Golf Players

Scottie learned how to putt … uh oh!

After more than a year of struggles with the putter, Scottie Scheffler put together a brilliant performance in the final round of the Arnold Palmer Invitational that could take the world #1 to even higher heights if he keeps it up. Smylie and Charlie wonder if Smylie could win his next three starts given his track record at the PLAYERS, Houston Open, and the Masters. SK and CH also recap Smylie’s well-received Friday Happy Hour coverage featuring Jordan Spieth and Max Homa at the API, and the return of a familiar face this week at the PLAYERS.

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Smiley it it finally happened we have been watching I feel like we’ve been watching the first nine Fast and Furious movies uh with the exact same plot line the exact same ending every week and then we flipped on the 10th and lo and behold something happened that we could

Not have expected out of this movie script uh and listen I think it’s appropriate here rather than uh me tried to explain uh or me try to sum up what this week was like uh I’m just going to throw it to another movie for a quote

That that sums us up happy learned how to CT uhoh Scotty learned how to put the PGA Tour is in big big big trouble uh and to be fair to Scotty it’s not that he necessarily learned how to putt it’s just that he had a little bit of time in

The putting Wilderness and he appears to be back at least on the strength of his Sunday performance uh we are definitely going to get into his putting performance this week and un unpack that at length but let’s just kind of start bigger picture on a theme or a trend you

And I have discussed the last couple of weeks which is just the the the season of The Long Shot uh kind of going hand inand with a lack of superstars winning golf tournaments right and so here we are signature event the world number one wins he’s being chased by you know a

Reigning US Open champ some other big names up there Shane Lowry will zot Tores but there was something maybe anticlimactic about the fact that Scotty wins by five shots uh and and so I’m just curious the question that I want to pose to you and just have you answer

This from two perspectives yours and what’s best for the PJ tour is on in the wake of this win would you rather see a star like Scotty win a tournament like this in blowout fashion or were you are you more excited or more interested in watching some of the finishes we’ve seen

Maybe earlier in the year with players who weren’t household names winning you know by a shot or coming down to the last putt of the tournament or winning in a playoff uh yeah no I I think there’s a a place for both right you know I think

That’s what uh the viewer likes is the fact that you can turn on the TV and watch the number one player in the world you know go in completely dominate man and win by five shots like that that to me is reminds me of my youth you know

When I used to turn the TV on to watch just tiger dismantle golf courses and Fields and sometimes it made for boring TV but until you maybe switch it on in your brain that’s like holy crap this guy might be that much better than everybody else it’s like okay you’re watching

Potential greatness in a guy right so that to me is a is a turn on from a viewer standpoint but yeah I think there’s a time and a place for for the other things too we’re talking about other players um you know Finding their moments that are potential Stars you

Know I think we’ve seen a good mix of that this year and there’s no doubt that we’ve lost a ton of depth on the PGA tour there’s still plenty of depth and talent but we’ve just lost a lot of names that people recognize and I think

That’s been a huge huge uh turnoff a little bit from uh from from people wanting to watch every week because they just don’t like the look of the leaderboards but it’s not like the play isn’t the same number that you would typically see you know you just you’re

Missing you know a John ROM and a um you know a cam Smith a Brooks Keva where if those players were on the leaderboard would would it have made people turn the TV on more I mean maybe I I still think our leaderboard was so good heading into Saturday and

Sunday and we didn’t get a a drama filled Sunday but I think it was you know really cool to see a guy like Scotty Sheffer find a aspect of his game that we’ve been talk talking and nause him about and completely just I mean he played in a Flawless round yesterday shooting six

Under I it was the lowest round by a couple shots and if You’ have told me going into the day that that Scotty sheeper was going to lead the field in putting that day I I would say did he win by six or did he win by seven you

Know I mean it’s it’s you know to kind of put a bow on where we began uh we we finally had an American super superar win and I think it’s going to open up the door for more wins it just might be that all of them might be Scotty going

Forward if he continues to putt like this because it was it was truly insane looking at some of these stats of Strokes game putting where we started on Thursday um you where he loses a shot in a half to the field he’s 55th out of 79

Players still post a two under 72 and then just kind of steadily got better the next couple days gained a half shot on Friday gained a shot and a half on Saturday and then gains nearly four shots uh four strokes gain putting on Sunday to finish first out of 58 players

Shoots a 666 I heard a really interesting stat going into that final round where I think Russell Henley was on the second green and he was uh to that point he made uh all 50 of the putts through the first three rounds he’d had inside 10 feet and then uh and

This is on Serius X and PGA T radio will hasin Dennis Paulson were going back back and forth and then they they said hey look let’s I wonder where Scotty would be on the leaderboard if he had had the same sort of record to that point putting and he would had he would

Have made eight more putts he would been he would have started the day 17 under so it’s just wild to see then stacking on top of that a day where he does see the ball going the hole and honestly not one of his best ball striking days um

But I mean just looking at at what he did looking at those stats um you know where do we need to put the PGA Tour on notice in a big way I mean did you see enough there I know you were walking with Will zures and Windham Clark but

Just in the highlights and looking back you know is this look like a one-off to you or is this could this be a real confidence builder for Scotty going forward well I’ve been saying it for a while let’s not judge him based on what we saw in the west coast there’s too

Many good players that are that are fantastic Putters that that have terrible West Coast putting statistics and I saw one off personally at the Hero World Challenge watching him putt uh on Bermuda where I felt like he was you know really making a lot of progress and

Then of course he struggles on the west coast he putts well in Phoenix he just unfortunately his stats were skewed because of two three putts on Sunday missing really short putts inside of four feet that he just kind of lost focus on on a week that was really long

And a day where he literally did everything right he was making those 8 to 12 Footers you got to make on Sunday she’ll shot still shot a 66 um and ended up up a couple shots back and and that’s with missing a couple three and a half Footers on the

Last six holes so and know it’s not a one-off I I think he’s uh a very good putter on certain types of grasses currently I think he’s got a long way to go maybe on some poana or just being a good allaround putter everywhere but I

Think he’s going to putt well on bent greens and Bermuda greens um or just have the the C you know the capability of having a really hot putter because he he just seems to be average and have the days that he can turn you know his typical 67s into 62s you know that’s

Really all he needs to win golf tournaments it’s just those extra three or four putts on a hot day yeah I mean if if uh it’s really it’s amazing I mean just the the margins there because you know as mentioned imagine if he had a great ball striking day and put it like

This I mean we’re talking about a five shot runaway win that could have been even War which is wild uh his T degree statistics that he had he was sixth yesterday so yeah well I think appro I think approach maybe settled in the 20s there were a lot of up and downs early

On 21 but I think he got he had a couple wind gusts yesterday on the par 3’s and um and who can blame the guy you know he he can’t he can’t see the wind you know yeah I mean it’s it’s I mean and I think that’s the thing too is like some

Of those uh I mean Scott Scotty is a guy who can do it all when he’s playing well but adding putting to that it’s like you know I mean it’s like like Thanos the glove he’s like putting the the I’ve not actually seen the movie so I’m doing

Like a bad reference here but I I’ve seen the gifts of the glove and then he just snaps his fingers and then that that’s what I see Scotty doing to the rest of these fields if he putts well the rest of this year I got to stop down

Here for for all the the putter sickos out there all the tinkerers to just you know shout out you guys uh because first of all add the spider tourx to to my my attic wish list need to get my hands on one of those after seeing Scotty roll it

Uh but but just just kind of detailing his journey because it’s been something we’ve been talking about in reporting and the PJ tour put out a little report of what he had in this bag this week and so it it was a spider Tour X half inch longer than than his previous gamer

Features an L neck hosle and a true path Al lemonade with a full sight line on top um it it he switched because he wants an increased uhi um it’s 3 degrees a lot and 72 Degree angle so just you know and he obviously he’s been a blade guy for a

While and been made a lot of different changes going back from 22 into 23 but um this is this is actually a different Mallet we saw him using a mallet for two FedEx Cup playoff events last year this is a different version of that Mallet um

And so yeah we’ll we’ll see if it sticks um when you when you read equipment stuff all I can think about is Anchor Man you know I don’t speak Spanish backer all of that was just over my head I I I I do it for the L just talking to

Yourself just I’m just like the the teacher on Charlie Brown is yeah no that that’s for all the the Nerds out there who are are wanting to know and and really for myself so I can just read that out loud and imprint in my brain so I can try to track one of

Those down uh I thought I thought the interesting there’s been an interesting discussion around Scotty you know related to um is there an actual you know technical Improvement happen out oh so so would love to kind of start there and then I’d love to hear Scotty in his

Own words responding in the Winter’s press conference but let’s start there just of of you know where you feel like the the biggest Improvement was made for him whether it was a technical thing or just looking at something different and psychologically being in a better place

On the greens you know I just happened to run into Phil Canyon on the putting green on Friday and it was interesting because I feel like everybody’s asking him about Scotty’s putting you could tell their entire team is annoyed by it and I kind of CAU and with you know he

Was just you know basically saying just you know the changes they made to the putter uh Scotty likes it and but what he said was he uh isn’t using the line on his ball like he was you know he was very like meticulous on getting the line of

This ball to match correctly with the aimer on the Putter and he said that was like kind of giving him um he was having he was overthinking a little bit about oh I got a match it perfectly or I’m not going to make the Putt and now he just

Puts the golf ball down and uses the AER on the top of the putter head and what Phil told me is that it’s allowing him to feel more creative which I agree with you know sometimes for someone like Scotty who’s you know when you watch him play

Golf it’s just like point and shoot you know it’s for him I think if he can get in that creative mode behind the golf ball and start picturing what he’s seeing and then get then gets over the ball and keeps that same picture instead of going from like creating the picture

From behind the ball or over the ball and then you start lining up and then you go into like in this this brain that that wants everything to be right and specific like an OCD type of mentality and and you so you go from like this creative mode into the other side of

Your brain which is the the thinking technical mode and those two things just don’t really mesh well or at least you lose that picture and your ability to be creative on on Fast greens where you’re playing six-footers outside of the hole so um besides besides Phil mentioning

The line of the ball he just said that Phoenix really kind of like took a lot out of him I think he felt like he should have won that week so those were the couple like just little nuggets I got from Phil which I thought was uh

Pretty cool and then the fact that I definitely got wind from their team that like they didn’t want to talk about the anymore they were tired about us talking about it as well well I mean no better uh way to end that discussion then to go out and do

What he did this week and and now if we are talking about the putting it’s going to be how how great it is uh that’s that’s really interesting because to me it so much of Scotty’s game is is homecooked you know the feet shuffling around you know some of his sort of

Angles of attack maybe look different from what the sort of tour standard is but obviously he does it incredibly well I mean he does it better than anyone else on tour in the world right now um and so it’s interesting when you get to the green um you know trying to kind of

Bottle up that same sort of essence of who you are as a player and it feels like that if we’re talking about Bei Putters usually in your head when you when you say that you think of a guy who uses a blade and that a mallet is almost

Sort of moving you more in the direction of um you know the broomstick or the arm lock or something that’s more of like hey I’m I’m using a system so I can take you know kind of feeling creativity out of it so really interesting to hear that

From Phil Kenyan and and maybe the you know the smaller aspects of that where the thing that’s taking the robotic aspect out of it is not using a line of the ball anymore and letting the the the built-in features of this m he’s gone to

Kind of take that that you know ease his mind in that direction a little bit so that’s interesting Intel and and one to you know obviously keep an eye on to see if this holds up uh you know with the with the you know the players this week

And and going forward um let’s let’s take a listen to Scotty here this is just him on that same topic after winning yesterday I’m curious how much of it do you would you attribute to to the actual club and how much to kind of between the years some of the stuff

You’re talking about U of kind of quieting your yeah I mean I I think it’s you know it has a lot to do with the stuff we talked about on Monday um keeping the mind as quiet as possible and you know part of the problem is just

Trying too hard you know it’s uh it’s frustrating to not not be you know not have the best of myself just because I know that I can putt really well it’s not like you know I’ve been a bad putter my whole career I’ve just gone through a stretch where it’s

It’s been tough and uh yeah I think this week I did a really good job of not letting the misses get to me um you know Teddy did a really good job of keep me in a good head space and you know we stayed positive out there and I hit hit

A lot of good putts a lot of good putts this week so that’s interesting to me for a couple of reasons I mean obviously it aligns with what you just heard from Phil but there there we saw some early week frustration out there we saw some

Turns and some sort of you know venting and some swung Putters in the air how did that how did those comments land for you well if I played that golf course and didn’t lose my mind and get frustrated like that’s it’s the most human thing that any golfer would

Experience at Bay Hill yeah dude that Golf Course was so mother effing hard and I’m serious like it it was his it was a US Open test and wow but it was it’s it’s not my favorite lay out like I just think it’s a little goofy at times you know like 13 yesterday

Downwind like you can’t hold that green like even with wedges like it just there’s so many things about the golf course that don’t make sense with how hard they make it play now is it now did we get the best players rising to the

Top and is 15 under uh or even place a 10 under the winning score where we wanton it yeah it’s just maybe it just shows how good these guys are now but I just picture now now this is a bit of a side turn here and I’m not going to go

Too long on it but with rollback equipment on this golf course I’m telling you if it’s if it’s what I think the golf ball might do on a windy day it’s like what right well it that that is a tangent that’s that’s a yarn worth pulling on because I I just

Wonder what what how they’re going to get to where they need to go on the golf ball because there obviously there are different ways you can you can engineer it to achieve you know the the less speed in the golf ball and one of them

One of the ways to do that is to add more spin back into the ball and so yeah kind of your point you know some like uh I think was it Saturday where it was like 88 degrees and and blowing 30 mil an hour Brut balls spinning all over the

Place I mean it would be Carnage and and and that’s the the wild thing is there we already are seeing Carnage with the current golf ball so uh yeah rollback will be uh we might get a few interesting ones early on before we uh settle on a I think the only PJ Tour

Event where I want to see the roll back and play is TPC Craig Ranch I just think like what a what a place to test out the rollback we don’t need to do it at Bay Hill let’s do it at a place where they shoot 35 under every time Le let’s let’s

Make him use Hickory clubs and bolat balls at TPC Craig Ranch a real historic venue I think this just the charm of the game it’s Byron Nelson would be proud of that I think you know just hitting hitting mashies off of uh astro turf living astro turf alwaysa grass TBC

Craig Ranch yeah uh one more from Scotty uh just on the putter itself I I just you know I I I want to hear in his words how he feels about this new flag so here’s him being asked you know is is he going to use this putter for a while you

Feel like you found the putter you’ll be using for a while I mean hopefully yeah um I think I I like not having to line the ball up you know I I line This putter up well in the middle of the face um it’s it’s very good

Visually um and yeah I mean I try not to focus too much on the results but my process was really good this week and um you know the results so far are pretty pretty tough to argue with I’d say I I gotta say as a sicko tinkerer like

Nothing resonated more deeply for me yesterday than hearing him say yeah hopefully I know I know that World um as we sort of exit this equipment section with Scotty there’s something that caught my eyes as I was looking through his you know when or what’s in the bag

Article on PGA Tour and and curious to sort of pick your brain on this because I I I saw his 50° uh wedge and it’s 56 degree wedge the 50 has 12 degrees of balance on it and the 56 has 14 degrees of bounce on it and I think we we’ve

Been sort of accustomed you know to hey the better players use less bounce because you know they can just find the bottom easier and and they’re so skilled in bounce is maybe a tool for a lesser skilled player I’m curious if you can explain to someone who doesn’t maybe

Understand this as well as you do at at a tour pro level you know would would more bounce on Scotty’s wedges be a product of him having a steeper angle of attack or is this like a something he did specific to this week at Bay Hill

Why would that be a feature of of his wedge setup was it 60 how much bounce does 60 have they don’t show bounce on the 60 because it’s it’s a Proto which I assume they have some sort of custom grind it’s it’s a it’s a 60 and a half

Degree and it’s a t grind so I’m I’m I assume there’s there’s less bounce there but on the other two no no idea I mean it’s typical to have like mid to higher bounces on like your your other wedges for sure um helps get through the turf better on Wedge shots

Um better for around the greens out of the rough I’m not sure it really just kind of depends what the 60 is I’m not like a bounce expert I’m not I don’t claim to be I I just know kind of how it works and and how it’s used this week it

Was really easy to chip like the wies were perfect the uh rough was so thick so really you’re just you would like to have a little bit more bounce and in heavier rough and you would probably defer down to a 56 degree a lot uh especially if it was sitting halfway up

So you the ball wouldn’t roll up the face uh which is what you typically see when that ball is sitting halfway up in the rough or a lot of people are like what do you mean halfway in the rough it’s like well what the rough they play

On two or the ball cannot all it doesn’t necessarily get all the way on the ground or sit on top so it’s there middle layer is where the ball sits and you got to find a way to get shallow and use a little bit more balance um same

Goes with heavier bunkers um when there’s more sand in the bunkers you’re going to want I use more bounce versus less bounce and defer down to a sand wedge versus a lob wedge so there’s my bounce uh there’s my bounce uh and and and listen we’ll um

We’ll get back to balls and the rough uh you know being that talking halfway down that was talking bounce that was your talking bounce segment look forward to that or maybe don’t for future shows uh so last couple years for Scotty schedules looked like API players match

Play then the Masters no no match play this year but in his Winter’s press conference Scotty confirms he’s going to play Houston this year in that same calendar spot uh he’s played Houston uh four times best finish was a a T2 in 2021 uh his most recent appearance in

2022 he finished T9 so this is a place where he’s had some success so look he he’s he won the obviously won the 2022 Masters he’s the defending champ at the Players uh noting worth noting here uh following that first API went of his in 2022 he followed that up by winning at

His next start uh at at the match play and then at the master so this time of year is is good to him uh are we ready to go out on a limb here and say could we see Scotty win and four consecutive starts is that in the realm of possibility uh

Yeah dude yeah I really think so um I mean I I just think about this week I I I think he’s he’s the dude to beat this week I think you got to stripe your way around this golf course I think putting out here is not going to be an

Issue so yeah I I think you could win this week I think Houston the field will be watered down and then uh the Masters is a place that I picked him to win at the beginning of the year see I think there’s a pretty good possibility that

He could win the next three events and that’s a’t that crazy to say I mean that’s why when we talk about just like the viewing experience on the weekend it’s like oh well I turned it off CU Scotty was up by much like dude you’re I mean this is what tiger used to

Do yeah I mean it and literally we’re combining a guy who had tiger Prime ball striking last year with a guy who If he if he’s you know puts it the way he did on Sunday just runs away with it I mean for I think to to get back to that

Initial question because I asked you this and I think you know my opinion on it is I I find this I’m I’m in your camp where it’s like we’re watching greatness and I think maybe there’s part of it too where it’s it’s this riddle we’ve been trying

To solve with Scotty and to see it finally come good is like oh wow if if this continues his potential is is Limitless like he could win every single week I mean you know in looking at his schedule the conversation we’re having right now it’s not absurd to say he

Could win four consecutive starts like I don’t even think you’d get that good of betting odds on that because of you know just what we saw on that Sunday round we’ll see if it holds up the one thing just talking about Scotty uh schedule that I I was actually thinking about

This yesterday on uh on the golf course and and what tiger was really good about was was playing less but being ready to win when he did show up and I think Scotty right now has played a lot of golf like up to this point in his career

To where I think he can start really tightening up his schedule if he wanted to um and I know like they’re they’re expecting a baby in the next however many months maybe that changes things for him as the years go on to where he plays a little less and when he shows up

He’s ready to win because the more you play the harder it is to win every week just from a mental perspective like you just don’t have the energy to be able to win every week and tiger was so good about you know if he played however many

Weeks in a row like he was ready to play those weeks in a row which Scotty he he’s played really well for the most part from of February March April and then as kind of as the year’s gone or the months have gone by in the year you

Know hasn’t been as good at winning in the summer uh and I had played a ton in the fall but that’s to me the Ben the formula it’s been missing is like can you keep the stamina up the entire year to win golf tournaments not we know he

Can finish top five it’s more about can you win at the clip that we that we think Scotty can win at and I think the one thing he would look at in the future is like tightening up his schedule a little bit instead of playing 25 minut playing playing

20 it’s a great point and I wonder I wonder what that schedule ends up looking like because he does feel like a horse for course type player at at you know high level challenging venues I mean four of his seven wins in his career thus far you know two of those

Are are repeats you he’s now won the Arnold Palmer Invitational twice and the W Phoenix Open twice um like me like Charlie real quick like he wouldn’t surprise me for him to like completely omit a lot of the West Coast like he played in the AMX this year like that’s

Not like the type of golf course that he should be playing like he’s a guy that needs to be playing on hard golf courses I get starting the year kind of getting your feet underneath you and even like Sentry like Rory tiger never played Sentry because it was a shootout and you

Know he can win there he’s just um to me it’s like all right if if if Scotty wants to win more and not wear himself out it’s like pick where you want to play where you know you can go win that’s what tiger used to do yeah I I

Think it’s a great Point definitely want to keep an eye and yeah I mean as you and I know well kids change everything you know so it’s it’s that’s going to be an adjustment period for him for him and uh and for mered of course and uh the

The guy I want to get to next is will zalatoris uh you were with the the zalatoris wiam Clark group on Sunday um and just looking at his results this year so started off with a miscut at AMX he finishes tied for 34th Farmers he finishes tied for 13th Genesis finishes

Tied for second and now at the Arnold Palmer Invitational finishes tied for fourth I mean personally from where we started this year really kind of going back to what way we were talking about will at the hero my mind is blown to how fast we got to this version of Will’s

Alat Tores I mean given where we were with the ey test for both the putting and just looking at that sort of rebuilt swing in December you know wondering when is it going to all kind of come together in a tournament setting and and here we are I mean backtack top five

Finishes and Signature Events uh my question for you is is I mean are we looking at a version of of will zot torus that could somehow be better than the pre-surgery version now that he’s kind of established some consistency with that broomstick well um I he’ll never it

Doesn’t seem like at this point that he’s going to be playing his way out of tournaments like he used to a little bit with the putter at times and with this kind of modified swing where he’s got a little bit little less side Bend in his

Golf swing um a little less stiff at set up you know dude the ball striking is there it’s back and and looks exactly the same to me um as it did I think he was probably a little better driver of the ball um and I’m looking at the stats

This week and and he was third in in off the tea this week so I’m saying like I just think he was a little better off the te uh before his injury and he’s still Elite I’m just telling you like how good it used to be it was like it

Was stupid um he’s still right there like as a as a top five driver of the golfball on tour with the driver in his hands it’s I’m just telling you that’s the level that he was at and he’s still just like a step below that iron games

Ridiculous the putter to me I’m and you see it all the time with the guys that go to broomstick when you get something heavy in their hands and and something new it it’s just it’s a new system to learn and I think for me it’s it just

Looks like he’s got a better Pace to his stroke he there’s no rush to it and the ball’s coming off and I could see it from the side of the green it’s rolling end over end uh which is a great sign so he’s putting a great roll on the golf

Ball um but as far as like what we expect to see from wills alur and I’ll start lumping in Windham Clarkin here as well because uh I could not have been more impressed with what I saw from Windham Clark on Sunday uh didn’t quite

Get the putts to go in like in the last 13 holes besides making one on 18 that was like oh man if I I needed that a little earlier in the round but uh both of these two guys I just I walked away thinking man these two dudes have

Everything that you were looking for as far as just attitude Talent um and just the ability to be there at these big events kind of similar to you know I I was kind of thinking of a comparison I was like all right Windham CLK he won Wells Fargo last year the signature

Event he wins the US Open at P or excuse me Us open at Lac and we’re still thinking like all right he’s a breakout guy and then he goes and wins at Pebble on a 54 hole event and and for me like as somebody who watches the game and has

Seen him played a little bit not as much as some of these other guys in my head I’m thinking like all right where is Windam Clark in the in the game right now is he is he the best like can he be a number one number two player in the

World um like where does he stack up and I I think like him getting in contention here at Bay Hill and and now I’m going back it’s like all right let’s look at the golf courses we have Wells Fargo that’s a pretty big ballpark LACC was a pretty big Ballpark and then Pebble

Beach like totally different conditions from those so you have to like take spin off the golf ball a fairly big ballpark but and then we get here at Bay Hill this week which was not a big ballpark one you have to be so accurate so all

That to say is is that same with will zour they’re just players that can play on a lot of different styles of golf courses their games translate well and Windham cork to me reminds me of the attitude and Swagger that Brooks capka brings brought to the PGA tour in major

Championships where you just start I think we’re going to start to see him on tops of of these big-time leaderboards um because of the way he plays the game and the style in which he plays the game as well which I think translates to Big Boy golf it’s it’s interesting because if

You’re looking at will zot Taurus’s trajectory this year it’s it’s just a straight line up you know where he started the year was struggling and he’s just consistently improved in every start since then you know basically to where we are now whereas wendam he he of

Course has he’s got the win in the 54 hole shortened you know version of the AT&T proam the solo second here now but you look at the rest of the schedule and it’s kind of been a mixb for him this year t29 at centry t39 at AMX t-41 at

The WM and misses the cut at the Genesis so I mean as we kind of go into the you have your hand up here so I’m I’m going to call on you like I’m in a classroom here what what do you got for me who

Does that remind you of like who used to do the exact same thing that’s a great call A kka A Kea type of player so it to just to kind of parse through your statement a little bit is like are are you what I’m hearing you say is it’s not

Necessarily for wendam the the venue he’s at anymore because to your point we’ve now seen him succeed in in big ball parks and and and you know tighter tests but it’s more of a of a sign of the the the stature the event he’s playing in it’s a big game I assume if

We’re looking at the players and the Masters in a month you really like his chances at both those places I I think you’re going to see him at these like big time events I just think he’s a player that rises to the occasion I don’t think he’s scared of it I think

Like similar to Brooks keco like if he’s going to play at TBC Craig Ranch he’s just he’s just not going to get as hyped up for it and I think his game he’s a very smart player too like he’s got all this power but he also plays with

Intelligence to to be able to put the ball in the Fairway and Trust his long iron game it it’s it’s being able to to dissect golf courses and know what a good score is that day where I think like Windham almost gets lost on like on

These events that were you can shoot a million under because there’s just no strategy involved I think he does better when his mind has to focus on playing Big Boy golf kind of similar to Brooks was the same way this is so mind-blowing to me because I I was just in hearing

You talk about that I like I want let me go look back at I know he hasn’t been around for a ton of time he he he certainly had the talent for a long period of time but really that win last year at the Wells Fargo and what was

Then a designated event was his big sort of breakthrough onto the SC of course he falls that up in a couple months of the US Open so I was I wonder what his historical record is in some of the majors wam Clark has never played in the Masters there you go isn’t that

Interesting I mean I guess it’s not super interesting it’s kind of like it’s the best segue in the world if you wanted to get into some of the things he talked about like that Rory mentioned on cuz honestly I I’ll kind of set that up for you as you go

Is we we saw what Rory Ma and we listen all right we’ve talked about this on the podcast that I I I fully support a a top 100 rolling 30 off relegation system every year and this isn’t something that’s new it’s a lot of the players have been talking about it but Rory

Mentioning it um in a press conference after his round or just doing some media after the round just talking about how um he would like to see a tighter topof thee World Golf Tour and wendham also agreed with that and a lot of people took issue with Windham Clark saying

That because it’s like hey buddy like you weren’t a top 100 player in the world until last year who are you to say you know like would your opinion have been the same on this matter two years ago than it is right now and it’s just kind of a product of the situation

You’re in which is you know whams obviously now he’s a top 10 player in the world and his opinions have changed so but all right here’s a here’s a player who’s been on the PGA tour before I’ve I’ve been somebody who I don’t agree with what the top

Players in the world um have kind of seen the way the games should be going but also I’ve been a top 50 player in the world where I’m like okay I can see what they’re saying so I have different perspectives in this and then now I’m in

The media side where I understand like from a network rating standpoint what we need to see and I have totally shifted in towards this top 100 uh format for a a global P whether it’s a global PJ tour a top PJ tour um tour I to me I think

That’s going to be uh getting the players playing against each other the most you don’t have to have these like crazy crazy uh purses and even if you do you could keep them there it’s going to be a little it’s going to be a little

Less at some of a like if John Deere and the cognizant are are on this lower corn fairy tour plus it’s like yeah they won’t have to pay as much over down there so all that to say is we got some we got some audio that you can tea up on

This yes and and and we’re going to do this do this back to back we first we’re going to hear Rory on Friday setting up the sort of initial idea and then we’ll hear WAMS sort of furthering of that line of thought on Saturday after his round question and answer included so

You have the full context so let’s let’s start here uh with Rory on uh Friday would you have preferred more players I mean there’s only 69 in this one the way it worked out um did they maybe need to look at that next year uh no I mean I’m

I’m all for making it more Cutthroat more competitive um I’m like probably won’t be very popular for saying this but I’m all for Less players and less T cards and the you know the best of the best Rory said or talked yesterday about how he wants

The tour to be a little leaner maybe more Cutthroat fewer guys keep cards is that something that you’re in favor for um you know smaller fields that and fewer members um yeah I mean I think it would be amazing if our tour was 100 guys and kind of said this a few

Times 100 guys and we have 20 guys to get relegated every time every year doesn’t matter who you are and I think it’d be exciting because you come down to the end of the year people are looking who’s going to win the FedEx and then you’re looking at who’s not going

To be here next year um so yeah I’m I’m probably with Rory on that um I don’t know what that number is um but it’s I think it’s just nice to elevate the product and and make it to where the the best players are playing on TV more

Often and against each other so just I think here’s if I’m trying to put a hat on where I’m being a Windom apologist or I’m trying to kind of you know see what he’s trying to say here uh he follows this with another answer where he says where they’re asking specifics on

Numbers he said look that that’s above my pay grade I’m not sure but I just like to see a system with you know x amount of players it’s a hard number and then a relegation system so I think I think the things to take away from this

Are the and also part of that followup question was you’re talking about this event here right so this was supposed to be a 70 player field that end up being a 69 player field and windham’s advocating actually for a larger field for a 100 player field okay and if we’re talking

About over the course of a season you know webert Windam was prior to being a top 100 player in the world he’s advocating for a promotion relegation system that see 20 lose their cards and 20 or whatever gain their cards so he is actually advocating for a

System that is something of an open shop I mean certainly more open than some other tours in the world right now and and he’s advocating for something but he’s just I think what what he’s trying to say here is hey like we also we have to acknowledge the the the different

Needs we have across the game as you just kind of noted here there are if if this thing is going to become an investment for SSG or others you got to create a return on that how do you do that you create value through television contracts and broadcasters and it’s hard

To deliver on that if you don’t have some driving interest through a strong strength of field so I I like I’m curious how this landed for you both you know from all the perspectives that you just listed as as a as a former tour pro who was who was

In both sides of the camp as a broadcaster and then maybe just as a fan of the game and just seeing the way that people reacted to this very strongly on social media and the aftermath these comments yeah you know let’s just think about it this way so as it stands now

The PGA tour let’s say there’s 200 players right you know we cut down to 125 so we’re cutting 75 dudes every year um and that’s been a little bit more Cutthroat into we’re cutting 130 players uh to make the playoffs from 200 all the way down to 70 right and really even

More Cutthroat than that to make Signature Events we’re cutting 150 players so we are in a very Cutthroat system as it is so I think you see players across the PJ tour maybe dising disagreeing with why do we need to continue to make it more Cutthroat when we already have a pretty Cutthroat

System as it is that that rewards players that are in Signature Events with more FedEx Cup points uh based on the the new distribution list this year uh so you know I see both sides of it um I do think that the problem that we have

Right now on the PGA tour is is that outside inside the Signature Events unless you run into a lucky situation at the MX where you have a bunch of uh top tour players playing and then you have a Nick Dunlap winning you you can’t sell these

Stories every week you know what I mean like you could sell like a a story every once every month but and we had this conversation with our some of our guys this week it’s it’s it’s tough like listen like I think jnap winning and Austin ekro winning like these are like

Bonified studs and stars but it’s just hard for the local local dude who watches the PJ tour week unless you follow it it’s it’s hard to turn on the TV and and see that name and you’re just like I I know who he is I know how good

This guy is but how do I get Charley’s family to care about Austin ekro and Jake Napp we care about them actually your family is a bad example I’m sure they’re big supporters of the Pod and they know Jake gap’s a guy that we support but we’re talking about just

New names and stories yeah and that’s the problem that we have right now is that we’re having to sell these stories too often on nons signature event weeks and I think if you had a PGA Tour schedule with a hundred guys that had a schedule that that had

These players mainly the top players playing weekend wake out you have to sell these stories less W is what we would think would happen um and would maybe G our interest every week where you see the leaderboard and you’re like okay no these names like I’m tuning in

So I think that’s where we’re at right now on the PJ tour from a a network standpoint it’s like okay this leaderboard isn’t great um at all and this is going to be tough to sell and get people to watch our ratings are U if you look across the board from NBC CBS

Whatever like the ratings are down like they’re down so we got to figure out a way to make the product um better and it and it it’s a it’s not just us it’s the PGA Tour it’s the and the way in which the PGA Tour uh runs their their tour to

Keep to keep interest in uh helping the networks out because right now like it’s hard to sell some of these some of these events that we’re having to uh try to find stories every week you know what I mean 100% And I wonder if you know and

That’s so that’s sort of the the the sort of money-making side of it the broadcasting piece of it you know selling ads against it I wonder if internally you know for players that it would actually be cleaner to have these more rigid categories or just to to clearly communicate this is what

Your playing opportunities are going to look like at the beginning of a year because as we’ve talked about as well one of the one of the consistent storylines we’ve seen is all these guys who just think they’ve got their tour card coming off the corn faery tour or

In all these various different reshuffle categories Q School whatever else are they keep trying to play and they can’t get in a bunch of these events at at the beginning of the year so much so that they the uh I think the valpar and I think maybe both Houston and Valero are

Going to go to expanded fields to get more of these guys playing opportunities and so it it in my to me it’s like I’d almost would rather be more upfront I mean if that’s the way I’d want it to be if if if this was my livelihood is like

Hey just tell me the hard truth up front of of what I’m going to be you know be able to get to do this year instead of over promising and underd delivering and I think that’s what where you know kind of takes us back to where you know when we kind of

Sketched out what we’re hoping to see in 2025 and Beyond is let’s just stratify the tours like let’s just be realistic about it like it’d be great if we lived in a world where everyone you know cared the way we do about the Austin e roads

And the Jake naps of the world and wanted to tune in and they did huge TV ratings and you know it paid for everyone’s salaries but like in reality the thing that’s going to probably help even the guys who are you know of lower popularity and lower status would be a a

A big Platinum Tour that is feels more like a closure shop that definitely has promotion relegation opportunities but the the big tour that that a big sponsor is willing to come in and pay for there are a limited amount of events you know once a month maybe that we know all the

Players are going to show up PGA Tour live whatever and then this more regular PGA Tour that is making realistic asks of the John deers of the world and the sponsors and saying hey this is the level player and by the way and all the

Guys who were who got your card this is what your opportunities are going to be to play in this year um what do you what do you think just from a purse perspective like if you had to say on the Platinum Tour what uh what that

Purse should be versus like what um a the relegated PGA Tour would be so like for instance the John Deere events versus like the Bay Hill events like do you think it’s like I I was thinking like somewhere around the 20 million like anywhere between the like a 15 to

25 would probably be the platinum and then maybe somewhere between like 3 to 7 in in the other is that that sounds about right to me that sounds about right to me I mean I’d have to kind of look you know individually each of those purses but I mean for me it’s like

Almost like you want to um without saying a hard number it’s like you’d want to take whatever the current signature event and Ma and and um major purses are and bump those up 25% if there’s a big sponsor coming in and willing to invest in it because they

Know there’s going to be a ton of interest in this thing because there there are less events and then you want to take the the the regular PJ tour events you know not the nitpick on John Deere but those level events and knock them down by at least 25% because what I

Know isn’t sustainable and and we talked about this around the Sony is you know this ask the tour is making of all these tournaments to up their purposes by 250,000 this year 500,000 the next couple years and maybe more going forward and that’s coming directly out of the checks they’re riding to those

Local charities and so they’re saying I mean can we even really yeah can we really do this anymore and so it’s like it’s so and again it’s like that’s my frustration with the way people react to this on social media is like they they want to rail against you know this clo

Shop tour and they want to say you know I thought this game used to be about you know Merit based and playing opportunities for everyone and that’s the that’s the sort of that that’s the the the driving principle of the tour is create playing opportunities for its

Members it’s like that’s all good and fine but then when you sit down and you look at the the realistic you know balance sheets for these things and how are we going to make money and how are we going to kind of you know trickle that down to all the various places

We’re hoping to impact and touch whether that’s a check for a player or whether that’s a check for a charity it just doesn’t make sense the way we’ve been doing it and so I mean yeah my thought on it like the PJ tour um they the problems that they have like you know

They’re they’re trying to keep the players like first they’re trying to keep them as happy as they can be to where they’re paid appropriately or at least somewhat comparable to the live players and that that affects charity it affects a trickle down to eventually a water down product to the non-s

Signature Events and listen the rights fees uh for the PJ tour are overinflated you know like they’re just not what they’re what the networks paid for and of course now the networks are what they’ve had to do is to make a profit it’s more commercials which hurts the

Fans um in the long run in this so the whole thing goes like this you know if the if the rights fees were lower you have less commercials and listen it’s just because the networks aren’t seeing the return in the ratings so it’s just a very difficult thing that the PJ tour

Has to navigate because they they need the product to be as profitable for for the players um for the networks and and ultimately it makes the Fan Experience um as good as it can possibly be because that’s what gets them to watch every week and to care you know yeah I I think

That’s and I think that that’s probably where we start heading as these investors who are now very much interested in the financial viability and growth of the product going forward that’s probably uh uh something that happens um you know whether that’s just kind of behind the scenes assessing

Where we’re at where we want to go right now but then maybe some actual concrete changes next year you know going forward I think you know the only the changes I would suggest if we’re if we’re talking about playing opportunities for this year is um you know or just even going

Forward is I’d like to see the Winner’s category move above the next 10 and swing five categories because I think that’s been a weird one this year where a guy who categories man I can’t even get that far on this debate because I don’t understand the

Criteria I mean it I just I just think it’s you know it’s just weird to have guys that that feel like they’re just deserving not getting into some of these events and I’m talking about current form like if we if that’s going to be the thing is we’re trying to create

These ways for guys who aren’t already in in our top 50 to play their way in like let’s really you know try to do that for that limited pool not everybody but for that limited pool um and then I just I’m curious where you’re where you kind of land on some sponsor exemptions

Both thus far and going forward because I think that’s the other one where there was some chatter online after Rory’s Cutthroat comments that was basically like hey like so are we cutting off tiger sponsor exemptions like I I mean I’m not advocating that I think that that you forever give tiger exemptions

Because it folds back into what we’re talking about from a broadcast perspective right like he’s going to draw eyeballs that’s going to line the you know that’s brings money into the game that gets distributed and makes everyone happy but um but I think you

Know I I don’t know like I mean I look it like this way like Jake knap after Tory plays well sixth in the swing five doesn’t get into Pebble would have loved to seen him there but instead those those exemptions go to different pros and that’s that’s fine that’s the

Decision that was made but just curious you know if you feel like any suggestions you would make to the current model going forward in terms of how how those fields are composed I liked 70 there this week would 100 been fine yeah um I think there is every

Signature event probably 10 to 15 guys that I would like to see playing uh but I don’t I don’t necessarily feel like 120 should be there I think 100’s a a good number probably maybe 90 80 uh but it was cool playing TUC right from the

Get-go it just felt like a big time event right right uh from the be the beginning of the event but um yeah I mean I I don’t know if we’re going to see the big changes next year for if it’ll take another year after that but um hopefully we get

There yeah well this is my I’m going to do my little segue here from talking about uh TV contract values and and things that I’m probably not qualified to talk about and we probably should have another business Sports business Expert on the show to Brak these things

Down for us uh but but I’m moving over to Friday happy hour with smiley because the reviews are in and the people loved it uh I I before we get too far I’m I’m wondering if I can get a retroactive video credit on my uh the great shooting

I did on your t-shot 16 at spy glass Hill maxom was kind enough to roast like he kind of went easy on you with the rose he he said I love he’s like it’s hard to Rose people swings when they’re sitting right in front of you yeah oh

Totally um yeah no uh listen happy hour has been a success so far you know it kind of started uh at Phoenix it was kind of happy hour on a Saturday where the leaders were on the front nine and the back side of the wave was coming

Through so it was a happy hour feel on a Saturday even though we were supposed to have the leaders so that’s where kind of the idea came about to continue it on um went to the cognizant had Paul gold Schmid come on um and they got into uh

Obviously this past week uh beay Hill and and luckily uh and fortunate to have Jordan spe and maxom uh take time uh to come and do it because listen it you know it’s a big event like to have these players come by and say hey it’s important for the players to

Get on TV to enhance the uh fan experience and to give perspective dude the the entire rest of the weekend we were uh as broadcasters were referring to to uh nuggets that Max hom and Jordan gave us about the golf course because listen we we we see it we walk it but

We’re not playing it we don’t we don’t pick up on certain things like these players are and and to me it just was an added um perspective and it set us up really for for what we were looking forward to for Saturday and Sunday in

The weekend and yes we had some fun uh but we also kind of got golf nerdy in there as well so you know it felt like basically us doing our you know the podcast and just on on TV you know and and so to me it was a big success we’re

Doing it uh the players on 17 which is going to be just kind of surreal to be honest it’s going to be really cool uh for me to do that that uh with my uh with my first running mate Kevin kizner so hopefully we can maybe snag another

Player uh or two to come by uh because I really think it just uh you know it’s it’s not overbearing it’s just like an hour hour and a half it’s not it doesn’t ruin the the coverage because I think it just gives us just that that added ump

Um of how the golf course is playing um it it’s great exposure for the players um the ACT not the Players Tournament I mean I guess it’s exposure for the players St but the the player that comes in the lowercase players and the all caps players distinguishing between

Those two yeah yeah and uh honestly just uh you know got a ton of support that out there on Saturday and Sunday at Bay Hill of just uh fans that were out there that said they enjoyed it so it it was really really cool uh to see that I’m

I’m obviously thankful to uh the NBC team for giving me the opportunity to to uh highlight these players and having them come in and just having barlik conversations with them if you will just like we’re sitting on the couch just hanging out which is the vibe that we

Kind of treat our podcast as well with these interviews just kind of a just tour talk if you will so it was it’s been really successful so far I’m looking forward to not only this week but uh the rest of the NBC swing doing

It yeah I mean I am fired up to get a second helping of coffing kid uh out there at 17 Saw Grass just brief one for you there have you looked up the Florida State flag do you know what that looks like you prepared in case that that hits the broadcast on Friday

Um we got we have time put you on notice right now is it just a big orange I actually do not know what a Florida State flag looks like so I’m furiously Googling this like a big Clementine in the middle of you know what that that

Doesn’t look what I what I thought it would look like um I say Google that if I were you just make sure you’re prepped in case you get you get an on air moment uh where we the the infamous uh misidentification of the Arizona state flag was we identify it I I actually

Just didn’t identify it at all I tap danced around it actually I mean there was if I’m getting critical there there were there should have been enough on the way of context clues to decide what that flag was but but listen it it made for good TV that’s

All that matters uh you don’t even want to know what my impulsive answer would have been so I was just like uh that’s that’s uh no it obviously y’all that was a fun a really fun watch the WM so excited for more of that and I

Also should say like they’re in terms of the the responses that were coming in it’s cool to see you know the no laying up guys who traditionally have have you know had critiques of NBC Sports golf channel broadcast and really really enjoyed this prod uh this product and

I mean that’s an encouraging that’s a cool piece of feedback to see you know I mean I I think that that those types of things you know their their point there was look we’re just asking for um to try stuff and and this is something that is

You know it’s a Friday we’re not on the weekend yet um it’s a way to kind of make the broadcast entertaining but also to your point with Max and Jordan informative you know I mean they’re giving you nuggets that you can take and use for the rest of the week so um cool

Stuff excited for more this week with with Kevin kizner uh what’s what is the latest we have any updates on the players kayak plan on Wednesday is that materializing or or is that kind of Fall by the way side h i I just haven’t pushed forward I just felt like I felt

Like it was I felt like it was gonna be too much I listen I just think the spotlight would have been too much on on on me in there because like dude as soon as you get in a kayak in the water it’s just like what are we doing here you know

Especially on that stage like in on 17 at the Sony it’s just like all right we’re just hanging out out here Nobody’s around but yeah like too much could go wrong um maybe in the future we’ll have to I I’ll see about it this week um I’m

Not expecting to do just don’t rule it out don’t rule it out no no not ruling it out bring you the kayak and the the GoPro I’d say hop in there make it happen yeah not ruing it out out but yeah okay well that’s that’s uh that’s

Your your uh your happy hour players uh you know Roundup and and preview uh so pump for that this week uh a a few other ones kind of want to get here just just some updates around the golf world uh going over to live uh the there was a

Three-way playoff uh to to finish up the Liv Hong Kong event that Abraham answer won over Paul Casey and cam Smith I guess this is this AB an’s first live title uh I also got to know here look one of the better showings I’ve seen out

Of your clicks had a hot start out of the gate on Friday Co off a little bit over the next two days finish fifth as a team but but Pro i’ I’ve seen the clicks lower on the leaderboard for a while so I’ve just kind of I it was good to open

Up that Scoreboard on Friday morning oh cleaks bigp five uh my my wild cards finished to buy an 11 over but could have been a lot worse if AK hadn’t fired uh a 65 five under 65 on Sunday uh I mean your thoughts on this is our this

Is ak’s first underpar round on live are you ready to update your take yet or we see we need kind of like Scotty’s putting we need to see a little bit more listen I I’m I’m never going to be rooting against the guy you know uh I I

Want Anthony Kim to have success I want him to play well do I think would he have shot 90 at Bay Hill uh I think he would have shot in in the mid 80s yeah I’m not telling you if he’s shooting those scores that I’ve seen on

The lift he would have shot in the mid 80s at Bay Hill and this is It’s like a 6700 yard course in Hong Kong this the course this weekend and and Phil shot 80 on Friday I’m telling you he he wasn’t ready for what I just saw last

Week but hey props to good for him shooting five under um also uh cam Smith losing in a playoff as the prior week I mentioned I’m not buying stock in cam Smith and of course he loses in a playoff so I I I have course some the and the

The stockholder the cam Smith stockholder on the show so really glad to see that one pay early uh dividends uh yeah W was one back I mean it’s GNA be hard for us as we get to like the Masters when we start to try to figure out who’s going to be

Contending from the live side you expect to see Rah uh Waco nean you expect to maybe see Bryson uh contending you know and do one of them pull it off I don’t know but I’m excited to see kind of how they they play they played they had

Shoot three of the top like six last year at the Masters so it’s going to be a big lead up here in the next uh next month or so did you see where Legion 13 finished did they win dfl really tough scene tough scene for for Legion 13 yeah

We got probably bad and then uh Vincent the wedge he was that was maybe one of my favorite updates for the week I also love that like I I wonder how that was handled within the team room first of all I don’t know how many holes

It happened for if this was just a oneoff thing but you know it’s one thing to do tal Hatten things when it’s just tal Hatten you’re impacting and I guess by an extension of that your team your caddy but now you actually have a real set of three other guys out there

Playing hoping to make some cash and maybe the the wedge putt isn’t isn’t looked at as uh such a cheeky shenanigan any longer I heard by the way what what ROM got paid and still it it makes the decision even dumber to me still it doesn’t or less was reported less less

Like the big the big money that was reported is just like a a potential in the equity of what the team might become ah yeah a numberous fudge mean I don’t I don’t get it I don’t get it yeah I mean it’s who who are we to say I mean I I if

He sees value there I mean if if I’d say it this way if if it realizes that value then it’s a it’s a pretty simple easy it’s real money that he’s getting paid I mean I’m not talking I mean he’s getting paid more than 100 million but it’s not

To what to what we thought it was so I mean maybe it could come that but and there’s no telling too the PJ tour are are giving Equity to players as well but we’re not sure exact like that isn’t just cash at hand right where this is

Yeah instant cash so and cash is king So maybe that’s what one I I just have one bone to pick with Liv before we get off the topic uh I’ve been to your website two or three times now to your shop portal and I’m really trying to get an

AK wild cards hat like I’m trying to support my cards and you don’t sell it yet so can somebody please sell the AK wild cards hats I’d love to I’d love to buy I’d love to support uh that’s that’s my item I’m sure nobody with any power

Over that is going to do where they play next they play in Miami the week before the Masters next WoW be final they do they do so although I think there is crowd going be terrible for the first three events for them like that Dalal

Crowd’s not going to be great no not at all alth I don’t know how many guys I saw Anthony Kim is playing in an Asian Tour event this next week oh he is and I’m not sure if there are going to be others who were trying to make a top 50

Bid when that cut off you know for the Masters before that cut off I mean did you hear Anthony Kim like Dro this week from his like shoulder CU he didn’t know you dropped from your knee like he didn’t know about that rule change did he really he like dropped

From dropped the ball from his shoulder cuz he didn’t know and apparently Dustin Johnson was walking him through on how to use a track man it’s like which is the funniest thing in the world right I love I love this like Anthony Kim was like cryogenically frozen for

For 12 years we like thought him out we’re like hey go go play golf like what’s a drone dude what what are these things flying around my head like every update I keep hearing about Anthony Kim learning about modern golf technology has been an update worth reading

Taylor Taylor Swift isn’t just a country singer anymore what happened the last 12 years that’s that is good stuff well that that’s what we have for live and then I just wanted to quickly hit just some updates on on you know the the the opposite field PGA Tour event this week

Because down in Puerto Rico Bryce Garnett Beats Eric Barnes in a playoff um worth noting because Ben Cole’s the guy that we’ve had in that corn fa tour grads group looking at you know maybe uh picking off a win on the PJ tour he was leading heading into the final round and

He finishes a T6 there so doesn’t not his first one but a guy who’s who’s playing some good golf right now and then big shout out to Jackson vanis who who is a Vanderbilt Jr from Piner North Carolina played in this event as an amateur uh shoots 64 in the final round

To finish T10 uh so pretty cool stuff for him I’m not sure where Jackson stood in the PGA Tour youu accelerated uh standings prior to this event but he just got two points right there one for making a cut in the PJ Tour event and another for finishing top 10 so Jackson

Shout out to you uh Piner North Carolina stand up love that for him uh so yeah so that’s really that’s that’s what we have for the show we actually we going to do a second episode this week um to to kind of both get you ready for Players

Championship uh recap you on our one unone pixes slack last week spoiler alert Smiley still a waste behind me uh thanks courtesy my Jake naap winers pick uh but we’ll give you those pick maybe talk about some DFS picks um maybe get to some swing notes as well on that

Episode um but yeah that’s that’s what I got for the week Smiley any final thoughts for uh for the for the good people listening and watching right now as uh you head off to do some some work here at the Players yeah beautiful day here TPC Saw Grass about to uh throw

Some clothes on do some laundry today but I’m going to go to uh the Srixon trailer to get a driver built um o yeah so I’m going to go do that real quick what do we do have any any heads we’re looking at any shafts we’re looking at like

Thisa oh the tour um yeah the one that Hideki has I think T design or tour a low torquing shaft um we’re going to put a hot melt in the heel to try to make sure I can like I want that ball to go left like I I want like if it’s going

Left it’s like okay I can fix that but I I want to eliminate the right side of the golf course I’m tired of hitting the heel tired of hitting it right and H making good swings and it just sliding way right so we’re uh hopefully you can

Get something built up that that matches what I’m trying to do and hopefully see footage of that on a Friday happy hour coming soon uh when you’re watching an upcoming tournament but uh yeah that’s what we got for today’s episode we appreciate you uh watching and listening

And we will talk to you back here uh very soon I’ve actually watched a couple of episodes of of of y’all earlier and uh you guys have some good takes so thanks for uh thanks for what you guys do it’s cool to see what you guys are doing and

Uh I I know golf fans appreciate it but we we do too so please keep it up I think you’re doing a tremendous job and and you know I listen to this podcast it’s really cool and


  1. Thanks again for another great show. In a future show, I would like to hear more about Smylie's TV work. Such as, is this a permanent gig or do you have hopes of returning to the Tour. When doing commentary, you always seem to "throw" it to the same person. Can you discuss how that works. Also, you seem to always cover the second to last group. If they fall from contention and you are reassigned, are there any funny stories that you have from the guys you're leaving. Finally, the Happy Hour is awesome, whose idea was it.

  2. How does a 100 person tour prevent a leaderboard of unknown players for the average Joe fan? If you’re saying we need to ensure the masses see names they recognize on the leaderboard then you need a 25 person tour. All of the current “stars” became well-known and popular from winning under the old system which allowed the no-name to brush shoulders with the giants- and that’s entertaining imo.

  3. Brady Riggs has a great video here on YT from years ago about not using the line on the ball on putts outside of 10 feet. Exactly what Smylie was relaying what Phil K said. Big believer over here.

  4. I find myself watching this pod more for CH. SK is a bonafide idiot. His opinions & knowledge are really low tier.

  5. A relegation system could lead to more interesting Korn Ferry or "Minor League" events that could then be "elevated" somehow

  6. Why take unnecessary shots at the LIV guys? What’s the need to call Rahm “dumb” and take shots at AK after a good round? Just can’t help but feed into the division? Weird stuff.

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