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2024 The Open at Austin | FPO R2F9 | Mertsch, Blomroos, Tattar, Allen | Jomez Disc Golf

LIVE coverage from JomezPro! Join JomezCast during 2 rounds of USWDGC. Round 1 on JomezPro’s YouTube and Round 4 on DGN Pro ➼

Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the FPO feature cards first round at the 2024 The Open at Austin.

Card: Kat Mertsch, Henna Blomroos, Kristin Tattar, Catrina Allen
Course: The Open Course at Harvey Penick | Austin, TX
2HotGeese: Madison Walker, Erika Stinchcomb

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Front 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
02:28 HOLE 1
11:04 HOLE 2
17:17 HOLE 3
21:53 HOLE 4
25:49 HOLE 5
31:08 HOLE 6
37:49 HOLE 7
41:32 HOLE 8
47:46 HOLE 9

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I’m in the lead I just went it just happened and now it’s done and it is what it is I was prepared for like storms and like lightning and everything uh but it was a lot better just in tune with the wind today like knowing okay this hle is going to

Be pretty hard to get today and this wind is making it even more difficult for down through five and I I missed the putt on on the first hole I feel like you want to get those birdies in before heading into the woods oh they are super hard if you miss your line

Like this month you can be OB easily and and I think you can take a like eight on every hole on there so they are hard you need to focus on every sub feel like I really understand what the course is asking for feel confident

Uh in my game plan and just going to focus on That Hello and welcome to round two of the open at Austin we’re at Harvey pennick disc golf course I’m Madison Walker I’m Erica stinchcomb we’re the two hys I feel like you missed a couple of opens in there yeah there was a lot and I knew I needed something but I wasn’t

Sure where it went actually think we’re two sultry spoon bills thanks to Reddit now yes we are I what what noise do they make [Laughter] um uh yeah we’re uh we’re going into the stormy day with cat merch 100% Circle 1 x putting in round one she shot 1020 76%

Of the time finding the Fairway 56% of the time finding Circle 2 giving herself lots of looks for birdie Hanna Bloom Rus was on my card yesterday was fun to watch her shoot six down 80% 81% actually Fairway hits Landing in circle to 78% at a time and 75 in circle

1X chrisen Tatar you guys know her 76% of the time hitting the Fairway 72 Circle 2 in regulation wow that’s a lot of looks for birdie that’s insane and 75% of the time scrambling if she did find herself off the Fairway and that is great out here on this Harvey pinck disc

Golf course and Katrina Allen I believe shooting a four down 90% Fairway hits uh 72% also Circle too and scrambling 100% of the time so impressive in these new technical wooded holes she probably only had a SC once yesterday she was just in the Fairway I swear well she did it 100%

Home one is a par three it’s 320 ft you are shooting over this Ravine doesn’t really come into play unless you really mess up uh at 320 everyone is looking to draw this thing up it’s just kind of a straight shot with a little bit of a

Heer finish some of those trees can get in the way on your you ping if you’re not careful uh the wind was not too bad today I should say that we did have an hour kind of lightning delay early on so we are playing a bit later in the day

But conditions were much better than yesterday Onin tied with Katrina Allen on the Chase card immediately gets in the circle on ho one just some light mist to begin the day but otherwise nothing too crazy we were expecting lots of thunderstorms and lots of rain but thankfully it held

Up Missy Ganon at three down puts it even closer than own i’ bet anything that was a threat sure own starting off the day with a birdie and as uh Kristen said in her interview you do want to get these birdies early the first five are all I

Don’t want to say easy you anyone in the field can get any of the first five by Inova and merch cat merch starting us off the hot round yesterday at seven down what’ you say 1020 yep 10 20 and we said it yesterday during Waco top five was having to shoot thousand

Rated to be in that position pretty amazing this is a champion TL goes a little bit deep oh that’s a Mean Mug she’s got her serious face on business face I’m excited to watch hna she is one of the best disc throwers right now in the fo field she has just the most

Consistent backhand ever she does these little standstill approach shots that are deadly with her Rock yesterday she said I asked oh what’d you throw on this really great turnover shot and she said a destroyer and I said oh is it really flippy or you just super strong she says

I’m a nood alarm dead serious she say perfect technique and it was a flippy Destroyer she goes Champion Thunderbird here and I think she’s inside the circle just funny cuz no one else on the planet would describe henna as a noodle arm not a single day in our lives maybe

Like Al Dente like not cooked pasta you know still got some stability Kristen going orbit R same as yesterday that looks great almost in the Bull’s [Applause] Eye Katrina is shooting five just as I said I’m excited to see how everyone competes today in with the conditions

Like this if it stays much less win today yeah what I mean what do we think what are we projecting here I feel like I already said yesterday I think double digits is possible in Comm possible but you’d have to get through the woods pretty clean

Yep like henna said you can double or triple any wooded hole Yeah I think she said eight oh quads yeah cat giving it a soft bid didn’t have a lot of room to work the Heiser so that almost had to be kind of knifey Hanah underc committed on her first putt of the

Day and she’s going to have some work to too the old noodle that’s what they were all yelling at her when she missed that putt boo noodle oh man no got to just be nerves we watched this happen to own yesterday and if it can happen to own it can

Happen to anyone it’s a really good point that I’m going to tell myself next time Katrina in for the birdie great start is she now five down all right I think I was right before we’re we’re uh on this gray day we are definitely trying to get caught

Up so excuse all the silence that we have as we get as we get warmed up basically and Cat merch is going to walk away with the par checking in again on the Chase card ahead at hole two I’m going to go forand flex here oh my gosh her shots just look like

They’re turned over I thought I was going to go straight into the railing and it’s really good actually she is a little bit pinned on that um what would you call that little tree well yeah I love tree well yeah it’s poetic thank you missy correcting from yesterday we

Saw her throw one out of bounds but she gets one right in the middle this time safe it’s a little on the short side maybe a little pinch but she can very easily get a birdie o forehand Missy Mhm that was smooth mhm and that is all you need oh that’s it that’s exactly all you need a little bit more would be nice look at owns Mini on top of the little block yeah oh she’s going for it yes she is that’s great yeah it is she’s right

Outside Circle too a super easy birdie and potential Eagle mhm Missy trying to go around that tree she does squeak right by it and ends up right outside the bullseye oh with a real soft bid almost lay upy I hope you can all hear the slightly haunting ice cream truck music in the

Background it’s been going for a while you’re not crazy you could probably hear my stomach growling too because I really want to go outside and grab some you I’ll I’ll take it go on all right Erica for the next two holes I will be back own two for two not enough looks

Like she’s trying to get a third here mhm I really like the sidearm play on this hole cuz there’s so much more room but Missy with this Hiser flip man that pushed so straight for so long yeah that’s beautiful and I really like the positioning having this uphill putt

Instead of any sort of death or cross putt neighborhood kids might must live right next door right next door or some hungry neighborhood adults Valerie mandano also a perfect three for three start a lot of people had a hot start today yeah ladies coming out to play yeah it was very impressive

To see how clean everyone was straight out the gate but these are the ones that you have to get you want to come out of the first four or five holes you know two or three down you’re feeling good at least at least yeah look at all these underpar scores

On the round Ali Smith on my card a perfect four for four start now I gu totally perfect cuz you can Eagle this one yeah oh that’s true aty yeah get perfect try it um but we are going to look at hole two now this is where the

Lead card is as we watched Missy and own take birdies on hole three 680 ft you just watch Missy and own play it you don’t have to bite off too much on the te in order to have a shot to the green actually but this is definitely one of

The softer holes for getting a birdie you don’t have to do anything too crazy your second shot can even be only 100 ft and it’ll work I think the Temptation is just going too big on the first two shots in a row chasing the eagle yeah chasing the

Eagle no one can catch an eagle but I bet a few can today Kristen with a great forehand pretty similar to yesterday I am happy and I know it about this round and the calm wind Katrina takes an appropriate amount I think off the backand not getting too

Crazy ooh whoa cat taken to the sky I’ve not seen this but it’s it works great yeah makes sense mhm she clap your hands for that one hna is so good at these flip up shots that looks like a slower disc and lands with a little splash right in the

Middle of the Fairway yeah she’s going Champion Rock three she did go OB on this one yesterday and saved a birdie cat looks like she’s holding something a little slower as well she’s going to go for the easy four yeah I think that’s smart you have

To be in a pretty Prime position to want to go for the eagle here yep she’s going game plan mode Katrina can’t tell looks like she’s oh roll sick so sick flip up there is OB that she’s headed towards it needs to curl it is curling

Is come on that’s awesome she’s going to be in circle too Katrina one of I think the most technical backhand roller throwers out there I like that she’s just just drying her disc off like she didn’t just do something absolutely unbelievable I would be just praising the heavens she’s actually jumping up

Did everyone see that look at me oh so good yeah no kidding rolls back just in the nick of time putting for Eagle henna in a good spot and so good at the turnover I can’t remember if they pulled the OB on the left side a little bit

Further out but I love that there’s more space over there so you can go for it comfortably uh hen’s disc lands a little sharper on the anheiser angle than she wants so it doesn’t get as much get but thankfully it is safe easy birdie Kristen looking like the same

Play as yesterday kind of pulling it to the outside edge of this green and giving yourself a very long look and once again an easy birdie not trying to get too greedy just guarantee the birdie cuz this shot is not a gimme those trees are definitely in the way

Enough uh that you have to navigate them smartly and the OB comes up pretty close behind it cat making short work at that perfect just a stand still little putter or mid shot H’s Eagle putt very anheiser and she’s not trying anything crazy respect still leaves it about the same

Distance putt that we saw her struggle with on the last hole we’ll see if she can cash that in we saw a double in birdie rate on whole one but kept about the same today almost half the field getting this one Katrina ah just a touch short on her

Eagle bid but what a highlight roller and for birdie there we go great correction yeah and a nice little confidence Builder shaking off the nerves there were no Eagles today oh okay surprised just 25 birdies yeah half the field pretty much probably like 47.9% it’s hard to go nuts here when is

Such an easy birdie to get yeah you know yep I think a lot of the morning players had to play that hole in pretty rough conditions as well we did have some heavy showers earlier yeah the delay mitigated it quite a bit it was mostly just Misty and then you see all

Of the water on the ground kind of kick up so it was mostly just the ground play was different than it has been own Stoke that she’s in bounds yep they this is the Chase card on hole four yesterday we had an absolute ripping headwind

Today you can just let the disc do the work you want to come in nice and soft cuz the OB comes up so fast on the backside yeah the wind today there’s probably like you know fiveish mile per hour winds maybe up to 10 Gess but

Nothing that you had to think too hard about oh okay four for four you got a got a regional bird oh yeah the crusted Cara Cara wow we love that one for Missy as well I would love it if we just had pictures of the birds that

Popped up if you guys would like to if you have time you should look up this bird yeah because it’s one of the coolest looking birds in the United States fantastic mhm JZ an educational video series let’s go back to the lead card on whole 3 275 real

Quick we have a patreon giver patreon winner for a giveaway Donnie Parker congratulations for getting the giveaway disc that we’re giving you today we’re going to give her the winway give her the winway Donnie you did it hey hole 3 is a par 3 275 we have already seen it

OB green short they did take away the OB on the right side otherwise the same T from last year the pin is a bit shorter this one is the first one that feels like a true gimme like you you can definitely miss it with the hill sometimes you get some skips on there

There and leave yourself a longer putt but if you don’t have a putt on this one you’re not feeling the best mhm you’re like oops I just made a big mistake yeah ooh oops early out Katrina’s hand checks up before the OB though almost a big mistake now just a tiny

One what do you think Jen is thinking about in that zuka I know we know what you think they went polar opposite from last year oh cat merch Bullseye hit from big cheesy smiles to very serious modelesque I don’t know Jen looks contemplative she definitely does what is she thinking

About the beauty of nature Hanna trying to flip this one up it pushes nice and straight another champion Rock three she’s inside the [Applause] circle Katrina just trying to get up and down here make sure this disc does not roll away on the very steep incline of the green that’s

Great Kristen from 38 ft uphill bid just needs to make sure to get this high and not hit the cage one in high just over 4 40% of the field getting this one and I think it’s largely doing part to this sloped green it makes for some funky footing it’s

Just also to easy to get kind of the skip if you throw the backand down the hill if you’re not too careful henna with another good connection on the putting green gets the birdie cat with a bullseye tap in for birdie also cleaning up as we move on to the downhill hold

That we just watched Chase Card play they in the meantime are on hole five the last hole in the open yeah we’re just trying to give you guys real time checkins as you know as it goes down as it goes down thank this is Missy and O

Both throwing from the Drop Zone area where you have to throw your t- shot it’s a very technical shot and you’re happy when you get here especially if it’s windy today though Miss’s trying to throw it in that’s what she wants she comes up a little bit short mm

On and Missy both going to be at the bottom of the hill almost out of bounds wow but almost doesn’t mean anything what was the what was the bird crested car now wearing a little golden sombrero Missy can’t get them all I mean own can it hurts to get big

Putted by own and it just happens all the time just all the time it’s just part of Life never gets easier I was literally nervous we were practice putting on the same basket this morning warming up I like got nervous what is the simplest way to improve your disc golf game the answer learn from the very best Paul ulber Simon lazat Ezra ader hold and Holland

Handley they’re not just players they are your Elite coaches guiding you every step of the way the power dis Golf Academy is the Premier online Disc Golf Academy with over 150 on demand lessons that are specifically designed to improve your skills right now so what are you waiting for join today at powerd hole four 350 ft down hill no wind today yay there’s out of bounds on this green you just got to get over the top of it but barely because you don’t want to sail past this basket or come in with any amount of speed the OB

Is only what 28 ft behind the basket cirle Edge yep so it comes into play quickly you can throw a Hiser you can throw something low and flat that get some good ground play you there’s also plenty of room for a big sidearm and I kind of like that Spike sidearm play if

You got it cat going back hand with a color glow AVR 3 putter love this play yeah I like the right side kind of gentle fade cat inside the circle putting for another birdie henna also going putter here s line P2 little lower out of her hand than cat

And she is flirting with that green looks like she got across yep barely squeaks over the top oh he’s not sure hey Kristen threw a sidearm on this one yesterday looks like we’re going to see that play again yeah I agree it’s a nice play cuz

There’s more room on the right that is fading a little bit farther away from the pin and shorter than you’d like oh not quite fully committed and that is getting a lot of ground action down that’s close oh it’s out dang pinned on the back side of the steak Katrina opting for the

Backand looks like a good line it’s fading a lot needs to check up here that’s great I love the slow speed back in play H up and Circle 3 looking down very downhill at the basket not probably doing anything crazy here a really great layup there were 14

Birdies today about a quarter of the field getting this one so fun to throw but it’s not necessarily an easy shot no but it is enjoyable you’re right y Kristen from edge of circle two trying to save par I thought she had it and this is a great example of how

Quickly a hole can turn into a bogey on this course it’s not one you would ever even consider necessarily Bo no you’re thinking yeah birdie no problem I’ll get a putt and boom you’re one inch out of bounds and not able to save the par solid run for Katrina’s birdie bid just

An inch short from Circle 2 cat merch up from about 26 feet we’ll call it three in a row nice business turkey really smile mhm little wild bangs not full business mhm I think it’s impossible to go full business in advisor it’s impossible you’re right yeah they’ve done studies

Kristen makes good on her bogey save everyone else just going to tap in for par little bit of a walk to the next hole let’s see where everyone’s sitting as the Chase card goes into the woods and the lead card has one more out in the

Open a cat merch hanging on to solo first here own Scoggin perfect five for five start all you could ever want in Solo second here we go hole five the same hole as last year one of the few um you can see this Wiggly out of line on the

Left though I can’t remember is the Drop Zone new uh no okay if you go OB here’s a drop zone right here uh you can save a par from there which is really nice you see forehand off the te you see backhand turnovers um you you see it all honestly

You do not need to get that much distance off the te to be able to cross and go for Birdie on the second shot I would say the most common mistake is blasting past the basket making sure that you’re really safe and then leaving yourself a bit of a death putt on the

Way back this shot is so much less scary when there’s no wind we had a headwind yes head kind of crosswind yesterday that made you really think about it cat just blowing through all the trees she’s going to have a very straightforward up and down nice and

Open hna following suit yeah henna I think she threw it even better yesterday that’s still a great shot plenty of distance Katrina going sidearm this kind of a nice safe way to try to stay in bounds as long as you throw it far enough there’s one kind of dip right

Here that can catch a sidearm if it’s too short and she I’m sure she was so close there yeah she turned it just a little bit more than I’m sure she wanted let’s see if Kristen can correct here she’s going orbit RVE very safe shot and some good distance as well yeah

That’s plenty far enough to attack for birdie sidearm sidearm again she did the same thing yesterday bit farther today than yesterday nice full flight comes in kind of hot but checks up inside the circle yeah great shot and a lining up the backhand here she’s so good at I watch that all

Day I know beautiful just so low so linear so Punchy yeah there’s so many times where she releases a disc on a Hiser and you think oh that’s going to fade out and then it goes perfectly straight forever and Nestles and you’re like I don’t know anything Katrina hangs it out wide uh

Does check up in circle two that’s going to be a very tricky par save cat squatting getting ready getting in the legs engaged for this standstill it’s good thing she squatted that barely had enough legs Katrina up first for her birdie bid nearly 50 ft she CED like two or three

Circle two putts yesterday day dang oh my gosh dunks [Applause] it let’s see it again I heard this cheer on the course the people loved it just the perfect timing for that Hiser and would have stayed close if she missed literally the perfect run and the perfect calm walk it in was

Like freak I like run I’m like oh my god look I did it Kristen making good for her birdie bouncing back from the bogey on the previous hole there were 20 birdies on this hole today 40% of the field getting it yeah quite a bit easier than yesterday cat kind

Ofer out of her hand Hanna from just outside the bullseye for another birdie having three birdies going into the woods feels nice speaking of the woods let’s watch the Chase card on the very first Woods Hole hole six love that line off the te nice Flex

Forehand this is one we saw one birdie yesterday from Rebecca Cox and it is something special feels more like an eagle this second shot is so demanding for the backhand the sidearms not it though because that OB on the right side does come into play pretty quickly own

Makes good of it though and throws something fast and that’s just great is she going to six for six this is not one you are you are so happy with a par here you’re fine with a bogey here yeah not own 6 for six six for six and she’s only the

Second person to birdie that this weekend keep in mind that cat merged through the hot round at 7 down own already at 6 that’s wild that is wild I want more fire emojis on Own here’s the hole we just watched own birdie at 535 ft 70% of the field Bing this one yesterday and it’s mostly that OB line on the right hand side you catch any of these Fairway trees and you can find it so easily and it’s not a gimme

Up and down after that like hna said this can turn into an eight really fast there’s a lot of trees there’s that one o line but B both basically you’re just trying to keep it in the middle and cut the hole into little sections par 4

Might be a little tweener on this hole for the fpo field like I said it averaged a full stroke over par yesterday and I think the Temptation is kind of what henna just did to go a little bit too big off of the t-

Shot Han going to be in the middle but a little shorter than he won Kristen caught up early yesterday makes the correction I think this is probably this safest line but look at that she caught one tree what she’s like three feet from OB yes I said safest did

Not say safe there’s no safe shot on this hole that is one I don’t want to say it’s a complaint cat thankfully kicks early enough that the OB line is not quite in play yet but that’s maybe my one uh critique for these holes is that there’s

Not really a way to play safe with how close the OB is on the right side yeah we see Katrina finds it I don’t know you could throw a putter 150 ft so boring that’s not even safe no it’s not there’s no safe you’re right you got to go you

Got to send it well they gave us a lot of birdies to start so I don’t hate that these are very hard me too it says a lot that they’re still enjoyable to play MH while being very demanding cat with a nice little Dancy forehand that checks up Katrina throwing three she’s still

Probably if I had to guess 280 maybe from the pin 250 but it’s a really demanding angle so she’s not trying to do anything crazy here I would almost Say closer to three from there 280 sounds nice I’ll just agree in the woods it plays longer yeah Kristen going real aggressive and I

Love this yeah like that it’s nice and low get some good ground play just outside the circle for a birdie that was so impressive so good hna she lining up the Heiser or the anheiser anheiser we don’t see a lot of forehands from hna and that was great is

It exactly what you need just a little bit burned but I mean yeah no problem Mhm cat throwing three fairly open Lane for the hole not quite able to turn it and it really danced in there look at it hanging by one twig it’s a Christmas ornament yeah look at it Katrina throwing her fourth after the OB going turnover sidearm that’s looking great wow wow she’s a forehand

Technician this weekend mhm yeah she has thrown some really touchy shots No 2 meter rule cat just marking it underneath from the trees and it will go back into the air never touching the ground little underc committed there from cat but she gets away with

It it was an awkward angle and you can see how a par doesn’t feel awful here it’s not great but it’s yeah there’s so much that can happen hna just laying up for her uh bogey it averaged a full stroke over par yesterday did you already say what it is

Today no uh 75% of the field bog here were so worse today 1.2 uh Kristen with a huge birdie there super wide straddle putt let’s see it again Kristen the second birdie of the day and the third of the weekend wow God so good so so much power from that really wide straddle

Stance highlight birdie for sure mhm Katrina coming back for a bogey solid in my mind if I make it my goal honestly is just par for the three Woods holes here and if I’m one over through these three I’m not about it no definitely not yeah we’re going to watch Katrina

Cat and H all take bogeys and you can see it there it wasn’t necessarily I wouldn’t even call it sloppy it’s just kind of catching one tree checking back in with the Chase card ahead at the next hole own throwing kind of into the trees but she

Gets away with it yeah she’s trying to go flex back hand up that left side you see this one tree in the center that really just messes with you this is my preferred line although I don’t think I’ve ever thrown it that well Missy beautiful shot just breaks right in

Front of the tree flexes back perfectly for a second I thought enen was going to make this this is our first car of the round on whole seven wild that approach was so close to going into Missy with a great birdie and crazy that five down through seven isn’t the hot round for Missy Kristen going to overtake henna with that birdie own in a tie for first right now with that six down through seven whole seven we just saw it uh you can go around this tree on either side you can go forehand you can go backhand it’s a pretty tight tunnel the only

Error you can’t make is ending up on the right side which is out of bounds left side is better um forehand anheiser I think is a great play the backhand works but I think there’s more risk of catching a tree and kicking to the right yeah this is a a hole that you

Come with a game plan am I going to go big am I going to go for birdie here or am I going to kind of throw it softer and give myself just a long putt yeah unlike the other two wooded holes this one a bogey does feel rough

Like you should at least par this one um Kristen you can see I don’t want to say take some off but it was definitely more of a conservative play and it tries to flip it up it’s not quite turning enough but it works fine oh

Yeah cat doing that no I think it’s in oh yes it is cool dang she definitely deserved to be a bit more rewarded that was a great shot that was that champion glow Thunderbird that she is attuned to Katrina got a little slippage on the teapad and Yanks that one over it’s fine

Though uh she can still get up and down for par here yeah definitely not the upshot you want mm but the forehand technician is here she at least gives herself a long putt man I hate that got caught up at the end yeah just that’s that’s dis golf though game of

Inches hna looking looking like a soft bid yeah flexing that sidearm again there were six birdies on the hole today I feel like this that stat could just improve or not every day no Rhyme or Reason it’s one of those holes that you just get it or you don’t you know I

Do Kristen super long run looked great the whole way catches some metal going to be a par cat giving it a bid yeah you just get it or you don’t that can just be let’s just record that do it for every flyover oh late you get it or you don’t

Mhm whole nine you get it or you don’t yeah that’s true gosh whole nine is like that Katrina unfortunately going to have to walk away with the bogey after having a rough scramble everyone else going to walk away with their pars she’s back to even par on the round everyone else

Under so far on the lead card and Chase c car doing work it really is incredible that Miss’s five down is not enough to be the hot and and she’s still even struggling to get in the top three it’s just crazy it is crazy a Mia year

Ago things were different a simpler time hole eight 570 ft the final of the new wooded holes this year but we Ed part of a fairway from one of last year’s wooded holes your first shot you just want to throw a sidearm and land somewhere in that clumping of trees your next shot

You have to make a choice do you want to go for the green and try to get that birdie or do you just want to lay up to the mouth of the Gap and give yourself a really easy jump putt this is another one that averaged as a full stroke over

Par yesterday so we might see a lot of people adjusting their game plan today a lot of people just GNA don’t on this one mm just not I’m just not gonna not gonna do it going to not Kristen looks almost good but it trickles over to the right

Side she’ll be a little pinched may not be able to go for the Green from there yeah but you really only need to pitch up to the yep tunnel kind of like you said and it gets caught up and that’s pretty classic we’ve all had to throw scramble shots from that little

Area cat with that champion glow Thunderbird turning it really nicely I feel like I don’t see a ton of back hands on this that pretty that’s a tougher shot than it looks it’s risky cat loves it just cheesing little shrug I don’t know feeling cute

Might throw a back in cat was I mean Katrina was trying to go the outside route she early releases inside gets a big ground play as well and she’s going to be kind of Trapped yeah but she really just needs to throw to the tunnel

Yeah o Hannah in jail look at all those little tiny tree jail bars this is really hard from Katrina like that is not a big gap to be throwing an anheiser through she’s still going to have to decide whether she wants to just chip up to the entrance of the

Tunnel and we see Kristen doing just that right in the entrance mhm nice oh that looks like a fastest yeah looks like Katrina is lining this one up to at least give herself a look love that mhm me too it’s most of the way down there yeah

It’ll be tricky over there but I really do respect going for it there andah just a pretty small pitch out there cat this is her drive this is a huge Drive she’s able to navigate the tunnel really effectively with some tree love wow that is rare to find people inside

Circle one on this one it averaged a full stroke over par yesterday today only three people getting into Circle one cat’s Drive was the farthest I’ve seen on the whole mhm and uh similar story gets a little nice tree kick and is inside the circle it looks like or

Maybe just outside tell it’s great to rescue a bogey with a pitch out on this hole that’s amazing mhm christen’s third gets caught doesn’t get the nice kick and that’s why the uh pitch up to the tunnel play can bite you but the worst you’re going to do here is a bogey

And we know Kristen can sink this outside Circle too put dang that look great one in low cat with no putting opportunity sadly here and she’s gonna have to settle for bogy yeah kind of rough um three in a row Bogies which can happen easily in these wooded holes we’re going

To move back out into the open a lot more scoring opportunities available H kind of yanking that putt trying to save the bogey but she’s going to have to settle for double and that can happen on any of these holes this is this is the type of um these three holes

Are the ones you just kind of have to put your head down and move on yeah just let him go yep dang not cat merch though nope birdie baby one of only two birdies on the day today elzra midling also getting it sweet this hole did play a little easier

Today with the fpo field probably more people trying a new game plan man that’s a rough one to miss hna with the triple does everyone feel the weight I feel it I feel it it’s heavy I want the ice cream truck to come back and lift my spirits

Yeah all right well rough one if um you look at anyone else besides cat merch we’ll watch the Chase card wrap up there front nine own does a great job of navigating the little safe landing zone between the green and the left side OB yesterday we watched her have just

The absolute best luck in the world today she’s opting for a little bit more of a safe route pushing it way more right and she’s in the bullseye it’s a th% safer than yesterday where she hit the curb and rolled back in but made a good putt squeaked it over

Yeah and easy front n seven down through the front nine not quite as many colors on the front nine as we saw yesterday everyone kind of cleaning it up a little bit well it was less windy it was way less windy how do you paint with the Colors of the Wind if there’s

No wind to paint with whole N is a par four it’s only 510 but very tricky OB green straight ahead you are trying to land either past the green or to the left of it in between the green and the OB not quite a cart path I don’t know

Dirt cart path uh then you can see it gets really pinched up here through the neck and the head of this hole um backhand I think is a great play you could make a sidearm workor but you don’t really see that a ton uh it’s really easy to let the mistakes Compound

On this one um the hole is almost the same as old 18 last year but I think the t is in a better position to let us attack this one which is really nice yeah last year we were having to throw just absolute max distance shots

To barely get to the green whereas this year you can go over the green if you’re feeling yourself and really shorten that approach shot and it’s just easier to land to that left side that we saw m cat and own land and Kristen now Katrina trying to clean up the round

After those bogeys that’s a really solid drive as well look at the grouping on these Hanah better land right next to them I swear let’s watch H get a birdie too come on let’s watch this bounce back oh that’s fine yeah I mean it could be closer to theirs

Everyone in a really good position to attack here H I would say probably has about 300 feet left uphill maybe a little less it’s less it just feels far like a lot you see a lot of Fairway shots even though I think it’s closer to like

225 250 and that’s a really great little reaction on that side Hill checks up nicely inside the circle she’ll be putting for birdie cat up next give this gives this one some height it is turning towards out of bounds unable to come back she will have

A long bid to save par it looks like krina also turning it over too much it’s an easy mistake to make on this hole and she did not cross on the other side she’ll have to take it from the neck Kristen you can tell how much

Easier this hole gets if you get that little bit of extra distance off the te and that’s a really nice little stock Heiser approach shot to the [Applause] bullseye Katrina throwing four a little sidearm ship shot 110 ft we’ll call it that’s in the bullseye four Bogies in a row though is

A rough way to end the front nine still possible to get under par though yeah almost half the field Bing this one though I think holes six through eight are really where you have to buckle down actually six through this one is hard yeah are the hard ones I

Think like the really hard ones yep buckle up buckle down buckle down Buckle any way you want just buckled just what a pars say from cat she buckled she sure did hot let’s get some birdie Redemption here that same distance that she’s kind of been struggling with today we’ve seen her make several

But that just a little left side not looking confident on the green here Kristen another [Applause] birdie a nice another nice little bounce back for her on the front nine par usually feels good on this one but tough when you execute the first shot so well

Katrina going to be two over on the front like I said so many birdies still to come Redemption is possible let’s check in one more time before we end the front N9 with own ahead on hole 10 which is a island hole not quite getting over on

That one enough that’s going to find OB Oh I thought I might bounce back for and that is a mandatory Drop Zone pretty friendly Drop Zone though we’re not usually this close to try to save par 40t downhill own sends it and stay safe barely yeah makes good on the

Comebacker an impressive bogey butt I’m going to be five down after that bogey let’s check in with the rest of the scorecard maybe six down actually cuz that’s math C merch three down holding on to the lead after own got that bogey Christen toar three down enough for solo third Missy Ganon five

Down through 10 moving up to solo fourth pman Hano also up there in the top five three down through 10 H slipping down a little bit from our uh lead card status with a plus two but we move out into the open and that’s where she really shines

So we could see her um really turn things around on the back n yeah I’m looking forward to it yep we have some more sunshine or not Sunshine but no more rain the forecast uh it stays nice and warm and nice calm condition so come hang with us on the back at Harvey

Pinnick disco course at the open of at Austin I’m Madison America stinchcomb we’re the two Huges H Hug


  1. I appreciate all the chase card checkins (both FPO and MPO) since I can’t seem to watch Chase Card anywhere else! 😊 Thank you for all the great coverage Jomez!

  2. It's very frustrating that we almost never get to see the throws for more than a second before switching to catch cam… showing a disc in the air, where we cannot see the angle and have no idea where it's going. I want to see disc golf for the fight of the disc. You should not switch to catch cam after a second almost every time. It's even happening in the middle of putts.

  3. Thank you for pointing out the ice cream van again – at first I thought that something was wrong with my setup; I tried everything and the ringing was still there. I had already resigned myself to the fact that strange things happen as you get older…

  4. I love the chase card check-in, but not enjoying it happening before the hole break down of that hole, or seeing the chase card play 5, and then see the splash screen recap for lead card thru hole 3 (with live results at that moment) even though that was something we finished watching 2 minutes ago. It's all disjointed, happening out of order and leaping forward and backward at what feels like the wrong time. I get that the intent is to try to bring some "live" golf flavor to the post-produced coverage, and to also not spoil watching moments by showing the results beforehand. It's just not landing that way for me, my brain is doing extra work to keep up, and "decipher" things in the right order. Also, honk.

  5. Too many check ins. I liked joemez so I can watch lead card during my limited time available. I work full time and part time and I am on the course as much as I can be. 1 hour long for 9 holes is tough. IMO

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