very very quickly that combination of the ball flight and the

Spin with a pitching wedge to be stopping on trackman for me in two and a half yards is good I’ve just got to keep that face a bit squarer that’s a really nice golf shot really really nice everything I would want to see out of this golf ball is in that

Shot really enjoying hitting this golf ball as well like again I said it the short game part of the test I think I get why so many of you like this golf ball that that’s not changing as we move up through the bag jeez wow that’s the fastest best strike

Everything yet with the ERC it’s delivered some great numbers that’s a great one to finish on with the RC so I finally hit that little draw and everything about the dump nums have just jumped through the roof what a golf shot that is okay it’s just done hitting the pitching

Wedges with the Callaway ERC soft I must admit I am continuing to really enjoy the feel of this golf ball and how it kind of responds off the face just like in that short game shot it does feel like a really nice halfway house between a super soft golf ball and something a

Little bit clippy and firm and I do really really like that feel in terms of the performance just from that last shot alone I can definitely tell it was delivering some really good numbers but Keen to now go home and look at it side by side versus the Prov one to see how

It truly performed let’s do that now so it’s not just from that last shot that the ERC soft delivered some good numbers it’s delivered some really good numbers all the way through the pitching wedge part of the test and I’m really excited to show these to you starting on the

Left hand side you can see that once again the smash factors were the same and the club speeds and the ball speeds were virt identical as well so I think we’ve got two really comparable data sets here moving across to the spin rate at 7 539 the Callaway ERC soft has spun

Just as much as the provy one in my hands in this test at 7575 now the one tiny little asteris we could put against the ERC soft is that consistency of spin rate of 645 is not as consistent as the provie one that’s perhaps not a surprise that the Prov one

With its tight tolerances is a little bit more consistent in its spin so the kind of difference between the highest spinning and the lowest spinning shot but definitely in terms of averages the ERC soft has kept up with the prov1 that’s a massive tick for this golf ball

In terms of bull flights we are seeing the same sort of pattern that we saw in that short game shot of that slightly more loopier higher launching steeper Landing ball flight with the ERC soft than the prov1 this time the launch angle at 26.8 is 2.1 de more the peak

Height of 72 feet is 10% more 6 feet more and we can also see the land angle of 47.9 versus 45.6 is 2.3 de more now again it’s up to you to determine which of these two ball flights you prefer but for me as a low ball flight player I’ll

Take the ERC soft numbers all day every day just to bring that to live for you I’ll show you the side on view of those ball flights here you can see in the more turquoisey blue color the slightly stronger ballf Flight of the ERC soft versus that slightly more penetrating

Ballf Flight of the prov1 now what does that all mean in terms of distance well we need to be honest and say that through the air the titless Proby one was 0.6 yards longer at 110.14 now now let’s be honest you’re really not going to notice that out on

The golf course it’s 0.6 yards of difference but my job here is to present the numbers as I see them and let you guys determine how much of a difference there is and where it’s worth the price difference but in terms of stopping power we can see once again that the ERC

Soft has stopped quicker than the Prov one at 4.3 yards versus 5.1 yards now like I’ve just said with a carry number whether 0.8 yards of difference is enough to make you buy one golf ball over another that’s for you to determine what’s important the main thing I do

Want to call out though here is whenever I do these golf ball tests it’s very rare that I find something that stops quicker than the prov1 in this part of the test let alone 15 to 20% quicker so the ERC soft has done an absolutely brilliant job in terms of delivering a

Golf ball that can go a good distance and stop quickly in my hands with a pitching wedge the final thing I want to call out here is just the dispersion circles quite a big data set in this part of the test I think it’s fair to

Say that left to right the ERC soft is not as tight a dispersion Circle as the prov1 but front to back both sets of numbers are incredibly tight overall some really really strong numbers from the ERC soft really pleased with this golf ball so far let’s see if that

Continues with the 79 okay ERC soft with the 79 let’s see what it does first one at the gate felt great that’s a lovely golf shot to start with and I think ball speeds are good spins are okay like nothing amazing but not poor everything else though really good

That felt great again two good ones in a row with unbelievably strong ball speeds spin again not as bad as I would see from like a budget Ball but somewhere in the middle which is probably reflects the price point but we are getting that kind of jump up in distance from

It look got that again that one there worries me a little bit because we’ve seen the spin jump down the spin drops sorry the carry number has shot up a couple of yards that’s the one that probably just worries you a little bit in case you get that flyer feeling

Otherwise I really like what I’m seeing at this golf ball wow look at that ball speed jump look at that ball speed jump that’s ridiculously fast 10 18.8 spinning at 40 the carry 158 that must have just been AB absolutely buttoned nice one right one more good

One and then we are done with this right let’s Baseline some 7 IRS with the prov1 right just done hitting the ERC soft with the seven I first impressions in the bay are I just continue to like this golf point and again I understand why so many of you like it definitely

Feels like it delivers similar distance to a premium golf ball maybe a yard or so more but we’ll look at that when we go home it is delivering a fraction less spin but not anything too dramatic and it does still feel like it’s delivering a strong ball flight now again that’s

All feels in the bay we need to go home and look at the data but I think this golf Ball’s done really well in this part of the test so let’s Deep dive into the data from those seven IRS now starting on the left hand side you can

See that my smash factor for the third test in a row was absolutely identical with the prov1 and the ERC soft this time however there was a fraction more Club head speed and a mile hour more of bull speed with the ERC soft and that will make a small difference when we

Look at the rest of the numbers in a second so please do bear that in mind starting with the spin rates at 4317 versus 4840 we are seeing that this time there is a drop off in spin of about 10% or about 500 revs with the ERC soft that

Might become 550 to 600 if if the bull speeds were equal and I haven’t circled that in red because it’s not necessarily the worst or lowest spinning you’re going to see in a 79 on my channel and it is very much in keeping with other

Golf balls at its price point but we do need to call out that that reduction in spin is something we are seeing here compared to the prov1 we are once again seeing that slightly stronger ball Flight of the Callaway ERC sof but this time for the

First time in this test it’s not as exaggerated as it was in the other two clubs that we’ve tested with so far the launch angle this time is only 7 of a degree more the peak height is only 4T more and that land angle is only 0.3 de

More and if I just show you the side on view of that you can still see there is a noticeable difference between the two but perhaps not as strong as we saw earlier on in the video now what does that all mean in terms of distance well

Because of that lower Spin and that still strong ball flight we are getting a little bit more carry distance out of the ERC soft at 150. 6 yards versus of the shots with the ERC soft and that probably does add a couple of yards to those shots but I can definitely say

With confidence that ERC soft is longer through the air with a 79 in my hands than the Prov V1 in terms of that stopping po so how much roll out we saw this is the first time we’re seeing that the titless prov1 stopped quicker than the ERC soft at 10 yards versus 10.8

Yards so an 8% difference or 0.8 yards now again we’ve talked on this through the other data sets would you really notice 0.8 yards out on the golf course I don’t think you would but my job here is to show you the numbers and let you determine for yourself if that’s a big

Difference or if that’s important enough to you the one thing I do want to just call out again I think I touched on this in the pitching wedge is trackman is known to OV exaggerate the roll out so both of these numbers that you’re seeing

Here 10 yards and 10.8 yards I would not expect to see numbers that big with both of these golf balls out on the grass maybe somewhere closer to sort of five to seven yards and again I think that kind of 8% difference would be even smaller then and you just really

Wouldn’t notice the difference but we do need to be honest and say the Prov one is stopping quicker final thing to show you is my dispersion circles you can see those couple of pools shown here and as a result front to back left to right there is a slightly tighter dispersion

With the prov1 but nothing too significant let’s move up to the driver right so just about to finish up by hitting the drivers with Callaway ERC soft always with the driver we’re looking to see what happens with that spin and that launch and ultimately the carry and the total distance that’s what

We care about a driver and does it deliver quite a straight ball flight because we don’t want to see anything that curves too dramatically particularly as hand handicap golfers so let’s see what happens there we go that’s a good hit exactly what I wanted to see out of this

Golf ball getting that ball speed above 130 we got 131.35 th000 exactly on that 2 and a half th000 to 3,000 carrying at 207 totaling 232 with a good ballf flight as well that’s a good hit another another good bull speed yeah there we go sheesh that’s another great

Hit there we go look at that guys the ball speed’s not even the fastest one we’ve had I think I’ve just hit that high on the face unfortunately oh no I haven’t it’s huge oh my God so just done hitting those driver shots with the ERC soft versus the prov1 first

Impressions in the bay continue to be impressed by this golf ball looking at the numbers what I was seeing in front of me it is fast we were getting some good ball speeds particularly compared to that pro1 in terms of carry and total distance that last shot just shows you

How much potential there is here cuz that’s the longest one I’ve hit today in terms of spin rate maybe a fraction lower on the prov1 maybe a fraction below optimal spin for me but the strength of that ball flight that I was seeing consistently maybe is offsetting

That ever so slightly so I’m really really impressed really Keen to go home and dissect those numbers let’s do that now right let’s Deep dive into the data from those driver shots now starting on the left hand side you can see that my club head speed was virtually identical

With both this batch of shots but you can see that for the first time in the test the bll speed with the ERC soft is a fraction lower 130 versus 132.5 and that smash factor is ever so slightly lower as well now that’s not me

Saying that ERC soft is a slow golf ball in this part of the test because there were a couple of shots in the data set that passed 133 mph ball speed but on average it’s quite typical with what I see that the firmer golf ball does deliver slightly higher ball speeds with

The driver now with driver we always talk about high launch low spin and with the Callaway ERC soft we can see it’s delivering slightly more launch and slightly less spin than the Prov one so it’s is getting the green box round it in this part of the test and that’s

Quite typical what we’ve seen throughout the test that bar the 79 the ERC soft has kept up in terms of spin rates but delivered that slightly stronger bull flight and if I introduce the peak height and the land angle into it you can see that stronger bull flight has

Continued throughout this part of the test two and even more so I’ll bring it to Life by just showing the side on trajectory view there where you can see the Prov one is a little bit more penetrating in its ball flight versus that slightly more higher Lupia flight

With the ERC soft now what does that mean in terms of distance well we can see in terms of carry number that the prov1 is 0.9 yards longer than the ERC soft with the driver and 2 yards longer in terms of total now I don’t think you’ll notice that carry distance at all

Out on the golf course it’s so so marginal like we’ve seen in other parts of the test and that total distance is only a couple of yards now none of us want to be giving up any yardage but I think what we’ve seen here is there’s

Pros and cons in different parts of the bags to different golf balls and you’ve ultimately got to decide which one is the right one for you fin final thing to show you here is just the dispersion Circle they are virtually identical front to back left to right and

Therefore I think we can say in terms of straightness of delivery both these balls are very very similar that brings me really nicely onto my concluding thoughts so that brings me nicely on to my final thoughts on the Callaway ERC soft golf ball and I’m going to take you

Back to that claim that I made in the thumbnail for this video I think this golf ball is almost perfect now to each and every one of you in the comments section over the last 2 or 3 months telling me I needed to Rie this golf

Ball telling me that you game this golf ball and how much you enjoy the golf ball I absolutely totally get it and I can honestly say that if someone told me I had to game this golf ball for the next 12 months I’d have absolutely no complaints whatsoever so you’re probably

Thinking what is my one issue that’s stopping me from making it perfect and put simply it is the price point this golf ball is priced at £37.99 a dozen in the UK and I just think it’s stuck somewhere in the middle of being a mid- Price Point golf ball

And a premium golf ball and I think I would probably be tempted to do one or the other so for me personally I might save myself5 a dozen and place something that’s in that 30 to 35 bracket that would deliver very similar fields and very similar performance to this golf

Ball or I’d be more inclined to pay 2 pound a dozen more and play something like the Bridgestone that I currently gain or something like a shrien zed star that has that urethane cover and would deliver that slightly more premium performance bit more spin on the short

Game and helping me a little bit more with a bit more spin on those mid irons which is where I need the most help from a golf ball in my golf game now what I would say is so I’m nitpicking and going into arguing over the price point of a

Couple of pounds a dozen that tells you how much I really do like this golf ball overall and I’m definitely pleased to say it gets the thumbs up from me as well All That Remains for me to say is if you like the video smash that thumbs

Up button it helps other golfers on YouTube to find my content and if you’re not yet following the channel hit that button down below subscribe to weekend tour Pros ring that Bell icon and you’ll get notified of all my videos as they land on YouTube thank you so much for

Watching have a great day goodbye


  1. I switched from the Q-Star Tour to these in the summer, primarily for the triple track alignment. Honestly, if you’ve not tried it, you’re missing out. I’ve always been a pretty decent putter, but once I understood the concept and believed in it, it was a game changer. Good to see the rest of the numbers stacked up too.

  2. Erc is my preferred ball in the winter. Great review. I shift to tour response in spring then to brx early summer and pro v1 in mid to late summer.

  3. great review Luke well done would love to see you review the PXG Extreme golf ball and the Srixon Q-star divide and the Callaway truvis yellow ball thx cheers from Vulcan Canada

  4. Good ball Luke used to play it when 29.99 …not for 39.99 the TM tour response is a better ball imho mate and cheaper 👌 I'd urge more to try that ball very very good…sorry £37.99 at clubhouse golf …too over priced now luke I think

  5. Indeed impressive numbers Luke. Currently have 4 dozen balls to try out this season, but if I run out, I'll try the ERC and Tour response based on your testing. Glad I found your channel and subscribed!

  6. Another fantastic review Luke. I've played this ball in the past and really like it. But for me the Q Star Tour still edges it out ever so slightly. The work you do is the most relevant to the vast majority of us out on the course. Keep up the good work.

  7. Could you compare the erc soft vs the q-star tour? I’ve been playing the erc soft for couple of years now and the only thing that bugs me about it are those short chips around the green or flop shots that you need a little check. I’m curious to see if the q star tour has everthing that the erc has but a little bit more stopping power around the greens

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