Golf Players

My 2024 Season Opener

Talking all things WACO, State of Disc Golf, Upcoming DGPT tour stops.

Hello everybody no one’s actually here yet so I’m talking to myself like a crazy person and if you’re watching this on uh tape delay or on the recorded uh recap I’m talking to nobody right now I can see how many there’s one person in the room okay one person who’s that one

Person names name yourself Show Yourself who are you who’s the first person into the party Bobby e and he says Ace yeah that would be me I did that I might have done that from South Florida beautiful and then Squatch USA thank you very much I already got a

Couple great Aces yeah it was kind of fun yeah the two discs are really good right the um the ran and the Cardinal my first two discs are out and they’re really good this is not a joke this is um they’re not they’re what’s up from Oklahoma yeah they’re definitely not

Um like um you know cheap knockoffs or something I mean these are good golf discs oops Instagram is new to this stream Instagram’s on here too so so we’re on Instagram also which means I’ll have people on here under the age of 60 what up Chad Miller and uh congratulations on the ace

Congratulations thank you very much that was really fun no I’ll tell you guys something really funny about that because like like when someone else gets an ace it’s like who cares about the ace it’s about your score it’s about what place you you finish it’s about the tournament uh you

Know like it’s one shot it was probably a lucky shot um but when I get the eighth now it’s really important it’s way more important to me now how did I create the name for the discs so I am going to be releasing a video uh all about how I came up with

The names and why I came up with the names um but I don’t mind sharing it to you here so uh but youall have to watch okay I will tell you how I came up the names of the discs but you all have to promise to watch the

Video when it comes out because we’re going to it’s going to be edited with a bunch of cool videos and clips and stuff uh as well so um obviously I went with bird names at this point and the thing is is I wanted to go with a theme I love

The idea of disc companies having themes that kind of match their company um so I liked that but the thing about the bird themes is that uh uh well back up the thing about themes is there are no virgin themes like I asked I posted said

Send your best theme idea there was not a single theme uh that was submitted where some of the names in that theme weren’t taken by other companies independently right so there was no way around it there were not going to be any themes that didn’t have missing or some

Names being used so uh I didn’t have to worry about that there were no options um so I went with the bird names for three old school wrestler names oh my God that man after my own heart so the three reasons why I came up with bird

Names first is the obvious like the the silly one birds fly they’re beautiful they’re elegant they they’re Majestic everyone loves Birds right okay so like that’s obvious um but the second reason it came up with birds is I got this other thing that I always think when I

See birds and that is the only reason we think birds are beautiful is because we’re bigger than they are uh if birds were bigger than humans or if humans were this big birds would be like the sworn mortal enemy of the human race like birds are terrifying so I always think of like

This with birds like Suppose there was like a a science fiction movie and we didn’t have birds and you had never heard of birds before and in this science fiction movie the astronauts or the Explorers land on another planet and they get out of their spaceship to

Settle this planet and it turns out that there’s these monsters that fly silently through the air they’ve got razor sharp fingers they’ve got a mouth that could smash a person’s head they like they silently stalk you from above you don’t know you’re going to be attacked until

One of them sloops down and just grabs you and just takes off with you and then feeds you to its babies like birds are freaking terrifying if you’re smaller than them so birds are basically like would be considered the ultimate super villain if we were six inches tall anyways super

Villains are cool everyone loves super villains birds are cool and then the third reason why is just because like it’s uh like birds represent a a a type of Freedom that no other animal experiences like I think birds have bird responsibilities like we have responsibilities like they they have to

Like like build nests they have to build their home they’ve got to make baby birds they got to take care of those baby birds and they got to eat but when they’re not doing bird responsibilities birds are free and that’s what I think life is supposed to be like you have

Responsibilities but then you need to be free as much as possible anyways that’s why I bird names um am I going to play jonesb excuse me I am going to play Jonesboro this year and I’m gonna do so well out there because last time I was at Jonesboro it’s such a good course

Well two courses um but when I was at Jonesboro last time I was in the hospital two days before Jonesboro with with my fourth I think it was the fourth bout of ecoi that year which I’ve now figured out what’s wrong with me or why it’s happening um I just figured out last

Week but um so I went to Jonesboro I finished Two Strokes out of last place just a two years ago but I was really sick and I was I like I there’s no way I should have played and I’m looking forward to going back and doing a lot

Better a Dodo disc of course there’s goingon to be a Dodo disc you kidding me just gon I got all sorts of ideas what do I think about Luke’s play this weekend man Luke is Luke is ridicul ully good he Luca is in the category look here here’s the way here’s the way

Um it works right now there’s a couple people that are just on a different I don’t say on a different level but there’s a couple people that are like the the kind of standouts I mean like again it would obviously be one of them um Ricky and Paul are both still in that

Group um Burell is Simon right there’s a couple of them but after that there’s like 70 players out there that are all good enough to have a couple good rounds and and win a a Pro Tour event and Luc is in this group of of just really high

Level golfers that there happens to be like 50 of it’s stupid makes it really hard to play against these guys like it was easy when there was like two of them now there’s like 70 yeah Luke crushed it I wish I was rooing for him um I know that Hogan his dog

Is getting old and I know that that’s like tearing at his heart right now like really heavily so I I’m really like really impressed that he played well considering yeah that’s it uh name for a driver paragen the fastest flying bird or the ostrich the fastest landbird I have all sorts of

Ideas and they’re all basically not all of them but a lot of them are tied to how they’re going to be marketed and um it’s like yeah I I got I got all sorts of ideas and and they are specific to how they fly um like I’ll give you I’ll

Tease you all on something why’ we go with the ren well because the ren has a c a cousin named the finch and they’re very similar The Ren and the finch and uh the finch is going to be our beaded version of the ren which is a beadless

Version they go together right they’re they’re they’re gonna be like a pair a beadless and a beaded version of the same disc R and Finch so like they’re not just we’re not just picking birds that are cool there’s going to be a reason behind each of them and there’s

You know thousands of different birds out there so it’s a pretty easy it’s a pretty big pool to choose from a paragan falcon reach speeds of 240 miles an hour can you imagine if it as big as a horse dude have you ever watched a bird attack another

Bird like like for real okay check this out I was actually with Jeff jarar the tournament director of the um the Las Vegas tournament like two months ago playing at their league opener tags match and uh I’m on the card with with Jeff and a couple other players and we

Were sitting there and a bird flew by C onest truth we’re on like we’re on one of the holes a bird flies by right in front of the teapad and then next thing you know I swear to God you don’t see anything other than like a magic trick

Poof and all you see is just feathers everywhere like all you saw was the bird a little bird and it just vanished into a cloud of feathers and we’re like what the hell just happened these feathers are coming at us and finally someone looks up and they point and there’s this

Gigantic bird flying away with the other bird in its mouth yeah birds are evil the finish at wakeo was awesome to watch the Finish was awesome I’m really glad I mean I don’t I don’t I don’t think I don’t think it’s a very good finish hole like like I know it

Turned out to be a good finish hole because of the circumstance but if you played at a thousand times I don’t think that’s the best finish hole normally um maybe I’m a little bit biased because I think Hol 17 and 18 at the Beast are the

Best final two finish holes in disc golf like I think 17 and 18 are both evil and they could both give a two-stroke swing both of those holes uh could be bogeyed by a good player on any day so I I don’t know I’m just I’m

Partial to the beast but I think it’s an okay course all right I’m loving the ren very liable throwing part the won’t turn over almost full power it just fly straight at least now with my arm speed yeah thank you sir like it’s yeah the ren

Look I I’m not out here just to plug my discs I mean if it comes up I’ll tell you go to stokeley you can buy the my new putter the ren but uh yeah it’s a perfect flying disc like it’s really really straight

Flying and uh man I’m G to tell you guys something I this is like this is when I do these live streams this is just like if you go to Scott stole. net uhis Discord on my Discord server there’s people that I consider part of my like

Inner Circle um the people that tune into a live stream just to hear me chat um or the people go on my Discord the Inner Circle and I always share things with you guys either first or a lot of times I don’t things I don’t share publicly either because it’s not just

Not public information um I’ll tell you a little story about these discs because everybody’s commenting how good the plastic is well now that I’ve own a disc company I’ve had to make um you know obviously these big decisions and my probably my first really big financial decision I’ve had to make was

I’m was I’m kind of wired to what my wholesale price is going to be like I I know what price I need to be to be competitive in the market so that part’s pretty much set I know what the warehouse cost I know what the mold cost what the machine’s cost what the

Employees cost what insurance cost um there’s not a lot of variables on and the cost of making a disc other than the cost of the plastic and there’s no doubt when you get better plastic it it gets more expensive and we looking at the plastic blends to make these discs

And we were comparing to different and and you know running different discs with different plastic Blends and the plastic Blends I chose for these discs Gods honest truth Cost U well basically the cost of the plastic cuts my wholesale margin profit margin by 50% so in other words to have this great

Plastic I’m making 50% as much per disc wholesale as I would was with plastic that’s just not quite as good it wasn’t even that bad and and I’ve made the executive decision that let’s just go quality let’s just like I’m going to make a like I’m not making that much for

Disc wholesale but we’re GNA hit the ground with like top-of-the-line plastic and we did and uh so if you like the plastic I’m glad please buy two discs instead of one because I’m only making half as much off each disc but it’s worth it though um I saw

What Casta plat did they came out they built a reputation of Fantastic Plastic right out of of the gate and it’s carried with them to this day and so yeah I’m not I’m not chining on quality if you had a must playay course to go play in October what would it be

All right I’m gonna go oh check this out y’all I’m gonna blow your freaking Minds okay don’t tune out that I’m I’m not building this up and Gonna Let You down I’m gonna like trip y’all out because my life is so bizarre um I will tell you where I’m going to play in

October um you you’re not going to believe me when I tell you this is just so bizarre like this is how I know I’m in a simulation uh there is a uh production company and a filmmaker in Hungary that asked me to star in a Hungarian feature

Film so I’m GNA be playing the lead in a Hungarian feature film and the only thing I’m I’m allowed to share is the basic story which is I’m an American my daughter is over in Hungary she’s missing she’s in a cult and I’m over in

Hungary I have to go to Hungary to try to find her my strange daughter that I’m trying to build back a relationship with because of problems in my past and uh so obviously I don’t speak the language I don’t have to my character doesn’t speak the language but they asked me to play

The lead in a feature film and hopefully we’re going to be filming um as soon as October and I’m going to be a Hungarian movie star it’s for God I didn’t make that up that is God’s honest truth so if I’m lucky I’ll be playing a disc golf course in Hungary in

October I know it’s bizarre you appreciate the video on Lake Stevens the funky baskets I love those Dr Freds and I hope they get more care yeah okay so the let me tell you guys something that he’s Gabriel’s talking about you have to go look up Scott stokeley Lake Stevens on YouTube You’ll

See the baskets but basically there’s these big tub baskets but instead of a top metal section with chains hanging down there is a I try to draw this on the sides of the the screen there’s like a PVC pipe that goes over the top of the

Basket in like a half circle and then maybe another half circle coming back another Direction so you got one you got maybe one maybe another one the chains can go all the way across and then across the one going back it could go across the one going back in just one

Side but the other side’s open the big opening could be open it could be closed basically you could have 18 different basket configurations and it’s so much fun because like you don’t just throw up to the basket you need to land on a specific side of the basket because one

Side of the basket might have a much larger opening than the other side so you’ll get into a situation where you go oh well that side of the basket’s much bigger to have an easier putt but in order to get there I got to hit a much

Smaller Gap do I want to risk a smaller Gap to leave myself an easier putt or when you putt because the basket could be divided in quarters that only one side’s open you might have to th throw a putt you might choose an anheiser putt

Because if you miss you need to be on a certain side of the basket because on the other side of the basket you won’t to be able to get an opening or there’s an opening but the opening requires the disc to come in at an angle because

That’s not the shape of the opening like it is so much fun because you like there’s things involved like where you are on the green makes a difference even if there’s no obstacles in the way uh go to my my videos just look look for Scott stoley Lake Stevens you’ll see the

Baskets they are so cool um I I personally love them here’s why people don’t like them the reason they don’t like them is that uh people throw shots that are like 15 feet from the hole and if they’re at the wrong side of the basket where they

Don’t have a putt they think it’s bad luck it’s like oh I can’t believe I threw a great shot and now I don’t even have a putt and they’re pissed off because they don’t have a putt and it wasn’t bad luck there was a side of the

Basket that was better to land on you landed on the wrong side but I think people just instinctively think if you’re 15 feet away You’re supposed to make the putt like if people went out and played that course without any preconceived ideas of what it’s supposed

To be and just said hey this is a brand new game and in this game you there’s putting zones that are more or less favorable I think people would love that course I love those baskets there I’m telling you it’s it’s fun which tournaments am I competing in

This year excited to watch you rip some plastic I’m playing the whole Pro Tour from Waco to basically the end of the season um I think I’m missing The Preserve and I might be missing one other but that’s it I’m playing like I’m playing every single tournament uh on

The tour and then at the end of the season you have to start qualifying based on points to get into tournaments or then enter qualifiers this will be determined on how I play during the season so when my tour ends hopefully won’t be until like the end of the season hopefully I can

Play all of them but but that but the last few are not guaranteed slots but I’m going to try I know will get killed for his pace of play but everyone besides Luke on the lead card could have been called multiple times as well yeah I I thought

I thought in my opinion I think Ganon has sped up his play in recent times like so I didn’t observe anything but I didn’t see every single hole but I know he was much slower before he got warned about it and I think he sped things up

Scott I signed your stokeley dis at Waco you’re a great person we look up to you great Ace thank you so much that was a fun ace and I appreciate it all the kind words are really nice after everybody was so mean to me the other night let’s

See just played a Stokely discs only round at your place since your buddy got his in yesterday the Putter’s a laser it I’m telling you guys thank you so much hey if any of you have a Stokely disc please best thing you can do is post a

Review of the discs not just on your page but on your Club page um I I that is my request to everybody is please post reviews of my new discs um permission to be honest like I don’t want like I’m not asking you to post it

If you love them I’m just saying post an honest review I I have enough confidence in these discs that I I I’m encouraging everybody to just say honestly what you like um you guys want to hear something really funny I’m going to do in fact

Here let me let me do this I’m gonna take a poll of everybody and I want to see the comments you guys can tell me whether you think this is a good idea because I think this is a cool idea because nobody’s really doing this so generally speaking what most companies

Do and I don’t blame them for this I just want to do things differently okay so what most companies do is they they talk about a new disc and they talk about what that disc is good for right perfect that’s what the disc is good for

Now if if someone wants a disc for something else that it might not be good for well they don’t want to discourage you from buying the disc right they they’re they’re not going to say anything bad about the disc they’re just going to say what the disc is good for

So I thought about something doing something a little bit different with this company with my company I want to I’m gonna try this on the Cardinal the ren I’m gonna make a video I’m gonna say what this disc is best for what the disc is good for and

What the disc sucks at and actually say look if you’re looking for a disc to do dot dot do don’t buy this disc it’s this is not your this is not the right disc for you um well I’ll give you an example the Cardinal is an amazing overstable

Disc it doesn’t have a lot of forward Glide it’s not what it’s for if you’re trying to throw that disc on a low ceiling and have it penetrate forward it’s bad at that that’s not what it’s made for and I was thinking wouldn’t it be kind of cool if someone

Actually said what what their discs are bad for as well as what they’re good for what do you guys think do you think they’re uh think that’s a good idea or or am I shooting myself in the foot by being too honest I want to hear some com I want to

Hear what people think of this idea because it’s different where the discs made let’s say cuz I want to hear here I I’ll get to you in a second Daniel I want to hear some of the comments amen gotta sign something that for sale you love the idea the more information

The better thinking out of the box it’s I think it’s really cool I don’t want someone buy my disc for something it doesn’t do so yeah so I’m gonna uh I’m gonna give that one a run it’s gonna basically follow the same Trend I’ve always done which I’m just honest with everybody

Like it’s not out of character I’m just being straight like I’m not going to tell you my disc my putter is the best putter in the world I’ve I’ve been telling everybody for the past 30 years putter is very individual it needs to fit your hand I

Would love for you to try my putter but you need to you need to uh if it doesn’t fit your hand my putter is not going to be a good putter for you so I can only encourage you to try it I can’t say it’s a better

Or a worse putter than another putter because that would be a lie so I can just say what it does um our discs are made in Georgia um basically this I mean this is Stokely discs is my company I have an investor but it is my company these are

Our machines our warehouse our sales team like every disc made is being run on on my equipment um but I’m because I’m honest like I said um I do have help in the the the dis design process um and in the the manufacturing process um both of those

Are a skill set it takes a long time to learn um I’m not sure I would ever be good at the engineering part it’s probably not my strength um and if it was my strength it would come after years of of being in a warehouse and like doing that for

Living and I have no I’m not going to be in a warehouse like like that I just can’t do that so I do have help in the design and production process but definitely my company coming out of Georgia theen was cheaper to buy than Factory second Prodigy p3s price is more

Than fair yeah so here okay so check this out this is something else I’m doing um I am not um like I when I’m at like the tournament at Waco I sell my Rens online for $15 it is a less expensive plas I it’s a great plastic M

For Putters right it’s not the cheapest deal line plastic it’s I mean if you felt the disc it’s really good but it’s not the most expensive plastic so I’m selling them for $15 on my website so I’m not going to sell them from more in person just because I’m there um these

Are pre-production prototypes that are available right now well those are more valuable right well yeah they are more valuable but all that means is they’re just they’re they’re the first runs to come off the machine with the hot stamp I can’t justify selling them for more

I’m not going to rip people off and because it’s a a prototype and sell it for more I would rather you guys go to stokeley buy a whole ton of these discs for like5 or $20 a piece for the Rand in the Cardinal sit on them for

A year or two and then and then sell them for 100 bucks or 200 bucks a piece you know when when the company takes off and these are the pre-production prototypes I’ll let you guys make the money off it so yeah thank you for noticing that I’m going to keep the prices

Fair my wholesale price by the way part of why I’m doing this live stream um we’re about to start shipping wholesale if if you have a shop and want to get your wholesale order in go to Stokely discs. uh Stokely and um there’s a wholesale ordering form

It’s a very easy process you can fill out and then you can get in the queue to get your um your first runs because all the wholesale discs are first runs uh if you don’t own a shop tell your local shop to to to carry my discs because they’re going to do really

Well if you don’t carry my discs everybody’s going to shop at your competitor because these are going to be the hottest discs on the market in my humble opinion I fully believe that did I hit an ace with a stokeley disc um God I I so badly want to say that it

Was a it was a Stokely disc Cardinal with a um Dynamic felon hot stamp but I said I was honest no it was with a felon um the uh it was like a 15 M hour headwind and that’s just at that point it’s really hard to control mid-range

Discs um not that you can’t control them but there’s a point where like you want to throw a driver when when you got a 15 mph headwind so I was throwing the Felon um if it was no wind I would it’s right about the line where I’d consider

Throwing I may have thrown the Cardinal maybe not it’s right about that line any shorter than that then I’m throwing the Cardinal for sure on that throw but yeah first Stokely Ace I don’t have an ace with my discs yet so we don’t know who the first Ace

Anybody if anyone out there wants to get the first Ace with a Stokely disc posted you’ll be the first but see those baskets of New Zealand courses Cory white played they look amazing yeah if it’s from MVP I mean um sorry RPM discs out of Auckland uh Simon fe’s

Company then um they are good they’re very good if that’s the one they kind of has like a little like a a kind of a spiral shape on the basket um that’s just for Aesthetics by the way the basket themselves are just regular I mean it’s still like

Um uh within normal standards of the shape Dan kilo I love you Scott thank you for being in the fabric of my life Dan I love you as well my friend if anybody’s interested Dan is in fact Dan you can post Dan has played how many courses Mr Kilgore have you

Played and are you still number one in the world in terms of courses played I think he said somebody past you maybe but Dan please let me know how many people are uh how many courses you played Ken buddy there should do aots and pdj events oh by the way Dan Kilgore 2,339

Courses and those are all recorded documented Dan’s been around forever so this is as authenticated as you can get um 2,339 courses that’s insane Dan um is that the most in the world right now Dan or did anybody is anybody ahead of that yeah the

Aot oh oh wait dan Tim Horvath has 3,000 plus ah so close well maybe you can catch him yeah I don’t know about the a I mean you know at the pro tour events I mean nobody’s trying to get an ace you know I was just

Trying not to throw it out of pounds like there was such a headwind on that hole it looks so easy but two like on my card two of the four players bogied these are like 10 20 rated players and two of them bogied the 300 foot hole

Because it was such a headwind with that with the out of bounds so like everything’s harder than it looks on TV let’s see am I going to use my line of distance tournaments I did use my line of distance tournaments be very first shot okay the my very first Stokely disc

I ever threw in the tournament because this was my first tournament of the season in wo was on whole one the very first hole of the Waco tournament I threw my drive about a foot and a half from the hole and then I so my first

Ever putt with a with a ren was a foot and a half and then on the next Hole uh it was a par 4 and I was about uh I don’t know maybe 100 200 feet out or something like that but it was windy um and I had a low ceiling and I

Threw my Cardinal and I threw it up like 10t from the hole and threw it in so that was my first Cardinal approach shot um right under the basket and then two holes later was like a 260 foot 270 foot uphill tunnel shot was my first drive

With the Cardinal and this is on video it’s I put it on a reel it just went right over the top of the basket it just missed going in um kind of got away from me I wasn’t trying to it was probably going to go 50 feet long but it hit a

Tree and stopped right by the basket but yeah of course I’m using my discs one by one I will be swapping discs out of my bag and replacing it with my own discs of course that’ be stealing not to although I don’t know about giving up the Berg I

Might have to keep the burg for a while talk about the ace we want all the details um okay I will tell you there’s not a whole lot of details to it but I was playing pretty good golf like on my card I think I was the only person under

The par and I was like three under par like I was playing really well and then I took a bogey on a hard hole no no I took a bogey on an easy hole which was just dumb and then I took a bogy on a hard hole which is kind of acceptable

Then I took a bogey on another easy hole which was dumb so I came I was had three buies in a row and then so the then I came out to that hole and it’s 303 feet there was about a 15 M hour headwind maybe gusting

To 20 it was a pretty it was good it was a good stiff wind um but it’s 300 feet 33 feet and um honestly for like even until a 20 mph head when a 300 foot shot is for I I that to me is still just an approach

Shot that’s just a little little Dink and so I um I did a little a little Dink and it flexed and then uh I was standing there like doing this time to get up because I well actually as soon as I let it go I thought it was

Going to be an ace run um and then so I was going oh left leftt give it a chance give it a chance give it a chance so I’m on the that’s why I was doing this on the teapad and then it went in and then I got excited then I almost cried

Because I got a hole in one on the pro tour I didn’t cry by the way but I I thought about it because it’s like to get I mean look I’m 54 years old I mean in a hundred years there may not be a 54 year old that might be the oldest person

To get a hole in one in the disc golf pro tour 100 years from now so I think it’s step that part is kind of historic even though it wasn’t the hardest hole if you get sponsored by me will you have to throw only two discs absolutely

Positively not I will not have a full selection in discs for years um I mean the way it works is that that uh I’m not going to like put out like 20 discs at once like that that’s you have to put out one disc at a time you have to get

It it like ride the buzz and the sales of that new disc promote that new disc um if you put out discs even too fast people only have so much disposable income they can spend so even if they love you and your company want to support you most people can’t buy a new

Disc you know from you every month or every two weeks so you you have to space it out so but mainly mainly as long as discs are selling like I’m learning all this stuff too right so basically you have machine time like machines can only run run a certain amount of discs per

Hour you have a mold big really really expensive mold that you’re running discs if that disc is hot it’s not like you can run that disc on two machines you have one mold so you can only run discs so fast so basically as long as a disc is

Selling as fast as it’s running there’s zero reason to to add another disc to your lineup because you can’t make discs any faster than you’re making them you have so much machine time per hour so basically you have to release new discs when sales start to decrease enough

Where you’re now stockpiling discs well then you need to infuse the company with a new a new disc or an existing disc with a new plastic it makes kind of a standard model but it’s like it’s it’s really the only business model that kind of works mathematically so um with that in mind

Even if I had 40 molds ready to go right now they’re it would probably be eight years before they all get released because you can only release discs so fast um it only makes sense to so um I won’t have a full lineup for years so anybody that’s

Sponsored by me is not going to be required to throw all my discs um it’s quite the opposite it’s like um I’ll have a disc or two in your bag um now of course I’m also going to be paying way way less because like I’m not the only company whose discs you’re throwing

You’re only throwing one or two of my discs so you know I would pay much less but you’re also I’m only occupying you know 10% of your bag so uh I’ll probably pay you 10% of what a normal sponsor would which ain’t that much but I’m a

New company it’s all I can do I’m working on it though let’s see Jake Miller I bagg the Prototype Rand and let the league try it I want wanted to season and cycle I want to season and cycle them not to collect no there wow I just said wait I just said

Hello to me in the comments um yeah no I that’s great hey I I love both philosophies I love the philosophy of discs were meant to be thrown um but I’ve also been a collector in my life too and that’s also kind of cool um as a

Manufacturer I encourage you to do both that way you buy twice as many discs right you got some in your bag some on the wall just saying Luke Hammer hey mate wait does this mean you’re in Australia uh played with the red and the card today and

They’re both going in the bag they’re freaking amazing the Bas Plastics are amazing so the base plastic on the ren is not the the cheapest dline plastic we’re actually going to be eventually releasing discs in a even less expensive plastic that would be be like the Baseline plastic that all the companies

Have like you know when you get a start a set at Walmart um you need to have I mean you don’t need to but you should have a very inexpensive price point set this is where you can sell a set of three discs for 20 bucks or something um

You know they’re not going to be great but it’s a you know star a set for kids or you know new players um that plastic on the ren is not the base plastic it is one um tier up and it’s so it’s it’s actually really really good um it’s kind

Of like you have a star and then Champion type of plastic and then you have two other Plastics the Baseline and then the red plastic but thank you yeah the plastic is great what’s my number 3140 wait where is it oh that’s my pdj number 3140 I got it in 1986 I

Think which is crazy ah from Instagram best putting Forum to emulate okay so I’m G here I’m going to take a couple seconds and I’m going to talk about uh what putting form is the best form to emulate because it’s not a short answer and I

Cannot give a short answer because if I did I would be cheating you on your answer um so before I forget let me tell you I have a six-month online class called become a complete dis golfer um we spend an entire month on this topic that’s how

Much of a complex answer it is but at the end of it everybody is a good putter um you cannot have one putting form that works for everybody it is absolutely impossible every single person is a different size we’re different shapes we have different amounts of muscle mass in

Different areas we’re we have different flexibility our joints don’t align at identical angles um within those non identical angled joints have a different range of motion person to person then you throw in injuries and Scar Tissue basically it is impossible to emulate another person’s form and have it work

For you automatically because you are throwing with a different machine than that okay I mean think about it think about it like this just’s another way to look at it this has to do with throwing form as well imagine you had 10 different classrooms and it was like a a robotics

Experiment and you’re supposed to design a robot that could putt all right well every robot would have some general characteristics you know humanoid looking robots general characteristics that are the same right there would be some there would be similarities I call those the rules of pting there’s

Certainly things you want to do you don’t throw from over your shoulder you don’t throw it upside down right there’s rules but each of those 10 robots if you put them side by side You’ realize that this team over here built this joint at 8 degrees but that team

Over there built that other that other shoulder socket at 12 degrees so therefore you couldn’t put the first one into the stance of the second one because that’s not the alignment of the shoulder they built it would not putt as well so they would have two different putting forms those two robots actually

All 10 robots would have different putting forms but all of those putting forms would result in the most makes for that individual robot but if any of those robots were put into the stance and the putting form of the other nine robots it would not putt as well so each robot’s form and

Stance only worked because it aligned with the mechanical alignment of the robot of the machine throwing the putt um if that makes sense so the idea is that you cannot emulate another player’s form and you cannot choose your range of motion you cannot choose how your body’s aligned you cannot choose these things

You cannot choose the way your your individual body moves so you can’t choose a form and make it fit your body instead you have to take the body that you have the way all of your moving Parts your hinges and sockets are aligned and then find a

Putting form and stance that aligns with how your individual body moves now the process to do that I’m not trying to just turn this into a sales pitch but this the my six-month online become a complete disc call for class that’s what we spend well we spend one month on

Putting we spend one full week on finding the form for your body but you have to putt within your form I’m sorry you have to have a form in a stance that putts within how your machine moves you cannot try to force your machine to move a different

Way there go so that’s a long of a long answer but that’s kind of the answer you can’t just say oh I’m a huge fan of Kevin Jones I want to put like KJ um it might work for you it might be completely wrong for your body and uh

That’s just the way the way it works from Instagram sweet Dave okay first off sweet Dave that is a sweet name sweet Dave how much wrist curl should you use for wrist-based snap on backand versus snap from the Fingers um okay you don’t curl your wrist when

You throw okay what you’re going to do is you’re going to well here you have two options you can keep your wrist perfectly straight parallel to your form or you can [ __ ] it slightly so I don’t mean [ __ ] it like all the way like this but it doesn’t have to be straight it

Can be cocked in that direction it cannot be anywhere from here to here okay if if your hand your wrist is anywhere between straight and bent the opposite direction from cocking your thro’s broken it just doesn’t work in fact here hot take if you have a problem with your backand coming out

Wobbly and you’ve tried different grips and it still comes out wobbly I don’t even need to watch you throw you’re doing this with your wrist get your wrist straight or slightly cocked 90% chance wobble goes away like that message me in the the comments tomorrow after you try it but

So that’s not where you’re going to get the power from so basically what’s going to happen is if you try to keep your wrist straight or slightly cocked and you try to keep it in that position as you accelerate just the fact that you’re accelerating the mass of the disc is

Going to cause this to bend and then at the point of release when your arm changes Direction at the full point of extension your wrist will spring back into place so you’re it acts more like a spring than like a lever so you don’t actually have to purposely do this uh

Instead you’re basically going to keep it straight or slightly cocked and allow that part happen automatically because even though you’re trying to keep it straight it won’t stay straight like if you wore one of those bowling rist cards with actually a piece of metal that kept

It straight the disc won’t fly at all so it doesn’t stay straight it just turns out that if you try to keep it straight it won’t stay straight As you accelerate it will bend and then it’ll snap it into place what xstep shortcut uh what x step shortcut would

You recommend for someone who has a bad left leg throwing right-handed backand hard to do with a power shift from left to left um to plan okay so when it comes to anyone when you’re talking about injuries or something like that like it’s it’s I I have to tread very lightly

Because I could potentially give advice that makes things worse like a I’m not watching you throw but B if I was watching you throw I’m not a doctor like I’m an expert at this golf I’m not an expert at whatever your injury was so I have to like make sure I’m always humble

In in where my knowledge you know my my my where my knowledge ends and my speculation begins um so I will give you some basic input that I think is a safe thing to say um you trust trust that your body will put your feet and legs into the

Correct position okay there’s a lot of things that happen involuntarily um when you throw when you play a sport you know so here would be like the example like when I say this if you if you were if I asked you right now we’re not just talk about stance at the

Moment we’ll just talk I’m giving you a general example that you could apply to the footwork so if I asked everybody in the group right now if I said hey you guys should all get together right now and make a list of every single thing you do on a backhand based on every

Single tutorial video you’ve seen you could probably come up with a minimum of 30 different things that you’re supposed to do on a backand like there’s at least 30 different things out there that there are entire videos or multiple videos that say when you do a backhand do this

Okay it’s absurd to think that you could intentionally do 30 different things things in one and a half seconds like nobody in the world can do that it’s impossible to do 30 things and then coordinate them with proper timing 30 things in one and a half seconds you

Can’t do 30 things yet when you do a form breakdown in slow motion all 30 of those things happen so every video that says to do something they can show you a slow motion video they can say see this is where the pros hips started to rotate

This is where their shoulder dipped this is where their foot turned this is when they transfer their weight this is when they brace this is when the elbows here this is when their head turned blah blah blah blah blah blah so they can they can defend all those sturdy things but when

You step back and look at it you can’t do 30 things in one and a half seconds well then how are you able to throw if all those things took place well the answer is you don’t do 30 things you do a small number of things and all the

Other things all happen automatically as a byproduct of doing a very small number of things and the only way that statement is not true is that you would have to then follow it up with the statement I intentionally coordinate 30 different things every time I throw which obviously that’s not the case so

Nobody does 30 things when they throw 30 things happen when you throw so now so now see how that applies to what you’re talking about with your footwork the answer is all those things related your footwork are things that are going to happen involuntarily if you just allow them to happen they’re not

Things you necessarily do so you don’t have to think about exactly where the foot goes the weight transfers the heel shift the toe the you know I’m on the line I’m in front of the line you don’t have to think about those things if you allow your body to put your feet down

Automatically your body will basically get it right and in fact if you try to intentionally put your feet in certain positions that is basically the easiest way to hurt yourself all right so you don’t really have to think about the footwork um and if you think that seems

Absurd like what do you mean you don’t have to think about your footwork well let me ask you a question you ever play ever play basketball okay at the end of an hourlong game how many times did you think about where your toes were pointing how many times did you think

About weight shift how many times did you think about bracing how many times did you think that I rotate on my heel or my toe and I played basketball the answer is you didn’t you played basketball for an hour probably didn’t get injured and it turns out your feet went to the right

Place every single time your your brain will do that your brain will put the your feet down right so uh where that applies to injuries kind of a long answer I’m sorry but where that applies to injuries now is that you trust your brain to put your feet down now if you

Have trust that your brain’s probably going to get this foot placement thing right well when you’re injured your brain will also come compensate for those injuries without you trying to now there’s one downside to that as we know when your brain compensates for injuries a lot of times that leads to

Other injuries because it’s compensating for that one injury and then it’s putting your hips in a bad place and next thing you know six months later your hips hurt because of your knee injury like and I don’t I don’t think there’s I don’t know the answer to that

One that’s very specific to the injuries but I would say it’s a general rule trust your brain to to do your footwork right and think about your footwork less not more what are my go-to drivers for full powered distance shots currently okay so right this minute for full powered

Distance shots um I am throwing the um the destroyer and the trespass and the force so force from Discraft is my super overstable I’ve got I’ve got a uh Champion Destroyer for my stable uh or slightly overstable longdistance drivers I’ve got a uh for my slightly underst stable I’ve got a

Star destroyer and then for my really under stable I have a trespass and those are my go-tos um I have every intention of of replacing every single one of those discs um uh from uh my bag as soon as I’m able to make them but right now those are

Those are destroyers enforcers and Trust passes are all excellent discs when you eventually make discs in different Plastics will B Mark or something to indicate the plastic type I have disc to come in several Plastics and no clues which ones I have all right

I got good news for you not only are all of my discs going to say the plastic type that they’re in um I’m also going to be I have a system in place where it’s going to indicate what run they were because PL because discs changed from run to run so

If you if if you like the fourth the fourth run Cardinal you know for instance well you’re going to be able to see on the disc that it’s forth run um and I’m going to diff do different flight numbers with different plastic Blends because we know that discs fly

Different with different plastic Blends yet there’s companies most of I think all I don’t know if all most they do the same flight numbers on every single run do make any sense so I’m going to be doing different flight numbers plastic types and runs um this is the see here’s

The thing I get to be a disc off nerd because it’s my company so all these things that are probably a pain in the butt and a hassle to do you know how I how I how I get these things done I just pick up the phone and go get on

It and I just yell at somebody and tell them to put those flight numbers on no I probably won’t yell but uh it’s basically I get to nerd out all the things that we were talked about on Reddit or something like that where we’re like oh it’ be so cool if a

Company did this oh I wish they did this wish they did that well guess what I get to do those things now because I get to make the decisions so all those what you’re saying that’s gonna happen yeah the Run numbers is going to be great thank you so much I’m I’m so

Happy with that definitely going to do run numbers definitely going to do plastic types definitely going to do yeah why not the thing is okay it’s a hassle right of course it’s a hassle number one you have to now carry a bunch of different discs and stock then you

Have to get different flight plates you have to swap out the flight plates for the hot stamp machine like it’s a pain in the ass to do but how am I going to differentiate myself from other companies if I’m doing what other companies do like yeah I got some people

That follow me that might buy my discs because they want they like me or they like you know support what I do but as a company I’m not different um I’m doing things different let’s See from tree 42nd talking tree 42nd do your thoughts wander when playing around I struggle to say 100% focused yes my thoughts wander during the round because I talk about everything but dis golf so our brains are in sports are our best friends and our worst enemies and everyone kind of knows this

Right is that you’re like the brain is what makes you you know succeed and and handle the pressure and be motivated blah blah blah blah but then it causes you to feel stressed or get The Yips or blah you know you know choke right um

But no one ever talks about when or why these things happen and here’s what I think I believe this firmly here’s when our brain is our friend our brain’s our friend when we practice when we practice when we train when when we decide that you know hey

I’d love to go out with you guys tonight but I need to putt I got a tournament tomorrow our brain is our friend when we say uh uh I gotta watch my weight because I’m trying to be a professional athlete our brains are our friend when

We say hey I’m uh I’m gonna try out different you know Putters to find one that works for me and then I’m going to practice the shots that are hardest like our brains are friend during training but once you step onto the course your brain can’t really make you play

Better than you play like youve you’ve built your skill level up to a certain point so as soon as you’re competing your brain becomes your enemy like it can’t help you it can only hurt you so I think that once you’re competing that’s when you turn your brain off you already

Know how to throw that shot you already know how to make that putt you already know what you know you know you already know how to play so don’t don’t turn your brain off oh I’m sorry let me let me clarify that um this is also before you throw strategy making good

Decisions that’s also uh like training and practicing making a good decision so let me I wasn’t I I explained that really poorly before everything that happens before you step on the T dpad your brain’s your friend so from making yourself practiced and trained and and doing all the things right to making the

Correct decision what disc to throw what choice to make when to be conservative when to be aggressive what route to take all those your brain’s your friend but the minute you step onto the teapad it’s time to throw your brain’s your enemy your brain cannot help you at that point

You need to tell to shut the [ __ ] up oh I can’t cuss sorry you got to tell your brain to shut the heck up uh because your brain now your brain’s going to start talking to you you’re going to start second guessing things you’re going to start getting nervous people

Are watching me what if I lose or if my competition at I need to make money this week oh I should just skip work for this what if my wife finds out that I’m I’m playing a disc golf tournament when I should when I’m supposed to be at a at a

Part-time job or helping a friend I don’t know like you shut shut shut up brain I can throw so yeah your brain’s your your enemy when it comes time to throw so let your brain wander during the round your brain can’t help you in my opinion that’s just my opinion everybody has different

Ideas what are the requirements to get sponsored from sponsored from stokeley disc someone need to be a pro or we also sponsor amateurs um to be honest I haven’t really thought this one through yet um I would say let’s see uh to get sponsored by stokeley discs uh first and foremost you need

Massive biceps oh wait no those aren’t massive um try to imagine massive biceps and then be like that’s what you no I’m just kidding um no I I I I’m open to anything right so and I’ll be announcing these things shortly right now I have to make

Some money first before I can do anything um but of course I I’ll have a team I’ll be sponsoring people um here’s the thing about sponsorship you don’t have to be a pro I absolutely don’t have to be a pro the thing about sponsorship is and this is for everybody

Here’s a lesson on sponsorship for everybody watching who wants to be sponsored because every single person listening here can be sponsored um be a sponsored player because sponsorship has nothing to do with your rating has nothing to do with your division it has nothing to do with wins or losses it has

Nothing to do with how attractive you are it has nothing to do with how smart you are it has nothing to do with anything other than this if the company sponsors me will the company generate more income because of that sponsorship than the sponsorship cost that’s it nothing else should

Matter now not every company knows this so there are companies that will sponsor based on ratings based on things well that those are bad business decisions sponsorship isn’t based on this sponsorship is based based on if I give you a dollar will you generate more than

A dollar And1 Cent In profit for me and if so I’ll sponsor you it’s profitable for me to do so um Can an amateur move the meter of course like does are there amateurs out there making videos on social media that are moving the meter on on product sales

That they review or that they show case of course they are like an amateur that’s making really good quality social media content or a good YouTube channel will move far more discs than a than a a,0 rated Pro who doesn’t have an Instagram account I hate to say it

Sounds kind of cheesy but that’s the way that this is the modern world that’s the God’s honest truth so anybody that can do something that is going to move the meter I’m interested in because I want to sell more discs and if if you help me sell more discs you’re entitled to a

Percentage of the money that my increased dis sales brings in um now I I’m working on some ideas because I have some different ideas of how I want to do this that I think are very clever and unique that’ll be a lot more fun um and

A lot easier to quantify so um I would say check with me just give me like a couple months let me let me build up some Capital um all of our money went into running these discs and I’ve not even seen any of the money come back in

Yet um I need to soon before I run out of money but I will be open to it um and then by the way when all of you were listening when you approach a company for sponsorship it has nothing to do when you approach that company with your

Accomplishments has nothing to do with what you want when you approach a company you approach a company with how I’m going to sell more of your products so you want to get sponsored by a local Pro Shop you go to the pro shop and you explain

To them here’s why if you sponsor me I will bring more people into your shop or people will spend more money at your shop that’s it that’s where the conversation starts here’s what I’m going to do for you and then that’s followed up with therefore here’s what I

Want in return and so that’s what it’ll be if if if you’re able to do things that are promotional value then I’m of course I’m interested when you ask say break you to motivate you how come you didn’t respond with the usual Hearts oh all right so here’s

Why uh uh I haven’t read well I sorry I read some of them um but but what I’m going to do is I am having somebody else I by the way I will read every single one of the comments you have of course I I love it but I’m going to have I’m

Having somebody compile these into a list of the meanest ones that they could possibly find and then I’m going to make a video where I read I read all the mean comments about me kind of like um uh celebrities read mean tweets or something like that I know one of those

One of those goofy late night talk shows does this thing but I’ve seen the clips where like Tom Brady will read tweets about like what a horrible human he is and how much they want his dog to die anyways I don’t know if anybody said

That about me but I’m going to read all those on the air um and then I’m going to read them all too so I was I I want to be surprised with them you’ll trust me guys you’re G I will read every one of them and every one of them is great

If any of you think that for a second that I would ever be offended or angry at a joke you’re you like I guess you just don’t know me that well um the day that I get offended over a joke is the day that you are welcome to put me down

And uh I’ll find I’ll find well I guess if you put me down I can’t find line of work um but yeah no I will never be offended at at a joke um with especially a joke with the intentions to be funny so don’t anybody worry about it let’s

See what makes my discs unique why would I switch so as far as the discs as far as them being unique um the only thing that I would say could really be unique with any new discs um truly unique with the disc is going to be the plastic um

Everybody’s plastic I me everybody’s hands are different um different compositions of the oils different compositions of um skin texture and then how you grip the disc I mean there’s a reason why there’s not one universally accepted best plastic people like different Plastics and nobody’s wrong for the plastic they like because it has

To do with with grip our plastic are going to be similar I mean there’s only polyurethane polypropene polyene but like there’s only some Bas there’s basic Plastics that everybody’s using but just like every other company we we have our Trade Secrets and the things we put in

And them that we put in to make them different if you feel the ren it is like it is it’s Unique it’s a unique feeling disc um that doesn’t mean it’s a better disc I would love to say it was better because no it’s not better it’s

Different I love it and you may feel it and say hey this feels better so um that would be one reason so the Plastics now as far as the flights of the discs it’s really tough to say that um you know there’s 2,000 discs on the

Market it’s tough to make a disc that just does something that’s truly different although we have a disc coming out I’ve thrown the prototypes of a disc coming out that actually is different and I will tell everybody in the world that it’s different but I won’t say that

About every disc because that would be a lie so when it comes to the Flight of the disc then it becomes well you have a disc that does something other companies use okay well then it comes down to the same question of like well why this golf

Club why this tennis racket why this ping pong paddle if they’re similar why choose one over the other and that’s basically going to be an individual decision whether you like The Branding whether you like the company whether you like what the company stands for whether it’s because they have lower prices

Whether because they’re quicker shipping whether it’s because they sponsor any EV that you go to um you know it’s kind of like whatever intangible thing you know moves you to buy a disc from one company and not another when when everybody kind of has similar discs um and that’s going

To be partially my job as far as the marketing to convince you of that and part of that is just going to be you know your decision so one of the things here I’ll I’ll give you a little B background though one of the things I can tell you right now about what

Stokely discs is going to do that is absolutely different than anyone else is doing as far as what our company’s about my our my company’s about um so if you follow me the last four years one of the things you’ll have probably learned um is that I really don’t give a

[ __ ] about money like I like to make a lot of money but I like to make a lot of money because I like to do things with that money I I’ve given away all my prize money for going on four years now um I do I’ve done free all sorts of free

Teaching like over in Southeast Asian and all like this is what I like to do with my money the one of the reasons if not the biggest reason I’m starting Stokely discs is because I want to have a lot more money to do these cool projects

There are three things that I want to do that cost money far above what I have right now number one I want to keep working on adaptive disc golf I’m working with two different companies as we speak which I’ve I’ve actually mentioned them both in the Vlog but we

Haven’t done formal announcements yet but I have mentioned these that are doing work with adaptive disc golf well um this is great because I’m able to do this and not charge them because I have money I can do it I canot charge them to do these things to promote

Adapted discol well that takes money in order to do things where I don’t have to be paid right um because they don’t they don’t have money they don’t have money to pay me which I don’t want their money um so promoting adaptive Disc Off is a

Big thing the second thing is is I will before like when I die I will have done more to bring disc golf to developing countries than any other person in the history of disc golf um the only way that statement is not true is if I die

Next year but if you give me 10 years more of life and my company’s successful this golf will be a global sport like no one could have possibly imagined and the reason why it’ll work with my company I don’t give a [ __ ] about money right like I’m the perfect person for this job

Because everything that I will be doing to grow Disc Golf in Southeast Asia and Africa and South America too um I don’t expect any of it to ever turn a profit so I don’t have to be motivated by where’s my return on investment um that makes me dangerous as

Far as what I’m able to I mean in a good way as far as what I’m able to do because I’ll just keep filtering money out and losing money because I ain’t gonna die with a freaking pile of money under my mattress just the way it is um

And the third thing I want to do and this is probably the I want to say it’s the smallest project but it’s something I’m interested in is I want to help keep this Sports alive um that are not called disc golfer ultimate um double disc court and freestyle are two of the

Biggest um the game of guts um you know overall tournaments too self-caught flight but double Discord and freestyle are are two that I would love really really love to make sure that they have a Lifeline um I’m not trying to turn is into Global sports or big sports but if

I can fund enough of this of of enough into these Sports where they could not disappear then that’s good enough for me so anyways the point of all that is that um as far as why I buy my discs well because when you buy my discs that’s

Where the money’s going like this is this is what I’ll do with the money uh one final thought there from what I’ve my experience is that if your product that you’re selling are more expensive or if your products you’re selling aren’t as good then it does not matter what

Your your ulterior motives are what you’re you know what you’re trying to accomplish with your mission statement and your vision like if your products are overpriced or they don’t work well people don’t buy them just because they believe in the company however my belief is if my discs

Are as good as Discraft MVP latitude and Innova right if my discs are as good as those companies they fly as well the Plastics as good right and they’re the same price all things being equal if you know when you buy stokeley discs that we’re putting this golf courses in Africa and

Running a freestyle tournament in Colombia um then maybe you’ll choose to uh allocate those money this way because you know where the profits going That’s it man that’s what I’m doing that’s why I’m doing this can congrats on the ace have I ever played highing Springs in

NorCal have I played Highland Springs in noral who do you think you’re talking to I got the cour the doubles course record out at the high Highland Springs in noral um I don’t actually I don’t know if I still have the double course record but um I shot um I played a glow

Tournament God’s honest truth I played a glow tournament after dark so it’s in the dark I didn’t even know that course that well and me and my partner shot 17 under um in the dark on that course and I got told afterwards that was actually the doubles course record um and just to

Be clear it was at night I didn’t know the course which means I had very little to do with that 17 under other than I don’t know I probably threw a couple putts in or something like that my partner was responsible for all of it but um yeah

Actually I have the course record out there that was Ed Hendrick’s course Ed Ed designed that unless I’m yes Highland Springs I think it’s right I will not be at the Norman proam this year but um the Norman proam was my very first tournament on tour um I went there

In 1993 that was my first stop on my I guess it’s like a 40y year Well 30-year Journey now that started at the Norman proam so it’s a very special place to me and I know the 40th anniversary or 50th anniversary is coming up in a couple years um I’d like

To come back for that one yet had a chance to throw both of my discs this weekend and absolutely love them can’t wait to see we produce in the future thank you so much yeah I like I keep saying I love them too Stokely is where you buy them they’re

Really really good and everybody knows I hopefully I built this reputation of honesty like I’m not selling you you’re not gonna buy these discs and be like ah these don’t feel good like you’re gonna buy them and they’re going to be like okay this is good disc these are good discs so thank

You and then post to your social media if you like my disc tell everybody in social media yes any tips on keeping the nose to disc down killing my distance with my backhand throw nose up not I I won’t even give you a tip I will give you the

Solution and the solution I’m going to give you please for me ignore everything else you’ve ever heard because it’s all God that sounds arrogant everyone in the world but me is wrong how do I phrases without sounding arrogant um everybody else’s opinions on on on how to keep the nose from going up

Is totally valid and and I I support their freedom of expression don’t listen to them um there’s a video just look for a video on uh how to keep the nose flat it’s on my YouTube channel um it it’s it’s like 10minute video so I I probably

Don’t need to go over the whole thing here I promise you 1,000% if you do what’s in that video the nose won’t go down you’ll you’ll get your distance that you’re looking for and everything will be great was that a you guys like my like politically correct answer I don’t know

If that’s political correctness the thing is here’s the like I don’t want to insult any the other people that are making YouTube videos because like the like all the people making all these videos YouTube videos even though so many of them they they’re wrong or they you know like it’s they’re just in

They’re they’re people that are trying to teach and trying to help people get better and they’re just inexperienced like a lot of the people that are producing these videos that are wrong like I don’t think badly of them because it’s like they’re gonna get if they keep teaching they’re going to get

Better and eventually they’re going to look back at these older videos they’re going to be like oh that didn’t work but like they’re new it’s okay it’s okay to not be experts um look when it when it comes to people teaching this is how I feel until you’ve taught a minimum I

Mean I’m talking minimum of 500 private lessons you don’t know how to teach disc golf and the reason I say this is that everything you’re saying and teaching is Theory even if what you’re saying is correct and you can back it up and you are 100% right with the things that

You’re saying if you say those words to 500 people and those 500 people can’t do the thing you’re saying to do even if you’re right you’re still not teaching it correctly doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong if the person listening doesn’t do doesn’t throw correctly after they do

What they believe you’re telling them to do so even being right or wrong is an accurate it’s about learning how to teach the reason you need to do private lessons to learn how to teach is that you need to take the words that you said in that video here’s how you keep the

Nose from going up and then stand in front of a person whose nose is up say those words to them and then see what happens and if it turns out that those words resulted in them not having the nose up cool try it with the second

Person the third person you get the 500 people and those 500 people all kept the nose flat hats off to you you are correct I’m not saying those people are automatically wrong with what they’re teaching I’m saying you don’t know if they’re right or they’re wrong because they don’t have the feedback from

Standing in front of someone to see if it worked so when I say like listen to what I’m saying the reason I say this is because I’ve taught more private lessons than anyone in the world I’ve taught longer um the only people that have taught as much as me is Jay and Dez

Reading who are fantastic teachers um I know Paul laari is doing a great job I’m like I’m a big fan of of of of of everybody they’re all different components I can just say that I’ve stood in front of the most people and I’ve learned that when I say this it

Doesn’t result in the throw working but when I say the other thing it does so watch my videos do what I say in my videos it’ll work that’s it and then um if you take my online class become a complete disc golfer it’s it’s a six-month class um that’s where we

Will get into every single aspect of the game and you’ll be amazing um amazingly better at disc golf afterwards why is the rock been so popular for so long because it’s great that’s a really easy question um the rock is is in my opinion the gold standard of mid-range discs you know

There’s the the AVR was the gold standard for for Putters and then The Rock was the gold standard for mid-range discs and then um I think for high-speed drivers I think that it was the um uh uh the Destroyer like the Destroyer I think pretty much nailed it even with

You know the problems with inconsistency and different runs the Destroyer still the gold standard um it’s just like they they got it right now there’s variations like that’s not the only disc you’ll have in your bag and by the way I have no relationship with Inova they don’t give me any money

They don’t pay me nothing I’m just honest like that’s you know they’ve done a pce created The Rock The Rock flew straight that was our first mid-range disc that you could truly trust so it was great and everything else is basically a variation of that disc any tips for throwing back end flip

Over left to right it seems that’s the big distance Drive I mean you need a distance slightly understable like I was throwing the trespass um for like a Heiser flip uh the reason why that see the reason why the the the heer flip that turns over is gives you the extra distance is

Because if that disc is turning to if your right-handed throwing a backhand and the disc is turning to the right that means when it starts to fade the fade isn’t just left the fade is actually penetrating more forward where when you throw an overstable disc a disc

That does not turn to the right um even if you throw the big anheiser when it it starts to fade once it gets to Flat it it makes a left turn which means it doesn’t end its flight pen trting forward it’s a much trickier line to hit it’s a much more controllable

Line to throw the golf shot that basically flies up turns over a little bit gradually is turning to the right as it slowly Fades to the left um but any tips on throwing well the tips are just like throwing any other shot I mean you just want to throw

It uh mechanically correctly to get the speed Lov havu disc golf you guys got it going on out there loved having local St The Ransom Cardinals in a couple leagues this week and formulate formulate their own flight numbers and comparisons every person enjoyed them thank you so much

I’m about to release the form for everybody to submit the flight numbers um everybody’s having a lot of fun with this I I just didn’t want to release things too the for too early because I didn’t want people to just throw them once and like you know give an off the

Cuff an I want people to put some time into it to see how they flew in different conditions um hey by the way if any anybody listening has a pro shop or sells golf discs um absolutely go to Scott stokeley I’m sorry stokeley and you can set up your

Wholesale account it’s very easy it’s simple to do a very simple order process but we’re going to be shipping wholesale orders like any day now so if you get your wholesale order in that will be uh I charging you get that in we’ll be shipping to them to you real soon

Um if you have a pro shop in town tell them to to get on the ball and and get these discs in their shop um it’s going to be a hell of lot easier to get them from your local Pro Shop than from me um

Here’s one of the things by the way I’m going to pull that thing need to pull the here’s one of the things you can tell your local Pro Shop by the way one of the things I’m going to do is you are not going to buy you will not be able to

Buy a disc cheaper for me than you will be able to buy from your Pro Shop okay I’m not going to be the Pro Shop’s number one competitor so if the Pro Shop carries discs carries stokeley discs the least expensive place for you to buy those discs is going to be the

Pro Shop I’m not competing against the people that like I will be I’m I’m loyal I and and I will be loyal to the companies that are carrying uh my discs I mean they are the backbone of of my entire business um I not going to undercut you I’m not

Going to run promotional sales that undercut the proops I won’t do it I don’t I don’t agree with that and so tell the pro shop if they carry Stokely discs that will be the least expensive place for people to buy them um because we’ll have we’ll have suggested retail

Pricing and we’re not going to undercut that all right no matter what I do I always see this is chilly no matter what I do I always see them to open on my shoulders early and not get my elbow in front of my body enough when I take

Videos of myself any a specific thing I should be thinking a drill for that okay so Chile I’m going to look I I always you guys know when I do these like live streams I’m not just out here trying to pitch a product this is not an

Infomercial um I give a lot of free information a lot of free tips when you know but there are there are times when when that that’s just not that’s not going to be the solution um the solution is to take my six-month online class become a complete dis

Golfer um every part of the process um there’s a step-by-step process learning how to throw correctly the thing about my online class oops oops sorry the thing about my online class is that it’s not just videos and drills to do it’s an interactive class um I do two classes um

With with live interactive classes every month but in addition to that I have three trainers that work for me who are just phenomenal in the Stokely disc golf method which is not a different method of throwing it’s it’s a method of teaching and learning but they’re fluent

In my method of teaching and in my online class you will be uploading an unlimited number of professional form reviews and the classes it’s $300 for six months so it’s 50 bucks a month two classes per month but an unlimited number of form reviews which means throughout the class

I’m giving you a step to work on you’re shooting video of that step you’re uploading it the trainers are looking at it giving you feedback on what you need to change it’s basically like having somebody there with you but because it’s online there’s a little bit of time

Delay you’ll you’ll post a video you won’t you might not get feedback for a couple hours but it won’t be couple days right it’s going to it’ll it’ll be quick um and then you go out and work on that thing but without that feedback I don’t feel that the online

Teaching is anywhere near as effective if it was you would just watch YouTube videos and everybody would just rip like you watch a YouTube video it says to do this thing and you try to go out and do it it doesn’t work well then what do you do well the idea of the

Classes I’ll tell you exactly what you do you upload a video and have somebody tell you here’s what you need to change and then uh and the reason why my online class has an unlimited number of form reviews is because everybody learns at a different pace so some of you will get a

Review get told what to change and and and you’ll come back and go oh my God that’s what snap feels like and you ripped a disc some of you it takes a while like I can’t predict which one of you is going to take longer so that

That’s why I don’t have I don’t say like two reviews per month or something stupid like that that’s not right can’t do that everybody’s got a different pace so it’s it’s Scott stole. net it’s that is how you’re going to learn your form that is the best way to learn proper

Form what are my favorite courses in Iowa that’s easy it starts and ends with the course in De Moine um and and for Life me I can’t remember the name of it but I loved that course in De Moine um I thought it was really fun with the de Mo

Challen de Mo challenge de Mo open what’s it called ah I should I should probably know this it’s one of my favorite courses I can here remember I’ve played so many courses um but I love the course in De Mo it’s great I know there’s some courses in the quad cities that are

Really good too um Grand View is always just such a traditionally great course I’ve have great memories out there but I was the the one at the de Mo challenges that’s the one I think it starts with a B darn it I can’t remember Park thank

You so I said B did I say B I meant p is a new plastic diable if so can I do one for you okay so yes and no um by no I mean the ren does not take the die very well but yes the Cardinal takes the die very well

Um I would rather you die it and sell it online and make a bunch of money yeah no I’m making them specifically for dying I’ll be releasing blanks specifically for dying um I I I’m an absolute supporter of the the the art the artists

In disc golf I mean come on you guys are like the best I mean it’s amazing what people are doing like I was there when when fly eyes were invented um when jbird started doing fly Dy out of Michigan and it was like when you look

At those old fly Dy it’s like oh God they’re just this is not a KN on jbird he was the innovator he was the inventor of fly Dy um and then I know Scott Papa was doing dies for Inova uh Inova and Discraft or at least one of them um out

In uh Washington but the stuff you guys are doing now is just absurd it’s so cool it’s amazing yeah so we’re making this for you guys what is the depth of the ran I’m familiar with d name this judge L 264 Keystone MVP why I don’t know the actual measurements on it

But it just so happened that I put a video up on how the pdj approves golf discs like this is like two videos ago on my channel and I I uh went through the stepbystep process of every part of the of I was in Tucson with Jeff hurg uh

Going through the step-by-step process on how uh every parameter the pdj uses to improve discs and he did it walking through the approval process on the ren so in that video he measures the depth of the disc and it’s in the video so I don’t recall what it is but it’s

Actually believe it or not there’s two videos ago it’ll be in there follow your career forever that just see that’s how old I am right that I’ve literally been around forever just read your book excellent could have put it down read it in nights best of luck D

Thank you so much you know what funny look if you all didn’t know I have my autobiography came out four years ago is called you’ll never guess what it’s called oh okay it’s called Scotts hly growing up disc golf um it’s um it is my first 25 years in the sport but it’s

Also basically the the it’s about the first 25 years of the sport it’s a history lesson on the early days of disc golf but it’s not like a history lesson as far as names and dates it’s a narrative story of my first 25 years in sport but like the sport was so small

Back then like I was there for most of the biggest events in the sport we all were because there weren’t that many of us playing like you know like we all knew each other and so you know like people are like oh my God you knew Ed

Hedrick I’m like we all knew Ed Hedrick there was only like a few hundred of us so of course we all knew Ed but um so that but it’s a really fun history of the sport told through through my eyes so all the major events and moments in the sport either I was

There or I told about when I first heard about these things you’re stuck on an island and are left with one song over and over forever what is the song Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog I that’s obvious wait no no I’m sorry no no never giving

Up if y’all if you haven’t heard this go to YouTube and type in never giving up Scott stokeley this is a song written about me so please it’s called never given up by Scott stokeley um so that one um and Rainbow Connection I can’t pick just one random 18 random 1800 the

Uh 18 on the Beast looks like it would be way tough for lefties also we need to promote circular teads okay so it’s not any tougher for lefties I mean there’s okay look there’s things about it that give you a larger flight area if you’re right-handed but you should be throwing back can

Insid arm equally so um if you’re left like there there there shouldn’t be any such thing as a lefty or righty hole anymore it’s just a backhand or a sidearm hole now if if a lot of players obviously don’t have both equally but that’s not the fault of the course um

You should be able to have both um as far as circular teads I could not agree more I think teads should be circular um I mean teads are not directional like the idea that everybody’s going to run up on a teapad the exact same direction that just doesn’t make

Sense doesn’t make sense like everybody has different lines and different angles they want to approach the pad on and once you put a pad up in a certain direction it basically Force forces some people to throw differently than they want to throw and I don’t think there

Should be a challenge of trying to navigate a teapad if you make a big circular teapad at a certain size you know or at least at the very least maybe an octagon or something like that kind of hard to make a circle if you have to build like wood and tarp and

Stuff but you could do you could do some kind of close to it close to like that I I would love that my opinion I I I I agree ah what are my thoughts on wearing compression sleeves to help the elbow are or are there better options

Out there that you might know of okay so this is tough and I’m going to tell you so um you’re probably talking about sidearms more than likely so here’s the thing let me let me give you an overview on um you know the backen versus the sidearm um as far as arm

Injuries um and I’m not a doctor I’m just speaking anecdotally just observationally what I’ve seen after a lifetime in the sport is that I believe that with proper technique you should be able to throw a backhand your entire life without any injuries or any problems like it is such a low impact

Motion and observationally I just don’t see it causing people problems people even playing for 50 years backhand doesn’t hurt them not the case with the sidearm um it is just a different mechanical motion with the arm you know a baseball pitcher professional baseball pitcher might blow out their elbow doesn’t mean they threw

With bad technique it means it’s a higher impact throw on the arm uh rotator cuff bur a sack everything up here and uh this tendon right here in the elbow like all three of those can get sar from throwing now sore doesn’t mean injured okay there’s a big difference

There injury means um it’s first off it’s extremely painful or perhaps it’s debilitating it affects your throws it affects your ability to play it affects your ability to practice maybe it affects your ability to do things outside of the disc golf course um those are all injuries that’s not acceptable

It’s never acceptable to have an injury but soreness in your elbow is not automatically indicative of throwing incorrectly and that’s a hard thing to say because you’re supposed to say oh with perfect technique nothing hurts [ __ ] okay we’re playing a sport and the thing about sports is you

Push your body when you push your body things can hurt right look just because we’re not playing football or rugby or something like that doesn’t mean we’re not putting strain on our body like we are taking this object and trying to accelerate it as fast as we can

Physically make it Fly which means by definition we are pushing our body to its extreme limits multiple times typically when we play disc golf the idea that that’s never going to cause soreness it’s crazy it’s sports um but soreness is not injuries so when it comes to the compression I

Would say if it reduces soreness then go with it you know it nothing should cause injury and um if you like I don’t think the compression is going to stop an injury from happening I think it’s just maybe going to keep the tenderness down because it just kind of tightens things

Up right I I get it but um it’s not it’s not going to prevent like it’s not for injuries it’s just for maybe Comfort sorry that was kind of a long answer but people misunderstand when they go my elbow’s feeling so I threw sidearms all

Day my elbows sore what am I doing wrong well maybe you’re throwing wrong but maybe you’re throwing correctly and it’s just sidearms are hard on the body um I will add one thing to this though when you do throw a proper technique like like I teach in my online class um watch

That throw watch the throw where I got the ace 300 foot into a 15 mph headwind with a standstill you saw like how slowly my body moved like I’m not going to even get sore when I’m throwing with such like low impact motion so with proper technique you are reducing the chances

Of soreness as well they’re just not completely you’re not completely rolling them out so I couldn’t write a mean everyone’s so sweet you couldn’t write a mean comment towards me the other day having met you a couple times you’re just too far too kind to bully

Even as a joke the picture of you hugging your RIS yesterday is pure joy and Delight I appreciate that so much but look I’m okay I don’t want to get anybody any of my younger audience angry so please please have a sense of humor when I say

This too but I’m not a millennial you can make jokes and I’m G to laugh you’re not going to offend me or hurt my feelings um wow by the way I probably offended and hurt someone’s feelings by saying that too which proves my point come on guys guys gals everybody you can

Be mean to me if I’m when I’m not gonna like I can take a joke you will not offend me but but but it’s also really sweet when you don’t want to so I mean I I I I appreciate the sentiment as well

But um no I have I even had this is the true story I had my ex-wife she made a comment about like how happy she was she divorced me 20 years ago and then she wrote cuz we have a good relationship you know and she

Wrote me she text me direct was I too mean there I I wasn’t trying to be too personal like even she was being nice to me and I’m like I thought it was funny you know she’s like she said good thing I divorced you or else I’d be I would be

I would still be married to a wrinkled old man who still plays Frisbee for a living and she thought that was too mean and I’m like that was so I thought that was so funny so anyways yeah you’re not you’re not going to hurt my feelings that is a

Promise you can’t hurt my feelings um let’s see by the way here’s the funniest part about all the mean comments like 90% of the comments everybody said trying to be mean were actually just true statements when you were like making fun of me for being old it’s like well guess what

Look I am old you’re broken down you’re slower you don’t throw as far these all those kids can out throw you I’m like I’m waiting for you to be mean you’re still just telling true statements all right okay you have troubling following through and it hurts your back what about that okay so

Um God see it’s makes me nervous to like I don’t like giving advice especially unseen with anything related to injuries because there could be some underlying cause you know where if I simply said to you oh well you should stretch more or you should do

This or or do that it’s like how do you know I’m not giving you advice that makes things worse you know I got look I got one of these uh I got a huge pet peeve against people that give medical or psychological advice um in certain areas when they’re

Speaking so far out of their expertise it’s like you studied this but you’re giving someone advice B on that I’m like you’re not qualified and you’re hurting people so I I never want to like be that person so even though I’m an expert at throwing technique I always tread so

Lightly when it comes to injuries so I kind of have a hard time answering that one um generally speaking if it hurts don’t do it but I’ve also in my opinion um following through shouldn’t hurt it should hurt more when you don’t follow through so I’ll give you one

Piece of advice that is pretty standard advice when it comes to follow through and hurting oops when it comes to following through and and something hurting the one thing I can tell you is that if your upper body is following through but your lower body staying in place you’re contorting and you’re

Tweaking um you’re you’re putting strain on something because you know just think about the top part’s moving and the bottom part’s not right well that part in the middle is beingin stretched um which is you know muscle tendons joints ligaments like everything right um if you follow through with your upper

Body but then your feet also follow through at the same time and your whole body keeps its momentum that shouldn’t hurt because at no point was anything strained at its limit you know this is the ca look this is the case with almost all injuries INRI happen at the perimeter they happen

At The Fringe of motion they almost quotes but they almost never happen during the 80 or 90% of motion where we’re meant to move so I’ll give you an example like I’m I sadly because of my age I have to go to the gym and I lift

Weights four days a week which twice a week I do upper body and when I do for example bench press I go down but I don’t go all the way down till I hit my chest which is the full extension I go down or I go down till it

Touches my chest but I don’t go down into my chest um because when I get down to right at the end of my chest that’s about 90% of my motion down it is my belief that as long as I start pushing back up and only go 90%

Down I’m not at the extreme range of my motion I am far less likely to get injured at my age now there’s probably some physical benefit to pushing those weights that first 10% or that last 10% of motion I probably could have some gains from doing that but that gain isn’t worth the

Tradeoff of what I feel that’s the risky area I’ll go down 80 or 90% go back up don’t get quite the benefit of the bench press but I don’t think I’m ever going to get injured here I’m going to get injured down here so with all motion

It’s kind of that way happens at the fringes if your upper body moves and your lower body doesn’t at some point now you’re at The Fringe now you’ve gone the full extension that your your something will rotate but if the lower body is moving with the upper body you

Never get to that point where anything’s fully extended so that’s not me trying to be smart that’s more just like of a common sense thing that I think I could say fairly safely without trying to pretend I know more than I do the R’s a great putter thank you looking

Forward to trying the Cardinals and others on the course would love to see some lighter weight disc in the future if possible okay Janet I’ve got good news for you the prototypes are high are heavy because those are just one initial run no color no everything I mean these

Are prototypes um we have lighter discs coming out um I to the best of my knowledge both of those discs are coming out in the 60s but I am going to be making lighter weights as well I have a disc that I uh it’s this is going to

Sound strange but it is hard to do different weights and discs there’s a lot of that through the process because when you have a mold you have the shape of the disc that gets filled with something that something weighs a certain amount well if you want that

Exact same shape thing to weigh less you have to remove some of the existing material at and replace it with a less dense material but that less dense material now changes the composition of the whole thing it feels different it flexes different right it becomes it’s

The same shape but it’s it becomes a different material that’s all different plastic Blends that would would be the case well it is hard to make lighter discs not impossible but it’s hard because you need to change the materials make it less dense but then you still

Have to have a a a disc that is flexible and easy to grip and has tacky all the stuff that makes it good so it’s not that it’s impossible but that is it is a high priority for me to do that I have a mold that I’ve been testing out right

Now I’m going to go out on a limb here I’m goingon to say this I have a mold that at low speeds I don’t ever want to say better than because everybody makes good disc but there’s no disc in the world that flies farther at lower speeds

Than this disc it is going to be a perfect disc for people who are younger people who are older or just people that don’t have a lot of arm speed if you don’t if you can’t throw a disc 300 feet or 250 feet the amount of effort it takes to make

This disc fly far is minimal it’s it’s unbelievable um at low speeds and because of that I’ve already like got the person working on this I’m like we need to make this disc in the 150s and low 6 and low 160s because if it’s meant for lower arm speed then

It also by definition should be lower weights as well if I can get this disc in a lower weight it is going to be an absolute GameChanger in the sport because every single person that doesn’t throw 250 feet is going to throw this disc and with almost no effort it it

Just Glides down the Fairway it’s like it’s really really good and when I Market this disc I will specifically say look if you’re trying to throw this disc 450 ft you’re out your mind it’s going to be too unstable it’s not going to hold its the torque in the wind like

I’ll tell everybody it’s not made for those strows like I’m gonna be honest it is made for lower speed throws but boy when like I’m it’s I’m like I’m so excited but I don’t want to release this disc until we can do it in some in in some light plastic because that’s going

To be the market but it’s a game changer it’s so good I promise you like I’m so EXC I like so excited I want to release all my discs tomorrow but I can’t I I gotta like pay some have I ever competed in age protecting division of Worlds would I consider competing in

Worlds in an age protecting division in the future I would consider anything but right now no um so here look here’s the thing I went out um before I went on the pro tour in 2022 I went out I was traveling around teaching classes for

Two years I was 50 or 51 years old and I competed in mostly MP 40 tournaments which is even that’s a division below me and some mp50 tournaments I didn’t practice I was just focusing on teaching I would just show up the courses on Saturday morning worst

Whole one I didn’t play in the course blind and I and I won 70% of my tournaments and I there I don’t know how to describe this it’s just there was nothing there that got me excited other than it was fun to play disc golf it was fun to be

With my friends I got to see some of the old- it was fun to talk to people that understood what Atari 2600 was I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy myself uh I enjoyed myself a lot but competitively there was nothing there that made me want to like get to the course a day

Early and and then play two rounds and take notes and study the course and and then get 500 putts in the night before like there nothing there was nothing driving me and I kind of just thought honestly I thought that I just didn’t have really the drive to compete anymore but I’ve

Been playing long enough where I can still win you know most of the time just because I’ve been around for a while and I guess I’m pretty good when I went on the tour in 2022 the minute I decided to go on tour which was in

2021 the minute I made that decision oh by the way one more thing too I was also putting on a little bit of weight I wasn’t working out right and I didn’t really care because I was like I’m 50 years old me know I like to eat pizza

Whatever um the minute I decided to go on the Pro Tour all of a sudden I was like I was in the gym four days a week all of a sudden I watched every single thing I ate I have for the past almost like well three three years now I

I practice I train I got this fire under me that like I haven’t had since I was a much younger man and I’m driven like I’m driven to to do well but just not just to score well like I’m in the best damn shape of my

Life right now like if I wasn’t going to get demonetized I would take off my shirt and brag look this is really good for a 54 year old man um I’m really proud and I wasn’t motivated before I am now um when I think about playing age protected tournaments I don’t feel any

Of that competitive thing you know and it’s not that like it’s not there aren’t good players I mean I’m not saying I would even win if I was out there there’s some really good players at at at my age out there who can win on a

Given week I’m just saying I don’t feel that thing inside of me that I feel when I think about going to Austin next week you know so like last year I was in Norway the PCS Sulu tournament which was a Elite Series Disc Golf Pro Tour event

Was in Norway the same week was the the Masters world champion ships in the US and I I thought about coming back for that and I considered it and when I thought about coming back to the us all I thought was I don’t want to do it I’m

Just not I didn’t feel anything when I thought about going to Norway I was like I’m gonna win a Pro Tour event and I actually finished 20th like had disc called Pro Tour event I don’t know if any other 50-year-olds has finished top 20 at an Elite Series event

Um Johnny McCrae may have you know but uh that’s what got me motivated so I’m not dismissing the like how like like how fun they are or anything but it just doesn’t move me doesn’t mean it won’t in the future right now I’m just like I’m an

Open player like I still wantan to I want to win on the pro tour so badly I want to shock the freaking world like and I can’t shock the world if I win an mp50 tournament every year someone wins the mp50 worlds there’s no shock there it’s a guarantee that somebody’s going

To win mp50 at the worlds um if I if I win a Pro Tour event this year I’m gonna freak everybody out that’s what motivates me anyways um I never heard a double Discord till I read your book it sounds really fun I have a video about double

Discord coming out I actually have a meeting tomorrow morning with the person that I’m Co co-producing the video with about double Discord I will be pushing money for my company to double Discord it’s the funnest frisbee game in the world and I hope we can bring it back I

Really do like there’s people around the world that play it but more people should be playing it’s the best game team blow power is a donation in order having missed the cut well I will be making a donation and I will yes thank you I will be making an

Announcement about how team blue Power works so as all of you know I’ll be making a formal announcement but I donate all of my prize money to um uh um either special needs organizations or dis golf in developing country developing countries and um if I don’t cash it a tournament um I

What I did LA or two years ago was I said that I would go ahead and donate $100 um just to make sure I’m still giving something to the organization I was going to just carry it over to the next event but I think I’ll just make it

A $100 donation and then I I think I was asking team blue power to donate like a dollar for every stroke I miss to cut by up to$ five dollar Max or something like that I mean some really small amounts if you’re part of part of deam

Team blue Power the most it can cost you at an event is like $5 so I’m not asking anybody to like you know dig deep into their pockets it’s just you know get on the team and I’ll make an announcement about that as well and then I’ll post a

Link of where the money’s going on the organization let’s see but I I yeah thank you for for asking we have some stoky discs on the way for the Pro Shop thanks for all you doing congrats on the terminat thank you so much are wait are they so they’re

Already on the way I know they’re going to be shipping soon and I can’t see which which Pro Shop that is dis Golf Resort but I don’t know which can’t quite see oh that’s Sandy Point wait is this mik and sh because it says disc golf resort

Instead of Sandy Point uh disc golf resort tell me who you are again like I because if it’s Mike and Michelle hello and yeah and you’re welcome for everything I do I love it I love I got the best life in the world all right let’s see soly discs on the

Way let’s see who would be the best DDC team from the pdj touring Pros today among the touring Pros it would be me and whoever I have on my team because I’m the only only one that really plays the game as far as the two running Pros

Um that I know of um there could be some of the European players that I’m not aware of that play um now as far as the ones that have the best potential of being good um I think bro would be great because of his just overall disc and athletic

Skills I think Brody would probably be maybe my first choice um but a bridge too um ell hamson uh just because of their ultimate background um Danny cidon also from Ultimate um Jeremy Coleen because he knows how to throw Frisbees And I think my cameraman would be pretty good because he was really good at fencing and and baseball and other sports he’s not on the pro tour but he’s he’s a cment for the Pro Tour so we’ll count him but um yeah right now there would be

A huge gap between me and everybody else just because it’s a game that I play um it would be just it would be like I could just go out to the court and just take over take over the game just because no one else really plays but uh

I would say anybody coming over from Ultimate would probably be the first choice just because they’re they’re athletic they it’s a different I mean the golfers are athletic too but it’s a different type of athleticism I’ll go broy broy though First Choice Follow by Burge what is my lifting routine all

Right I will tell you my lifting routine um that does not mean I’m recommending this for anybody else um this is what I do um so to me I hate lifting weights okay I absolutely despise it I’ve never gone to the gym and am excited to be at the

Gym um that’s happened zero times ever um so what I do is I do exercises that I like that I don’t hate because if I hate them too much then I I won’t I think I won’t go um I don’t get into um changing my numbers like let’s do 10 then eight

Then six and that’s up the weight each time I just push as much weight as I can um I do I was doing eight three sets each exercise I would do three sets of eight um I changed it to doing three sets of six but then I can do more

Weight so either way I’m kind of pushing my limits um basically I do two exercises on the biceps two on the triceps two back exercises two um two shoulder exercises and then I do three on the chest because my girlfriend makes fun of my chest she

Says it’s so small and if I don’t do enough chest my my stomach sticks out farther in my chest and my fitted clothing doesn’t look right so she she she chest shames me into doing an extra chest exercise um and then with the legs

I just do I do uh six different uh or two exercises so a total of six basically some version of leg press and then also leg uh another six leg curls and then sometimes I’ll do calves but that’s it and then I hit the stomach I do four different exercises with the

Stomach but also with weights I do a uh um well I would I would do four different exercises for the stomach uh three sets of six also except the machine weights on my stomach um at the at Planet Fitness all the stomach exercises the whole stack of Weights

Even if I do the whole stack of weights I can do more than six easily so I’ll do 10 or 12 or I’ll do as many as I can do until I’m just I feel crusty afterwards um I know if you’re a personal trainer if you’re something you’re gonna say you

Got to do Dynamic lifting and you got to do this and you got to do explosive exercises and I’ll be honest I’m not going to do it it it to me if it’s not sustainable then it’s pointless you know so to me it’s almost

Like this is what this is why I I equate all the really sophisticated exercises to I’m not saying they’re not better but this is how I equate it I think it the same way is when someone’s trying to diet and they have they bring they bring a scale in measuring cups into the

Kitchen with them and they try to like measure everything out it’s like yeah that is a more perfect way of eating than just estimating Ah that’s probably too much pasta right of course that’s a more sophisticated perfect way of eating but that person with the measuring cups

And the scales in the kitchen is probably going to get sick of doing weighing their food out in about two weeks and they’re going to get off their diet so to me just because it’s a better system it’s not sustainable if you can’t make yourself do it and the thing about

The uh the uh the way I lift weights is the same way I do something that I know I can do four days a week I’ll give you an example of this yesterday so this is what I this is what I mean by this so

I in the offseason it was four days a week um it was basically upper body stomach and lower body day off upper body stomach and lower body day off so it’s actually four four days out of every six not four days a week four out

Of every six days um but I need a certain amount of break before I compete so my plan is is that I uh I can only work out one day a week when I’m having to compete because what I’m going to do is on Sunday nights after the tournament

I can do upper body which gives me like three full days before I have to compete at the earliest and then on Monday I can do I’m happy to do my stomach and my legs because that’s I could take one less recovery day because that’s I’m not

Throwing with my legs as much um because I missed the cut uh at the tournament um then I could fit in a whole extra day so I went last night I went to the gym at we finished our day at 11 o’clock at night last night or 10:00 at night and I

Went to the gym I didn’t finish at the gym until like 12:30 in the morning um lifting weights last night um but the reason I can do that is because I’m not doing something that I hate so badly I can make an excuse not to go so

I got to go last night Saturday night today when I get off here I’m GNA go do like stomach exercises and I can’t do legs because I injured and not injured but I’m sore from something I’ll do upper body again on Monday one day later lower again on Tuesday and then we

Compete on Thursday so because I didn’t make the cut my penalty for missing the cut is I I got to work in a second workout day this week even though normally I’ll do one day anyway sorry long answer point of all that is that’s because I have this really sustainable

Thing that I don’t hate so badly that at 11 o’clock at night I’m like oh it’s too tired I don’t want to work out now by the way go to my go to my Discord server Scott SL Discord and there’s a whole section there on health

And fitness and I’m going to be doing a whole bunch of stuff in there with health and fitness as the season goes on to try to help people lose weight and feel better thoughts on Ricky being penalty for the late to tea off he was

Late I mean like that it’s one it’s like yeah I mean that it’s the rule and that’s what Ricky said it’s the rule look when I took my penalty a fourstroke penalty for being late um at Las Vegas two years ago on the second round um I

Showed up to the hole my card had not even finished teing off yet so there were guys on my card still throwing um while I stood there and watched them and I took a four-stroke penalty for being late and I never once complained about it because it was my

Fault so I’m not a hypocrite I mean it’s a drag um but it’s like look if if that’s the rule you got to be there five minutes you gotta be there five minutes it’s like then get there 10 minutes before so a really easy one for me is I’m just

Going to be nearby when the group behind me tees off and then I’m going to walk over there and get their 10 minutes early instead of five that’s just it favorite song Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog except except never giving up search for search for never giving up Scott stokeley on

YouTube and there’s a video someone made a video about me I wonder if I could put it up on the screen you guys want to see a video that someone made about me a music video Let’s see you wear earbuds during practice rounds if so what am I rocking

Um I I don’t wear earbuds during practice rounds um uh I’m not anti listening to music or anything like that during practice rounds but I just don’t um but anybody want to see the video that that someone wrote that someone made about me a music video hey this

Would be a good beta test if it’s possible I don’t know if it’s possible for Jane to put the music video on if so um I’ll look to see how many people are in here and at the end of four minutes of watching the video let’s see how many people are still in

There uh let’s see it’s actually really really neat you guys are going to love it if if you haven’t seen it yet so everybody’s saying see the video um I’m not not the logistics person so I don’t know how easy or difficult it

Is so we’ll see if if uh if it works so I’ll just keep talking to you as normal and then if it if it works Jane can just put it on but if not you can just go look up never giv up but but G give her

A second see if we can do it um but by the way as far as music that I listen to though I like two forms of music only I like um hardcore punk rock and uh Broadway musical show tunes and nothing in between um and I and I don’t I don’t want to

Like musicals I don’t I want to hate musicals everything about me wants to hate musicals except that I I freaking love Broadway musicals like even the bad ones I kind of like a lot so um I better not give up trying to play that video yeah I don’t know if it’s possible

So I’m not the one doing the logistics so I have no idea over uh whether it’s possible so if it’s not that’s not Jane’s fault I just don’t know what’s possible with with streamyard and how that works thoughts on the new course in wakeo this week pros and cons um I

Thought it was like I didn’t love it to be honest um you know it’s a it’s you know it’s a ball golf course you know like it’s a wideopen bombing course it’s just not I I don’t think that’s the most interesting type of play um has nothing

To do with the fact that I don’t throw as far as everybody like that doesn’t matter to me um I think uh I just personally like I just that’s not my favorite type of course um the thing about they needed a course I think that that that where it was more spectator B

Because the front and night at the Beast you know doesn’t have room for spectators or basically the front nine nine of the holes are in the woods and that’s just not good for spectators and it just I think that’s what they were trying to find a solution

For I’m not suggesting that if I was out there I would have done a better job or that I could have made a better course it’s just it’s not the type of golf that I love but we need to cater to the the fans too right so you know and and

They’re out there and um if they can’t watch the golf like that’s kind of a drag and so I get it I get why that’s why it is the way it is so um I just you know the big bomber courses are just not my favorite um I I will tell you this

There were a number of places on those courses where I thought there were options um and people in my card would point out they’d be like they’re like I don’t really like this hole and then they would say but if you put the basket over there and made it aart four that

Would be cool and it’s like yeah that would work so I think there was a lot of good insight into that course that they could take if they if they make changes on it for next year that I think the course could progressively get better

And better for sure um as long as the course continues to evolve I think for fpo especially I think there were some there were some FP fpo holes that to me didn’t make sense but oh here we go here’s the music video you guys all right here we go go thank you

Jane So 56 people stand people stick around for the whole four minute Video oh it’s it’s it’s choppy on my End know it’s ch it’s not only Cho up no up a never going to stop me everybody try to stop me so the boys that better watch me was a was a boy in the game now I’m OG growing up I dreamed about it motivated by the way it sounded it was a long shot but only one shot away Away hope it’s not for everybody else do no this is my sh [Applause] This is my sh never up never Up up never giv up never giv I looked and understood the reason I was put in this position seeing my dreams come through fruition and it could have been the worst instead of 14k purse was hit the crazy Line work now my world is gone berser trust it didn’t happen overnight aition I had to fight but it

Lost and I’m here the fans behind me screaming cheers they love the way I teach them from a distance I can reach them no cap I love it to helping you and you and you everybody’s got a passion grab a hold of it take ation don’t let

Go it grows massive hold the whole game app I ain’t do it to show you I have a chip on my shoulder and the grip like a Bo a to hit till it’s over I live this I love this above the substance of you been adjust to nothing just my History [Applause] go right [Applause] here Up make never it So that has to be my favorite song now cuz I never had a song written about me before and then a music video and that’s from the documentary not just a shot um if you haven’t seen it that’s that documentary that’s been winning awards at film festivals that someone

Made about me that’s really kind of neat oh that was too neat thank you Jane for showing that um that was me hugging Jane at the end she doesn’t want me to say that because it’s embarrassing but but that was uh that was me hugging her at the

End all right two years ago a disc golf great lak open when we having dinner one of the rounds we’re observing you observing and you were graciously spoke with my three boys one of those boys will play in the National Collegiate championships oh no kidding man that’s great congratulations that’s

Awesome yeah I you know you gotta Man kids are important um I don’t like when they’re upstairs at the hotel I can still be a grumpy old man when they’re running around making noise I’m I’m I’m at that age where I can still be grumpy but I think they’re important too but I

Can still be grumpy do you feel like the long throws or Woods were your strengths right now it’s Woods right now it’s um honestly my strength right now actually I can’t even really say that it’s still my sidearm it’s still my sidearm is still the best

In the game in my humble opinion um but my putting is is like I’m like basically in a lot of ways I’m kind of like like I’m like I’m I’m pretty good in most areas like there’s no real weaknesses in my game but the only strength is the sidearm the problem is

The biggest problem with my game is just everybody else is so freaking good like like I shot 1028 on on the European tour last year I mean at 53 years old I mean like the hell else am I supposed to do at at this age um it just

Happens that there’s that that’s middle of the pack these days you know slightly above middle of the pack that’s just a reality so so my so my strengths are my sidearm I still throw a sidearm farther than anybody in the world I mean I really do I still throw a sidearm here

Check this out y’all want to okay this is take this this is this is the true um at the tournament at the first round of Waco the first hole out of the woods so I think it’s hole 13 um it’s 550 ft basically flat ground 550 ft and off the teapad I threw

A sidearm that went out of bounds a little bit long so I actually threw not a big 360 sidearm distance throw this is a tunnel shot I still threw my sidearm over 550 feet about 560 feet so I still threw a sidearm farther than anybody in

The world so I guess that’s probably my strength if I had one my timing for practice seems to change internment competition working relax but I throw Harder Faster internment which drastically changes my dis flight what have you found to work well so here’s what I would I would do um there’s a

Video called conquering putting nerves and anxiety um now that’s specific to putting but it’s just psychology um psychology is such an interesting thing because we we’re all different and all of our brains work differently um so there’s like there’s Psych the the best psychological approach is not a one-size

Fitall um so my suggestion is watch my video on conquering putty nerves and anxiety and if it resonates with you the way I think about the psychology of the game then you can take that and apply it to your game um if it doesn’t that doesn’t mean there’s not an approach it

Just means you have to keep searching for the one that that applies to you um but that but my Approach um now I’m not going to like just dismiss this by not giving you anything on your question but I’ll give you the very short version but

There’s far more um the basic idea has to do with something in sports called the illusion of control and the illusion of control is the uh it’s the belief that you have control over the outcome of your shots and it’s an illusion right now the reason it’s such a good illusion is it

Feels like that this is is in your hand so you’re going to control where it goes right all right so here’s the question then if you controlled let’s say you have a 30 foot putt if you had control over whether or not that putt goes in that would mean every single time you

Missed that must have been on purpose then right right like if you were in control how could you possibly miss the reason is that you’re not in control what you have are probabilities you have the likelihood of success based on your skill level your Technique your mechanics how much you’ve been

Practicing whether you’re hydrated whether you’re you know going through a divorce this week whether you’re like whatever like whatever factors come into play um but all those combine to your probabilities of success and oops um but once you step up to putt you have no control over those

Probabilities so the idea is once you realize you don’t have control right a free throw shooter can’t make themselves better than a 70% free throw shooter if that’s their percentages um once you recognize that to me that letting go of control and realizing I actually don’t have control is what

Allows you to let go and relax and when you let go and relax you’re going to perform at your best there’s way more to it than that but I didn’t want to dismiss it with just saying go watch a video but um that’s kind of the core of

It you know and if and by the way if you don’t buy into the idea that you don’t have control then you won’t buy into the rest of it you have to basically buy into that first first idea um but it’s true from Instagram most potential in disc golf but haven’t popped off

Yet the most potential and disc off like the player that hasn’t done it yet God all of them Jesus Christ they’re all so damn good um ah most potential in this golf it hasn’t there’s so many I could pick so many how about I’ll tell you what I just shot

Around there by the way I I don’t want to single anybody out so I’ll single them out because I just played with them um but I just shot around with um um well there’s Kevin kefir Joseph Anderson and Braden sits and um oh and then Stacy kefir how about

That we’ll go we’ll go all four of them and I’m biased because I just played with them but all four of them have talent coming out of their ears um and then could all blow up so I would say that any of them would be on that list

And it’s a bit of a cop out of an answer because I just played with them so it’s easy to like pick them but they’re all so good damn kids are all so good that’s that’s what pisses me off like I’m so proud of him

And then I hate him at the same time how about that maybe I’m just jealous maybe maybe it’s just Envy um any insight to the bird names yeah you know I I I’m gonna be putting out a video I shared this earlier but I’m going to share it again because this

Was like two hours ago and when I shared this and it’s probably probably not many of you that were here two hours ago um there’s three reasons for the bird names the first is because birds are this this is the easy one birds fly they’re beautiful they’re Majestic they’re

Elegant they’re they’re you know magnificent right I mean that so that’s easy okay birds are birds are beautiful um but the second part though is that birds aren’t just beautiful birds are also monsters Birds birds are like you can’t really call them evil because they’re simply just doing what their their

Dinosaur brains are programmed to do but for all intents and purposes birds are monsters the only reason that we think birds are beautiful is that we’re bigger than them if we were 6 Ines tall Birds would be the scariest living things on planet Earth and I I said this earlier tonight

So I’ll say it again think of birds didn’t exist in our world all right and think if you were writing a sci-fi movie and about a sci-fi horror movie about some astronauts that that travel through space and land on another planet and they get out of their spaceship and now

They’re going to explore this other planet but here’s the thing this other planet is filled with monsters bigger than them in this analogy bigger than them that fly through the air like magic they’ve got razors they’ve got razors on their fingertips they’ve got a mouth that can crush a human’s head and they

They will pick off their favorite thing to eat is babies like birds eat other birds babies like these would be like the ultimate super villain in the history of movies this would be a freaking horror movie where a group of people are walking walking out exploring the planet and

This this thing would silently come down from the air and just grab you with it razor Shar Claws and drag you off and then feed you to its children they’re monsters so monsters are cool super villains are cool so I don’t just think of birds as beautiful I just think of

Them as like basically the ultimate Predator like they’re just they’re just cool and then the final thing is I think Birds represent freedom I think Birds I think when birds take off and fly it’s the ultimate form of of freedom and in the animal kingdom including humans like there nothing more

Free than when a bird is in flight and so that’s my whole life is to try to be find moments of freedom in between the responsibilities so yeah there’s actually I I spent about six months trying to figure out the right theme for my disc because it was really important

Because I plan on sticking with this theme for the the rest remainder of my life with this company and and uh it was a perfect storm of of things about birds that I liked let’s see let’s see I recently heard an argument between two higher level local

Players oh this is great I love settling arguments because I’m always right we always think that right okay um two local players one our age okay older and a younger one um one insisted sidearm and back one insisted sidearm and backhand flight plat are different and the other that they can be the

Same okay so well the fight paths themselves are different because if you’re right-handed a backhand the disc is spinning with a clockwise spin which means it turns right and Fades left and a sidearm is the opposite it it it effectively turns left and Fades right

By the way they don’t have the turn is not necessarily true because they can fly straight or even turn the direction of the fade that can vary but the fade will always be somewhere between straight and uh and not straight but in One Direction the right hand and backhand will fade to

The left um with golfers especially with drivers um if you get the old Frisbees and stuff like that some of them will keep turning at the end of the flight but when it comes to golf discs the way the waight distributed especially drivers are all going to fade so no they

They definitely have um two different flight paths for sure so discs don’t care if they’ll throw them back in or sidearm right if if you throw a disc oh okay sorry sorry sry Mike Thomas says oops he says uh so I’m gon to correct he says oops he

Meant Lefty backhand and right in forehand okay so I I think I think both players are right are they the same or are they different the answer is discs don’t care if they’re throwing backhand or sidearm um they don’t care if they’re spinning clockwise or counterclockwise if you throw a disc and

Then throw the exact opposite throw opposite angle opposite spin opposite wobble opposite everything nose angle it will have an exact Mirror Image flight which means in theory a right-handed backhand and the left-handed sidearm if thrown identical will fly identical so they’re the exact same throw however more than likely the backand has

A little bit more spin um than the sidearm which means it it probably will not come out exactly the same so the back the righty backand and left Lefty sidearm will probably fly slightly different with the same disc but not because the disc cares how you threw it it’s because they weren’t thrown

Identical so so the answer is that it is the exact same throw in theory but in practice it’s not necessarily the same if that makes sense so I think they actually I think they actually Mo probably are both right and they’re probably arguing two points and they’re probably both

Accurate from the kind of the P perspective one is talking about in theory one’s talking about in practice um H I know you played caliber a lot have you ever stopped by Tinder be East and Troy Montana I have not played there um I and I only went to caliber

The one time but it’s magic I love caliber it’s so great um but no I’ve not put by the way I’m GNA take a second here if you have a pro shop or you sell golf disc go to stokeley and set up your wholesale account we will be shipping wholesale orders shortly

And I mean I say shortly I’m not talking about weeks I’m talking about we’re days away from Shipping our wholesale discs um and uh it’s not a first come first Ser basis and like we’re running a ton of discs but they’re going to sell out I

Mean machines can only run discs so fast and so uh if these discs are super hot right now they’re like they will sell like crazy in your store because like I’m promoting the hell out of them on tour people coming into your shop want to try these new discs uh if you carry

Them in your shop you’re going to sell so go to Stokely and if you don’t have a shop tell your shop to carry them all right when the pdj does disc test so a disc is legal the weight difference let’s say 175 grams then 149 grams will they redo

Because technically the flight plate Etc also changed no so the flight plate hasn’t changed between a heavier and a like this the flight Plate’s going to be the same it’s the density of the plastic inside which which is why it makes it so tough um if you’ve ever wondered why for

Instance there’ll be a certain disc and you’re like why can’t I get that disc in this plastic like I would love I’m gonna make this up I would love the Rock and gar plastic well one of the reasons why is because the gar plastic might be so

Dense that when you put it into a rock mold it’s not under the weight limit or it could be the opposite it just comes out too light but more than likely it’s over the weight limit which means means you cannot physically make every disc in every type of plastic you have to change

The plastic because the mold is a certain amount of volume that that’s a certain amount of liquid plastic is going to fill that mold if the density is too high with a certain type of plastic you know you have to change it you have to add additives change the dis

So the flight plate doesn’t change now as far as the dis teex standards um yes you are correct though things change you make a lighter disc it change the plastic it changes the flexibility it changes things like so the whole idea of tech standards is that they

They’re they they they can only go to a point like if you wanted to have a perfect Tech standards well then you know every thousand discs you’d have to send one out to have it checked and then next thing you know you’d have like five employees doing nothing but testing

Discs and then discs would we would all pay you know $25 a disc instead of 20 because the manufacturers would have to be paying all this Mone to get disc checked every like like you can’t have a perfect system so because the system is the way it is you’re going to get some

Disc that maybe come in a little bit softer that you know some of the discs I mean people have we discs and they’re like a quarter of a gram over the weight limit not and none of the manufacturers are doing this on purpose it’s just like they’re

They’re like they’re doing the best to keep the spirit of keeping the Plastics keeping the keeping the disc within the standards but it’s just an imperfect system and the what what they say the um sometimes to cure is worse than the disease so trying to create a more perfect system actually creates more

Problems I talked to Jeff HRI about this when it C comes to testing discs like the like dis flexibility right it’s like well you got dis flexibility uh the idea is safety right when it hits something it needs to have some give if it doesn’t have give it’s

Going to do far more damage than if it bends okay that makes sense you need to dist to be a certain flexibility but here’s the thing different Rim configurations mean discs are different flexibilities early or later in its Flex so you could have a dis in theory that’s

Pretty stiff at the beginning and more flexible at the end that passes a standard even though it might be a little stiffer than intended the intended Spirit of the rule um when the disc is when it’s in its normal shape um by by contrast you could have a disc that’s really flexible at

The beginning of the bend which means it’s really safe because it’s super flexible but then it gets really stiff right here and it doesn’t even pass the tech standards because it gets stiff here well that that that that company kind of got screwed because it didn’t pass Tech

Standards even though it it was the spirit of safety and the answer is you could create a better better system you could create a perfectly better system with a lot more sophisticated testing devices to test all these different things the last time hurg checked every single disc would

Cost a minimum of $10,000 to check well if every disc cost $10,000 a check number one you’d have almost no new companies entering the market which is bad for everybody and number two this would cost an extra five bucks a piece because the manufacturers would have to absorb another $10,000 every time they

Run a disc so all the all I’m trying to say is that the the standards are set up to give a the basic Spirit of we’re not going to get some Rock Hard Solid super sharp flazer that’s G to like slice someone’s throat open when it hits

Them and you know that’s we’re gonna stop that from happening we’re going to make the sport safer but at some point it has to be a manageable system that the manufacturers can follow that small companies can afford to do so it’s an imperfect system but a perfect system is worse than the imperfect

System well the mold is the same but the thickness would have to change no and and that’s not misunderstanding Ry no the thickness wouldn’t change because you have a steel mold that you put liquid in that forms the shape of the disc and then that liquid cools and turns into a solid the

Shape of the disc and then M the mold pops open and disc pops out so the thickness of the disc would not change from mold to mold like the thickness of the disc the shape of the mold is going to be basically um pretty much consistent across you know at least the first

100,000 150,000 runs uh or discs that run through that mold um and even then it only starts to wear out very slightly start getting flashing and stuff but um the steel molds they’re they’re very consistent unless I’m misunderstanding the question um the thickness would not change

We have an Adaptive oh sweet Golf Group in Lake cavu what are the odds you getting back here in according with them as you make it I’m always open for doing stuff for adaptive disc golf and special needs disc golf I am always up for that

Um I’m doing less classes now um because I’ve done I’ve actually done 286 classes around the world for kids and adults with special needs a lot of it autism some Down syndrome but then also um you know wheelchair and and other physical or developmental disabilities like I’ve worked with

Everybody at this point um and uh I I love teaching the classes uh the pro not a problem but it’s like I have only so many hours in the day with with my with the business and the train all the stuff I’m doing and when I do a class I can reach like

Five or eight 12 people um so what I’m doing now is I’m I want to reach more people like when I like if I have an two hours to spend on this thing I can reach far more than five people with these other projects I’m working on so there

Are two projects I’m about to announce one of them coming out of British Columbia one of them coming out of Toronto just realized they’re both coming out of Canada I don’t know why I just realized that now they’re both Canadian but they’re both one is doing things for

Adaptive disc golf the other is doing things for uh bringing disc golf to areas that are that don’t have enough room for disc golf course so that will be adapted dis golf but it’ll also just be dis golf in urban areas and and schools but what he’s doing will

Absolutely um apply to Adaptive dis golf as well let’s see what would you consider would you consider playing for USA and world team disc golf if you were asked if it is played at if it’s playing if or it is being played at munding near Perth Australia this year

Um I want to go to Perth Australia would I consider playing for USA and Team World teams disc golf yeah I haven’t been asked and I don’t know what time of year it is and I it would depend on like of course I’m interested okay so like start there yeah of course I’m

Interested but whether or not I will be uh um like it would depend on when and and you know there’s always things right that that have to fall into place um yeah by the way if you go to Scott sto from the previous question Scott stole. netd Discord there’s a section on

Adaptive Disc Golf in there where uh some of the people that are involved in adaptive disc golf are are communicating and I’m you know working on these projects um as well how do we give flight number recommendations I love the rant it’s your new throwing putter thank you so

Much I’m I’m about to announce it I’m about to have a form we have a form up that’s going to tabulate all the numbers when they come in so that’ll be coming let’s see I feel more I feel most comfortable with the wide disc in my hand for proper spin are there any

Possibilities if having wider and Putter and mid if only for Recreations and beginners okay so do you mean um I’m going to ask you to clarify this question is it na oh na Biz um when you say wide rim are you talking about a high rim or you actually talking about a

Thick Rim like a destroyer like a a 12 or 13 speed is that what you mean by wide rim so clarify your question and then I’ll answer your book was an excellent read any thoughts on following up to with the tail end of your story yes

I’m absolutely it’s on it’s on my list I will absolutely be following up talking about my autobiography Scott stokeley growing up disc golf available at Amazon and audible I read the Audi book myself um I’m really proud of this it’s like it’s either five stars or four and a

Half stars and it’s been out for four years and it’s it’s um people have seem to really like it yeah for sure doing the follow-up to the story um it’s just I got to find the time I mean I basically the first draft is basically kind of done and um but that

That means it’s like five or six rewrites away from being decent oh by the way Raleigh no no no no I know you’re not being difficult I no no I just it it’s hard to like communicate sometimes with like a one- sentence text message so yeah any if you

Had any follow-up questions I’ll I’ll uh um for sure we can I’ll answer those no I’m by the way I’m learning all about golf discs too like I have my knowledge of manufacturing hasn’t been a whole lot more than anyone else’s I’ve been around longer but I haven’t been part of that

Process oh thick thick rims yeah I mean here’s what so with when it comes to Putters Putters are always about personal choice there is no such thing as a best Putter and if I was really good at marketing I would tell you that my putters the best putter

In the world and you can’t do that the putter has to be what fits your hand so when it comes to Putters then the best solution for me making Putters is just to make a variety of Putters and then you find the one that you want so I have

The the beadless version of the putter now but I’ll be coming out with a beaded version of the same putter um soon soon I mean I’ve actually thrown the prototypes um but the beaded putter will come out as well so if you like beaded but other than that we’ll just we’ll

Keep making varieties on the putters and hopefully you’ll find one you like in there so let’s see I think I thought Riley had one more question though he said something about I just saw it out of the corner I know Jane’s managing it but he said something about take your

Ren 175 and then 149 how could both discs make the requirement for the test are they the same diameter yeah it is so basically like we’ll just like okay I’m just going to give I’m not being like I’m not trying to be like dismissive on the question I’m just GNA like to

Illustrate the example of this would be let’s say you make a disc out of cotton and then you make a disc out of steel they could be the identical shape but obviously one they’re they’re to two different weights because cotton is less dense than the steel well it’s really no

Different that that’s just an extreme example but it’s really no different with the plastic types you have Plastics you can have a piece of plastic that is you know you know let’s say 6 inches by 6 inches square that weighs five pounds and you could have a

Piece of plastic oh sorry you have a piece of plastic this big that weighs five pounds and you could have another piece of different type of plastic that weighs 4 pounds exact same shape well identical shapes different weights because they’re just different dense one is polyurethane one is 70% polyurethane and

30% some secret ingredient that is much lighter per square inch than than polyurethane when you mix it together it ends up being you know 20% less weight that again it’s probably not going to be that extreme of an example but you can you can get very light very very very

Light types of of you know products now making now interesting thing so here to give you an example the let’s look at it the other way around remember we talked about how the old discs used to have um they made them heavier well why did the

Whammo discs the 141 which was the 50 mold or the one okay the one 19 the 119 the 40 mold weighed 119 grams it was called a 119 because it weighed 119 grams it’s called a 40 mold well they ended up making the 40 molds that

Weighed up to 190 gram exact same mold as the 119 well the way they did it is they mixed the disc the plastic they used to make the 119 with they put phosphorus in it because phosphorus is heavier denser than the plastic and then they even put barium in it which is I

Believe barium is a metal and forgive me if I get the details wrong but I think it’s actually a metal that they actually mixed in as well so all of a sudden that exact same this weighed 190 gram um because it just had a denser material in

It well in theory you could have done the same thing because in theory let’s suppose you had this material called whatever it’s made up of plast the material is made up of plastic barium and phosphorus but whatever it is this composite is a material that makes

This disc weigh 190 gram well if you take 30% of that material out and then replace it with just the plastic of the 119 well then you’ve just made the dis lighter um but you’ll change everything about the disc you’ll change not the shape of it but you’ll change the feel

Of it the flexibility the tackiness that’s where it gets tricky because you make this great golf disc with with this combination of material so it feels so perfect in your hand um but you can only get the weight to change five or six seven grams within there because if you

Start adding more of this certain additive and replacing the stuff that was good all of a sudden that disc might get less tacky and less grippy and next thing you know you have a 160 gram disc but if it doesn’t feel good like do you want to sell a disc yeah sure it’s

Lighter but it doesn’t feel as good well probably not you probably want to not release that disc and then work to find a plastic additive that that keeps the disc grippy but that’s hard to find because that’s the challenge of you know all like working with materials outside

Of my area of expertise but it like this is why I’m not doing it because it like all your questions Riley are like they’re they’re smart questions it’s the reason why I’m not doing it because they are it’s they’re difficult problems to solve but the people that are good at

This this is what they do if I was to try to actually be involved in the manufacturing process I would be starting learning it from scratch the likelihood that I would be good at making golf discs in the first three or four years is almost nil because it’s

Hard but that’s what we have experts for that’s why that’s why I let them do it our different Plastics harder andoss to make lightweight well all plastic is impossible to make it a lighter weight you need to remove the plastic and replace it with something well to the

Best of my knowledge unless you inject air into it or something like that which maybe that’s possible that that now that’s going way outside my area unless you injected some kind of air into it or something like the like the blizzard plastic did um which is what I think the

Blizzard plastic did these are all Trade Secrets but you can’t really make the plastic lighter you just have to remove it and replace it with different materials that would be less dense or M or to make it heavier materials that are more dense and that’s that’s tough one of the reasons why golf

Does a lot of the golf discs cost companies feel very similar is because the shapes of golf discs are very similar you know from one manufacturer to another mid-ranges are about the size of mid-ranges Etc and certain materials Baseline Plastics out there we all agree feel pretty good and have the density to

Make the discs we what we want them to weigh so it’s only natural that everybody’s going to kind of start with the same plastic but as we all know every company has certain discs in it like the gar plastic the orbit plastic the Halo plastic the you know whatever

Plastic you know fish and plastic right well that’s all these Plastics with some little modification that makes them unique um and those are like no one’s going to tell you what those are I’ll even tell you this I went to castto plast when we were making our discs and

I and I talked to Anders and I said look Anders I think you got the best plastic in the game I want to know what plastic you use can we talk about this like can we is this something we can negotiate can I

Buy your can I buy can I I want to I want to know what you’re doing and his answer was absolutely not this is why cast plast is cast plast like it doesn’t like there is no benefit to us let letting other people use you know our plastic Blends be because they’re so

Good and and if you love The Ren plastic then you need to buy it on a ren because because we’re not telling you how we make those either so I mean you know I’m not a hypocrite I’m not giving out the secrets either so anyways

Yeah it’s a trip man I’m I’m this is all new to me too I’m learning all this stuff as we go Scott did you make them white so as Dyers kind have fun with them yes and we’ll be releasing the blank discs as well um but don’t not the Rens the ren

Plastic is not good dying plastic the Cardinal plastic is really good but the but the ren plastic is not like if you figure out to die for the ren plastic then I would say hats off to you and don’t tell anybody you’ll probably make a ton of money because uh most people

Are finding it hard to die have I either played L rocks Disc Golf in Thailand just played there for the first time I have played there I played L rocks and um it was probably as far as courses go just based on the course it was probably the the best course in

Southeast Asia um it wasn’t my f my favorite experience and maybe the second best course was the course in Cambodia um but as far as just pure courses I think L rock is is fantastic but cambod has water buffalos on the course so what are you gonna it’s hard to top that

Tips on how to stop pulling anheiser forehand uh so how to not pull your sidearms with anheiser angle yeah I’m GNA give you a tip right now and when I when I tell you this you’re G to think this is so silly um if okay if you’re if you’re right-handed I would almost

Guarantee you that you’re stepping with your foot sideways at the front of the teapad if you plant your foot forward and turn your hips forward at the point release and do it as a forward- facing throw you’re going to solve the problem of what they call rolling your

Wrist it’s actually a really simple solve um and it’s a common it’s a common thing so it’s true probably probably the case will I be at Champions Cup and do I have a caddy I will be at Champions Cup uh which is really neat it’s going to be

A real honor to go out there and the main that literally is the best player players in the world and I was able to enter um not for like a sponsorship exempt and I did it based on my rating I was able

To get in um but uh I do have a caddy I appreciate it but I I should be set with Cades hopefully for the year I got a very special caddy and um I don’t want to gross you out or anything but there’s certain you know she has certain caddy

Responsibilities that you probably aren’t aren’t up for so try to unink that unrelated question at disc golf oh my gosh okay so check this out I’m gonna wrap this up but I would love it if y’all sent some non discol related questions just because we’ll have some we’ll have some silly fun time

At the end um I will I could I could share my wealth of wisdom my old man wisdom with all of you I am an expert at career I’m an expert at relationships I’m an expert at everything in my own mind by the way I’m not promising the

Advice I give will be good but I won’t I won’t hesitate to give advice all right unrated disc call if you’ve done a variety things in life what would you say about jumping and letting the net appear what would I say okay I love the question I’ve done a variety things in

Life I’ve done more different things in my life than anyone I know on purpose I try to have this weird crazy life where I do different things and I have no idea what you mean by jumping and letting the net appear so what I would like you to do

Please Eric I want to answer the question but can you explain explain the question like I think you’re just referencing something I don’t get the reference jumping and letting the net appear I I don’t know what you mean by that but I want to answer oh okay I heard Colton lock say

Something but hold on I I’ll get to it then I apologize not specify I did not specify that I can generate more spin with a 13 speed than anything less due to the wide rim with my limited Mobility I cannot generate enough spin with mids and Putters my shoulders and elbows are fine

It’s the wrist and the the titanium arthritis is not allow me to generate spin with the disc so spin keeps it up on path can you suggest oh God you’re talk already talking about having it’s the wrist intest to Titanium and arthritis yeah I mean when it comes to

Dealing with like the injuries or things like that I like that is just um well first off I don’t think you’re generating more spin with the highspeed discs I don’t think that is causing more spin I I think what you’re seeing is this is just the reality of different

Disc speeds that Putters require more spin than approaches and mid-ranges approaches and mid-ranges require more spin than drivers drivers require more spin than highspeed drivers although you could put the drivers in the one category and just go Putters mids and drivers so it’s not you’re generating more spin is that you

Don’t you’re not required to have as much spin which means with limited spin you’re still getting a great flight on a high-speed driver that um you might not get on a putter because it requires more the best example of this is think about the player who can throw a drive or

Sidearm just fine but if they try to throw a drive a full speed with a putter it just wobbles and flies out of control so that is the that is actually normal and I would say there’s not there’s not one tip on the method um watch my video

On Snap I would say if you if you search for Scott stokeley snap you’ll see a video that just basically tells you how you generate snap which just also equates the spin that’s probably the best one and then it look the video not putting the nose up um and then on the

Sidearm it’s just look just my whole collection of sidearm catalog um I’ll say the other thing too is my online I’m not trying to just sell you something but my online become a complete dis golfer class because the the way the class works is you have have an unlimited number of form

Reviews then um because you have certain things you’re dealing with that would be the best way to just get the evaluation because you’ll be going back and forth with the trainers on the different things that you’re trying to do and when you’re not able to do something it gives

Us the opportunity to look at it and make changes and experiment and work with you and it’s unlimited number of form reviews specifically because you might not be someone that posts one video and you say oh do this maybe there is some back and forth in learning what

Your capabilities are Mobility range of motion all these things um so that that class would be the best way to do it but it’s you know I’m not just trying to sell you something but that really um after watching those videos is probably the best approach the jumpy question taking a

Leap of faith okay oh my gosh thank you okay so yeah so um here’s here’s what I’ll tell you and what I’ve always done is I’ve always just dove in head first and just thrown caution to the wind I’ve always done that and I 99% of the time I think

It’s the best approach um I’ll give you a couple examples um I I’ve taught 286 classes for kids and adults with special needs I’ve had no training I had no education I had no experience in it I just decided that I was going to do it one day so you know what I

Did I posted something to a Facebook page in California where I was going to be Saidi teaching a class for kids and adults with special needs it’s free and everybody that wants to show was welcome it’s 4 o’clock here’s where we are once I posted that then I

Went oh okay now it’s out there now I better figure out how to teach kids and adults with special needs um if I had done it the other way around and tried to get training first and tried to figure out know what I was doing I probably never would have done the first

Class because I I never would have felt prepared to known what I was doing instead I taught the class and the worst that happens is the class doesn’t go well and like so what didn’t go well do another one it goes better next time so

I think taking a leap of faith is like something you kind of have to do you have to dive in um I will say um I’ll give you one more um if if if you followed me a little bit you’ll know that I used that I used to have a line of barbecue

Sauce from a couple like three years ago um and this is one of my favorite stories because I sold barbecue sauce so I I can sum up my barbecue sauce business in two sentences all right sentence number one I called up my girlfriend on the phone

And I said hey just wanted to let you know um I just bought $20,000 worth of barbecue sauce okay that’s the first sentence the second sentence is what um I asked everybody two years later which was would anybody like to buy $19,000 worth of barbecue sauce right turned out to be a complete

And utter failure as a business I lost I lost um well I lost all I lost everything in the barbecue sauce business but here’s the thing it’s not really a loss because you can’t compartmentalize that loss and not include in that loss the other businesses that I’m running where I took

A leap of faith and it worked and it was successful you have to put it all together and then say hey over the course of this year how much money did I make or over the course of several years how much money I didn’t make turns out I did pretty damn well

But some things made it of money some’s lost money but the business did well it’s like a mutual fund right you get a mutual fund that that there’s 20 stocks in there you can’t look at it say oh I can’t believe that uh that one stock

Lost all this money went down that’s not what you look at you look at it you say hey that mutual fund you know gave me 177% okay it was a win right you have to look at the big picture but within that 70% winning mutual fund every stock is

Is profitable that’s why it’s a mutual fund you have wins and losses in there but you have to put them all together so I don’t I think the leap of faith has to be with you have to look at the big picture and look at the whole the whole

Package and say how am I living my life what am I doing with my life at the end of my life how many things have I succeeded and failed in and hopefully you know you’ll have more successes than failures but if you don’t have any failures it means you didn’t try

Anything if you didn’t try anything maybe you played it too safe so yeah um oh let’s see I’m inspired by how I move around the world freely and try new things and unafraid of failure I’m curious where that comes from in my past um I’m afraid of not I’m afraid of not

Failing like I’m afraid of being stagnant I’m afraid of being bored I’m afraid of not having everything I want you know like I’m afraid of not being free like a lot of what I do is very much anxiety driven and I I try to make it not the

Type of anxiety that’s difficult to be around or like I don’t get anxious and like like I’m not short with people or mean or anything like that but I’m driven by a fear of failure while while not being afraid to fail like I’m afraid of it I’m afraid of like what happens if

What happens if all my things I do don’t work and then I can’t live the life I want to live and if I can’t live the life I want to live then I’m not living my own life if that makes sense and I’m terrified of

Not living my own life like I’ve done it I’ve owned a house I’ve owned multiple houses you know I own a beautiful 3,300 foot house with four bedrooms in the suburbs and it was freaking now say it was miserable I wasn’t miserable I was in a good relationship for a while with and

Raising my daughter I like I had so many good things going for me but the life I was living wasn’t my life it wasn’t where where I like I’m not meant to to be in a house it’s just not where I’m happy so I’m just I’m driven to not to

Make sure I don’t have a life that I don’t want to live um so here if I can get on my soap box for just a minute then asking question um I think the key there’s the key to happiness there’s there’s several keys to happiness but the first key to

Happiness if you guys don’t mind me on my soap box for a minute the the first key to happiness is you have to throw away every preconceived idea you ever had wherever told everything you’ve ever heard from your parents from your friends from your church from your television from your

Books from movies from society from social media you have to to the best of your ability throw all of that out and really seek out what you want in life like like not what what you want how you want to live your life and it may turn out that the that the

Things you want in life it may be the same thing that your parents wanted for you it may be the same thing that your church recommends for you it may be the same thing that um social media says is important right it could be a lot of things but it may not

Uh you may discover that what you’re looking for is either totally different than the life you’re living or or has similarities but not exactly the way you’re living and you have to figure out what you want for you with without any other influences to the best of your ability and

Then in my opinion you don’t have to have that life to be happy okay because as soon as you figure out what you want you you probably can’t just flip a switch especially if you’re a grownup you’re an adult you have kids you have mortgage you have a spouse you have like

Responsibilities you’re you’re in a career you run a business you can’t necessarily just change your life on a dime but what I believe is is that as soon as you identify what life you want and start working towards that life I think you then you can become happy

Because there’s now a light at the end of the tunnel that if there’s no light at the end of the tunnel you can’t be happy so like let’s say for example like let’s say you have like I’m just going to make up an example let’s say you’re married and you have three

Kids and you have a mortgage and you’re an accountant all right well you have responsibilities right well let’s suppose that what you really want to do is you just want to play guitar in a band all right well maybe you can’t do that today right like you have

Responsibilities you got to see your kids through high school you got to get them off to college you got to pay your bills you made a commitment to your spouse that you weren’t gonna join a garage Bandit 38 years old right um and try to make a career on the road so you

Can’t do that tomorrow but if that’s what you really want to do and you say hey my youngest kid is going to college in eight years I’m GNA start learning guitar now and I’m G to start practicing guitar and maybe in a year or two I’m going to start finding

Some some guys I can play with one day a week like because once my kid goes off to college I’m hitting the road baby I’m gonna go travel with the band like I think you’ll find a level of Happiness just knowing that the thing you want to do is it’s in

The future at some point and that you’re working towards it you can’t just know what you want if you have to be working towards it and I think if you do that you can be happy even though you still got to go to the accountant job all day like it’s

Like it’s like you have the shittiest job in the world but if if there’s a clock on the wall and there’s quitting time you can make it through another day right well just kind of like a metaphor for like you can make it through another

Day of life if if there’s quit time for that life you’re living at some point in the future so I think you have to figure out what you want and start working towards that thing and then I think it’s like this it’s like this peace will come

Over you because you know that at some point you’re going to get that thing you want just you might have to wait a couple years because of the decisions you made up to this point sorry if that was on my soap box but I think that’s

True I think that’s I believe that’s the key to happiness um so for me like I’m I’m doing I’m living the exact life I want to live right now for really truly the first time in my life I’m living exactly how I want to live and I’ve

Never been happier but to get to this point was like like it took I mean I spent a long time trying to get here but now that I’m here it’s like I can tell you it’s just like I’m never I’m never letting it go so I have anxiety over making sure I

Don’t screw things up because I I don’t want to give it up sorry kind of long but hey Scott any advice on focusing on your passion and not focusing on what everybody else is doing oh shoot um yeah so my advice is focus on your passion and not what everyone else is

Doing that’s not really advice is it kind of what the question was um it’s hard you know I think that it’s um here what I would tell you the thing you have to always understand is that what everybody else is doing is always make believe because you never know what

Anyone else is doing like you could have someone that looks like they’re successful and their business is actually falling apart you could look at they seems like they have a great relationship but behind closed doors you don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors when you look at the social media

Post of of the the of the that beautiful vacation someone else is having like you like they might have had to work 51 weeks straight 60 hours a week for that one week of vacation that they can’t even enjoy because they know that the clock’s ticking when they got to get

Back to work and and and they went into debt for it so like it’s not a matter of not like we can’t ignore what other people are doing but you have to have the perspective to realize that not everything is as it seems you know I’ll

Say this too I would say even like if you’re looking at what I’m doing what you know you’re not seeing is that I probably work 60 hours a week like still I’m still working my ass off I I I don’t plan on working this hard in a couple

Years but I’m still working really hard well you don’t you don’t necessarily see that so what you know what other people are doing might seem like they find it easy or it might seem like they have it better but it’s not true like it or it may not be true so I would

Say um just just understand everyone else is everything you’re looking at is might as well just be make believe it’s like you’re watching your movie they all watching their own movies so just just focus on your movie and know everything else is just a movie what I do with all the barbecue

Sauce we ended up throwing it away um I was afraid it was okay so it was probably still good but the problem is it does have a shelf life because it’s food and I was afraid like there’s no at some point it’s going to go bad

And if it’s not tomorrow it’s next week next month next year but it was selling so slowly I wasn’t making enough money to even consider not disposing it so I feel really badly because that’s a lot of barbecue sauce got carried one package at a time into the

Basement which is the the cool place in the warehouse where it was being shipped out of it and now these two guys poor guys had to carry the whole thing out and dispose of it so yeah if you ever want I wanted to make a video where I like I filled a

Pool full of barbecue sauce but then I started thinking about that’s thousands of bottles of barbecue sauce like trying to like pour it into the thing it would have taken like two days to fill a pool full of barbecue sauce one bottle at a time and then I was trying to think of

Like somehow I got to get $199,000 with the promotional value out of it and I couldn’t think of a good way to do it you saw pure happiness when hit mace this weekend it is man it was it’s um I was I was happy like I love the moment I live

For the moment I live for every single breath I take as cheesy as that sounds it’s not you know I mean I have a fin night number of breaths left and so like yeah that was a very special moment um to do it on the this golf pro tour my

God like no I don’t know when a 54 yearold is going to get a ho in-one at this golf pro tour but it’s possible that it never happens again I mean the competition is getting so much stiffer it’s very reasonable to think that in 10 years nobody under the age of 45 ever

Plays on the pro tour again um nor would I be at this level qualified to play on the Pro Tour 10 years from now because the level may get so good where everybody’s like 1040 rated and then it’s like I’m not qualified to play then so

Um like that may be one of those records that just doesn’t get broken a 54 year old Ace on the pro tour yeah it’s pretty neat my last tournament before yesterday oh my God okay holy crap you know what 1998 Kansas City Wide Open holy [ __ ] it’s been 25 years 26

Years I didn’t even think about that I never get a I’ve had three tournament Aces my whole life so here’s the thing let me let me explain something back in the old days in the 80s and 90s when all the courses were super duper short all the holes were

Like 250 fet long because I was the player out there with an equal backhand and sidearm I was throwing a Heiser on every single hole which means I was Landing 30 or 40 feet short of every hole and skipping up with a heer right because it was I was join like 90%

Heisers And I’m not going to I’m not going to throw a 250 foot hole like I’m aiming 40 feet short a hole in one if it doesn’t go in hits 20 feet long which means I would have to be 60 feet off on a 250 feet hole well I’m not going to

Probably be 200 or 60 feet off on a 250 foot hole um so I never got Aces now the players that threw an heisers that kind of stalled in well they get aces all the time because those those were actually still pretty good shots they were only

Going 10 feet long if they missed so I’ve had three tournament Aces my whole life because I always threw the highes on these easy holes and then I stopped playing in 2001 and when I came back all the courses got hard like Aces got rare

So my last term in Ace was 1998 at the Kansas city wide open I did in the final line I was um battling Ken climo um as usual and um I was tied we went to the final line I had him by a stroke he birdied the first hole I

Didn’t so we were tied we go to Hole two and I threw a hole in one and then on the next hole I just missed acing and uh so I was two up with seven to go but then he came back to tie me and then

Beat me in sudden death he always beat me uh let’s see have I ever seen a ghost I have never seen a ghost I don’t believe that ghosts exist not saying they don’t I’m just saying I personally don’t believe I’m one of those annoying Skeptics that doesn’t believe in

Anything what is my favorite car okay I was gonna say I didn’t have one like this is God’s honest truth to I always say TR I don’t know why I always say true story I only tell true stories but this is how much I know cars um I bought a

Subaru uh like six years ago when I got my job selling software after I left the tour and got this great job selling software and I bought this this really cool red Subaru and I told everybody about that I bought this was used but I was I just used Subaru and told

Everybody I drove a Subaru and and I probably had the car for like a month and then finally someone comes to work they’re like Scott that’s not a Subaru that’s a Saab and I’m like what what do you mean they’re like it’s not a Subaru

It’s a Saab I’m like how can you tell and they’re like it says Saab on the back of the car I’m like are you serious and I went out there and sure enough it said SB like that is literally how little I know about cars so I would say I don’t have a

Favorite car except one of these days I’m GNA buy a 19 like 68 L Camino and I’m going to paint flames on the side of it it’s the ultimate white trash car and and I want to I want a tour in an El Cina with flames on

It I I I actually really do want to do that so all right the Plastics are these plastic making me thirsty how excited are you about crypto and the great Bitcoin happening I have zero money to invest good risk God you know what I don’t even want to

Like I will not give advice on cryptocurrency because everybody’s I think everybody’s full of [ __ ] and then it’s like some people end up being right and I think it’s luck like here here’s how I feel about the cryptocurrency like like yes there are people that have made money but there

Are I feel like there’s a lot more people that lost money it’s just a way of wealth distribution right which is like you got you probably have an equal money amount of money gained and lost but you don’t have an equal amount of people gaining an equal amount of money as an equal

Amount of people losing equal amount of money it seems like you have certain people that are in control of the system to make a [ __ ] ton of money on a new crypto a bunch of people invest um some of them get in and get out and and they

Kill it it seems like most people don’t and I I feel like I I personally think it’s sounds like get rich quick I’ve always felt that way about it um it doesn’t mean there aren’t people making money of course there are and I was actually involved by the way I was

Involved in Bitcoin um in the Bitcoin in like 2012 2013 I was invol involved in buy sign Bitcoin and it was here I’ll give you guys a funny story um if you want to know the history of Bitcoin if you’ve ever heard anything about this um this

Is I will tell you the the truth and and if you’ve heard this uh I will confirm it if you heard it was different than this they’re lying I’ll tell you how it was when when H Bitcoin came out so Bitcoin came out Bitcoin served one purpose and one

Purpose only and that was for buying and selling drugs on the Silk Road like there might have been some person there was a person at a pizza shop that bought a pizza with Bitcoin early on there might have been somebody that took PE like some novelty Bitcoin was Black Market currency

To buy and sell drugs basically drugs on the Silk Road that’s all it was for and the Silk Road was was basically something that you would um uh you would basically go into the dark web and then then if you went to the dark web there was a website called Silk

Road that looked like eBay and basically you would have all these different vendors selling I mean I’m talking every drug imaginable you would have 50 different people sell cocaine with reviews of the quality of the cocaine and the people that wanted to buy it would say whoa this person has 4.7 Stars

Their cocaine’s pretty good and they have this person has 300 reviews this person only has four can’t trust the reviewer with four reviews like it was just like any other Market except they were buying and selling drugs that’s all Bitcoin was for and the way um the way

You bought Bitcoin there was only one way to buy Bitcoin in the early days is that Bitcoin had a basic value um I was around when Bitcoin was like 100 bucks and it went up to like say six or seven 800 around that that time period the way

You bought it was there was um Mt gaau was the big one they kind of listed what Bitcoin was worth um they turned out to be a scam like all the others but they were considered the most reputable Source at the early days and here’s how you bought and sold Bitcoin

Swear to God I’m not making this up if you had Bitcoin available right which basically you had either stored on your phone or computer or was sto in an online stored in an online wallet that you could then access onto your phone but you couldn’t send

The Bitcoin to somebody and ask him to send you money because it was it was Black Market stuff I mean you were sending your money to either a drug addict or a drug dealer you weren’t getting money back or you couldn’t trust that you would get it back so the only

Way you could buy and sell Bitcoin this is what we were doing back then is you would advertise your Bitcoin on a website where you would people listed if they had Bitcoin or if they wanted Bitcoin two categories and you would put the city that you were in and if you had

Bitcoin for sale like let’s say I had a one Bitcoin for sale and the going Market was 300 bucks well I might sell it for $290 to sell it so would list one Bitcoin for $290 it’s on my phone somebody would contact me back and they’d message and say I’m interested in

That Bitcoin where do you want to meet and you’d write back and you say how about the Walmart in a in a rapo at 2 am and they’d say okay and then so you at 2 am you would meet in the freaking parking lot of Walmart and I I I would

Have the Bitcoin in my phone that person would have the money and they would give me their their account information and I would have it right here I would put in their account information they would hand me the money and I’d click Send and they’d get it on their

Phone they’d look at it it’s there I got the money thanks we’d go that’s how you would buy and sell Bitcoin back then and then the way you would buy it would be like you look over then it’s like okay well I can sell Bitcoin for 290 bucks a

Coin uh but there’s some person out there that’s selling three coins for $750 that’s only $250 bucks a coin I can make 40 bucks a coin I can make $120 off this you contact them and you would show up with $750 and they would transfer it to you

And you’d hand them the cash and every one of these transactions is with the sketchiest people you’ve ever seen because every single one of those people is a drug dealer or a drug addict and that’s how we bought and sold Bitcoins back then everybody did it not making this up it was

So dangerous because like it’s just like like you could get robbed as easily as you could in a drug deal you’re showing up meeting a stranger with cash anyways so it’s obviously evolved past that point but that’s the origin of Bitcoin right so it comes from a sketchy

Background and so maybe I’m a little bit tainted on it that I just I I can’t think of it as this like legitimate thing it’s it’s still seems like like I know it’s around and it might be around forever but even if one of them’s around

You know or you know ethereum or Bitcoin whatever it doesn’t mean there’s there’s not a hundred others that that turned out to be like Ponzi schemes or went upside down and people lost their shirts anyways yeah that’s that’s big and I was doing that it’ll be in my

Second book by the way um I mean hindsight it was a lot of fun I mean it was like it was exciting it was an exciting time because you know you buy those bit and then the Bitcoins would go up in value You’ be like oh my God I

Made money oh I’ll throw you one more story though so so here’s the thing about the Bitcoins the way it worked I didn’t know how it works now but the way it worked then was that you would have the Bitcoin on your phone or computer if your phone or computer crashed that’s

Gone forever you cannot recover those like it was a it might as well have been actually a physical coin that you put into a slot in your computer and your computer exploded or got stolen um so it was kind of the same situation as why people 200 years ago didn’t want to

Run around with piles of cash in the old west you would put them in a bank right A Bank is going to add some security but just like in the old west days these banks in the old west days weren’t federally assured if somebody robbed a

Bank and you went to get your money back the guy that own the bank might be like no more money they took it all and you had no recourse the only thing you knew is that the bank was still probably safer than having it in your in your

Saddle bag so uh people stole their they stored their uh their Bitcoins and online wallets um I I I put I’ll never forget I had $36,000 at one point which back then was a ton of money I I was poor back then and I had $36,000 in

Bitcoins um at a a website called beta or bit ER bit T ra um and uh all of a sudden one day we go into the account and I could see my account I can see all my information I could see my Bitcoin there the only thing missing was the withdraw button just

Disappeared um it turned out that this online wallet was uh the people set it up you deposit money and then the people go that’s enough money and they just take away one link to withdrawal link and now they have all your money and not

A damn thing you can do about it and um U it turned out that basically every single online wallet was the exact same thing they almost all turned into scams because the people that own the wallets realized holy crap I just took in $2 million worth of deposits that’s now

Worth $80 million and all I am is one line of code away from that belonging to me um so even the ones that maybe started off honest I don’t none of them ended up honest they all turned out to be scams I know it’s more legitimate now

But um yeah that’s that’s when I got out of it I lost that $36,000 I was like screw this this is so stupid so yeah anyways hope that didn’t bore the hell out of you guys but it’ll be my second book my my time in the Bitcoin

Business all right hey if anybody wants any wants to order my discs wholesale go to stokeley get on the wholesale account list and um these diss are selling like crazy and I’m marketing the hell out of them and I’m marketing them really really well people

Are going to throw them people are going to like them people are going to buy more because the reviews are all coming in everyone’s giving five stars um and I have more coming out and uh I hope everybody checks out the uh uh hope everybody checks them out because

They’re really good but uh if you’re a store you’ll do well with them and I will do everything possible to support the Pro Shops I’m doing a bunch of things different than the other manufacturers that I think are going to make the Pro Shops love how I’m working

With you because I will never be your competition all right everybody will always be able to get disc cheaper from the Pro Shop than from me direct so all right oh we got one more question coming in last question from Simply simple creation and then we’ll call it

Aight am I getting a lightweight options yes I’m working on something right now like a junior line I’m 100% I have a model in my truck right now that is unbelievable at low speeds um and I’m just waiting to get it in a lighter we and I’ll release it I’m hoping by the

End of the year um it will fly we’ll say this nothing’s going to fly further at low speeds than this so the uh you’re going to love this desk it’s and I’m not going to tell you anything more about it other than it takes zero effort to get

Really really good distance which is what it’s meant for it’s not for juniors let’s say anybody with slower arm speeds Juniors older or just if you’re new and you don’t have a lot of arm speed yet if you’re throwing 150 200 250 feet this

Disc like it rips if you try to throw it 400 feet it’s going to be a little harder to control it’s not meant for you um it’s meant for slower arm speeds but it’s it’s uh yall are gonna love it and if you want of the Pro Shops would be

The first to get it what a great night you guys I hope everybody goes to stoy disc buys my discs signs up for my online class at Scott and then uh we will see you all in Austin in a couple days thanks guys thanks everyone


  1. Scott, great to watch you at WACO this weekend and congrats on the ace!

    Surprised to not see more supporters here on Youtube. Hoping to see more supporters here in the future.

  2. You are EXACTLY right about hole 17 and 18 at the Beast being great finishing holes. Waco is one of my favorite tournaments, partly because I am jacked early in the season to watch disc golf, but primarily because I love watching the Beast. Yesterday was great…but that had zero to do with the boring course. I was bummed that I could not see that group on the iconic 17&18 at the Beast.

  3. There is no disc golf plastic named after any kind of turtle, make a floating driver called the Red Slider,or a putter called the Alligator snapping turtle or something no turtle named plastic yet! Do it my brother ✝️🥏much love Scott,from ben casper Owens #19275 of El Reno Oklahoma

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