1 Simple Drill to get TOUR PRO Separation in the Golf Swing

GRF Golf Head coach Marcus and our GRF Tour Pro Mark “Foz” Foster goes through one of the key drills from their coaching week this week at the always spectacular Gloria Serenity Resort in Turkey, find more here:

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

Slightly different tutorial for you today I’m here with fos and we’ve just ran a fantastic coaching week at the Gloria Golf Resort and we’re here on the Range it’s a trackman range it’s got short game areas and putting greens it really does cater for everything you need when you practice in amazing

Courses and we’ve stayed in the serenity Hotel it’s been fantastic but more importantly we’ve had a great group of people and what myself and fos want to share with you today is something we’ve been seeing as a pretty common Trend throughout the whole group fos is it

Yeah it is anybody who’s familiar with our trips or or if not we coach the first day and then we take the guys out on the course so I see a difference out on the course because uh obviously it’s different to uh hitting balls on a range

And having a lesson and just going away so on the second morning I taking guys out and uh basically yeah the big difference we’ve seen is how the movement is not quite the same as on the Range so uh we’ve been working on drills to to take that to the course exactly

Cuz that’s the benefit it’s the same all experience it with our practice we can get a feel on the range and then on the golf course that starts to change so developing a recognition of the pattern and using external cues using external influences to help us recognize how our

Body reacts and that’s what we’re going to share with you today this exercise because it’s something that everybody who walks through the door for the lessons that you’ll see in the lesson videos everyone who comes here we see it’s sequencing it’s time it’s space in their golf swing they’re looking for

That lag in the sequence they’re looking for that compression on the golf ball all these are a function of a good sequence and so we’ve got to look at where that sequence starts and we’ve got to look at how we recognize that movement form to not only create these

Forces but transfer them at the right time and so this exercise we’re going to share with you really helped this group this week um multiple ways it’s there’s not just one way of doing it we all have our own way of interpreting in what we sense so the exercise will help you just

Start to associate parts of your body in certain space at certain time and this is going to really resonate because often we don’t afford ourselves an opportunity to explore space so these exercises are an exploration of that space and a recognition of the movement patterns within that space and then when you’re

On the golf course intuitively you’ve got a sense with your practice swing of how you intend to move for the golf shot connecting the golf shot to the movement and that all happens not just on the course on the race essentially we’ve been talking about this week it’s a combination of both the

Environment changes but the recognition of your movement should remain no matter where you are you should be able to recognize your own patterns and then you’re able to adapt them as well with confidence and that’s where you explore it on the course as well with the challenge of the course so that’s where

Fuzz comes in so well because that’s fuzz’s domain as a tour player not only are these players getting to see a tour player play class golf but they’re also getting fuzz’s knowledge and experience in helping them transition what we’ve been doing on the Range to the golf

Course and then fos feeds back and then we can then optimize that even more on the Range so that when they go back out fos can then help them to explore further and develop those feelings not just reinforce them but develop them I use a phrase and it’s a phrase that’s

Out there is creating time well yeah I I am trying to create time but we we’re trying to create it through separation so there’s a difference in creating Time by just stopping or waiting it’s the best feeling in the world when you’re trying to perform on a course because if

You can actually create time even I mean you took him milliseconds but it feels like a full second sometimes and that’s where you can actually experiment and start playing different shots I think this is one of the biggest difference between us M Mortals and these tour

Players is that they feel like he said he’s got a second that we just don’t have and then we’re just it’s all gone before we even know it and these guys have got time to recognize the release pattern and adapt and really connect with the shot so we’re going to use a therabath

And using a karate chop hold here that’s just to stop it sliding up basically with the arms out straight imagine you’re holding like a medicine ball and we’re just going to use a rocking action just let the arms swing from side to side no real roundedness to the movement

Just side to side just feeling that momentum from the body notice there’s a there’s a weight transfer now this is where this thing comes in so finding yourself a swimming P noodle chop about 30 cm off cut it in half and you’ve got yourself a half dome and you’ve got some

Feedback from the ground because this has rebound properties it’s offering us a sense of rebound a sense of load so we’re going to sense our interaction with the ground and we’re going to place that under the lead for all the way through the center of the

Fo through to the heel so under the toe through to the heel and then now what we’ve got is a swinging action with the arms and we’re going to start to rec recogniz the muscular chain that we’re going to stretch this exercise is going to load us into the floor and load the

Muscular chain see what fos has done here he swung the right arm back he’s not pulling the left arm down what he’s done is he swung his arms from side to side and then if you just do it again F swing go from side to

Side and then as you get to the top continue with your right arm and just let the left left arm resist you’ll feel the right arm pulling the left arm back don’t try and pull the left arm there’s no pulling of the left arm the right arm just pulls the left

And you’ll feel this stretch across the across the abdomen it’s a contralateral stretch we’re actually activating the muscular change for the patterns that we’re looking for in the golf swing it’s definitely cross there and I feel it and everybody’s different it it always gets my rib cage working really well it it really

Opens everything up opens it up and if we go side on fuz what it also does is it loads the shoulder complex if you use the grf system if you used to if you’ve watched some of the tutorials this is the one two and three one two

Three the one and two up to the top and the three you can see what fos is doing here this is continued the scaps retracting shoulder girdle here it’s all low it’s go but eccentrically through lengthening not through shortening not through tension we’ve got to allow this

To travel with a comfortable range so don’t try and force it find your own range exactly just a comfortable end range and at the same time and this is the key at the same time that this goes up we’re going to drop and compress the foam just one more fuzz if you don’t

Mind yeah the foam gives a real a really good feeling of of what you want on the ground we goes to the ground in a minute but it’s it’s the perfect density to feel in the correct way again through separation rather than just falling or

Or or leaning in this way so so you you the the two points of the if you like the two ends of the range you can see here the flexion how foses flexing with his lead side dropping in pressing into that foam you’ll feel yourself pressing

On the inside of the foam at the same time the right arm’s going back and hitting end range you’re getting a full body stretch and and feeling that impulse there as you do it and we discuss it all the time and again I see it on the

Course the hardest thing loading is not easy on the course but when you find the ground and you get the load once you are in and fully loaded I can naturally get some vertical but it almost feels like once you’ve got it fully loaded you’re just going to pop straight up and almost

Get your follow through for free really is a feeling you get yes we we know how to come up but I’ve seen this week you know clients they watch our stuff they come out on the course and they just want to come straight up and I’m

Like you’ve got this is such a key move movement for us it is it really is when you get into the floor that res you’re triggering a natural response you’re creating the conditions for that natural reaction and it’s just it’s time to go a lot of people and we see this may be

Misinterpreting how to load are trying to force it they’re trying to push the the shoulder down push into the floor we’re never really pushing into the floor it’s a passive loading we fall in we’re just using our body intelligently it’s intelligent movement letting our body fall whilst rotating back creates a

Shift in the low point the low Point’s moving forward it’s moving down the swing Center is moving down as we’re loading into the floor into the lead side but we’ve already created the momentum to do it and now that natural response can kick in just like throwing

Just like jumping you think about going up first place you go is down but you’re not thinking of going down the body loads naturally and then propels itself so these are propulsion mechanics that we use in and people sometimes like fos said try to initiate it too early go to

The top and then try and push off or Force into the floor and then try and push off so what this exercise is doing is allowing you to recognize the timing of these patterns using momentum in a natural effortless not effortful way an intelligent way so it’s not just

Internally driven thinking of how you move your hips how you move your shoulders push your shoulder down you’re actually thinking I just want to squash that foam at no point did fos talk about technique or particular body patterns detail there’s no technical side to this application it’s just a case of stretch

The band with the right arm at the same time as you fall into the foam fall being the operative word like f says language is important so when we take the band away fos if you want to just grab the club and show the guys the

Movement on the pH home you can still keep a queue there so fos can demo the movement again yeah so we’re still on the noodle we’ll go to the ground in a minute but you just so basically go from band to club and then we’ll go from the

Noodle to Theo to the ball which is a natural progression and again good habit to get into so we’re we’re working on the right things so there’s still a reaction there’s still a natural action and some feedback there some sensory feedback yes but there so just a couple

Of I’m actually there when I did the double I’m feeling my timing to when I want to when I want to get to the next stage which we’ll do another time but you know it’s just feeling how late can I leave it just messing around with it these different things but you’re doing

The same you’re doing the same separation all the way through and you’re still working all the time you’ll see when we get to the floor like to keep moving anyway we don’t want to be too still yeah you don’t you’re not moving too much once you get to the

Ball but you feeling the ground and is recognizing in here is exploring this is what practice is for explore using the exercise you’ve got this tactile feedback you can sense what’s going on when we take that away now we can appreciate what the ground’s offering us now what it’s affording us

In terms of our movement capability with the ground again when we go to the floor for me um I still like to obviously it’s not but I like to feel like the noodles still underneath cuz you’ve just left that feeling so I still almost do a little press in myself that

Can be your forward lean whatever you want to do you’re trying to find your own way not it’s not just one set all so you’re finding your own way for me that is I like a little feeling like that and then so we’re going to see when fosit

Some balls in a second we’re going to see how his body prepares for action there’s a constant flow there’s momentum and he’s just he’s so attuned to this momentum that he can start to adapt start to time it ready to go and it’s just a case of then going through these

Repetitive motions and you’re just allowing motion to happen it’s not static it’s not fixed it’s not what do I start with and everything’s a little bit jerky and and it’s all being consciously triggered so it’s overloading on the on the brain when you’re starting to have to initiate something so conscious yeah

So when so all of a sudden you bring the ball in the mind starts to change when the ball’s around everybody sees this so the ball brings a a true exam to what we’re doing so for me I just like to wait three quter shots with the separation using the late release and

Then I’m getting separation and I’m getting a bit I’m getting the club on the ball as I want so I’m warming up feel the club on the ball feel the strike the toes coming down and the separation and that’s the shot I’m working on early on for the first few

Shots do a quick practice must have been looser than I thought that was nearly full I was TR three qu gone it’s gone over the back strong Fly ball coming out low fuz is going up so he’s low he’s so ahead of the action the club’s trailing cuz if we want a later

Release something’s got to have to move earlier probably faster and then you’re creating this lag through the system and that’s enabling us to get that all important shaff lean at impact compressing the ball getting that ball speed but on a trajectory that’s coming out low on a very strong penetrating

Flight but fos is going up he’s actually using the ground pushing up and the club’s going down and the shaffle and all these features of impact are just Dynamic properties the’re Dynamic features of a release we’re not actually holding this unless there’s you’re trying to play a specific shot of course

It’s just a free flowing release it’s just the timing of it and when you sequence effectively you start to get this really powerful impact and we that’s what you see in the videos when the when you see someone really experience that optim strike probably for the first time sometimes with that

Compression it just it’s so different let’s have a go again fos so it’s interesting watch fos when he starts there’s movement there’s flow and look he’s just refreshing his feeling that was better that’s what I’d call a warm-up shot and as we’ve done this week the first one was nice but

That one’s actually better I look at the divit it’s a much better div we’ve done work a lot of work with the clients this week on divit you need the inner child when you’re practicing that playful spirit that playful mindset where you’re exploring movement but there’s an understanding that underpins why you’re

Doing it you come to the range with a purpose and then allowing yourself just to go with the flow and hit balls like fos is doing here not get static and overloading thinking about the movement these exercises aren’t to try and copy explicitly they are movement patterns to

Explore so when you do make these movements and if you’ve watched the tutorials on the 1 two 3 4 like fos said earlier this natural reaction the body is it’s firing and you’re getting movement here without even thinking about it just like throwing a ball you’re not having to be consciously

Involved in the execution of it that would interfere with it but it’s the movements that preceded it it’s the action for the sequencing that just let you ultimately express yourself without any inhibition without apprehension you’re not kind of guiding trying to steer it trying to control it you’re

Just letting yourself go so guys I hope you’ve enjoyed this uh fos thanks a lot mate that was awesome a brilliant week we had a fantastic group we saw a lot of improvement and especially out on the course too and a lot of personal Journeys there everyone’s got their own

Personal journey and it’s interesting we only have small groups on this it’s six people so we have time to spend with each person everyone learns differently so a very personal learning experience learning the grf system adapting it in their own way for their own needs and then upskilling themselves the tour kit

To go on now with the mindset to allow them to develop their physical skill set they’ve spent this week recognizing the physical skill set and how they can even develop that more but also the mindset to utilize it in the right way and this exercise here again transfers it’s it’s

An exercise to develop your movement you swing warm up it transfers just a quick one guys we’ve just had a trip and the six clients now on the way home we’re doing some work doing their after care doing some videos personal stuff the boss is doing those uh we got a trip

Coming up on the 21st of April there’s uh one spot left we’ll put the information below in the comments on that and then we’ve got some exciting news coming ahead be announced very soon on all socials it’s going to be a new type of trip we can’t quite say yeah but

It’ll be very soon and it’s going to be uh more group based biger groups watch this space basically but we’re very excited to send it out to you soon yeah absolutely it’s a fantastic relationship we’ve got here with Gloria it offers everything we need if you’re thinking of

A golf trip just for yourself guys check it out we can help you put you in touch with the right people here it’s just a brilliant venue and and um we’ve really enjoyed it and of course you just can’t be the weather this it’s been sunny all

Week in the shorts what more can you want I think it’s time for a be thanks a lot guys thanks guys see you Soon


  1. That was massively helpful! When I throw the club back and then drop, I sometimes feel I don’t get a full shoulder turn and then feel a bit rushed. Thank you!

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