Golf Players

Practicing Fly Fishing and Running into Lance Egan

My store: (Free Shipping on orders over $30)
Flies personally tied by TroutFlies!

Flies that caught them in this video:

Hare(y) Zebra Jig:
Bunny Royale:
DNA Worm:
Corn Fed Midge:

Some days you just can’t fish clean. It’s good to get out and practice and make those mistakes when they don’t matter. I also ran into Lance Egan (and Brig) on the river.

THE BEST DEAL on high quality tying beads. I tie with these. Use code “TROUTFLIES” at checkout to get 10% off!
Driftstone Slotted Tungsten Beads:

Thanks for watching and if you enjoyed this fishing vlog, consider subscribing here:

Well guys as you can see we picked an interesting day to come out and go fish I think the snow’s going to stop around noon hopefully that’ll trigger some trifly action but uh I’ll probably be on the GoPro for most of the morning cuz I don’t want the big camera out in the

Snow but I think we’re going to do just like a three-hour pseudo comp practice thing and just there are a couple runs I fished through in the last video that was one where I cycled through the flies that I wanted to pick apart from the spots a little bit better and just see

What was in there so I think I’m going to go back there and do that again just under a more practic type setting so see how it goes with the snow might make some for some interesting fishing anyway let’s walk out there only car in the lock cuz we’re the only crazy person

So all right guys it’s 957 let’s put the phone away I got an alarm set for one I’m going to start down here and then we’ll have about 150 yards of water we still got a couple minutes I’ve got the chest pack uh attachment for the Ora bugout bag I’m

Going to test it out today and just see if it’s a viable competition set up part of wanting to get the chest pack is it gives me better access to the stuff I need uh more quickly than the backpack does obviously I don’t need to swing the

Backpack around and uh to get into the fly boxes and tip it and stuff it would just be right in front of me here so I’m going to play around with this hopefully the GoPro stays high enough up on the chest that uh the chest pack does stay

Out of the way uh if it doesn’t where we might need to go to a hat solution when I wear this but we’re going to try it out today sorry some views get obstructed it might happen where it’s a learning process here so to start I’ve got a little

Uh 2 and half mil be DNA worm and I’ve got a hary zebra jig up on the dropper the this back area is a little skinny so we’re just going to start out here today and then work our way up my game plan is to start down and kind of

The pick apart this not as great water as part of the run and just see if we can pull as many bonus fish out until it starts to warm up and the bugs start moving around a little bit more and then hit the better spots that’s uh the day warms up a

Little bit but right here we’ve got a little channel here not sure there’d be much in here but before I step out and hit that far Bank just going to throw a few Prospect and cast in here there’s not much bug activity that’s why I went with the DNA worm versus something

Else but I’m just going to really just make four or five cast in here before I move on cuz I’m fishing through where I want to Wade essentially but yeah a lot of today is just about really picking apart the spots about picking apart the in between

Water in between the obvious spots while trying to be as efficient as possible and just to see how much I like fishing out of this chest pack so obviously you have to make some compromises when you’re carrying around camera equipment so this is one of the

Compromises of course I’d like to be in like a zs2 or something but that won’t carry a big camera so we’ll see if this works out for us okay I made my few cast through there but the water I’m really targeting is there’s kind of like a dead spot down

Here I know it’s pretty uh Woody you can see a lot of the woods piled up here but I’m just going to wait across into the likelier holding water see if I can get my foot in here there we go and then fish this little

Lane again we do kind of need to keep the flies a little bit off the bottom here because it lot of snaggy stuff but again it’s early and cold so I feel like any fish we pick up in this first hour is pretty bonusy we need to put the numbers in

Towards the last hour and a half or so it’s also below freezing so we’re getting some tip ice in the guides a little bit just a few things to navigate today okay I might need to move on so now I’m going to go out and go up to this [Applause]

Pool there’s kind of a downshift in here let’s stay off of it and fish close first we might need to up our bead size but we can probably fish the tail out of this to start R’s Frozen okay all I put a 3 mil bunny

On now I’m going to fish close and fish this first close bucket in front of me here okay so I think we move on and nym up this front and back seams here there we go okay far seams right out from in front of that rock right in the pillow oh

No oh God fish Landing not great get in the net okay well that’s one let’s not get the hand wet here just a cookie cutter eat the bunny that’s one that’s one of the bonus fish we needed oh no that was a fish dang it it’s frustrating where’s my

Cider can’t see my cider I’m pulling it out no dude oh my gosh that was another fish did we break off no we’re good okay let’s execute Bob now might have been on the Harry zebra jig cuz no little size 20 uh pry jig hook doesn’t always get him cuz the gap’s a

Little you trade off the strength of the hook for The Gap that was for sure fish though unfortunately so we’re one for three in here that’s not not a good ratio all right so this little tail out and run is one of the spots I wanted to

Dedicate like an hour or two and pick apart there’s a little deep channel on the back end here before we get up into the crime spot that we should send some flies through there we go he is head shaking that’s for sure I don’t know how big this fish is guys doesn’t

Okay not that big but keep his head up okay that’s two on the bunny a pretty good one let’s get the bunny out of here all right yeah decent one there we go okay okay how big is this fish unfortunately just ran right through the run right there I haven’t seen this fish

Yet I’m worried I have him like thinned or something the way he’s fighting oh no it’s just a nice one okay dude stay above me here oh no dude I feel way too much pressure he was a yd too put way too much pressure on him oh that’s stupid yeah we have

Hooks hooks are in good shape just put too much pressure on him man stupid we are not fishing clean today that’s for sure he ran all through that run too there we go okay be smarter see they’re they’re wanting to go Downstream right here these are nice fish

Have to remember I’ve got a low size 20 hook on the dropper so I can’t take it for granted that they took the big 14 I still feel like I’m putting too much into this fish right here just want to keep it out of the current can get some line

Back these are spots where I don’t love handling the 4X butt section material especially when my reel is kind of out of commission cuz it’s freezing a little bit like we’re relying all on reaction time for uh runs and stuff these fish are fighting hard today though this is a nice

Fish he’s wrapped up that’s why we can okay oh no okay in the mouth he was just wrapped up a little bit so it’s tough to get him to turn but he’s in the mouth or in a legal spot at least okay yeah that is a nice fish though probably a

167 let’s good ch water where I can handle them okay okay let’s clear the Flies took a while to get to the net recovering from the spawn good that’s a solid one though okay so three we straight up stream here o that stick got me there we go little guy [Applause]

Bunny in the mouth okay he’s out little guy four there we go stay down dude Harry zebra jig oh no that’s how you lose fish right there also doing that pulling him back around oh my gosh there we go that’s a nice fish oh this is why we want him on the reel

He’s acting weird kind of oh he’s on the bunny okay just letting him thrash around well there’s five some good fish in this run oh got a thing hanging down decent bottom I think that’s not it’s warm enough that the Reel is not freezing up anymore keep them down swing them around lift

Them okay there’s six it it okay six there you go the net is something we’re going to solve shortly I think find out a better solution and just doing what I have today for now but we’ll figure it out I don’t like I don’t love my setup right here

Just cuz I don’t like where the magnet is yep okay they are feisty today oh no see bigger than that I would have had him there okay what’s that one six okay to get that fly out it’s in a tough spot that’s Catch and Release tool spot I think number six there we

Go smaller guy okay there’s seven oh oh find stable footing here okay nice popped out there’s seven there we go another a bunny fish okay flies out what’s that there we go it’s nicer to put these fish on the Reel with these micro leaders some sort of hatch going on ridges whoa

Dude it’s not in a good spot for fighting well he’s going to go Downstream on me I can turn his head around oh crapped up sorry not the best angle I know guys no I got him thinned so he’s not going to count oh this is all

Bad you want to leave a fly in him or break the rod see if I can turn him around here I do he s [Applause] okay didn’t break the rod didn’t break off but yeah he’s in the back see what we can deal with them here shallow water nice fish doesn’t count

Okay there we go it’s a big fish oh no line trapped okay this one feels in the mouth I also saw it and it’s it’s a good one hopefully this one we have a chance of bringing around up o I don’t like that the death rolls okay dude no and

Yeah I thought I felt that hook actually yeah I got a scale back I felt that hook there’s scale on this one too two of them I felt that hook pop free during the fight earlier I’m not I don’t think I don’t know I think we’re okay there but that

Was a big fish though again not fishing clean okay oh there we go just I was about to say maybe we should move up and burn the back end of this another one shows up no okay I think it’s check Hook’s time what hook am I using

Here I think this is X Series unqua we’re good there good there it’s just on me it really is okay I think I’m going to move up and out of here yeah okay well we picked up what seven in here should have had like a dozen or so we converted more eats and

Uh fish fighting stuff we’ve got about what 50 minutes left so let’s move up to our last little spot here we’re at the last spot just fish this far seam here there we go good one see if we can learn from our mistakes here get them above me oh

And it’s nice to catch big fish but the 10 in are definitely more efficient oh he’s rolling okay here we go it’s a fly out hope the flies out I don’t see it okay think I get get that okay nice fish it’s a good

One if I can get him out of the net there he goes okay that’s number nine there we go see little guys more efficient okay it’s at 10 grab the fly okay 10 there we go another nice one they are head shaky today oh he’s wrapped up now that’s not

Good I can encourage him to come around oh just get in the net okay it’s 11 okay they’ve got some life to them okay I might drop back down to that other run we’ve rested it about half an hour we might do better picking up a few fish that have maybe moved

In go through it with different flies okay maybe this wasn’t the ticket there we go maybe it was oh dear this one felt large on the hook set good since we’re just play this smart huh either Whitey or brown but I think this is a big

One see if we can start getting it out of this current encourage it to come around I haven’t seen it yet looked C take your time Bob not big thing is wrapped I could have him thinned as well which would suck a lot of that going on today maybe it’s cuz I’m

Slow it also could be they’re eating the hairy zebra jig but that uh pretty jig in size 20 is just not quite the gap’s just not there and I’m fouling them arm is getting tired here we’re going to going have to find out he’s fighting like he’s finned

And see if I can encourage him to come around here yeah he’s F I think I know where’s the fly fly came out H fish that big shouldn’t have been fighting that hard we’ll say that was th so that doesn’t count there we go right out from under that stickup okay it’s 13

Nice come on dude let’s get you unhooked cool is that 12 Guess That’s 12 oh that’s It no last Stitch thing well let’s go find some dry fly fish to soothe our frustrated Soul that’s why it’s called practice and you know I’ve been playing fish like I’ve been playing all my winter fish just kind of expecting them to not have a ton of

Fight in them and just kind of forcing them around and up but I should have realized that with all the head shakes and death rolling I got today that they’re in a little bit more feisty mood and I got to take my time with them so I just put too much into them

And let them get leverage for the headshakes and they well I lost four or five f fish that just I had hooked and they pulled out anyway it’s a good lesson we could have had a much better day than the 12 so anyway let’s go find some dry fly

Fish all right guys ran into Old Lance here on the river he’s up filming with brg a few runs up always good to run into Lance but I wanted to go fish the Dry Fly run above where they were but uh apparently there’s a few guys up there

So we ended up in this same run again when the Buffalo are coming off didn’t mean to do it this time wanted to avoid it but here we are old Lancer getting in the way just kidding anyways I’ve got a couple of fish Rising close here they’re kind of

Rising all over so going to try and be pretty uh strategic on how I Target these fish there we go oh okay angry three weight blowing up the whole pod dark f well not a comp so I’ll take it must have missed that fly though that’s annoying CAU him in the tail

Oh fly came out brownie sneaky one but long yep there we go finally got that fish to take had to size down a little bit oh head up there you go dude it’s a decent one yep just had to size down it’s all it took now this guy has been caught many a

Time huh yeah he it all the way full commit okay come on you know the drill you’ve been caught get out of there there we go cool only got them need a cornbread Midge well let’s make our way back you know again frustrating day for the most part but the fish seem like

They’re getting to be in a little bit better mood at least that’s the way it feels they a little have a little more spunk probably should have brought the two we today that would have helped out a little bit but uh you know got some practice in caught a couple dry fly fish

Can’t complain anyways hope you guys enjoyed the video I know it’s been a lot of the same content lately but until it warms up and some other Waters open up for us then uh shouldn’t be too long until that anyways thanks for watching maybe we’ll go check in on

Old Lancer again yeah he just caught three sculping in his net s yeah and then he sorry guys and then we did a video on the comparison pretty cool we have risers here I think like three of them on Surface something like that missed a couple more they come and

Go they’re like they’ll all come up for like two minutes and then nothing for 10 yeah and then all come up for two and then nothing seemed like they were more active when the sun came out a little bit Yeah agreed yeah and as soon as it

Went behind it’s gone yeah some behind the scenes of some fly fish food filming right here we got Bri and Lance I’m just going to watch for a little bit before I head back


  1. Good job breaking down the water Bob! Your flies always catch fish and your presentations on point.👌Cool to see Brig & Lance out there👍 Take care dude,

  2. You always catch so many fish. I need to bump into you one day so you can give me some pointers. First pointer, what kind of snowshoes are those? They look much lighter than the ones i have.

  3. Great video bob! Cool that ya ran into the fff guys! Really love watching you nymph, you have have such a good presentation! Any info you could give me on starting competitive fishing?

  4. You guys are hardcore, man! Out fishing while it’s snowing!! I watch these videos like a freakin’ hawk tryin’ to learn from you. I’m curious to see what kind of net you end up with.

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