Golf Babe

🤷🏻TEXT TO SPEECH🙍🏻‍♂️ My Cousin Will Reveal My Secret If I Don’t Follow Her Plan ☘️ Roblox Story

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Copyright By Bella Story 👉 Please Don’t Reupload 🙌

#robloxstorytime #texttospeech #emojistorytime

Oh my God who is spamming the group chat hi’s I have to go check it out in group chat and then it was like hey guys it’s early in the morning but you guys are already spamming so much hey you just interrupted me girl oh sorry I didn’t

Notice but who are you girl I’ve never met you oh she is a new we added her to the group chat yeah so don’t be rude to her Michelle why do you have to tell me of that I have never been rude to anyone just in case guys

Why didn’t you guys ever tell me there was another girl in the group chat we just haven’t told you yet is that a matter no but I only know you guys not her so I just really wanted to talk to you guys well why don’t you try to get

To know her oh sure nice idea so Michelle introduce yourself to her okay I’m Michelle 15 what about you I’m Kim and I’m 14 okay nice to know you nice to know you anyways do you guys want to play some games sure okay join me in this five players Obby excuse me

But there’s six of us oh well I think you can play something else because to be honest I just want to play games with the rest what the hell girl that’s so rude I also want to play games with my friends Michelle you don’t have to be so

Overreactive you just need to play something else yeah now join me guys guys you guys aren’t planning on abandoning me are you sorry Michelle bye Michelle it’s not that big of a deal Michelle seriously this is I’m leaving wait Michelle hey Whitney what took you so long oh sorry my dad was calling me so hurry up everyone is waiting for you okay okay I’m joining with Michelle I can’t believe they became

Friends with that they stuck up with her instead of me it was unbelievable damn I will play some games to take my mind off it after playing Obby in group chat ha I like the way you keep falling Logan I slipped David why didn’t you do

Anything I was eating at that time girl I skipped breakfast and was very hungry oh hi guys hey you just interrupted David no she didn’t Kim you don’t have to lie Dave just say say what you want I know you don’t like her what the hell girl do you have any problem

With me Michelle stop overreacting Kim didn’t do anything to you stop being a baby what are you on girl Kim said Dave doesn’t like Michelle when Dave hasn’t even said it yet and you’re saying she doesn’t have a problem with Michelle yeah I also don’t understand why Kim was

So rude to Michelle oh gosh stop ganging up on me fine I’ll be nicer to Michelle I guess um thanks but if you don’t want to be nice to me that’s okay I don’t want you to force yourself to be nice to me Jennifer can we talk in private chat

Oh sure in private chat hey bro I don’t understand what you are doing you’re making them hate me more what if I get kicked no it’s not my fault you’re such an idiot shut up girl don’t raise your voice at me help me with everything you

Have or I will leak all your secrets to all your family and friends oh my God fine why am I even doing this again Michelle is one of my close friends because I want you to do it or unless you want your secret exposed so keep

Your mouth shut and help me don’t mess things up join back into the group I really hate her hopefully Michelle won’t be harmed by her in group chat what took them so long they were only gone for about 5 minutes hey I’m back yeah finally what finally we weren’t gone that long damn

Girl it’s just a joke whatever okay guys let’s play games together sure sure hey guys I found this game that game is called breaking Point Let’s go join me oh yeah it’s a pretty fun game I’ve played it a few times well come on join me guys I’ve never played that game before

But I guess it’ll be okay come on let’s go after playing the game for 3 hours you’re so good at this Michelle aw thank you so much Whitney yeah girl can you teach me haha of course no guys we should keep playing I’m very into it no

I find it very boring because of Michelle’s presence it stopped being fun yeah for real haha only losers think that game is not good oh my God shut up go hey that’s so rude Jennifer come private chat with me I’m no okay in private chat girl you have a

Problem with me right you are very rude to me all the time since Kim joined the group your behavior has been very strange I don’t know what you’re talking about there’s no need to hide it from me you are one of my close friends just tell me you’re ganging up on me with

Some pikme who you only met to days ago okay fine I’ll tell you Kimmy’s my cousin so what that’s no reason to be rude to me she’s forcing me to be mean to you her purpose is to get you kicked out of the group chat why would she do

That to me I haven’t even met her before you do know her girl she’s not Kim she is Ashley Ashley white what my ex yeah I’m sorry Michelle but please don’t tell her I told you I don’t want her to reveal my secret I won’t but what kind

Of secret is that that you have to be so afraid of Hayes I don’t want to repeat that it’s okay your secret is safe with me fine I slept with a dude when I was drunk oh my God you are 15 I know that’s why I don’t want anyone to know

Especially my parents well we have to find a way to deal with her or I will be kicked out of the group yeah I’ve already had a plan what is this I’ll tell you later now we need to go talk to everyone else without her knowing oh

Wait is she at your house right now because you can tell her your mother is calling her that would be the perfect excuse for her to leave we can take advantage of that time to tell this story in group chat nice idea come on come back to the group chat and I’ll

Tell her okay in group chat where are they going it’s been 10 minutes for real do you guys think they’re fighting or something we’re back sorry guys because we took so long it’s fine let’s play something guys yeah sure wait Kim I he I’m calling you wait are you guys

Sisters cousins anyways I’ll go check finally she’s gone now guys Michelle and I have something to tell you oh what is this tell us Kim is not her real name she is Ashley Ashley white and she’s trying to get me kicked out of the group chat but why does she want you

To get kicked hi she’s my ex oh that’s insane do you guys have any evidence for that not yet but I will try to come up with an idea to expose her why can’t we just kick her if so she will know that I revealed this and she will tell my

Family about my secret your secret what is that she slept with a dude when she was drunk Michelle why did you reveal it oh sorry I thought you wanted to reveal it to them no it always makes me feel very embarrassed it’s okay Jennifer yeah there’s nothing to be ashamed of we

Don’t judge you you don’t need to feel embarrassed with us oh thanks guys I appreciate but anyways we need to find a way to expose her I have an idea what is that Whitney she’s always rude to you Michelle so when she starts being mean to you record those things we’ll be able

To use those against her oh wait damn she’s coming back act normal guys okay hey Jennifer Jennifer oh sorry what’s wrong she wasn’t even calling me oh really I’m sorry I must have misheard okay whatever do you guys want to play something sure join me okay they played games for 2

Hours in group chat you’re so good Whitney thank you so much guys I feel quite tired I think I’ll go to sleep now wait before you go offline private chat me um okay in private chat maybe she’s planning to do something mean to me I will record this

Conversation listen I know you like Whitney but she’s mine so don’t try to date her what are you on about yeah I like someone in the group but it’s not Whitney you don’t need to lie to me I can see that if if you don’t like

Whitney then who do you like that’s none of your business anyways I’m leaving don’t be delusional anymore hey but you want to tell me something right not anymore hey wait in group chat hey what happened here just listen this Michelle shows the recording what I already have a boyfriend haha wait who

Do you have a crush on oh I just said that to get her off my back oh she’s coming back I’m going to leave now hi hey I’m so bored do you guys want to play Murder Mystery too sure join me guys they played murder mystery 2o for 2

Hours guys I’m back welcome back guys my mother is calling me I have to go oh okay wait what is she still at my house but my mother was in the kitchen and she was upstairs how could she hear my mother calling why don’t you try spying

On her yeah what if she’s planning something okay fine I will please wait for me a Moment finally I’m genius when I use this voice changer on this recording Michelle will definitely be kicked out of the group chat I will check it one last time Kim repls the recording again after using the voice changer damn why did she do this I should tell everyone about this as soon as

Possible hey what was that who’s there Jennifer are you spying on me no I just wanted to come see how you doing well shut up why did you come here well I was making a fake video to get Michelle kicked what the hell did Michelle even do to you girl I don’t

Care what you do but no matter what happens I’m on her side did you forget something no not again I can tell your parents about what really happened that night and why do you have to care about her so much she’s just annoying girl because I love her okay what really yes

I’m serious what the hell girl she’s my ex how could you do that to me oh please it’s not like she loves you anyways and you hate her why should you care whether I like her or not because I don’t want my cousin to date my ex and I won’t let

You be in love with her you are not my boss I will date whoever I want maybe I don’t have the right to stop you from doing anything but unless you want your secret revealed damn stop bringing up my secrets to scare me I don’t care about

It anymore just go and tell my parents I bet they won’t believe you you will regret that cousin damn why did I tell her I liked Michelle anyways I don’t care if she tells Michelle I will tell the group chat what happened in group chat and now she’s trying to act like she’s

Me guys I need to tell you guys this stop it Kim Jennifer told us all about you forcing her to change accounts and now you want us on your side no no guys it’s me the real me you guys can recognize my voice right just stop lying

Kim Jennifer told us you were using a voice changer yeah just stop the act wait no guys just listen to me I’m real Let Me Explain Jennifer has been kicked thanks for kicking her I couldn’t believe how much she had to do just to get her on my

Side yeah Whitney can I private chat you oh sure in private chat hey Whitney I have a bad feeling about what Michelle maybe we mistakenly kicked the real Jennifer yeah I don’t know there is no evidence for that at all how about we do a test

To find out who is the real one how like asked her things that only real Jennifer knows it’s worth a try I guess we need to find the other Jennifer ER yeah wait oh I have an idea tell me I’m still friends with her in Roblox I see she’s

Playing Obby right now join me and we’ll find her together okay should we tell the group about this I don’t think that’s a good idea yeah I think so too maybe they won’t believe us I’ll tell them I’m going to bed okay I’ll say I’m going to eat sound great join back into

The group and then I’ll join you in group chat why are you guys taking so long we are waiting for you to come play the game with us oh sorry I feel tired I’m going to take a nap now me neither I’m eating so I have to go to but you

Just what’s wrong with them anyways join me with Michelle and Whitney she’s still playing murder mystery too join me now wait what will we say to her I think just tell her we need to find out who the real Jennifer is okay let us join in Murder Mystery too oh look she’s over

There hey um Jennifer Michelle if you’re looking for me just to shout at me you’re wasting your time no I’m not looking for you for that so why are you looking for me to be honest we were looking for you because I didn’t know who the real Jennifer was so we need you

To test which one of you is the real one but why should I go with you you guys kicked me and surely Kim has prepared something she knows everything about me if you’re really the real Jennifer then just try it if you pass I will convince everyone for you actually I believe you

Because the other Jennifer behaved very rudely fine and thanks for trusting me now let’s go oh and wait is here too hi okay let’s get this over in group chat damn I’m terrible at playing Obby we can tell oh gosh why did Kim join I thought

We kicked her I kicked it Whitney and Michelle why did you add her because I want to see who is really Jennifer you guys believed Jennifer in Kim’s Avatar too easily we kicked the other Jennifer for no reason we don’t have any evidence

At all so I want to do a test to see who is the real Jennifer but I Noe but this is the first question what is Jennifer’s last name how old is she 14 who’s her Crush Michelle what no it isn’t it is hold on Jennifer crush on Michelle that’s insane

No way I don’t believe you what do you mean Jennifer told me that herself oh haha gotcha I knew it you are Kim you pretended to be her the whole time to get her kicked what a loser you are Kim you really Annoy Us we shouldn’t have

Trusted you tell them the truth Ashley you told them everything right you want me to reveal your secret just do it if you want I’m sick of being taken advantage of by you you can’t make me do whatever you want anymore because I don’t give a damn about what people

Think about me anymore my real friends already know about it I revealed that sacred to them myself and they didn’t judge me at all we accept Jennifer for who she is there’s no way we’ll abandon her just because of a few mistakes I don’t even see her fault in that case

Yeah you’re right so think about what would happen if I talked about it with her parents as I said I ain’t give a damn just do what you want don’t bring it up to threaten me anymore what will they do after hearing that you probably want me to be grounded don’t you it

Won’t be a big deal because at the end of the day my friends are always with me what about you what will you gain after telling them that you should worry about yourself because you won’t have any friend left you will be alone because of your rudess and the terrible you treat

People that’s why Whitney doesn’t even like you it’s enough shut up girl haven’t you been rejected by all the girls you like you should recognize the problem within yourself and improve it instead of continuing to treat people terribly I will tell you this actually I also know some of your bad Secrets but

Don’t worry I won’t use those things to take advantage of you I’m not like you what what do you know all your secrets you probably don’t want me to remind you right Kim try to find some new friends for yourself wait please give me a chance I will

Explain Kim has been kicked out of the group chat we’re sorry we didn’t believe you before Jennifer and Michelle I’m sorry for letting Kim treat you that way yeah I’m so sorry it’s all right we forgive you guys oh and one more thing I want to

Tell you Michelle what is that I like you Michelle oh really actually I also like you but you’re my ex’s cousin so I don’t want to tell you that yet then say it now I love you Jennifer Jennifer and Michelle started dating even though Jennifer was Kim’s cousin Grace is a new

Student at Blue Hill School Grace has asthma and in times of anxiety she must always use an inhaler this is my first lesson at Blue Hill school hope everything goes smoothly I have an important announcement for you today our class will welcome a new member please welcome Grace Grace come

In hi everyone hi Grace so let’s introduce yourself oh okay I I don’t worry be confidence so I’m Grace Grace Matthews I’ve only been here for a week this is the first time I go to a high class school like this hope I will receive your help sure

Grace So Grace come sit next to Liam yes teacher now we will continue the lesson hi Grace I’m Liam oh hi Liam you seem familiar here don’t worry if you encounter any difficulty just let me know I’ll help you oh he’s so nice so is there anything I can do to respond to

You you don’t have to do anything hum oh actually yes if you’re good at math you can help me solve some exercises oh okay sure Liam and Grace became best friends during primary school one day hi Grace hi Liam what’s the matter that made you invite me out here yeah I

Want to ask which school will you go to for school I plan to take the entrance exam to Lancaster Catholic High School for the gifted what about you do you want to study and take the exam with me actually I have my own plan oh what is

It actually I will study abroad in Germany oh really congrats but it means I won’t be with you for that long period of time yeah I know but you are my best friend we will keep in touch until you return yeah sure I will return soon okay

I’ll wait remember to buy me a souvenir when you come back sure I remember so I guess this is goodbye goodbye Grace I’m going to miss you goodbye Liam I wish you good luck while Liam was studying abroad Grace passed the Lancaster Catholic High School exam 5 years later on Grace’s way

To school the weather this morning is very clear I really like this weather it gives me a very pleasant feeling what a great day to go to school oh what kind of flower is that it’s so beautiful I’ll come closer to see it it smell is so fragrant oh

No looks like my asthma has come back again oh where is my inhaler where is it maybe I dropped it on the way oh no not now looking for this oh that’s right thank God give me that please oh that’s Sam the most attractive boy in school

This is the first time he has ever talked to me where did you pick it up I picked it up on the way here thank you oh where is he this guy always appears to be a very mysterious person hi Grace oh hi bestie how’s it

Going I’m good what about you girl yeah me too actually I just had an asthma attack and almost died oh really it was a long story I’ll tell you later okay do you want to come over to my house to play golf this weekend yeah sure and you

Can tell me about your asthma attack yes so see you on the weekend see you on the weekend on Grace’s private course so how does it all happen actually nothing much happened between us that day I had an asthma attack when I accidentally inhaled some pollen and

Then I couldn’t find my inhaler anywhere while I thought I was going to die he appeared at that moment I felt like he was my savior but when I was about to thank him he had already left oh my God bestie could it be that he secretly likes you I don’t think so

He just tried to help me at that moment but you know he has never talked to any girl before this must mean something even so so what he’s also not my type I don’t like the way he always acts so mysterious there are some rumors that he

Has a gang outside he is a bully then he is even more unsuitable for me no it will make your love story even more adorable the title of it would be mafia boss and his Queen haha ouch stop dreaming and fantasizing you idiot yet oh is a plane about to land here

This is a private corse why could they land here oh is that you Liam yes it’s me long time no see oh exactly it’s you I miss you so much oh exactly it’s you we haven’t seen you for 5 years but you look like a prince yeah yeah I know I also missed

You so much gorgeous haha thank you handsome oh and who is this why are you playing golf with your servants Liam she’s not hey you go get me some fresh orange juice quick really do I look like a maid to you yes Liam she’s not my maid

And her name is Tori she’s my high school best friend so please be nice to her oh okay sorry Tori huh whatever now I need to see your mom we will have a lot of work to do where’s your mom oh it seemed like my mother was preparing food

In the kitchen just try going there first if it wasn’t there my mother would probably be working in her room okay see you yeah see ya who is he is he your boyfriend no he was my childhood best friend really that’s the guy you told me about yes

He doesn’t seem like what you told me about him he just sounds like an idiot don’t judge him so early maybe he behaved like that because he was tired after a long flight believe me he is a nice guy the next day at school oh is that Liam yes what is he doing

Here oh my God God handsome boy I fell can you help me oh my dress it’s worth $2,000 and now it’s dirty I need some love and comfort attention everyone you should feel lucky because I will be studying at your school from now on and ladies I know I’m super handsome and attractive

But unfortunately for you I’m not available your best friend is so arrogant yeah he sounds so pompous oh hi Grace yeah hi Liam you started studying here why didn’t you tell me anything yesterday I was in such a hurry that I didn’t have time to say

Anything so let’s go to class together I will sit next to you why is that handsome guy with such an ugly girl it makes me so jealous in class Grace and Liam were always looked at with jealous Eyes by everyone but Grace always paid attention to Sam’s sitting position later that

Day hey Grace the results of the last exam are out really yes it is posted on the notice board let’s check it out okay oh Grace you’re not the one with the best results what let me see what the heck was Sam the person who got the highest score yes Sam results were

Better than you into subjects I really don’t understand he either sleeps in the classes or doesn’t even attend them but he’s always in the top five and now he’s freaking number one that’s crazy yeah it’s ridiculous how can he beat me maybe he studies in dark alleys all night after beating someone

Up ouch oh Sam if you’re curious you only have to ask why don’t you tell me okay but it’s a secret I need to come closer oh he’s so Charming am I in love with him I’m just really really smart smarter than you of course and I might

Be smarter than Einstein gosh he’s so arrogant who are you and can you step away from Grace I could ask you the same question but I’m not in the mood you are lucky today hey Grace we’ve been apart for 5 years can I invite you to dinner tonight yes

Sure so pm at Chambersburg restaurant okay I’ll be there okay see ya see ya in the evening at Chambersburg restaurant Liam and grace are having a good time so cheer for my return for your return this is your salmon dish this is your beef steak I ordered a

Sizzling steak not your stupidity Liam what are you doing it’s looked completely fine no it’s not what’s wrong with your dish sir the steak doesn’t Sizzle enough and it’s not even the center of the plate the presentation of this dish is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen you’re

Fired oh sir you can’t do that I’m the owner of this restaurant my dad owns half of the city I’m going to have your restaurant shut down for disgusting food come Grace we’re leaving Liam you’re so rude how do you talk to people like that I’m rich I can

Talk to anyone any way I want Grace I thought today would be the perfect date then they ruined it I was angry because today meant a lot to me you’re wrong you’re the one who ruined everything noon ruined anything wait a date I thought this was just a dinner between

Friends come on Grace you know I told everyone that I’m not available and they expect us to be together I want it our family wants it but I don’t want it I never even thought about that and you have no right to decide anything in my life why are you being so difficult

Don’t mess things up like this anymore Liam where’s the old told you I really miss him the kind boy who used to be my best friend give me back that person I don’t want to just be friends with you Grace I’ll do anything to be more than

That it seems like things between us will never be the same again the next day at the canteen hey Grace that’s Sam he’s so handsome why does he look so stressed when answering the phone maybe he’s talking to his adviser adviser for what you don’t know every Mafia has his own

Advisor and they’re probably planning on their next victim you’re silly girl but what exactly is he doing that makes him so stressed I’m very curious about this because he often misses school and has very mysterious disappearances hey where is he going I’m wondering the same as you let me follow

Him hey wait for me in the library great this is a great opportunity for me to see how he learns oh he’s asleep I will come and take his notebook to see what he notes in it wow such a cute handwriting get off my hand what were you planning

To do I uh I oh he’s holding my hand my heart is fluttering again was he awake all the time answer me I just wanted to grab that book next to your notes okay I have a really important question for you Grace it’s now or never um yeah what is

It what lotion do you use your hands are really soft phw pants down chick oh he’s still holding my hand I uh I need to go to the toilet bye later that day oh hi Grace H hi please don’t talk about the note please don’t talk about

The note so finally what were you planning to do with my notes from before still trying to figure out how I got better results than you I told you already I just came to pick up the book near your notes do you think I will believe it it doesn’t make any sense oh

Yeah so what do you think is the reason here you are I’ve been looking for you for a long time oh looks like the elevator has a problem we’re stuck in here come I’ll call someone to help us oh okay why are you ignoring me is it about last night

Fine I’ll forgive that stupid Chef can you focus on finding a solution we’re stuck and the temperature in here is heating up why don’t we make it hotter what are you doing oh my God holy cheese if Liam has the body of a fitness instructor Sam has

The body of a Greek god I looked like an idiot standing between them why are you two taking off your shirt you’re right it’s really hot if I don’t take off my shirt I will die of Suffocation okay I have to go oh my God it’s so hard to

Breathe they’re so hot but I like Sam’s body better oh my God I can’t get the image of shirtless Sam out of my head I wish I could touch it then oh I forgot I have to go home now to prepare for the charity food distribution tonight forget it and wake up

Grace in the evening I’m finally done oh wait is that Sam that’s him what is he doing here oh they are exchanging something under the table they’re going somewhere I have to follow him oh they are going down to a basement should I go down there ah

Damn oh my God it turns out this is something he’s been hiding for a long time is there going to be a gang in this Room oh what is it simply a quiz competition oh Sam is competing on stage I’ve been overthinking everything oh did he see me and fall haha he’s so cute what Grace what is she doing here let’s focus Again Sam after the competition and the champion is Tony Garin congratulations damn outside the

Competition I lost by 1.5 seconds because I was distracted when I saw you it is the 60th digital qualifier Next Generation Championship cup and I should have won to complete my badges so he’s actually a nerd with the appearance of a bad boy I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to

Follow you I don’t accept the apology so what do you want how about going out for dinner with me right now oh sure if that’s what you want in the restaurant your order for me anything is fine please feel free to order I pay

Today no let me pay I’m the one at fault no because you are the one at fault you must listen to my orders oh my God he’s so nice I really want to get to know him after ordering so Sam can I ask you something about what about about yourself let’s

Save it until we ride okay now I’m so hungry I’m not in the mood to say anything oh okay sure he’s still so mysterious 1 hour later so what do you want to ask um I I oh damn why is it raining at this time it will rain harder and harder we have

To find shelter okay a few minutes minute later we finally found shelter did you get wet a lot Grace I’m okay don’t worry it’s look like the rain won’t stop tonight I have text my parent and tell them that I will stay with Tori tonight done I’m sorry you got dragged

Into all of this no it was my fault I shouldn’t follow you my curiosity caused you to lose the competition and put us in this situation it’s okay there are dozens of competitions coming up but I didn’t expect you to be a nerd Sam before Tori and I always thought you

Were a gangster or Mafia we thought you had to beat people every night because of your bad boy appearance and cold personality haha what is it about my appearance that makes you think I’m a Gangster your black leather jacket it makes you very mysterious ha he’s so

Cute this is the first time I’ve seen him laugh so ACC according to you all nerds have to wear glasses and can’t wear leather jackets this is the first time I’ve seen a cool nerd like you you’re coughing you must be feeling very cold come closer to me my body heat

Can help you feel warmer oh yeah it’s it’s helping I’m relieved both of them fell asleep until the next morning oh it’s morning wake up Sam we have have to go to school but we can’t go to school with wet clothes like this I’ll take you shopping for some new clothes at

Store how do I look in this outfit oh you’re gorgeous Grace oh thank you Sam okay we are good let’s get back to the school at school are you out of your mind why did you come with that stupid gangster buzz off Liam it’s not of your business I

Can’t believe you’re choosing him over me you forget that we grew up together you forgot your clothes last night on my motorbike what what did you do with him last night no it’s not what you were thinking I will get the inhaler for you I will too back off man you back off

Idiot guys stop fighting over that trash girl I’m right here one of you can have me I take either of you or I can take both of you give me this you back off okay that’s enough you two stop it I will take it myself Grace I’m loving the fact that

Two hotties are fighting over you but I’m team Sam Liam is going to in the story ouch you’re silly girl my life is not a Cheesy fanfiction seems like it anyway in the following days Sam and Grace start hanging out and it drives Liam even crazier let me do it by myself okay

Let’s see 1 minutes later I finished oh less than a minute brains and beauty you’re really something else Grace hey Sam I challenge you let’s have a fencing sport match tomorrow after school oneon-one the winner can date Grace and the loser should back off forever are you out of your mind I am

Not the prize of a meaningless competition see you tomorrow then what see you don’t be late why did you accept that challenge it’s the only way for him to back off I’ll win I promise okay but be careful I don’t believe Liam will play fair don’t worry I love you the next

Day ready to lose idiot in your dream the game Start after 10 minutes Sam is leading by five points but an incident happened when the match was getting intense Liam cheated he changed to a harder sword Sam fell down oh Sam ouch get up boy hey you’re cheating you forgot we don’t have rules haah keep playing or I’ll get Grace my

Leg hurts so much I must defeat him otherwise I will lose Grace forever you can do it Sam she is cheering for me I can’t let her down yes I can do it come come on Sam you can do it but Sam finally stood up when the score was

Tied I haven’t lost yet ha Loser come on boy show me what you got Sam won the decisive score what how after the match you lost Liam keep your word yeah I know but why was you able to score that ball I was playing tricks on you I

Don’t know I must have been empowered by love I got my respect bro even though I don’t want to leave Grace you really deserve better than me Grace when you’re with him if anything goes wrong come find me I I I got to go wishing you guys happiness

Together after Sam’s efforts Sam and grace are happily together as for Liam he flew to Germany to continue studying abroad so he could forget Grace the end


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