This Optical Illusion Can WRECK Your golf Swing

Our eyes play a big trick on us when aiming a golf shot. Unless you know this illusion you could be aiming incorrectly. I will show you the optical illusion and how to correctly aim your golf club and practice. This is the cause of the slice in many golfers. So if you want to fix your slice in golf, you need to understand this optical illusion.

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Well hello everybody and welcome to my channel and I’ve got something great for you today uh especially if you people that might have that chronic slice getting over the top you can’t seem to get it fixed I may have a little solution for you here that that this

There’s an optical illusion in golf that this optical illusion could be messing with you okay so I want to show you this setup that I have I want to show you the optical illusion and then show you what you know what we have to do in order to

To solve this problem before we get into that um my channel here is all about golf instruction and about golf uh we’re going to add a little bit of travel to it here coming soon um but if you’re interested in good sound golf advice you might want to subscribe and and see if

We can help fix your game all right so the optical illusion deals with the fact that we have a Target line on the ground obviously where we want our golf ball to go and the way that we get set up to the ball our eyes are over to the left of

Our Target line okay that’s the part that causes the optical illusion okay and now let me demonstrate it to you I’ve got a stick on the ground right here aiming at that red flag okay right out here I have another stick stuck in the ground and it’s right on the target line

So the way I have the camera set up we are shooting right down this target line you can see the stick on the ground you can see that this stick right here and that red flag are all in line okay so from back there where your the camera is

We now know that that’s our Target line and that stick out there is on the line now let me show you the optical illusion I’ve now positioned the camera on my body line or on my ey line so if I was set up to hit this golf ball

You can see now that that camera is right on my ey line and if we look back out here at these two sticks that are on the ground here is the stick that was on our Target line that we just proved it was on our Target line but where does this

Stick look like it’s aimed from my eyeline position it looks like it’s aimed way out there to the right okay here is a stick that is right on our eyeline and if you look through that camera you look right down my eyeline right through this stick it is lined up

Exactly with that red flag but this is our Target line not this our eye sees from over here to the Target so my ey line is actually looking at the Target a little sideways or kind of to the right of where my original Target line is or or My intended target line so

This is the problem I’ve put the camera back on our Target line okay and now I want you to look at how far left this stick is according to our Target line so what happens is people get in here to hit a golf ball and they get set up aiming

Okay but their eye keeps seeing this as the target line and not this because this looks like it’s way too far out to the right so what they are going to then do in the golf swing is they are going to swing over towards their ey line

Which is left of our Target which makes you swing over the top okay now if you continue to swing over there to the left at this target you’re then going to have to open the face to get the ball to curve back to your target line our eye and our brain doesn’t

Really want to swing out towards this line and espec especially for you people that are slicers cuz you’re sitting there thinking I already hit the ball to the right look how far to the right this is that I’ve got to swing I don’t want my golf ball going over there but we have

To let our Golf Club swing to the inside and towards our intended target before it comes back around to the left with the swing plane okay so if I’m going to hit a shot at that FL bag first swing of the day now people don’t be too

Judgmental Club face was open but that ball started right over this stick so because that was my first swing of the day I didn’t hit a very good shot but if I if you can look my divot is Dead online okay so all I would then have to do is swing my club

At that ENT at our Target line where our Target is okay and let my arms rotate a little bit to get the club face squared up and that ball was dead straight so if you’re a golfer that has a problem with over-the-top swinging and hitting that slice do a little

Experiment get a friend if you’re out hitting balls get somebody to help you and put a stick on the ground and aim it at your intended Target okay then you get in here and get set up like you’re going to hit a shot okay get your friend to have another stick and have

Them stand out here and move that stick and you tell them when to put it in the ground when you think it’s right online and once you’ve done that then stand up and go back where the camera would be and look and see where that stick is actually aimed and my guess is

It’s going to be over there to the left so a really really good practice habit if you’re the person that is over the top a little bit too much has a slice or just I think this is a good practice habit for anybody is take your

Time and get yourself a stick on the ground and take your time and put another stick out here in front of you online okay and once you then get that stick online stand in here and hit balls trying to get your golf ball to either go right over that stick or

Slightly to the right of it so you can hit a little draw okay just a very very good practice habit a nice practice station you guys all know how I love a practice station but just a very very good habit to get yourself into if you

Do this on a regular basis you will then train your eyes to understand where our real Target line is and don’t and you won’t swing over here towards your ey line so see if I can hit one more good one start this ball at that stick oops excuse

Me okay start this ball at that stick let my face get good and square didn’t quite get my face squared up I hung it a tad to the right but the ball started Dead online well I hope this little demonstration has shed some light on the

Visuals that we have in golf okay if you’re a person that slices I hope this sheds some light on why you have so much trouble okay if you think this video has helped you if you enjoyed this type of instruction again do me a favor hit that

Subscribe button cuz this is what I try and do on this channel I just am trying to provide you with instruction that’s helpful to your game okay so I hope y’all start hitting better shots hope everybody has a nice St Patrick’s Day I got my green on today actually St

Patrick’s day is tomorrow but I’m not working tomorrow so I thought I’d wear my green today so I hope youall have a great day and I will see you in the next video


  1. Excellent explanation of something I heard people talking about but could not visualise before this presentation ! Wondering any point in having a line on the ball that you make sure is pointing to the target ?
    then swing club square to the line – kinda like lining up a putter to a line on the ball ?

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