Danny Maude’s First Hit! | The NEW Odyssey Ai-ONE Cruiser Putters

“What is a Cruiser?” A great question asked by our very special guest Danny Maude, who gets to hit the Cruiser family of putters for the very first time, to see how they perform, and to feel the differences between the different models, namely Double Wide, the Jailbird and the #7.

#Odyssey| #1PutterInGolf

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Hi everyone it’s own here from Callaway golf and today we’re at Prince’s Golf Club on the south coast of England I got a very special guest with me uh Danny morard thanks for the invitation thank you for joining us yeah we got a first hits today new line of Putters A1

Cruiser you looking forward to your first hit what is a cruiser we’ll find out in a minute okay okay so Danny uh we’re set up on the pting green here you’ve got your ai1 that you use in your hand been using for a little while number one yeah you

Enjoyed using it first up love it yeah I mean I’m very traditional in my Approach I love the kind of traditional look I love the way this feels um and this one’s just a bit more forgiving than my old mil putter okay so hence moving to

The yeah a one yeah so you got number one blade putter you’ve never used a cruiser putter before I I have no idea what a cruiser putter is okay what is it so Cruiser is essentially a counterbalance pter you’ve seen some of the best players in the world have

Massive success over the last couple years with the cruiser putter for the first time we’ve brought it to Market so this is going to be an interesting experiment you’ve never used one before so we got a longer length of putter so they’re 38 in Long 380 G head weight 140

G Shar weight and what’s the purpose of like the longer putter we’re just going to allow the putter swing a bit more freely hand and I know actually we’ve just been shooting some Putty tips with you and you’ve been talking about how important it is to allow that putter to

Swing freely so it’s going to be interesting to to see whether it does that but yeah it’s going to going to feel a bit more stable allow the put to swing bit more freely for you so we’ll pick out the blade uh the blade first so

Okay um see what you think of this um this is a double wide Cruiser so like I said 38 in long um heavier head weight and because because it’s kind of balanced I’m naturally going to grip this a little bit lower in my normal position this balanced bit yeah

Absolutely so you got 17in long grip as well so it’ll feel quite unusual in the hands but yeah first swings what does that feel like well I T what I like initially is by holding it here this section here kind of almost gives me a real simple guide cuz when I’m putting I

I love as you said to kind of let the putter swing freely yeah now a lot of times when I’m seeing people putt they often try to keep the putter straight back and straight through or they’re trying to guide it yeah I almost feel like this bit here sticking out it

Almost feels it’s so easy I’m almost pointing it yeah at me it’s almost like a mini belly pattern away yeah yeah yeah it feels like I’m when I’m swinging it’s it’s kind of giving me almost a little reference point so I can certainly feel like this kind of like balance yeah

There but also just technically I think it’s really going to kind of makes makes a difference okay let’s uh let’s give one a go first hit with a cruiser I’m interested to see how you how you get on with it well I think the first thing I’m

Also noticing is this is a lot chunkier grip than I’m I’m used to yeah okay so but I like the look okay nice roll there oh I SP online it was bag online let’s hit another one do you know what like I have I am unb un believably

Traditional right um and I would never consider if you saw if I saw this on the Shelf I just won’t pick it up many people walk past it I mean it’s interesting these players and this real trend on tour for these Putters you know it started from from one guy uh

Uncontracted player to Callaway using this putter having massive success with the jailbird we’ll get on to the jailbird in the m in a minute which is probably the hottest putter in the world right now but it starts from one player another player seeing that player do

Really well with it and moving on and it sort of caught on well look at that I mean so it’s interesting to say that so you know seeing them there seeing them you know first time seeing other people use them really starts a trend and actually potentially something in it

Well kind of like that for me I mean I wasn’t expecting that yeah so I’m I’m stood there over this ball and I’m kind of thinking okay you know is this another gimmick let’s be honest but actually get that it kind of really the almost the putter I’ve always wanted the

Putter to do the work yeah I if you’re going to spend money on putter the whole point is that you’re letting the putter do the work as opposed to guiding it and as soon as I stand over this I mean when I swung that for instance it just

Feels what pretty much two balls bang online because it kind of it feels like it can’t go offline because the the counter balance is is really I’m just letting it go yeah it feels like it takes the hands out of it doesn’t it and cter head just swings naturally complet

Swings naturally and and one of the things when I’m coaching players I feel like getting trying to get somebody to swing the putter if I ask them swing the putter yeah they they sometimes get risty um I feel like that already would help them almost it’s like it you could

Even class it almost like a trading a yeah yeah absolutely but a legal one legal one but they could use maybe hit one more and then we’ll move on to a mallet model um okay go on Slide by Slide by Slide by there you are pretty good so far so that

Was the double wide Cruiser so obviously a slightly bigger head than you’re used to as well so little bit more stability little less tow hang um than your putter at the moment but that’s going to give you that stability but the the the stroke Dynamics come from the head

Weight and the counterbalancing I like it open and close that was surprising yeah surprising um an A1 as well I mean you’ve been using it for a little while before we move on to the the uh the the larger head shapes there A1 bit of technology in there I don’t know whether

You’ve ever seen the faces before we probably have a look at these so this is the use of A1 so if you’re unfamiliar with A1 uh ‘ve done Cruisers before but without the i1 technology this is about using artificial intelligence to really improve the performance of off center

Hits on a putter so as soon as you hit something off center uh the putter doesn’t work as well as it should do it loses Pace you lose distance control potentially three put you don’t hold me even the best players in the world are not hitting the center of the putter no

Exactly so yeah me and you definitely aren all du respect yeah um so this is uh this is actually what’s behind the face of an ai1 putter so if you have a look at that so yeah it’s amazing so this is an aluminium backer urethane front to it

This is in the A1 range uh and really that’s designed to actually change the ball speeds uh to match them up on the toe and the heel and the center of the face so if you Mish hit it you get consistency there in terms of distance

Control as well okay so as well as being a cruiser and all the stuff that helps you it’s also got the A1 technology so it’s pretty cool well it’s cool because I mean like one of the things we do is uh I often uh teach people to do is is

Kind of work on hitting the center of the p face because ultimately even just a kind of a few millimet is right or left and you’re going to be losing distance distance you’re going to be um M you could come like a couple fet shots if you’ve got something that’s going to

Help yeah avoid that yeah yeah ideal so this is all got got all the help not not I’m saying you need all the help Danny but uh you know I’ll take it you’ll take it if it’s on off you’ll take it 100% so this is the one this is the one that

Everyone’s been waiting for uh all over the world um the jailbird the jailbird Cruiser so first thoughts on that Danny well just you know I so my first thoughts when I see it again look I am traditional so I just wouldn’t pick it up yeah right so it’s kind of you know

We’ve just said we’ve gone back to the kind of you know I now can feel like this oh this counterbalance is going to help I look at that top head and the first thing I start seeing is oh it’s big but then what I do like just so

After the first impressions is the alignment heads yeah so those stripes there I can see how that would really help a golfer lineup yeah you know so one of the things I you know again I see see with a lot of players is is they’re either massively open at set

Up or they’re massively closed and I also feel that just it’s just going to help I don’t visualize that ball going into the Hub because you’ve got kind of some form of alignment Aid I think the problem with sometimes people using what I often use which is a traditional blood

That’s sometimes a bit trickier yeah yeah there’s a big difference between these kind of horizontal Seline a and and kind of down the line age you know people just find them you know some the way you line stuff up Square sometimes is better well I think what as I’m

Looking down at here this OB this is just my first impressions right so um so the first thing I like to kind of feel when I’m stood over the golf ball that everything is kind of square here and you know almost visualizing kind of everything staying in line like this yes

So seeing those lines on the blood like this it feels like I’m matching myself yeah up to that versus here I’d be slightly off AER so that’s the first thing I’m seeing I’m get myself lined up here i’ got the fre on top of the club here and

Then yeah just let it swing just let it swing from there so again just as you saying about the counter balance here I feel now all I’m letting to do is let the putter swing and this bit it feels like almost like a grandfa clock just letting the putter just swing

Through freely nice hit a couple more with that one and it’s putting something you’ve ever struggled with Dan is it something you work on I am a pretty pretty good putter yeah um one of the things I would say is is whenever my putting’s got off it’s

Usually I’m overthinking it I’m I’m you know and I usually lose Rhythm you know so I I I start to kind of maybe I start hitting the ball left and right and then what I’m do is I try to guide yeah and I know as soon as I starting to guide the

Putter I know I’m in real trouble yeah what straight away I’m finding when I hold this um is it feels like it does feel like a trending a yeah it feels like I can’t guide I’m I’m literally holding it letting the putter do all the

Work for me all I I mean dogging on I’m not moving right but I’m letting the putter do all the work yeah and then the ball for me is just get myself lined up the ball is just going to get in the way of this kind of like swinging poter

Nice good rooll there as well yeah Danny thank you for joining us uh there are three models in this range we’ve got the double wide we’ve got the jailbird uh and then we’ve got a number seven as well always a popular model with obviously PS great to have your first

Impressions Danny really appreciate it genuine first hit of a cruiser ever there um pretty impressed I think I definitely I like I said it’s I wouldn’t if IID have seen this in a shop I wouldn’t have picked it up yeah but having you know having a quick G might

Be attempted to have a little bit more okay so you heard it there um if you see these in your Pro Shop go speak to your local PJ professional speak to your Callaway retailer give him a go just pick him up give him a swing I think you’ll be surprised thank you for

Watching and we’ll see you next time

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