Air Zoom Maxfly Review: Athlete Survival Guide pt. 3

Athlete Survival Guide is your resource to maximize your training with the little things. Everything here will help you take the next step in getting to that elite level!
If you run track check this video out to learn everything you need to know about the Air Zoom Maxfly spike

00:00 Intro
00:48 Super Spike or Super Sike
01:29 Pros
02:27 Cons
02:35 Cost
04:11 I broke my spike right before a race
07:06 Conclusion

So what’s up y’all my name is Freddy Ken and welcome back to my channel let’s get started with part three of the athlete Survival Guide okay on the previous episode of pro athlete Survival Guide I talked about the Magic Bullet and how beneficial it’s been implementing that in my daily routine with meals breakfast lunch and dinner and I still encourage you to check that out if you have any thoughts any questions about that hit

The comments below and I I’ll gladly answer those questions let’s move on to the next episode so this episode we’ll start with one question is it a super Spike or is that a super Psych W that is the Question so let’s get started dang it the other one is right there but it’s like too far I should God dang it my whole setup going there we go Nike Air Zoom Max Fly pros and cons pros as you can see I got a a lot of mileage

On these bad boys it’s definitely worth it the main difference that I feel is like a certain leverage when I Sprint in them these make your feet get into position to propulse you you know has these air bubbles in it right there those are malleable they Bend they move

They allow for a little bit more movement and reaction in the ground and they were the first ones to do it Nike has an Innovative technology that’s called zoomx which is like a phone as well as uh a carbon plate that runs along the line of the spike that goes

From heel all the way to toe and that’s designed for propulsion and stability all of this all of this stuff tied together just makes this the a beast of a product when you’re trying to get everything you can out of every step one sprinting I’ve used these for as long as

They’ve been out I highly recommend it I highly recommend it cons cons of this super Spike a lot of the colors are ugly they don’t really go with anything another con is the price these usually run around like 180 to to 190 so um they’re also very

Very high in demand and there’s usually low stock then when it’s time to get to racing in January we can’t even get a pair of spikes because they’re on back order for 3 months it takes a while to break these in so when I first got these spikes um I

Immediately felt a difference uh and a benefit from using them but we had some sessions on the curve and the way the The Leverage feels and the angles of the movements if I would have to go in the curve um it felt like it had my ankles

My ankles exposed um it felt like um if I were take a step going into a curve it almost pushes you out because there’s just so much um Force coming back into the foot when you when you’re um when you’re running in the so for the first like 3 months I made

Sure I didn’t have these spikes on if I had any fast 12s or 150s or 200 or anything like that because I just didn’t feel comfortable going full speed on the curving these these spikes break I’ve never heard of a spike actually breaking because that’s just something that’s

Been unheard over a lot of my career these air pockets although they’re really beneficial and they help a lot they popped all of my training partners and I have six or seven of them all of them have had a pair of airz Max Fly that popped so if you if you really want

To to to buy in and commit to these you have to get a couple pair because chances are they’re going to pop while you’re racing in them funny story I actually had a race at Adidas Grand Prix and that’s a street race that they have in um downtown Atlanta and it was

Like a a wraith elevated Street it was actually really cool had a raised elevated track with a Runway it was like four or five Lanes they had audience and the the crowd right along the whole strip of the the track so like literally everyone was just watching but um the

Warmup at that meat wasn’t so great they just had like a a uh a rubber a rubber roll out for us to warm up on um and underneath that we were at the park so underneath that it was just Cobblestone very uneven very like kind of sketchy there was some

Holes they like taped the pieces together with duct tape so it wouldn’t move so was is a very sketchy warm-up area and I had these bikes on and I I hit a hole or something I I uh ran over a crack and my Spike literally broke in

Half so this I don’t know if this is the car I don’t think this is the carbon plate but this plastic piece right here this plastic piece it broke all the way across here so literally this piece was dangling I like came out of the blocks and immediately happened and this

Happened 5 minutes before my race and I’m like what is happening my Spike just broke in half how how how have we come to this point you know um but yeah so that just goes to show for some reason these Spikes have a tendency to break but um it’s cool

Because Nike um knows about it has learned about it and if you have a spike that’s broken you can send them in and they will replace it for free which is like an amazing thing that Nike has done on their end to um maintain their uh Integrity in their product and to keep

Customers happy Um um the last con that I would say that we’ve found or or or have contemplated and have thought it’s it’s been something there could be a part to training in these too much because obviously you get the benefit of performance and um and positioning and

Things like that um but if you if you training these too much it could have a negative impact on your ability to perform at a competition we’re actually kicking that around right now we’re trying to see if that’s actually a thing or not and I’ll get back to you on that

But that that could be something to think about um so training is something that’s a little bit easier on your body and on your feet each day um that could be be a con as well so that’s all I got for the Air Zoom Max Fly the resounding

Conclusion is these are super Spike they’ve blazed the trail of carbon fiber carbon plate the air bubble the zoom X Innovative Nike technology and they have changed the game and a lot of companies have followed suit that’s all I got so thanks for checking out

This review of The Air Zoom Max fly if you like this video please comment like subscribe um this is part three of the pro athlete survival guide and I hope to see you on the next one Peace


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