Golf Players

PGA Tour stars SERIOUSLY divided over Jay Monahan future!!

We hear from HUGE pga tour stars and world golf:Rory Mcilroy, Matthew fitzpatrick, xander schadfleu and Billy Horcely and they all share very different opinions on what the future of golf looks like and who should be guiding the PGA tour through the negations with LIV and PIF through the framework agreement! PGA Tour stars divided over Jay Monahan future!!

Lets see what exactly they say on the Eve of the players championship in 2024

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So it seems PJ to Stars the likes of Rory maroy Matt Fitzpatrick Xander chaet Billy hell and Victor hovland are very very divided on the future of Jay Monahan now yesterday we heard from J Monahan for the first time in a long time and it’s safe to say we really

Didn’t get much of an update on what the framework agreement looks like just along the lines of yes we have gone to Saudi Arabia we have sat down with pif and we’re trying to iron things out now I would say this are the players still

In the dark as much as we are because if they are that is really not the way to go in my opinion that’s what happened when this framework agreement came out of thin air and then every single player no wonder felt a little bit like they’ being stabbed in the back especially if

They turned down big contracts originally now that’s probably one of the reasons why the likes of turle Hatton and John Ram finally upped and went to live but let’s hear from some of these key players first one being Rory Rory has been sort of a big voice in

Sort of the leading of Jay Monahan and also one of the people that said he felt like a sacrificial lamb so when asked Ro when when Rory was asked is Monahan the right man to lead the tour Rook Rory said this yeah I think so you look at

Jay you look what Jay has done since took over the medeor right steal navigating us through Co the Strategic Alliance of EP World Tour I would say creating PJ tour Enterprises we were just able to accept a billion and a half dollars in the business people can nip

And pick and say didn’t do this right or did do this right but if you actually take a step back and look at the bigger picture I think the PJ tour is in a far stronger position than when Jay took over but it really seems that not every

Single PJ tour star agrees now if you look at it like that I guess you would have to agree more investment PJ tour has the potential to be even bigger I just think it’s this lack of transparency which I think players are finding hard to gain that trust back

It’s just that whole thing of say this go down this narrative oh no we’re going to go back and that’s definitely what we all felt so Matt fatrick was asked the same question is he the right person to lead the PJ tour forwards and Matt Fitzpatrick said this is he the right

Person I don’t know probably not on paper and this is what he told Sky Sports but it’s not like we’ve got a choice well you sort of do don’t you I guess maybe well maybe you do maybe you don’t if enough players weren’t happy with the leadership surely that’s what

They would tell the players advisory Council now it’s also what Xander show fle he says something very similar and seems very skeptical trust is something that is particularly tender so words are words and I would say in my book he’s got a long way to

Go so again he was ask the same thing HJ Monahan the right person to lead the PJ tour forward now this is I guess the most controversial interview Victor hland quite a lengthy one this one and the whole idea of what he’s saying here is again he was asked is J hand the

Right person to lead us forward and Jay he says well well Jay’s a little bit contradictory that’s what fix a hin believes but listen to these words there were some things that were said and things that were walked back on and things that have been very contradictory

As a leader of an organization I will want a person like that to take some ownership and say hey we made a couple of mistakes but this is how we’re going to rectify it instead of kind of sweeping it under the rug which I felt like has been done to a certain degree

So I don’t mind people making mistakes we all make them okay fair enough he could be the guy but in my book he’s got a long way to go to gain the trust of the membership I’m sure he’s got the support of the board since they were

With him making some of those decisions but for me personally he’s got quite a long way to go now it seems like the membership is very split very much split 50/50 and horw confirms this saying that unfortunately I don’t think he’s got the full support of the entire membership

But I’m hopeful the majority of the PJ tour membership support him now I I really do hope they support him now that might sound strange coming for me because I’ve been one of his biggest critics but all I want is golf to be a global entity and sort of golf to be one

I want to see all the best players playing together like I watched full swing and then you probably watched full swing too and that Rider cup where you had live guys you had PJ to guys you had DP wior guys all playing at the same time and when we have the majors there

Is such a buzz we could have that more often if we find a way of coming together what that looks like I don’t know whether players are happy with it again I don’t know all that I hope is that players have transparency right now because I still feel as much as we’re

Being kept in the dark we don’t really matter do it yes we do in the sense of we’re fans but the without the PJ without players the PJ tour is nothing so hopefully the PJ tour are being transparent towards their players so we can get golf right back on track that’s

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  1. If jay can set down with SSG until they reached a deal, they could have done they same with PIF. But they keep pushing it back and only meeting once or twice a year it doesn’t seem they are serious

  2. Those guys are independent contractors. Some are higher up in the food chain than others. The elevated events are only for the best players and the never has beens are fighting for the scraps. Like or hate Jay he's in charge and he makes the final decisions with feedback from the elites and the buck stops with him. PGA tour is just fine. Change is a good thing and in a decade the Best Players in the world will compete on The Four Majors and who knows after that. Great video bud. ❤💯 👍

  3. Jay screwed those golfers out of millions of dollars. He literally had them bent over his desk with their pants at their ankles.

  4. We matter Brudda.

    We, the fans, we are the only thing that matters.

    It's our dollars that advertisers, sponsors, and charities are striving for.

    IMO Jay is probably under the control of PIF to a certain extent, whether he knows it or not.

    But this conversation also is mute.

    The PGA Tour and the PIF are adversaries.

    Why do I believe that ? Greg Norman.

    Greg has been after the PGA Tour for a very, very long time.

    He didn't partner with PIF because they wanted to be a partner with The PGA Tour.

    Greg partnered with PIF because they have the weaponry to destroy the PGA Tour.

    Although you and so many 'analysts' can't seem to see it for what it is, this war is over.

    The PGA Tour lost.

    They brought children's scissors to a gun fight and got blown apart by LIV.

    What is left still looks like the PGA Tour we knew, for now.

    But what is it really ?

    No longer the Nobility of a Non-Profit.

    No longer possessing the absolute faith of the Game and the players.

    No longer dictating policy, unchecked and unquestioned, worldwide, as they once were.

    ALREADY, the players are better on LIV.

    The competition is better on LIV.

    The potential and the future already are brighter for LIV.

    I challenge you to name 1 way, 1 action, in which the PGA Tour continues forward as the unquestionable leader of Professional Golf.

    There is none.

    The war is over.

    LIV Won.

    There is nothing left to see now except where LIV decides to take the game going forward.

    If there is anyone left to Challenge this it is the Majors.

    And like it or not, the majors are better with 2 governing bodies in golf.

    Everyone is better off EXCEPT The PGA Tour.

    War. Over.

  5. You were right about "without the players the PGA is nothing"…but you were so wrong about "we don't really matter".
    Without golf fans and followers the players would be amateurs playing golf for the love of the game! Fans and followers were and are the reason there are sponsors putting up money for golf…if there weren't a target group (viewers) for their advertising, why would they just throw money in the water…they are business-people and not stupid, they want to see return on their money!
    And that is where the PGA made their biggest mistake because they got so arrogant with the monopoly they had on golf that they believed golf is everything PGA and PGA golfers! But they are starting to realize that they are not and that presenting a weakened product to fans has repercussions…fans leaving to follow LIV and the money people will realize soon (and some have already and are leaving) that golf is more than just the PGA and America, and that there are a whole world out there that wants golf to be a world sport and not an American Sport!

  6. Jay doesn’t know what transparency is. His latest interview was a masterclass in talking but saying nothing. Just waiting for him to drop the next big surprise.

  7. Carlos 7 4 1 3.Tiger got all prize money to what it is today.Tiger got the TELE BROADCASTING Goff get's now & every single golfer today WANT'S TO BE LIKE TIGER.What & who Jack get to sponsor THE PGA

  8. They can’t stand the guy but they are stuck with him. Exactly why they are stuck with him I don’t know. But right now the message is ‘we all have to steer together’ or something like that …which they keep saying including the commissioner.

    We should also remember as Survivor has taught us, alliances can change. The players on the board could become more loyal to the suits for whatever reason.
    Anything can happen really.
    Forget it’s a mad mad mad golf world, This is borderline wild West stuff.

  9. Sports journalism has gone stupid in golf. All this shit should be behind closed doors. Typical British press. Rory needs to ignore any question that isn't about his round.

  10. Rory is not a person I would pay any attention to , someone as hypocritical as Rory is only detrimental to all others ………….!!

  11. Maybe all these PGA Pro's really should concentrate on their Golf instead of Tour Policies, looking at those who are winning Tourni's lately…'s really not those worried about everything outside the ropes…And Tiger cannot play till he's 70 yo….so some older pro's go and get a final big paycheck….Oops all's I keep hearing about the complaints coming from Hatton and Rahm about LIV, and they knew what they were getting into….All this sounds like a bunch of Girls in the school yard…..Just play the game, or you can quit and get a 9 to 5er job which sucks

  12. Jay needs to go. He is only worried about being in control and filling his pocket. He sure isn't concerned about the future of golf.

  13. Monahan should have been released when he took medical leave. Any Corporation would have sent him packing. The PGA threw major players under the bus and it has hurt their fan base and judgement. Everyone has had enough of Jay

  14. Careful what you wish for, Monahan has been paid $100 million, he can just walk away and let these whiners try to work it out!

  15. The new diversion from past and potential conflict is to talk about the decline in fan viewership and the undisclosed plans to get the fans back who lost interest to now return. What now have the players been told to do or else. How to do this is simple. The players can come clean on the real happenings and even threats from those who were supposed to be looking after the PGA Tour as the players were second place pawns and used accordingly. Why was Rory a scape goat, resigned his position on the players board, showed interest in LIV Tour and backed away from LIV almost immediately. Surely not just to play better golf. I'll bet Justin Thomas and his family could tell some interesting stories. Was his play last year a product of something very dark as he was under extreme duress from guess who. Are the pieces of the puzzle forthcoming? And, should we not be soliciting information from LIV players who have nothing to fear from the PGA Tour leadership and who could spill some beans. The questions Jay dodged in his televised press conference were also revealing and probably led to some additional mis-trust issues for a lot of fans. Does anyone suspect there still is a lot of hidden agenda and when and if the players will commit to "the truth will set you free" so a seed of some unity through trust will sprout. How much longer will or can the fans, exhausted and disinterested in conflict remain supportive? Instead of answers there is a thousand more questions. Maybe a change to some real transparent leadership and a way to trust again shall someday occur. How can the seeming bad deeds of the past get put behind us so a new vision, some trust and hope is in the future. One thing is certain, people do not change, what you see is what you will get, and get and get and get again. If I was a player I would let a trusted legal counsel sit at my place on any PGA Tour board or committee to look out for my best interest while simultaneously I would go play some great golf without the distraction and fear. Good luck to everyone as these issues get sorted out.

  16. you hire him you fire him if you dont like it as for the press screw them they mean nothing you dont have to tell them jack shit ..Golf is an Elitest gams too expensive for average kid in S.America India Indonesia Arab countries forget it is a European N.American sport with asia a little on the riseit will never be a huge global sport Non golfer its boring and i was a 3 habdicap

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