Trying New Distance Drivers as We Round Out the Bag!! | Beginner Disc Golf Tips

Look….I’m not the farthest thrower in the world. I know my weaknesses in my game, and like most I’m looking for discs that can help me solve that problem with as little form change as possible. In today’s video we’re testing the Vibe and a Prototype Driver from Hooligan Discs from their brand new manufacturer!! I’m stoked to see how these fly on both forehand and backhand to see if they end up making the bag!! How do they actually fly?? You’ll have to watch to find out!!

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For the best-putting tool in the game, head over to and use the code “rcdiscgolf” for 10% off!
The amazing FlighTowel and other related products to massively improve your game can be found at​ and use code “128799” for 10% off!
The best beginner bag, as well as a phenomenal bag overall for the under $100 price point, check out Atlas DG Supply at
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Thanks again for stopping by, but until next time I hope the birdies outnumber the bogies!!

0:00 Intro
0:30 Setting the Table
2:28 What are We Working With??
7:10 Hole 1
9:02 Hole 2
11:41 Hole 3
12:56 Hole 4
18:30 Final Thoughts

What is up YouTube fam Robbie C here today we have distance driver prototypes and if you know me you guys know that I throw so far like that’s like what I’m known for is how far I throw a disc so we’re going to throw these distance driver

Prototypes and see how they Stack Up what’s making the bag what’s not because y’all in the bag hopefully coming real soon so before we dive in how you doing today Jeremiah are you having a good one me if I Fall okay no but for real uh distance drivers are in the bag and I don’t know about you guys but as someone who tries to have a very balanced game a lot of times when people are getting into disc golf I have heard several stories of

Folks who are like they get in and they’re very very forehand dominant because when you’re throwing the forehand this is most like other athletic motions things like that and so you can get a lot more you feel like at least you’re getting a lot more Spin and

Power out of the forehand so you end up throwing a lot more forehands over time and if you don’t start that way and you start as a predominantly backhand player over time you learn like a backhand turnover especially as a right-handed player when a hole happens to shape left

Or right because of this imbalance as it continues to grow if you don’t end up developing one skill over the other you end up with possibly a bag that is a little more Awkward or you have to have more discs in your bag than you maybe want to carry because your backand and

Your forehand are so different from one another in fact I know it’s a pretty common take for lots of people in the disc off Community for some reason to hate Joel Freeman but one thing that I really respect about Joel Freeman is that every disc in his bag he Prides

Himself on he throws it forehand and backhand like if he cannot throw it both ways he does not put it in the back for me personally I don’t throw crazy far with a backhand but my forehand has developed a lot over time and Foundation Allstars recently I think opened up

People’s eyes to the idea that like I have a pretty good forehand which doesn’t always help me in progressing my game as far as I wanted to earlier this year I made the decision to pull race and destroyers out of my bag and I decided to put Raiders in there I’ve

Been really really happy with the Raiders and how they’re flying for me I have a couple really sick Raiders I’ve got this Venom died hybrid Raider that I’ve had for a long time several years in fact uh before I joined team Innova I was in conversations with joining team

Dynamic and uh this was the Raider I was bagging at the time and then I have these two you know obviously you got to have them balancing each other out with the renegon and the shingon and a fusion Raider and a lucid Raider this is one of

The Ricky uh Raiders that got dropped when he joined the team so she’s pretty stable I’m trying to get this Fusion Raider to be a lot more flippy but it’s it’s taking some time so while it’s in the process of beating in and I’m really grateful with Raiders when I go to throw

These on a backhand the difference between all three of these Raiders is well noticeable between these two but I would say that this is the flippi this is straight but still is going to fade every time and this one’s fading a good bit I don’t even think about throwing my

Defenders on a backand because they are just sheer beef cakes but I have to have the Defenders because my forehand is significantly better so I can put more power into the forehand and because I’m not getting enough spin uh on the forehand you need that higher stability when you’re throwing faster forehand cuz

This spin causes balance that doesn’t let the disc turn over it’s a whole other video that we’re doing soon thus bringing us to the story of today and why we have these because while I eventually want to have especially this guy beat in enough that it’s like real

Flippy so that when I’m throwing forehand I’m having to go like if I want to go like forehand Raider I’m usually having to go this one because this will get Flippy and touchy and things like that this will be my easy flip up easy turnover like really flippy but it’s not

There right now and that is the big weakness of mold minimalization is if you do something crazy like I did where you pull an entire set of molds out of your bag and put fresh ones in there well you don’t necessarily unless you buy used ones or you like have been

Working on it on the side you don’t have beat in one did have a beat in one but Dakota unfortunately ripped it straight into a lake and for justice I didn’t mean to make it justice but I also ripped his cicada straight into the lake So eventually these are going to beat in

But we have to have alternative options and that is where I’m really grateful because I had two companies actually send out prototypes which is really great one of them I actually got in December which was the royal box and really grateful to Latitude 64 for

Putting me on the list to uh get one of those Royal boxes and I’ll be honest I filmed a whole video just unboxing in these and throwing them and because we have these fancy new mics there are a couple extra steps that I have to take in order to get them like working

Properly and I just straight up failed that day I was very distracted and uh didn’t do the mics so there was no sound on that video and the whole point of the video was like live reactions so can’t really fake that again couldn’t come up

With a great idea on how to use the disc otherwise the brave just came out at the point of where I’m filming this video I think the brave came out like last week uh or it’s coming out this week I don’t really know but the shrive is set to

Come out in March and I think the shrive is a distance driver that more people are going to be talking about cuz it has enough flip to it already straight out the box and this Royal plastic uh this Royal Grand plastic feels really amazing I think truly some of the best feeling

Plastic on the market so I have this currently slot in the bag but I have literally not played a round with it since realizing none of my Raiders were flippy enough to actually throw it so this would be a great like first round test with that the other company that

Sent me some prototypes was hooligan discs who famously made the Yeet um and the vibe are their first two dis who’s manufacturing the disc hooligan was being manufactured by lonar disc but in fact now they’re being manufactured by this YouTuber does not have the right to reveal who is currently manufacturing

The disc this is not public information but it will be made public one day in the near future for you guys to enjoy so I hope that you enjoy this nice air horn and hope you have a wonderful rest of your day crazy right I mean I can’t

Believe it either so I’ve got two the vibe was one of their flippy drivers that they were using in the past this white one and we have this brown one I think this could be competing with the strive which is really cool and then this distance driver I don’t know that

It has a name yet but it is supposed to be has like actually like a little bit of a bead on the outside which is kind of cool they said that it was very Destroyer like so we’re going to be comparing this to the Raiders today not

That I I’m keep my mind open but not that I’m expecting this to bump the Raider out but the Raider is currently what I’m throwing in that slot so that’ll give you a side by side and then we’ll be throwing the strive alongside the vibe sound good we’ll see what we

Got so first four hands of the day hole is it says like 300 something feet uh it is the basket sitting out there just got to hang it out over the road the key here is you’re okay flare skipping off the road you just want to make sure that

You don’t go too high and let it carry in we’re going to go right first for first forehand of the day I’ll be a little more familiar with it okay a lot of power that’s fine let’s see all right Green’s got some stability to it I like that big flare

Skip perfect she’s parked I like that and then we’re going to try this metal flake gray one much more of a bullet that’s clean that’s clean a lot lower of release they feel really good on that initial shot I wondered if the bead on the outside cuz like a bead on a

Distance driver is an interesting choice I think that passion has a beat on the outside didn’t bother me didn’t bother me on a vand at all now does the road actually play OB here that’s you know I would say that probably depends on who you play with it’s definitely going to give us

More of a putt when we play scared and don’t actually like trust it over the road now this is interesting because video wise if I want this for y’all to see this like as a scoreboard or like a contest between one to the other both of the unnamed prototypes coming in real

Clutch ended up really close to the basket I mean this is close enough for gray that metal flight Gray tapping I don’t think Green’s much worse yeah our next Hol is 466 feet away it is uh if you go over those railroad ties or like the power poles or whatever they are uh

Straight towards those three trees that are kind of sitting by what looks like a ditch over there 466 ft you may think o be baseball field to the right I don’t think it’s a good idea to FL F I don’t think it’s a good idea to FL I don’t why

Is that so hard to say I don’t think it’s a good idea to throw the flippy driver here Robbie Dennis is taking over so we’re going to go with the strive first and one thing that I’m trying to work on as we’re hitting we’re feeling a

Lot more power as you saw in the defending banza video when we hit that origin it burned all the way over and that came out of my hand and I would have thought that I had like grip locked it to do that but nope she came out flat

Or she actually came out on Hiser in front of me and then she turned all the way over so talking with the coach that I’m when I’m doing this throw that I’m not letting the pocket collapse I’m maintaining the pocket and the arm Integrity while still throwing with that

Much power we’ll see just how flippy they are I’m going to put them on a decent amount of Heiser CU worst case scenario they’re not going to stand up and they’re going to ride straight that’s always the key if you’re throwing anything and you don’t know what it does

Throw it on Heiser because if it’s Flippy and you throw it on Heiser it’s going to stand up and it’s going to ride straight or even turn over if it’s super flippy right if I throw it on Heiser and it’s really overstable it’s just going to do exactly what we would

Expect and stay on Heiser yeah that strive feels so good dude that strive feels good we’re going with the this one’s pop toppy that’s pop top Vibe right there okay that one I think we legit hit better at least it felt like we hit it better I’m afraid

Of grip locking it into the the the fence over there that’s why we we hit it well but not hit it amazing this one’s not as Pop toppy the vibe not as flippy as the strive on first Rip but it did just land in some rocks

So oh that long we didn’t hit at all yeah that one we hit real poor not a great throw there not a great throw there welcome to the backhand struggles so what’s interesting here is the white one definitely released the worst but it’s right here in line with the others

So interesting we’re going to renegon 330 ft into a straight head wind yeah and I’m super deep whoops did not anticipate that that and thought the headwind would slow us down uh okay big Skip and that one is also super deep okay guess we’re going to come off of it

Here don’t do it to me buz hey that was the right distance we just had to we just had to take some off we should take some off this was there’s that wind look at that that was gray renegon deep and past unnamed distance driver the green one be zooming they’re trading nope

Yeah look if you come to this course and you play the lungs all over Park you come to the lungs this is why you do it you come to this hole right here 600 and like 30 something feet to the basket that’s way off in that corner nice little area of rocks

Let’s see we got both we got a Vibe we got a Vibe we got overstable overstable we got this and we got the strive we’ll go over table first get the ribs and then see what happens so I’m going to try to throw the over Stables on flat to a little bit of

Annie just so you can see them Flex out they’re all going to land short and left nope let it slip out didn’t actually throw it that makes sense super short nope better overstable what you would what you would expect out of these better we got a better hit on that one

Which is why I held straighter longer yeah nothing crazy here we go we’re going with shingon Raider nope I’m just not sitting in the shot long enough to like actually get anything out of these this is the kind of stuff that you can work on form change you can do

All that and then it’s like rubber hits the road right here and you get heartbroken let’s give uh let’s give Brown Vibe a chance that was better we put it on a lot of Hiser and it never flexed out of it so we’re going to try to go flatter with this white

One yeah there we go get her over on some anheiser and that Vibe doesn’t come out of it that’s nice if you’re looking for that understable option what’s interesting between those two is that the brown one definitely more overstable and something that hooligan even said when they sent them to me was

Like I think they said they have four Blends coming so anyone can find the type of vibe that they’re looking for let’s see how the strive Flies yeah okay so what’s interesting is I feel like if I would have thrown the strive and the white one the same that through the brown one absolute bombs but because we cooked them both over it didn’t work we got three really not great hits on these we didn’t sit in the

Shots at all uh so still got a good bit of work to do here I’m here for the frustration uh and here keeping it keeping it real uh because I know there are a lot of people who try to change change stuff in their game I can understand people’s frustration when

It’s like oh Joey just started playing and now Joey in a year is better than me and I’ve been playing for 10 years as someone who was when I in was when I was introduced to the sport I was told by a faster disc straight up uh so I went and bought a

Nuke and in order to get that to fly I was told to just yam crank the lawn mower and throw a disc like this so throw a disc like this so I got so averse to like any form of proper like pocket or anything like that so that

Just and I didn’t change anything about how I threw it is for 8 years nope didn’t hit it well at all but I got up there oh nope got to hold on to it Dennis that’s wet doesn’t matter if we come around really hard if we can’t hang on to the

Frisbee like that still I’m losing the shot all these are coming out so soft on the back hand cuz I’m losing the shot shot I’m not even like trying to plant and I like you can’t you cannot form a proper brace when that’s your grass I’m just

I’m trying to brace and I’m trying to let the speed of the hand really come through and fly through and when I’m doing that my grip strength is not at a place to actually hold on to it so it’s just fluffing out right here which isn’t great whenever we go to

Talk about distance the comment sections get real coachy and I’m great with that like I appreciate the advice I appreciate the insight it’s not a lack of understanding what at this point we on like the the plateau here’s me on the side of the mountain I can see where I’m

Trying to get and I know what I like I I see it it’s just physically getting my body to be like hey got to move that right hand the hle is right there the the handle spot right there you just just got to get there just got to move

It why aren’t you moving so it’s just time just takes time see like I know there those little like sand still shots I know I’m doing right not that I’m doing them excellent but I know that I’m hitting them well I’ve just got to get my body to actually

Do these when I’m like giving a full run up there it is is that in the bucket I guess we just went right behind it cuz I thought for real there was a chance we were about to dunk it from all the way out here all right so final

Thoughts coming through the discs unnamed prototype distance drivers with the overstable option very Destroyer like if you’re looking for an overstable option these are both very very good personally I am good with my Raiders right now I like what they’re doing I like that I can step up to the defender

Still really really solid if you’re toying around I know something that even when I first went to Raiders like and talked with I talked with a guy who throws like 600 something and I had rid and destroyers in the bag then and we threw Raiders for a little bit and he

Was like hey man I really think you should consider like bagging the Raider and throwing the Raider you just get more distance out of them so if you’ve been hard stuck on the Destroyer because you’re like I have to have that type of disc in your bag this could be a really

Good option when it comes down to this battle this is definitely the slot that I was the most curious about and seeing how they would shake out in this video the brown one not as necessarily a big fan of this one I think this one because

Of the dness of it and all of that it flies much closer to these it just has more stability I could easily see this white one making it in the bag I think that most likely the strive will end up holding the spot just because really two major reasons we talk about mold

Mineralization I have heard rumors shift in around that in this year we’re going to be seeing possibly the Royal Line uh I forget what they call it like Supreme plastic for DD Supreme Raiders and if Supreme Raiders come out then this could to have a really good hand feel the vibe

I really love the first run of the Vibes this run super super good I’m going to be giving away this one to the birdie fam for sure I’m always grateful when companies are willing to send our prototypes because for me my bag doesn’t really fluctuate too often I like to

Find stuff stick with it try not to change too often because once again I’m trying to play tournaments this year so I want consistency through the bag but I love being able to test plastic because I have a very I think I have a healthy understanding of where the the majority

Of the dis golf body is I just think that there is a much larger population of disc golfers that we’re just not even thinking about and so finding disc that work for them has always been my passion hope you have a great day thank you so much for tuning in thank you for

Watching if you haven’t I’ll go ahead and say it on this one I would love you be a to hit that subscribe button hit that like button supports what we’re doing here on the channel but in the meantime hope you have an amazing rest of your day please make it fantastic for

Someone else too but for now we are going to leave you with the Birdie a


  1. Keep up the great content, brother! Nursing an elbow tendon injury for about a month and Im going stir crazy, but watching this content is really helpful for when I get back out there.

  2. I feel that part about getting the body to do it. At almost 51, there are things used to be able to do with a disc that I just can’t anymore. And new things I want to do (forehand) that I have never been able to.

  3. It's all about continuous improvement overtime, nothing more and hopefully nothing less. Always appreciate the content and strive all puns intended

  4. When I started playing the 2 guys that got me into it threw only forehands. So when I switched to backhand it was a lot of trial and mostly error lmao. I’m getting better tho. This is the year I’ll start filming myself and really try to improve. I don’t even throw a driver anymore. I stick to my 9speed fairways.

  5. Ii saw some rumors online on who manufacturers hooligan now . im not sayin but it's out there. I feel like your best throws are when ur loose you seem so tight but like you have to he when making a change. how to make form changes when we get into our heads so much when we are trying to change things but our best throws come when we are loose ? how to reconcile my analytical side of the brain and my body 😅

  6. Love the video and the openness of discussing the struggles. It's really refreshing to have someone so positive in my feed. You have convinced me, I'm gonna try out the halo polecat and a pig. Keep it up!

  7. I only started playing in mid-October, but I played league (Ultimate) for over a decade. I can send my Destroyer 500+ feet off the tee, but I absolutely cannot putt from 30+ feet to save my life. Your videos have helped me a lot, and I always enjoy the commentary. Keep up the good work, sir! You're very appreciated!

  8. It's cool to hear your thoughts on Latitude 64. I bag the Pure as my throwing putter because for me it flies super straight and feels great in the hand.

  9. i became forehand dominate because i'm a lefty XD and a lot of courses around me are righty hyzer friendly that choppy anhyzer forehand with a beef cake you can never go wrong XD i went from so many beefy bois to now 8 speeds for both forehand and backhand the dynasty is my big love now love the content!

  10. If I can make a suggestion, can you give the Ultrium Razeri by Prodiscus a try? It is a beaut for a forehand as you can find basically board flat ones. I think it could suit your game fantastically. If you don't want to it's obviously ok, the content is booming!

  11. fuzion plastic takes a bit to beat in. took about 8 months to beat in my vandal, and its my main driver

  12. We might have pulled Dakota's Cicada out of the lake as well! Not sure though, the Darth Maul dye caught my eye so I checked that one out, but we pulled 46 out today.

  13. Not sure if it is helpful but it looked like you were getting tired at the last hole. Most of your shots looked like you were forcing the shot alot until you got to your approaches and then you relaxed and threw. I know those shots were not as hard but i have found wjen i try harder to throw distance it messes me up. Then i take a breath and relax and concentrate on the smoothness and it takes off.

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