Golf Babe

High School VS Division 1 College Golfer

In Gabby’s latest series, Gabby (a high school golfer) takes on elite Division 1 golfers many different places across the nation. 9 holes 1 V 1 Matchplay straight up. Her next match is against Arlynn Spence, representing Florida International University. She is an Academic All American, and plays on the golf team at FIU. It got intense, with 4 playoff holes! A lot of clutch putts and shots hit!

Watch to the end to find out who won!!

Arlynn Spence

16-year-olds versus division one golfer nine-hole match play 1 V one go in the hole oh really good nice P good chip get in the hole I’m here with arand Spence who attends Florida International University and an academic All-American she’s incredible tell us about yourself yes hi I’m Aron Spence

I’m a junior at Florida International University I am so excited to be here this is going to be a really fun day this is my first time on YouTube so I’m really excited to get going today yeah this is going to be great I’m really excited for this one we’re playing nine

Holes we’re playing from the white teas which is you said you’re going to switch it up that’s what your coach usually tells you to play this is one of the courses that Aron practices at her team practices at we’re here in Miami on her home turf here we go water on the Right

Comes out a little bit more than you can see so it’s good to keep it on the left side of the Fairway this part four part five part five okay starting with the part five there’s yeah there’s six part five six part fours in six part three so

It’s fun course like I like that I’ve before but I don’t remember any of it so good drive off the first te thank you great shot thank you it can be a little nerve-wracking on the first first shot on YouTube for the first time right down the middle smashing it

All right we should be good there yeah you’ll be good a little bit left but we’ll be fine so where are you from I’m from Lakeland Florida Lakeland Florida and that is you said like Central Central Central okay so not too far did you want to stay in state was that like

Always a goal of yours or yeah I actually like growing up I thought that IID wanted to go more North to the mountain somewhere colder small town and I’m here at like the exact opposite I’m in you know super big city it’s so hot down

South but I I love it like I I feel like that happens with a lot of people they’re like I want to go up north especially coming from Florida and then you know we love it here why why would you leave exactly exactly I thought I wanted something else but this is

Perfect for me Miami and the campus and everything about it is so cool yeah yeah that’s awesome I think it’s really important that you got to love the coach you got to love the kids it’s got to be like perfect for you right at the start

M so how here we go we got 150 to that bunker and then 128 if I lay up to the bunker so I don’t think the play here is you want to be toying with that with that water I don’t think that’s the play

Here I’m going to lay up to 150 and then so I could go over the bunker but then it super narrow let’s see what it is to carry the bunker let me just grab my Rangefinder I want to be 100% sure certain right now I did not realize how narrow this

This hole was I forgot about it okay so to carry we’re looking at 183 and then to the front we’re looking at 170 so a little bit wrong on the cart I’m definitely going to lay up so on these layup shots especially on the first hole you want to be super aggressive and

Speed at the ball so that make some ease into the green on the second shot third shot actually okay here we go all right we’re good there that works out a little thin but we’ll be fine this isn’t horrible are you going to go for this or do you

Usually go for this or like no I am definitely going to lay back so what do you got to the pin I’ve got 260 six and 161 to carry the water so I think I’ll hit like a five wood and just get it over there okay so you’re

Going to go over the bunker then yeah yeah going to just try to carry the water and go where the Fairway opens up a little bit good shot thank you go go go go good shot perfect thank you good there way off 150 155 so it Go 155 playing like

165 go go go yeah nice shot I couldn’t really see it is it on did it get up there yeah yeah it rolled up there good shot I actually could not see that at all I had to play it a little bit low because where’s the

S oh I had to play it a little bit low because that wind was kind of whipping was it really with me it was more actually hurting right to left describe to me like Lakeland I I don’t not familiar with that area is that like Farmland is that like City I really

Don’t know I’m not even sure yeah it’s like a smaller City but I grew up kind of on the outskirts of it so I actually grew up on a farm no way that’s so cool yeah so coming here to Miami was a huge adjustment for me and yeah you have like

Animal you have like animals on the farm yeah it’s a it’s a cattle farm so we have a lot of cows I I eat cows every single day have a fillet of a day no joke I have to be honest but I love cows they’re so cute yeah anything else you

Have like yeah I grew up riding horses too um before I started golfing I was doing like equestrian jumping and stuff like that that is so cool yeah so I actually I didn’t have a golf club membership until like my senior year of wow high school so growing up the first

Like eight years that I’ve played I played at a little three course and such a cool story yeah so I worked on the Range or I mean on the like on my short game a lot there and so having the opportunity to come to a course like

This and practice here every day with FIU is awesome just like the biggest blessing ever so so cool I love that story I love that you grew up on a farm I think that’s like so cool that’s not my dream but like I could so see myself

There for like I feel like just so me what do you got here I’ve got 89 to the flag so I think I’m going to hit my gap wedge it’s a little uphill get up it all right not bad good J thank you so what do you do with the cattle

Like is it you milk them like I know that sounds like yeah what do you do with them well they’re meat cows so after I don’t ask any questions I don’t want to know I just I just don’t want to think about it do you eat steak Yeah I

Love steak I love it I can’t I can’t give it up so sometimes at dinner like if you made steak were you questioning was that my count outside you know I just don’t want to think about it just ate it enjoyed it didn’t want to think about it literally on my Pinterest if

You open my Pinterest it’s all like fluffy cows like baby cows and my mom’s like how do you look at them and then eat a steak a day and I’m like I I so animal I can eat I thought our shots are going to be a lot further but it’s

Actually a small green so we’re actually pretty close there all right here we go two birdie puts here on the first hole so are the greens here like fast or what do you think what do you think kind of speed wise yeah I would say like

Braking they can be really fast but they just make sure to have enough speed going uphill yeah yeah I mean you definitely gave that a lot of speed it was a good C thank you wow I I I think mine’s definitely not going to be as slow as

Yours was this is the this is my aim but I’m going to have to like put it to here even less like this is this is where I’m this is my hole right here I’d rather be short here so you know want to be very soft with it soft

Hands let it just break an extremely difficult pup but we’re going to make it it’s going in the hole right now sit down sit down still long okay okay with that too yeah I’m good both good all right both all square on the first hole not bad though we’re both on the green

Though I mean both birdie putts just very difficult ones I think that these greens are going to be hard today like I don’t know I don’t remember too much about this course but I do know that the blue monster greens are super tough so I’m sure these are also pretty tough

Yeah the blue monsters really tough but these are fun it’s going to be fun I think it’s so cool I’m sure you’re so used to it but no it honestly never gets old oh that’s good get right get right get right that definitely pulled

Over I mean I pulled it a little bit but then it also pulled over with the Wind are we all in the green or yeah we’re both on okay all right good yeah so so okay so you tea off at like what time like early in the morning and then you

Get a break or do you go right into it no break yeah we play 36 holes consecutive no breaks wow yeah with the same group and everything mhm nice to meet you thank you I appreciate that yeah of course of course and she knows I’m the only one who seen

Perfect take a picture let me take a picture with you yeah yeah where you guys from Toronto Toronto okay my mom’s from Montreal so nice this is this a sick Picture Perfect take one great shot want a full shot thank you yeah of course of course yeah tag me

Nice meeting you guys seriously I watch everything thank you I appreciate that so I’m going to give you the line here basically this is all uphill this is going to be breaking super left to right I’m making this pup this is going in the hole in the hole

Wow wow that really broke that was crazy I went three feet out there and end up like six feet on the right wow all right oh that’s good that’s good oh good putt good try you had to learn from my putt right I yeah I definitely played it

Out a little extra after that I mean I played it 3 feet out and it still didn’t it’s crazy all right we got to make this P it’s big putt definitely going to be coming right to left bye this is what my putting practice was for this putt right here this is going

In this my hole right here here we go in the hole all day great pot thank you all square through two um heading into the third hole here what’s the next hole is it part four or part five another part five part five I love par fives this is great

Yeah I of coures is lots of par fives here comes another plane we I feel we’re going to be ending every hole with a plane over like every 10 minutes he’s so fluffy he’s huge Phi hi B phe phe pH buffet and hi oh oh my gosh you are adorable yes so sweet

Yes it’s it’s all good it’s okay you’re okay you’re okay she just got excited it’s all good good drive wow thank you that is not where you want to be all right definitely a pull I swung fast but I Clos the C face mid swing so

We’ll be fine over there but not what you want all right need to get a shot back here we’re only 240 to the hole so I’m just going to hit an eight Iron Out by that left cart I think that’s going to work out yeah that’s good wanted to play like a little

Low draw if I could if not just hit it straight but we got out alive it is going to pour this is not on the radar just here wait let me just um let’s see I don’t I’m not going to go for this one it’s I’m getting 230

To the flag but 160 to carry the bunker so what’s your ideal yardage I like to have around like 80 85 for my sandwich or 100 for my Gap yeah so I think I’m going to take a four hybrid right over those bunkers oh that was not good that might be in the

Water might yep that’s it right there so I’ll take a drop here well I got to my 80 number yeah I mean get right get right sit down I’m just not swinging out to in that’s my problem I’m swinging as hard as I can but I’m just coming from

The inside so I just got to fix that especially with the wind going right to left I’m like pulling it all righty not how we planned this hul to go when we said we loved par fivs or I said I love par fivs that looks good good shot great

Recovery shot thank you that’s a gun range yeah she just told me it’s a gun range I did I was like is that like some construction or like they’re droing in something like what is that all right let’s make this part I keep saying it we’re going to make it this

Time I thought that was going to be a lot I mean it’s not horrible I really thought that that was going to stop oh good putt all right not bad I mean thank you Bo from hitting in the water is always like you’ll take it from there I mean it is

Good nice putt all right after three holes I am one up I swear after every single hole there’s a never during the hole I guess it’s like a 10-minute gap between each plight how far is this hole like 280 I just know from here to get to the

Water it’s like 214 okay the water on the right got it so I’m going to lay up with the three-wood got it good shot thank thank you all right we’re both good there that’s cool and what do you want to do do you want to be on the LPGA Tour or

Are you just saying like what’s what’s your goal you know right now my main focus is my education and getting my degree and especially when you’re an all American academic that’s pretty cool thank you and when I do get my degree I’m really interested in going more into

Sports broadcasting and marketing so I think that’s the direction I want to go in it just absolutely that culture yes I love sport it makes sense it just makes sense is going to pull on This Lie With the Wind everything on this shot is

Going to pull here so I really got to be mindful swinging out to in I’ve got enough clubs so I can I can rip at it out to in more well that worked out yeah I definitely hit it out to the right I just that still pulled over like it’s

Still pulled over it still rolled onto the green and I hit it so far right yeah that’s a that’s a good spot to be in yeah the wind is I underestimated this wind that looks sick okay you’re fine there that must be great though to practice in with the win like when you

Go to turnament and stuff you’ll be prepared for anything right exactly I feel like it definitely gives us you know a competitive advantage over our like the teams that we play against who aren’t used to the wind yeah this course is like I played this course like a

While ago and it was like my one of the worst wind days I’ve ever played in it was so so hard it’s just like a tornado out here I I looked out here that is not where I want to be look the way that these greens are they are just so

Undulated and sloped it’s wild oh go go not bad from there I’m making this it’s good speed it’s just got to go just a little bit wow all righty nothing we can do about that it was a good stroke didn’t get the speed right I thought it

Was good once I hit it I was like this is perfect speed wasn’t oh great putt thank you great great great putt you kind of you put the pressure on me for little guy I’m making this pup I’m making this pup right in the back of the cup

Here all right I lost that hole that is just how do you three putt from there that was not an easy putt though I’m not going to lie I have to be honest that was super tough wow that’s just that’s just one one of those putts where you just can’t

Like you just can’t get upset about it because it’s like you’re gonna have those all right we’re back to all square back to all square after four holes I shouldn’t have three po there that’s just not not what you want but it’s okay we’re going to go into the next sole

Positive guys this is like the shortest part five I’ve ever played in my life except it doesn’t play 370 yards it’s all the way over there is the PIN so if you can’t carry if you can’t carry 250 yards it turns into a very long hole great drive thank you that’s perfect

Yeah yep thank you all right I’m going to try and hit that exact same shot go we are 230 from the pin and uh this is as close as you can get to the water six iron again wind whipping I want to play this at that

Hole that other hole this is going to pull off this livee big time get left get left all right that’s where we want to be that’s perfect from there yeah good shot thank you we’ll take that all day looks good I think that’s good yeah I

Think so good shot so do you have brothers or sisters like yes I have an older brother a younger sister and a younger brother that’s cool and like did your family play golf or just yeah my sister and my dad play golf my dad is

Who got me into it and my mom doesn’t play but she comes to every single tournament her and my dad are like my biggest supporters I love them so much yeah that’s so cool to have your family behind you like that when you want when you’re doing what you love is like the

Best thing it is yeah they’re so supportive that’s great go go oh little long actually with a 50° I have never hit that that far with this club actually this club only gives me like 100 105 yeah I went pretty far for 95 yards or something I think you’re

Still good there yeah should be F good not the closest shot in the whole world but it’s safe how far do you got here like I have 55 yards o 55 so that’s a false front I’m just trying to get it over that yeah yeah make sure it doesn’t come back

Down go oh go get up there oh get up get up get up oh no sit down sit down sit down sit down oh that’s going to hit that high stop stop stop oh my gosh wow what is that so I should just get like cart path relief

Right I’ve never hit it here yeah I don’t know I mean yeah okay no close to the hole yeah can I count this as cart path I don’t know I have no idea yes it is manmade I mean you’re good relief for me is good I I don’t I don’t care I just

Don’t want the comment section to go over here rule 565 oh my gosh yeah I hope not you’re good with you’re good by me though it oh great chip that’s good from there thank you I got to hit this super soft I mean when I tell you soft softer

Than any of the putts have been even softer than the first hole this is gonna be super left to right I am gonna play this out by this Mark here like this is my speed to this Mark like right here and this is my Direction soft

Chance soft hands soft hands go go go go go all right I’ll take that part all day long yeah great line thank you I want to see you make this putt nice little up and down here yeah oh good putt thank you all right good there all right I’m back to one up

That was a good run though for the unlucky you got on the approach shot the great chip and then a good attempt on the putt is like sometimes you just like like me on the last hole sometimes you just get on Lucky yeah that time that time that time no

All right here we go got a little wind coming off the left so it’s definitely going to hurt a little bit go go I didn’t see it that’s a really good shot is it yeah that’s the spot you want to be on the left side take I will definitely

Take great shot thank you that is good too so what do your siblings do what do they play you said my your brother plays basketball yes my brother plays basketball he’s younger he loves basketball he’s so good at it too I love going home with him and and he just how

Old is he he’s 10 so yeah so he I love going home with him just like coaching me and showing me all his drills and stuff it’s so sweet and my sister she golfs as well you mention and she’s doing really well right now I’m super

Proud of her and then my brother uh just got out of the Marines actually and he’s over in California right now and he is um he’s doing like electrician stuff like really really congrats on your parents for for creating all great great successful kids a thank you no we’re all

We’re a big like sports family every a like every one of us has played my brother played football oh awes and track and all that so we we love sports go go go good putt great pot great birdie all right I lost on a birdie on that hole

All right so even all squared yes what is this hole what hole are we playing here this is six six this is six okay so all square after six we got seven eight and nine getting it’s close match were there any other schools that reached out like any any other places

You were considering of going yeah I really think that FIU is just exactly where God wanted me to be and it all worked out perfectly I you know how I met um my coach coach vogle he was at the State Golf Tournament um for my high school Flor yeah and he was there

Watching the girl in front of me and the assistant coach was coming up behind us and I thought it was my mom cuz they both have blonde hair cuz I wasn’t wearing my glasses and so I’m like exactly so I’m like hey mom and she’s

Like um hey EXC me yeah and I went up to her and that’s how we met and then I met coach vogo a little later and it all just was God’s plan it worked out perfectly I love it 326 and 216 over that bunker so you just kind of want to stay right here then yeah right of the bunker good drive thank you that’s where you want to be get right that is just from not playing I don’t even know why we have 146 with this super high High lip

In my face I really got to get it over this lip oh my goodness I hate it so good too I just couldn’t get the seven iron up there oh that was a horrible shot go oh sit sit down oh I think there’s water behind there I

Think you’re fine though all right this is this is not our hole okay 114 I got to hit a great recovery shot on this it’s just not how I wanted this hole to go but you can’t dwell on what already happened so one 18 115 to cover

And 125 to the back so I’m going to hit pinch way in the front wind’s kind of coming crosswind I want to hit nine iron and just choke down because there’s room on the back and I don’t want to be short here especially with this crosswind sit down all

Right yep oh there’s a bee on my ball is there a bug on there yeah there’s a little bee oh no you can move it if there he goes I hate bugs good chip get in the hole great ship Nice Part all right in order

To tie this hole I have to make this big putt extremely difficult all right bogey now one down that’s not exactly what you want but we’ve got two holes left oh that looks good that looks really good oh good shot short thank you playing from the tips on is part

Three7 right something like that yes 157 here we go I hope that’s not too long 15 Ys we’re making this chip yep I’m making it spin go in the hole oh really good nice all that chipping practice when my chipping is go off this week that was

Awesome great chip I I just I said to myself you got to make this chip this one’s going in that’s my first make of a chip in a long time cuz my chipping just not been my best my ball striking is like usually the best part of my game

Usually I hit like 14 greens of regulation on average around and it’s just not there right now cuz I haven’t been playing that much but now as I get into those matches the short game’s getting better and I’m going to figure out my swing a little bit all right I’ll

Take that was so great well now I have to make this that was awesome oh that’s a little oh oh oh oh my you gave it a run all right going down to the last hole tied match this is going to be our closest match yet are

There any other sports that you like really like to watch and you’re like into especially at College like is there sports games that you go to you just love yeah when I got to college I got really into football because my boyfriend Jackson he plays football he

Just graduated but oh it’s awesome yeah but he’s getting into golf now he he played on the football team and now he’s playing golf and he loves it so oh really he made that transition over like what made him transition over to that that’s a big jump well cuz I play it and

So so that got him into it and now loves it so do you beat him do you like play matches and do you win we do play matches and he’s getting there he’s getting there he’s a fast learner he’s winning every time he’s getting better he’s he’s he’s actually doing really good

Yeah hey I still pulled it but not nearly as much as I was pulling before so I’ll take it and it’s going to run out pretty much get left get left get left what position does your boyfriend play he’s was a tight end okay I don’t

Know much about footb I’m not going lie I know there’s a quarterback yes the tight end’s the ones that run like this and they quarterback throws yeah the tight ends they can block and catch so they do both who’s like who’s a famous tight end uh gasi from the um he was

Played for the Patriots yes the Patriots and Tampa Bay okay got it the other day he liked one of my posts on Instagram no way oh that’s I got excited well cuz I’ve met his brother before but I I never like obviously met him and I was

Like grank liked your video and I was like that is so cool wow I don’t I don’t watch enough football to you know really appreciate it but I know he’s pretty big in that yeah he’s big yeah for sure yeah I got 158 kind of here coming down to the wire

Yeah I did not know what to hit let me see is that pin in the back yeah it’s a little short I think yeah right go go go go I just hit it slightest bit fat the SL is bit fad and then I hit the cut and

That’s the one time I hit the cut and it goes all right it’s okay though we’re good it comes down to this two hopefully maybe one shot left oh I’m in that little drain so I get relief from that right yes so I get stance and then a CL BL drop right

Yeah all right we’re good there I’m trying to make this shot good chip thank you good chip eight yards for me this is like my perfect ship I’m not going to get ahead of myself but we’re land it right here all right guys we’re making

It two in a row I’m confident here we go so close I had it I’m so confident I’m was so confident that was a great tip thank you yeah this is not a gimme I’d give it to any other day except this is the last ho it’s kind of down to the wire

Here to tie the match and go on to another hole here we go this is a big pot I keep saying that big shots a lot of big shots in this match honestly sorry I did not know what this is doing I guess I’ll just put it straight and

See good putt it’s time the match and go on to one more hole good shot all right well I can’t reach the buger little Rice Fun get right get right get right think you’re good yeah that was such a good shot I hope it’s good yeah really good shot good there

You think I think you’re good there Jo I didn’t see it at all good shot thank you hi little friend Hi little friend I know you don’t like being ched but I really want to pick one up one day like really badly he’s so cute yeah or she flying

Away two birdie putts to win wow these are pretty good shots I got to make this everything’s y everything’s hold that putting practice for this part right here oh I didn’t hit it hard enough it’s uphill and it’s slow come on come on we both missed it wow wow back to the

Next hole wow this is going long we never had one that goes past nine holes we’ve actually I think the most our um matches on the D1 has gone up to is like eight holes or like seven holes or something I don’t think we’ve ever had a match go past the ninth hole

Though in last play this is I got evenly matched up I think you could say oh a great shot go get left good shot my hair is in my way those who wonder about my hair getting in my way yes it gets in my way when there’s wind I can’t see a

Thing get left get left well I finally started hitting it right guys I have no idea how far that club goes now I know seven wood doesn’t go 183 seven wood goes 195 one two three four 13 14 15 16 17 yards all downhill playing like 14 oh I crushed

It oh good try thank you if I make this we go to another playoff hole you’re good there oh thanks I’m making this part non-negotiable nice put it to a third hole third hole shorter par five water on the left so you want to try to keep it towards the

Right side so you have a better angle into the green good shot thank you somebody also hit their ball right here oh my gosh that’s close okay defin a little bit but we’re getting straighter and straighter and straighter there goes the mic great shot hit left come back come

Back come back really good thank you is that on I can’t tell from here I’m about 196 five wood oh my gosh guys I literally still have the wrapping on this club that’s how much I’ve hit it oh I just hit it too right oh I just pushed it out

There look like I’m going have to hit over a bunker we’re not out of it but it’s going to have to be a good shot there 23 yards I think it’s a 58 yeah scared me I’m putting this right next to home sit down wow that did not stop on

That uphill at all that would be a sick win with an eagle if you make this putt so I’m I’m rooting for you to make it cuz it look great thank you if you’re gonna win win with an eagle six oh that was not a good

Pet I’m making this put big putt to make it’s going in the hole it’s going right in the hole right now great putt nice birdie thanks so I’m seeing a little down hill and it’s going to be breaking right to left the grain’s also going there so I’m going to play it

Maybe three balls out to the right and hopefully it’ll drop in yep wow guys go on to Hole 13 holy cow should we just have like a chip off for now no I’m Jing I’m jok all right here we go let’s bomb this ball it come back left come back left come back

Left uhoh I think that went all right I’ll drop from up there but that looks good thank you I think we don’t realize that it’s probably way more open on the left than think so I definitely went in and the red Line’s right here so I definitely

Hit the car path and bounced in so I crossed so I’ll take two Club lights from here and then I’ll drop and it hit the car path so I’ll get relief a c blank all right here we go that pull might have come in handy come back left come back

Left all right that rough rough pull over on the last second so I don’t look there oh that’s right at it go great shot thank you I have to make this to have a chance I’m definitely chipping this one two three four five six seven I’ve just had so many chiens from this

Yardage that I just know I can I can definitely get it in seven yards little right to left oh my gosh it just pulled all right oh good put all right there we go guys that is Arland finished one up we had four playoff holes in a nine-hole match

Play that we that was a great match super even like the whole way like a perfect match up guys that was an amazing match I had so much fun this was so fun thank you so much for having me of course anytime thanks for watching see you guys next time bye by


  1. Gabby another well played video episode with a great guest, please make sure you book her for a new match! Great personality and interesting comments with no script whatsoever

  2. Arlynn is a sweetie. This was a fun match. Seems whatever course you play in Florida is in the flight pattern of an airport. Thanks, Gabby, I like the longer 1v1 posts. See you next time! 🙏❤️

  3. 11:17 Gabby you handled the YouTube fans perfectly, and were very kind and generous to take a photo with each of them ❤
    Well done , your professionalism is very impressive.

  4. I’m not gonna lie, I almost wish you would have had the bee on your ball. Makes for great content😂 great match!!! Almost got her

  5. Once again, Gabby – you held your own. Be proud! And I love how well you handled bumping into fans on the 2nd Green – that made me smile. 🙂

  6. The fact that Gabby is trying to make a Div 1 golfer more at ease on the first reel tells me she’s ready

    Also there isn’t any guys on the planet good enough for these two trust me

  7. 1st time on camera then next hole caught up by fans lol she did well. If you dont like steak are you even living.😂

  8. Love your channel but those were really awkward interview questions after the first tee shots. I've gotten the awkward vibe before so I thought I would mention it. Don't ask, "How did you get here?" questions because maybe that wasn't her first choice. I just learned that it is poor etiquette to ask someone what he or she does does for a living. Which makes sense because what if you're golfing with someone who just got fired and is taking a break from job apps by playing a round.

    Please ask personality questions, mentality questions, positive questions about the golf journey.

  9. Arlynn has a great swing and she seems really nice, I like the way she says thank you lol great video Gabby 👏🏻

  10. The game is excellent, but the putting could get a little bit better. The small talk is interesting and necessary but perhaps it is distraction.

  11. Gabby, you might never get to these comment, but I think you are “ The Cutest Young Lady” out playing golf! ⛳️ because of you I’m get out of bed and hitting the range first thing in the morning. but today went and got an annual membership to the SPI (Tx) golf course. I’m taking your advice and talking to myself out loud when hitting a shot, pumping myself up. I would love to see you play all these other young ladies on YouTube. My money is on you!!!!
    Thank You! Thank You ! Thank You!
    I will follow you through out your journey, best of luck and be blessed 😇
    Your Fan Leo Conejo (Rabbit)

  12. Good Play Gabi I think your last hole to BOMB it was a mistake. you litterly have a 3 stroke or 4 stroke penalty after drop and kick etc.

  13. Aside from golf, Gabby is such a remarkably mature, sophisticated teenager. She's obviously a well-bred rich girl. But she has that effortless graciousness/cordiality that women of her social class don't have down pat until most are at least 30 years old. If she doesn't make it on the LPGA Tour, she would make a perfect U.S ambassador's wife (or a U.S. ambassador herself).

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