Golf Players

The Best Golf Trip in Northern Ireland

Your Golf Travel are diving into Northern Ireland with one question on their mind…what does the best golf holiday look like? With incredible courses like Royal Portrush & Royal Countydown, what are some other incredible things to do on and off the course!

00:00 – Intro
00:56 – What is so special about for golfers & non-golfers Northern Ireland?
03:20 – What are some other great golf courses? Portrush & Countydown aside
05:46 – What are some of the hidden gems in Northern Ireland?
08:28 – What golf courses are near the Causeway Coast ?
10:08 – What does the best golf trip in Northern Ireland look like?
14:09 – What off course activities are in Northern Ireland?

Host: Leo
Guest: Sam Greenslade – Golf Travel Team Manager –
Guest: Alastair

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Welcome to Your Golf Travel in this episode  we are talking about everything in Northern   Ireland and there are some very special things  about this episode the first thing being we are   welcomed by Ali and Sam and the second thing  being that you could potentially be heading  

Out to the 2025 Open Championship at Portrush  all you have to do is book a golf holiday with   Your Golf Travel to Northern Ireland before  March the 31st 2024. So before we get stuck   in with the episode guess the course redesigned  in 1947 by Harry Colt just have a look at this  

Footage can you guess what it is if so then  do just put a comment below and you’ll find   out what course it is at the end of the episode  right let’s get stuck in Northern Ireland so Sam,   Ali welcome so what is so special about Northern  Ireland golfers and non-golfers alike it’s  

Obviously a popular destination but why is that  I think it’s the um it’s the hospitality of the   Irish people really um they love having you over  there um you walk into the pubs the bars the clubs   and they just love having you in there obviously  the famous Guinness they pour it correctly and  

They’re very passionate about that um it’s just  a fantastic place to go um I know obviously later   on in the episode we’ll speak about the golf yeah  but even for your non-golfers you have the Titanic   experience in Belfast um and you’ve got lots  of Game of Thrones um areas as well there so  

It’s it’s great a great place for everyone yeah  literally loads of Game of Thrones places I was   looking at that there’s so like if you’re a spot  if you’re a fan of Game of Thrones is literally I   think the like Winterfell castle Yeah there’s  over 25 destinations where they filmed Game  

Of Thrones it’s it’s incredible it’s crazy yeah  it’s obviously like the perfect destination for   somebody as well that likes to go on Hikes and  stuff like that cuz the views around Northern   Ireland must be like Giant Causeway and things  like that the views that like Northern Ireland  

Is offering must be it is a stunning part of  the world I must admit it’s um it’s amazing   I’ve been lucky enough to go twice and it’s is  is a fantastic part of the world to to go to so  

You’ve been twice would you go again 100% I I’ll  snatch your arm off that especially that prize   that we got for the 2025 Open yeah I might have  to book a trip myself that’s a dream trip as well  

Going for the open there you get everything you  got the Y GT clubhouse you’ve got into the open   at the weekend yeah that I’ll go I’ll happily go  yeah yeah I think we all would happily go there   so what’s your thoughts on Northern Ireland so  yeah like Sam was saying like very welcoming  

Place like anywhere you go people are happy to  see you amazing golf courses lots to do away from   the course basically just all round perfect golf  destination yeah that’s what I would say yeah I   would agree with that I would agree with that  so it’s a perfect destination for non-golfers  

And golfers but let’s talk about why it’s so  special for golfers now obviously you’ve got   things like Royal Countydown you’ve got Portrush  two incredible golf courses but let’s say so for   for this year those two courses it’s probably  going to be quite hard to get on is that right  

Yeah it is correct yeah but with that being said  Northern Ireland is still going to be a fantastic   destination for golfers to go to absolutely  what sort of courses would you suggest to   visit if those two were off of the list just  for 2024 yeah absolutely I mean probably I’d  

Say about an hour and hour and 45 minutes from  Belfast International you have um the the town of   Port Rush itself um and in around there you have  Castle Rock um I was lucky enough to play that  

Um I hate the phrase Hidden Gem but it really is  Hidden Gem um they’ve got an 18-hole golf course   there and they’ve also got a nine-hole golf course  um so anyone who’s keen on on getting a full days  

Action of golf you got 27 holes there which is  um which is really good um about 45 minutes from   Belfast International you’ve got Belfast as well  um Harry Colt also designed that who designed raw  

Port Rush um so I mean that speaks for itself how  good the quality is of that availability is always   very good there we can get weekend tea time so  um if you want to get a cheeky game of golf on  

Your day of arrival or day of departure that’s  really good um and then going south down to that   Countydown area you got Ardglass as well again  another hidden gem and lots of really good golf   courses around there yeah I feel like yeah when  you’ve got somebody’s name like Harry Cole on the  

Course it does do bring that certain level of like  expectation doesn’t you know it’s going to bring a   standard which is just going to amaze you as soon  as you step on the court absolutely yeah I mean  

He’s a top designer you look at the list of golf  courses that he’s designed and I mean that’s an   attraction within itself to to get you on to the  golf courses there yeah yeah whenever I see his  

Name I’m just like I know it’s going to be a good  layout it’s going to be a fun course to play so   yeah it’s good but I mean with all of the courses  you’ve got some really high caliber courses which  

Everyone knows and like you’re saying the hidden  gems there’s a good variety there so if you could   play one course in Northern Ireland what are you  going for Ardglass I like yeah I always see I   haven’t played it personally myself but obviously  being on social media I see so many people hyping  

It and I’m like it kind of looks like sort of a  pebble beaches sort of like on the coast course   and that’s I look like my kind of course obviously  you’ve got the top courses which are like bucket  

List experiences but I’d go with that yeah  and did you mention that Ardglass is pretty   easy to yeah pretty easy to go to and there’s a  great five star hotel next to it Slieve Donard  

Um again brilliant hotel who always happy to host  so yeah it’s a great pair up with that nice right   you had that can we get Ali on Ali on the course  this year please yeah right lovely right now Sam  

I know you just said that you hate the term I’m  going to use it now in the next question hidden   gems in Northern Ireland what are a couple um  well definitely as I mentioned Ro Belfast it’s  

Um it’s definitely a Hidden Gem um as I said  Harry Colt has designed that golf course and   not many people do actually know that um and  that’s a great golf course you look over the   Belfast lock that runs runs alongside it so some  stunning views but a great Parkland Golf Course  

Um so that’s that’s one of my favorites and also  Locker um it’s a five-star result down about two   hours from from Belfast International so a bit of  a drive they got two golf courses there the falo  

Course and the castle Hume um that is a stunning  venue if anyone has the opportunity to go there   definitely do it um the the F course is a it’s a  proper test but then what I do like is the castle  

Hume is a more of a result course it’s a lot more  playable um you don’t kind of feel like you’re   getting off of that Golf Course feeling better  than bruised and and you’re you’re going to go  

There and hit your 36 a for points you’re going  to play well around there so I definitely say   those two are my hidden gems for Northern Ireland  definitely yeah I mean it’s interesting that you   say like Lough Erne being like almost playable  because as much as like you do want to play like  

These amazing you still want to play to handicap  nobody wants to shoot above their handicap right   so it’s either you know like courses that that me  and you have played we’ve realise that you know a  

Course that offers a lot of like different tee’s  is always like a bonus because you can you can   pick the right tee’s for your handicap and then  you can play a good round so it’s actually like  

It is nice to hear like that these hidden gems are  playable and like you say like Resort courses so   anyone can sort of go to them and enjoy them yeah  I mean I mean um Lough Erne in general is is a  

Great venue anyway I mean the course the first  nine holes is like a Parkland kind of feel um   and then the back Nine’s almost a little bit like  links you go down towards the link uh to towards  

The lock um I mean there stunning views I like  that about golf course as well we got a bit of   a challenge but if you’re having a rough day there  some beautiful scenery that you can you can have a  

Little look around and take something away from it  so yeah I mean the hotel there as well and and the   food they’ve got a whiskey bar there they do live  music so there’s some amazing features to locker  

And it’s great yeah nice aside from from locker  and I’ve also just heard that Northern Ireland   in general specifically Belfast is fantastic for  food like if you’re a foodie Belfast apparently   is like the place to go which makes me want to go  even more yeah it’s again it’s they they just love  

All their food and their drink and and hosting  so yeah it’s definitely a great destination to   to go to yeah nice right okay so there are some  fantastic courses and that’s probably only a   select few right like there probably like loads  there I couldn’t even imagine how many there’s  

Going to be there so let’s head to the Coast  what’s golf like there what’s it offering so   you’ve got a loads of courses in that area you’ve  got B castle you’ve got B St you’ve got Castlerock  

So if you are heading to the area there’s a great  selection of golf courses yeah and I know that   that like Causeway Coast offers like incredible  views so can you imagine like what these like   golf courses are offering for views like if you’re  one four views when you’re on the golf course like  

I wonder like how many holes you’re going to want  to get your like phone out and just take pictures   and stuff like that yeah that’s the thing every  single of course you go to you’re like yeah I  

Need to take a picture that need to take a picture  that quick selfie probably taking more photographs   than you are hitting balls no definitely more  balls oh my god don’t be silly have have you  

Ventured it up that way yeah I was just about to  say I mean Castle Rock I’ve played Castlerock and   um the clue is a little bit in the name um lots of  the holes are sort of built out in between sort of  

Massive boulders and rocks and there’s some real  dramatic looking holes where they’re surrounded by   by rocks and you’re down by the sea and it’s quite  intimidating when you hear the the waves crashing   against literally right below your feet and it’s  um yeah the scenery is fantastic it’s one of those  

Courses where you take your phone out you take  a picture and you put it away back in your golf   bag and then a couple of holes later you’re like  no that’s a better picture and just constantly   taking your phone out taking pictures it’s amazing  the scenery there yeah incredible so I feel like  

It’s obvious how good Northern Ireland is now as  a golf trip like even if you knew nothing about   nor Northern Ireland as a golf break from just  this podcast you can probably tell that you know  

There is so many things to do there so let me ask  you Sam somebody wants to book a golf holiday they   ring up your golf travel you answer and they  just say to you I want the best golf trip in  

Northern Ireland ever can you curate this for me  what would you suggest I’m sure there’s plenty   but for you what would you think yeah you know  what that is an incredible golf itinerary I mean  

Where’ you begin to start off what a question um  I mean what I i’ definitely say is is head along   that northern coast yeah um I definitely think  stopping off at Portrush and playing some of the  

Golf courses is courses there would be a great  option um Port rush they have a second course   there I know we’ve mentioned how difficult it is  to get on the D loose this year um but the Valley  

Links have also got lots of availability and again  going back to that sort of Hidden Gem question   earlier on I think um that that definitely meets  the criteria Castlerock as I mentioned 27 holes   there and then you got Port Stewart they’ got some  amazing golf courses there and Rumour has it they  

Have one of the best halfway Huts after nine holes  so we love that yeah apparently it’s the smallest   filter between in the Guinness pump so it’s like  the best Guinness that you can possibly get get I  

Heard about this I think David yeah was David was  talking about that yeah yeah there are the rumours   that are going around um and then alternatively if  you wanted to have a little bit more of an inland  

Of a trip I mean you’ve got as I said Royal  Countydown that is quite difficult to get on   to but we are still selling Irish open packages  this year and Ardglass is right by that as well  

So again you can pair up a tournament package as  an example with with a game of golf locally so I   think that’ be the perfect perfect mix that is  a great shout like these tournaments and stuff  

Like that I feel like when you go to a tournament  you 100% want to get a game of gol and because you   watch all the pros play and you’re thinking I I  could probably do that and let let me let me get  

Around of go somewhere I feel like you just need  a game then embarrass yourself on the go that’s   not how it’s true okay perfect you B it there I  mean so Sam literally just created a package for  

You that’s what it’s like at your golf travel  so if you do want a trip to Northern Ireland   then obviously call up your go travel and you’re  going to have people like Sam answering the phone  

Giving you the best trip ever Ali yep if you were  to go back mhm what sort of trip do you think you   would be looking to do well I would want to tick  off Royal Countydown but that may not be possible  

So I’m going to say I would head towards obviously  Belfast I like a bit of night life bit of drinking   nice so I would do that obviously in the city and  then I would throw in real Belfast and Ardglass  

And just have a good time good crack nice yeah  that is interesting you said that like when you   go on these golf you want to play like the best  courses right as you mentioned there some absolute  

Beauties and then it’s like you want a good night  life as well I always wonder at what level do you   stop the night out like do you like have like  a good time or do you have a really good time  

Because then it’s like you obviously your golf’s  going to come down a little bit so it’s like do   you focus more on the golf or do you focus more  on the the social aspect of things it’s got to  

Be a personal thing what would you do a little mix  between both I think yeah not like too silly like   so I do play well yeah but just not going over top  really I don’t want to be waking up the next day  

And be like I physically can’t no 100% And when  you’re in Northern Ireland obviously you’re going   to play some fantastic courses and when you’ve  got the itinerary like Sam just listed you don’t   want to ruin that do you you can drink anywhere  so I I would probably be with you I’d want to  

Go out and socialise but I wouldn’t want to go  too far to the point where my golf’s not going   to be amazing what would you do it we could always  add an extra night to the trip and have a massive  

Night to I love it sesh at the end I love it yeah  I love it that that what a way to finish a that’s   fantastic yeah that’s what I do that is an answer  at I love that answer he up the game yeah he has  

That’s why he’s the expert at booking golf trips  yeah perfect I mean it’s interesting that you say   that like book that one day like and then in the  evening you know you can you know have as many  

Drinks as you want and then I suppose because  you’re in Northern Ireland there’s so many like   off course activities let’s say on that last day  what sort of offc course activities are there to   do in Northern Ireland like obviously like you  mentioned you got like the Titanic and like you  

Can go and experience that and that’s where they  like launched the Titanic where they built it and   stuff like that right correct yeah there’s like a  massive Museum there now sort of commemorating it  

And it’s it gets a lot of people in I mean loads  of people sort of travel all the way there just   for that so um I mean that’s fantastic as we  mentioned sort of the Game of Thrones um stuff  

As I said I think there’s over 25 locations where  they filmed there so um again like there there’s   so much to do there and then even with Belfast  in itself you walk into a local pub and there’s  

Someone in there singing and and playing the  guitar and uh harmonicas and stuff like you know   it’s a real Lively area and it’s um you know it’s  amazing and there’s so much to do even if you’re  

Not there for golf there is just there is just so  much to do yeah I feel like you could definitely   go to Northern Ireland with a non-golfer I think  that’s pretty fair to say isn’t it like with all  

The things we lifted off like like the views  the walks the hikes the food the off course   activities you could definitely go there with  with like a non-golfer what do you think you’d   get up to off the course off the course just going  outside seeing the stunning views yeah walks yeah  

Just getting the fresh air you know like you  say there’s just incredible views everywhere   you look yeah so yeah I think just a bit of that  and like you said bringing in like your partner   or friend who’s non playing doesn’t play golf you  know there’s still activities for them to do away  

From the course so you could do golf one day and  then just do an activity the next day yeah like   yeah make a trip of it I would definitely want to  go to like Belfast and I would want to go to one  

Of the Game of Thrones um like places like where  they filmed it I feel like I’d want to go to see   Winterfield castle if you’re a big if you’re  a big Game of Thrones fan then I I feel like  

That’s the one that you would want to go to but  there are so many other options but yeah Belfast   for like like you said The Vibes in Belfast must  be good like I can imagine like walking into like  

A pub and stuff like that and like you say there’s  always somebody like playing the guitar and stuff   I can just imagine people being pretty happy out  and abouts I just feel like it would be nice to  

Absolutely yeah I mean something I’d like to said  as well is is p Rush as a as a town itself as well   it’s it’s a proper golfers town it’s it’s almost  kind of a bit like a St Andrews of Northern Island  

Um I was lucky enough to be there sort of three  months before the Open Championship in 2019 and   um even three months before the open everyone  there was posters on the Windows of people that   had been there for practice rounds and who had  eaten in their restaurants and there was a real  

Buzz in around that town and obviously with  the Open Championship there being being there   next year um you know hopefully Rory Shane Lowry  some of the local Lads can can do something I mean  

That was a great town just to walk around on on  a day off it was uh you really got a buzz in the   in the town yeah amazing right Sam thank you so  much Ali thank you so much do not forget if you  

Want want to book a trip to Northern Ireland  before 31st of March you could be going to the   open championships in 20125 at Port Rush how  incredible is that and if you did have a go at  

Guessing the course did you guess drum roll please  Port rush if you did a massive congratulations to   you and thank you to watching this episode of the  your golf travel podcast if you like the look of   Northern Ireland visit  to look at our incredible packages.

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