Golf Players

Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 110

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guests: Denny Neagle.

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Ryan McCormick:

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My script says what up when I wrote this last night I put what up I’ve never opened a show what up but I’m gonna do it what up I’m Frank nicaro lifelong sports fan longtime comedian I did that backwards look at that we’re off to a

Weird start Ryan why are you looking at me so no I mean at least you did it backwards instead of flipping it yeah I I know R I’ve done that I’ve messed it up anyway uh welcome to the show Punch signs I’m Frank Niko it’s day three of

His South Point residency ladies and gentlemen a man who has more hits than Barry Manalo a man who once danced with the chip andales on the Vegas trip we can’t find the footage he’s my vice presidential running mate for 2024 the Dean Martin to my Frank Sinatra he’s a

Hunka hunka burn in love but he got a shot for that he’s fine Denny Nagel ladies and gentlemen ladies there’s de oh there’s Dean Martin Sinatra and then turn there we nice job well done what picture was I and look at him there is and that’s not

T’s favorite image Trey don’t look look away his son is here and it’s just Gold Glove winner right there do you remember where that was or when that happened Turner that looks like the Turner Field Lighting in Grass oh yeah it was bad lighting that night that’s what it was

You remember who hit that little dribbl I do not remember that it’s probably Sean Casey right well he’s still not to first base if you look at that God how how great was sha Casey yesterday he’s the best man you know we you know we cut these little clips and

We we cut the clip to him talking about his first home run and I watched it twice that guy is he ever like not in a great mood never I’m telling you that’s that’s why that story about Todd hton there were so many stories like didn’t believe him there’s no way any human

Being can be that nice man but he really is something in the water in that Steel City I’m telling you what for all the good people cut Danny had a lot of it gallons of it Ryan maybe we should get you some Pittsburgh W oh oh oh boy right

Off the get-go two minutes in two minutes in the whiteboards coming out uh damn it where did you live what part of the town did you live were you in the North Hills I was in the North Hills yeah yeah the first year I stayed right downtown

At oh my gosh alagan something yeah Aly Center or the uh yeah I think that’s what it was Al Gateway Towers there’s a lot of place like walking stumbling distance to the Clark Bar and Grill right next to PR Stadium the Clark Bar we talked I was telling Matt ever about

That he didn’t he was a little too young for the Clark Bar I’m like everyone was too you needed there was a lot that went on Steve blast used to sit there and and drinks and very but all the players hung out there because ited by Keli John

Smiley and Spanky Spanky Mike laler Mike lav who I saw in Bradon a few years ago yes I went down for spring training I don’t know if I told you this I finally made it down on my 50th birthday with a couple buddies that was like 15 years

Ago it was a long time ago and we ended up uh we went to lavala owns a bar still yes I went in there and he’s just he’s he’s Spanky man he’s just just wobbling a little bit and I’m of course having a few drinks I’m like I swear you got the

Tag down on bream he’s said I was so close was a mess but what a great guy talk to him’s another another great dude yeah braon because they roll The Nightlife ends pretty early there in Florida yeah well you know they’re eating dinner at 3 o’ in the afternoon I

Know and I also remember there was a traffic light like every 20 ft like if you were it was like it was ridiculous anyway uh welcome to the show ladies and gentlemen Ryan McCormick is back in the producers chair Ryan what was your night like last night uh watching basketball

And taking care of a one-month old you’re one month old how’s now is Aubrey watching the games with you yeah yeah yeah I mean as much as she could see yeah now did she did is she sleeping well uh for about an hour and a half at

A time yeah okay wow jeez uh there’s one episode of Modern Family that was on last night where they can’t get Lily to sleep so cam watches Scarface with her so Mitchell comes walking he’s like what are you watching he goes Brian D’s misunderstood Masterpiece Scarface and

He go she can he goes I guess she just likes all the colors and it was like The Massacre scene in the nightclub anyway uh what did you do with Avery what would what did she watch or what did Trey watch or chase oh gosh telletubbies or

What yeah what Thomas the Train oh yeah God his younger brother Thomas the Train a little horsey from Vegas yeah but uh yeah kids I mean that’s you know little TV it’s just D another the one that I love that the holiday time was Polar Express that was that was awesome I

Remember that these guys wanted to watch it over and over and I didn’t mind I loved watching that back in the day that the that’s a little it looks a little creepy to me it’s a little creepy it’s like before they totally perfected commun uh computer animation uh and it’s just a little

Weird you know that’s Tom Hanks it it seemed like briyan when he was trying to talk to us from the Ryan the other day was across town trying to we had a bad connection yeah it wasn’t your fault it’s not your fault they still it’s 2024 we still haven’t

Perfected the internet there’s a someone brought up what’s that there was a lot of traffic in there yeah and by the way maybe it was too much hot chocolate what Polar Express oh see I didn’t get that I’ve never seen it um so R po Express I’ve never seen Polar Express too busy

Out with the ladies I’m going to get in trouble for that anyway kind like The Brady Bunch right Ryan he’s never seen thre company no okay uh hey we have three here what’s that Three’s Company right here yeah who’s Chrissy who’s Jack Mr Furley we’re gonna apparently I’ve

Been told that we’re GNA try to remove we’re gonna bring Ryan on the other side of the glasson the sneez guard Ryan is going to be we’re gonna we’re going to redesign the studio a little bit I’m told maybe after March Madness nice that way you’re closer to me how do you feel

About that yeah I mean that that pretty face deserves to be seen better I agree all right on the show today unfortunately we had to reschedule uh hembo uh his kids are sick and he couldn’t make the show so that’s all right we’re going to have Chris Andrews

Stop by talk about the giant handle going on behind us and the action’s going to start big time for the tournament the conference tournaments are wrapping up this weekend I took pit today pit money line so I have pit money line Roo for them to win they’re up by

Four or five against wake if they win that when pit wins that game Denny they will play the North Carolina Tar Hills who is his team Tom are we gonna have a bet well we’ve made some Wagers so here’s some of the first wager was on opening night of hockey I took the

Penguins he took the Blackhawks Penguins were huge favorites they blow a lead which is par for the course for them this year and I had to wear a Blackhawks jersey in the studio so that was B then uh we had another bet Penguins were playing Vegas here penguins are up two

Nothing in the third they blow another lead lose 3-2 so he came up with the idea on the 101st episode I had to dress as a Dalmatian so I came in with a Dalmatian costume which I’m returning to Amazon today don’t tell anyone so um

Yeah right we also had a bet you took the it for the freak Stars against you took the Stars one night against the knights uh for Chris for Chris Harrison was on the show that’s right it’s another bet I lost but I did win one

There’s one i’ I beat oh you had to come in as a penguin yeah so he was supposed to come dress as a penguin he didn’t but anyway one day well no the day you were supposed to you had like one of your daughter’s Little Penguin toys there it

Was very cute and I was kind of like he kind of lay down on the bed so a couple days later and our director like 30 seconds to show and Ryan stands up and runs out of the studio I’m like do Ryan ‘ Kenny had like a bag with him so I’m

Opening the show and everyone back there behind the the sneeze guards laughing Ryan’s standing on the ledge here in a full costume outfit or a full penguin outfit so he’s like a penguin I she a penguin so uh you you did satis for oh a penguin oh so hot why you start talking

Like Billy Madison you can’t stop pits up 2516 we’re up by nine Sean told so Ryan uh we’re going to make a bet I think the losers should have to dress up in all body paint of the opposing team’s colors now I get the point spread if

It’s Carolina versus pit no you get one and a half that is one and a no that’s because he’s like we’ one and a half goals in the pengu hockey and basketball’s a little different scoring is a little different okay is that a Steeler Show Oh I thought that woman

It’s a Cheetos bowling shirt I don’t know what’s going on out there I’ve seen some great bowling shirts around there’s a lot of bowling there’s a bowling tournament here we have everything at the South Point so make sure you come great athletes a couple them are smoking

Cigarettes outside the gift shop so this this couple weeks ago I walk into work and there are like people walking around with like crossbows and bow and arrows I’m like uh what’s going on there’s like an archery convention but it’s just so wild everyone’s just walking around with

Like these compound bows and they’re showing each other your bows and you’re like okay so I walked around really carefully that day oh excuse me no no after you sir after you I was going to say that’d be great if someone’s not doing too well in the

Casino flying across oh I just lost my lucky pen not so lucky today we were just talking about the Penguins we want to bring up this late breaking story do we have we have a a graphic of it right sure yeah Mario is coming out of retirement no Mario leie is not coming

Out of retirement again probably be yger though well speaking of yoger it is a story about yarmy yoger you know he came back they that was great skating with the team unbelievable with the mullets so look what happened today uh the Pittsburgh Penguins and that I’m reading

A tweet I’m allowed to say that shut up that is not going the tally uh so anyway they were supposed to have a bobblehead night tonight and uh the truck Got Hijacked no way filled with the bobbleheads is that what does it say Ryan uh yeah so wait what was that whoa

Y looks a lot different what was that what the hell so well yeah this one is saying that uh all the fans that are into tennis that were supposed to get Bobble tonight they’re going to move that to a later date so instead they’re going to give out vouchers that you can

Get you’ll have to come down to the arena and pick it up but it’s him like someone this sounds like J valuable bobbleheads yeah gritty decided to respond and oh he did yeah I want you to know it was me Game of Thrones yeah that was it it’s just a

Gift yeah you know okay first of all I hate the Flyers because you know you’re supposed to hate the Flyers if you grow up in that unsaid town you just said I love gritty this is the weirdest mascot in sports history I he’s just this orange thing with bug eyes but he’s been

He’s having a really good year and he already responded very I didn’t know that Ryan put that in there do you remember what Ma there was only one masc on we grew up that I remember vividly the Philly fanatic the Philly or the San Diego Chicken San Diego chicken was the best

San Diego chicken used to perform in like a minor league Parks I was coming up also he was great so one day at Three River Stadium they had we had the parrot right the Pirates had the pirate parrot I almost said the wrong so anyway but

They had this is like in the mid 80s when the Pirates were drawing like you know 10,000 a lot going on they weren’t very good so they had a a a chicken KN it was just called the chicken that became just the chicken it was the

Biggest crowd they had all year and I’ll tell you what he did not disappoint he was hysterical came out with the eye chart in front of the ums you know which I mean I was d i I had never seen him live I’d only seen him on this week in

Baseball like you know small Clips before ESPN how about that how about that well Allen but the San San I can say San you got spooked now Ryan I panick to name cities uh I have an aviator’s Jersey on today yeah this is the local AAA team

Yep uh that Matt neverett loaned me and if he’s not watching this one’s going to disappear from the bag because I like this jersey I’m going to keep this one but anyway uh Chris and Jeff parl will be in too Jeff parls who came in and maybe we’ll even talk about Danny will

Probably want to know about this bracket that we’re do we’re not doing a normal tournament bracket ah yeah Ryan’s father has this Jason McCormack yeah yeah what’s that his name is Jason yeah Jason Jason Bourne he has this this bracket they do and it’s it’s a it’s a whole you draft

And there’s a we we’ll go over this with Jeff it’s a tournament auction it’s a tournament auction where you auction teams and then whatever the seed is you get that number of points so if you have a 15 seed win a game oh and then it doubles or triples yeah depending on the

Seed you multiply that whatever round it’s in you multiply their seed number and get that many points yeah you definitely want to get a couple 12 SE right the 512 the 12 oh I shouldn’t have ruined my strategy they probably don’t know about the 512 matchups they

Never they never talk about that on TV how every year three out of four 12 every year you got to be look at those 12 sheets uh so anyway we’ll have a full show today it is March 14th 2024 and March 14th is better known as Pi Day Pi

Day because 3.14 is pi ah okay yeah see what they did there was it national Pi Day no it’s uh I and then I I Googled oh National pie day cream pie day don’t Google that anyway uh it it’s way different than you would think wow so I

Just would p and Ryan found this so that definitely not two girls so now we see oh you did a pizza pie did you do that for me a pizza pie that was very very that was a pie that looks like a pizza pie p a pie do that

Oh it does look like a pie I guess I guess oh that’s the oven I thought that was the lid to a pizza box doesn’t that kind of look like a pizza box oh it’s going in the oven I see and how old is that oven it’s not digital my God what

Is those archaic that does not look like but anyway happy pie day what are we supposed to the mits look more like pizza well the MS look like pizza that threw me I thought those were little pepperonis yeah all right so does anyone uh pie or pie or

Cake Man correct answer correct answer is cake pie cake pie your son says pie pizza pizza pizza uh I got to go cake you know me I don’t like to mix thing I don’t do cake and ice cream just give me a piece of cake CH pie ice cream cakes

Pretty oh dude you like ice cream I don’t like pie what’s your pie what’s your brand apple pie apple pie he’s so all American this guy baseball hot dogs apple pie my mom made me a really good apple piie yeah yeah all right there you

Go all right so uh anyway uh pit is up that’s good uh we talked about the bobbleheads oh Denny sent me this today we got to talk about this yeah we got to talk about that so we’ve been talking a lot about this fight uh Ryan and I

Started talking about it Mike Tyson is fighting Jake Paul Jake Paul I feel like he could fight both Paul BR I would I’d like to see Logan Paul knocked out too so it’s Jake Paul versus Mike Tyson Jake Paul a lot of people believe his fights are kind of handpicked and they yeah

Right I mean it seems like it yeah I mean look like I said the other day I give him credit he he can definitely fight you know but but yeah when it’s even the one guy that he fought Tyson’s brother yeah or Fury fur’s brother yeah whatever I forget his

First name the brother is it Nick Jackson Nick Fury Nick Fury believe he’s one of the Avengers or Samuel Jackson yeah he love with an eye knocked his eye out but you know and he wasn’t even the best boxer in the world even too you know he hasn’t exactly had

A great resume but he pretty much handled Jake Paul so right you got to think like anybody with any kind of boxing skills I think he’s only fought one person younger than 35 oh is that right oh I didn’t know that yeah wow so that’s the cuz I was going

To get into the ring I wanted the bull they didn’t let me on the bull there was a bull here coach Barry odm the football coach un got on for charity and wrote a bull and we all thought it was going to be like

No he got on a bull and he got thrown in how long like 2 point two seconds everyone’s like wow Frank could have done better I thought for sure Silverman on Tuesday would bring up that story too because that that country bar there on on S Trip s yeah Saddle Ranch saddle back

Ranch Saddle Ranch one of those Outback Mountain broke Back Mountain dude I wrote it and and somehow there was like a jagged piece of metal or something where you hold you know you’re supposed to C it like that and I felt something you know but I got tossed in four or

Five seconds you know whatever and I’m like I want to do this again the guy goes sorry dude you can’t come up here again I’m like gushing with blood my hands flowing whatever silver our mutual friend took took me to Cedar sign and I got like nine stitches in this finger I

Still you can still still see the mark and everybody’s like oh my God I hope he’s all right I come stumbling back in the bar like two hours later you let’s go shots oh my man Johnny loves that story there’s no quit there’s no quit in

This guy I’ve been there I’ve seen him do it uh Frank mergie is on Frank mergie I could tell a story about a bull riding but I really can’t because it’s not fit for this show we had a room seconds we had a roommate Christine uh and he

Probably already knows the story she injured herself on the bow that’s all I can tell you I’ll tell you on a commercial don’t look up cre pie so anyway uh Tyson Mike Tyson what I said don’t look up cream pie Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul so this morning Denny’s like check your

Instagram and I have to give credit where credit is to found it to me last night son Tre found it so all right so this this is what like a computer simulation you kids call it aian I so here we go the tattoo is very realistic here’s Jake Paul

All right then you got Mike Tyson this is how the fight’s GNA go okay first of all Iron mik a UFC ring UFC ring that’s vintage Tyson by the way there’s no face Tad on him was there so it’s old school Tyson so I’m like okay this is going to

Be a great fight I want to see how this is going to be great it’s going to be like a five minute video [Laughter] commentary and he’s dead that voice and he’s dead and he’s dead if only that could really be their oh my God I by the way that’s why

They’re both Geniuses because you know what that’s all that’s what America wants everyone by the way Mike Tyson was was the Jake Paula everyone oh he’s a bad guy he’s you know whatever he’s CRA now he’s like the underdog good guy is funny isn’t it how things can come full

Circle everybody loves him now everyone loves mik oh he was in The Hangover he’s funny you know he threatened to kill me uh yeah but anyway so we can’t wait for it’s July 20th I think and by the way so is it headgear we still know had no

Headgear Tyson’s not wearing remember oh Matt was here the other day yeah Matt was here because I suppose he was and then they announced that it’s notar now yeah because I’m like if it’s headgear that’s like and cuz they’re trying to get it actually remember he said they’re

Trying to get it sanction ased as an actual professional fight yeah no one’s good if it’s headgear I’m I’m I’m watching Hulu instead what are you seeing I’ll be on peacock with um it looks like they won’t wear headgear okay good all right cuz no one

Headgear we don’t even know if it’s Mike Tyson or Jake Paul you can’t tell and I hope it like I said I hope it’s not like the Floyd Mayweather against Logan Paul where he carried him a couple times you could see he actually did almost hold

Him up I’m like I wouldn’t mind if he did it for a round or so whatever and then just unleashes yes uh all right so we want to mention today is episode 110 and uh Denny wore a jersey you wore a number 10 Jersey yes I did did some

Shopping yesterday and he walked in and I couldn’t tell that it was a Chargers jersey yeah what did he say I said is that a commander Jersey cuz I thought well you know cuz that’s your team and then there was lightting everyone’s like hey idiot Justin H yeah it’s Jus so

Justin Herbert that’s a nice Jersey I like Justin har I I love Justin har I I was really hoping my commanders were going to draft him a couple years ago because we could have had him I don’t remember what we took that year I can’t remember but I was like God but but

Speaking of your commanders they did go ahead and grab Bobby Wagner oh they did get in they got Bobby Wagner linebacker who played missing this future Hall of Famer oh absolutely he went to the Rams for like what half a season or one full year but he had a good year with them

Too yeah he did he L the team of tackles now he went back to Seattle last year but now he’s uh he’s in the DC area I like that I like that sign so you got him and you got Austin Eckler Austin Eckler he’s a touchdown maker right

There dude that’s what I was saying yesterday too I’m not joking I wish they would make a run at like Mike Williams or something like that because you pair him up with Terry McLaren that would be an unbelievable onew punch and they still have that doson receiver that’s

What I mean he still he still has plenty of promise and you get Jane Daniels is what you’re thinking yes that that’s who want man you guys are sitting it too you get him with his with his talent man I mean that I I honestly think he’s the

Best overall NFL ready quarter in the draft well what do you think of the Bears what should the Bears do at number one well anyway the commander also added a center he not allowed to talk about it son of a I thought I had himbo the commanders what added what they added a

Center and two pass rushers from the Cowboys so following Dan Quinn over from the Cowboys oh nice really what Center was it what the um no Tyler baz Mike Webster huh and we definitely need we definitely need offensive line help and they got Ken frell the kid that was

Drafted fourth overall by the Raiders oh my gosh um and then they Dante Fowler Jr man see who who’s the coach of Quinn yeah there new ownership group man Magic Johnson let me ask you this maybe you know something oh Magic Johnson’s inv part of the group yeah well he usually

Wins um the uh the owner the new owner has only been wearing in his box he’s only been wearing colors of of Washington he hasn’t worn one Commander Jersey because he hates the name and wants to get it changed either back I don’t think that can ever they’re not

Going to be able to get the Redskins back right I mean there there was a petition for it I’m not sure what it’s at yeah I think that would be what other name I mean the what else what can’t be what was one my monuments or something I

Don’t know it was red something like the red not scorpions but the that was the one my Dad loved but it was like red Red Dawn Wolverine it was but dude it was like the Red Hawks I think it was it was something with like the Force right yeah

Red Dawn Red Dawn man try them Russians coming in man you’ve probably seen Red Dawn right K the the new vers he probably saw the new version you’ve seen the Original Classic man the original’s so good Patrick swayy I mean my gosh there’s so many stars in that up Charlie

Sheen Powers Booth oh man 500 CH Hey kid there was he throws a drink on the fire btown dummy knows Red Tails was it red tals red tals red no no it wasn’t that’s not very that doesn’t inst Fe oh man we’ll figure it out readed

Something Red Dawn would be the best I’m sorry all right so it’s episode 110 now we started doing the jersey numbers on like show 16 and we worked our way all the way up we skipped the 60s because it was a bunch of offensive lineman and he

Would show me a p like I don’t know who those people are but they make a lot of money so good for them so we did a 10 oh my God so it’s how many can Frank and Denny so we’re starting on bottom left that

Looks is that Chef yes it is I know that bat right there I know that’s exactly have you seen clips of his son I was just gonna say that his son if we can find a clip if we have time Gary Sheffield Jr just like him the same same

Swing and and but there’s one ball the the One Clip I’ve probably seen that you’ve seen crushes a ball you can hear it first and another guy that should be in the Hall of Fame oh 100% Sheffield Andrew Jones we talked about this on one of your appearances but Sheffield had

The quickest bat his ball made a different sound because you would think you could get a fast ball in on him because he did that no you could not sneak a cheese piece of cheese by him and I’ll tell you what I looked up your stats on Sheffield I didn’t use it

Because I don’t remember what they were but uh yeah yeah he he could hit all right so did you find the video If you do Ryan just let me know uh yeah it’s very quick it’s very quick yeah do we have it we want to see long video but it

Just flashes his uh all right his stance so so do you want to show it or no sorry yeah here it is there’s cheff Field’s kid bam look at that I mean it’s the spitting image of him and that’s the back flip that’s one of the most epic back

Flips and he almost ran the Umpire over all right moving on continuing on is that is that one of the Mannings or yes oh that’s Eli Manning right that’s Eli now I know the next guy too I do too go ahead say it Fran Tarkington this is

Probably one and Chris’s smile and Chris Andrews just walked in Chris if you want to jump in on these jerseys you’re more than welcome to join us uh the reason I say this about Fran Tarkington the reason I mentioned Fran Tarkington is when I was a kid and I had

His football card this guy I believe it was 48 thou when he retired he had 47 or 48,000 passing yards which was the he was the top top passer of all time and probably one of the best scrambling quarterbacks if you go back and watch 47,000 47 the little rain manes on the

These kids when I was a kid the numbers are in here there was nobody even close to him scrambling wise no no no chance and half the time he was running for his life because was on to B but also play but if you go back and after our show

Before Sports by the book we give you a 2our break between this and sports by go on YouTube Stay On YouTube look up FR Tarkington I mean scrambling for like a minute and all the old NFL films John say like that’s incredible come on and gets

In no chance when we only had three channels boy sit back let Granda tell you a story we had three channels there was a show on ABC called that’s incredible and what you guys call Tik Tok we call that’s incredible and that’s where all these Great Clips and great

Stories and Fran turkington was one of the hosts he was yeah he was good it was by the way it was back toback it was that in real people remember real people Byron Allen Sarah Stenson uh all right so any Fran Arington yeah i’ forgotten in the animals of History he’s still

Alive by the way he’s got to be up there yeah got to be 80 or 90 but I loved I had his football card and I loved him now there’s really successful businessman after yeah do you remember his appearance on SNL no okay so he made

There was a thing I mean it was in the script you know it was in the script it was kind of racial but I mean it was in the script you know what I mean it was a joke but a lot of black guys did not

Take it as a joke really yeah oh I I don’t know oh yeah I don’t want to repeat it right now another assignment for everyone watching the show by the way we have so many uh oh Michael cadri is here too Michael I just did his podcast you want to check out it’s

Called blabber brains you can check it out on my social media Michael says watching videos of both Tyson and Paul trying Paul looked like he was just doing a cardio workout Tyson looked like he was training to murder someone with his fist oh really his oh you should so

OD of character yeah yeah exact although Ryan you weren’t here the other day when I brought this up with Denny you’re saying that that Mike Tyson video we see him training in his underwear for some reason yeah uh that’s how we all train yeah okay um when I go to Lifetime

Fitness I usually go my underwear I go to uh planted Fitness me and all the Cougars anyway you’re saying Mike Tyson was in bed for two weeks after that yeah Tyson went on Rogan’s podcast and said that training was probably like 30 seconds where he was going hard are you

Serious and then he was in he was like bed read in for two weeks oh no that’s not a good sign that sounds like I’m believe that I think he’s yeah iron mic man that’s I we July’s gonna be now will you take will there will there’ll be a

Line on this Tyson hell yeah yeah right yeah people hear there they said they’re trying to get it sanctioned as an actual heavyweight fight as soon as I as soon as we get all the details you know cuz we got to get the date we got to get the

Site we got to get all that stuff oh yeah we’re going to take oh a lot of bus July 20th it’s at Cowboy stadium in Dallas so you know they’re going to pack that thing out and I think right now it was Jake Paul was minus 200 on one of

The offshores I think right oh man so I you you see Tyson money coming in on oh it started out likeus 450 or something right yeah so it’s been all Tyson money we’re watching that here oh yeah uh Ryan I’m puzzled as to the next person on

That collage there’s someone on a punch is no yeah you talking about the hockey player is that a you wore his jersey the first made on the punch oh he’s very small oh yeah’s on punch Line’s logo guy holding the Stanley Cup do you guys see

That Bor no I can’t see that yeah I know kind of Blends in with the you know what it was you talking about the Blackhawk no I I see it now but if you look at it at home his arms blend into the the punch Line’s logo so it

Just it looks like a tiny head oh I see yeah I didn’t see it our eyes are old Ryan I know yeah you you said he wore his clear as this jersey oh yeah Patrick Kane it is Patrick Patrick W Patrick W no no he didn’t have number

10 say Patrick finegan no Patrick go Patrick no Patrick I don’t know captain my captain starts with an S Patrick suban suban scalpel sharp Patrick Sharp never got that one I don’t know who that is all right you’re going black and white on us in this next 10 is that like

Satchel Page or something no is it is it a Negro League player no it’s black and white though wait what team is it that old Bost Boston Lefty Grove ah no it’s not is it really y okay that one I’m going to who is it Lefty Grove Lefty Grove I pulled

That one at of wherever you know all right let’s go down to the Houston Oiler is that Vince Young it is not an actual Oiler oh it’s when the throw but is that c no that’s not CJ St so it’s someone who was on the Texans and they were the

Throwbacks Tennessee Titans would have been a Titan oh he’s a Titan I’m sorry that’s right uh it’s not Vince Young like he said Ernest given current player oh my god oh is that the the the quarterback they got from oh from Kentucky um will Lis no no no he’s

White um I was thinking the other one no I’m thinking of uh Tyrod Taylor is it wide receiver Willis Malik Willis that’s what I thinking had the wrong guy not he number seven it’s not him either who that give us a clue uh he’s probably a hall of fame wide receiver he played

With the Texans and Andre Johnson before going to Tennessee Lyn Swan oh no um he’s a current wide receiver yeah his mother did he play with the Cardinals too yes oh um Whatchamacallit dude yeah he went from the Cardinals to the Texans to the uh flipped te drafted

By the Texans then to the initials can I just say Jeff who is it I know who it is I just D what DH I was I’ve been holding out I wanted to test Denny and Chris DeAndre Hopkins really Qui all right we got an Atlanta Brave in there I’ll let Denny

Take that one well jezz and what was the stats against me I don’t think they were very good right not for him not for him that’s what I mean yeah no exactly I didn’t even know they were that good for my my side but that was a fun did you

Know Eric caros was the guy who struck out the most I did not know that either I knew I had good success but I didn’t know it was we played a game yesterday with Denny yeah with the stat lines and he Eric caros you had him 16 times I’m

Still Blown Away by the Tony Gwyn stuff we talked about that at L Tony Gwyn hit 194 against this man and against uh like the Hall of Famers I saw a tweet the other day it was against Smoltz glavin and Maddox he only struck out like three

Times three times total yeah madx never got him ones Maddox hated him I knew yeah I mention at a lunch yeah yeah but you you Danny dominated but that is Larry Wayne Jones Chipper Jones chry and then that’s a oh you put a Vancouver grizzly grizzly in there is that baby yes it

Is you know you know why I knew that because when I was looking for a number 10 jersey in the lids shop yesterday I was like God I guess I’ll have to go with BBY you know I go I don’t I was never a fan of his or anything you know

And then and then finally I saw the Herbert ducked in behind there that’s the only reason why I knew BBY had 10 so that’s Mike BBY yeah I have a terrible story about my I’m not going to tell wa wait you can’t bet oh is this a

Commercial break story or is it a story you can tell on the show I could tell it very quickly you know any any Reno people listening no my good friend Paul soner he owned bullies a string of bar sports bars in re Paul sadly has passed

Away about 10 years ago in Reno yeah in Reno great great guy terrific guy did a bunch of stuff for the community this is when BBY was with Sacramento he’s you know hell of a player so he gets BBY pays him 6500 come on up sign autographs

You know on like a Thursday night or whatever the joint is sold out I mean there’s you know people all over baby comes goes I’m not coming unless you double it oh wow last minute last minute oh he’s in the car he goes I want to

Take care of my boys I’m not going to I Paul says well I didn’t tell you to bring all those guys we had a deal you he already paid them you know so Paul’s sitting there thinking do I pay him the 6,500 or just maybe I’ll just give $6,500 to everybody

In the bar spread it out he winds up paying B and as a matter of fact my good friend from Reno’s in town was for the Mountain West there’s a great picture of Paul and B holding the check and Paul Paul was like a big dude he was a big

Smil okay he is so mad he’s ready to kill him he’s ready to kill and anyway that’s my very brief but I’ve hated B ever since for screwing my friend Paul jeez I when I first started at the Funny Bone in Pittsburgh where Denny would

Come see me and this when was on Route 51 uh a lot of you said Pittsburgh ah he did what are we up to 80 80 80 is pit covering is pit winning what’s the score of the pit game I have I have money I’m taking some

South Point money maybe let’s go to pit where was the funny bone it was in a city damn it on 51 on Route 51 a lot of comics would come in this is like like early like days of comedy clubs they’d come in and they’d see it packed and

They’ go I’ll give me another thousand and that the owners would have to do it yeah because it was packed yeah it was packed I need another thousand or I’m not doing it and they’d go all right and they’ give him $1,000 um all right so

Mike BBY great look at that you the you nailed it and then we had a great story out of it uh I don’t the the dolphin is that Tyreek Hill cheah cheetah now there was one request I had Chris was a number 10 okay and he shows him catching the

Ball in the upper right hand cor is that the catch there that oh no no no that’s that’s not who it is Antonio Holmes no oh you didn’t put I did not I asked no you’re right it’s Santonio Holmes yeah okay I’m so I I asked for Cordell

Stewart and oh okay he wasn’t good compared to Santonio Holmes well that is and that looks like the catch Chris in the Super Bowl although I will say Cordell probably had it greatest turn arounds man you know when it looked like he was going to be out the game for him

To come back and have a couple those good years and he well he took us to a couple AFC Champion I I cell is disrespected you know yeah cuz he really did end up having a pretty DEC I’d love to see him in today’s game he’s one of

Those guys I think he would flourish and I think it was Ken wizen Hunt and uh whoever the other uh what’s that what was his nickname what they call him slash he was Slash man he played guitar for Guns and Roses too he was very versatile could catch he could pass I

Remember he had a a 90 yard completion against Baltimore and then he ran for like 70 yard I mean he was ahead of his time and you got to give credit to the Steelers and when he was at Michigan had maybe the longest comp yeah that game at

Michigan yeah uh yeah for Colorado yeah against Michigan right I that was like 90 yards he scrambled around like Fran Taron and he throws that D pass to Michael Westbrook yes the Westbrook I think it was Westbrook Westbrook I think it’s Westbrook yeah I think it was

Michael it was Michigan or Notre Dame it was against Michigan Michigan Michigan yeah that’s right uh yeah and he he heaved it yeah he had an arm I Cordell was great dude I met I met the real slash when I was with the Yankees after my after my World Series start you know

We’re in Mickey manal restaurant and he was like the most laid-back like going yes yeah did they have the Hat on that’s surpris he was a big big baseball fan my uh my cousin uh uh who had a 60th birthday party uh he’s friends with him

And he was supposed to and I was I was invited obviously my cousin and I got covid so I couldn’t go so I missed out on all these cool people to hang with he was at your cousin’s party yeah oh nice yeah he knows slash so slash you want to

Come on punch signes talk sports anyway okay uh last but not least you have uh the hashtag spot or the number sign as we call it that’s cup yep Cooper cup yes I was at the Coliseum and saw Cooper cup rip his knee I was at that game it was

Uh they were in town it was Seattle and I saw him go down and everyone in the crowd was like oh God and it was yeah there goes the season there goes the season there goes uh his career whatever and he came back and of course he had

One of the greatest Seasons a wide receivers ever had he had like I think including the playoffs it was like over 2,000 or something was a monster uh and he and he had a decent year last year although NCA saw a lot of his Thunder but good number

10 and you are number 10 right there I love it uh we’re gonna take a commercial break come back Chris you’re more than welcome to stick around we wanted to talk little brackets with you okay and Jeff parls is here I don’t know if uh we

Could bring we could we could have a force them up here remember don’t Google that either all right we’ll be back in two minutes more punch signes when you get back South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first class Las Vegas Resort did you know our

400 seat showroom is one of Las Vegas’s top destinations for live entertainment enjoy live performances by classic Vegas entertainers bands and Today’s Hottest comedians plus a rock and dance floor you can also enjoy live entertainment at the Grand View Lounge where you’ll feel all the Vibes of Old Las Vegas enjoy the

Music and if you love to laugh don’t miss the dirty at 12:30 our very own free comedy show every Friday night at 12:30 a.m. in the Grand View Lounge the dirty is 100% free so arrive early go to or call the box office at 7713 for today’s performances at the

Showroom and the Grand View Lounge when you’re ready for your favorite cocktail stop in and unwind at one of our seven specialty lounges there’s a bar around every corner cuz you’re in Vegas baby South Point Casino has plenty of attractions for the whole family catch a movie our 16 screen movie

Theater includes two x extreme screens for the ultimate in viewing sound and luxury after the show treat the family to a variety of treats at our oldfashioned ice cream parlor Kate’s Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and

Sundays at katees there’s something for everyone and if you still got time to spare our Bowling Center might be right up your alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great great place for friends and family fun 64 Lanes a pro shop snack bar and arcade and while the kids are bowling

You can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking the lanes for our more serious and professional bowlers the South Point is also home to a separate tournament bowling Plaza welcome back to punchlines this is a first for me we we have a full boat here we got we got this is awesome this is some of my favorite people in the world we have uh Denny Nagel who’s been here all week to my left Jeff parl and to my

Right the man who made it all happen Chris Andrews the director of the sports so four horsemen it’s like the old was it Notre Dame that had the four horseman sure yeah right that’s even before my time exactly I know we look at we’re all like Chris like whoa whoa whoa whoa who

So Chris uh obviously the tournaments are are going strong right now we got St John’s and Sean Hall go Rick ptin know pit is up by 12 that’s good for me uh what’s the handle been like what’s business like it’s been booming right you know I I think last week I was

Saying it’s always a little disappointing because I think the basketball’s great but the handle isn’t because the numbers are too good we’ve had a the handle has been unbelievable we’re about 25% ahead of last year great the same couple of days you know so hopefully we can continue it it’s a good

Good crowd in here today there’s a lot of people a lot of jerseys around and this is probably I would think that’s a good sign for the tournament next bowling Jersey the there’s a lot of bowling Jersey but that’s a good forecast for next week for the the

Tournament yeah oh well yeah sure it’s that’s always crazy and and it really since I’ve been here the not not so much the first year this is my eighth year here okay uh the tournament now outrights the Super Bowl wow yeah and you know Ryan and I were talking I saw

Something online they were saying that this year’s tournament will surp like double the Super Bowl well I was going to say not only outrights it outrights it by a ton yeah they’re saying the men’s and women’s tournament we’re going to have the women’s too and

Then you have the NIT and you all that stuff no interest there that’s what nit stands for I have a question since we talked about this Frank Chris is there like because of because of the seems like the secrets out now you know the TW

Every year it seems like at least 11 12 be do you see that like in the betting there a lot of people try to go with the TW yeah but you know it’s funny though there there’s still always a lot of favorite play and I’ll mention a good

Competitor of ours who’s a friend uh uh from at the Circa Derek Stevens came in one year and his thing was he was going to bet every game as soon as we open the numbers every game for 10,000 a r every game 30 what you know he bet almost

Every Underdog I’m think oh somebody’s feeding him information Derek got killed and so did we everybody now I mean all the favorites covered oh really you know so so you know I mean even though we’re talking here in a lot of underdogs a lot of upsets a lot of moneyline play uh we

Still wind up needing mostly docks mostly the that’s right it’s just way the fun bet that I’m I’m looking forward to doing in the casino I did it one year with my buddy Bob who watches uh we did the first of 10 or first of 15 first of

15 that that’s that’s the favorite thing of everyone if you go upstairs Frank because Chris has told this story multiple times you go up there you you’ll have North just thrown A team out there they won’t be in the tournament this year well one of the most memorable

North Dakota State 2019 16 seed against Duke okay they’re like 5 to one plus 490 get the first of 15 first they got there they got the loudest Roar of the whole weekend I got to tell you so and the one year they were all sitting kind of in

That corner close to my office so I one of the casino Executives come down here and I oh and we’re what are you gonna do all you got to do all you g do is laugh these guys they murdered us but I said you know I remember tell him Dave Jens I

Dave I guarantee they ain’t walking out yeah we got tables we got slots we got roulette you know I mean it a’t ain’t walking out here with well it’s like the movie Casino which I know you’re well very familiar with the they uh they the the one guy who was winning

A bunch of money the the the Japanese businessmen get him to the plane oh there’s something wrong with the plane had to come back and he comes back and loses like another million on top of what he already took from the hotel some of those stories probably some of that

Stuff kind of oh a lot of those I was there at that time that’s my first job in Las Vegas you’ve seen Casino oh yeah like you know Joe pes’s character like Chris was around that yeah like the real guy oh yeah and he was a scary guy let

Me tell you yeah yeah I just watched a documentary on him the other day the guy you did not want to cross after the show Chris will tell you some more stories now we have to do this game today because it’s it’s time sensitive so if

I’m thinking Denny if you need some help you have two Sports Experts here this is a game phone a friend yeah you can phone a friend take a 50/50 it’s a game I invented called uh triple day Triple Play This is three sports related celebrities who are all celebrating

Birthdays today okay so I’m going to give you a clue about them and then you have to guess their age multiple choice all right so here we go player number one clue here we go this guy’s dad also played the same professional sport as he does he was the seventh overall pick in

The 2009 draft I could tell you his college out of Davidson and he’s played yeah come on and he’s played with the same team as entire career here it is on on who is that well I didn’t know iing up to it I was going to say Jesus he knew right

Away as soon as you say out of David God that was the clue that and we have to guess his age happy birthday I guess his age okay so how old is Steph car is he 34 36 or 37 I think he’s 36 double check this cuz I might have underlined the

Wrong one cuz man I mean he’s had to been I’m sorry yeah I have an underline but I thought it was the other one how old do you think Jeff do you have any guess on how old he is I actually spoiled this this morning because it

Was he’s out he’s recusing himself yeah I’m recusing so I was thinking it was 3 which one is it 3 okay I thought I’m going to agree I’m going to say 36 I’m let’s say 36 Chris is the numbers man the correct answer is oh I know oh yeah it’s 36 he’s 36

First time Chris had it Chris stay stick to your guns there yeah yeah I highlighted the wrong one I’m sorry you highlighted the wrong I made a mistake I make mistakes once is that crazy know to think like because did he I know that’s

What I was to say he did he go all four years to Davidson he went three three he CU so that means he’s been in leag 15 years nowy man and he was a New York Nick for all of about 30 seconds was he really I don’t remember that was draft

Day that was the that was the uh was a Steve cerr story uh where the the Nicks were trying to trade up with Phoenix because that was when Kerr was in charge of Phoenix oh okay but then the Warriors took Curry the pick before the Knicks

And the Knicks ended up with someone who was terrible who was it do we even know I want to say it was Jared Jeff but who yeah no no it wasn’t Jared Jeff cuz that was earlier now I’m going to have to double check it good though all right

We’ll go to number two this gentleman also celebrating a birthday today uh here we go an are you ready yesterday was the anniversary of the day this man played in a baseball game against one of your for at for for one of your fa former teams Oh Billy Crystal yeah Billy I

Don’t think it’s a real player know well that’s that’s the curveball I threw uh so anyway yeah yesterday was the anniversary he played a game when he was 60 years old he he was there for one game he went to spring training spring training signed a one day contract said

It was the highlight of his career so Billy Christal was one of my favorite girl remember and dude the 2000 World Series when after we won and we’re celebrating on the field he was there with his film crew getting background scenes for 61 filming so after you know

And I was like Billy you know this is my dad this is my brother it’s my uncle this my he goes Jesus Christ how many freaking Nagel are there oh my God 61 by the way is a movie about home run Chase unbelievably forgotten movie it’s 61 with the Astros

It’s unbelievable a terrific and he directed that movie it’s tremendous so anyway uh how old is Billy Crystal today who by the way I’ve written two fan letters when I was a kid I wrote one to dick enberg and one to Billy Crystal never heard back from either but anyway

I wrote one to Billy Crystal it’s Billy Crystal 72 76 or 78 man God obviously he’s been everyone’s thinking all right everyone I’m waiting for their guesses okay you’re waiting for their guesses it’s one it’s one of two it’s got to be 76 or 78 yeah yeah that was what I was looking

To right I’m gonna go 76 and I’ll go 78 and I I I’ll agree with Chris on that one when you need numbers you go to Chris Andrews Ladi it’s 76 ladies and gentlemen happy birthday does anybody else remember Billy Crystal on soap I vaguely my gosh yes so and that was a

Very Progressive controversial homosexual he was gay yeah and who was his boyfriend uh I remember Richard Mulligan was on the show but I don’t remember who it was Jay Johnson no Bob seagen who Bob seagen the the tri the uh P not The Penton the the caflon oh I don’t even

Remember that name he was on like one he was like on one it was like on one episode and they broke up remember I think and Billy crystol was going to commit suicide because oh my goodness yeah that was a really ahead of it favorite Billy Crystal

Movie oh uh Harry Met Sally so good uh City Slickers City Slickers that’s great I saw on Father’s Day uh right after I flew back from St Louis I did two weeks at the Funny Bones in St Louis Missouri great great great town great town yeah

Uh and I made 600 bucks a week so I had or 650 so I had like 12 or 1,300 the most money I’d ever had in my pocket and I remember going uh to see that movie and I was so tired from flying that I

Fell asleep but I love the movie but I fell asleep halfway through but I woke up and I’m like cuz I love what was the line remember when uh was it Helen Slater was she that one Helen Slater Miss Supergirl yes wow remember and she goes You know guys don’t remember

Anything but if you ask him who played was it third the MVP for the Pirates and Don hul and they scream and he’s like I beat you yeah exactly Don hul I think yeah all right we have one more because it’s got oh by the way he faced PA

Mallam in that at bad when Crystal hit 60 he he fouled one ball off and then he struck it because the first one I think Mahal said you know he gave kind of like but still you know even just a foul one off he got a foul ball and then after he

Foul one off he’s like okay I got to strike this move movie star out and he did all right last one uh another tie to one of your former teams and I’m sure you’ll have a story about him that’s why I include him he would have been celebrating a birthday today but sadly

He passed away in 2006 he won two World Series 10 time All-Star and elected to the Hall of Fame in 2001 do we want to pixel a who is this guy right here oh Kirby Pucket Kirby Pucket Kirby now did you play with Kirby yeah yeah dude because there’s there’s a a story

Floating around out there with Mike tromley another one of my teammates we both we both got drafted the same year okay and everybody loves the story because he Mike says you know in my first year first year called up I get my check and I’m all happy you know and

Stuff and Kirby Puck is leaning over his shoulder he goes ah you got your first paycheck there kid yeah you know and it was like three grand or four grand was more than the 1300 I had back then League minimums were like but anyways

Pck goes oh dude you want me to cash yet for you he whips out a roll of bills oh and I said he did the same damn thing to me man when I got called up like a few years before that unbelievable yeah I had that bad eye injury and he was such

A great player and he only played he only played 12 years and you look at his numbers he was on Pace for all the he’s on that Minnesota team the won the World Series with Jack Morris pitching oh 91 in is 91 we’ll see you tomorrow that was

That was Kirby’s I had a thing with uh um Jack Morris because when I you know this is like 1979 or so I kind of got well this Morris guy wins a lot of games I was betting him like every time so I always had a thing for Morris I think he

Led the 80s and win WIS I got to tell you I had him a bunch of times in every time he was one of those guys that knew how there’s certain guys that knew how to pitch to win like so if Daisy didn’t have his good stuff

You know he might give it three or four runs but it was he’d win five to four when you say Verlander does that a lot too now his ER numbers are not great but boy he got a lot of wins well that’s why he wasn’t elected to the Hall of Fame to

The last year I know and I kep thinking that he murdered somebody’s dog or something insane that 91 you because he already won before and Pitch good but then that 91 that performance alone to me he should have put him in he pitched 10 Innings right 10 shut out Innings 10

Shut out Innings and I think Tom Kelly right the manager I think he wanted to pull him or something yeah and Jack was like I think more threaten them yeah you’re not go sit down with your Dark Shades you’re not get you’re not taking

This ball for me and then I think it was Jean Lin with the saan L Dan gladen I Dan glad Dan the man from gladen I remember the ref the the Umpire clearing everybody out I guess I got to see him touch on PL I got see him touch on plate

Yeah that’s right he is but I remember Dan glad coming that’s a forgotten baseball Gene Lin that was a game-winning World Series in that was a great series he was one of those solid like you know yeah you know why that that series is legendary in the v why is

That the two the home teams no both teams were two of the biggest long shots yeah cuz they both worst the first and I got to tell you it worked I mean I got murdered on that too you know I mean everybody did everybody did but it

Worked out great for for me because I was in like the satellite business so all of a sudden all these casinos wanted out of the sports business well Big Daddy was there to pick him up you so so he said Yeah well yeah we’ll take them and my my my business exploded after

That wow yeah oh wow yeah worst that’s right it was the bra the Braves I love the bra the only reason I can say the Braves is because Denny’s here but we can’t talk about 91 the Ste That was supposed to be the pirates that was when

We lost the first time to Atlanta and then we’re not talking about still on that team no he was on well he was on 92 for sure a what oh no 91 shut us down yeah game seven he shut the what happened to him did shoulder

Boy he was a hell of a he went to the Reds was he on the Reds with you yeah Frank 90 91 game seven which city was that in it was in uh the Steel City trying to get him Noe he would he would he would have got it no if he

Would have said yeah if I had2 I know was in Atlantic that’s one of the most famous plays in I don’t know what you’re talking about still haven’t gotten over that unfortunately for you guys all three actually everyone on the uh on the desk negatively impact still not over

That one now now that you’re here for this uh okay yeah I just remember Andy vansy who was my hero sitting sitting down in the Outfield so after that play happens there was a rumor that vany had told bonss to come in a little bit and bond didn’t listen nope nope he

Was like I’m good I think there was animosity between the yeah yeah they they didn’t get along great but I will say that I never saw more grown men crying in a locker room at then then after that game because we all knew that was it you know we knew like we knew

Dreck was gone bonds was gone that was that was it for the run you should have seen me that night you want to see grown men cry I think I told you I remember just going out to my car and just laying I had World Series tickets by Jim

Carrey and Ace vura no in the shower oh man that was still the worst how many years is it now I’m still not over it 32 years 32 years oh my God still better uh Ryan we have a few po Sound the Horn it’s post time we check out posts on the internet

So you don’t have to Ryan we have a few post we got to show one of these cuz it’s Kurt cousin now you were a Washington foot you like that yeah you like that uh Kirk Cousins he he got a bad rap at when he was with Washington

Yes but you did you like Kirt cousins LED Kirk yeah we didn’t want to see him go I mean I I think I always think like what could have happened with him if he had stayed there and not gone on to Minnesota yeah I think you know we could

Have been a playoff contendent team year in and year out with him SN would have found a way to blow it yeah that’s true Jeff I don’t know if you saw this we we he got Grill he got a grill but he’s still he’s on an ice he’s still doing a

Lot of ice oh yeah go ahhe oh no I saw the grill I oh we’re getting we’re getting the prom okay so here he is here he’s doing his let’s ride yeah but but by the way could you be more stiff I mean could you say something Kirk I mean

You know you know like where’s a you like that do something all right so there’s that and then he got a bunch of ice now that he’s in Atlanta right did you see that one do we have that one uh here’s him and his kids he’s got a dirty

Bird he got him and his kids Dirty Bird which of course was it Jamal Anderson I think y oh wow so they all uh what’s Kirkwood oh that’s his like Hollywood Kirkwood yeah so they all got dirty bird necklaces I mean when you signed for 180

Million yeah four years 180 did you see that Cam Newton uh tweet or something no he said you know wow how much guarantee whatever like that who’s your agent like that and I’m like well maybe because he’s still hitting guys in in in the flights and open unlike cam cam cam

Burned out quick though but he took a lot of body he took a lot of yeah he took some abuse yeah all right so we have a baseball thing here this is Nick Castellanos whose name I never get right but I think I got right there did nope

Okay what is it Nick castanos what is it Castellanos Castellanos the Double L Spanish oh yes yes yes poppy don’t Google that either don’t Google yes poppy it’s another thing not to Google we’ve given you three non Googles today girl so uh Ryan could you read

This because none of our eyes can read this so he said so he said there’s a lot of baseball players that are like milk milk is only good when it’s fresh and then you leave it out and you leave it out a while and it spoils right there

Are some other baseball players that are like wine those are the those are the only two kinds you’re either milk milk or wine there is no middle there is no there is no try only there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow Rob there is no tomorrow so uh you aged you aged

Like fine wine you pitched you how long were you in the majors 14 years 14 years I mean pretty good gig that’s a good gig Bo did you hear about Bob Feller no uh is he dead no no no no he he’s 90 years old he went to Spring train he threw a

70 mph f a second wait Bob Feller still alive well maybe but somebody had a thing he was 90 years old and threw a 70 M hour of fast ball I think Nolan Ryan did a first pitch right ago I think his was like 86 or something like yeah I’m

Still amazed at around uh real quick Bob Feller died in 2010 when he was 90 okay so in 2008 he he threw that 70 M hour that’s he but you know I when when my kids were they were like 10 I say I remember taking a

Trip to Oakland Ryan I said you got to see this guy this is the guy you got to see yep and I remember him and uh I think cono batted third and Maguire batted fourth and cono he buzzed them right under the you see give me the ball

Get back in there and he does the exact same thing to Maguire that’s Nolan Ryan I saw him pitch when I was a kid at Dodger standing but then in Pittsburgh me and my buddy Mike we always 85 Chris Chris is supposed to be helping me I’m the Arbiter here this is great

This is great I don’t know any money any blew right through it because I was at 70 and I got wiped out uh Jeff was going to be responsible for the $70 he knew was the same never cuz you blew right through it I should I should have bet

Ryan that you’re going to blow right through you want to make made it easily all right back to Nolan R back to noan so anyway saw behind a home plate uh Rick Rhoden who I’ve mentioned a pirate pirate uh he would get me tickets and I’d sit behind

The plate and I sure to get Nolan Ryan tickets and just the pop and just I mean just un and again if anyone digs in their cleats a little too much oh yeah as Bob Gibson ask but Nolan Ryan did you ever meet Nolan or no you know what’s

Funny never really did no like never was able to go up and say you know because dude he was one of my Idols also too for you know growing up an Orioles fan Cal Ripkin and you know I love George Brett but pitching wise it was Nolan Ryan how

That but yeah I remember my first year up though in ‘ 91 in Texas and I never saw you know usually guys some guys were kind of even the veteran guys the closer would usually stroll in the second or third everybody was always there for that first pitch cuz they didn’t want to

Miss Ryan yeah cuz you knew every night you knew you might be witnessing something you know historic yeah it’s only seven no hitters he threw seven no hitters how many one hitters is he have like 15 one hitters and like 25 two hitters the guy was this close to like

40 no hitters for real to me that’s up there with like Jack Nicholas with with golf you know how many times he finished runner up you know whatever or third and stuff same thing yeah remember they said tiger would blow by his major wins he

Never got there I know there were a lot of great pitchers in that era but how did Nolan Ryan never win a sigh unbelievable I don’t know I don’t know and and he always and he played for a lot of bad teams lot of bad teams that’s

What it is I mean he won a World Series in 69 when he was on the Mets everyone forgets he won a ring but they was like a relever they were ready to get rid of him you know because yeah he just couldn’t control Jerry kozman

Uh kman I remember so I’m saying one hitters 12 12 12 wow and two hitters seven no NOS 12 one hitters and you want to take a guess 15s the middle of that 18 18 so that could have been 37 no hitter I mean you’re right and I was happy with my one

Two hit shut out yeah one I and I was very happy with that and when were the two hits in the game were they early or late uh one was early yeah it was it was it was going it was when I was at Pittsburgh David sige David Sig hit

Chopper to Carlos gar and he kind of bum bobbled a little bit you know and Davis G was not Fleet of foot he was and so now all a sudden it’s like two outs in the eighth in and and we’re like oh my God if that’s the only hit and then sige

Hits a blooper in oh so the same really he got both too bad Tony Gwyn wasn’t in the lineup then you would had a no hitter that’s a complete show there do you want to show the kaying bear just show the kaying bear oh my gosh we got

To end with that don’t where is this do we know this is the Big Sky that’s the Montana Grizzly yeah the Montana grizzly I’m thinking it’s going to be a real bear no no no it’s just was he drinking we don’t know what’s going on uh but that will be me during the

Tournament upstairs next week I will be recreating that I thought he was going to give a green that’s Monte bear complete show again oh I’m sorry what’s up said that was that was Monty bear the Grizzlies mascot Monte yeah Monty bear they ended up getting upset yesterday oh

They did I know they had a lead at half time I thought they were going to cruise Montana State came out for the Bobcats uh but do you know who yeah do you know who’s not getting upset Sean I thought it was back to the

Panthers who are up 5536 with 13 to go uhoh look out got some spending money uh right is anybody impressed you in this so short run I I have one te that impressed me who Texas Tech Texas Tech no I haven’t the Big 12 is is tough yeah

They they they crushed BYU today oh and BYU do you win your bet with the BYU bet no of course I didn’t cuz cuz uh because so they finished fifth CA Kansas’s only home loss of the Year came to BYU and then this the game right after it okay

TCU is up 18 at halftime okay and loses the game and doesn’t cover as an eight-point underdog wow in Provo so that was a double whammy for because I had PCU in that game what I say nobody ever makes a run in mas no yeah exactly

No but that was especially because if uh if if those two if Kansas holds business at home wins that game B you finishes eth so two two results what a good it happen tcu’s coach is Jamie Dixon right of course the former former coach of the pit Panthers who they should never have

Fired they they you’re correct on that that was a it was the Panthers I’m not saying and I’m allowed to say pit I right all right Kaden’s got his hoodie up all of a sudden he’s a eight mile over there he was wearing sunglasses inside yesterday too he’s like a

Professional Gambler now he’s like look out uh Jeff what do you have coming up on Sports by the book in a little less than two hours what do we have on the show today we we have Matt Cox who is Jim Root’s comrade over at three man

Weave uh we’ll more than likely uh have Vinnie hopefully all right and then uh we’ll have more college basketball college basketball Wayne Allen Ro and that’s not Wayne no relation to Wayne Allen CH Chris silent on that one uh wow that was this was like my favorite show

Of the week this was great uh Chris Andrew what’s that of the week of the week of all time well I was I have a short mem the week it’s only Thursday I know well yeah so it’s the best of four so far four days yeah now tomorrow congratulations tomorrow we have John

Caparulo coming in who you said I gotta tell you I like I said I saw him about 20 years ago we were rolling on the floor he had us dying laughing he was he was in that Vince Von what was it the the Wild West Comedy Tour movie or

Something yeah he’s great so I forgot that I had I’ve had him booked for like a month and forgot it was this Friday so it’s going to be a full bat tomorrow you’re coming in to say hi to John yeah I just wanted I I don’t want to

Interfere with him yeah no no no well he’s not Bob zany where he’s going to come in and roast us all but Caparulo will be here tomorrow and Hall of Famer John Smoltz John Smoltz who I love on the MLB Network that’s really cool that we got him he’s good he’s that’s gonna

Be great Jeff parls thank you for uh coming as always and Ryan uh any sign off uh bits of wisdom anything you learned today on the show well Jerry Googled one of the things and it was just pictures of you oh God what if you Google yes poppy it’s a picture of Frank

Show it no okay God I don’t uh never again with oh God see Frank mie’s backing me up give up poptarts or something else next year uh he’s saying I should have shouldn’t have given up saying the hometown because it’s too hard Bob Dell yelled Wolverines because I mentioned Red Dawn Paul uh

Pointed out the Tusk air man Bob Del who you know yeah you Wolverines uh and uh I don’t know the red Tales have something to do with Tuskegee I don’t know they were pilots we don’t know we’ll Google that anyway oh look at that how profound

That is I’m shutting the show on episode 110 an any thoughts nope Kaden K what kad’s the unibomber now do we Kaden look at the C can we take a shot of Ken it looks like the unibomber unibomber T kazinski all right that’s a weird show to end on all

Right ladies and gentlemen thanks for watching the show we’ll be back tomorrow with a pack show 111 punchline stands for lines live and without every show D hick N

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