Top 100 Golf Balls Tested | 19-11

We have officially reached the Teens! These are all some darn good golf balls. These are some of the finest Golf Balls you can buy on the Market!


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00:00 Intro
1:27 19
3:17 18
6:08 17
8:37 16
10:43 15
12:27 14
15:21 13
16:53 12
18:27 11

Hello my fellow golf ball addicts welcome back to the channel um there’s only two left there’s this one and then there’s one more we are almost at the conclusion of our ranking of the 100 golf balls that have been tested on this channel uh super excited about that uh

First of all if you have not seen how I’m ranking this videos I have a link in the description it’ll show you what I’m basing these rankings on that way you know um it’s just a couple minutes but otherwise let’s Dive Right into this now

Listen when we’re in the top 20 uh we’re starting off with 19 of course these are all golf balls that are top tier I mean I know they’re not quite top 10 I know there’s going to be better ones but uh all the golf balls I’m about to mention

To you are ones that I would not only recommend to other golfers uh I mean they’re just phenomenal they’re phenomenal in some way or another they do something exceptionally well a lot of them do a lot of stuff exception well um you know it just depends on the golf

Ball but these are all now top 20 these are all the cream of the crop so if you see a golf ball you play on here it’s not disrespect that it’s you know in the teens or whatever that’s out of a hundred that’s a really prestigious

Honor so uh let’s Dive Right In Here I know a lot of you got some uh of your golf balls still on your bingo card that have not come off yet so let’s see if any of them get erased here so let’s start out with number 19 which is number 19 the maxfly

Straight fly one of my favorite golf balls I’ve tested on the channel for sure so what makes the maxfly straight fly so great well it is the distance golf ball between the two you have the soft fly and the straight fly it’s a two-piece golf ball that really is just designed

To go far and straight and it does both those things really really well uh it has a good feel off the club it Springs off the club nice it does everything you needed to do I love how they included an alignment tool this year uh I love how

You know maxfly you know they mix up the colors they actually do a pretty decent design with the golf ball but more importantly really across the board it just does it just does consistent performance whether it’s with my short irons whether it’s with my mid irons um

I actually had really good um nineiron performance I actually got about 2 mph more than my average um but I mean overall it’s just really straight it’s really forgiving it really does everything that you would want out of a beginner two-piece golf ball and of course one of the best things about it

Is going to be that value you can get them 2 for 30 or 2 for 35 depending on the sale uh and at $15 a dozen or 1750 a dozen it’s one of the best deals on the market period uh if someone’s wanting to stock up on you know easy forgiving golf

Balls for the golf season and you know you like maxxfly it’s really easy to do that and then you can even buy them in a four pack I think for like even cheaper so I mean really the value here is just insane and especially for the quality of

Golf ball you’re getting now the golf ball would have been a little higher if the numbers maybe had popped off the page a little bit more but no they were just average and they were consistent but that’s not a bad thing I mean having my averages across the board isn’t a bad

Thing because I know what my shots are going to be uh some of these golf balls if you’ve seen this list so far are yeah my my nineiron goes average but then my hybrid is like 10 yards further than it is with another ball and it’s like well

Now I got to remember that so having average across the board isn’t necessarily a bad thing but number 18 the cut red well well well well I bet this eliminates a lot of bingo cards for sure um this is by far the ball this and the Wilson zip were

The two golf balls that by far were guessed the most when I asked hey what golf ball do you think is number one a few videos ago and I got all these comments it was the cut red and the Wilson zip were the two a lot of you

Thought the cut red was going to be my number one uh it’s definitely one of the most talked about golf balls on the channel it’s definitely one I recommend a ton uh so why so low why why 18 well first of all let’s talk about the good

Okay so the good with the cut red is it has amazing short iron numbers across the board I had gains um the driver numbers were awesome one of the best I had tested at the time and really the best part about this golf ball more than

Anything is the fact that it’s a dollar a golf ball you can get a 24 pack for $23 at Walmart or something so it’s actually under a dollar a golf ball uh so the fact that I was able to get a golf ball that had such amazing performance really across the board uh

At an amazing price it has a a decent design it has a little alignment tool for beginner golfers it has a lot of the things that I looked for in a golf ball and it performed everything really well so why the low score well there’s a couple things the first one is although

All the clubs were pretty good there was one in particular that wasn’t my mid irons were just okay uh they were average but they were just okay um I wish that had been a little higher and if it had been a little higher it would have propelled it much higher into the

List definitely into the top 10 but that kind of shot it down a little bit and the other thing is I did have to kind of knock it down for durability a little bit now now when I tested this golf ball you know heck two two years ago three

Years ago I didn’t have any issues with the durability really but since that point I’ve had a lot of you come forward after the following golf season and was like hey I I’m hitting these things and they’re cracking and normally with that I always have a policy I say Hey listen

Until it happens to me I can’t verify it but I’ve had probably 30 to 40 people now on that review on the channel say that they’ve had durability issues now most of them are like hey at a dollar a golf ball I don’t care if I hit it and

It cracks I’ll just grab another one but still it’s not right it’s it’s I’m not sure what’s going on with it Cut’s been kind of iffy I don’t know if cut really making a push to be in this market for much longer uh I don’t know if their

Quality control is what it used to be but because I’ve had so many people tell me that the durability is just I mean bottom bottom tier I have to kind of knock it a few points for that I can’t you know once or twice might be a coincidence but 340s real results so

That’s the other thing that really knocked this golf ball down so the cut red does plenty of things right uh but those two things that are just eh okay or whatever are definitely what shot it down to be in the High Teens so um sorry to everyone who had had this in number

One but it is number 18 which was crazy to me too it was a surprise to me just as much as it was to you when I found it out so number 17 the Snell MTB Prime definitely a big Snell supporter here on this channel uh when they did

The redesign for 2023 I was super excited about it uh Snell was kind enough to send me the golf balls even I’ve always been a huge fan of them uh and I was not disappointed so the Snell MTB Prime is a threepiece it’s supposed to kind of mimic a tour ball really

What’s really nice about it is it’s only $33 a dozen which is coming from Dean Snell it’s it’s an amazing value considering you know the history you’re getting the Mind who’s creating the golf ball you’re getting the quality you’re getting along with really just the price

I can’t believe it’s still that price it actually I would have thought for sure that this would have went up uh you know with Co inflation but really they’ve been running deals that make it even cheaper so uh at one point you could get them for $1 19999 a dozen with free

Shipping during the month of December you know for for Christmas or whatever it was like end of season sale um the value is just through the roof for what you’re getting it’s absolutely incredible I know they’re going to continue to make even more adjustments and make them better for

2024 uh but here’s the thing I know some of you have issues with durability you’ve told me but I I’ve played this golf ball a lot and I just haven’t seen it and I know we just got done with the cut red but it’s like I haven’t had that

Many people tell me I have had some people rip me apart and on messenger or whatever ever and they’re like hey these are terrible but I just I’ve never experienced that I’ve been playing them for six months now and I still really haven’t had any issues with durability

Um it is what it is but why doesn’t the snil get higher than 17 really it’s the performance so I again this is an average consistent of performance nothing’s below average nothing’s above average it’s average across the board what propels it high is its design its

Value um also durability for me at least I loved you know the the whole rebranding they did um all those things the green side fi was awesome I love it around the greens all those other factors really help Propel it really really high uh and get it into this list

Because I tell people all the time if you’re looking for a tour level golf ball that you can still get tons of performance out of that you know you can trust you know is going to do what you want it to do the snail’s an amazing

Option at $33 a dozen $35 a dozen compared to these Prov ons that are now 55 a dozen the call the new Callaway this year $55 a dozen it’s insane the fact that you can get one for almost half the price of that you just can’t beat it so that’s really what helped

This golf ball a lot so it’s one of my favorites I love it if you’re someone looking for a tour ball the snail is always worth a shot number 16 the super soft Max definitely a wild card in here this is one that I knew tested really well at

The time but my guess is that it wouldn’t have been in the teens it probably would have been in the 30s or 20s somewhere in there uh but here’s the thing the Callaway super soft didn’t really test that well it was pretty low on this list I can’t even remember where

It was but it was definitely a while ago for sure a while ago um so what sets the super soft Max apart well the max is actually a bigger golf ball it’s actually not a normal size regulation golf ball it is slightly bigger which makes it hard to putt I don’t I usually

Tell people not to putt with it but here’s the benefit of that it’s extremely forgiving it’s extremely easy to get up in the air it’s a two-piece golf ball with a plenty of Bounce to the Ounce you can put it down swing your Club hit it it goes really high really

Far and really straight and when I had my swing speed at 92 93 mph of the driver I really thought I was going to over compress the heck out of it and I didn’t I had some of the best driver numbers I had gotten on the channel I

Had really good five hybrid numbers I had really good seven iron numbers across the board really everything was a gain in distance the golf ball looks really good it has a nice big thick alignment tool which is awesome as well really the only thing that affects this

Golf ball and kind of brings it down actually is really the value it’s $25 for a dozen which in 2024 25 kind of seems to be the normal two-piece price that seems to be where everything’s going but when this golf came out in 2022 um it actually was that’s the

Highest that’s the highest you would see a two-piece golf ball was $24.99 most of them were you know 1999 two for 35 U you know you had like a 22 99 in there occasionally but the 25 is the Pinnacle that’s like what the title is true uh

True feel is um so it’s a it’s a fantastic golf ball if you’re really new to the game if you’re a senior if you’re someone who really needs help getting the ball up in the air uh lady golfers it’s great for lady golfers for sure my

Mom uses the Reva which is the female version of this golf ball and loves it it’s so easy to hit um any beginner if you’re learning the game or if you’re getting older and you just need help getting it up in the air I don’t know of

A better golf ball than this it’s really fantastic number 15 the Vice Pro Plus all right so if you’re paying attention with your bingo cards the Vice Pro Plus is the first one out of the vice Tour line whether it be pro pro soft Pro Plus um

It’s the first one out of those three that has come off the board U mainly the reason it’s at 15 is because it’s for a very faster swing speed now actually I was able to get some pretty decent numbers with it but the numbers were a little inconsistent just because again

It’s for a fast swing speed 92 they have a pro and a pro saw for me this one ain’t even for my swing speed but here’s the thing it got to 15 despite that so I still got really good numbers with it the durability was fantastic Vice has an

Amazing design and value they have all these different colors and drip and you know all this stuff it’s fun to be a part of Vice it really is um I I enjoy the heck out of it I enjoy using their golf balls it’s just a fun time A lot of

People are really going on to it and if you like Vice you can get the golf balls essentially for like $31 a dozen if you buy them in bulk and that’s another thing you just can’t beat I mean Snell we were just talking about 33 a dozen

Being such an amazing deal getting the vice for 31 to 32 a dozen is a really really good deal especially when you consider you know you can show personality with them you can get the different you know uh uh special editions they do they’ve done all kinds

Of special editions and stuff uh there’s a collector’s Market there now uh Vice does a lot of things right and really it just checks all boxes if it wasn’t for the fact that it was so firm and I just had issues compressing it at times with

The numbers it’d be even higher but I know what you’re thinking well what about the golf balls that were meant for your swing speed well they’re not here yet so we’ll see where they end up number 14 The Encore Vero X2 another golf ball that really came

Out of nowhere this was one of the last few golf balls I tested before I made this video um I had always been an encore fan and I texted I i’ done the Elixir twice I’ve done uh the Vero X1 twice um the Avant 55 I’ve done that was

Pretty high on the list as well I think it was high 20s or something like that um but the Vero X2 really came out of nowhere because my thought process was when I first got a hold of it was what’s this even four is it a sequel is it got

Improvements is it a different golf ball I wasn’t really sure where they were going with it uh no it really felt like a sequel it really felt like a sequel because the X1 um yeah it had some good stuff about it had some stuff to build

On it had some stuff to grow and improve uh but the X2 just came out of the Gat swinging really fast off the club spring Bounce to the Ounce that’s bouncy ball effect I mean hitting it was fun I knew the numbers before I even saw them were

Going to be fantastic you could just tell and that did translate of course to the the numbers as well because even though I only had an average nine iron I had amazing seven iron numbers record-breaking five hybrid numbers incredible driver numbers across the board uh the durability was awesome it

Has a thick coating of urethane on it you can tell uh really the only thing that knocked this golf ball down a little bit one is value because the value can be good there’s good potential there if you join encourse club and you get you know additional discounts and

You get free shipping and all that the value is through the roof but if you don’t do that you got to spend 40 a dozen plus pay for the shipping it ends up being around 50 um you really buying bulk is the only way to go otherwise

There’s no value so that hurts it a little bit and then of course I’m not a big fan of the alignment tool but the alignment tool doesn’t knock it down a ton it just knocks it down a little before you eat me alive for that uh but

Value in that design could be better basically uh are only the two things that knock it down I mean when you’re this close when you’re in the top 14 golf balls this is what I preach on the Channel all the time these little details are going to propel one golf

Ball above another if I’ve got two golf balls that both perform awesome I’ve got to pick one and if one has a cool alignment tool and one doesn’t that’s going to get it because again if if they all both perform really well and they both have great durability I’ve got to

Separate them somehow and when you get to this nitty-gritty and this many great golf balls there’s just that little separation and so the value is really important there being able to get them for a cheaper price is important uh but it is what it is the voo X2 is a

Fantastic golf ball and if you’re someone who wants to get into that directed consumer market and you don’t want to quite pay the prov1 prices anymore but you still want a great golf ball there’s a reason that there are retired now but T players that that

Endorse this golf ball I mean Josh Allen endorses this golf ball I mean he’s he’s an athlete he’s 6′ five 6’6 and 300 lb 2% body fat I mean my god the guy knows how to swing a golf club he is an athlete he knows what he’s doing it’s

Not just about the money so Vero X2 is an amazing golf ball and it came out of nowhere really good job on core this is awesome number 13 the stricken Zar 15 one of the first golf balls I tested on the channel and has survived all through

The hundred that have been tested and it still rains towards the top uh stricks and golf balls especially their tour line golf balls I’ve always really liked I like how they come off the club I like how they design them uh and the 15 really was the Pinnacle of it I got the

Most yardage it had the most spring it was the most fun to hit which is really weird cuz I thought it was going to be for faster swing speeds but no at the time it actually felt the best and I got the best numbers with it across the

Board especially with the driver I got fantastic numbers it was one of the best driver uh performances i’ had at the time which I know doesn’t say much it was one of the first golf balls but that number held up for a really really really long time uh everything was

Really good if there’s anything that kept this golf ball out of the top 10 it was really just one Design’s okay but the other big thing is durability there have been some issues with durability in the past I’ve started to see it a little

Bit I didn’t see it at first but I had people tell me like hey I quit buying these because they they would be not perfectly round or they’d be whatever you know and I have started to see that a little I think it’s gotten better uh

But it is enough to kind of knock it down a couple spots and keep it out of the top 10 but otherwise great performance does a lot of things well value-wise if you can get them at the buy two get one free I think they’re

Like 45 46 a dozen so if you can get them buy two get one free it’s an amazing deal and honestly it’s something you could really put your faith behind as a brand and say hey I’m going to use this golf ball exclusively because you know a couple times a year you’re going

To get really good deals get them for really cheap but also they’re going to perform for you number 12 the Pinnacle Rush absolutely Baran one of my favorites um you know and what I’ve realized about the Pinnacle Rush is it’s just really overlooked um a lot of

People I’ve met look at me sideways when I’m like yeah Pinnacle and they’re like you mean those cheap you know uh Range golf ball and I’m like no like like Pinnacle makes a good golf ball they come out of the title as plant Titus owns the company this is a really

Forgiving two-piece golf ball that does a lot of things really well it has a great feel off the club face it performs well I had amazing numbers with the you know short iron and then everything else was very consistent and straightforward average which was awesome uh the durability held up extremely well which

I loved they’re still soft and forgiving um I mean there’s just a lot to love here and especially one of the things I love the most about it is it does all these things really well and for 20 bucks you can get 15 golf balls which is

One of the better deals on the market for sure um it’s a golf ball that again if you just need straight if you just need easy to get up in the air if you need forgiveness if you need all this stuff hey I want to get the ball in the

Green I want to get it on The Fairway and then I want to get it on the green and then I want to get it on the Hole uh this is a great golf ball for that cuz the value is there you can tell it’s wellmade you can tell the production is

Nice um it’s really The Best of Both Worlds you’re getting partially a Titleist golf ball but without having to pay those ridiculous premiums for it saying titlist on it because they’re paying everybody on tour a billion dollars like it’s really the best of both worlds for sure so don’t overlook

The Pinnacle if you’re someone who wants a good two-piece golf ball give it a shot especially if you’re a mid swing there’s also the Pinnacle soft which is for the slower swingers um I overcompressed it but if you’re in the 80 85 range both of these golf balls

Hold up really well and they were both I think in the top 30 I think so yeah sorry it’s been too many now but I’m pretty sure they’re both in the top 30 so they are worth a shot for sure number 11 the mauno Tour X

2023 so this is where we land with our final mauno ball um I’ve actually had four tour mauno balls on this list and it was weird because if you’ve been keeping track they flipped flopped in 2022 it was the regular tour that did so well but the X was terrible and now in

23 it completely flip-flo and the tour was terrible and the X was amazing I could not believe how amazing the X performed for me when I first was testing this golf ball it was jumping off the club so well that I was I was trying to break records with it I’ll be

Honest with you I was swinging really hard trying to you know get these numbers where they’ve never been because the golf ball was just so fun to hit uh honestly it was one of the most funnest golf balls I’ve tested just because of how it come off the club how it

Performed I had an incredible nineiron performance just average on the seven iron but I had a fantastic five hybrid performance as well as a top tier driver performance um it had great awesome durability had zero issues with it um the design is just okay I really wish

They’d put a decent alignment tool on there but I won’t hold it against it too much um the the value is maybe not the best in the industry but the value is not bad you can get these for like 42 43 a dozen which for the tour level golf

Ball is becoming a good a good deal um like I just mentioned before it’s 55 now for the prov1 it’s 55 for the chrom soft I think the tp5 is going to like 52 53 um so 4243 actually is becoming a pretty good deal for Tour golf balls especially

One that’s branded from a a big time golf company a lot of people love mauno it has a cult following so um I think if they can keep that price there they might turn a lot of people on to them and I I’ll be honest with you I’m one of

Those people if they put an alignment tool on there and I’m not doing number 10 um for obvious reasons because I want the final video to of course be the top 10 um so listen all those golf balls I just mentioned are fantastic golf balls

I love all of them um if if you’re wondering why like hey it sounds like you’re being really nitpicky with a lot of them well I have to be like I have to be these are all fantastic golf balls these are all golf balls I’ve recommended uh to a variety of people uh

They’re all golf balls that I’ve I’ve at one point said Hey try this golf ball and all of them have come back and said hey I love it it’s their gamer now um they’re just fantastic they’re really good golf balls they’re some of the best i’ I’ve tested on the channel for sure

But they’re not as good as the top 10 so keep an eye out guys I really appreciate it as always keep watching keep saving keep learning we have the top 10 coming next we are finally here the drama everything has led to this let’s go


  1. Yep there goes 1 of my top 3 guesses. Thought for sure cut red was gonna be #1. So now it’s gotta be the Wilson zip or Precept Laddie I think

  2. My Top 2 (Chrome Soft and Vice Pro) still haven’t been called, and my sleeper #1 guess Sugar ball as well… gonna be an epic Top 10!

    Maybe we’ll get lucky on St Paddy’s Day and the video gets released today!!??

  3. Glad Qstar tour is top ten ❤ If I'm playing golf course that has a lot of water hazards, I will play pinnacle rush 😅😅😅😅. The robot test showed that the pinnacle did an amazing job even on wedges.

  4. Great video. Glad you think so highly of the StraightFli, my son and I are gonna try out a dozen of them this year. I expect it to work well for our mediocre abilities. You're right about the value, currently 4 dozen for $60.
    As a humorous side note, lose that fugly hat my friend! It was distracting me haha.

  5. When are you going to show any video of the actual testing, better graphics flashing up on the screen during the rundown would enhance the videos as well, this top 10 feels like it will have some shockers in it

  6. Early Monday morning here in Thailand. Was just about to go to bed when this came up. Had to watch. Very surprised about the Cut Red position, my bet for your number 1. Think it is now between Wilson Zip and Precept Laddie. We will find out soon. Bed time now,

  7. Ok ok ok – so I know which ball is NUMBER #1!!! It’s crazy how I look forward to this video!!!😂😂😂😂

    NUMBER #1 Ball: SUGAR BALL 💥💥💥

  8. My bingo card is still active, Q Star Tour has made the top 10!! 😊or, it’s not even in the Top 100 😂😂

  9. I remember hitting those Pinnacle rocks back in the 90!!! I may have to try the P Rush. Cut Red is a shock!! Based on what you said I would never buy them.

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