World’s BEST Golf Coach REVEALS PRO SECRET Swing Plane DRILL
45° angle up, down, impact, through. so if you consider this 45° movement around the body around and through your direction is much more consistent and when you move this way your balance is more consistent if you’ve got poor balance it drops the club or forces the club out of position so we don’t want that we want everything to move in balance and when your body moves in Balance the club Moves In Balance and we finish in Balance we see a lot of people trying to get to that position with too quick a turn of the shoulders too quick a rotation of the arms just putting the shaft in position and never getting the club matched so all of them look reasonable but they’re wrong so how do we find this plane well from a correct setup position and correct posture correct arm hang we have to develop it from the Body Action and the arm movement working together what I’m going to do now is going to turn my hands into the position I want them to work when we go up the back swing so now my hands are in position to just work the wrists up and it gives me my simple 45° position so getting the hands in the correct position to allow the right elbow and right shoulder to work correctly will give me my perfect plane every every single time that’s just a draw to to get my hands really in front of me when I when I go up to to keep it out there and not fall behind my body and um it’s been working pretty decent now a lot of people are going to say to me I can’t play with my hands like that you don’t need to you could but you don’t need to so from there keep your shoulders and your upper arms in position and turn your hands back then you just use the simple mechanics of the body winding up and the elbow folding now I’ve got my perfect plane my perfect angle that plane is very simple and very very easy to repeat back into position so my body’s winding up and my arms are positioned as a consequence of that my body’s winding up and my arms are positioned as a consequence of that
45° angle up down impact through so if you consider this 45° movement around the body around and through your direction is much more consistent and when you move this way your balance is more consistent if you’ve got poor balance it drops the club or forces the club out of position
So we don’t want that we want everything to move in balance and when your body moves in Balance the club Moves In Balance and we finish in Balance we see a lot of people trying to get to that position with too quick a turn of the shoulders too quick a rotation of the
Arms just putting the shaft in position and never getting the club matched so all of them look reasonable but they’re wrong so how do we find this plane well from a correct setup position and correct posture correct arm hang we have to develop it from the Body Action
And the arm movement working together what I’m going to do now is going to turn my hands into the position I want them to work when we go up the back swing so now my hands are in position to just work the wrists up and it gives me my simple
45° position so getting the hands in the correct position to allow the right elbow and right shoulder to work correctly will give me my perfect plane every every single time that’s just a draw to to get my hands really in front of me when I when
I go up to to keep it out there and not fall behind my body and um it’s been working pretty decent now a lot of people are going to say to me I can’t play with my hands like that you don’t need to you could
But you don’t need to so from there keep your shoulders and your upper arms in position and turn your hands back then you just use the simple mechanics of the body winding up and the elbow folding now I’ve got my perfect plane my perfect angle that plane is very simple and very
Very easy to repeat back into position so my body’s winding up and my arms are positioned as a consequence of that my body’s winding up and my arms are positioned as a consequence of that
This is huge! Thx for posting this!
I can see why Pete is the best… No fluff … no bs. Very direct.
I can't wait to try this drill at the range! This was an awesome lesson.
Actually I am working on this at the moment and it is promising. I even play like that and I am hitting all the balls solidly without losing any distance.
Well, no. The hands should never turn. The left hand has to create the arc. And, it can only do that by gently pressing fowards whilst the wrist joint pushes back, in the takeaway. This is why the waggle is so important. The wrist joint does not push back in the waggle; but, it returns the club to the ball. The area around the extensor digiti minimi tendon resists against the wrist joint as it returns the club to the ball; and, this helps to ensure that the hand and wrist joint work correctly in the takeaway. But, if the hands are too low at address, they won't work correctly.
So many of the pros give 20 min or more of waffle and repetition with maybe 1 min of ideas… this is better! 😎
I was following a lot of Petes advice, making really good progress with consistent path/ strike and direction. Then mistakenly paid too much attention to other totally conflicting utube videos and lost the progress. There are dozens of views out there as to how to swing a golf club, mastering one ought to be sufficient ! Bottom line, this was working for me , I’m sticking with it.
Here is Pete Cowen's playlist with all of his lessons:
Be sure to come back and leave a comment below on the progress of your swing. 🍻
Which one of the worlds best coaches is this?
I first saw this drill in 1985… and I'm still working on it! 😂