1 Simple Drill to Release Tension from your Golf Swing

GRF Golf Coach George goes through a drill to assist Marc in releasing tension in his golf swing.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

Perfect hold it there don’t move keep watching it let it land keep hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold am I supposed to I felt really on my toes in the end like here like almost fallen the

On my front toe like on this way okay let’s go again then oh lovely hold it there that’s feel more IM balance yeah I can see that pressure’s gone to the right heel this time there you go so go back to that finish you just had yeah so more of a

Tension finish so there’s tension here so let’s just let that club sit there you go feel how all that tension just dissipated there on a scale of 1 to 10 how much tension in these arms 01 something like that that is kind of really our active tension that we ever

Want in the arms all the way through a golf swing yeah but they will naturally tension and I’ll sort of explain what I mean by that in a second but let’s stay in this space just hold it there and I’ll just stand in front of you and show

You with my right-handed finish and not going to attempt my left-handed finish uh what what I want you to do is exactly you’re in this finish and we’re just going to let the hands just start to fall down the material on your top so that it really is staying in contact

With the material on your top and I’ll show you first and then you can go so it’s coming down and then when they get down to maybe belly button belt buckle sort of space this club head will start to just want to come out like this and

When it does that when you feel that club head starts to go let’s get busy with the body and throw it back throw it through to that same relaxed finish with the club on our shoulder and then let it come down the top again swish it back

Swish it through to that same finish swish it back swish it through with to that same finish so this you’re finding this finish time and time again and then go with the body that’s it and just let the club fall fall fall fall cuz you’re tensioning that so it will just almost

Fall under its own weight just like that it come too close to No it’s it’s fine all we’re doing here is feeling what it’s like to really let the arms just react to our body see how these arms are just falling they’ll fall fall fall and

Then you go bang swish full fall fall bang swish full full full bang swish full full full bang swish nice and hold it after this one nice so this is our that’s our full that’s this is our full swing finish rather than held under tension oh cuz that’s going to be representative of

You’ve got probably some tension through the swing and look it’s there’s going to be some level of tension there but also what this is representing is just allowing the swing weight to just fall right so what this is representative of also is back here in the swing where we

Don’t want to go and throw the club with our arms straight away cuz that’s our nice big early release snap hook with the face closing and it’s it’s going to be more representative of in the initial stages of this down swing when you’re shifting and rotating that this handle is just

Falling here and then you go you don’t need to think of it or try and do it this exercise will help elicit that sort of state of natural tensioning through the arms rather than for the switch to come later rather than us actively tensioning it’s like a ball on a piece

Of string right if there’s no Force applied that ball is just dangling down here the string is yeah loose so it’s not just oh loosen up like this you’re actually loosening up by taking tension out of the system hi guys due to the high demand on the golf trips we’ve got

Another trip planned for Gloria in Turkey in April it’s from the 21st to the 25th and we sold four places already so these trips are exclusively for a small group of six people so there’s only two places left if you’d like more details please contact fars at grf atol

Trel and he’ll be able to give you all the information you need and hopefully we see you there the club’s just following whatever the body does this thing you’re like a good chess player you’re always just a move or two ahead of what this golf club does you’re

Just going to play this golf shot to that finish really that’s the destination the Striking of this ball is just somewhere in the middle of the golf shot but your destination is that finish you just practiced oh was quick I I kind of got up and you

Don’t need to tell me what happened the CU this is we we’re now sort of getting into a performance state right so this might be your practice on the Range before a a round or something like that so you identified something there that you feel caused that outcome so now

Practice swing feel whatever it is you feel you need to change so we have are we happy with that interaction with the ground yeah the better thump cool so if we’re happy with it then we can go and put it into reality scale of 1 to 10 how happy are

You with that shot Seven I didn’t want to put any sort of value judgment on it right but what I saw 10 out of 10 because and what I mean is 10 out of 10 is is is just that process you went through okay yes I sort of gave you a

Little cue about what we’re doing here and how we’re sort of framing this whole practice event if you like but previous golf shot to that golf shot you just played the whole process you went through absolute 10 out of 10 you’re reading ball flight and relating that to

Movement and then having influence over that next ball flight cuz you’ve changed your movement in a in a in a purposeful accurate way I’m really curious to see what it does to my like cuz my seven iron is kind of my cut off iron that I could you know have you’re sort of

Comfortable with yeah sure I’ve never hit a three-wood like that ever now you have yeah perfect look at that for flight shot that was just these last 20 minutes were worth the flight driving yeah and that’s it what’s happening is everything we’ve done is just being allowed to rise to

The surface yeah and just break out but it feels repeatable when you say repeatable it’s just the body’s just doing it yeah without being too consciously driven completely different than what I was thinking before coming here I thought I had to cross lines and now parallel which makes me comfortable

And I just had to send my club absolutely sure oh wow mark That’s phenomenal I love the little Club drop at the end why here you go don’t think too much about it just execute fade this one that was the perfect draw three W off the deck brilliant brilliant golf shot can

You fade this one this is fun well done that was awesome so perfect 3w off the deck baby draw perfect three-w off the deck baby fade dodgy ball it was drawing and then just almost went the other way Mark brilliant thanks for your time well done really really appreciate well thanks for

Making the trip it was it was brilliant that you’ve like you said I mean it’s obvious you love golf you’ve yeah come this far it’s a love relationship absolutely I think it is with everyone I love it so much I can’t I I can’t work

Out if I love it so much that I hate it or I hate it so much that I love it but brilliant


  1. I've been workin on a few things over the last few weeks an relaxing the tension in the arms is 1 of them. I see a vast improvement in shot shape and flight when I loosen up the arms..
    As Marcus said, u have to loose control of the arms to gain control of the swing 🏌🏻‍♀️

  2. The arms will tension naturally in relation to your body movement and the weight of the club. Much like the analogy I used in this vid of a ball on a string. Keep working at it and hopefully you reap those rewards!

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