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The Real McCoy: A Legend Unveiled – Tony McCoy’s Unmatched Legacy

Dive into the world of National Hunt racing with our latest feature, “The Real McCoy,” a captivating profile of the legendary jockey Tony McCoy. This documentary explores the illustrious career of a man who, in March 2002, shattered one of the sport’s most enduring records by riding an astonishing 289 winners in a single season. Join us as we journey through McCoy’s reflections on some of the greatest races and horses, including icons like Red Rum and Desert Orchid, and celebrate his most memorable victories across the Cheltenham Festival, Grade 1 races, the Grand National, and his early career wins.

🏇 Tony McCoy: Breaking Boundaries
Tony McCoy’s career is unparalleled in the world of National Hunt racing. His record-breaking season in 2002 is just one highlight in a career filled with extraordinary achievements. “The Real McCoy” delves into the dedication, skill, and passion that drove McCoy to the pinnacle of racing excellence.

🌟 Iconic Races and Legendary Horses
The documentary features in-depth explorations of some of the most thrilling moments in horse racing history, as witnessed and created by McCoy. From the stamina-testing Grand National to the prestigious Grade 1 victories and the excitement of the Cheltenham Festival, McCoy’s journey is a testament to his legendary status.

🏆 Memorable Victories
McCoy’s career is studded with remarkable wins, each with its own story of triumph and perseverance. “The Real McCoy” highlights these pinnacle moments, including his unforgettable win at the Grand National, multiple triumphs at the Cheltenham Festival, and a slew of Grade 1 victories that cemented his legacy as one of the greatest jockeys of all time.

🎬 A Racing Film Like No Other
There has never been a racing film quite like “The Real McCoy.” This documentary provides an unprecedented look into the life and career of Tony McCoy, offering insights from the man himself, along with tributes from colleagues, rivals, and racing enthusiasts. It’s a must-watch for anyone captivated by the heart-pounding world of National Hunt racing.

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He lives near Lamborn he drinks at a PB called the Pheasant when he goes there he only drinks water he can’t drink anything else cuz it puts on weight uh he rides from m in pipe and he’s a sort of Miracle what else can I tell you Richard Johnson Adrien Maguire AP

McCoy and Timmy Murphy the facts the figures and the shredded records tell an extraordinary a unique story they reveal very little about the man behind Them Racing’s not a game exactly short of jealousies or bitter rivalries but you’ll hear none of them directed at this fell in a weighing room that he dominates you won’t hear a word said against him they cut more keys for his house than they needed in Alcatraz if you’re a parent in Hungerford

Agonized by the fact that your child has cancer then this man is the guy who will turn up on his way back from a blank day at Huntington for the fundraising night he’ll light up a freezing Tuesday at Sedgefield like a search light and he can make a Munday at fontwell catch

Fire then a vintage period for jump joies this man is a popular genius touched phenomenon who quite simply makes an amazing sport even more special it’s my pleasure to announce the award for the jump jock of the Year AP [Applause] McCoy [Applause] Inside by Ole ker who jumped that well and there family business made a bad mistake and unseeded Tony McCoy and going towards the last on the far side what a wonder who’s already partied company with the rider has done the same thing again at the very next

Fence and the horse that was left in the lead red radish has refused so Al ker who has been REM mounted having been leading and falling at the first fence on the far side has now been left in the lead once more and has fallen there refused and parted company with the

Rider and at the moment there are no horses left in the race and Tony McCoy has now got back on board family business and he’s now making his way back to the fence where he fell the second fence in the straight he has a list of qualities the length of vein

Trees running but to a McCoy’s fellow jockeys there’s one thing they recognize Above All Else his backside If This Were Formula 1 they’d have removed the black bits from The Checkered Flag long ago and the rest of his weighing room Rivals would be waving it family business up and over it

Safely and in a quite remarkable contest family business is the only one to complete the course in a race that has taken 10 and 1 half minutes to complete McCoy’s win at SLE was achieved after a fall a lift in a Land Rover and a solo

Lap of a jockey stained circuit and the only surprise to those who know the man best is that anyone was surprised a lot of people think that I don’t enjoy it and that I look that I’m always unhappy and I’m always miserable I would not

Want to do anything else in the world I absolutely love going racing and having four or five good horses to ride every day and hoping that they’re going to win and coming home you know I I I love I live for it you know and I dread to

Think today I’m not going to be able to go racing by the end of the 20012 2002 season Anthony Peter McCoy had ridden 1,63 winners the last 289 of those saw McCoy Eclipse sir Gordon Richard’s 55-year-old seasons’s winners record he might not be the bookie’s best mate but

The 28-year-old from County Anam is the people’s champion book makers fear the McCoy F time thousands upon thousands of punches especially on the Saturdays don’t look at the fall they just look at McCoy’s horses the bookmakers are running [ __ ] scared they’re backing his horses doubling off everything bow down in the

Ring like no other jocket they compare him on the flat with Frankie Dori the Dori fact is even stronger over a jump I Got I suppose I’m not really this but actually know I can’t really Park in here no you can’t no I’ll have to go back the other way I thought I could have get through that rope there but obviously I can’t come the champion Joy Rel ni

Well just park at the other side of that tape we just park at the other side of that tape yeah you can but well no you can’t but I thought I’d be able to get through that I thought I’d be able to get through that t up there McCoy has been Champion jockey

Every year since 1996 a fact he attributes to the quantity and quality of rides he has for trainer Martin pipe at nearly 6 feet tall he’s one of the sports biggest jockeys and exists on a diet you won’t read about in woman’s own tea and nuts of

Sugar secret secret diet yeah some some tea and lots of sugar and a bit Mayon go for a sweat to lose a pound or two I’m Grand I’m L up just losing opponent was it horrible it’s always horrible sit there it’s got to be done okay number 13

Anthony and your colors are emerald green and white quarters I’m I’m a little bit like a school teacher I’ve got to keep an eye on these LS I’ve got to keep you’re watching them all the time you feel for them you you when they get injured you feel for them when

They’re successful you you you you’re almost you’re successful with them you you feel you feel for them you look they you know Chon races are coming up you know that’s the their Olympics their their their Championship meeting you’re hoping that they’re all they’re all going to do well you’re hoping they’re

All going to get there in one piece 10 Stone 12 I’m looking for 11 stone on the scales thank You hat on jocky 5 minutes Le leite M okay Joy they calling for you please every time he’s on a winner it costs a book his money yeah he’s got such a uh following today he has three rides at Newbury 25 to win word of Honor number 17

25 and and then depend on the pace race you know they go a right clip get toe if they’re only lobing I’m very happy McCoy’s winners to rides ratio for the season is around 1 in three and he expects to at least maintain the percentage at Newbury McCoy draws a blank and while

Some have enjoyed the day the sports self-proclaimed worst loser has not some lot of crap there that was first for that was a shocking bad day cuz I missed the at duncaster as well so got it wrong today I’m afraid I thought the first one would run a bit better was

Disappointing um and the other two I thought i’ bit of chances so yeah and Nova shal as I said the boss is horse one at um at Donnie so what you call a disaster home for McCoy is Lamborn and most days follow a familiar routine just breaks down the all L time

In the bath if you’re watching television or reading the paper cuz it’s very boring I think the weight is definitely the biggest killer you know if I was able to stop in every garage and every Bing night home then it’ be great but having to come home some

Nights in evening meeting maybe and have to sweat because you’ve got light to do the next day or something and horrible you know I’ve come back Nights from places maybe whether it be evening meetings racing or be be somewhere else and I’d have to get in the bath at

Half 114 12 at night for an hour because I might not have time to do it in the morning or I might have to do it in the morning as well and that’s head recking we’ve all done it we’ve all taken too much weight off and we’ve all

You know done it the wrong way I mean I take a lot weight off but now I I I I never feel weak when I’m riding you know I I can I I know what the limit is I know how much weight I can take off

And but yet I know that I still have to have a little bit of an intake you know so I still have you know whether it be a c to with six or seven sugars in it or whatever it may be um I’ll still have a little bit of something whereas when

You’re younger you’re always frightened of eating something in case it puts weight on her you know in case you don’t lose that weight um but when you get a bit older you you realize it to be honest before you can actually sweat you have to actually have eaten

Something or you have to have your body sort of I think if your body feels really starved then it won’t sweat either you know so you better read that cuz if you get suspended before the 6th of March you’ll miss the festival so very careful for the next week

Freaky I’ve been a good boy recently bring back happy memories came through yesterday that’s what you call trying to kill yourself a very calm very laidback very easy I’m the one that’s always in a sort of hassle to get something done and he’s very calm very easy to work for as long

As he’s riding winners he’s absolutely fine but he doesn’t like making mistakes that’s the main thing doesn’t like getting on the wrong horse um and he does you know constantly want to be winning you’ll have four winners one day and if he’s got no winners are next he

Can’t look back at yesterday and think well he’s had four then you’d be worried about the days he’s had that’s not produced a win right so that’s that sign so what you need to do is think about um you at some stage let me know who you

Want to go on the table do you want me to save you one table or two tables the lers yeah give that an idea you’ve got 11 already J you take milk might need two could put the two together you could is there anyone else I’d like to

Bring along well right we’ll have think about that you have that many friends never are you um bringing any of your Northern friends no no way Paul Hi how are you good um I’m not sure I’ve got to possibly buy that one haven’t I I’m not 100% sure

Paul on that one at the moment I thought it was more of a doubtful than a yes I’m not here I I had it in the diary as a possibly but um doubtful um I’ve actually got it down as I’ve replied no here and only write that

In when I’ve actually run you he’s trying to be clever he’s obviously advertised around all of Ireland that I yeah of course he has and now he’s trying to Blackmail me the comeing no but he has advertised it apparently so yeah you know well he’s advertised

It I don’t doubt I me I he’s just trying to say he did I say you’ve been there the last few years and I’ve never been there in my life on the flat jockey rarely socialized but the jump boys are a tightnit group McCoy in spite of his te

Total status loves to be at the heart of the crack go to the pub and get hammered be messing Cornelius again he’s in demand as that cheltonham chat changes gear joies are renowned as Dreadful tipsters but with so much cash about to be splashed The Thirst for any sort of form guide is

Feverish I think St and Robbie both appreciate the fact as always I’m organizing this um video for the boys um prechel them we’re supposed to do at Leicester today at the races supposed to grab the jockies out the weighing room just for a couple of minutes each time

And but with being a abandoned we’ve had to reorganize it and come for lunch at the Queen’s arms and try to put it together very hastily you ride valer mix and uh he’s only run once this season but it was very impressive yeah he’s um a horse that we’ve always liked um

He’s as good as you’ll get as good as I’ve ever seen I always said Franken was the best Joy I’ve ever seen but um AP is just unbelievable is it um his strength his balance the way he gets horses going forward the way horses for him um I’ve

Never seen it before no never go back would in an hour he was stuck to her like all the young Lads coming through now he is the person they all want and that’s as as good as high as you go when you’ve got every young off now Pub Gatherings are a full-on social

Occasion but days offer a dilemma for the jockey and McCoy in particular has to be careful with what he eats though you wouldn’t always know it really healthy food enough how’s the day going Tony it’s Gerald and mcco as close off the track as on it but it’s less Butch

And Sundance more morom and wise I like that Shakira she’s nice have you got toar yet yeah not yet no yeah well you want to get to hor fine she’s lovely you suffer with your back champ sometimes yeah I got a uh thing C yesterday uh which I ordered there’s a

Picture here the one at esub 7 that would be good for your back a good looking one nice eyes but the thing she’s upside Jennifer Lopez though so that just ruins her a bit cuz she’s a bab yeah well to be fair she’s female so what does that mean she fits your profile

Yeah don’t Tire everybody with the same brush as yourself you’re looky I’m fussy when the tapes go up it’s we might all be very good friends in and around and out of the waying room but once you get out there it’s every man for himself being a jump jocky there’s always a good

Chance that you’re going to get Falls you know they say that the the average is one and 10 horses you ride are going to fall well I’ve had nearly 800 I’ve had nearly 850 rides this year already so if if you work it out like that then apparently I’ve had nearly 80

Falls um I hope that I haven’t but you get lot of Falls like that and there’s going to be one or two right good bangs in the head you know and you don’t want too many of them contrary to what a lot of people think we don’t actually try

And let AP maai win every race there’s everybody goes out there goes out there with the same idea and the same goal to win um no with with driving a lot we with driving a lot go we’ve come to Shakir or whatever name is you you know

You just go through a stage where you where you like um you like to get in the car and go to sleep and wake up with the races and some of the journeys are are not very pleasant some days so you were driving it would wreck your head

You good mate to travel with a yeah not really No all he ever does when he gets when he gets in the car if you’re driving asleep cheltonham to the National hunt Community is the equal of golf’s Rider cup three intense days of competition where winning will always mean more than

The taking part so much is expected of McCoy that the pressure is breath threatening [Applause] it wrecked my head actually everything around it for and all that wreck my head um because it doesn’t really interest me I’ll be much happier each day when I go out and get

On the first horse and I actually start racing it’s probably the only three days of the year where people um are really interested in someone like me um so but it is a pain you know I mean you know I’m going to CH try winners I’m not

Going to run a social club you know what I mean the only worry I have at CH is if I didn’t write a winner if I didn’t have winners um total disaster they come down toward watchs the Final Fence get real having everything thrown at him from where he

Stands just three parts of a length between them there whereas San starting to get on top get real fighting all the way to the line on the far side a quite wonderful finish WEA s itching to the front mco’s done it again WEA Sans wins a thriller a week ahead of the Great

Festival and McCoy is bearing down on Richard’s record his tally the result of an unmatched ability to find inches in a driving finish and the odd gem from the Peerless pipeyard he’s hardly draw PR as he comes inside the last half furong now winning by about 4 five lengths but it

Could easily be 25 lengths B miad coasting home an impressive win of the H one outing one win and an obvious bond between man and Beast Sandown in Sur and McCoy is now within 12 winners of Sir Gordon Richard’s record but this afternoon McCoy is downbeat about his chances for

A winner he has three rides as ever the first indeed has been heavily supported by McCoy’s Army of blind backers he starts the race as third favorite take six to ball indeed white face is asked to stretch by Tony McCoy Andrew Thornton cajoling cracking Dawn as they come

Towards the the last and indeed it’s over at a length or so clear and cracking Dawn is being forced to dig deep it turned into a Sprint and it’s indeed who found the better Turner foot and cracking Dawn this solid Tempo was lacking here and indeed it’s going to

Take advantage indeed wins Josh G in flying form another for AP McCoy ODS on I was a little bit worried that I was in front of it early on he might give a little flick way went between races McCoy fulfills his duties as col for the telegraph with his Ghost

Writer G’s brother Marcus Armitage the subject is predictable what are the ones you’re looking forward to Val RX obviously every one of them there’s not a horse on at CH that I’m not looking forward to rid that’s been honest I’ve got you know hopefully I’ll have great rides hopefully I’ll pick the

Right ones hopefully I’ll ride lots of winners hopefully hopefully a lot of things one of the duties of a jockey is the meeting and greeting with owners before each race McCoy is unfailingly polite and courteous despite the intensity which he brings to the job hello hello how are

You his second ride at Sandown bold investor is trained by another of Ireland’s favorite racing men jjo O’Neal O’Neal believes McCoy has a significant Edge over his contemporaries he’s just 100% in every angle he knows the form he can ride a finish he can ride a waiting race he’s a

Great hman he’s just the complete allrounder how does he compare to you if you were sort of up against him I know that would be a different thing really he wouldn’t be that good like McCoy’s earlier pessimism is proving to be misplaced O’Neal’s horse bold investor runs away from the rest to

Bring the jockey his second win of the day and bold investor for Tony McCoy gallops up the sand down Park Hill eight lengths clear from Spy null back third top Buck rig would grow for a place but up towards the line two on the afternoon as Tony McCoy continues to Bear Down on

To Gordon Richards record more you last brought very good but last brought got the ball making up better today bit betterday than the last not a very good judge unbelievable how someone ugly could get such a nice wife yeah you know why you have go [Laughter] wife that’s not very

Nice no no the only reason he is he’d be afraid of the pay out if have to get rid of him oh yeah as you apparently we’re starting to talk about payouts are we oh God hello it’s a busy day and later that night an Allstar cast attend a benefit

Dinner for Richard dun Woody in London McCoy’s expected on stage to give his thoughts on the chelham festival for once he’s last see you late yeah you were quicker today I was a bit quicker horses to help me today though I should have horses every day works um Charlie Thomas all small

Items many thanks to the H especially I don’t see any point in doing something if you’re want to lose or if you can’t win I can’t imagine I’m not putting myself in the same category as them but I can’t imagine that Tiger Woods is a very good loser I can’t

Imagine Michael schumacker is a very good loser it’s all of it winning it’s another one for Tony McCoy Martin pip the seab ball wins again other jockeys have radar but I think he’s the only one who’s ever won on our horses so we’ve won like 25 times for instance and he’s

Won 25 times on them you know he’s won on everyone and when other people have rolled it they they haven’t seemed to to win on any of them Tony McCoy is the most incredible Rider I think I’ve ever seen I know these guys Frankie dor and

The leester pigot and you know the L of Gordon Richards and all that this guy I don’t know how he does it he he’s totally blinkered dedicated and if he doesn’t have two or three winners a day he’ll go home and you know obviously get very disappointed I almost wish he had a

Life outside racing but when you get to that stage you can’t if he was on the world stage he’d be bigger than Tiger Woods the fact that National hand racing is perhaps only big in in Britain and Ireland means that only we in this sort of area northern Europe know much about

Him but he is without doubt the most incredible Horseman I’ve ever seen he’s so strong I’ve seen him fall pick horses up and still win all he’s got to do is jump it oh he’s down no he’s not brilliant recovery but this has given infrasonic a chance it stopped him in

His tracks infrasonic might get up but Coy’s doing everything on ticker tie what a ride what a performance that’s why he’s the champ the most incredible Rider I think I’ve ever seen the expectations of others would not unduly perturb McCoy as he prepared for the biggest week of his

Year in 1997 McCoy achieved the cheltonham double carrying off both the festival big ones the Gold Cup and Champion hurdle courtesy of Mr Mulligan and make a stand but with 100 y left to go it’s maker stand who’s run them off their legs and wins the Smurf at Champion hurdle Tony McCoy another

Winner for him it’s maker stand who wins by five or six [Applause] legs Mr Mulligan finds a second win he boots away fallings clear one man can’t go on it’s going second placing Barton Bank from doran’s Pride at one man but 100 yd left to go on the run in it’s

Must have Mr Mulligan who’s run them ragged he’s five lengths in front he’s getting weary but so are the others and as they race up towards the line Mr Mulligan and that man Tony McCoy again win the gold [Applause] cap in 2001 cheltonham was a victim of

The foot and mouth outbreak starved of their showpiece week the racing public was salivating at its imminent return McCoy entered the week eight shy of the record but not short of support’ll get 10 so we think he’ll get eight yeah no problem and I’ll be on him you see racing at stford

Yesterday excellent excellent he won that four four and a half to one shot at Stratford on it should never have won it and he won it best jocker You’ ever come across ever I think he’s half a dozen winners away from breaking Gordon Richard’s record needs about six more to

Do it don’t think he’ll do it this week uh he’ll probably get two or three at sh Tony who how do you rck he’s going to go today in the who is he Tony McCoy never heard of never heard him so you follow racing he won’t get more than two or

Three I mean Frank I’ve had a little better 10 to one for him not to ride a winner just for a bit of fun in contrast an eternal spring at the last and approaches down and now it’s like a butterfly who’s been left in front over west ender in second in contrast in

Third Eternal spring is staying on well inside the final Half furong Light a butterfly is all out like a butterfly west ender lunging late one last late lunch not enough today like a butterfly wins for JP mmers and Charlie Swan Before the Race mcoy had thought that

Only one horse had the beating of his own Mount west ender like a butterfly had proved him right but his second ride seab ball owned by footballer Steve McManaman and Robbie Fowler had never been beaten Moscow flyer from seabo who’s trying to challenge him on the outside

But Moscow Flyers jump really well today he’s over the Final Fence safely he’s coming up the hill by about three L to SEO who’s trying to close him down but it’s mosco flyer is going to win the AR under bar SEO home in second place the jockey worst fear was already clouding

His week the only worry I have with gentl is that if I didn’t ride a winner total disaster the big race of the day was the champion hurdle at a second outing for Valera mix a bad day for McCoy was soon to become a tragic one I’d the winner

For John J on the Monday at Stratford and he me you know ask me what I thought of the week and he said what do you think is your best ride and you know obviously JP owned this to Brack and he was he was going running that and I said

To John I said I said I’ll be honest with you I said I think the horse and Champion hard is different different class than that I’ve seen her sat on definitely this year um and I said you know that that whatever you know if it

Is this the bra that’s going to beat him he’s going to have to you know that he’s not going to run against the horse like this before um you know you know I genuinely I said that before the champion Orland and I genuinely thought he was

You know I thought he was the one horse that could now go and be something special you know ominously pre-ra the PS were deserting him favoring the Irish great isra I’m looking for him to win at the moment I can’t believe it he’s gone on the drift and the panters don’t seem to

One him which is very unusual for chham so we’ll be giving good old Tony a cheer at this moment in time and away they go then for the eagerly awaited smurfit Champion hurdle initially McCoy and Vala mix follow isra before it became clear that the crowd favorite was

Struggling I just started off behind him and I knew after he jumped the first hle Charlie started niggling at him and I thought he’s gone he’s he’s he’s not gone um and to be honest I on anything he’d showed all year I wasn’t that worried about him to be

Honest um you know but it’s one of those that you know you got to respect him he’s winner of sweet Champion or and he was a brilliant horse on his day and for that reason you’re always frightened that he’s going to show it again even though he hadn’t done earlier in that

Season here to bre the three times Champion being pulled up after just two flights of hurdles Charlie not happy with him and has pulled him up quickly I mean h went on to win the champion and you know he hammered H new I’m not s probably improved but he you

Know he he never would have shown anything like the the ability that this horse when he turned to come down the hill he was he was running away and you know there now it doesn’t make any difference there’s no doubt he would have won the

Jum hard he was coming down the hill he was traveling well and um when he went down um at the time my immediate reaction was that that something had went wrong with him F makes the giant gray on the inside Marvel Arch is back in fifth place and

Landing light fix has happened is down and he was absolutely cantering there he may just have caught the heels of Anar drama in this Champion her something had happened to him where he put his foot in the hole or whether he he something had he’d broken the leg

Or something I didn’t know what it was I knew and he hit the ground that he was serious when I felt him initially go there was no coming back you know sometimes when horses clip FS they they stumble for a bit and you get them back

Up but there was no or you stumble and they throw you over their heads and they keep going but there was no when he stumbled he wasn’t getting back up you know which was you know which makes me think that that you know maybe it was a weakness I I don’t know

You know I can C and down and I have G up and down it believe able looked at the video a million Times I’ll be honest I didn’t want to carry on ring you know I just felt that what is the point wait all year for this and you know this s and he ran once and he’s won once and you know one another chance of showing how good he is and

That goes and happens to him you know Val mix was put Down McCoy had suffered at sheltonham before two years earlier Gloria victus fell fatally in the Gold Cup after two winless days shooting light seemed to represent a genuine chance for McCoy in the Gold Cup instead a bad week got worse hope and expectation replaced by misery and

Resignation and at the back of the field shooting light not going at all well for Tony McCoy at this stage he’s last of all very disappointed I thought that he realistically had a n way chance to run a big race in the Gold Cup um and I knew after jumping fourth I

Knew after I hadn’t gone half a mile I knew he wasn’t right you know he wasn’t things weren’t happening for him I knew that it wasn’t going to be his day malra creeping a little bit closer picking one or two of them off now Sackville is next he’s followed by

Moscow Express at the back end of the field Alexander banquet go ballistic ciper alter at the back of this main group is what’s up boys and shooting LS been pulled up with a cir to go then I was walking back and of course best M was after winning and and I’ll be

You know I’m I’m not a good I’m not a good loser I’m not good at watching anything else but I was I was inside I must say I was good at because I’d ridden B me at the time before and I’d got beaten him and I kind of have thought that you

Know maybe if I have ridden him more like a stair he might have won best mate he’s two in front with 100 yard left to go best mate being cheered all the way home what a moment for Jim G and Henry tonight they win the Gold Cup with best

Mate the only worry I have with gentl is that if I didn’t any total disaster McCoy’s mood was dark and he found himself stained by Criticism I think probably this week at chelham he is as down as he’s ever been because all that matters to him is succeeding and he hasn’t had a winner yet he’s got to learn to cope with the bad days a little better to be honest that’s the one area that that that he’s

Probably weak on you’ve got to get up after a bad date you got to still want to do it the next day and the trouble with him is he’s the only thing that makes him tick is riding winners and he hates being at a big Festival like this

Having to go into the second spot or not even getting into the winners enclosure at all he hates it but it’s because winning is the only thing that matters he’s a born winner it’ll come right for him again and he’ll be fine but he just he’s not a great person to be around

Right now McCoy’s penultimate ride of the festival was on Martin Pip’s Royal Oair [Applause] Fant in second place third DAV gold next Mr [Applause] per best best I’d be honest I was walking back up to shooting the RO cheing and I thought well you know I got to techn knowledging you know but I didn’t feel like it I think lot of the everyday batting

Shot punter sort of realized that that what happened during the week was that I wasn’t coping very well with it more so than what the people that went racing every day did you know this week at chelham he is as down as he’s ever been I think that was

Probably the worst recent week of my life when things aren’t going right he’s Miserable as Sin and he’s a person and you don’t want to go anywhere near if I had have won every race until the end of the CH Festival it wouldn’t have made up

For what happened tox you’ve got to get up after a bad day you got to still want to do it the next day it’s made the whole season not worthwh you know and you know you can’t things can’t change but um you know I suppose you got to get on

With it but it’ll take me a long time to get over it and I you know it’ll be something that that you know that I remember for a long long time he’s got to learn to cope with the bad days a little better to be honest that’s the one area that that

That he’s probably weak on you know I didn’t give you know I didn’t give a [ __ ] what they said and you know doesn’t bother me people telling me that oh I need to be able to cope with it better and I you know I should be a better Sports person all

That you know but looks that I totally respect care from her point of view she’s a good friend of mine and um she’s very good at her job but that’s our job um and I don’t think she’s she or anyone else is in the position to be able to um

Tell me what way I should cope with mine you know as long as I’m riding the horses properly as long as I put them in good winning positions and I don’t do anything wrong with them then as far as I’m concerned that’s my job done it’s

Not not my problem they can’t hand it you know I didn’t ask them to look at me you know you know I went out and every horse that I rode in chelam and I did my best and I rode after the champion H I rode three more seconds and and I only

Rode One winner and you know it didn’t affect me when I got on a horse in the way I was going to ride um if anything it made me more determined I won’t be able to C with any better I’m not going to be able to have

A bad day at Chum and come out smiling and be nice and happy about it it’s not going to happen you know there’s no point you know no point tell me it is going to happen CU it so Red Rum arguably the most famous horse in the history of the sport three

Grand national victories in 5 years from 1973 in that year Ry provided one of the great finishers to the greatest of races it meant heartbreak for longtime leader crisp and jockey Richard Pitman you know for a jockey to win one grand national or for a jockey to win two grand

Nationals but for a horse to win three is unbelievable you know you could get a horse that you know that might run in the Grand Nationals three or four years in a row and he might get round every year cuz it could jump on that actually get a horse that’s going to win

You three grand nationals anding two others is unbelievable you know chis is getting very TI and red Rob is Ping after him red Rob is the one that’s finishing the strongest he’s going to get up red Rob is going to win the national and at the line red robers just

Snatched it from Red Rob is the winner it would probably never happen again it won’t ever happen desert Orchid was the horse of the late 80s everyone loved Desi and that affection was never better shown than in the 1989 Gold Cup when and we couldn’t have a classic section without

Something from AP his own selection this one edredon blur in the Queen Mother Champion Chase from 2000 one fence to jump Edward Don blur drifting to the center both direct route and Flagship uberas are challenging at the last fence there’s nothing between this Trio up the

Hill they come Edon blur in front made all the running holding on from direct route who challenges now he’s got his head in front later on direct route heading towards the line direct rout Edon blur fighting back at image close between direct route and Edon blur

Flagship Uber was third the outb way and fourth a week after the disappointment of cheltonham and McCoy and Fitzgerald headed for Spain Two Men and their golf clubs abroad oh jeez oh God bet p i just a b concern champ that you know you’re showing everybody are sleeping in

No I don’t think so can we can we just prove one thing look look see this look this is like keep away from me type thing I’m think bringing a pair of trousers too look look make sure you get these trousers look somebody somebody put some mask and tape on them I think

Or is a paint he was walking around look he walking around p with these things on them like Egyptian scroll M do you mother a bit do I yeah Jam put plenty of that sun cream on your head there yeah cuz you’re you’re you are starting to burn up

Bad no I don’t think so do you want to bring it a jumper for yourself cuz you don’t want to get cold or again definitely not there’s a lot of people I like more one of them no the great thing is we get on really well

So we basically just take the piss out one all the time it works quite well why am I here um going to rebuild his confidence after hisel yeah yeah fully actually I managed to come here and I brought Mick with me because I Thinkin

The only person that had as bad a CH as me was him so no I no I actually didn’t have a winner all right all right then um uh we just decided to get away for a few days and there was wasn’t actually much racing only racing in Newcastle and Kel for for

4 days it was a good time to get a break and you know I think it’ll sort of it’ll help me in the respect that a lot of people might actually sort of like just leave off and forget about for forget about me for a few days um and

Also the weers lovely and we’ve both had busy year busy Seasons as well so it’s good to get good to get four days away and you know obviously big meeting coming up in Liverpool in two week’s time and that’ll be you know at least we’d be fairly refreshed for it we’ll be

In good shape you’d hope get up there that was my worst effort on this hole I do believe not like that you mean you’re okay you’re laid up there I presume I can cut all the bad shots out can I I should hope don’t you just love it when you

Find your ball in the [ __ ] get oh it’s good off it’s Good I love my golf and so does so is AP it’s like everything with him he thinks he can just pick up a golf club and be Tiger Woods know say that’s gone a mile hasn’t it what you just think you can pick up a and be Tiger Woods yeah it’s non happening

Feature [ __ ] Hell crashed and burned competitive you might be but talented with a Go Club he is it’s still wind on her yeah so a lot of people don’t understand our lives are tunnel vision and all you do is basically get up in the morning ride out

If you have to come back have a sweat go racing come home from racing that’s it 6 days a week for obvious reason you wouldn’t expect Alexa Lee West to go and ride a horse one that he’d be carrying a bit McCoy returns to a race meeting at

Exitor and an eventful ride on Miss [Applause] cool he escapes them back embarrassed but [Applause] intact man hello hello how are you Notting out good yes thanks yeah it’s very good probably two of the best horses I’ve ever ridden both got killed and um in glor of Victor and valer and and I

Suppose you could say I was I you know it’s hard not to be attached to horses like that and even watching the replays I haven’t even I wouldn’t even attempt to see what way I I felt cuz you know as far as I was concerned that was immaterial and didn’t really matter

Um but yeah I did yeah I knew and to be honest I knew when he was going down it was it was it was bad you know um but you get horses that you love riding every day I mean lady Cricket’s one of my favorite cuz she’s you know she’s

Tough and she she’s she’s a great mayor you know he so makes himself so available to the press and the media that like when an incident happens like over chel when he’s quiet for a few days they just um I don’t think you they’re not used to

It they’re not used to not being communitive I think that’s where there was a bit of a breakdown probably because he made himself so available most of the time hello Dave it’s G um any last minute rides for tomorrow any sort of late rides I see down for three need another half

Hour okay spech in a bit bye half hour still s out jeez they’re getting better looking that sky sport is a great channel oh my God just being ruined by the unfortunately not so pretty head of zal himself four jumps away that’s actually quite appropriate for the

Jump more than four jumps away I’m going to show you that that one over the years how was been more than four jumps away you active for you wasn’t that cheap was it for got such a good looking lad I don’t know how I struggled so much cuz no one’s heard

Of you over there that’s why well I mean I was talking a bit here I’m who so what go back home and have a meal get so what time did you get to to Mar Bella we got to Mar at about 9:00 the flight was in time then yeah did you get

Recognize the airport Yeah by by Fitzy BG biggest bunch of punters out there f f didn’t recognize me I work for the jockers association uh which is the the body which helps and promotes the interest of jockeys in in in the UK uh and AP is the president the

National hunt jump president of the association so I’ve got to known quite well over the last uh I suppose two years really since Richard Dy retired and I live in the next door Village so we see a lot of each other both professionally and around here watching

The football as well uh and I enjoy working with uh ambitious young athletes like like AP just want to be the best at their job so in that respect we we we work well together uh plenty that’s plenty of humor it’s a humorous relationship it’s never too serious well we can we can

Establish one thing over this di it’s going to be how many rides no winners we know That and I’m not riding particularly well at the moment B started stagging me last night he said you’ve gone I said yeah right I just blame you cuz he’s the same amount of Murs as me Wednesday L three rides no winners but very very disappointed finding in the cellar beating the long

Way put Jonathan Woodgate is troubling more judges than [Laughter] I don’t know that much about him um will be fit and Noah’s job and to be honest you know as much about them as I do you don’t like betting in those races too well you don’t know what yeah I don’t I

Personally I personally Marcus as a jockey don’t like backing horses in you have ultimate editorial control over this film well I mean that doesn’t that shouldn’t be edited I mean cuz he’s asked such a stupid question that should actually be that wasn’t a question it was a statement such a stupid statement then

Right this is my number one fan apparently yeah she is she is actually she watch your videos every night she’s 8 years old Saturday the racing she watched it every night then for week P Armitage is running in the London Marathon McCoy struggles with the concept of the

Event be very disappointed if Woody beat her in the mar why you just sign the whole total fact of doing the marath is a complet Jo because she Ain going to win it but the fact she’s going to let Woody [ __ ] beat her I mean to

Be fair he is as fit as a butcher’s dog and he’s a he’s not yeah I think he’s over the top that level to level same Talent will always run better than a girl but he’s not mentally strong enough Woody he’s always been weak get the 300

Hopefully look I can’t can’t ride one win at the minute never mind 300 hello how are you I’m fine about I just Lamborn open day and McCoy is the star attraction just get on him you’re not riding it there’s a better one than this just get on him let get on

It do you mind if five your Pony yeah most people don’t trust me with their horses delicious right Richard Johnson seems to have drawly the and Turning he got the tiniest Pony he’s Going what a relief that was really thought had to ride the right here we go Tony M first second stand his hor nice long stride will he ask for a long one again oh oh no he’s gone it’s what and G Armitage rubs a little salt in

Do a better than our boss boss is eliminated but hopefully com the last slow motion in the air but very nice though McCoy was disappointed with his chelham Adrian Maguire’s meeting was far more serious Maguire suffered a serious neck injury after falling it just shows you the sort of life of a

Jump jocky when you have a look at someone Dre McGuire what way do you take that off there to get dressed L Harvey on his camera don’t how how do you get pull up Jesus pull up underneath to getc iair is but as I said I said you know if you

Thought about it if anyone thought about it you would attt right horse so probably best that we don’t think about it too much Jesus Christ from the bone gra they literally they literally cut the ass off you apparently the doctor said the first thing that he asked when

He woke up was how long he’d be out for and you know the doctor says do you actually realize you know how close you are to being paralyzed from the night down the hard not that he said you know yeah but when am I going to be

Riding you get a part in the new Bond movie maybe or something that are you watching here he comes McCoy has agreed to do a bunge jump as part of the day’s entertainment over the helicop blood heavy this is is it I’m sure you sure you’re familiar with

Jumping Tony for this particular one when we get up there be a slight delay while we orientate the cage you’re right about this thing dragging your back yeah it’s pretty heavy so once we’ve got the Oar set and you’re facing out this way I face I’ll

Open the gate which way do I face you’ll be facing CLA yeah so I’ll open the gates I’ll position you with your feet so your heels are slightly over the edge right wor no but wish should ask the car if anything goes Wrong yes no hesitation whatever n of Steal as you’d expect thank you very much indeed on t’s behal for that that night he travels to Newton Avis where polar champ takes his season’s winners tally to 200 66 four away from setting a new mark but it’s po champ coming towards

The final flight up and over it safely well clear of the tiring Nory lad Southern down in haror Island still closing but polar champ will win this very easily indeed the following day and the next stop is chepstow in South Wales McCoy has a full book of rides and needs four winners to surpass sir Gordon Richard’s record even trainer Martin pipe sensors an opportunity to create history he’s got uh some good rides car Andrew in the first race got a good chance they’ve all got good chances um

We hope uh perhaps he could get the record today who knows he getting closer and closer he needs four now he gets on with the horses well understands the horses understands uh the way the races run and uh gets the the the best out of the horses he really encourages them and

They run well for him he’s a lovely jab he’s a super guy the first race of the day and as pipe suggested car Andrew earns McCoy winner number 267 yeah was you know disappointed didn’t you know the money floods on to McCoy’s remaining rides but car Andrew is his only win of the day he still needs Three sir Gordon Richards was Champion flat Joy 26 times but his most famous success was his only derby win on pinsa in 1953 but the Finish was all pin who went on to pass the post four lengths ahead of the Queen’s oral and alone in the [Applause] picture Tony McCoy headed for war on April the 2nd needing three more winners to overtake Richard’s 55-year-old Mark McCoy himself was playing down the possibility of breaking the record with a Midlands treble but as ever there were plenty of others willing to talk about his chances to come here with three

Winners to go and it’s fantastic for Warick and and to be part of it and um if he’s if he has a winner today we we’ve helped in that record and um if he was to have all three here it’d be fantastic you know I just go out and do

My job and if they win they win and you know it’s not my fault that everyone’s come here expect me to ride three winners I can’t help if he was to break the record it’d be unique for Warick and um D I said we might have to have a

Statue of McCoy built somewhere or and a dinner in his honor or something like that but fingers crossed let’s hope he has it does it today wari was a sellout and the feeling that history was at hand increased when McCoy eased shampoo to a first race success the shampoo over

Safely three length clear from bow and arrow then comes mumar in third but racing up towards the line it’s shampoo being driven out to the Finish from bow and arrow in second this is number 268 of the season for Tony McCoy he’s within one of the record now shampoo strides

Clear she’s gone on to win by three [Applause] length well done Tony thank you two more thanks bringing it back safe too how dides she feel good yeah yeah she travel all the way she’s tough little tough little thing you know yeah she is thank you McCoy side everyone else was getting

Excited did you hear that well obviously we were hoping she equal the record on Max PR yesterday and break it today on poo but she’s part of the record so that’s all that matters if he breaks it today she part of the trouble he the trouble today she he breaks the record

Today anyway so hopefully that’ll be the first one in his trouble today and this is the day he breaks the record maybe the third race of the day and McCoy was on board Shepherd’s rest he rated the horse no better than a chance get him traveling that’s amazing when he’s

Traveling can do what you like but um he wouldn’t want to hit the front too early like when he came to the front and um L there he’s looked as he was going to chopped up just it’s Shephard’s rest and Alpha gold as they come towards the last and

Shephard’s rest produced the lead at the last has hit the front and goes on from alpha gold in second and as they race into the closing stage is shepher rest given a beautiful waiting ride here by Tony McCoy draws clear and he will go on an equal so Gordon Richard’s record of

269 in the season magnificent effort from Tony McCoy wins on Shepherd’s rest [Applause] the record had been equaled and at one of the more lowkey meetings of the season if there was respect for McCoy’s achievement in the Winner’s enclosure it was less the case in the changing room [ __ ] smile

A little bit you are saddle you go well Really Got A desperate year very kind come on Lads we’re having a whip round for a so you can buy some champagne oh yeah well everyone else is doing it when he breaks just wait then to see oh hold

On I’ve just got another call coming someone else ringing up about it just hold on one second hello yeah hi what right okay well I’ll have to worry about it later sorry I’m just in the middle of something at the moment okay just in the middle of History um the um

Sorry I just had to tell someone who was ringing up about my car that I would I was talking about history not bloody cars this afternoon I actually thought I’d struggle today I thought obviously champoo a good chance I need a good chance but pleased it both of the mo um

But I’d prefer to break it before I start talking about it so if you don’t mind what was the last line this going to win what was the last name I’d prefer to break it before I start talking about it will be a quiz question for years to

Come the horse that carried Tony McCoy into the history books valonic in the four tenant War April the 2nd 2002 a lot of lads will get themselves up for the big day but you know when it’s a wet Monday at Plumpton it’s a novice Chaser who’s Fallen last time at you know it’s always a case of you know well let’s see how he jumps he gets on

Him and says this is how you’re going to jump and that’s that’s a difference for me it’s a hunger the like of which I don’t think we’ve ever seen before because I think the jockey as life as time goes on is getting more and more committed more and more professional

He’s that much he’s just got something that other people don’t have and that’s not to denigrate the other jockies I think we probably got the best collection the best depth of talent in our jump jockies that we’ve ever had but McCoy is that bit fitter that bit more

Driven than the rest I admire all these guys I work with people like John frankco and skew deore and dun Woody all great this guy is beating their totals inside five or six years I’ve seen most things in life but I’ve never seen anything like this guy they are under

Starters orders they’re off this is the leak wood and novice’s handicap hurdle they race over 2 miles when you get to that close to something like that you keep thinking all I need is to break a collar bone or break a wrist or breaking that

And you and I’m out for 5 weeks and that’s it finished Val ponic is now making good ground when I look at a race I think it’s simple I start off here and I go around and basically I have to get around there before all the others just

As long as I get to that line before the others as long as I pass them all out the time I get from there if I’m on up in that’s fine alic is now in Hot Pursuit and he’s coming through to mount a challenge but I I don’t know I don’t know

That I don’t know that I ever realized that it was such a big thing you know andic trying to get on terms now we’ve done Karen tazok on the near side then Egypt on the far side four in line over the last and it’s valonic in the

Center who may just have put his head in front this looks like the record for Tony McCoy 270 of the season goes on to break the record terrific performance from a true champion if you’re on the best horse you got to make sure you put it in the right places

And you got to make sure that it wins and at the end of the day it’s all about getting on the best horse you you you can’t make a Stow horse be a fast horse You Know M how good J you Are on the winner Horses away Please T this way waiting waiting get on typical typical account a typical car very disappointed that he beat L to it and ask me how it got on you know all [Applause] Right I can’t compare and I wouldn’t even begin to compare myself to someone like s Richards um you know not the fact that he R 269 winners but the fact that he was 26 times Champion jockey um says it all and says as much as riding you

Know it’s it’s it’s okay to ride a lot of winners in one season but to continue doing it for as many seasons as he did then um I think he’d probably beat me at that score probably not he’s just broke a record now and uh we decided to pull

Our horse out and he was due to ride for us we’ve just had a quick chat with him in the weing room and he’s going out to ride someone else’s a lot of jockeys would sit back and so I broke the record now I want to go home and load it up a

Little bit but Tony’s not he’s back out on that track it’s hard as rock out there and he’s back out there one in another winner that’s what makes him apart from everyone else it’s it’s definitely been we on the shoulders like he you saw us when we were in Spain and

We were we were having a good time but still at the back of his mind we were coming back it was it was there and you know anybody who knows him well you know I’d like to think that I know him reason be well and it was definitely worrying

Him a little bit and that he just wanted to get it done and get it so that it wasn’t bothering him anymore and now this I’m sure people will say oh what odds him to ride 300 in the season and that’ll be the next bloody thing but you

Know I’m sure that won’t bother him obviously a few The Lads want to go for the pub for a drink and I’ll have to go with them I’m doing light tomorrow so I’ll have to come back home and get in the bath at some stage so I’d love to be Champion jockey until

I retire so um if that means that I be riding for the next 10 or 12 years or the next 5 years or 2 years or whatever it is then I’d like to retire as Champion [Applause] jockey MC’s War heroics caught his support team out no one expected a

Midland’s treble and so none of his closest friends were there to see it no I actually was at Round A’s house watching the racing yesterday chapstone and if he was if he won the first two myself and G were going to jump in the car and go and watch the record and

Equal the record broken didn’t happen she ran the deck declarations off the internet and I said one at most ask at Wednesday maybe A3 Thursday country goes mad terrestrial television absolutely superb so in typical fashion goes out and Rise three winners when the rest of the previous two have been very moderate

By his standards so uh I’m a great form judge got it horribly wrong and none of as you say none of the of his closest team were there I think Dave Roberts wasn’t there Martin pipe wasn’t there G Armitage wasn’t there uh you if you want

To include myself on that list I’d love to have been there so my timing was useless but I didn’t actually expect to ride three winners today from it didn’t look his best book of writes compared to chapstone un number on the previous two days so got it horribly wrong I was just

Adding up I don’t think I wrote that many winners in two seasons never mind one and I thought that was quite good what Tony McCoy’s achieved is to me equivalent to winning four gold medals at the Olympics or you know the equivalent of being the best you know in

Plenty of other sports that are far better recognized than racing and it’s a shame it’s one of those things you’ve got to be involved in it and probably do it to appreciate how much hard work is involved and to ride you know 26070 winners in a season is an incredible achievement not

Enjoyable think a better ways to spin the morning than than doing that carry on the electric fence is obviously not on anyway cuz they’re not that bothered by ear come on um these horses can rather like me I’m a bit worried about biting me or something bite the champion they [ __ ] W hey go away I’m things stuck te hey come on like shove off you’ve broken just about every record in the book so why you such a miserable bastard most of the time give me a tip don’t next F of me to be fair he doesn’t realize how good a

Tip that is you give him I know what do you know about Tony McCoy he’s one of our top stars and the best looking man in Ireland oh yeah yeah he’s by he should be sh blow uh riding blowing wind what does motivate him money no no no no don’t take a notice

What he says he’s talking rubbish trying to portray himself as really massively mad and hungry and really care if they get beaten not interested in women that’s all he cares about chasing women he had a shocking chelum and I don’t mean the festival I’m referring to the black day in the Autumn

When somebody nicked his mobile phone he lost a lot of stored numbers and as he said I wouldn’t have minded but there were at least 10 on there that none of the other had a p McCoy’s magic Works Tony McCoy continues to Bear Down on S Gordon Richards Record very lucky that AP rides a lot of my horses he’s a brilliant jockey he’s a super guy I think AP is absolutely stunning amazing absolutely brilliant jocky he brings everything to the sport really he’s the best there is the best we’ve ever seen up to

Now oh he’s down no he’s not brilliant recovery I’ve seen most things in life but I’ve never seen anything like this guy I’m not going to be able to have a bad day at chham and come out to SM you’re nice and happy about it it’s not going to [Applause] happen the best the best you’re showing everybody our saing I don’t think [Applause] so I would not want to do anything else in the world I live here I think what he achieved at the time he did was unbelievable and I’m just pleased to be mentioned in the same breath you Know it’s about believing it’s possible is It

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