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Yeah look they love me yeah they love Jew welcome back to it is what it is this episode is sponsored by Underdog fantasy the app is an easy way to make some cash just by making pcks on your favorite players Underdog is available in more than 30 States including

California Texas and New York just to name a few make sure to support the show by hitting the link in the bio and downloading the underdog fantasy app they’ll also match your first deposit up to $100 and you get a special pick when you sign up I’m treasure Wilson AKA stat

Baby along with your hosts mace and cam what’s good what’s good man how you doing chilling man that’s what’s up go to Miami tonight huh looking Miami is man s it’s nice out it’s going to be 90 this weekend man yeah I’m going to miss it man going you some more zoom

Days hey this is giving me more when it’s for myom days I’m still like 11 behind man icy looking nice man I like I like how you looking for that’s a new chain or that’s something in the stash in the stash in the stash all right say

No more okay so taking a quick step out of sports but it’s all still sports related as we know the presidential election is approaching and guess who said they wouldn’t mind taking a swing in office oh Kanye no not this year Steph Curry he said he may be run for

President because he wants to make a change would you guys give him your vote that’s that’s interesting I think he’s I think he’s a phenomenal basketball player and I can see him doing some kid books or a lot of things um presidential election I think actually he got a clean

Enough record that he probably could win he’ll win some votes you know but I I don’t know if that’s my vote just yet but I definitely appreciate what he’s done for the sport and how he treats his family from what I know but president n not yet not

Yet look Steph Curry don’t even want to talk to [ __ ] in the locker room like let alone talking to the country [ __ ] SN if you ever look at that footage when Draymond Green snuff Jo pool St he just looked over there and walked away that’s what he get [ __ ] been

Talking crazy the last few weeks [ __ ] gonna get knocked out that’s just what happened I don’t really see him talking to his own [ __ ] let alone the country I think Steph the type of [ __ ] that become president be like no I’m good this [ __ ] is wild

Man quit like after a year yeah yeah like yeah n no it was too much I’m out think about this like I was thinking about it like you know I was thinking about running for mayor in certain little town not necessarily New York but you know all these little when you go in

Jersey or like even Long Island all these little towns have Mayors I’m like I can be mayor of T Neck New Jersey I’m like yo I could definitely be the mayor at T Neck New Jersey that’s a fact I could get them votes over there

But to me it’s a thankless job yo you know it’s like um I don’t know the presidential votes that got split um last year between well part me not last year last ter between Trump and Biden but I remember when Barack was running and who was the last [ __ ] he went

Against Romney Romney why was the last [ __ ] it was like he won by like a million it was like 71 million to 70 million and I’m like damn it’s 70 million ion that don’t [ __ ] with you this whole term so you going to have a whole you won the election but you still

Dealing with 70 [ __ ] who got a problem with you whether you black whether they feel you’re not doing a good job whether they feel you’re a Democrat whatever the case may be it’s a thankless job I was I was riding in Pennsylvania and I seen that [ __ ] bumper and I’m like I’m in

Like I forget where I’m coming from but I’m like in one of them parts of Pennsylvania like just keep two hands on the steering wheel and do the speed limit and I seen a [ __ ] bumper and it said Obama one big ass mistake America I was like that’s the acronym

For his name that’s that’s what the bumper said the bumper one big ass mistake America and I’m like godamn [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] so as far as stuff Curry’s running I think you got a clean enough image uh family man no no uh like controversy see scandals or anything like that but I

Think Steph will realize he gets more praise H them threes and becoming the president thankless job not only that how much the president really make what like 600,000 yeah like yo [ __ ] come on my [ __ ] [ __ ] be the president can’t be the president you know what I’m saying

Then if you find a way to get some money on the side you cheating yeah you going to jail yeah exactly so I or they going to try to put you in jail yeah it sound good you ever I know stating she watch movie remember that movie Bruce’s

Millions with Richard PR remember he ran for mayor and then he’s like I won no I’m good I think that would be like a Stuff Curry situation could he win I have no idea could he win or not but I’ll say this His Image is definitely

Clean enough to run and these days you don’t even need a clean image nope you definitely don’t that’s what I’m thinking I’m thinking like I’m thinking Trump I’m thinking you know yeah when Trump wanted you know that was that was big look since I’ve been born and I’ve seen a few

Presidents Barack Obama is the only president that has not been in a scandal since we’ve been president you had Reagan who was saying he was letting drugs come in the country black [ __ ] love Ragan talk about the Iran Contra Scandal he’s letting them drugs come through that’s when denans was around

His mayor too they New York was just a mess and [ __ ] loved it then you had George Bush Senior he picked up where Reagan left off with the Iran Contra [ __ ] and the drugs then you had Bill Clinton you know he got caught getting head from his secretary saying he smoked

Weed but didn’t inhale it so it doesn’t count then you had George Bush Jr when George Bush Jr came you know we had a terrorist attack on us um 911 he was in Florida on his iPhone right right but not only that you know Benin Len uh sent the terrorists to do what

They did for 911 George B S said where that sudam Hussein at what do they have to do with the [ __ ] cuz it’s pops have be and choosing pops have beef with Saddam so when it was his turn he like I’m gonna pick up with my pops left off

This is perfect we we’ll just throw Saddam B Len it all sound the same then we have Barack you know how tough as it probably was to be a black president and not getting no Scandal I’m talking about no no no no no who left this weed on the

Floor nah nah n that is not yo I slapped the [ __ ] out you Barack was in one of these Allens one time and he went outside and the Secret Service was going to the strip club Secret Service left the [ __ ] in the room he had to fire the

Whole Secret Service to get a new staff Barack leave no Scandal Trump come back [ __ ] sto him in the capital it’s all type of [ __ ] so I just really believe it’s a thankless job and for the for the president’s whether good or bad I give y’all credit for taking the job cuz

Y’all [ __ ] don’t even get paid a lot to do what y’all do with me when I was thinking about mayor murder I was like yo imagine I could see me sending shook if it’s a fire in the city like yo go handle the press conference for me

I’m good I I don’t got time wake up at 3:00 in the morning 4 in the morning to go speak to the PE I get up and talk n that’s a thankless job man but shout out to everybody who does it man yeah and for them it’s not always monetary

Like it is one of like the biggest honors to be elected as president so I get what you’re saying about the money but like they’re doing it because you know other reasons they want to help out the country so you mind you let me ask you this okay you went to school for

Journalism right and or broadcast that’s what you went to school for and and I you want you have other aspirations right yeah and you like what you do here do it for free yeah you st you the first lady of first just do it for you you want to do it for

Free I didn’t say that being is nice but genuinely like this is what I like to do saying it’s an honor right it’s it isn’t about the money happened to it ain’t about the money no but like even when it comes to volunteering like if I’m helping people out I’m not expecting

A monetary value in return it’s because that’s something that I want to do like when you volunteer you’re not getting paid what I’m saying why you just don’t volunteer to do this then well that’s different I need to be able to survive like as a president like everything else

Is taken care of so they’re doing their Duty doing something they enjoy to do and then everything like housing like everything else is provided so like it’s nice to like you know pocket some money in in addition but I don’t think they’re doing it for that St you almost making

What the president makes soon man so if you want to do it off the love and show us that you really love what you do it’s on you man since you love St yeah yeah you president be the first president yeah that’s what it is the first

President and the first lady at the same time since you love it so much since since it’s an honor guys okay well someone who might have a more realistic chance in the political world is Aaron Rogers so he is a high Prospect being considered for the vice president

Position with Robert Kennedy Jr you guys actually see this happening because he is on the he’s supposed to be on the ballot for this year what’s going on are they serious about this yeah he’s very serious Aaron Rogers so he’s coming back to the Jets now or

No that’s what Jet fans probably scared don’t do this [ __ ] right now come on man Jet fans probably like don’t do this in New York I’m telling you that now Aaron Rogers I know you got plans to to be the VP and all that bro listen this don’t do

That yeah they this 2028 ain’t going nowhere that’s when they start telling them man 2028 ain’t going nowhere don’t do this when you get to New York you just got hurt the first the first game and now this oh New York are never recover yeah they’ll be upset they never

Recover he won’t get no votes out of New York not out of New York pissed yeah and that’s going to spew over to Jersey and a few Jersy more than anywhere Jersey Jersey ain’t voting they would not vote you already lost two two um States off

That yeah they not voting at all Jersey take that you know cuz the stadium for those who don’t know uh the Giants and Jets play in New Jersey actually I know it’s called the New York Giants but they actually play in New Jersey and the Jersey fans take that [ __ ] seriously

Yeah they definitely are never going to forget and anywh they got family they going to tell them right as far as Aaron Rogers running for vice president with Kennedy look you know Aaron Rodgers I ain’t saying he Trump or nothing like that or close to it but he be having his

Own little [ __ ] going on too like little conspiracy theories smoke weed like H uh he lied about getting the vaccine so he could play Then he admitted that he lied about not getting the vaccine like I they said man where’s your paperwork for the vaccine all right I lied so what

Whatever I a want to put that [ __ ] in my system Aaron Rogers got like a little bit of Rebel paing him to go against the grain and America likes that America likes to go against a grain ass [ __ ] and he yeah they showed up for Trump

Over that right and and listen that may be why a [ __ ] trying to pull Aaron Rogers in with I’m like yo we need somebody don’t give a [ __ ] like this because Aaron Rogers a lot of [ __ ] don’t give a [ __ ] even when he talks about sports on Pat mcer show they get

Political about a lot of [ __ ] and even me I’ll be like damn Harry you sure you want to say that [ __ ] you positive and you don’t give a [ __ ] sometime people like it because it it shows that you’re an independent thinker and you’re not being coached to say what you’re saying

Right so doesn’t mean it’s always right though I never said that I just think that he’s more realistic than Steph Curry if it happens yeah but as far as you you’re 100% correct don’t do this on the Jets watch man don’t do that to the

I’m not even a Jets fan but don’t do that to them [ __ ] them [ __ ] was trying to hope you came back for the playoffs this will cancel everything okay so now moving along to stuff on the field so the Packer signed running back Josh Jacobs from the

Raiders for a 4year contract does this sound like a good fit for him yeah um Josh Jacobs I looking at his numbers uh earlier today and I’m not really a Josh Jacobs fan like that like he’s all right he ain’t Derk Henry he ain’t sequan like I know

People making a big deal of it because it’s free agency and they’re like oh the Packers got uh Josh Jacobs and it might be a a good fit because you know uh love has been playing well and they may feel that they need a good running game to go

Along with that but as far as just looking at his numbers from last season they were okay okay it wasn’t crazy he’s averaging I believe 3.5 yards a carry he didn’t break 1,000 yards I think he had 835 yards uh six or eight touchdowns if I’m remembering correctly this isn’t

Screaming Superstar you know it’s [ __ ] out here you think it’s worth 12 million no no not right now but how many years on the 12 million four four years four years maybe yeah no four 12 um 48 12 million a year yes no Derek Henry got 16 million for two

Years no [ __ ] got good agents yeah yeah yeah so if you asking me if it’s it’s 48 million for four years no absolutely not you thought I was saying 12 I’m about to say I was say yeah that’s that’s definitely good and listen in this climate with running backs like

You said you got to commend this agent um cuz look this was not really a great great year for Derk Henry and and he still cracked 1100 yards and he’s and he gets two years for 16 million this dude didn’t even have 900 yards let alone a,

Yards and you got 48 million you got to give the agent a lot of credit you got to give him a lot of credit but far as me we’ll see maybe I mean I haven’t really dove into Green Bay’s running game and what it was like last year

Maybe you know the GMS and their Scouts and so on and so forth that we need a good running game to go with Jordan loves um play towards the end of the year cuz he he was marvelous towards the end of the year but as far as just

Looking at the numbers no it’s not worth it to me it said he let that what what in 2022 that’s 2022 where he led the league yeah this year a got a thousand and I mean it seemed like he had a deal with with another team and

Then that was pulled off the table or they just went with that that deal because they had more money cuz he was originally supposed to sign with I think it was like Minnesota one of those teams and then later in the morning probably agent just said nah we got 48 for four

Years we going with that we going to Wisconsin he going to Wisconsin so the thing about Josh Jacobs you can tell he was definitely trying to stay in Vegas but the numbers weren’t doing what they needed to do so that’s now why he’s with the Packers so he said

When player leaves it’s always about the player being unloyal at what point do we ask the franchise for that same loyalty so do you guys agree with his point because a lot of people are saying that he’s an unloyal Raiders player for Le it I think I think honestly when it comes

To if I had to live in Vegas or Milwaukee I think Wisconsin that’s a easy decision but when the math ain’t maing as killer say you gotta get out of here you know and the team is not going to be loyal to you unless you’re helping them win that’s the thing that people

Don’t get when they try to say well what about when when when the um team does it well the team is trying to win the player we asking you to be loyal if we’re winning you asking us to be loyal to you if you’re not winning you you see the difference in that

Equation un yeah yeah we want you to be loyal if we’re working on something and we’re winning but we don’t need you to be lawyer if we’re losing we need you get I I’ll see both sides my thing is this everybody stop crying the players and the owners and or management he got

A point look where the [ __ ] was that um Harrison Barnes got traded at half time yeah and I know we’re switching to basketball what do you do when you get traded at halftime what how does that work do I finish the game I don’t even understand how that drink

The water yeah you look you you you look up Harrison Barnes traded ain’t I Harrison bars what the [ __ ] you mean I got traded do does these points count yeah yeah like I don’t I really don’t understand how that works when you trade in the middle of a game but as far as

It’s both I see both sides of the equation you’re sitting there saying you’re sitting there saying as a franchise you should show us a little more loyalty um we invested in you uh we put stock into you etc etc etc and we seen a future in you and then you get

Up and leave but at the same time also if if if y’all want to trade me or do whatever and I don’t have no trade clause contract you could trade me you know who show loyalty to a franchise as a player Isaiah Thomas yeah these [ __ ] is bugging out

Listen listen all of you out there basketball players football players boxers entertainers etas business is like sex you only do it protected man you can’t do business unprotected yeah so I just think that yeah I just really think that everybody look it’s all everybody stop crying you know it’s

Business you don’t look you like me if let’s say you’re a superstar player and you’re a general man owner coach whatever and you going to dinner and y’all going cuz you’re playing G you taking them out this you only like me pause cuz I’m benefiting for your your

Team or your franchise or your coaching job Etc if I wasn’t sing if I was thinking it up you wouldn’t be taking me dinner yeah it’s like Jerry Jones Jerry Jones don’t be partying with them [ __ ] when they losing right exactly Jerry Jones like we you got to go to practice

Listen even and that’s why I respect Jerry Jones because even when [ __ ] Ain’t doing the right thing he’ll sit there and say we winning figure out how to hide that yo cover that up I don’t give a [ __ ] we are winning cover that up let them if that’s what it’s going to take

For us to win yeah to the people listening they gonna say but what about Tony Romo yeah well Tony Romo was doing the right thing and he didn’t win yeah you’re right you didn’t win sometime I I told what they need to do in Dallas that

Cocaine got to to be back in the building for them [ __ ] to win that was the end of ever when Tony Romo came to cocaine left cuz there’s no way you can’t look at Trey Amman and say you ain’t sniff cocaine you can look at Trey Amman and

Tell he used to sniff cocaine period he looks like a former cocaine addict they was getting money and d and when I say addict don’t say don’t get me more CU tan still yeah as an analyst but you know residue from people who used to

Live you do drugs man he from the ‘ 80s you know a residue now they cleaned up you could tell people who used to do drugs MH okay moving along to the basketball side D’Angelo Russell believes Dennis schruder was the reason he couldn’t establish a relationship with Darvin ham

Last season he said when I was struggling I would have been able to come to the coach and say bro this is what we should do like I can help you instead there was no dialogue I just accepted it and we got swept and I’m

Here and he’s not and I like our chances what do you guys think about his Viewpoint yo the the passive aggressiveness got to stop I’m telling you this this generation is just it’s just man I I don’t know what to call it other than that you know D’Angelo

Russell didn’t he snitch on Kobe it’s the same swagy p on Swaggy P sound like the [ __ ] snitched on everybody man that’s what it’s sounded like you got a whole New Generation he’s snitching on this generational snitch right here you know he going to make it his business to snitch on

Somebody like yo D’Angelo Russell chill out you don’t got to tell on everybody what they call that growing up a tattletail that [ __ ] is a tattletail yo a sto pigeon yeah leave my name out of it he one of them [ __ ] soon as you see

My off the r shud shre ain’t do nothing to you where’s shud at now Toronto I believe out the country you snitching on [ __ ] out the country for real [ __ ] in the six [ __ ] in the 310 snitching all [ __ ] in the six this can’t be good yeah I agree G

I’m L you for this yeah stay away from this [ __ ] man The Vibes ain’t right yeah um d’angel Russell is given some decent numbers especially the past month or two since that you know he was the topic of a lot of trade rumors before the trade deadline happened they talking

About willing and dealing that [ __ ] and they ended up keeping the [ __ ] um he’s averaging 18 points he’s shooting almost 48% from the field um you know you know he had 44 points over night so he probably feeling himself he like he do something good and go back to snitching

On yeah there one of them Joy man I could have been doing this if [ __ ] wasn’t always looking over my shoulder you know that you know what that is that’s that’s a safety net murder for a [ __ ] to tell you basically if we keep we if you don’t get another point

Guard this is what I would be doing this is what I could do split my numbers yeah exactly you know if you keep me in this Loop 44 could be every two two three times a week that’s what I take from it yeah it’s like a [ __ ] who come to the

Label and you the [ __ ] on the label already and you like who the new [ __ ] you know you don’t necessarily like the new [ __ ] on the label cuz it’s your label already now [ __ ] trying to come in pause and take believe now [ __ ] believe right so but as far as

D’Angelo Russell I think it’s a safety net basically saying if you don’t have another point guard that’s just as good as me or better I could get you the number secondly um you always like your chances he say he likes his chances you always like your chances when you have

LeBron James on the team but listen D’Angelo Russell I’m talking to you y’all in Ninth Place stop acting like y’all killing y’ ain’t been in first place this whole year y’all been you know y’all was tired for first place whenever you body’s record with zero and

Zero last time y was tired for first place yeah stop bro stop acting like you out here killing cuz you had 44 uh a few a week ago and and you’ve been playing good and you’ve been playing decent I have to give you a lot of credit Anthony

Davis as well had a monster game a few games ago 25 points 25 rebounds y’all are playing very well the last couple weeks but what we all have to realize they play well against the teams we don’t need them to play well again well they played some good teams but you know

What it is murder they playing at home they had 12 games in the state of California 11 games was in the state crypto Arena or whatever it’s called now they had 11 games home and then last night their only Road game was in Sacramento so they’ve been home they’ve

Been comfortable you ain’t been in the road you ain’t been in the harsh environment now you sitting here talking about I could have been doing this shre ain’t say nothing and I like our CH you’re in Ninth Place bro with the King n ad now you’re right anything happened

In the playoffs but y’all [ __ ] not even in the playoffs y’all are in the play in stop and derck shrew alone he ain’t do [ __ ] to you man he ain’t do [ __ ] to you and he probably was busting your ass in practice cuz shrew is nice he’s all right that’s probably what was

Really going on and you had to split the minutes so if you were shudder last thing before we go to break and you heard um d’angel Russ Russell statement saying we got swept and I’m here and he’s not how would you feel what would your response be I just put up the video

Of the [ __ ] snitching on swagy yo [ __ ] don’t mind this business man Tru is not your problem CH yeah that’s a good one because you know what see a lot of times and and I’m gonna take this without the sound bite because I didn’t see the sound bite or anything else

But I don’t know if he’s asked a question to answer that but let’s say he wasn’t why is Derek shuder on your mind Dennis I keep saying d p me Dennis shoting pardon me why is shter on your mind my [ __ ] what are you so you’re in

The middle of the game thinking about yeah yeah shter last year you [ __ ] this up I could have did this yo that should not be what you’re thinking about no you need to think about I’m G give you some examples of who you need to think about Steph Curry Jamal Murray Fox and

Sacramento Booker bar um Bradley SGA SG SGA s should be talking about these are the [ __ ] in your conference that you have to deal with coming up when playoff time Luca you should I go on with point guards in the Western Conference you’re not better than

Anybody I just name be humble get the wins get your numbers up and then talk you talking about Derek Shuda when we just named a a laundry list of [ __ ] that got your number a laundry list wasn’t even all guards all guards anybody I just name would you take D’Angelo Russell overa no

Way no way D’Angelo D’Angelo Russell was supposed to be nice too it was a time that I thought he was going to be one of the ones he still could turn it around but you got to get it focused your Focus cannot be shrewder like he’s in another

Country he don’t need you snitching on him you got to go through customs all of that before you make that go through bro you got to leave him alone that’s a fact like I said your numbers are looking really decent and solid numbers right now especially a field goal percentage

Stay humble hopefully make the playoffs then later on if y’all do good in the playoffs bring up all the [ __ ] that you mad about don’t do it now you don’t bring up the 100 things you mad about right now because it doesn’t mean anything you’re in ninth place okay

We’re going to go to break and when we return we will talk about a viral conversation between swaggy PE and Gilbert Arenas don’t go Anywhere she call this thing B Toxic four years and counting got you feeling like option maybe I’m My Own problem B she tired of here and I don’t know what St in me won’t F oh oh dealing with this thing called trust but she really thinking about she want to be free why am I want you be

Free hell I don’t want to see her walk away I wish somebody told me the rules disagreement Win welcome back now let’s get into our Underdog fantasy picks of the day tonight the Suns will play the Celtics Underdog fantasy has Jason Tatum at 30 and a half points do you have them higher or lower mace to beat the Suns high he got say that again 30 and a half

Points Jason Tatum against the Sun yeah he Jason Tatum for some reason whenever he plays against Kevin Durant is like the best Jason Tatum you could get they played other day Kevin Durant had 45 I think he had 28 but uh Kevin Durant for some reason brings out the best in Jason

Tatum and Kevin Durant is at 38 and a half points rebounds and assists you have him higher or lower cam go high higher hey definitely higher put some respect on KD name he and Deon Booker is at four rebounds do you have them higher or lower mace higher you’re higher too

Okay so Swaggy P and Gilbert Arenas had a conversation regarding Drea Michelle and Jaylen green welcoming a new baby which we did discuss on a previous episode but Swaggy P mentioned some things going on in the backseat of a car that they were all in together you guys

Can see the video for yourself and the rest was history so he was talking about some things let’s let’s let our was check out the video right here pregnant pregnant got the young boy D if they only knew but like I was shocked too though like like that day

When I was riding home with Philly in the car yeah I don’t know if I can tell that story if you want me to tell that story she’s a mother now a mother yeah we can’t do that cuz that day was that day changed my life I ain’t gonna lie

That day changed my life that’s when P was like okay now I gotta this is what NBA is about I Hey listen hey NBA Hey listen I let you know this is yeah I’m riding in a car he in the back seat I turn my head against huh no do

What was you doing that backseat G what was you doing that backseat we went okay so what do you guys think about their viral exchange I I still don’t know what was happening in the back seat though who was in the back seat I mean I was he said Drea yeah like

I Ain sugar oh Drea was in the back SE with with who swagy p i mean with Gilbert AR Gilbert oh I get it now he said he can’t say CU she’s a mom now I mean he might as well said it I mean to everybody that know what the janitorial system is

Like what does that mean Mason mop when you get mopped up I’m not saying she did that’s what he was talking about say she worked for the janitorial system no I was trying to make a clean way of saying that he’s basically talking about he was in the back seat getting mopped

And that’s what he said he he welcome to the NBA so you just gonna leave it at that what do you gotta say about the video though what’s your opinion on it I think if they gonna go that that that far to put it in a video he might as well set

It because to everybody that knows about janitorial systems they Services why keep calling that lady a a janitor I’m I’m saying it so I don’t have to say her name I’m not trying to belittle her what what you want what else we talking about I know what J I got no problem with

Janitoral you saying Philly your home girl you calling her janitor no I’m not calling her janitor I was trying to figure out a clever way to to leave a name out of it but you know the service is the service service service oh man um my opinion is I had I

Had a few different opinions and I don’t think they should have said that though she she’s you know what I’m saying she’s she’s pretty much married by now I guess so the young boy right I I know I just know she’s pregnant oh she pregnant well she that’s forgiving that’s what she

Mean that’s forgiving it’s like a [ __ ] bringing up your past she’s forgiving of that she already tried to clean her own past up and my horn has been wiped out has Jaylen green announced anything about this yet has he made a comment that man still ain’t saying

What’s his Instagram I’m G look it up myself you know he ain’t posted on them [ __ ] probably his story crazy but I’ll say about this situation is this as far as Gil and SW they’re both my [ __ ] they’re my [ __ ] um couple things I think that being that that [ __ ] like

Like and it don’t take money to be that [ __ ] I’m just saying being that [ __ ] cuz I’ve been that [ __ ] in my brain since I was like 13 14 years old seriously I I really believed I was that [ __ ] and I was on the road to

Being that that [ __ ] like in my brain whe whe it you know it came true but in my brain I’m thinking I’m that [ __ ] and when Swaggy P was like it’s two different things I’m getting at when Swaggy P when Nick was like oh yeah this what the NBA about

This this what it’s about getting the NBA and I’m sitting there saying what was he saying can we get him on the phone can we call him can we find out what what did he mean by that I don’t want to assume that I’m just going

Off what I seen I’m just giving you my opinion off what I seen so when he said yeah this the NBA and I’m like I a need no rap deal no NBA no nothing to bag what I wanted to bag like it was I ain’t need all that [ __ ] like oh I

Made it to oh head in the back seat [ __ ] this is what life about n man we’ve been doing that that been going on before we went pro that that a I would have say yo this the NBA listen man and I ain’t GNA go go crazy today cuz I ain’t get permission

From murder but me and my childhood friends not just murder that was a that’s that’s light that’s light C so swagy P needed better friends not better friends what I’m saying is and I’m not talking about swagy P because I don’t know him growing up and

Like I said that’s my friend and so Gil I’m just saying athletes in general they be so green and I’m not talking about them specifically they’re like oh this is the girl I always wanted now I got head from her this is what the NBA is

All about I’m in the NBA cuz you got half from a bit he like yeah yeah I got NBA so what [ __ ] we yo you your stat no disrespect to you I’m not and I’m not being I’m asking you a question you know what Pebble Beach is cu you grew up in real

Real beaches you from Tampa Pebble beaches when you bone a [ __ ] on the roof we taking [ __ ] like that on the roof Pebble Beach on the roof none of that [ __ ] Beach staircase how long house what up how we long he was going everywhere this y this

Is what the NBA is all about nah [ __ ] I see that’s why I be saying I’m like [ __ ] about getting them type of [ __ ] in high school and Junior High School this sh start in like seventh fth grade man m say m had nice joinks in

Seventh eth nth 10th grade me too so you know it didn’t take a record deal and I’m I’m relating our situation to a professional situation when Ma got the record deal he already was getting girls or whatever but when he got the record deal listen I’m not there no KY or nothing

Man we was in the mall somewhere I don’t have a record deal I just run around with M I swear to God we’s in no more where the [ __ ] we at Kentucky or some [ __ ] and we went to Kentucky Fried Chicken this one he’s about to come out

But his album didn’t come out yet and he’s 19 20 years old so we go to Kentucky Fried Chicken we ordering the food I see this girl just shaking she just shaking I’m like this [ __ ] about to lose it like let me get a twopiece mashed potatoes and you going

To look out for me and throw the fries in yeah your M right yo this [ __ ] went and got the [ __ ] and just so I can’t take it and dropped everything and just started shaking and just fainting I’m like yo all right now this next level but we

Ain’t going crazy [ __ ] fainted in Kentucky Fri I seen it then they got to the point where they told us you got to get out the mall cuz you’re exciting to ride like yo we trying to shop they said nah nah you got to leave y’all guys are

Exciting a ride you can’t stay here see and and I don’t know because grew up in that when I hear [ __ ] like this I’ll be like I don’t know maybe a little more privileged than the average so I’m like when I hear it it be like I remember

When that’s it yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m looking for that that’s all it took though like that’s it that’s what that’s what I’m saying like when I started popping [ __ ] told me when I want to go to the mall call first cuz I can’t be have people going crazy

When I walk in the mall you got to call first or they going to arrest I’m like you got to call the mall first this real no kissy my mall and I’m like yo this is wild so when I hear [ __ ] like this I’ll be like and you don’t even realize they

Only doing this cuz you could slam dunk a basketball or shoot a three-pointer or play D like yo you ain’t even doing it off the swag off the wrist off the motion you know I’m saying yeah St we was off the r yeah yeah we off the

Motion off the r we have to do [ __ ] that was already there so when they say that’s it that’s it my second part about this cuz I’m being longwinded and I want to move on is and I ain’t gonna lie I didn’t realize this to shout out to shabaz OG

On Instagram that’s my [ __ ] shout out to shabaz but he made a great Point what did he say he said he he said he said I see what’s going on on Instagram you know he talks very intellectual but he’s still a [ __ ] [ __ ] from Philly that’s my [ __ ] said

Well y’all [ __ ] is not having that morning meetings with yourself in the mirror that you know that three 3 second and 33 second meeting with yourself in the mirror cuz y’ [ __ ] are just running around saying everything how is your man getting a [ __ ] in the backseat change your life he said

Listen how young man he so he getting his dick suck por but it changed your life why he said why you commenting on that [ __ ] getting fellacio and you wasn’t even get salao he said I don’t even want to know he said but you should think about what you saying before you

Say it yo and I was like H that’s a good point CU it ain’t like he talking about getting his joint suck you talking about your man you must be in the front L woo but it changed your life that’s odd so when I see him say that I was like I

Didn’t even think about it like that but yeah that’s a great point so the final culprit I guess we can say do you guys feel like that video wasn’t necessary to release or you just feel like it is what it is me personally I think it was it

Wasn’t it wasn’t necessary cuz I mean she’s pass that obviously she’s she’s doing very well she’s got a bright future and when some might bring up your past in the midst of you having a big moment it could be perceived as hate especially from her cuz it’s like why

You bring me up I didn’t bring you up or I didn’t say nothing about you why you saying something about me right and I I totally agree with M with that 100% because you know why now now if if Drea want to be malicious and want to be hateful and

Heart and heartfelt we in a world where if you say something it happened until forever notice now she sit there and be like well they wasn’t complaining when I stuck my finger in they ass pors they like oh [ __ ] like me in his ass H ass [ __ ] like

And the [ __ ] was in the front J that’s all she got to that’s all she got to St you have to be true exactly once you get people to believe it that’s all that matters so at the end of the day be careful because it don’t have to

Be true but if she gets people on her side that’s that I’ll tell you one one last story about that real quick this girl B me and my man I won’t say his name and she B us separately so one day we had the Trump you know Murder put me

On the Trump just hold old star ground like murder used to go to Trump that was my headquarters for like three years took the [ __ ] to the Trump nothing to do with presidency this is way before presidency and [ __ ] and she wouldn’t bone us together PA not that we care but

You know you know she like nah y’all can’t do we like oh we already both boned you she’s like nah we was like all right forget it no problem so one of my [ __ ] up toown was like you know we ran a train on so and so so and so and I’m

Like you gave you gave these bum ass [ __ ] to train you wouldn’t let me and my man hit so I approached the girl and I said that’s was [ __ ] up you you ain’t let me in my [ __ ] hit but you B these whack ass [ __ ] she said oh they

Told you I said yeah they told him she said did he tell you I put three fingers in his ass and he was throwing it back I said I said forget it I said forget it I said it’s TMI you know what she said n

Cam since you want to bring it up let’s go over there and talk to the [ __ ] about no no no no no no you got it you got it man you you actually got it you you you got it I I’m out you you actually won that one but that’s whether

It’s true or not that was in my bra crazy okay so Kawaii left the Clippers versus Timberwolves game early due to back spasms they lost 118 to 100 but do you guys think the Clippers can hold it down without Ka man the Clippers was off to once they

Came out of that eight game streak that they needed to start playing better it looked like they could be definitely in the west coast finals you know in the Western Conference Finals but now it just seems like injuries is going to remove them from that equation and

That’s that’s going to be sad for them their new logo and all the new Arena and all of that so I don’t think they went without um Kawai um he has to be present in order for them to do what they promised and right now it’s looking like

Either he’s on what they call it low management he he’s best his best thing is to come back cuz if they lose again with one of them getting hurt it look like that’s going to be the um Clippers Jinx um 100% correct I agree um kawwa to his

Credit has been playing you think he played 58 games this year this the most games he played in I don’t know how many years three or 4 years 58 games yeah still 82 still like 20 games left you know what I’m saying for for kaad this

Is a lot in the last three four years he hasn’t played a lot of games in the last three four years so for him to be on Pace I think he only missed like six seven games so far this year which is amazing for kawh Lenard

Um but for them to win I agree with you Ma they can make the the Western Conference Finals but he has to be there yeah he has to be there and to me this is more bad luck for the Clippers um just how we speak about the black cloud the black cat whatever

Superstition you want to put over it he has to be there hopefully this isn’t a lingering injury because one thing you can’t say is that he didn’t play this season he he’s been on the court this season he’s averaging close to 24 points shooting over 52% from the field um and

He’s playing great and tou got that team running like a well oiled machine pause um I just feel bad for the scenario hopefully it wouldn’t be um a lingering situation but they really have a chance minimum to go to the Western Conference Finals but it won’t happen without Kawai so hopefully the Clippers

Roster will be um fully healthy by time the playoffs start and they don’t slack off on games when kawwai is out cuz I really want to see the Clippers at um full strength from the playoff start okay also on the topic of injuries cat underwent surgery to repair miniscus

Tear he’s expected to be back by early in the Western Conference playoffs how do you guys feel about the absence of him from the Timberwolves um that’s another one of those situations where um but not not ongoing bad luck but this would be super bad if they don’t end up winning because

They were on Pace to definitely make the Western Conference Finals you know especially with them at one point they was leading the NBA you know and now I think they’re in second or third they’re in third are first so you could tell that they dipped by him not even being

There so now anman is going to have to pick up the pick up the speed and pick it up he GNA have to take the team and pause and put it on his back until until he gets back because if not they’re not going to make it and I don’t think

They’ll be that good next year I agree with that take also you need cat to go where y’all need to be um they’re only a game out of first place um Oklahoma City Thunders a half a game out of on first place but know what time of year it is it’s

March going on April which mean the playoffs are coming up and guess who someway somehow find their s back in first place in the Western confence Finals right in the nick of time the Denver Nuggets right where they need to be at the time they supposed to be there

So all year we’ve been talking about how Oklahoma City is number one how Minnesota’s number one Oklahoma City’s number one Minnesota’s number one they going back and forth all season for the number one slot and guess who knows how to play in April May and June the Denver Nuggets um

And this is what we was talking about um earlier um early last week when we’re saying damn if Oklahoma City and Minnesota could have held on to the one and two spot and possibly play Golden State or the Lakers that would have been very interesting but it’s looking like

Denver say all right y’all have fun y y was number one when y’all needed to be yeah and now it’s it’s it’s The Season’s winding down and you know who need that number one seat so uh we’ll see what happens B with you um cat needs to be

There for to win as well sad that all this is happening around playoff time or approaching playoff time but they’re not going to win without cat Antman is doing Sensational uh he’s a [ __ ] you know watching full Minnesota games the last couple weeks he won it he’s a [ __ ] who

Wanted you know what the you know how we do the eye test not just the stats the ey test he wants it yeah he missed the free throw the other night the game was on the line they came down tried to win he blocked a shot and hit his head on

The backboard blocking a shot at the buzzer cuz he missed that free throw pedal back on defense that man hit his head on the backboard to block the shot a game-winning block shot I can see by the eye touch that kid wants it but um they’re definitely gonna need cat to win

Okay college basketball is having its first ever inseason nil payout Tournament it will offer up to $2 million in nil deals to the participating teams the eight team tournament dub players era is slated for Thanksgiving weekend and will be held at MG gym Grand in Las Vegas so do you guys

Like this concept like this idea or do you think that there’s just too many changes being made in the basketball space I like all these changes Money Changes where more money can be made that’s a good thing for those kids I think so how does it work so I

Guess when so it’s going to be 18 tournament they have a couple teams who said they wanted to participate so like Florida Atlantic Duke and then I guess they’ll just be so like within the season they’ll kind of like in season tournament they’ll have that participation where it’s like a lot of

Sponsors and then they get money from it so and who’s the teams in it let me check cuz a couple yeah how do you get picked for that you know what I’m saying what if you what if you both Carolina and you a but Duke is in it right what you trck

You know Duke gonna be in it yeah so the report State schools such as duke Alabama Florida Atlantic Houston Kansas Oregon St John San Diego State they’re in talk to partici getting some cash so I think they have to I don’t know how it decides the exact teams that

Are in the competition but those are the teams in talks of participating which I’m assuming are just like the top school taking a look at right now I just want to it’s a couple things I want to know how you get to decide who’s in it um how they allocating the money after

Whoever wins and what’s the lit um all all this says to me is that y’all could have been doing this [ __ ] what’s going on is that [ __ ] is figuring out how to get money on their own without colleges uh and now y’all figuring out all these ways now y’all figuring out

All these ways to get these kids this money when y’all could have been figuring these ways out to get this money but now that they’re getting that money on their own you want to help them figure out a way to get money when y’all could have been doing this for decades

Now [ __ ] is eating now [ __ ] like yo let’s get inv involved and help teams come here this time the thir look I was looking at some [ __ ] last night that [ __ ] Nick s been talking about the college game ain’t what it used to be I can’t be a part of it yeah

Cuz you can’t slave you can’t treat [ __ ] like slave [ __ ] getting that chicken down I’m not saying they sa been treat [ __ ] like slaves I’m being I’m over exaggerating I’m over exaggerating totally I don’t want [ __ ] to act like you know is and Alabama and like I don’t

Want [ __ ] to get on no racial [ __ ] I’m just saying that you can’t contr a [ __ ] like that like you used to Nick sa because now he’s getting money and secondly if he’s not getting a play in time or he’s not you’re not talking to

Him the way he feels he needs to be talked to he’s getting in a portal and yeah so now it’s not one of them situ you stuck here four years I could talk to you crazy yeah you talking to me I could do whatever to get you in the

School and then switch up on right oh you acting crazy I’m going to portal yeah I’m going I’m going to LSU you’re acting crazy so to me I’m happy they doing it but I’m more disgusted that they’re trying to figure all this out now and it could have been figured out

Years and years and years and decades ago but congratulations to the kids man as much as money as y’all can get go get it so is one team splitting two two million um I just feel like there’s always a catch that’s what it’s saying that how coaches get they might be

Rerouting the cash we got to figure this out it says reportedly front office it says the new tournament will include up to 2 million in nil deals which each participating School receiving $1 million just being in the tournament so that’s what I’m saying the school is getting the money

How is that money getting allocated towards the players because if better dorms and all that yeah you know what I’m saying like that’s like that doesn’t help them like I don’t care about their I care about mine exactly yeah the winning team gets an additional 1 million and that will be distributed and

Divided between the current roster saying there’s always a catch I’m looking at it now it says and it’s not really 2 million it says up to two million in nil deals so if you win we gonna get you we this Nike hat we we’re going to get you a pair of under arour

Wear this Under Armour shirt you’re not really just giving me the money for the work I just did you’re basically saying okay you won throw this logo on your back and we’ll allocate the money how it needs to be allocated for from there yep okay and then the last question before

We wrap Joe Flaco agrees with the Colts on a one-year 8.7 million dollar deal and will be a backup quarterback to Anthony Richardson do you guys think that this is a good fit for him in Indiana yep that’s really good anywh Joe Flo could get play paid is a good is a good

Deal I I’m happy for Joe I’m you know I’m a Joe Flo fan I really wish he would have stayed and um in um Cleveland though because we have to see about Deshawn Watson’s durability and I think he fig he for a [ __ ] that

Was on his couch to get up and go get in that system and do what he did until he lost in the playoffs I think he had a sensational job if he had more time to be there I think he fit great in that system but I don’t know if DeShaun

Watson is going to be durable all season I would love to have Joe floa back out backup pardon me if I was the Cleveland Browns but I’m happy for Joe because he he didn’t have a job so for him at least having a job right now that was dope

Yeah and they don’t know how Richardson gonna come back so he might get the same time and the same ability out there yeah so we talked Joe Flo Kirk Cousins Russell Wilson a whole bunch of people in free agency what do you guys think was the best pickup probably probably um Russell

Wilson I think Russell Wilson was the best the best pick up out of out of all of the um free agents look Derek Henry with Baltimore is great sequan Barkley with Philly Squan with Philly might be Squan with Philly saquan with Philly is good but I’m gonna go with Mason and say the

Steelers because if you could get Russell Wilson for $1.2 million you can’t beat that yeah you can’t beat it minimum yeah you you can’t beat that so I’m going to say the biggest winner out of everybody so far to me has to be the Pittsburgh Steelers

Wow I love that we all agree today what a great way to end the show oh my goodness that’s all the time we have for today thanks for watching and as always it is what it Is


  1. There’s no way you could’ve told us back during BET days, that Cam and Mase would make a podcast and you can watch your two favorite rappers every morning 💯🔥



  4. They clap on $tat Baby like she’s their daughter or niecy lol.. work for free lol $tat backed that all the way back . Lol

  5. Out of the candidates, Steph would definitely get my vote. It amazes me that people don't know how much Steph does for the community. He is very involved when it comes to thankless jobs. He really cares about the well-being of the people of his country. Yes, Steph Curry for president

  6. If the grown man is happy with the grown woman that he chose, that is their business. I wish them a long, prosperous, happy life together in which they can raise their children properly. Draya Is a very talented actress (3-4 great movies on Tubi), and one of the most beautiful women on the face of the Earth. Also, Draya classy.

  7. I seen a documentary on espn on the Currys years ago. Definitely bougie family. Heavily critical on uneducated black people as if you’re not worth anything if you didn’t have a degree. Everyone is the church was high yellow with light brown or green eyes. Sent major red flags for me. I tried looking it up and could not find it on you tube.

  8. I really do love the show but if I may make a suggestion.. you guys really have to dig a little deeper (pause) than the most recent stats for topics you’re covering. Jacobs is a top tier RB in the league and he only had 800 yards because he missed 4 games last year, not because he fell off a cliff production wise. And as Ma$e mentioned he led the league in rushing in 2022. I’m not saying you have to be super duper experts on everything but you guys know basketball down to the 12th man in rotation and what coaches should do with lineups and a bunch of stuff I don’t have a clue about with basketball. I just wish it was the same homework done on football, and maybe not all football topics but def the ones that are gonna be covered on the show. No hate or shade. I love watching you guys and Stat, yall do a great job and I love that you bring culture and real life to the convo not just what’s on the field or the court

  9. Why yall ain killing Kawhi and clippers like yall kill ben… CLIPPED GETTING INJURED INNTHE PLAYOFFS…. HAPPPENS EVERY YEAR!! We mfs surprised lmaoo its been happening since cp3 and blake…

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