Golf Players

PGA Tour Board Member Honest with Reporters Before Saudi PIF Meeting in Bahamas

Peter Malnati player director on the PGA Tour Policy Board was honest with reporters on Saturday at The Players Championship about meeting with the Saudi PIF in the Bahamas at New Albany….

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Peter malady is on the PGA tour policy board after his round on Saturday at the Players he got in front of the microphones and had some interesting things to say today we’re going to go over his press conference we’re gonna have his audio and we’ll comment on that Dark

Star off today probably still hanging over from his uh St Patty’s Day today’s Monday and the boys are meeting in the Bahamas with the piff with yaser alayan we’ll have that story tomorrow hopefully tomorrow if we can get some details about it let listen to this audio from

Malady at the Players asked about a meeting that may be happening on Monday and here’s Peter uh can you come in on the reports of a meeting Monday uh somewhere around here I don’t even think our membership knows anything about a meeting on Monday yet um I I I don’t

Know the details of it um yeah I just I think it’s Saturday the meeting is already in motion because it’s happening today in the Bahamas planned obviously you need a venue you you need basic stuff you don’t just show up and meet in the lobby of the

Airport and here’s one one of the key guys there’s only uh what six policy board members that are players and and malat is one of those you got tiger and the guys right Adam Scott all those guys spe and he’s freely and I don’t think he’s

Full of it here he’s just being honest he’s like I I don’t know and I on the one hand can you blame him I mean he’s there to potentially win the golf tournament now that’s a long shot for him but he wants to play well he wants

To get a nice payday he’s earning a living out there and but uh you know it’s 48 hours later this meeting and it is happening so that is that just what does that say about the the board they’re not really working as one unit tiger presumably as we’ve been saying

All along is running the show on the players side maybe spe right alongside with them and tiger you can bet your bottom dollar he’s not even at the Players he’s probably already in the Bahamas and we’re assuming it’s at Albany right where he has a place where

The the Hero World Challenge is held unclear why they would be doing it there other than just to keep the Press away because you can’t get into the Albany Club facility without passing through security so there’ll be no reporters they land in Nassau they F right on over

To Albany and it’s nice and private and luxurious and all the things that these guys would want uh let’s go on here with some some other malat comments uh so he goes a little bit deeper let me get over here you got to listen to this this is

Uh kind of funny as well but I want to see a unified game where when we have events like the PLAYERS Championship um you know that we have we have all the best players in the world and we’re proud to call him PJ tour members that’s okay he’s speaking from the same

Book that a lot of these guys have been speaking from oh we need a unified game we need all the best players together but he throws a beautiful little kicker in here which is I I want I just want to be proud to call them all PGA Tour

Players well let’s listen to that again I want there to be you know different tours where guys can play I want that but I want to see a unified game where when we have events like the Players Championship ship um you know that we have we have all the best players in the

World and we’re proud to call them PJ tour members that’s that’s so what does that mean Pete uh so Rah Kea Smith you know the the three guys that have won the three of the last five Majors you know those guys uh and not including a whole bunch of other

Guys that should be at the if you want to have a premier event a major or what you would consider the fifth major if you’re a PG tour fan you need those guys you have to have those guys you got to have the young upand comers you got to

Have Walkin Neeman you got to have those guys got to have Taylor G that’s just a requirement in addition to the superstars okay so but they’re going to be PGA Tour members what exactly do these guys talk about when they’re around the conference table at these board

Meetings who is feeding them this line and the only thing that makes sense to Darkstar and me is that the tour leadership and let’s assume that that currently is Tiger Woods and Jay Monahan with perhaps Jimmy Dunn and Ed hurle he taking a bit of a backseat since we’ve

Always said that those guys Dunn and hurle the and the independent board members the non-players the business guys the tycoons the Wall Street guys they’re tight with the SSG guys to some extent and and the piff move is what they want they put that together in the

Framework that was their whole idea and now the players have taken over the Asylum and we’re not headed in that direction but I don’t we don’t believe that hurle and Dunn have changed their minds no no no no uh it’s safe to assume that J Monahan is where J you would

Assume a guy like Jay Monahan who we don’t respect as CEO of anything could be the nicest guy in the whole world could be the biggest jerk in the whole world we don’t care we’re looking at this as a business the business of golf if you’re going to have a professional

Sport it better be well-run and he ain’t the guy so what’s he doing he’s in job preservation mode so if he’s oh I better be snuggly with SSG and tiger because that’s the way the wind is blowing because I want a job I’m making $15 million a year there isn’t another

Job on the planet ever that I could make $15 million a year if I’m J Monahan so I’m hanging on this thing like Grim death I don’t care what it makes makes me look like that’s what I’m doing and if the wind starts blowing the other way

Then I’ll be out there singing the Praises of the piff and Yas Alan once again and I’ll try to get a job there too so forget Monahan but what exactly is is the PGA Tour telling guys like Pete Milady it can only be one thing live is gonna go out of business

Live has no viewers live has no fans you can turn it on and see for yourselves guys and of course they don’t that they live there’s nobody there there’s nobody there there’s nothing happening you know I won’t say what I want to say so what they believe that and we’ll go to some

Tape here of monatti I’ll get to that sound right now actually maybe we’ll just do that they believe this they believe that live golf is going away therefore there must be a pathway back to the PJ tour because only if Liv stops functioning will all all those guys need

A place to go play and most if not all those guys are going to want to play on the PGA tour they’re not going to want to play in Asia or in Europe although some of them probably would try Europe um that’s that’s what he believes and

That’s what he keep saying all right let’s get some more audio here uh ready go that’s that’s that’s what I that’s what I want um I don’t know how we get there but that’s what I want are you a little surprised I mean we t a couple of

Us talked to Webb about this last week like he was said I’ve never met anybody from the public investment fund never spoke to them I’m not talking Yer but even like at their lower levels do you not need to know what they want well that’s I mean that that that

That is why you know our our commissioner has been saying for months that the next step is to have um yaser meet with players of the PGA Tour um he’s been saying that for months and there oh yeah how did we missed that J Monahan’s been saying for months months

And months and months almost Pete says here months that of course the players need to meet with the piff I mean every time I see Jay in front of a microphone we hear that come on now I don’t think again I don’t think malady he does not strike me as a he’s

Not Peter is obviously an accomplished player he would not have a tour card on any tour and there he is with a tour card but his his his ability to be a corporate shill and go out and lie in front of a camera like Monahan is trained to do and

Other corporate people are trained to do or at least Lie by Omission they’re not going to tell you what they’re actually thinking and doing and they’re going to mislead you that’s not really a lie uh I just didn’t say what we were really doing and of course all companies do

That um and certainly the PG tour has been busy doing that look no further than J June June 6th oh we’re going to have a joint venture with the guys that we’ve been hating for the last year and a half okay and there are many examples

Of that but malady here he he’s telling the truth as far as he sees it so who’s telling him presumably in a board meeting or on a board call that of course the players need to meet with the piff well Monahan he’s been telling him oh yeah

Yeah we need to get that set up we’ll get right to that we’re I’m on that don’t don’t worry I got that covered there’s been obviously all sorts of challenges to making that happen but um but no of course that’s essential what what challenges would those be this is the

Challenges to having a meeting with the piff and yasur Alan well of course he doesn’t tell us that but that maybe getting his chickens rounded up Tiger Woods and the Gang have no real interest in the piff at the moment so maybe that’s the challenge but he actually believes us stuff you could

Have a meeting you know three four months ago Peter I mean that’s that’s absolutely essential because at at its core like players have no business running the PGA Tour but this is a member all right we’re going to skip over this part he is he’s been sort of

Grilled on this comment I I unnecessarily unfairly he’s not saying the players have no business running the tour in that strict context he’s saying the tour needs professional management and we’re players we want to play golf and win tournaments and he’s right that you need to have players on the board

Not in the management meetings that’s different the board you know tends to the vision and the big stuff and the little stuff or medium stuff and little stuff is run by the pros you know presumably the commissioner and his team although we don’t respect manahan um so

Let’s get skipping ahead here let’s go to another really interesting one here we go uh ready go what ever it is like players should have involvement and knowledge of that and even input like players do not need to be running this organization but you know we certainly

Yeah we certainly should be a part decisions like that right he’s right unfairly criticized for that one I I think we’ve almost swung the pendulum too far in the other direction now after what happened on June 6 where players now that is interesting we’ve swung the pendulum too far in the players

Direction players are he me means he can’t mean anything else that the players are running the show now and it’s too far and the whole organization were left in the dark the pendum has swung too far to where players are probably feeling like they have you know more input than

Than we should um and so I think I think as it comes back to sort of neutral um I think we’re going to land in a really sweet spot where is that a swipe at Tiger Woods I could be but it’s certainly on its face saying that we’re

Not operating in the right spot right now the players have too much say so and he’s right and if for no other reason than the players you talk about hurting cats hurting the chickens the players have you know if you talk to aund the hundred

Top players on the PGA tour at any given moment you’re going to get you know a 100 different points of view and you’re going to get 50 very different points of view on big topics because they’re all working for themselves and they have their own agendas and they’re all in

Different places not all there’s how many groups maybe there’s four or five groups of players that might have similar professional Ambitions because of their age because of their ability Etc there’s way too many cooks in the kitchen to get anything out of the kitchen that’s going to look right so

You you you can’t have that and I think malat right on the money there I give him credit for that uh let’s get to the six minute Mark and check this out yeah that’s that’s obviously that that’s that might be that might be the thing that’s

Most top of mind for for people um all we missed the question there the question was what about players coming back the Live players what about them coming back to the PGA tour for this Grand unified uh game that you’d like to see that you said a minute ago Peter how

How’s that going to work and you you’d find opinions that run the gamut from guys who just have a line in the sand that Say Never And then guys who say you know obviously I man think Rory’s been pretty outspoken that you know he wants to see the best players playing on the

PJ tour um and so you know the he Rory actually hasn’t said that Peter what he’s really said is that there there needs to be a World Tour there needs to be one super tour that all the best go and play in at least some time some of the time we’re

Going to have to net out somewhere in the middle and I don’t think you know I don’t I don’t think I think I think the easiest most likely route we go when we do find a way for guys to come back just you know guys aren’t coming back to the

PJ tour with membership on the PJ tour they’re coming back to the PJ tour as guys are going to have to earn their way back here and you know I think there’s certain you know there’s now you can’t believe that unless what I said just a

Few minutes ago is true the the tour Monahan and his team are feeding malat and guys like malat and B board memb you know you can imagine what the rank and file are getting Liv’s gone man there’s no way they’re going to we got our money

From SSG Liv’s going to be pouring money into a hole and they’re going to quit that at some point it’s unsustainable they they’re you know that’s just not going to make it so really we don’t have to worry about that what we need to think about is do we let them back here

Or not okay okay certain benefits that we’ve been able to establish and put in place which will be you know really really good for the PJ tour coordinat membership and and our fans too this you know this this player Equity plan I don’t understand it a little bit above

My head but I certainly know enough now that’s I have to stop the tape and this player Equity thing in the PJ tour Enterprises that’s going to be great too now I don’t understand it it’s over my head let’s let’s rewind the tape on that one tour with membership on the PTA tour

They’re coming back to the PJ tours guys are going to have to earn their way back here and you know I think there’s certain you know there’s certain benefits that we’ve been able to establish and put in place which will be you know really really good for the PJ

Tourn it’s membership and and our fans too this you know this this player Equity plan I don’t understand it it’s a little bit above my head but I certainly know enough to say that I really do support it I am all for it I don’t know

How it works at all but I’m all for it now this guy votes at the board for stuff to happen or not happen I mean that’s qualif that in a public company that’s that’s uh that’s grounds for dismissal your dereliction of Duty you don’t your job is to understand that

Kind of highlevel visionary stuff or get the heck off the board I’m I’m all for it but I don’t know really how it works yeah it’s not going to work for any of the players anybody you know anybody that knows anything about corporate structures I you you know you your players come and

Go you could have a two-year career you could have a 20y year career on the PJ tour and you only have this much stock okay you have a 100 shares pick a round number a million shares doesn’t matter you’re going to start giving out stock options to Legends of the game because

You know Tiger’s got his hat in the middle of all that I want I want that I want more of that less of over there and all of that and so they’re going to hand it all out and then eight years from now what are they going

To hand out okay that that’s problem number one problem number two stock options and Equity awards are possibly worth something for essentially two reasons a liquidity event you sell the company and you trade your shares in for cash because you just sold the company oh well we’re not going to do that

Obviously I got to sell the tour probably not uh although there is a wrinkle there that we’ll mention in a second or you pay dividends and they’re going to start paying out profit or cash flow to past players or is that something you take away with you in the pension fund okay

Yeah you could structure it that way but then what do you give the guys 20 years from now you’re you’re you’re running out of of of stock because it’s not set up for a uh like a company it’s a continuing sport now what what if pivoting back to

What I just said about the liquidity event what if the the the secret there uh that’s going on in Tiger’s mind particularly in tiger as he races to gain another billion dollars so he can catch up with Michael Jordan and LeBron James uh yeah we’re goingon to get our

Awards now and then we’re g to do a up round with the piff we’re gonna value the PJ tour at 5 billion or three billion right now get our stock grants our stock options valued at that number five billion and then we’re going to sell a whole bunch of stock to the

Piff valuing the whole thing at 20 so our investment going to go up triple the three bagger either two three four bags you know what D you know crazier things have been said and maybe done but in this instance the piff is not naive come on uh quite the opposite they’re a

Sophisticated Global investor uh you guys are going to what no no no we’re not investing in the PGA Tour so you we can fund your stock options no that’s not going to happen and maybe I don’t think Peter’s been told this either obviously you didn’t understand anything but Tiger’s probably thinking that

Possibility SSG owners to tour and guys who violated our policies aren’t ever going to be eligible for that and that’s yeah because I know John ROM is really interested in coming back and get Equity shares in the PJ tour when there’s no liquidity um in in Li of the hundreds of

Millions that he’s just gotten so just more goofiness more goofiness all right here’s another good one here’s Pete malady validating what Darkstar and I have been saying for maybe a couple three months now about the rank and file it was in our conspiracy show most recently uh conspiracy of four where the

Rank and file is one of those groups that do that are never piffers and why would that be watch how malady validates this this piece of the conspiracy for the rank and F right listen closely and we’ll play it right now as a player I know you

Know I’m I don’t know if you guys paying attention I’m sure you do cuz you’re you’re great but I don’t even want to play on the corn fairy tour right now cuz the players are so good it’s not like I need better players to come play against but you know whoever wins this

Golf there there you go I I it’s not like we need now he’s talking about the you know the John ROMs of the world coming back to the PJ tour and his little brain not little brain I’m sorry Pete his I’m looking at Pete here on my

Screen the his brain now he’s doing this you know on the stump and he’s not a trained Communicator so this is hard to do uh so give him some slack but you know I don’t even want to play now the the reporters didn’t ask him that directly he pivoted there all by himself

I I don’t even really want to play on the corn faery tour I mean that’s hard to win to make make a living and that is where the rank and file is coming from Pete Mady is the rank and file he’s a rank and file player he’s never won any

You know anything of consequence uh he’s the face of the rank and file and that’s why he’s on the board he’s probably very popular with the middle of the road player and a middle of the road player on the PG tour that has a card is an excellent player

But not compared to the top 20 guys that are in the top 20 sort of year in and year out we don’t need need more competition that’s really the last thing we need on the other hand to keep purses now he doesn’t say this but he knows to

Keep purses high and to keep fans engaged we have to have the best players or nobody will watch and we won’t have a sport so how do we balance that and that’s the challenge that conspirators have SSG tiger the the the independent board members and the rank and those are

The four conspiracy groups from that video you go watch this a couple weeks ago um they they sort of have a similar objective but very different motives keep the piff out and from malady’s point of view he’d really let’s just let you know maybe John and kka we’ll get

Rah and Kea and then keep all those other guys out let them retire somewhere and go play the Asian tour because then I Pete malady and the guys that I represent have a much better crack at you know finishing 30th or 20th in a tournament like the players instead of 10 20 spots

Down which you do the math that’s a massive amount of money just having another 10 live guys at the Players is going to skew the cut I mean if neeman’s there guc is there hatton’s there there’s a long list I mean it’s it’s it’s a decent list that that that maybe

Malat doesn’t make the cut well that that’s a big payday to Signature event and he knows that and the rank and file believe me they’re they’re looking at their finances every week like oh man and and figuring out how to put the not nickels but to put money together they’ve worked their

Tails off to get here and they sure don’t want to give it away and you know malady here’s a good chance to say how he finished so this whole presser is on Saturday after he plays well on Sunday he shoots the highest score in the field

What a you know a shame for him but he’s plus nine I believe it is he’s nine over on Sunday at the Players to finish I think third from the bottom he so he’s almost dead last now is that his game is that somebody got to him on Saturday night

After this presser and said hey man there’s a meeting on Monday uh don’t go out there talking about the fact that you don’t know about it you should know about it you’re a board member so don’t do that again and the meetings in the Bahamas you got you can jump on one of

The tour Jets and we’ll get you over there it’s a short hop from very short hop from panav VRA over to to Nassau you know it’s a 15 minute gig 20 minute gig not 15 it’s a 20 25 minute flight you get right there you get in get out and

And lo and behold his game disintegrates the next day you know the joy of being on the PGA tour policy board right now okay and here’s the the final little bit uh from malady uh which is it really is a perfect example of how not plugged in at least him as a policy

Board member is to the overall situation with the piff and live golf which is their focus it has to be it’s a it’s a a Monumental problem for them and and you would think that the board would be all over it okay here’s a little diddy on

Team golf do you do you see Peter um pathway or how how you integrate team golf what do you see as the biggest obstacle I guess yeah that that was so that that’s something I I need to understand better what um you know what yaser is really trying to accomplish it

Cuz like if we look at you know I obviously the greatest team event off right now is the rider cup and it’s incredible but what this sort of I I I I don’t know live what they’re doing but it seems like a very forced team model

To me when at the end of the day are there any fans that care which team won the tournament like and I I don’t know I don’t know what fans of Liv want or care about but like are there any fans that care who won like that seems so

Contrived to me and so like I feel like we could also create some contrived team golf something somewhere outside of the FedEx Cup season but like what what does he really want is a question that I want to understand better because I why don’t you throw in a a reference

To the tomorrow Golf League that would work right here I don’t think it’s some contrived fake you know add up random guy scores and call him a team I don’t think that’s it I think what he means is more stuff like the riter cup I would I

Would guess but I have no clue cuz I haven’t talked to him um I have no clue cuz I haven’t talked to him but you haven’t picked up a a golf publication and just I don’t know maybe spent 10 minutes maybe while you’re in the bathroom figuring out what lives doing

Just as a model it’s not that complicated might take you 10 whole minutes to have an understanding so you might be able to express some you know interesting points at the board when you’re talking about how to compete with them um so that’s I I I don’t think I

Don’t see I don’t see a way that we incorporate team golf into the FedEx Cup schedule I just don’t I don’t I personally don’t want that but oo it might get an icy stare from Tiger Woods when they walk down the hallway for the next board meeting you what do

You mean that tgl where I’m going to play Tiger Woods where I don’t have to walk uh what do you mean we’re not going to get you know integrated in it’s I we want points we we won all that for the team golf what are you talking about

Melatti I can always have my mind changed if I see a great idea but personally I don’t want that and I don’t see a way that we do that that we integrate team golf within the FedEx Cup schedule we’re going to have now that is expressing truthfully the Viewpoint of

The rank and file the rank and file isn’t a part of the team golf they’re not invited to the tomorrow Golf League or it’s always tomorrow they’re not there it’s the it’s another giveaway to the top players so if you’re in the top 30 then rock on but if you’re not in the

Top 30 then team golf is what they’re going to get even more money out of the PGA Tours coffers that’s less money for us so malady truthfully is expressing that Viewpoint so he is being representative of the rank and file which is his job so good for him some

Time to play with in the fall I think we’re going to have some options but I don’t I just don’t know so to clarify you are you are not a big cleaks guy I’m sorry all right you’re not looking at the picture but you hear him I’m sorry

He has no idea literally what the what that reference to the clicks is now granted we don’t like the name or at least I really don’t like the live team names and have said so from the beginning but I mean you’re on the board of the competitor that’s can you imagine

The uh a board member of Toyota not knowing what a Porsche 911 is maybe a Honda Accord they I I think their business model though they see those teams as franchises that could be sold and so like that’s a poal Revenue Source you know in terms now you hear that you

Have to listen closely there oh that’s malat responding to the reporter oh they see them as franchises really he’s never heard that before and it’s obvious in his face and his expression he’s oh if if you if you were to go down this road like you got the Washington commanders and the

Pittsburgh Steelers and the like like and you’re going to have a I I listen I’m not I’m just I’m just the messenger no no I I have no idea but they that was that was their business plan interesting like the captains have is that what is

That is that simp you guys must love me because I sit up here and ask questions and don’t shut up I should probably just leave but um is I mean is that what is that what we’re doing with this tgl thing like the TL the the teams of that

Are like owned by owners I just the only reason I even know that is cu I saw um the Atlanta thing there’s a team in Atlanta and it’s like owned by the same guy that owns the Falcons who’s now come on to the PJ tour Enterprises board and

That sound the guy you think you would have the name there right the guy that uh you know that rich guy that owns the Falcons he owns that Atlanta tgl thing I think I saw that that’s really exciting but I had no idea now he’s going to see tiger today

At the at the meeting in in the Bahamas that’s what tgl is so so so there you go there’s some team golf we we’ll whack it inside a dome or whatever they’re doing and Peter something you said ear there’s what the rank and file thinks about the uh the the tomorrow Golf

League where you whack it into a screen in the dome to them it’s it’s just a giveaway to the top players I mean Mady doesn’t take it seriously and you know Tiger Woods take we should we could play the tape of tiger talking about tgl at the

The Genesis just a couple weeks ago and then run it up against his fellow board member and what he thinks of tgl tiger with the the negotiations with the piff how much of an issue is is team Golf and what is your opinion on team golf fitting into the the future sport yeah

What how team golf is it it’s going to be a part of the tour it is part of the tour we have we had tgl so um what that looks like as far as official events goes you know that we don’t know what that looks like yet as of now what

Tomorrow Golf League provides it is team golf it is it’s going to be entertaining now whether or not we can trans put that together with with official events you know we don’t know what that looks like and that’s one of the reasons why we

Have SSG to be a part of of what that could possibly look like and so there there might be a awkward conversation n tiger does he won’t bother to talk about it probably with malady but he’ll say something to somebody hey get malady on board with the tgl hurry up so there you

Have it uh malady to give him credit he he went to the microphone he spoke his mind he he communicated effectively what the rank and filed which is his constituency that’s why he’s got a seat on the board he’s not Tiger Woods he’s the opposite of Tiger Woods he the

Tomorrow Golf League yeah what that’s like a clown show he didn’t say that but that’s sure what his body language and his level of knowledge I don’t know he knows about the the same amount maybe a smidge more about the tgl as he does about live golf so he is checked out in

A lot of ways from the board and yet there he is on the board so very Illuminating uh press conference and thank you Peter for for doing that so today Monday March what is it March 18th after St Patrick’s Day everybody’s going to be meeting in New Albany there in

Nassau we’ll hopefully get some details although they’re not going to probably release too many details but who knows maybe somebody will get to a microphone and say something uh about what came out it’ll probably be a prepared statement and you know not exactly the truth Truth

Uh and there’ll be some Lies by Omission but we’ll be on that we’ll bring it to you so for now for Darkstar who’s still busy recovering from St Patrick’s Day B team is out if you’d like more thinking Man shows and topics then subscribe to our audio podcast that is where you will

Get at least three new shows every week and topics that will never get to YouTube and there are a lot of those that we like to talk about that will’ll never get to YouTube use the link in the video description below and thank you again for being a fan


  1. proud to be a pga tour member malnati isn't proud to be a great golfer just a player making more money now because most of all the players that beat him every week are now playing on LIV his T68 position at the players would have been a missed cut and no cheque if the LIV players were there and there is another fifty players like malnati on the pga tour now making more money with their ability, then they would have ever earned before LIV they should be thanking LIV for all their extra money they now get

  2. To be honest you are out of touch. You must not watch LIV, must not have been to a LIV event and it’s way better IMO. It’s a start up and to be honest almost all my friends from 40 and under enjoy LIV more. Take a step back, grow up, look into both equally, experience both equally then do your job and report. You are acting like an amateur right now with your 5K subscribers.

  3. The fact that someone on the Player board doesn’t even understand the worthless equity plan they put in place is hilarious. Shows how easy it was to put something in place that sounded good to people with no business knowledge.

  4. These PGA players who say, "LIV players will have to earn their way back" is so laughable. The reality of it is, PGA players will need to win major events to get invited to LIV. It tells me how much Jay has them drinking the cool aid. I have a hard time believing the PGA and LIV will ever work something out with Jay running the PGA. It is all about Jay, and what he gets. At least that is how it appears. I don't think Jay cares about the players, it is all about Jay's earnings.

  5. this player equity thing is gonna be great you guys! it’s over my head but I’m all for it!! 🤣😂🤣

  6. What about Rory's presser comments at the players? Suggesting that PIF believes Norman sold them a false bill of goods.

  7. Love your show. You're very knowledgeable, but I just saw Bryson de. Chbryson, dechambo shoot. 5861 save 6263. And you never bring his name up. He's the longest hitter who's ever played on the PGA tour? Or any other tour and I'll back him against anybody on the planet. Right now he will kick their a***Keep up the good work

  8. The top players on LIV have said they dont care about going back to the PGAT. I would think they've thought this through.

  9. B-Team, who can outlast who?…the SSG or the PIF? Hmm, I'll guess I'll go with the one pulling billions out of the ground each day.

  10. The disconnect between the execs and players is embarrassing
    Once the 1.5 billion is burned up by the PGA then they will crawl back to the PIF for funding
    Dont think for one second SSG will piss another 1.5 B into a sink hole.

  11. Malanati did a good job of showing us why golfers should stick to hitting a golf ball. There will eventually be world golf tour whether TW and his cronies like it or not. Why has a washed up past champion got such a big say when he doesn't even play on the tour anymore? Get that narcissist TW out of deciding anything. He couldn't care less about the future of the game.

  12. Seems strange that a member of the policy board who’s currently ranked #184 is given a mouthpiece in the first place… Oh, that’s right….Jay needs his butt-sharking yes men to raise his banner and shout the joys the pga will reach under his tutelage 😂🤣😂…he’s not qualified to run a Walmart

  13. Why is the PGA T Board meeting in the Bahamas, a foreign country, The USA is not good enough for some? Silly me, I forgot the Bahamas is a tax haven. We wouldn't like the IRS to find out anything would we.

  14. And this guy is on the policy board? Is he even invited to Bahamas meeting? Seems the people who run the tour don’t tell him anything, or ask his opinion on anything

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