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Does Struggles Of Baez Land Him On The ‘All-Time Disliked Detroit Athletes’ List | The Daily Ticket

Stats in the spring usually are not significant. Being good or bad in exhibition games means nothing, well unless you’re Javier Baez and have yet to get a hit in the spring? Jeff Riger points out Javy’s shocking spring stats and nominates him for the ‘All-Time Disliked Detroit Athlete’ list. Baez has been in Detroit for 2 seasons, he hasn’t produced and now he is still owed around $100 million over the next 4 seasons. Has he become one of the top ten most disliked athletes in Detroit sports? Check out the latest episode of The Daily Ticket to find out the answer and to see who else makes the cut?

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Hey everybody what’s going on Jeff rer another episode of The Daily ticket this one for a Thursday it’s the 7th it’s March and we’re getting oh so close people oh so close to March Madness I was listening all day on Wednesday to 971 the ticket I heard the

Morning show Costa and Jansen talking about the tournament like it sucks now like I’m not going to say it’s been the best year in college basketball but it doesn’t change anything for me I don’t think there’s anything in sports that beats the Thursday and Friday of the dance sometimes it coincides with St

Patrick’s Day which makes it an unbelievable day whether it’s a Thursday better Friday right but that Thursday and Friday to me is the best two days in all of sports better than the Super Bowl better than the conference Championship Games better than the NFL playoffs better than the Cup playoffs better than

The World Series better than opening day I know everybody has their preference but the first two days Thursday and Friday of March Madness it’s epic the upsets the buzzer beaters the brackets the busted brackets the gambling oh man I love the gamble on the tournament you

Ever been to Vegas for the tournament it is [ __ ] great it’s outrageously expensive but it is so great can’t wait I don’t care how down college basketball has been how many times people say they’re not GNA watch that Thursday and Friday this is why guys schedule vasectomies on that Thursday and Friday

So they get the procedure done then they can sit on the couch with a bag of frozen peas on their you know what all weekend long don’t have to move and watch basketball like that’s what you do I got to believe the for omy doctors they should give out discounts for March

Madness vasectomies get it on that Wednesday you’re good to go until Monday when you got to go back to work oh man I love the tournament I love the tournament I don’t like when people try to trash the tournament like I’ve heard over the last couple of days but it’s

Not what this podcast is about I just thought I’d tell you if you’re forced to say protournament anti- tournament I love it I think it’s fantastic but let’s move on with the show because the opposite of fantastic is what bad like really bad like horrific correct every now and then and I

Shouldn’t do this because they don’t mean a whole hell of a lot but I do it anyway because it’s just who I am when I’m bored maybe I’m like I don’t know on the toilet or just sitting around in my bar louer at home I decide to look at spring

Training stats I know it’s stupid I understand it’s dumb it doesn’t really matter all that much what people do in Spring does not overlap usually into the regular season just because you kill it in Spring doesn’t mean you’re gonna have a great baseball season but the one stat

That popped out and it’s all over the place by the way now if I wasn’t looking myself I would have saw it on social media you’ve seen it I guarantee is the stat of Havier bias Javier bias since being a tiger has been absolutely awful

First year in 2022 he had 238 with a 671 Ops and if you thought that’s awful he can’t do any worse you were wrong because the next year which was last year 222 batting average and a 593 Ops that Ops under 600 one of the three worst ops’s in the entire game of

Baseball so I went on this podcast I don’t know a couple weeks ago and I made a declaration I said Javier bias is is going to bounce back in a big way because he can’t get any worse like I’m pretty sure it’s mathematically impossible for jav to have a Worst

Season and you know the coaches went out to Puerto Rico he went to Lakeland he got his body in shape like he’s ready to go I saw a video of him hitting soft tosses all winter long so he’s got to be ready to go right so I made the

Declaration I said jav’s going to have a good season people called me a [ __ ] and an idiot but they usually do so nothing new there and then I saw this I saw this stat for Javier bias and I said to myself crap this is not off to a good

Start jav’s played in six spring training games six all right he’s hitting zero zero hits he’s over for 12 he struck out six times he does have One RBI he had a hard hit ball I think left field that scored a runner from third base that’s Javier bayz so far in the

Spring Tigers didn’t play yesterday so he’s still hitting zero now I would assume he gets a hit in the spring but who the hell am I I can’t assume anything with this man I thought he would have a bounceback season shows you what I know like Javier bias has got to be the

Worst signing in the history of Detroit sports am I correct about this I think I am you still owe him a hundred million bucks because he decided not to opt out after the first two seasons what I just reg you he was absolutely Dreadful I think fans dis like jav bayz not because

He’s a mean guy he’s actually a really good guy just because he stinks and he’s always chasing that slider and you’ll wonder why he can’t have a lick of plate discipline it drives you mad it drives you Bonkers so in honor of Javi making

Me look like a [ __ ] going 0 for 12 in his first six games of the spring I’ve decided to compile my list and I want to see if you agree with me it is the top 10 most disliked in Detroit I don’t want to say hate hate is such a strong word

Top 10 most disliked athletes in Detroit sports I’m not doing Michigan Michigan State so the four major teams doesn’t have to be just a player could be a GM could be a manager could be a coach could be the owner I compiled my list I got some honorable mentions at the end

In case you’re a guy didn’t make my list and then I want you if you’d be so kind to comment back to me what I got wrong who I missed who I left out who should be on blah blah blah all right you want to do this I’m very excited about this

By the way in the meantime while you wait for my list can you please follow download subscribe to the Daily ticket also leave a review I would greatly appreciate it number 10 on my list I should have some music for this top 10 most disliked Detroit athletes of all time or my

Lifetime or really the last 25 years whatever I go Juan Gonzalez remember him Juan Gonzalez actually did not have a bad year with the Tigers hit 289 and 842 Ops 22 homers that’s not bad at all he turned down this rumored $140 million contract thank God he turned it down

Because the next year he went to the Indians he did hit 325 like a 960 Ops but after that right in the tank was out of baseball Four Seasons later you’re talking about a dude that was one of the more feared hitters in all the major leagues came to Detroit actually as the

First ever Homer at Comer park it was on a Friday night I was at that game believe it or not I wish I would have caught that ball of course I did not but Juan Gonzalez didn’t have an awful season but he wasn’t a good teammate never talk to the media didn’t come

Through and I think more than anything else you traded eight dudes for him just to open up a new ballpark Juan Gonzalez everything that he promised a new era of Tiger baseball with a new ballpark included you really thought he was gonna be the guy that got you over

The top like Pudge did in 2006 eventually like Pudge Rodriguez one of the greatest signings of all time yeah you overpaid for him Juan Gonzalez awful trade gave up way too much to get him only here for one year you took your shot didn’t work out he went elsewhere

And was out of baseball not too long after he left Detroit Juan Gonzalez number 10 on my list number nine I go Scott Mitchell Scott Mitchell got him from Miami do you remember how good he was as Dan Marino’s backup like for a couple of games and all of Detroit said

Oh we got our quarterback baby 1995 Lions won seven in a row Scotty threw over 4,000 yards 32 touchdowns to 12 picks he was in Detroit the next three years never able to duplicate that success in fact the following year he threw 17 touchdowns and 17 interceptions

Go back to the berry documentary that you saw on Amazon there’s video of Wayne font saying oh yeah we were trying to get Marina we were trying to get Montana kind of had the settle for Scott Mitchell Scott got very upset at those comments he went to his local Facebook I

Think working in Utah radio as I speak he was not very happy at all that Barry stole all the attention I remember a playoff game where Scott kind of fainted I remember Scott dressing up as Wayne font at a Christmas party I do believe Lis Brown did not like Scott Mitchell so

He intentionally missed the block that could have knocked Scott out of the game Scott Mitchell not beloved by lions players and definitely not beloved by lions fans had that really good year in 995 all downhill from there I got Scott Mitchell is number nine number eight I

Only put this man on my list because of peer pressure I don’t think he belongs on this list and I’m also part of the reason he’s no longer here Prince Fielder number eight you ever go back and look at Prince’s time in Detroit two years 1213 probably responsible at least a

Little bit for Miggy winning the Triple Crown year one a 940 Ops year two an 8819 Ops year one he hit 3113 year two a 279 batting average he had 18 hits and Five series in the playoffs also stole a nacho off a guy’s place and also belly

Flopped in the third base in game two of what was it the the World Series in 2012 like Prince Fielder was good into Detroit he was very good in Detroit signed that massive $214 million contract and then after two seasons he was traded away why was he traded away

Pretty sure it was my fault Tigers had just lost to the Red Sox in six games in the ALCS in 2013 and we were talking about the series and losing and he uttered the words I got kids man and I asked him I’m like what do you mean by

That exactly like you got kids but a lot of tiger fans demoralize that you did not win this series and with a great team aren’t going to the World Series and he said quote you got to be a man about it you know I got kids like I said

If I’m sitting around pouting how am I G to tell them to keep their chins up or keep their heads up when something doesn’t go their way so yeah definitely it’s over you shouldn’t take your work home with you you know I still have to

Be a father take care of my kids so you have to move on now Dave Dum brosi to baseball Insiders admitted those comments part of the reason Prince Fielder got traded for Ian Kinsler I think Prince was great in Detroit despite me taking a little of the blame

For getting him out of Detroit by asking them those questions but Prince Fielder number eight on my list I don’t think he should be on this list but I know y’all probably don’t like him very much so I got him at number eight number seven on

My list I go and demin Su Sue was awesome in that big 12 title game for Nebraska everybody watched it everybody wanted the draft him the Lions did draft him I thought he was a good lion I really did but he never wanted to be here got out of Detroit the first chance

That he got Mike valeni the afternoon show I remember he talked to him weekly Sue hung up on him one time I remember Sue got in trouble for the whole stomping of Aaron Rodgers I didn’t mind that at all nobody in Detroit did I think we all thought we had a pretty

Good team when Sue and Nick fley were on that defensive line Lions ended up losing the Dallas that was uh when they picked up the flag but from the get-go detroiters love a great talent but they don’t love a guy that doesn’t want to be here and

Remember Sue at the draft his sister saying essentially whatever gets us out of Detroit the quickest we’re interested in and he eventually left and rumor was he wanted to come back this season to help the Lions and the Lions said no we’re not interested but Sue number

Seven we love this Talent nobody loved his attitude though number six on my list Joe Nathan tigers’s closer Detroit needed a closer so bad he was one of the best in the game for the Rangers before Dave Dum Browski went out and got him he’s 39 years old looked really good

Early on in the season finished with a 481 erra four and a half walks per nine he did end up with 35 saves somehow someway which I did not remember but more than anything Joe Nathan did this he did the chin flick to all of Detroit which is essentially telling Detroit to

[ __ ] off Joe Nathan my number six most disliked Detroit athlete number five Darko not his fault not his fault he got drafted second overall but man you could have had Wade you could have had Melo you could have had Bosch you got Darko number five on my list number

Four Eric Ebron Eric Ebron the 10th overall pick of the draft you could have had Eric Donald dropped a ton of passes never lived up to his ability and more than anything else man he made some enemies on social media do you remember Mike Sullivan who used to work at 97 won

The ticket remember Ebron and Sully going at each other Ebron trashing Detroit Ebron trashing the Lions team Ebron trashing Sully like that dude didn’t care he went on social media he always said stuff he probably should not have but more than than anything he was never a Difference Maker you draft a guy

10th overall you expect him to catch a lot of touchdown passes from the tight end position more than anything too you judge a first round pick by if they pick up your fifth year option Bob Quinn who drafted him said nope we’re not interested Eric Ebron nobody liked him

Not a likable guy then went to Pittsburgh played a little better I thought for a little while now is out of the NFL Eric Ebron number four most disliked Detroit athlet let’s go to number three I wish I had a pencil here hold on a

Sec it’s a pen but you get the picture there you go if you’re watching this on YouTube Matt Patricia always with his tyon deroga number two in his ear always had the laminate his play calling laminate now he had a pencil in his ear but his play

Call sheet was laminated so it’s not like he could use the pencil to write anything down on his play call sheet what a bum Matt Patricia was remember the dissertation that he wrote Because he wanted to tell Detroit that it was okay that his guys were practicing

Outside it was like a hundred Pages all he had to say was like we decided to practice outside I’m the coach suck it like that’s all he had to say remember Matt Patricia saying he’s responsible for the greatest defensive play in Super Bowl history the Malcolm Butler pick off

Russell Wilson remember that now Seattle is responsible because they should have ran beast mode they decided not to Butler knew exactly where the ball was going picked it off Patriots ended up winning the Super Bowl they beat Seattle but Patricia took credit for that but more than anything the guy was such a

Bad awful coach blew up a decent team that Jim Caldwell left had to have his own guys they all failed he had no idea how to draft and Bob Quinn didn’t either he had no idea how to go get a free agent that would actually be good in Detroit

Matt Patricia was a train wreck an absolute travesty and I’ll never forget the feeling I had about Sheila Ford Hamp when she brought both Quinn and Patricia back and then ended up firing them after the Thanksgiving loss I think it was to the Texans Matt Patricia was so easy to

Dislike and then of course he bounced around the league he went to New England ended up in Philly and for some reason or another Nick serani handed his defense over to Matt Patricia and what happened oh yeah the Eagles totally wanted tank nice job Matt remember he

Was a rocket scientist went to RPI always the smartest man in the room except none of his coaching tactics worked what a bum of a coach Matt Patricia number three most disliked person in Detroit sports number two hard to believe you can dislike somebody more than Matt Patricia but it’s Matt Millan

Like I don’t need to tell you anything more here Matt Millan yeah Matt Millan then they extended Matt Millan remember the Millan Man March it was because of that man Matt Millan awful worst front office person in the history of sports and one of the most disliked people in Detroit sports ever

Matt Millan number two so I know what you’re thinking well who the hell can beat Matt Millan who can beat Matt Millan this is where the controversy sets in when you do one of these lists you expect people to disagree sometimes you throw one in there just to get people

Talking I truly believe my number one I truly believe it you might not my number one most disliked person in Detroit sports it’s alil alil very nice guy very nice guy indeed but man did he stink as a GM and I know a lot lot of people want

To give him credit for some of the guys that actually now seem to be coming up with the team and having some success like Jackson job eventually is going to be pitching for the Tigers and he was an alivila pick but don’t let that fool you he made awful trades he had Justin

Verlander to trade away JD Martinez Ian Kinsler Justin Upton what did he get for those players like Alex Lang I think is it what did he get Nick castios he traded away didn’t get anything for him either like honestly at lavila failed with trades he was given a half a

Billion dollars to spend on free agents you got the likes of Javier bayz Eduardo Rodriguez Jordan Zimmerman Mark low like those guys stunk too and let’s not forget about what I believe was his crown jewel transaction Austin Meadows for isach parades now it’s sad to hear what

Meadows is going through he deals with depression and we all hope he’s going to be okay it seems really bad however shouldn’t you have realized esak parades was this good he’s a third baseman he’s got all kinds of power in Detroit he never could do anything he did in Tampa

And I know what you’re gonna say well Tampa’s a better organization they know how to develop people that’s fair but your job is to develop people as well alivila failed at every turn got an extension should not have awful GM nice guy like super nice guy that’s why I

Usually feel bad talking crap about him but such a nice dude just a horrific front office man aliv number one who’ I miss let me know comment section let me give you my honorable mentions very quickly Brad osus Brandon in Ryan raybird Troy Weaver Tom goris Andre Drummond Reggie Jackson Aaron Ward and

Riley shahan who’d I miss let me know in the comments section I promise we would read comments today but it’s 548 I literally got to go do a radio show so no comments today all the comments tomorrow thank you everybody for watching The Daily ticket let me know who I missed who

Is the all-time most disliked person in Detroit sports was it one of the 10 I listed was it one of my honorable mentions or did I totally miss somebody let me know in the meantime we’ll catch you tomorrow on a Friday Friday have a great day everybody see you


  1. For me, has to be Joe dumars. Sure, has there for the 2004 title but I feel like riger could be the gm and would’ve won with that team. He tanked the pistons and we have never been the same team. A total trainwreck from a pistons legend.

  2. Brad Ausmus. He was handed the keys to the Cadillac and crashed it. Another guy that was the smartest in the room but couldn’t pass it on to his players or staff.

  3. It’s amazing how Latino players have gone from Roberto Clemente, Orlando Cepeda, Juan Marichal and Mariano Rivera to fat losers like Juan Gonzalez, Manny Ramirez, Victor Martinez and now this guy. And there’s many more. And hey, guess what? You can’t get rid of him. This is why the NFL rules. Guys like Baez don’t hang around long in football. They are gotten rid of, contract be damned. This is why baseball desperately needs a salary cap.

  4. I love when he swings at sliders two feet out of the zone. Time and time again. He doesn’t want to be here, took the money and now regrets his decision.

  5. I'll put Al Avila like 9th.
    Prince F. Playoff stats is why he should be on this list, i dnt have a problem with the bringing sports failure home.

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