Pete Cowen’s “Walk into the Ball Drill”is a Game Changer

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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This video we’re going to talk about how to hit through the golf ball but I also once heard Pete KH who’s a world famous golf coach talk about walking through the ball and I really like that sort of idea and feeling because for me what happens a lot with students is in the

Start of the down swing a lot of golf has put a huge amount of emphasis into rotation and the problem is if you sort of really rotate very hard and aggressively in the start of the downswing what will end up happening is your hands and arms will end up working

Too far out in front of you and when that starts to happen this forces you to kind of figure out a way to do loads of sort of external rotation of this arm to be able to keep the club on Plain but then the issue with this is this really

Opens up the face so then you’re coming down with a really open face and it then sort of forces you to swing the club massively to the left and although some golfers can kind of make this work the reality is from a sort of biomechanical perspective it’s it’s unnecessary it’s

An unnecessary amount of movement so when Pete K talks about this sort of feeling of walking through the ball I really like that and that’s where the step drills have a huge amount of value now one of the step drills that I always do with students is

I always make sure that first of all when they’re practicing so if I got set up to this ball here put my left foot by my right foot as I sort of swing back what I’m doing is I’m walking or I’m stepping to my left but what I’m equally

Doing is I’m keeping the weight on my right side now one of the misconceptions is because although weight is moving left right so there’s obviously some degree of weight underneath my left toe it’s not all of it and the problem is you see is if you

Put too much weight on your left side as you start this down swing you’ll get kind of stuck okay so what we do need to do is we need to make sure we’re not like lunging into the left side we’re just sort stepping or walking quite

Nicely so I’m still keeping weight on my right side and then you see from here I can now then use the weight that’s underneath my right side to kind of naturally push okay as I move my weight now and I push this over towards my left

Side and then we can kind of finish that swing and swing through so these the sort of drills that you want to practice now the other massive advantage to this um sort of Step drill is and this is why I love my Rob trainer is because you can start to

Incorporate this whilst working on your Tempo so what happens with a lot of people is they step too soon okay and what you want to do is you want to or they swing back and then they step you want to make sure your Club reaches the capacity of its back swing as you

Step so the Rope is hitting me on the back at the same time move my lead foot and it doesn’t matter what tempo you want to do this whether you want to swing quicker or smoother faster or slower it’s up to you who cares right that’s down to you right

That might just be part of your natural DNA we know some pros John R much brisker others Freddy Couples can’t be bothered just does it at his own sort of pace but the point that making is that that stepping sensation is key because that’s what gives you that linear motion

And then what that does is then if I sort of demonstrate it this way a step and now from here look my arms can drop down to the side of my body and then that means I can come down that swing plane and then strike that golf ball and

Of course if you want to you can hit some shots with that step drill it’s up to you but I’d certainly suggest that you practice here at least behind the scenes I’ll see you soon


  1. Excellent points you are making about doing the step drill on how to start the downswing. You fill in many gaps in instruction that other instructors never bother about that make a critical difference. Two points in particular about the step drill you emphasize.1. Never lunge onto to left foot or place too much weight onto left foot as one performs the step drill forward . Keep a good portion on the right foot as you step onto the left foot. (big fault of my own not knowing any better) and 2. Start the step forward as you reach the top of the backswing not before (as I have been inclined to do) . Both valid points. Thank you.

  2. I remember that Gary Player not only talked about the step (or walk) through drill 30 to 40 years ago in videos, but he actually used it himself occasionally while playing in tournaments.

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