The Best Way to Compress the Golf Ball

In this video I will be talking about the most common issues that people face when trying to get that feeling of compression with the golf ball. This is a crucial concept that can drastically increase distance and consistency with your game. There will be some explanations and drills that you can do to help you get some feels for the correct contact.

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In this video you guys are to learn about compression and how to squeeze that golf ball more into the ground so you can produce more distance with the least amount of effort so there are three simple things that you can do to encourage this to happen more and to

Help you get a feeling during the next time you practice and like always if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to hit that like button and if you are new to my Channel Please Subscribe because it really helps me to create more videos like this for you guys now let’s get started

So first off is what is compression so it’s basically when the club Ed kind of hits the ball first and then the ground afterwards and that’s kind of optimal when it comes to being able to predict your distances more consistently and also to get the most amount of distance

Or efficiency out of your strike the first thing that a lot of people do when I when they come in for a lesson and they always ask me oh how can I hit more down on it um how can I get that feeling of compression and all the time I see

People that struggle with compression take it back really flat in their takeaway okay now the reason why this is so important is because when the club kind of swings back and into the inside like this the club head basically just stays very low to the ground okay so

When the club swings back and stays very low to the ground there’s not much distance okay like a vertically away from the ground away from the ball okay you can see that’s the the club head stays very low and that fects their takeway to make it quite flat and if

They do dump it under plane or get the path really too much into out then the club doesn’t have much space to kind of come vertically enough into the ball so people kind of Swing more up on it kind of like this way so it would kind of

Look like swing it low they would dump it underneath and then just kind of swing up on it like this sometimes they hit the ground really far behind the golf ball like that so for this kind of player that swings it way to the inside

The only way that they can try to find any sort of compression is to swing that club over the top which gets that club out in front and then they can kind of swing down and across the golf ball uh which is not ideal when it comes to

Controlling your flight you might be able to get some good compression like in terms of hitting down on it okay but that’s kind of not optimal the first thing I always fix first is to ensure that when they when they take the club back the club head is just a bit more in

Front of their hands okay and you can see the difference when I go back this way right first is going back this way my club just is a bit more away from the ground overall okay it still goes around me on an arc okay but it’s since it’s a

Bit higher it’s just further away from the ground so that when I come down it’s easier for the club to kind of swing into the ground but still a little bit on that in out path all right so if you are a player that gets the club to swing

Inside of the hands and kind of stays low below the hands you basically have to feel the the opposite extremes to get it in the right position so the best way I I get people to think about is in this takeaway position you want to feel like

The club head is in front of your hands like say 20 20° okay and you also need to feel the club up above the hands about 20° so if you’re low and uh and behind you’re trying to feel in front and above okay so rehearsals will often look like this

You can kind of see I’m I’m kind of feeling both so when I get that club head above my hands I’m feeling this kind of hinge motion um in my wrist this kind of up and down motion here okay a lot of people when they try to feel like

The club is ahead of their hands they kind of drag the handle back like this but you can kind of still see that the club head is low relative to my hands so it’s important that you feel yes one the club is in front but also above at the

The same time okay so if you feel like you’re doing this when you go to hit the ball you you’ll probably end up being closer to this right here okay that’s going to get the club further away from the ground and then when you do are able

To swing it a little bit from the inside you’ll be able to kind of strike more downwards on that golf ball okay so now the second thing that you can focus on has to do with where you’re finishing in the follow through so when you’re watching me from the face off View I

Want you to focus on kind of the position of my lead leg okay and this has something to do with you know weight shift and stuff like that which is important when when you’re trying to compress the ball but a lot of people that struggle with compression they go

Through the golf ball with their hip and everything kind of behind their lead ankle so you can kind of see how my my lead leg is kind of leaning backward kind of on the way through okay so if you’re doing that then that’s going to cause you to keep all of your pressure

The majority of your pressure on the right foot so instead the ideal situation is when you go through the shot you want to be kind of standing directly on top of your lead ankle so you can see my my lead leg is just kind of positioned straight up and down at

This point and I’m just kind of turning around that so that that ensures that you’re finishing and you’re getting enough weight um correctly onto your lead side so the other mistake that people make when they try to transfer draw their weight to the lead side is

That they kind of slide their hip too much so if you were to just draw like a straight up and down line from my lead leg or from my um the edge of my ankle on the lead side just straight up and down you basically want to make sure

That when you shift your weight you turn you kind of stay within that line okay so if I draw that line on my leg we don’t want to create more space between my leg and that line we don’t want to slide and push our hip kind of too far

Beyond that line either okay so a lot of people when they slide their hip their upper body kind of leans back okay and that’s actually going to cause you to strike the ground um very very early and actually cause people to swing more up on it okay so it’s important that if you

Do film yourself or view yourself from the face on view just pay attention to how you’re following through and how you’re finishing if you have that line up there you want to make sure that as you shift your weight you’re kind of finishing with your body standing

Directly on top of your lead ankle and if you have that reference line of that line just straight up at uh straight up and down um from the edge of my leg you want to be able to stay within that line okay not go backward away from that

Line and not go too far beyond that line either okay so that’s a really great one to ensure that you’re shifting your weight more properly you’re not doing it excessively or you’re not leaving too much weight kind of behind the golf ball so so the third exercise that you guys

Can do to help with compression has to do with chaffing okay so I know this this one can be quite difficult for a lot of people but most people that struggle with compression don’t get the shaft to lean forward enough at impact I see a lot of all the time that the shaft

Kind of leans either straight up and down or even backwards uh when they strike it but if you really want to be able to hit downwards on it okay you have to have some amount of shaftline at impact so that on the way through through your longest Point forms more so

After the golf ball when you’re striking an iron okay so the exercise that I want you guys to do is kind of a A variation of the the uh punch drill that you might have seen in my previous videos where you kind of stop quickly as quickly as

You can but in this variation I want you to focus on um where your lead wrist is positioned okay so this is just a drill just to focus a bit more on kind of gaining a little more shffl so when I strike this one what I get people to

Look for is after you strike it you want to feel as though you’re keeping or you’re you’re adding more Flex into that lead wrist and you’re kind of holding on to it okay for as long as you can but you’re still stopping short okay so from

This front VI I’ll just show you that normally when you’re trying to train chaffing you want to go through the shop you can see that my lead RI is a bit more flexed okay and I’m adding a little bit just a little bit of kind of

Supination in that arm okay so that my club faces or the toe of my club is a bit more straight up and down okay so you’re trying to finish more like this okay focusing on keeping that bend instead of finishing kind of like this too too soon in the follow through you

Can see that my my lead wrist is a bit more cued there okay so when I hit this shot I’ll give you guys a close close up view of what my lead wrist is looking like okay so when I do it correctly and I’m training bit more shling you’re also

Trying to feel as all you’re trying to trying to flight the golf ball low okay so I’m going to go through it I’m still stopping quickly but you can kind of see my lead wrist stays I’m trying to keep my lead wrist in a flexed position

For as long as I can okay at this point what you don’t want to do is when you hit the shot you don’t want to add too much extension or cupping in that lead wrist too soon okay so the club’s all the way up here my wrist is

Down here you can see that the the the knuckles are kind of facing back back at me um quite early in the follow through all right so again if you want to do it slowly first right so again I’ll just show you from the face on but when you’re trying

To keep the flex the flex in that lead wrist you can see that when I do that the grip stays forward okay when I add more extension to that lead wrist the grip moves backward and the club head goes forward okay so that’s why when you’re doing this exercise to get a feel

For shffl you’re trying to ensure that you’re trying to feel or maintain that flex and that lead wrist okay so again if I do it slowly I’m going back and I’m trying to keep that lead wrist flexed as I go through it kind of like looking like

This kind of in that bod position all right and it’s okay to add a little bit of that supination in there just so that you can close the club face a little bit the mistake a lot of people make is when they lean the shaft forward they actually kind of keep the

Club face pointing very very open okay and they go through the shot kind of more so more so like this so you can see that even though my lead wrist is flexed right the face is kind of pointing straight up and down but if you were to go through it with

Some flex and add a little bit of that kind of supination in there okay just a little you don’t have to go crazy with it that’ll help the club face to kind of continue to rotate a bit closed so that toe of the club is kind of pointing a

Little bit more straight up in the air okay you don’t want to go through the shot with the face pointing up to the sky because then you’re going to just H hit a lot of Big Blocks so that’s important flex but also add a little bit of that supination so that when you

Finish you’re looking for that Flex here and also the toe of the club pointing a little bit more up to the sky so give that exercise a try and that should help give you a feeling of gaining a little bit more shaff Ling at impact so that

You can start hitting it a little bit lower and starting to feel that the ball kind of compressing or getting that trapping of the golf ball into the ground more thank you guys so much for watching now if you have any questions you can leave a comment down below be

Sure to follow me on my Instagram at jonan Koss if you have any questions and also if you want me to take a look at your swing in person or if you want to send in your swings to me you can visit my profile on the skillist app and I’ll

Leave the link that to that in the description box also in case you’re wondering about my online programs but see you guys next time


  1. I’ve heard one should never hit a wedge 100% … true? 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Please do a video on HITTING a WEDGE 🙏🏻
    given it’s the most lofted club, thus most difficult to COMPRESS the ball with

    Thanks, Jonathan
    … always look forward to you instructional videos. Keep up the good work.

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