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Good Morning Cheltenham LIVE | Cheltenham Festival Day 2 Preview | Horse Racing Tips | Racing Post

Join David Jennings, Graeme Rodway, Maddy Playle, Paddy Power and Tom Nugent as they provide their best horse racing tips for day two of the 2024 Cheltenham Festival.


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00:00 – Intro
01:02 – Start
15:19 – Gallagher Novices’ Hurdle Preview
20:48 – Brown Advisory Novices’ Chase Preview
28:13 – Coral Cup Preview
36:40 – Champion Chase Preview
48:37 – Grand Annual Preview
55:53 – Champion Bumper Preview
01:01:25 – Best Bets
01:02:22 – Outro

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Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey he heyyy heyy hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Hey Yes welcome along to good morning Cham for day two of the festival and it’s fair to say we’ve had better Wednesday mornings the cross country is off it’s gone no cross country this year holy God what are we going to do and John Bon is

Out of the champion Chase what a way to start the show but hopefully we will cheer you up with plenty of winners on Wednesday Champion Chase day and joining myself David Jennings on the show today is Mr Patty per himself we brought in the big gun to cheer us up bad news bad

Morning said you know what we’ll do the bad news I’m in it come exactly yeah yeah as look there nothing we can do it’s out of our control right and to be fair you wouldn’t be fancy JN on anyway the way the Henderson hes ran yet

Absolutely not and we’ve got MD play gra rodway and Tom Nan who’s going to be giving away 100,000 into Patty power account but more about that in a moment gra rodway great for you to join us on today of all days because we know you’re like a big statement we know you’re like

The big one and you are taking on El fabiolo today yeah I can’t wait to get stuck into El fabiolo today DJ against him uh yeah get stuck in against him yeah sorry you think I was going to back him then no no I want to be against him

I’m desperate to take him on I’ve been waiting for for his whole career for him to get like a proper test where he get really goes out there puts him to the sword puts that jump in Under Pressure because he just comes down a little bit

Steeply to my eye I reckon we’re going to get Ed Edward Stone doing that today the way that he ran last time at Newbery went blasting out from the front like an absolute nutcase didn’t he he thought oh there’s no way he’s going to keep this

Up and then he just ground them all into submission up the street was still on the bridal when the the was second fell at the second last I there’s a real good chance that he’s going to really put it up to El fabiolo this afternoon there we

Go he’s almost started this morning like ala or like Edward St Willam the champion Chase you’re almost jumping there you know there’s never a bad morning when it’s chelton DJ come on I know we started the day with a bad news but it’s still the chelton festival

Isn’t it come on man and we do have some good news for you if you have had a bet with Patty power in the cross country Chase anti-st or even after declarations they will be refunding your money so there you go you get your money back

With Patty power if you’ve had a best in the cross country Chase so there is some consolation Tom nent we are giving away a load of cash this morning once again we’re going to cheer everybody up indeed DJ Finders Keepers is back giving away up to 100 grand in cash across 10 Patty

Power accounts H we’ll be doing two drops across the show the first timer is lined up we’ll be dropping five grand into 10 different Patty par GS we’re going to start the timer I think right about now getting the money in you’ve got 15 minutes to log into your Patty PA

Account if you find five grand in there it’s not a glitch it’s Finders Keepers all you have to do to keep the money is have a small bet or take it out withdraw it and the money is yours to keep it you need to log in and check if the money is

There so come back to me in a Moment DJ and we’ll have more information we’ve had four winners already this week on finers Keepers yes four let’s get that up let’s see can we double it let’s see can we get eight today if you are a Patty power account holder log into your

Account and there might just be five grand there for you so have a look and we will be we will be revealing locations and names in just a moment so here’s what’s coming up on this morning show we turned up says Willie Mullins after stateman does win his ninth grade

One and wins a first Champion hurdle first Champion hurdle for Paul town as well how good was he would he have beaten Constitution Hill would he have beaten ly mot if ly mot ran the champion herle yesterday we’ll get the views of the panel it’s a b burnup after Slade

Steel was so impressive in yesterday’s Supreme nov turle is it just a penalty kick for B bur he’s going to be in all your multiples and the Fab factor with John Bon out it does looks like it’s a straightforward assignment for El fabiolo in the champion Chase and we’ve

Got our charity bets later around the show and there was one winning charity bch yesterday yes we will find out who that was later on in the show so Patty we kick off with you in a review of yesterday um a punter’s day rather than

A book’s day so hard Lu I look Jesus there wouldn’t be there’d be no violins playing for the bookies we make enough bloody money during the year it’s okay especially on day one of a festival you know uh I think yeah it was one of those

Days when you look at the results you’re kind of going jesz how did I not make money today do you know what I mean there was a few very bable ones obviously people might have got their fingers burned with uh with Tully Hill in the first race and but then the mug

Double happened you know I was glad to be part of that myself the two short fact that one about six to four which is great you know that’s that’s a nice one to get you to get you off and running and then and obviously Corbit cross at

The end and looked like it was a bit weak in the market but right at the dep they plunged didn’t they and and he went off like he went off 15 to8 he went off 15 to8 and and literally as they were lining up he was 9 to4 there was just a

Proper plunge just really late yeah so I mean they were it was yeah it was one of those days and also getting the getting a favorite in the last race is key especially at the track because people are a bit more you know I guess a bit

Looser at that stage and like you know get to your losers early winners late is a great motto I think going racing you know and uh and it was one of those days that did help because I was obviously a bit of a dampener especially anyone who

Drove car we drove a lot of abandoned cars in the car we have a lot of viewers this morning who are still in the car park at chatam trying to get a out M from Head to Toes so our commiserations but yeah so one of those days I mean

Like it was obviously state state M went in the champion herd and we talk about that in a minute I guess that was H you know um a very kind of well let’s talk about it now let’s talk about it now was it Brilliance or was it pure grit and

Determination what won on the race oh I think Paul tan just rode his own race and rode rode like the best horse in the race and just didn’t enough and just said I’m not going to give this to horse like I mean I think he could have won

Much easier if he wanted to and maybe that’s what the crowd kind of was demanding because it was probably tiny bit subdued the the welcome he got welcome welcome in but uh I thought he just was relatively comfortable and he just kind of he wasn’t felt like he

Wasn’t even in a race until just around the last Hurd and then he just went on and did what he needed to do you know right MD PL my question to you was a tough one it’s a tough one Let’s Pretend yesterday that lassy M there was no mer

Hurdle it was like the cross country was cancelled okay let’s pretend lassy M was in yesterday’s Champion hurdle she was getting 77 from statan would she have won the 2024 Champion hurdle yes that was emphatic yeah I think so um statan look he’s so professional and it’s hard

To know where his ceiling is because he only ever really seems to do enough I think he’s got more professional with his racing and that’s why he’s sort of this Underdog isn’t it but he shouldn’t be because he’s won nine grade ones now is it remarkable um but yeah I thought

Lossy mouth initially when I watched the race I was almost expecting her to win by further but then I think if you go and analyze it again it was kind of muddling in the closing stages I couldn’t see where she was on course um and she had to sort of switch to the

Inside and then go in between horses and ultimately I thought she came away really impressively I think two miles is probably her trip Paul townin said it himself afterwards you know she’s a champion herdle mayor so who am I to to doubt him and the weight allowance is

Key isn’t it7 pound for lossy mouth off State man I know who I’d rather back in the race anyway okay so ly M maybe ly mate is your 2025 Champion her winner and Tom nent we’ve got some locations we do indeed DJ we’ve got a five grand

Excuse me in 10 different Patty power accounts and they are across Brighton Edinburgh Belfast Sunderland Bal money Kullen Dublin cork limi and letter Kenny so if you are in or if you know of anybody in any of these places make sure they’re checking their Patty power account because there’s five grand in

Cash in there if you or they find it all you have to do is have a small all better withraw some of it and you get to keep it all it’s called Finders Keepers that’s the reason why I know one man who lives in K yeah yeah yeah py P’s best

Friend Ruby Walsh yeah so maybe Ruby Walsh is amongst the winners this morning oh that wouldn’t be Steward’s inquir Steward’s inquiry you know that’ll be a bad look terrible look comes up Ruby it would have last five minutes to be gone gr rodway are we not given

Statement enough credit is he just an incredible racehorse who might be Constitution Hill someday and we will be saying he was better than hurricane fly he is one of the greatest hurlers of all time I don’t think we’re ever going to get to that point with him DJ but he’s a

Very reliable solid uh lovable performer isn’t he I think um and you can’t knock ALS who just keeps turning up doing the business quite comfortably doesn’t he as well in grade ones he’s won more grade ones than Constitution Hill however I must admit as they cross the line I

Couldn’t help but imagine Constitution here would have been five or six lengths ahead of that lot and that would have been the race second had he been running um so he’s that kind of horse isn’t he I mean he’s he just Falls below the absolute hurricane flyers and the

Constitution Hills and the real Great to the game but what does he need to do to get there well he needs to beat Constitution Hill doesn’t he which is a St would weird start it’s a shame that Constitution Hill didn’t run isn’t it um maybe we’ll get that Clash next season

With any luck um and if he can go and do that or or or or another Contender emerges a real top class one not not sure we saw one in the Supreme yesterday Slade still was good but he’s already been freshed by B bery so he wouldn’t say that he’s an outstanding novice

Herler coming through but maybe we’ll get one today DJ won’t we belly burn in the first yeah but he probably go chasing maybe it’s it’s a funny thing to say about State man for horse who’s won a county off a featherweight and then won a champion hurdle and second in the

Champion hurdle but is chelam not his perfect track I mean it wasn’t Huracan fly is perfect track either and I wonder whether in an Ideal World you know he’d be better elsewhere well William Mullen said that after ra he thinks he’s a better Horse Around lepers and punch but

I thought he was well I thought if you back statement yesterday you were never really too bothered like I think he was he was emphatic okay I’m going to put you on the spot now okay we didn’t discuss this beforehand but one horse that ran yesterday okay possibly be

Better if it was beaten that might win at next year’s chatam Festival okay so I’m going to go first okay give you tinking time because I happen brought this up beforehand I watched back to Supreme again last night and Firefox was tremendously UNL he wouldn’t have won but he would have

Been right up the backs side of the front two in the sprem if Jack didn’t find that trouble early in the home straight and I think he will win next year’s arle I think he’s a cork in bet for next year’s arle because I think when he goes over fences he’s going to

Be back popped out in front I that’s the way to ride Firefox and he’s going to make a smash and Chasers so Firefox for next year’s arle is my early tip for the 2025 chat Festival have you had enough tinking time Graeme well he wasn’t

Beaten DJ but I think it’s hard to to uh knock corbit’s Cross isn’t it he absolutely bolted up didn’t he the way that he came up the hill it was like watching an Express train wasn’t it go go through that line the rest of them were all toiling in behind him and I

Don’t know where they’re planning to go next year but you would have thought he’s going to be a gold cou oh he’s going for gold for sure so he’s very very exciting with next year in mind cor cross Corbett’s cross for you rers Maddie I’m not sure he’s going to be a

Festival winner in waiting but I think the Run of twig was very good in the Ultima behind kianti Classico he would have hated that ground I’m surprised they didn’t pull him out really because I’ve spoken to Ben paing quite a lot about this horse and it’s a great family

Story with with Bo Morgan and his mom owns the horse um and all the way through he sort of said needs good ground needs good ground needs good ground that didn’t happen yesterday and he’s still running absolute Blinder behind a very very very good horse okay

We like that a bit of from left field from mie it is Twig who ran a corker in the ultimate Patty were frantically searching there back over the results I mean I think like Corbett’s cross was the one I was going to say is I thought was so

Impressive and uh and the other one was was gay Warrior was so because I didn’t fancy G Warrior at all but just you know just looking there absolutely hosed up had forgotten how easy AAR he won by in the end so the two of them obviously be

Be two to take out of it in terms of the beaten horses um I don’t know CU behind those I mean you might be right about your one but behind those there was like daylight was second wasn’t it like there was no there was no hard look stories

Really like there was no hor sh out that should have won you know so uh yeah so I don’t tough question I put you on the spot yeah now one man who didn’t fancy gayer yesterday and said he was the the lay of the day was Tom nent he gets most

Things right but you got that wrong very badly wrong H very badly wrong and I I would never I would never compliment Paul town to his face but I’ll do it behind his back I thought H it was a a master class of a ride I thought when

When gyu was headed he could have and most jockies n out of 10 jockeys would have pressed go and he could have done his hanging job and the way out the side door but uh before you give us the names of the people in those locations one horse from yesterday that you’ll be

Interested in for next year’s Festival uh oh H can I give you two maybe I thought Irish Point ran ran make up for Pat Irish Point ran a lot better than a lot of people were expeced he got close I’d say maybe uh maybe a little bit

Further in trip and he’d be very interesting H wherever he might go either the entry hurdle or or back here for the stairs next year and I thought uh meeting of the waters if you watch back the ultimately ran a Blinder uh for if the English national is still on the

Agenda I thought he ran a lovely race have gone outside the brief there but anyway let’s get those names we’ve got some names yes Oliver in Brighton Simon in Edinburgh Jim in Belfast Ben in Sunderland H Ryan in Bal money Andrea in cullan not Ruby uh Bridget in Dublin

Dennis and cork Liz in limmer and Natalie in letter Kenny if you know any of those uh people with names in those locations uh they may well have five grand in their Patty power account and they’ve got just over four minutes to to claim it they have to log in check if

The money is there if it is there have a small bit or withdraw some of it and they get to keep all the cash to get them up and running for day two of the chelton festival but the clock is ticking you find it you keep it log into

Your Patty par account and you could have five grand so that was yesterday you want to find out what’s going to happen today and we’re going to kick off of course with what is now the Gallaher novices hurdle and Bal burn the banker for so many is now 4 to1 after Willie

Mullen this br Brant performance yesterday with the treble he’s 4 to1 ill atlanti is second favor at 6 to1 peder’s goal is 10 to1 handstands can he do for Ben Pauling the unbeaten handstands is 12 to1 and it is 16 to1 Bar okay I don’t know how we’re going to do this okay

Because I think we all agree that b bur is probably going to win is there any chinks in his armor whatsoever M he play well firef Fox beat him earlier on in the season and apparently there were no excuses for that although he was a big Drifter on that day

Um but listen the hype has been huge all season for me obviously I was trying to take him on because he’s a short price favorite of the chelon festival but then Slade steel goes and wins the Supreme and you think am I just over complicating something and the answer is

Probably yes so he’s going to be hard to beat I would have a look in the without markets okay and who would you like in the without markets uh Predators gold I think uh second in two grade ones they said he didn’t stay the trip last time

Over two months six and a half um I think this will be his ideal distance he’s just a really genuine horse I prefer him to Ill atlantique I think ill atlantique has looked a little soft in a couple of finishes um and predators gold he’s building on his runs all the time

Uh decent rpr and I think at the prices he would potentially be the value okay so he is the value Patty per I can find anywhere anybody sorry anywhere in this world in any country in any place any person any thing anybody who does some fancy Bor it’s astonishing I’ve done

Couple of preview nights like you have and on every single preview night the selection for this race or the Supreme at the time was Bal burn not one person in this world doesn’t fancy Bal burn I’ve never known this before look there’s one thing to remember about

Slade steel and this is kind of clutching it thrs a bit but the last day uh there was the hurdle was emitted on the the home straight at Lepard toown and I know bad burn fairly hammered him but but also Henry’s horses have really

They really do Peak at the at the f you know he’s a master at getting them right for this so there’s probably a bit more to come from Slade Steels he probably improved a bit from that run I’m not saying B burn hasn’t either because Willie Mullin knows a think or too about

Training Festival winners as well but uh so I mean I just you maybe we’re getting a tiny bit carried away but just to talk about Bal burn there was last year what was the one won this race last year the William M yoke um imper pass imper pass

There was similar talk about him last year just will not get beat type of thing and turned out to be the truth and I think this is very similar hype and it just seems to be he’s like Head and Shoulders above everything else that Mullins has and he has like whatever six

Runners today about 500 runners in the first yesterday he’s got so many novices that actually it’s a pretty good packing order to be top of so uh yeah I think we’re clutching at stws in the the the without angle I mean just for an interest maybe like handstands has done

Nothing wrong so maybe just throw it in there handstands yeah unbeaten and was very good at Huntington last time handstands was H are you a b b fan now you you often try to to get the most unbeatable horses beaten you’re you’re not you’re not please tell me your L

Well over the last few years DJ I developed this this um this saying that I just tell myself every festival and it was Mullins doesn’t miss and what it means is that when he’s got one of these short price favorites what it means it says those what it says and the tin yeah

When he’s got one of these short priz favorites they all win like when we saw it we saw it again yesterday didn’t we lossy mouth and state man and jayet Warrior one after the other in they go at Short odds but I forgot this statement this year decided I was going

To take on a few of the Mullins horses until yesterday of course and then suddenly that saying came back in my head Mullins doesn’t miss and I thought B bur if if he thinks this is his best out there he’s got five in this race embarrassment of riches in the novice

Division the British challeng is absolutely dire in this race only three runners one of them is the greay man who’s about a th to one any he so I just don’t think Mullins is going to miss I think that b burn will win it’s a very difficult race to find an angle in

Outside of him because all of the big dangers are also trained by Mullin so even if Mullin doesn’t win it with belly bur he still won’t miss will he no no no it is that straight forward Tom Nan did we get a winner on Finders Keepers no no

No winners at this just that sort of day isn’t it just that sort of day no nothing is going right but look there’s there’s worse problems out there so we’ll we’ll line up the next drop in a few minutes to give ourselves some Breathing Room have your Patty par

Accounts at the ready because we’re going to do another drop across 10 accounts yeah and if you did get up and you want we’re looking forward to the cross Chase and he decided to go back to bed get back up again and log in to your Patty power account and he could have

Five grand we’re going to be doing our final drop in a couple of moments valy bur simple how far does he wi win by oh that’s an interesting question um sure could be eight or 10 could it be could be yeah yeah yeah yeah I think it’ll be

A long way yeah okay so we’re all we’re all with Bal bur what I want now is the horse to finish second to B burn P pred is C Atlantic Mercury Mercury that’s surpris yeah he was impressive wasn’t he when he won last time 22 lengths of it

Was a fous wasn’t it it was only ma her but time was okay they say he’s been working well vibes from the Earth are very strong about Mercury Tom didn’t show what B bantique to finish second as well we’re on the same page Tom that was the Gallaher novices hurdle it will be

Another glimpse of the potentially hugely exciting Bal bur moving on to the 210 is the brown advisory nav’s Chase and lo and behold we’ve got a Willie mull Str favorite this time it is fact to file who was a slightly more bable price actually a four to five fact to

File with Patty power stay away Fay is 130 Monty star is next to American to 5 to1 12-1 American Mike who has of course beaten Factor file already this season sander Ken is 22 to1 and Gio vinko is the outsider of the sex T at 25 to1

Right I’m going to start here rers I’m going to start here I think fact toile will be beaten today why I think stay away Fay is going to turn this into a proper test I think it’s going to get really ugly up the straight and he’s a

Proper Street Fighter he’s the one I want on my side cheek piece is on Nicholls in a three M novice Chase around chatam this is like this is huge for Paul Nichols this race defines Paul Nichols the season yes I know he’s probably going to be Champion trainer

Again but he needs to get a big chatam Festival winner again in a great one I know he’s stage St tomorrow but this is the one this is the one who could be running the Gold Cup next season and I think in those conditions with the cheek

Pieces on he won the Albert ble last year he’s not as sexy of course he’s not as fact defile but I think he might just do it and I think 130 is decent value Mullins doesn’t miss DJ fact to file looks like a superstar didn’t he absolutely routed GIC Warrior

G Warrior was out on his feet was but hold on a second hold on a second the AR yesterday DJ gaay Warrior won the arle yesterday but the GIC Warrior who won the arle yesterday was not the gayc warrior that ran at lepon they are two different horses so anybody pin their

Their their their claims for for facta file on Gayu yesterday is wrong but the time suggests that fact file beat him senseless you the time solid for for a match let’s not forget that was a match yeah it was a good time yeah but gay you knew he was a different horse yesterday

I don’t think he was factor I was that good he just beat him outside maybe maybe I could just see I can see your point I can see stay away F coming off that home turn grinding away in front in the cheap pieces and then you know Mark

Wolsh turning up on F to file h the bridal and Away goes Pit’s cross like up the hill another Mullins winner waving to the crowd Mullins don’t miss m do miss m plan I think you might in this um yeah I’m with you we don’t often agree

Do we think maybe this is a bad song no you told me you didn’t my blazer uh no I like stay away f as well uh I think faile if he was mine I would want to see him in the Turners I’m half surprised they ran him in this race

Because I think he’s quite quick he’s classy and he’s got turn a foot and I’d have run him in that race um stay away Fay you know Albert Bartlett winner that form’s working out great um has done very little wrong over fences the cheap PS is okay they’re acknowledging that

You know he might not have the pace of the other horse but if you look at it Factor file has been beaten by American Mike who you don’t know what he’s going to do depending on what side the B he gets out of then he’s won one credible

Race really because the other one was a match now I have no doubt that he’s very classy and again there’s a hell of a lot of hype around him you know future Gold Cup horse and all the rest of it but ultimately he’s got to go out there and

He’s going to have a real test I think we we’ve spoken about the tactics and how stay away fa is going to make this a real war of attrition I don’t think that was suit fact to file and if you’re talking about prices you got four to

Five versus 100 to3 I’ll take the 100 to 30 every day of the week go for it there we go it is stay away Faith myself and Maddie in the brown advisory Patty there’ll be a lot of people watching this and they be saying to themselves

Okay born is 4 to1 yesterday we ly M was long ODS on statan was long ODS on why is Factor file 4 to five why is Factor file not two to five because uh Factor file is based a good bit on I mean I understand there’s that one performance

That that graah was talking about but uh there’s some good horses in here like stairway F obviously a proper horse Monty star is what I fancy I think a real proper horse for the future and even sandor tan these are ones on softer ground might might just come into it if

It becomes that D test you I mean they might just come into to us so I think that’s that’s the reason why is the factor file there’s a lot of hype around us like I mean Tony Mullins was saying that the preview night we did like Das

This horse would be Cal and Des shop in the Gold Cup or whatever you know and maybe you would like we look at Corbett’s cross yesterday I mean that could happen you could genuinely see that but I you’re you’re paying you’re paying odds on to see that you know I

Mean to to get involved in that so State what if they would have beaten Corbett’s cross in the Albert Bartlet last year he had ran out of the last well there you go so that so I think that so I I think that it’s a deeper race then like it

Could be very um lazy to just say Mullen doesn’t miss and just go stop there stop looking after that right but the um but I think this is a deeper race only six Runners but like there’s probably like you know three four of them have a

Chance okay and and we’ll come to your you have a runner later on yeah H we come to that in a moment in the in the grand annual the Henry de Bram head stable yesterday we saw slay steel we’ve seen his second third and fourth in the mayor’s hurdle everything was running to

The maximum of their potential yesterday with Monty star Henry is not a trainer that gives a whole lot away but I just thought on the lead up to this race every time I’ve asked about Monty star he’s been very very keen and just saying how much he actually does really like

This horse yeah funny I bumped into uh to Mike Maloney in the airport on the way over he’s one of the owners himself and his brother uh Barry but uh and he was just saying I mean he’s just like he’s an owner obviously fancies his

Horse but like his eyes lit up when he was talking about it and just saying oh Jesus Rachel loves it and loves the way he jumps and everything I’m just you know you’re looking at it there and he wenton over three miles and heavy ground to punch down last time didn’t miss a

Twig like really jumped well the whole way so ground should be fine trip should be fine you know and there is there has to be a small doubt about Factor file getting the trip because he’s so quick obiously the answer to that is he might

Just be that good that he can go quicker than we’re going to find out today aren’t we and that’s the beauty of it that’s why he’s four to five and not two to five that is why def file it’s four to five and not two to five Tom are you

Just keeping it simple Mullins does a Miss um I think so yeah I I we’re skirting around the fact that maybe how hard how highly he’s held in guard at home um I think he was performing so well in his bumpers H in spite of not

Being a bumper horse at all um and they’ve obviously bypassed the the the novice hurdle campaign to kind of FasTrack the whole project um I would say he’s going to turn into be a very top class open company jaser in time and and and as you said Willie from a very

Early stage like for horse obviously Florida Perl we know went straight from bumpers to H Chason but Willie without even being like we Wen even trying to tease it out of him he he he openly said in the preseason stable tour that he adors this horse that this is the one

He’s really looking forward to in years to come and when he kind of offers that information without it being kind of teased out of him speaks volumes doesn’t it I think it does and I think four to five could potentially look big and deal it’s 8 to 11 now 8 11 we

Go stay away for 830 dfts to 7 to2 and uh Factor file is now 8 to 11 from 4 to 5 those are our selections as you can see on the screen myself and Maddie are staying loyal to Paul Nichols with stay away Fay currently he’s 72 now he’s on

The drift from 130 at rers Mullins DUS and Miss in fact to file for him and Monty star for Patty power that is the brown advisory novice’s Chase and before we get stuck into the caral cup don’t forget to like And subscribe to our YouTube channel on the racing post

Terrific content on there throughout the week plenty of little nuggets that you need to watch so don’t forget to like And subscribe to our YouTube channel on the racing post so if you thought the first two races were really easy we’ve got B bur we’ve got fact toile we have a

Corking handicap that is devilishly difficult to solve and currently built by balore he’s been the big plunge horse in the last 24 hours is currently a 4 to one shot sest will it be Willie Mullin chasing a hattrick in this race after the first two races sest is 9-2 langard

Dan last year’s winner is 13-2 Bal Adam for Henry de bramhe head has been very well supported into 8 to1 haven’t been as big is 16 to1 not so long ago I know uh couple of shrew judges are very keen on Bal Adam Dy De Grace who who probably

Would have been favor for this race if the Henderson stable were in good form is next in the mark and we should say Henderson has taken out a couple of horses today he’s taking out John Bon he’s taking out First Street out of this race and he’s taken out one other horse

On the day at Kingston Street I think as well so we don’t yet know if Daddy deg great will definitely run but Daddy theg great is drifting out to a back price here and he is extremely interesting isn’t he yeah he’s I’m going to stick

With here DJ I’ve had him in mind since he obviously finished fourth didn’t he in the BET Fair hurdle which the form is really good isn’t it the the the third God Dante and the fifth finished first and second of course in the Imperial cup at sandon on Saturday and the time backs

Up there it was a really good race for all that Iberico Lord disappointed yesterday I think he was just one of those Henderson horses who who’s got the bug it is obviously a bit of a worry that Henderson are running so poorly aren’t they generally speaking but liia

Did a course run a big career best when third in the champion hurdle yesterday and like you’ve just said he has taken out loads and loads of horses today and he’s talking about potentially making them Runners tomorrow and on Friday how can you bag ddy the great well why has

He left ddy the great in there you know does he think that he is not affected by the bug for some reason but we don’t even know if there is a bug well I think there there must be something there mustn’t there I mean I don’t remember Nikki Henderson coming into a cheltam

Festival and just having so much go go wrong it’s just it’s an absolute disaster so far by from his standards isn’t it not at least with Constitution Hill not making it but you’ve also said there and I think it’s a good point he would have been favorite for this race had the bug

Not come along you’re now looking at getting probably nearly double the price that you would have got without the bug if he’s not got the bug it’s all a load of nonsense isn’t it so I’m happy to take the chance double the price that you would have got before doy the great

Let’s hope that he’s like liia and not affected by it okay we should say an alleged bug cuz we don’t actually know what it is but toddy the great so you’re you’re you’re Keeping the Faith you’re hope toddy Grace turn toddy the great turns up in really good wellbeing and is

Going to do but he’s definitely well handicapped because he’s one he’s one over two mile five as well hasn’t he and he’s he’s got really good form over two miles so I think he’s going to improved going up in trip he’s got loads of positives about him doy the great apart

From the alleged bug yeah yeah yeah we say alleged alleged yeah alleged okay I’m sure there’s bug yeah okay Dy great for gra rodway he’s sticking to his guns M PL this is now this is your type of race you’re you’re one of the upand coming judges in the race and post and

You have made your name p all right Patty I thought it’s been in as she’s up and come she’s already there oh sorry yeah I I was going on age you know her future is ahead of her Patty H and one of the reasons you’re sitting on this

Very couch this cozy comfortable couch is because you have been able to solve races like this time and time again so no pressure built up now give us the winner I have a sneaky one but before I do I want to talk about G Rod’s theory

In that lucky place was the one that I was really interested in and obviously he’s also trained by Nikki Henderson and it’s a question of every horse has its price right I mean they will drift out to a price that is attractive um that’s just a fact so I’d definitely be keeping

An eye on him and see what what price he goes um got great form behind the likes a golden Ace t a name disappointing yesterday but I think he’s a good ground Horse gidley Park um and Henderson is the leading trainer in this race with

Four wins but the one I like um who’s a bit of a crazy one I’m not sure what price he is now he’s never going to get it onto that graphic um I think I took 50s a few days ago whoa here we go um black bamboo black bamboo very un

Exposed yeah I this hor went into my tracker after the Dublin racing Festival I thought he had absolutely no chance of getting either into this race or into the Martin pipe and it’s just so happened that he has got in um look he needs to improve that’s there for all to

See but I think he will um he’s beat one of the decent Pense Runners ales Amin in a bumper he’s not a bumper horse he was a running on five length third to High Class Hero at gway that could look really good form and if you watched that

Dublin racing Festival six last time that was over three miles he was really unlucky in the Run um the hood was on that day it’s now off I think 2 m five strong Pace competitive handicap at this track is really going to see lots of improvement he was also pretty

Eye-catching over two miles the run before he’s not a two mile he’s not a three mile this is his trip uh he represents quite a shrewd team and I was sort of putting it out there in The Press Room yesterday black bamboo you know he he got no chance and everyone

Seemed to not quite put me off so yeah what price I’m not sure 33 to one black bamboo for Maddie play yeah we’re giving it a go there we go we’re giving it a go we’re biging up black bamboo for M play and for an extra bonus Point Maddie now

If you get this I’ll be extremely impressed okay black bamboo is trained by John Murphy yeah John Murphy trained a champion Chase winner Once Upon a Time what was his name new Mill there we go she’s got the double up well done Patty what wins the Carl cup uh M went for one

End of the handicap I’m going for the other I’m going for B Adam I know you you biged up at the start and it was well tipped up I just think you know obviously open race handicap giving away top weight but just as all the runs at

The festival have been good and this step up and trip I think is is is finished fifth in the last two Cy hurdles I think and this Step Up on trip should SU has been running over further and uh ran really well in the Supreme previous of those so I think Bal Adam

Course for you know bit of a Henry Henry love in for me today but uh but yeah I think Bal Adam could could definitely get involved again would you believe one of my strongest fancies of the day is in this race and it’s 20 to one I’m very

Keen on shamb Bal kid for gigginstown Willie Mullins Michael uliv Michael O solivan he was initially jocked up on black bamboo and I was rubbing my hands together but I’ve not got a bad replacement in Shan FL no absolutely not I think with Chan Bal kid he was really

Strongly fancied for a three mile race at a du racing festival and everything went wrong in the race he made mistakes at crucial stages and still turn him for home I to he a chance and I don’t think he fully sees out three miles I think

Two M five is perfect for him and he’s a he’s a horse we definitely haven’t seen the ceiling of his ability you know he beat Monty star in a maiden hurdle H last season he’s got loads of ability and I think alamark 134 a 20 to one I

Think shamb Bal kid is very interesting Tom Nan Carl cup Carl cup H paty we a car out together and he talked me into B Adam so I’m with him I think yeah I actually stole his [Laughter] tip okay I was hoping you’d come to me

Before him so it’s Bal Adam for the two Jens at 8 it looks like the perfect trip for Bal Adam cuz he obviously run really well against Irish point over three miles H in that race at Christmas so there we go those are our selections it

Is shamb Bal kid for me it’s black bamboo for Maddie it’s it’s dony the great for gra rodway and it’s Bal Adam for our two Patty power buckos Patty power himself and Tom nent and before we get stuck in to the champion Chase and roders tells us again why Edward stone

Is going to win we’ve got another drop we do indeed uh the clock is already running there because we were we’re wondering where we get we’re going to get a word in edgeways but there’s another 50 Grand dropped in across uh a couple uh of Patty power accounts will

Be re revealing at names and locations across the next 13 minutes or so as the timer runs down but there is Cash in there H if there’s a few quid in your account that you didn’t think was there before all you have to do is log in find

It withdraw it or have a small bet and it is yours to claim so that’s Finders Keepers we’ll be back to reveal more shortly let’s hope we have a couple of winners as well we need to get a winner today to to get a bit of a good feeling

Going for Wednesday at the chatlin festival so before we get stuck into the champion Chase let’s hear what Brian Cooper had to say about his career I’d surgery there 4our surgery in gler and then the next day I was rushed to Bristol and that was probably one of the worst

Experiences of my life now I was tough I was there for 10 days um had a 9-hour surgery um had like going that I had to signed this form before I went down to say look there’s 50/50 chance here you might come back up at no leg and I

Remember when the doctor said that to me I was like oh my God [Applause] of course you want free bets of course you do go on to racingpost tocom free bets and you will see some very nice free bets there so log on and you will

Get your free bets H patty just a word on that Cham rewind show it’s on the Patty power YouTube channel it’s a terrific watch and I just thought listening to Brian Cooper it was almost Harin listening to it and that day when he got that injury like you’d Wonder

Like how on Earth could even dream of getting back on a horse and to win all the race he did afterwards like it’s it must have taken immense mental strength for him to get back jockeys are mad aren’t they I mean but like it’s it’s I’m just sitting there like just like

Mouth open nearly listen to himself and Ruby like Swap War stories about which hospital did you go to all right no I went to the other one this all this this this this this parallel universe life that we know I remember I had an issue

Once with h with the with my neck and I remember ringing Ruby asked the name of a specials he was gone oh no no he’s the knee no no no he’s the hip no he’s the 40 like he had all these this list of special that he’d go to but but yeah

Brian Cooper was it was such an interesting day because uh he’s so honest like it’s so honest and it’s just you can really you really feel for him and you can really you kind of you almost live live through it with him while he tells you the story you can

Really see it he’s only he’s a kid he’s like he’s sitting there now’s he’s obviously older now but at the time like we we we forget about the pressure of of of that the jockeys go through especially like if they’re having issues with mental health and all that kind of

Stuff I mean it was just it was so honest of them I thought it was really really enjoyable afternoon for me and we went for loads of points after which was deadly as well but it was it was great one yeah double whammy and have and it’s

Looking at BR he just looks happy he looks content totally you know what I mean so fair play to Brian you can watch that excellent Cham re rewind show on Patty peris’s YouTube channel and we’re going to get to the Champion Chase but I know there’s a lot of concern about

Sergino a lot of you probably have Serino in a lot of anti-st bets he has been declared for the trium ferle so so the dream is still alive at the moment for Serino I know there was a lot of talk for him not being declared but he

Has been declared Serino we’ve got some names and locations and we have a winner DJ Johnny indon Garvin congratulations you’ve bed yourself a nice view quid H if you know of a Shane in Wexford Elaine in London Charlene in Newcastle Megan and clacton on SE kin in London Lan in

Liverpool M starbridge Osman in TR or Keith in Kenny make sure you’re H logging into your Patty power account there’s a few quid in there for Finders Keepers you’ve got just over nine minutes left to claim it if you don’t claim it it’s gone and just to mention

As well DJ on the first drop no winners of course but Patty per left 500 grid behind in HDD accounts just to say thanks but hard look the there we go so that’s five winners who have won five grand this week h thanks to our Finders Keepers competition you find it you keep

It if that’s your name if that’s where you live you got to log in to your Patty par account now it’s time for the future on day two of the cham Festival it is the Queen Mother Champion Chase and of course the big breaking news this

Morning is that John Bon will not be running against El fabiolo and that means El fabiolo last year’s arle winner is wter tree Edward stone is next in the Market at 6 to1 it’s 7 to1 Captain Guinness Al alexir duts is 22 to1 then you’re into gentleman the Mia 33 to1 6 6

To1 h Booth Hill and fol saola is your 100 to1 Outsider of the field so graem rodway we did you did kind of tease Us in at the start of the show telling us that Edward Stone would beat Al fabiolo it’s now 10 n you’ve had 40 minutes to

Think about it have you have you managed to find some sense well I have spent 20 minutes and Mullins doesn’t miss course as well there could be a bit of a contradiction yeah getting into my head now but um I just think that that this is this is a golden opportunity for

Edward Stone like last season he was the outstanding two mile Champion Chaser have to stop yet we have another winner oh sorry you mow there I know yeah Shane and Wexford excent he’s H he’s he’s nabbed another five grand so we’ve got two winners in our second drop if you

Know Elaine in London uh Charlene in Newcastle Megan in Clon onc kin in London Lynn in Liverpool em and starbridge Osman and TR or Keith and Kenny you’ve got just over seven minutes left congratulations to Shane and Wexford and Johnny in Don Garin who have already bagged the Finders Keepers in

Our second drop excellent six winners for the week it’s going well why stopped your midf flow continue yeah I was telling you how Edward Stone was the best two- mile Chaser last season wasn’t I and how he came into the the champion Chase and we thought oh yeah noine was pretty average

Wasn’t he until he absolutely hacked up in the champion Chase last year Edward Stone was 15 to8 to win that race he was beaten 64 L clearly wasn’t right was he that day and I just wonder if maybe at the start of the Season Alan King

Thought we had a few hard races going in there didn’t we had that one against theer was it I think was the horse where he he and yeah and he had a he put up a big performance at sand down where he freshed called specialist Green Team by

Like nine and a half lengths which is his best run I just wonder if the start of this season King thought maybe we’ll take a different approach this time build him up a little bit slower because he certainly was very weak in the market when he turned up against John Bon here

First time out in the on the old course wasn’t he and he he joh B fres him he did get a little bit closer to John Bon next time when he was a bit stronger in the market suggesting he was probably a bit closer to his Peak yes they had that fouled experiment

Over two and a half but I wonder if that actually did them a favor because he went off he was too Keen wasn’t he and they thought oh was too Keen here if we go and blast him over two miles which exactly what they did at newb maybe

We’ll get some results he was absolutely superb one by 40 lengths it was his second best performance behind that one at sand down when he when he frash green te and this year unlike last year when he was coming in off the back of a defeat

He’s coming in this year on nearly a Peak Performance he’s he’s right at his Peak at the right time and I think if there’s a way that you can get El fabiolo beat is to really get him at it early get that that that questionable jump you know Nico dville has been

Talking about hasn’t he on recent post channels at times he was saying on we might be able to just find a little bit of a in El Fabio’s jumping the acid test comes today for El fabiolo and I don’t think he’s going to pass it DJ he’s your Banker of the meeting my

Banker of the week Edward Stone you heard him you heard him his Banker of the week is edwardstone no temperature okay he hasn’t convinced me but it was a good attempt have to say fairness like that was that was that was roders in full flow that was Edwards St over the first

Four feds today so very well done even if it loses you’ve made a compelling case so well done thank you if I get beat by captain I think I’ll give up the game oh really be clear doesn’t stay does he that’s the worry about him isn’t

It like Edward stones will go off really fast gonna make it a test Edward Stone stays make on this ground Captain Guinness fast TOS will he stay DJ Captain Guinness uh he’s not a strong stair but I think he could he could potentially finish second I think but

Hopefully yeah behind Edward Stone so he hasn’t convinced me I think Al fabiolo is just a different class of Le what do you think man I mean the betting will tell you that the likelihood is Al Fabio is going to win but I am actually with G Rod

Oh I think Ed mad is worth a go it’s annoying that John Bon’s a non-runner now and we don’t have each way betting down to three places but a reminder of some of the the short price favorites to be beaten in this race in the last

Couple of years shishkin at 5 to six shakum P 8 to13 uh Dey Dy at 2 to5 duvan at 2 to9 undo at 4 to6 and Sprinter sacker at 9 to4 wow that is some good stats Maddie you think there could be another hotop be today

I mean he’s got the ability to win this St handstands as Neel fabiolo but I’m a firm believer in his jumping frailties I think he sometimes he just doesn’t make a great shape over a fence the trouble is he can just bulldoze through them and he’s just too classy but with the

Tactics here if Edward Stone goes off as he did in the game spirit that was an rpr of 170 L Fabiola can do that in his sleep but that’s going to put pressure on his jumping we know that Edward Stone stays this trip very well at his best

He’s a really Top Class to Miler and I just think at the prices I would much rather take a chance because we know that upsets happen in this race Patty will you talk some sense into the people leader side of me well listen I I think

It’s it’s kind of funny uh that we’re saying Al fabiola’s jump and all that kind of stuff like his form is one one one1 one1 one1 one1 think he’s a great jum with a little little dot that means Infinity doesn’t a little dot or recurring or whatever but uh uh but I’m

Like I’m the same I’m thinking Edward Stone has a sque oh my God I just yeah I don’t know I love this and I love the idea of Edward Stone just going out there this is it’s a great obious the Sprint race over fences like and it’s

Just just going like hell for leather like literally it’s all on the line Tom kanon’s gonna have to just get the the fractions right or whatever just you can’t miss a twig right and he’s just going to go for it I mean it must be

Such a thrill to be able to ride that race and just go for every single one every single job just go for it and you know if it doesn’t work out it doesn’t work out me think Edward’s probably winner BST isn’t he I mean he could set

It up for Al faola of course he could like it could be a tear away and then Al fabola could just be hacking behind but uh Edward Stone might just get in get get up that hill yeah I think Edward Stone might might okay so unbelievably

Uh it’s not a comedy show H we’re actually trying to find winners here and good morning chatam but we have three votes for Edward Stone Tom Newton don’t do it to me I can’t I can’t take anymore no just just for your own Peace of Mind

DJ I’ll go with you I’ll go with L folo I think sometimes H and and it is a pitfall uh at at a big meeting big Festival we’re all here to talk about racing and there’s a lot of short favorites and you you try and convince

Yourself to come up with an angle but maybe sometimes it’s as straightforward as it looks and I think this is going to be straight that travel DJ is uh it’s working out a few minutes ago just about six to four the double was about six to

Four yesterday so an extra leg to get the same reward today so it’s it’s B burn Factor file Fab working at six to four p and like obviously Factor file is the is making the price for you you okay Oaks there we go look at the screen in

Front of you there we have three votes for Edward so Maddy roders and Patty per with Edward Stone and I think Al fabiolo is just different class to him we’ve got a minute and 30 seconds left Tom yeah still a bit of time to claim H your few

Quid in finders keeper so if you’re Alaine in London Charlene in Newcastle Megan in Clon on K in London Lyn in Liverpool Emma in starbridge Osman in TR or indeed Keith in kilig all you have to do is log into paty per account there’s

A few quid in there and you have uh just over 60 seconds to win claim it withdraw it or have a small bit and it’s yours to keep if you don’t get it but by the time the clock runs down it is gone it is gone so log in to your accounts right

This second if youve just joined us and you’ve just woken up thanks thanks for joining us but the breaking news this morning is that there is no cross country today and there’s no cross country tomorrow or on Friday it’s off unfortunately no cross country chase at this year’s chatam Festival so it means

The penultimate race on the card is the grand annual and Liberty Hunter is currently our four to one favorite our great friend of the show Paul key what a legend that man is this is his Banker of the week he can’t say a sentence without the words Liberty hunter in it currently

Four to one shot shot he started that plunge two months ago on Liberty Hunter at big double figure prices he’s now 4 to1 favorite and Madar is decks the market a 5 to1 Santa is it a big plot for JP and Willie Mullins at 13-2 it’s 15-2 about saf forare for gelli there

With so many horses run well yesterday but just didn’t get one home in front safer is a 15-2 shot 17-2 last year’s winner mascada it is 9 to1 bar Patty we’ll start with you here because it’s a big day for the power household the folks Tiara who’s been a terrific horse

To own over the years because runs a Christmas at Lepard down Dublin racing Festival now the chelon festival what can you tell us about the folks Tiara uh I can tell you that if we get a massive Heat Wave between now and what times at 4:50 um we’ll have a well strange things

Have happened the P tipped Edward so we could get Barbados like temperatures yeah the ground has gone on us to be honest now like he run he he he’ll run well I think he’s well handicapped I think I would would have fancied him at a massive price actually because the last day he

Won on boxing day in st’s day at lepers in the ground was good and then it went soft and after the next day last rain or whatever and then he at the Dublin racing Festival he got well stuffed by Madara uh but that was the ground like

Rachel came back in he absolutely hated the ground so I I figure it’s going to be more of the same today but he’s here we’ll run and we’ll have a go and you know you never know might Nick a play or something like that and uh and look

There’s a big gap between now and anry and then punches 10 every like that so like you’re right it’s it’s like it’s a dream to have a horse that could bring it to festivals you know and so like if it’s not today hopefully it’ll be a hope

Or or whatever and my friend and your friend Johnny Denine who was on the show earlier this week he’s really keen on Pat daroo in this race pataro was upsides well you were just in front at Christmas when pataro fell at the last so if you’re fancy in pataro you’ve got

To give to folks some sort of chance if the ground doesn’t obviously hinder exactly that’s that’s that’s the truth I was talking to Henry this morning about it and uh and the conversation started with uh do you still want to run you mean it’s probably not a great message

But uh but like to be honest he’s just said look we we’ll take our chances and like you know hopefully who knows you just if this is Cham you know wouldn’t know what might happen if the horse is going the horse might just might just relish it today but generally we we

Think the ground is too s and if you didn’t have a runner in this race what would you be backing uh so I think um the the Gordon Elliot horse safur safur safur yeah it’s good good effort yeah is um is is one that just it’s kind of it’s

Hardly snuck in at the bottom wayer and like that but it’s one that kind of probably have a big handicap like this in mind like like the rest of them for quite a while but uh and I think his as you said his hores were going pretty

Well yesterday it seems to have have kind of finding finding their feet a bit so I think safur could be could be well in here off 113 I think they’ll have a have a decent chance here okay there we go safer but H Patty is hoping it’s

Going to be a big day for the folk Siara again and the very best luck Patty we’ll be cheering you on Maddie you’ve H solved the Carl cup riddle well done with black bamboo a nice 33 to1 winner for you another uh tricky puzzle to

Solve what have you come down on here it is I love this race I think it’s going to be one of the most enjoyable races of the day actually I’ve fancied so many different horses in it uh Liberty Hunter but I’m not going to back him at 4 to

One the old Rogue Harper Brook I was talking about him sort of straight after he won Ascot because he was off the same Mark AS Global citizen he won this race for Ben Pauling and the megin um but again he’s been well touted on the preview there get and well back so it’s

One of those races that I’ve looked at aresh and I’ve come up with something and that’s something is Hardy to Soy um for Jamie Snowden now Jamie is not a trainer to be incredibly um bullish confident or bullish no I mean he has quiet confidence but it’s not often

He’ll come out and say we think this hor has got a great chance um and he’s got really interesting profile an rpr best rpr of 142 um when running in Chase is he’s running off 132 here really good run at sand down last time behind etalon who would have been really interesting

He turned up in this race um he’s got good handicap hurdle form beat the likes of isio and Jello um and Jamie basically said we’ve laid him out for this this has been the plan all year he absolutely loves soft ground loves an uphill finish um I think they’ve put the cheek pieces

Back on for the first time over fences just looks like everything is put in place for him to run a huge race 9 to1 I’d like a bigger price but you can’t have everything beautiful case well made 14s into NES in the last couple of hours

For Hardy doy in the grand annual for MD PL roders what do you like in the grand annual I’ve got a wild one for you here DJ wilder than Edward Stone wilder than Edward Stone yeah 40 to one at the moment with P power Jesus here we go

Watch have you come up with now jand yeah for Venicia Williams okay go on been running over two and a half but did really well last season had some really solid form and ran a really big race at the track behind Caribbean boy in April the time figure was really

Solid for that right missed loads of time but she got him out in the race that he run in last season behind the Big B and newb only 11 days ago and he shaped quite worth he traveled nicely through the race and he just faded as though he was desperately in needed a

Run right now they’re dropping back to two miles I think i’ strongly run two miles on soft ground venisha Williams type uh conditions aren’t they might just suit Garand here and I could see him running into a place at the very least and who knows he might even win

Janda 40 to1 for greme rodway for Charlie deuts and Venicia Williams best of luck thank you Tom um roll the dice here Patty was saf was another one patty talked me into in the taxi so how long was this taxi journey I thought stay in the traffic was horrific but H but the

One I’m going to roll the dice is unexpected party for the skeletons this could be a big um one a listed race in Chapo back in October and hasn’t been up to much since I went up to 146 back to 141 just thought it was in and Dan skeleton has

Said over and over again that this horse does not fully see a two and a half miles yeah so you just wonder it’s creeping down the handicap tumbling down the handicap actually is this his trip I wonder is there a bit of one man about

Him I think so I I think I think he’d be very interesting I think he he’ll give you he’ll give you a run for your money at Double figures anyway definitely okay there we go unexpected party I give a big chance to as well but Paul key have

Spent the week with him and he has convinced me that this is going to be Liberty Hunter’s day and he’s now a 4 to one shot it might look really skimpy trained by Evan Williams ridden by a master but I think 4 to1 is actually the right price I think Liberty Hunter is

Going to take to world the beat it’s Hardy to for MADD play it is Janda 40 to1 for Graeme rodway and it’s safare for Patty power in the grand annual and the sixth and final race on Wednesday it is the weatherby’s champion bumper always an intriguing event and currently

Jasmine devau is your 9-2 favorite jalon Darez is 5 one the choice of Jack Kennedy from the Willie Mullins Trio as Jasmine Devo is from the kly suton camp of nine for Patrick Mullins the yellow Clay is 7 to1 it is 8 to1 Cano it is 10

To1 you to know 12 to1 Tian and 14 to one bar are you a bumper fan Patty uh I am this year it’s it’s It’s Tricky though because like there doesn’t seem to have been that many outstanding performances and know there’s a lot of talk about you know nobody was sure

About who who was Willie mullin’s best bumper horse and all that and I kind of feel like with having done zero analysis in this I feel like Gordon Elliot has been better in bumpers this year than Willie and I’m not sure well actually you have to Stats on that paty no I

Don’t I don’t okay yeah so definitely has been better okay if I say with confidence it’s true right but um uh I just feels that way that it’s not the strongest year for Willie mull now he has a million runners in here and in fact there there’s hardly any English

Train runners in the race which is a bit of a joke really isn’t it like you think they throw a few darts like especially when some of the Irish ones haven’t looked as good this year but um so I think I think jalon dere probably is the

Best of the Irish because Jack Kennedy picked it I mean I’ve done nothing wrong with three wins on on his name but the one I’m going to go for just to have a swing at it because I think it’s not a vintage bump bunch of Irish bumper

Horses it’s six mile bridge for Ben Co Ben paing um because he won well at sand down wasn’t a huge performance but apparently wasn’t fully fit will be much better than that Ben Pauling seems to have a pretty decent bunch of bumper horses this year and this is obviously

The best of them so I think at a big price have a swing and uh but not not strong at all and you’re not on your own Patty because our Flagship tip start Mr Tom seagull in his pricewise column in the race and post in his anti-st

Pricewise column he tipped up six mile bridge at 33 to1 I didn’t see him in the taxi earlier did you not know there we go six mile bridge for Patty per it could be a British winner to bumper quiz question for yall the last British train winner of the weather

Beast Champion bumper was Moon r no wrong wrong I would say wrong goad Bal Andy Bal Andy was the last British trained winner of the champion bumper but Patty par thinks it’s going to happen in 2024 MADD what wins the bumper the yellow clay I think um keeping it

Somewhat straightforward which I don’t tend to do uh best form arguably in the race uh the best race as a guide is um the bumper won by Jobo mashin um at the D RF and watching that back the yellow K play massively caught the eye in fourth

I think he can reverse that form with you no um not worried that Jack kenley’s not chosen him I don’t think there’s going to be an awful L between any of these I think it’s a big guess up of a race um I can see the angle 4 six mile

Bridge I think Bill Joyce looked quite good um on what he’s done that has a chance Bill Joyce that has a big chance yeah so we’ll see what price he is um and whether I’ve won much money during the day I’m fancy reinvesting in Bill

Joyce but yeah I think for me if I had to pick the yellow clay but it’s it’s a race that I don’t have a terribly strong opinion of okay it’s the yellow clay from Aly PL rers I don’t really it’s a difficult race isn’t it DJ um I came

Down on cano which is the one that Paul townland is riding Willie Mullin is obviously is it Patrick gets the choice in this race is the so maybe I’m on the wrong one maybe P maybe PS on the wrong one but I don’t know he probably doesn’t

Even know um it it won a race last time at one of my favorite tracks your local one oh here we go what’s it called naan n as you like to call it D the coldest place in Ireland the coldest place in where na go yeah naen exactly I don’t

Know where he’s talking about yeah naan Nevada um it was a good time it was a solid time it was Heavy ground um and it was a big step up on his previous debut first time which I like to see you know maybe the a is improving it’s a guessing

Game this one and it the bumper real guessing game but um let’s hope I’ve guess right okay there we go canaco for rers because of his run at narvin H Tom h two at prices DJ a bit like Patty I kind of just hard to find

The star and you’re kind of trying to separate the wheat wheat from the chaff a little bit but uh uh two of willies at prices that I thought might be interesting Argento boy is one H he’s a half brother to Brier Hill H by a good sire in jukebox jewelry I’d say he

Caught them off guard when he won as well as he did um and that seems to be a team with the Jukebox Yu maybe their homework is average and they come to the track and they get the job done I think Brian Hayes h is in for a very good spin

On Argento boy and the other one is SATA chance who was second to Barry connell’s good bumper horse money who’s Frank theform just taught at a price in around 25 to one could give you a squeak for your money there so two at prices in the bumper excellent and honor was working

That day at fairy house and like that big raw individual I think they thought oh he come out a t for the Run cuz even David Casey was there that day and he said whatever he does today you’ll see a different horse down the line so interesting AR gento boy could be very

Interesting I’m with Alan didar is I think he’s the best bumper horse in Ireland I thought the way he stuck his neck out and really wanted to beat Redemption day at Christmas was the best bumper performance I’ve seen this season so I am with Jalan thear and those are

Your six races at chelam on Wednesday previewed and all that’s left to do now ladies and gentlemen is reveal our charity bets and we did make some money for our Charities yesterday thanks to Corbit cross who did the business in the National hunt Chase H Marie you’re going

For Hardy doy yeah initially I was Coco Beach but the cross country is not happening so that scuppered me a bit obviously um Hardley do soy yet think he’s been laid out for the race he’s definitely on a good Mark we’ll love the ground conditions and I think he’s value

At 9 to1 nice glow in your face in that picture there Patty nice profile pick I was going to say it looked great in there it looked much better than I looked today 1994 I probably wasn’t quite as long over but uh yeah um yeah Monty star said

It earlier I mean obviously Factor file could just be better and could go and win but I think it’s a deeper race than that I think Monty star is it’s it’s not sneaky form but it’s a slightly different type of form line going into the race and I just think everything’s

In his favor so and me and my Fortunes in that picture are going for Jalen Darez what your you’re going to do it aren’t you yeah Edward stone for me Mullins does Miss very best of luck with Edward Stone very look and Tom you’re not on the screen but we’ll give you

Thanks very much unexpected party in the grand oh nice thank you one unexpected party around about 16 to1 for Tom nent that is it that is good morning chatam for day two of the chatam festival my thanks to Patty par to Mad PL to gra brodway and to Tom nent I’ve been David

Jennings and thanks for watching best of luck enjoy your day hey hey hey hey hey hey hey


  1. People have been talking about the Cheltenham Festival, for months, and this is what we end up with. Complete and utter garbage. Can't wait for the Flat season to start

  2. You can bet your bollocks those accounts the money gets dropped into are absolutely dead. Still a great promotion but they'd never drop it in to peoples accounts that are actually active

  3. Zero chance of subscribing with such dreadful audio quality. Biggest week of the year in racing 🐎, your contributors might be providing great insights but nobody seems to have worked out if we can't hear them properly totally bleep pointless!!!😮😂

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