Golf Players

Inside Arizona State’s $10,000,000 Golf Facility


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This is the best practice facility in all of college golf Arizona state has produced some of the greatest athletes in the history of the game and we got exclusive access to tother facility that includes some of the most expensive technology in the game a short game facility designed by Phil Michelson

Himself a par three course and so much more and with that we start our tour with 2009 National Coach of the Year Matt Thurman having us thanks for having us out here great to have you um we just kind of walked in the lobby here we’ve got obviously a ton of trophies here

Right if I’m not mistaken I heard 26 national championships so looking at these trophies here and and plaques everything anything specific where you’re like I can point to this one specific moment and it you know brings a tear to my eye or I get excited just thinking about it or anything like that

Well the the most prominent uh trophy here is the the last one this was this is the spot for the most recent championship and it’s also on that wall the the big huge picture it’s the first thing everybody sees when they come in so this is long hallway we wanted this

Facility to feel kind of modern and fresh and didn’t want it to be a Hall of Fame we have a Hall of Fame somewhere else so but we wanted to showcase our PJ tour players Our Stars uh and live to our players right and and have it be

Aspirational for the guys when they come up say hey man I could be on this wall so that’s what this is these guys as you look down the hallway they’re they’re here for now when they become less a little less relevant there will be someone to take their place uh it’s a

Sundevil Alum named Kyle Lux I saw a painting that he had done and thought it would be just absolutely perfect for this Hall and so he we commissioned him so it’s kind of different you know it’s a real art gallery here in our hallway so we’re going to check out Matt’s

Office here kind of just when you walk in this is World Headquarters as we say sun double Golf World Headquarters you might want to see this uh storage room here that would be sick yeah little behind the scenes here we got the gear room yeah oh wow this is what we’re

Looking for yeah so come on in check out um what you’ll see golf balls here on the right we use tiess ballsy gloves hats stuff I got some snacks down there lots of shoes these are all shirts and tops and towels and head covers um we’re always designing new valuable pouches

Putter head covers with the fork oh that’s cool yeah check check that out butterhead cover with fork on there these are all like personalized additions for the Sun Devils you obviously Arizona state every year they do a different one like I said coach you know hey I left a little room in my

Suitcase size 11 and 11 and A2 all right good to know well appreciate you opening this out to us that’s that’s really cool yeah cool to see all right so now we got the locker room so men and women both have the exact same size locker room uh

Theirs is much more light much more well decorated I going to say probably a little cleaner it’s a lot nicer but you know what ours is pretty cool too and we’re men and here we are so we’ve erased our board normally we keep all of our results for the season and

Qualifying tournaments here look who we have here look who we have here man Alum Mason Anderson on the corn fairy Tour all right on one of the cool things about this here is all of our Lums pretty much that are playing professionally live in town all right so

We see him all the time comes out and practices and so do all the other guys awesome uh so this is Gabe salvanera Locker uh we want it to be big so you can keep two sets of Club so we have two he has one in here but notice there’s

Lots of room I don’t know what he’s doing with all these balls and extra shoes obviously we’re giving him too much stuff this is one of the most important thing here is the football cuz we do a lot of extracurriculars around here football is one of them uh whiffle

Ball cornhole spike ball spike ball has not made it you has not made it maybe test out the agility a little bit I think spike ball could be a good addition well these are our players they’re from all over the world Thailand local San Diego San Diego China Montana Portugal and Miami Norway

Spain well Thomas suton from Alabama and Nicholas pretto is from Miami and then myself this is a little uh bean bag it’s a late New Edition we haven’t had a place to take a nap and we have you know these Spaniards on the team that do

Their daily CA all right so now we’re heading out here uh attached to the locker room we got a little fitness center so uh from looking at me you can probably tell this is the room that I spend my why are you laughing at me um so look

They we have Team workouts on campus in the big gym this is not meant to be where we have our team workouts but it does get some use couple couple people at a time one at a time you got your own Bluetooth guys can listen to whatever

They want this is the one place where we allow explicit music it’s pretty tight out there like I don’t want that in public spaces but this room is so locked off that you can do whatever you got to do in here to get a good workout if

You’re going to be hitting as you probably want a little little Wayne playing or maybe some you know whatever Flocka or something along those Lin so so this isn’t the main workout area this is more just kind of a warmup or like if guys need to get an individual workout

Yeah cool all right so we’re heading into the kitchen or the break room as we had to call it for permitting reasons so yeah Missy had the great idea to have a a high top table here that’s all combined it’s like our family dining table and uh in a few minutes lunch will

Arrive as it does every day yeah we have door Dash delivered every day of the week uh they’re spoiled we have a you know a bunch of different restaurants we choose from today’s Chipotle it be a text that goes out says lunch is here and men’s and women’s team will all

Gather around and have a lunch every day this is our team meeting room uh the Mary B Porter room uh with all of our history as well uh if you go to other facilities you’ll see that they have all American plaques and we do too but we

Couldn’t I mean you’d need a lot of real estate to to take care of 126 All-American plaques sure yeah uh so we had to downsize a little bit but this is our all Americans yeah definitely some some recognizable names here on this list that’s pretty cool Bill Mickelson

And John ROM and Billy Mayfair and Paul Casey fat Perez anyway I could go on and on but uh that’s cool we have a great legacy here this is a big door when you’re hitting here I mean it really does feel like you’re outside we did

Round round mats so that you don’t get that crutch of alignment in our whole facility it’s about going in any and all directions so we say that everything is a tea in the Summers it gets pretty hot so it’s nice to have the AC and it’s

Kind of just a cool hang yeah we got all these TVs they can see their trackman numbers talk to me about all the technology in this room so uh we have three quads over there and a couple other um smaller ones and then the two

Track men’s we do have a Sam putt lab we do have a putt view system uh all of it’s coordinated to these six TVs and these these screens through an iPad whoever’s hitting is blasting the music of choice sure this is a very Lively atmosphere clean music but you might

Have some country for certain guys regone for the for the Spaniards all right so then heading outside here developing this facility you had a little you know some past experience in building facilities and and designing facilities sat down with Phil Nicholson walk me through that you know when you

Think about designing a facility it’s mostly a practice facility it’s mostly for the average golfer and you’re thinking safety and efficiency to get people on and off and keep them without killing each other right uh this facility was designed completely differently this was designed just for

The very elite player and so what you’ll see is small targets lots of slope you know like most people have a hard time taking their practice at the course because the course is harder than practice right here it’s the opposite I mean it doesn’t get any tougher than the

Practice here these stations are exactly 50 y 5 yards apart you can see the distances on the plates and if you look out at the targets they’re exactly 15 yards apart this is made after Phil Michelson when in town he would go to a separate course going like whole 15 16

On the back nine lay his towels out every 10 yards and hit wedges to him then he’d go play his round at the at the real real course so he started doing these with Dave pel’s these these wedge targets he’s got them at his house every facility he does he probably has these

Phil said you need to be hitting 1,500 shots a month okay to these things uh and is really passionate about it so I think our wedge games are really good we hit uh we do hit a lot of wedges uh we don’t only hit off the artificial uh

Phil uh we had an argument about that I’m like why do we need artificial and he said well you you don’t want to have to clean your Club every time and if you hit as many balls as I say you’re going to hit you’re not going to have any

Grass class dirt yeah so he wants to control the variables you have a perfectly you know consistent surface every year we design a little par recourse and it’s been anything from six to nine holes it’s called The Loop this is the sixth year of the loop and each

One is completely different emphasizes a different yardage or different type of shot or different short game so we’ll take these plates out and move them to wherever they are next year it’s the same Loop for the entire year and the guys will play it I mean at least once a

Day big competitions on the loop and it’s and Everybody Plays the same like nobody switches it up it’s like this is the loop this year we’re we’re sticking with this I mean I can’t believe that don’t do that honestly like why don’t they ever make their own Loop but they

Don’t as soon as we say this is the loop they play the loop another thing that we say is you can hit from anywhere to anywhere so as we walk around you’ll see divots going in all directions uh in all strange places so anywhere there’s grass

Is a tea this is Luke Potter he’s famous for his divot patterns nice I feel like you could you could take a a protractor to those we’re talking that’s that’s so CLE that’s clean huh you know he’s been here it’s his signature yeah that’s cool

Uh so as we get to this side of the facility you can see how that driving Fairway opens up uh but that driving Fairway 25 yd wide exactly from here to the very end of it it’s about 380 and that’s uphill so uh we have no problem

Keeping guys within the range we’ve had Bryson out here uh Josel hits it really far nobody hits it out of this thing I feel like with driving ranges you just think like okay it’s an open field whatever guys just hit out but like this is a very specific strategic like even

The slopes of everything and the visuals of everything like it’s obviously very well thought out yeah I mean you learn there’s a certain way to practice where you’re learning is faster yeah and uh the more Visual and real it is the faster you’ll learn the more it challenges you the faster you’re learn

You kind of want to find The Sweet Spot between I can barely do it but it’s still doable uh so we tried to embody that with everything we designed make it right on the edge of what’s possible but still possible that green over there that’s green six and it’s a normal

Competition putting green uh but you’ll notice it’s yellow all around it that’s dormant Bermuda grass we keep that dormant all year yeah uh we find that if anything this grass is too pure and the chipping is too easy okay so we want them chipping over there a lot off

Really you know tight dirty Bermuda Li this is that tic-tac-toe type of green I was talking about where each green has its own person each section has its own personality okay so this is little turtle that’s the bowl this is the Cove that’s the corner uh up there’s the spine this is

The Shelf that’s Turtle back now if you put a bunker on the edge of a green and let’s say it’s a circular green the cone of options is about that big that you can hit to right y uh by putting a bunker in the middle of the green you

Have 36 60° of Bunker shot options I would bet that almost 50% of all practice that happens in the facility happens on this green okay so this green probably the only one in the world like it you know Phil had this idea that if you walk around on this these slopes you

Really you’ll feel with your feet what Everything feels like gab’s practicing on a 3% slope yep you’ll notice that one’s a little more slope that’s 4% there’s a section of 2% and a section of 1% okay so each each kind of rectangle has a different percentage of slope and

It goes up as you go that’s really cool and it’s funny you know you bring a recruit in someone will say oh I want to be on that green right there they’re the more creative types and then the more analytical types come in like ooh this

Is the most perfect green for me I can do this all day one of the things that’s unique about this I think there’s other places that have much bigger facilities but here you are on the patio you have the main putting green there it’s really unique you have this massive beautiful

Chipping green and putting green here you have the tea right here in this wedge area I mean they’re all like literally stepping off the patio thanks for coming out thanks for showcasing our facility we’re we’re proud of it it’s a fun place to hang and well hopefully keep always having always keep having

The best players in the world here heck yeah yeah I’m sure you will appreciate you


  1. Playing subscribers home courses hid across our country would be a great series to start. Great content as always. Keep it up.

  2. Right on! Cool video format, man! Been doing some cool stuff here, thanks for making it easy to click right in when I see a new vid up =]

  3. Incredible facility! I’ll keep dreaming since my college eligibility is still alive (I’m 65! Haha!)

  4. It's a shame that a Pete Dye golf course needed to get demolished for this. The Papago golf rates are sky high now.

  5. The course was originally a Phoenix muni called Papago. It was a nice course but was in dire need of a facelift. The pro shop was a rickety old building. Glad to see ASU moved over there. One thing not mentioned was the scenic view from the practice facility of Papago park.

  6. (KJV John 3:16) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

    (KJV John 3:17) ”For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

    (John 3:18) "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

    (KJV John 3:19) "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."

    (KJV John 3:20) "For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved."

    (KJV John 3:21) "But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”

    (KJV Mark 1:15) "And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel."

    (KJV Mark 16:15) "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

    (KJV Romans 10:9-10) “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

    (KJV John 5:22) "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:"

    (KJV John 5:23) "That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him."

    (KJV Galatians 5:22-25) “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

    (KJV 2 John 1:7) "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist."

    (KJV Matthew 4:10) "Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."

    (KJV Galatians 1:8) "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."

    (Galatians 1:9) "As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

    (KJV Galatians 1:10) "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."

    (KJV 2 Corinthians 6:14) "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”

    (Gal 3:11) “But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.”

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