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Ohio State Football Coach Tony Alford Joining Michigan Football!

Ryan Day lost one of his best coaches this week, and of all places he is losing him to the Michigan Wolverines. But the real question is, WHY would Tony Alford leave the Buckeyes with TreVeyon Henderson and Quinshon Judkins for the rival school? Did Sherone Moore offer him that much more money? Did Ryan push him out for Eddie George? What happened?

00:00 Intro Like the Video
20:42 SuperChats
41:48 Tony Alford and Ryan Day

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College football is a game of explosive plays, immense passion, and endless thrills. Every Saturday during the college football season, the spirit of competition and excitement take the field as the nation’s top student-athletes battle for gridiron glory. The powerhouses in college football are teams like Alabama, LSU, Ohio State, Clemson, and Florida, all of whom compete in the fiercely contested NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision. Whether it’s a hard-fought rivalry, chaotic scene in the stands, or an unbelievable touchdown grab, college football fans of all ages, backgrounds, and regions experience the same passion and intensity each week. From the blue-blooded programs to the rising stars, college football will always be the people’s game.

Ohio State Football is one of the most successful college football programs
in history. With a total of 8 National Championships, the Buckeyes have
established themselves as a powerhouse in the NCAA. Led by head coach Ryan
Day, Ohio State has become known for its hard-hitting, aggressive defense
and a high-octane offensive attack. While their recent success has been
rooted in their strong recruiting class and their 2014 national
championship, the program has a long and storied history in the college
football world. On any given Saturday, the OSU faithful can be found inside
the famous Ohio Stadium cheering on the scarlet and gray. Regardless of the
opponent, each game brings out the passion and excitement that Ohio State
fans are so well known for. Follow the Buckeyes and join the Buckeye Nation
in their quest to reach another championship. Go Bucks!

It is a hell of a day in college football land it’s Wednesday March 13 313 [ __ ] free world we out here and speaking of 313 [ __ ] free world that’s the Detroit area cod if you didn’t know the Buckey running back coach Tony Alfred is heading to Michigan anyone want to know

Why Chris do you want to know why I I know why do you guys want to know why I’m G need like four bands in the chat not money I’m talking about people 4,000 people in here watching this show and I’ll tell you how about that so I need

You to comment on the video your thoughts on Tony Alfred going to Michigan Michigan fans are you excited Ohio State fans do we now hate the guy what what are we talking about got Alfred in the chat hey that’s my hey just so you know that there’s my people

Now so careful what you say you get banned quick but I just want to talk about the state of Ohio State football and what led to Tony Alfred’s departure why would he leave Ohio State a lot of it’s my speculation not coming from him so you can just take

It at face value we’re not insiders definitely not insiders but I didn’t know this was happening two weeks ago just but never mind that um wild times wild times and you know that there had to be a good reason now not that Donovan Edwards isn’t one of

The best backs in the country but Tony just worked as his ass off to get trayon Henderson and Quin Shan junkins the two-headed Beast the monster and now he’s leaving so that that’s the first part why is he leaving what does it mean what does it tell you about what’s going on

In the Woody Hayes Athletics Center if you’re a buckeye fan what are you getting Michigan I think you know one of the best running back coaches in the country and who’s next everyone wants to hire Eddie George I got it I get it Chris how’s your uh how’s your hump it’s

Hump day by the way get your freak on while you’re at it how’s your hump day how’s your week going feels like a nightmare dog I cannot believe that this is happening I cannot believe and Zach’s known for how long and has not told me

Like I I’ve said on this show a hundred times I’m not we’re not trying to be breaking news guys um that’s not that’s not what this show is it’s not what it’s ever gonna be yeah so when I found when I heard about it through through the

Grapevine a little birdie told me I was like damn that’s GNA be a big show once it hits I let everybody else hit because guess what Austin Ward’s going to tell you a bunch of [ __ ] coming from the Woody I’m going tell you what really happened no parting some company [ __ ]

Line I’m gon tell you what really happened so we got to get to that Chris how how how I don’t you know what to do right now my Wednesday was good though I worked out this morning did a PLL day um how about how about how about you core

Okay cardio core and SAA still burned like 950 calories so we did sport cardio too don’t don’t sleep on sport cardio I play Justine one-on-one for 21 minutes burn more calories than I do when I run on the treadmill for 20 minutes so it’s it’s it’s a real one I was drenched I

Was dying but I had to beat her ass not literally to say talk clipped up listen oh my God I can’t I’ll beat her ass I’ll beat her ass in basketball I’ll beat her ass in the bedroom but I won’t beat her ass for real like fistic

Cffs like CLI that one up bro I cannot believe this is happening dog wild times but let’s get to it we we don’t a [ __ ] on this one ly let him know what time it is Bubba let’s get to the show and I was telling Zach before we started it feels so empty in here now yeah Project Pat took it’s a crazy thing you don’t you have to work somewhere for a certain amount of time before you get time off this [ __ ] just on Friday was

Like oh by the way I’m not gonna be there uh here Wednesday Thursday or Friday like hold on don’t you have to ask the [ __ ] you mean you’re not gonna be don’t you have to ask that yeah I think and your face you were you were a

Little surprised by it because for me I don’t really no I mean it’s normal to take days off and go do [ __ ] but Chris doesn’t I don’t I mean I only time I do is when I have to like my daughter has some [ __ ] like I don’t just take a day

Off I guess I went to Disney that is one thing I did yeah went to Tennessee one time but like again like it’s what two and three years that’s fine yeah also Friday uh q and I are going to do our next installment state of the program

And now it’s a massive [ __ ] wrench and state of the program so huge program State wrench update yeah CH wi so gonna have to scrap the whole show I’m still I’m still in disbelief but we do have a whole show to get to um we get to the

Topic we’ll get there yeah we’ll get there when we get there want want the numbers to grow a little bit so we can really talk about it because you were telling me before the show some absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] because people can’t make sense of it like why would he go

Now everything that’s happened yeah this is why you got to know the situation right and and I really don’t have time for the Tony Alfred slander I really don’t that’s been the craziest thing that I’ve seen on Twitter today don’t be that fan because just two weeks [ __ ]

Yesterday if someone asked you what do you think of Tony Alfred be like [ __ ] goat are you kidding me look at his running back room NFL players every year like goated and now it’s like [ __ ] him he sucks okay okay we get it he went to

The Rival it is what it is yeah it’s G be crazy to see him in aming blue though and what would have been big news maybe any other day in the off season um Aaron Rogers has made Robert Kennedy short list to be his running mate for uh for the ticket

November man what I don’t even know what that means like the guy’s still playing in the NFL he can’t be the vice president I mean why couldn’t you I mean I guess you could what’s the vice president do the VP and the quarterback like what’s Cala do right now yeah I

Mean I don’t know I don’t know but I I I know that like obviously it’s not going to matter they’re not going to win but if I were running independent and this is not a political show but if I were running independent every year I would just go try to find the biggest

Celebrity I could oh dude have porn stars you name it like Snoop you want to be VP like let’s get it going wait VP Drake you’re from Canada VP anyway hey you want to [ __ ] around and win do some [ __ ] like that yeah like Taylor Swift

You want to be VP for real like all the swifties are voting for you that’s what I’m saying too bad they’re all [ __ ] 12 okay in two elections we’re winning we’re winning um in other news that is just kind of I used to think this kind

Of news was more impactful but now I know it’s just a kind of part of things Pat Mahomes has restructured his contract to create $21 million with the cap space I don’t understand I don’t either it’s it’s it’s truly like the Sal cap is the most like fudge thing alive

It’s like oh damn we’re we’re out of money hey pay pay Mahomes a bonus and and lower his salary it’s like but you still paid him what giving a giving just give him more signing bonus yeah hey restructure it give him 20 million as a signing bonus and then we’ll create 20

Million it’s like what but you paid him what it’s it’s a wild world I don’t even try to dive and understand it but I just want to know if they’re getting one of my favorite Playmakers look I was gonna say 20 million opens up you need about

15 million for Curtis Samuel he’s been in contract negotiations You Know Travis Kelce nearing the end there I mean they’re gonna have to get a wide receiver one at some point or or one B maybe in Curtis Samuel to do everything the hybrid guy

Yeah it makes a lot of sense it does it makes a lot of sense I think Curtis would would FL flourish in a role position in Kansas City with Mahomes I think he it would be awesome it would be awesome for the Chiefs awesome for Mahomes and obviously awesome for Curtis

Yeah and with the way people are just diving up contracts I mean [ __ ] it I feel like everybody and also bro why can everybody in the [ __ ] world restructure except for Daniel Jones everybody’s creating so much cap space and Zach like you said before the show like the the quarterbacks that uh you

Know are the are the biggest capit to their team DeShaun Watson Dak Prescott uh Kyler Murray who’s the fourth one uh probably Pat Mahomes before this no it was uh was it Lamar no it was someone else oh it was uh Matt Stafford the only one that’s decent and then uh

Daniel Jones Daniel Jones it’s like damn how come everybody else can [ __ ] restructure I don’t know like do you have to be good somewhat to restructure I mean at least deshun Watson restructured and then I told you [ __ ] Dak Prescott got hit with a sa case yeah

I didn’t know that Chris told me last night Dak got accused of sexual assault yeah so it’s like damn damn bad deal bad deal so hoping that Curtis ends up uh with Kansas City and you know I’ll root for them then that that’ll be that’ll be

Good bro Sam darnold agent is in the goat tier bro I can’t make it make sense Sam darnold just got a $10 million contract wild times I didn’t know Sam darnold was gonna still be in the NFL this coming season right dog he just got

$10 million the guy who beat him for the job last year was Brock pie $950,000 not even making a mill A Millie that’s wild and he got a 66.25 million signing bonus so no matter what happens he he can [ __ ] break a shoelace tomorrow and it’s like oh well

You still got 6.3 Millie yeah and then only a million of it is for per game roster bonuses so even if he doesn’t make the roster if he can be the practice squad making n Mill million n million a year bro I think the craziest one is a $250,000 workout bonus like

Holy [ __ ] you’re gonna give me 250 Grand to work out [ __ ] yeah I’ll work out I mean this [ __ ] curing what we’re doing Shake w like crazy like why does Sam darn carry around that little weight he wants his bonus he wants a bonus every

Day and what a great gig right like Sam Dar might have the best gig in the world like he don’t have to do [ __ ] oh backup quarterbacks in the NFL and would he’ll probably be third string best job in the world you don’t have to play you don’t

Have to do [ __ ] you just got to know the offense and if someone gets hurt you might have to go get hit a a couple times yeah but normally backups aren’t getting double digit SS no usually they get you know two M three M tops sometimes they just rotate practice

Squad players through if you’ve got like Eli Manning or Tom Brady see what I did there that just stay on the field forever yeah [ __ ] hell shout out shout out Sam darnold um I guess the Steelers are looking to pair up a wide receiver with Mr Russell Wilson himself

With their draft Capital they’ll be at right around they pick 20 the names that interest them Brian Thomas ad Mitchell Xavier worthy who do you think is the best of those three um I think they’re all three really good players I’d probably take ad Mitchell first it just

Depend I mean they they got George picking so so having Xavier worthy might give him a different Dynamic right and this is why when we talked about the draft order yeah yesterday it’s like I it depends on team need like they have George Pickins who’s a big more physical

Kind of presence yeah and if you add in that Elite Speed like playmaker that that gives you diversity right skill set diversity so I might lean Xavier worthy for the Steelers but he’s probably third on the list when it comes to like who’s the better Prospect in general yeah

Brian Thomas is gonna make somebody super super happy just because he played second fiddle to Malik neighbors but he is 65 ran a sub4 four caught everything was a really productive receiver for them went over a thousand yards with another guy obviously neighbors who was

Second in the blinov so I I I would probably go ad or Brian but Corners don’t travel these days in the NFL like the only one that travels is who [ __ ] patain yeah right everybody else stays on one side so if you can mix things up

And you got to deal with George hickin physical ass and him beating you up and throw you around and then all of a sudden someone’s going to run past you at 22 miles per hour that’s a different kind of dynamic I mean you get you’re getting physically you’re in a physical

Battle and all a sudden some little dude walks out and skirt skirt I’m out of here I do wonder what Xavier Worthy’s gonna play at sizewise yeah I don’t know because he he can’t play at what he waited at the combine I watched tank Dell D where [ __ ] all

Year no we watched tank tail do it until he had to go over the middle and then missed the rest of the the season well don’t go over the middle you’re a little guy hey did D tank Dell over the middle boom please don’t do that again yeah he

Looks like Travis Scott out there like if Travis Scott had a my player it would be tanked out for sure like like who told that little dude he could he’s good though good player good route Runner but all the pre-draft concerns was damn he gets so much separation but he’s gonna

Get separated from his body right in the NFL and uh I think he weighed what 111 pounds he was 165 okay on a soaking wet with remote controllers in his pocket with three I mean Kevin Gates two phones like he dude he is so tiny um I couldn’t

Believe this dog the new CBS mock draft has me I just can’t with it I can’t I I don’t I don’t understand it so this is a CBS mock draft Caleb Williams one Jaden Daniels two to Washington Marvin Harrison Jr three to the Patriots so they’re not going to draft a

Quarterback okay then Roma D four to the cardinal uh I don’t know who that is from Oregan State a tackle that’s wild he’s going to go over Joe Al or Olu but then JJ McCarthy at six to the Giants it’s happening Chris that’s disgusting it’s happening but it’s disgusting isn’t it I

Mean it’s crazy it’s crazy I don’t it happens every year every year we have a show like this multiple shows where I’m like that’s [ __ ] wild that’s dumb and then usually I end up being right we saw Bill Levis the whole Bryce young CJ strad conversation I’m like yeah I love

Bryce I think he’s a fantastic player CJ’s a better better fit for pro football Prospect he’s a better Pro Prospect I just it happens every year so JJ McCarthy with all the question marks with all the unknowns is GNA be a top six pick I might be out $200 but don’t

Worry I still have my AI video in production I’m just saying dog like if the Giants draft JJ McCarthy when do you see who’s not on the who would be on the board right there who Drake [ __ ] May oh yeah not in the top 10 is wild I promise you the

Patriots are taking Drake May at three say if he’s there they’re going to take a what they’re going to take a receiver for who if for zappy zap husi zappy BR if Drake May is available at six and the Giants don’t draft him I’m committing every hate crime possible against their

Front office I don’t even like airplanes I don’t like traveling I I I will go to New York to spit and whoever made that decision to face taking JJ McCarthy over Drake May would be a thing to do fire that man on the spot it’s it’s disgusting it doesn’t make sense and Z

But but it does make sense it oh my goodness because they also gave Daniel Jones $170 million they’re clearly [ __ ] idiots yeah it doesn’t get much more stupid than that I’m still convinced that that Daniel Jones got in possession of someone’s sex tape like like he has something over there it

Doesn’t make sense to to draft him the way they did and then pay him the way they did is [ __ ] up in his history is about to repeat itself W they’re going to trade in thick Daniel Jones for skinny Daniel Jones yeah honestly Daniel Jones is probably a better Pro Prospect

Than J McCarthy was probably and that’s what people don’t ever want to hear so that’s just the disgusting nature of things Zack I told you this was coming oh yeah here we go this tweet hit yesterday tweets were hitting like crack yesterday steal of the draft all caps

South Carolina Spencer Rattler did not throw an incomplete today except for two dropped passes z words of Steal of the draft that’s it’s it’s every in it’s every year some quarterback with good like really great arm Talent goes out in pro day look at him he’s wearing short

Shorts and a t-shirt no helmet nothing and just completes a bunch of balls and everyone’s like oh he’s going to be a steal like did you watch Spencer Rattler play football watch his film are we we know he had the arm Talent [ __ ] they were saying he was going to be

The number one overall pick three years ago he’s not a great football player this is my favorite part of the NFL draft Silly Season because this is where it gets the absolute [ __ ] silliest and then we forget that tape exists like from this point on Zach tape

Doesn’t exist it’s not real like like tape you can use it for combine but then as soon as Pro Day start start happening the tape doesn’t exist because everything on tape that didn’t go right was someone else’s fault yeah it was the coaches dumb college coaches faults M

But it’s it’s it’s every year right and these people that have these opinions like ml mil mil football whatever the [ __ ] that is clearly a really credible Source they can easily go find five throws and mash them together as a highlight and be like look at this this

Is a steal of the draft because Spencer Rattler had highlights yeah but if you go watch complete Game tape you walk away like that dude is incred incredibly inconsistent and he’s gonna make the jump to this level nah like he got benched for Caleb Williams people were chanting Caleb

Williams names in second quarters of Oklahoma games and I’m not sure about Caleb Williams yeah so I’m definitely not sure about you I mean literally he’s like he’s like it’s [ __ ] up maybe it’s I don’t know he’s like Zack Wilson with like two drops of melanin like two drops

Of melanin that’s what we’re that’s what we’re talking about here like like we’re talking about like if Zack Wilson’s mom had a child with Blake Griffin like that’s what you would that’s what you would get yeah and that’s I mean he’s he’s spinning that [ __ ] pill though

Yeah he he could throw the ball we all knew that though yeah I mean he was Q qb1 coming out of high school went into Oklahoma started was a guy after his first his one year starting the whole off season Spencer Rattler is gonna be the number one pick in the draft

[ __ ] got benched by week five yeah and he never got better either he went to South Carolina same [ __ ] with every now and then you’re like damn look Spencer rler oh there oh there’s gotcha but give you the Spencer Rattler Legacy game right remember Tennessee terrible defense yeah but they’re but they’re a

Top 10 team yeah they’re really good Spencer Rattler goes in there goes [ __ ] ape [ __ ] crazy nuts and then you get the oh there’s the four picks in one of the following weeks and then you get the Notre Dane game it’s like wow he’s [ __ ] spinning it yeah but it’s like

Oh under Dame players weren’t playing in the game draft it’s it’s it’s silly season I get it they fall in love with traits just like 40 times Pro Day pro day uh throwing performances what’s up with the one throw bro it’s the roll out to your opposite side I I guess it’s to

Show off your arm Talent step back three-pointer it’s like step back footwork and then let it rip a Steph Curry fade away from half court like what yeah okay it’s like what happened to just free throws like sure he hit a trick shot but he miss

Four out of the five free throws right like we got to be at least a little bit for real right here we got to be we got to be for a little bit for real so now he’s gonna be a second rounder yeah and I think that’s fair you draft his arm

Talent in the second or third round I’m okay with that who knows he might he might develop he might take coaching he might mature and he could become something because he has the arm talent but to I mean steal of the draft that is a wild statement he is going to take FR

To a Super Bowl and then they’re going to lose it prob because that seems to be you know how things happen when how it goes when when uh yeah when chit goes left Zack do you want to get a quick word from our partner and then uh and

Then get to some college football talk after the break that sounds good we’ll be right back after this Menace Army it’s not time to stop gambling I know that much football season’s over but it’s still a great opportunity to bet on some basketball I’m not a basketball fan

But I will throw some money on some props shout out our guy Mena who will give you all the prop bets you need and as always the best sports book out there my bookie has got your back you can parlay anything in the world I’m talking rebounds assists probably how what what

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Money wild time Zach gota hit some super chats because they’re pouring in right now it’s cooking people want to get their [ __ ] off Jordan thanks for the two Tony knows rent is due fytb naysayer Tony Tony knows something yeah Tony knows Sean thanks for the 10 Alfred

Going to um has to be because a he isn’t meshing with chip or B he thinks he can take over OC headcoach quick given it’s such a dumpster fire there currently what am I missing well you’re missing a little bit of behind the scenes stuff that that really if like we’ll get we’ll

Get to the topic I I’ll tell the whole story but Tony should have left like he he made a good decision to leave and I’ll tell you why later but it’s Tony it’s not like Tony wanted to go to Michigan it’s not like he didn’t want to

Be a at Ohio State it’s not that he didn’t like the Buckey he left because the situation was what it was and he had to if he has a brain which he does yeah go Blue thanks for the two Hammer is dropping anytime now Tony knows that is

Kind of one of the theming oh the guys over there Buckeye Scoop have been reporting for a little while that the Hammer’s goingon to come down it’s going to get really really ugly there um I don’t I mean you’ve told me you don’t know if anything’s going to happen in

Michigan I I I just I’ll believe it when I see it I really will I’m not saying it shouldn’t it certainly might but I just don’t believe in the NCA to do what probably they should do yeah I I I don’t I don’t know what they can do because

The headman’s not there anymore like and the only member of the staff that is still there I guess is still the head coach because everybody else yeah was told to hit the road everyone else got about a Dodge right which is what you do when you think the Hammer’s about to

Come down oh yeah so that’s that’s what makes it Allah Pete Carroll USC right scadal rusi yeah coach zck thanks for the five why I just don’t get it your people dude’s a snake left for team up north SMH good luck with that failing program has to

Make room for a chip hire has to be yeah it wasn’t I mean Tony Tony didn’t get pushed out the door I mean situationally he he kind of he didn’t get pushed out but he it just he wasn’t given a great deal yeah a deal that I think he should have gotten and

So it wasn’t to push him out to let chip hire someone no I think chip will be instrumental in who replaces Tony MH but I guess at the end of the day like like who are we all supposed to be loyal to I’m loyal to people D like you’re

Supposed to be loyal to First yourself second your family yeah um and and then go from there so like being loyal to someone that’s not going to be loyal back to you at the end of the day is not going I mean I mean being loyal to

Someone before you’re loyal to s is never going to is never going to help you no I’m kind of kind of in the long run um awestin thanks for the5 p said the other day ESPN had the ability to end the ACC grant of rights by 2027 they

Have till February 25th to decide will ESPN kill the ACC oh I did not re doeses the ESPN have that kind of power um I mean it’s it’s it’s with them right like they are the the TV rights of the ACC yeah so yeah I mean I don’t know if they

Will I think it’s just going to really come down to their conversations with Florida State and Clemson and Miami and some of the top tier ACC schools and if if ESPN feels like they’re gonna either find a way out or or they’re G to kill the the gr of Rights deal themselves

ESPN probably will be self- serving to get on the Forefront of that kill it and then try to get those people in so like those top teams in the SEC gonna say you only want to kill it if you’re GNA get Clemson and Florida State right and that

And that could be the deal like listen we we’ll we’ll kill it but you got to to the SEC because we still want that money right because if they kill it and then everybody goes to the Big 10 and then only gets Clemson it’s like what the

[ __ ] did we kill it for we just killed we just killed a money maker we just killed a money maker and it went to our our top op yeah our topest op who by the way has been on a hot streak lately with adding teams definitely definitely not

What uh definitely not a good thing Jord thanks for the five talk about born on third base whoever we get hired as a running back coach automatically coaching the best room in America oh also F Tony Alfred wow he is Zach he might end up being more hated

Than than you hey I get it he just left for Michigan that [ __ ] [ __ ] hurts so bad like like I’m not in the angry facee yet I’m just like [ __ ] sake yeah [ __ ] sake and yeah the real definition that’s not even born on third there needs to be a new terminology for that

One man that is you woke up and they handed you your stat sheet and you hit hit for a cycle you didn’t even play it’s like yeah it’s like your twin play it’s like like if Maris and Marcus Morris switched places and one got a triple double in the other ones other

One’s place got that’s like whoever gets H as running back coach is walking into arguably the best running back room in the history of college football yeah I mean nuts like not even argu like like how often can you say is the best runningback room the last five years and there’s literally no

Debate you can’t ever say that that’s crazy it’s crazy and is there any debate no not even close Michigan fans will argue about Blake Corman Donovan Edwards all day long but and they can eat a double dick burger with extra cheese it’s I’m sorry it’s not better than this room no like

Judkins is better than both those dudes yeah silly [ __ ] silly Gorky thanks for the two please make it shippable to Canada I looked today is is it not shable to Canada um I don’t know we’ll look at it after the show double check yeah I don’t know I don’t know why it

Wouldn’t be but shout out to Gorky trying to buy merch if you haven’t seen it menace to is the website all of our Rebrand if you saw the New Shout out to the new show Graphics oh yeah nobody talked about that no one want no one [ __ ] with the new show

Graphic yeah do y’all yeah let us do y’all [ __ ] with the new show cover I gotta I gotta update the uh lower third we got there but yeah we got a new show graphic the all our rebranded merch is on menace to we already had

About a dozen orders and I I I think I’m going to get my stuff at the end in like a week or or two and then I’ll wear it on the show so you can see it Justin and Angley will be modeling some of the female stuff so you you’ll be you’ll be

Able to see it at least not just a picture on the website oh my goodness they’re say they’re they’re so fried Johnny Oden is saying that uh that those two running backs are great on paper it’s like no they were great on the football field then someone else said uh that he

Was never a Heisman finalist I think they’re talking about but Blake corm was never a Heisman finalist no they he’ll get be like ninth in voting voting and they’re like see he’s a Heisman candidate it’s like well everyone’s a Heisman candidate technically it’s like jkin freshman year he had 1500 yards and

They had a running back behind him go for a thousand yeah like that’s disgusting as a [ __ ] true freshman yeah a true freshman that was a three star Zack yeah nuts I don’t know I I can’t I cannot make it make sense they also said he sat out of

Game waiting for waiting for a check to clear which here this is that is so I’ve been thinking about that for so long Zack that is actually so funny not funny it’s speculation at this point but it’s funny because if he did that the what’s the school can’t do anything to him

Right no because if they admit they paid him it’s like they’re admitting for pay for play right right it’s like they put him in a lose lose situation if I don’t get this money we’re probably gonna lose that game but if I do get this money congrats we’re in this [ __ ] together we

Committed the crime together right so shout out pay for play oh goodness speed thanks for the two Pat got you drunk at yogis and told you he’s off this week he really did he just pul he pulled the oky do the good old oie no two weeks

Notice no like heads up it was like oh hey by the way I’m not gonna be here damn oh yeah K thanks that check might not gonna be there either oh K thanks for the two heartline makes 1.5 Tony should be close to that he was half so which is [ __ ] crazy

Fried and also heartline was at 1.6 the only reason I know that is because I did Research into the top paid wide receiver coach in the country and he was the only one clearing seven figures and Russell Shepard was making 700,000 at Washington and that was considered a boatload of

Money and Russell was the best wide receiver Country Coach in the country last year yeah his players were that’s for sure yeah I mean just like year in a year out but ke thanks for the two I don’t even blame him sucks but oh well that’s where

I’m at and I mean not only do I not blame him I the advice I gave was to go take it so you can hate me too I guess talk I’m just saying this episode’s a PR nightmare we don’t want you hated we want you

Fued hey hey I’m Loy like I said I’m loyal to friends family no I’m not loyal to a school right I’m like I If I had to pick a a team to win the national championship it would be Ohio State but I’m not like a big I’m not like a a

Fan not like me yeah I’m not Chris yeah no one be Chris uh Brad thank you for the five who’s your favorite Buckeye of all time spielman’s mine have you ever saw spielman’s Football Life someone said Braxton was the best I had to let him know yeah I mean Spielman was before my

Time but obviously Legend played for my grandfather uh my favorite Buckeye of all time that’s a tough question probably Joey Galloway honestly [ __ ] great dude great father great player like great on TV like was [ __ ] awesome to me when I was a receiver coach like probably Joey Galloway I go

Back and forth between like three guys I don’t know if I if I have a favorite I love Troy um I love Justin and I love Garrett those were like yeah a big three um yeah WC thanks for the two does Ohio State go back for Toledo’s Jason candle

To coach running backs yeah um no they it’s got to be a minority higher you gotta have one black guy on offense you can just have a bunch of [ __ ] gingers [ __ ] five Keenan Bailey’s come on man how’s that how’s how’s that inhome visit down in Miami when you’re trying

To go land like a [ __ ] running back got five stiff white guys sitting in a living room N I need I need someone with some pigment facts I mean the coaches that it’s crazy because like two of the rooms that I would have said were potential best in America Safety room

Running back room safety coach running back coach replacing both of them this year and it’s crazy because like Ohio State fans seem to be happy about replacing both of them and it’s like oh wow like maybe I’m the idiot I I’m the [ __ ] I think I’m the [ __ ] Jam thanks

For the two a new way for Ohio’s for team up north to steal our signals yeah damn you got to change everything the wildest part is the timing though like mid Spring ball like what is that Wednesday they practice today don’t they Ohio State yeah they’re on spring break

Oh that’s right they’re on spring break you’re right so they got till Monday to figure it out so Judkins and them are somewhere on a beach getting the notification damn like well is the portal open look at what that money maker oh my traia is gonna be pissed oh

Dude pissed and quinon really yeah I just transferred in now I lost my coach after two months that’s hell um Blake thanks for the 10 Rumor Has It Tony just took the job to tell us all their signs Elite play by day he’s in deep now good luck Soldier [ __ ] brutal Stephen thanks

For the five I don’t care if I get banned F him he went to the enemy wish him the worst of luck not in personal life but football out of all the teams to go to SMH I get it and like listen he gets that he when he when he was gonna

Take this job he knew Buckeye fans were about to be livid let’s just keep it to football right keep it to football yeah one keep it to football and B it’s it’s been funny seeing the spin right like all of a sudden Ohio State fans are

Saying oh he was he was just average anyway he wasn’t that good that’s what we can’t do I mean not if not if you would have any credibility oh to he wasn’t even that good he lost Mark Fletcher it’s like what who the [ __ ] cares Mark Fletcher would have never

Played the room the room all I care about is who’s on the field on Saturdays and he always had an NFL guy right it’s like the same ones that were calling for D to play more because how good he looked as a runner or the same on saying

Oh he can’t coach you know saying I can’t right I cannot I cannot make it make sense best running back one best running back two best running back three in America or second best running back one depending on what you think oh man Sean thanks for the five

Just threw away all my kids Tony’s Pizzas from the freezer you are what you eat want to become whes [ __ ] Michigan oh that’s brutal Austin for the 50 we appreciate you got two hoodies that’s real we’ll be representing in Oklahoma love the merch you guys still

Need to come visit my Resort when you go on tour and do a live show we definitely do and we are in on that if we can get all all the way out there Ros thanks for the two I didn’t address it yet but Chris sequan heartbreak crying Emoji knife yeah dude

I mean the Giants failed him I mean like I I don’t know how I could look my employer in the eye knowing that he just paid the most mid dude ever [ __ ] Jim Carrey 200 mil and and I can’t get a double cheeseburger with bacon on it I

Can only get a single cheeseburger with no cheese no bacon like that’s wild now he’s in the Eagles good job New York yeah I hope he wins the Super Bowl I do too and I hope the Giants go 0 and 16 I also hope that as long as they draft JJ

So that is where I’m at I am unlocking full [ __ ] hater mode now I tell I tell I’ve had a bad morning I’m tired my morning’s only bad because one of my favorite coaches going to Michigan I just I’m going full hater mode and everyone is mock drafting JJ to

The Giants like everyone God that [ __ ] is [ __ ] awful like I got tagged in that CBS mock draft at least 30 times oh I’m sure I’m sure like getting it sent to me like do you guys want me to throw my phone off the y bridge to nor to the

North side like I will go over to bridg park and launch this thing into the river like we’re having that kind of day wooa Chris wooa I’m crank was it I’m cranky I’m hungry and I worked hard at school today you massaging your ears it’s a old Family Matters thing oh I’m

Not Steve yeah okay I got you you’re hit Nick thanks for the five congrats Menace you’re no longer the most hated former assistant at Ohio State hey that’s really why Tony took the job he felt like I was getting too much heat still he was like let me let me get

These Buckeye fans off of your back yeah shout out to Tony’s a real one oh my goodness I’m not reading this John you’re bugging not going uh Sheldon thanks for the two would you rather downs and Judkins or Alfred go Blue well you always would rather the players right

There’s because there’s other good coaches out there I’m not they might not be as good as Tony they might be as they might be as good as Tony who knows who they’re going to hire but if you just get a good coach even he’s not quite as

Good as Tony or if he’s whatever you’d ra the players are on the field you definitely taking Quin Shan Jenkins and Caleb DS over any coach yeah you’re always taking the jimmies and Joe’s always like there’s not a coach on staff I’d say man I’m okay with losing two two

Potential all-americans as long as we keep that guy yeah that that’s that’s really real are there any young running back coaches that come to your mind when you think about the Ohio State yeah Matt Merritt is the one I would hire he just went to Miami but that’s that’s who I

Would hire Matt Merritt no no questions asked he’s a running by coach of Miami Miami fans won’t like that I said that but I’m I would definitely hire him or you know Chip’s got a Rolodex he’s been a head coach forever for one million years oh goodness Kio thanks for the two

Rattler’s gonna steal my money that steal money that’s for sure is Rattler stealing money yeah probably that’s that’s why he’s a steal of a draft he’s a steal the he’s about to steal a salary I mean think about it bro all he has to do is go have a Sam darnold six games

And you’re good forever forever forever bro I don’t know he’s kind of a dick though Sam darnold’s likable that’s what I’m saying that matters when you’re gonna be when someone signs you to be the third string quarterback they want to know that you’re smart you can learn the offense you’re competent and you’re

A good dude because there’s plenty of third string quarterbacks that they could find right everybody loves Sam darnold too yeah and that’s why Colin Kaepernick can’t get a job because of the [ __ ] entire show that comes with him if he was a qb1 be like yeah [ __ ]

Yeah sign him bring the show like Cam Newton he had a [ __ ] hell of a show fun fact for you Colin Kaepernick is the only quarterback to be coached by Jim Harbaugh and Ryan day how about that that’s a great point it’s a little fact for you I don’t know

How concrete that fun fact is for you but I do know that’s the only one that comes to my mind I think that is the only one so if if I had to guess and also there were chip yeah so you know small world right small coaching world oh my goodness this this

Is what I thought of too because people were adding Us in the one of the Buckeye chats to think I just got a pick with this dude on Friday now I gotta delete it I appreciate Tony waiting until he after he came to our live show to

Announce he was going to to to to make the decision yeah I was gonna say well he didn’t even announce it you know someone in the someone in the wood he found out and yeah he probably he told Ryan last night and then the Woody leaked it to none other than

Austin Ward who would have thought dude on like last night when I was like thinking through the show I was thinking about like topics that I missed that I would like to throw back on there late like later and one of them was oh Mike heart did not get retained yeah and

Like when my carart didn’t get retained it was like oh it’s a culture issue or oh something happened this that and the third yeah and all the you know all the Michigan people told us that my carart was a better Coach than Tony Alford we obviously know that’s not the case um

And now M and shiron Moore kind of confirm the same thing yeah now I don’t know who whose decision that was but Tony that’s a great [ __ ] hire for Michigan too I’m surprised Shon Moore pulled it off I gotta shout out I gotta shout out Tony’s kids because they you see so we

Had our live event and Tony took a picture with the Menace girls right with with Justin anley and Andy Joe and then Ansley put it on her Instagram and Tony says man look at milk Dud said he called him milk Dud like the F said the milk

Dut appearance is crazy sh oh come on he said the milk dut appearance I was dying oh [ __ ] hell well we we put it off long enough we got to talk Tony Alford after the break all right let’s get a quick word we’ll be back with Tony Alford going to Michigan after

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To like the video right now because we’re coming with the topic that you came to see and I also need to know here’s my question for you Chris and the chat I’ve talked about running back coaches in general like there’s some I’ve been around two two of the best

That have that have coached the position Stan drton and Tony Alfred there’s a lot of running back coaches who are just average because that’s a great place to get a guy who’s a good recruiter maybe not the best football coach but a really good recruiter and that’s what happens a lot of

Places because coaching running backs is one of the easier jobs on staff right you’re coaching one guy I mean a room of more but one guy and there’s not it’s not as in-depth as offensive line getting Five Guys to work cohesively together as quarterback who has to [ __ ] know everything receiver’s

Pretty easy you just got to deal with a lot of divas and a shitload of them but there’s just running backs is one of the easier positions so on a scale of one to 10 how big a deal is this for the Buckeyes yeah I think Tony Tony Alfred’s

A great one so it’s I’m not going to disparage Tony Alfred I’m not asking you to rate him as a coach I’m saying how big of a loss is this for Ohio State one to 10 I need it in the chat is that for me too yes for you

Too Pro probably about a five I I think if you’re going to feel it it won’t be this year it’ll be the year after um it’s not the end of the world obviously you still like you still put together a really really good room um I

I’ll go I’ll go five so basically right right in the middle right now I mean that’s a coach that I’d probably prefer to keep yeah well and the reality is Tony did such a great job that the guy they hire is walking into a [ __ ] ridiculous situation so you have to be

Appreciative of at least that but I get it I mean this is it’s just the it’s going to be hard to appreciate anything right now because he did because of where he went I think that if it was anywhere else other than Michigan a lot of people would be a 100%

Okay with it yeah I mean maybe not 100% okay with it just okay with it because like here we go from from my point of view without me knowing kind of the specifics that you know I’ll say this it feels like a bad move career-wise when you think about the resume he would

Have after this season yeah and even if Ryan fired man for this year he would probably I mean if Ryan fired him after this year and he had two guys in this run game probably go for about 1,200 yards in Ohio State wiin natti and you

Look at him and say you got to get fired he would have the entire fan base on his side of things and guess what he would go get a better job than the Michigan running back job in a heartbeat I think well he also that’s what I worry about

Career-wise he also turns down jobs every year Tony Alfred’s always going have a job because he’s one of the one of the best running back coaches in the country and it just is what it is well that’s what I’m saying so I think that like I don’t think the Michigan running

Back’s job is one of the top five running back job in America because of but if the money’s right it is yeah so with with that being said you you know more about what happened OB yeah I mean this listen this is a situation where Tony Alfred wanted

To be the running back coach of Ohio State obviously the room he had he’s been here 10 years I mean bra his his son is graduating and and going to college so I guess that is one thing he doesn’t have to worry about anymore but it was after the January after the post

Bowl game where the whole offensive staff was told they’re fired right everybody’s fired he’s gonna hire a new coordinator and that guy will decide their fate after the year that they just had the running backs played extremely well I mean that’s unwarranted like he

Ryan could have went to him and said I I said that but you’re gonna like you’re going to be on staff that’s what he should have done he should have said you’re you’re going to get retained I’m like I I got you like we worked together

For five years you’ve been here for 10 you’ve done an outstanding job you’re a great football coach like that the message I sent to the staff like you’re you’re safe like you don’t have to worry about it and also don’t go look for another job but then when he when Ryan

Negotiated all the contracts to give tony Alford only a one-year deal is wildly disrespectful yeah that’s when you have other coaches on staff with two and threeyear Deals like Tony Alfred didn’t deserve a multi-year deal that’s just Financial Security for his family right just if you want to fire him

You’re just gonna have to pay him you got plenty of money though and at least he takes care of his wife and [ __ ] kids to give him a one-year deal was wildly disrespectful also after essentially firing him and then not firing him right so the turmoil the last

Two months and when Michigan walks in the door with a three-year contract worth $2.5 million like this is a [ __ ] no-brainer I have to take care of my family Ryan disrespected me with a one-year deal I’m I gotta do this it does feel like Ryan Day sometimes

Finagle situation so he doesn’t have to outright fire people and instead can just let their contracts expire instead of having to face them well was like it’s like how he fired Cory Dennis right it’s like uh Cory Dennis is not going to be the re coach he’s going to be in

Another role that we haven’t yet named it’s like okay so you fired him you don’t want Urban that pissed at you even though he’s going to be pissed at you you want him less pissed and let Corey go get a job that’s what happened right well it’s like it’s also like he

Kind of did this I mean I mean Todd Fitch like the the way that they kind of edged him out was weird yeah like I mean I mean Fitch wanted to stay but you mess with his contract instead of firing him to get him to leave is like oh like why

Wouldn’t you just tell him we’re getting rid of you yeah you know that that’s one of the things that doesn’t make sense this again feels like a case where you wanted you didn’t want to deal with the pressure of having to fire Tony so you’re gonna fire him indirectly yeah

And I I guess that’s kind of where I worry about Ryan Day the head coach as being a CEO because of like if you’re the CEO you’re making the 10 million a year like and I worry I to your point I worry about I don’t I don’t even know

What I worry about he’s it’s like he’s isn’t itd it’s like he’s confused or clouded or like he doesn’t see reality when the only thing that should matter is the talent in your room do you have NFL players and do your players play well and then do are you like a good

Dude like you’re not out there like smoking meth or something like if you look at that those three criteria Tony was one of the best coaches on the staff yeah but he’s the guy that gets a one-year deal it’s just wild to me and also like when you watch

A game Ohio State loses to Michigan how’ the Running Backs play really well really well so what Tony Alfred the running backs were the problem it’s I I I don’t know what it is I don’t know if it’s like a narrative that Ryan Day believes I don’t know why I I can’t

Figure it out and that’s concerning to me yeah I just I guess I just get worried CU like like in this business Zach like if if in this company Zach there was like what four four of us five of us if I came to you and everybody

Else had a multi-year deal and I’m I consider myself the best I think I do a really good job and it’s like Z like can I get can I get a two-e deal you know CBS just calling right and you’re like now I’ll give you a one year with a pay

Cut with with a pay with a pay cut with a pay cut oh I I I I took that as he like Michigan offered more money than Ohio State they were cutting his pay they did Michigan Michigan’s going to pay him more than Ohio state was going

To on a yearly basis and also a multi-year deal and Ohio State gave him a pay cut I didn’t realize that Ohio State just cut his pay no yeah they did oh I see I took that as in comparison no and that’s that’s publicly said when

When coaches do that it’s for no reason this is Monopoly money to Ryan day you give tony Alfred 700 Grand 800 Grand like what the [ __ ] is the difference to Ryan day he doesn’t it’s not money out of his pocket it’s not money out of his

Pocket he can increase his staff pool if he needs to like he could call Jean Smith or bork and be like hey my running back coach is is about to get poached I I need 200 more grand for my staff pool so I keep he’s one of my best coaches

Like but when you don’t give a coach a raise when it’s contract time that’s a that’s a public statement yeah if you cut his pay that is a public statement to fans to other colleges to other coaches in the country that hey we’re going to cut Brian arlin’s pay what’s

That what’s that mean well he did a shitty job this year I’m not high on him right now that’s a public statement to do that yeah a pay cut is crazy crazy and so I guess for for Ohio State fans is it is it one of two things is it like

Do they think they can get better like like does Ryan Day think he can have a better running back coach this year because I mean because that’s why you would kind of make somebody feel like they’re not wanted because like you know Ohio State Ohio State fans are gonna

Want to blame Tony Alfa for going to Michigan and while that is valid it does frustrate me as well I’m looking at it well well he just he went somewhere where he felt like he was wanted he didn’t feel wanted at Ohio State yeah he didn’t get his value at Ohio State guess

Devalued why wasn’t he being valued at Ohio State that’s what that I don’t know I mean I because all I care about is what I do in in coach’s film room when I break down film I care about how the Running Backs play I Miami bought Mark Fletcher with

Nil sometimes somehow that’s his fault I I don’t know what the reason is but it’s I’ve seen this before now yeah but I’m saying what what do you suspect the reason is well I’ve seen it before it happened to Stan draon at Florida Dan Mullen didn’t like Stan Drayton and

So he would pick on Stan Drayton when we watch film and and try to make the running backs the issue all the time when you watch the film you’re like I don’t see it like how’s how is that running back the problem on this play like the [ __ ] receiver just got

Covered or whatever just whatever this and you it becomes a political thing and that happens when staffs aren’t aligned and last year the offensive staff certainly wasn’t align why because of incompetence at the leader chair I’ve seen it before I saw it with Ed Warner and Tim Beck

Like it wasn’t that way with Ryan day it wasn’t that way with Tom Herman like it’s just bad chemistry in the room and they got to shift the blame somewhere and that’s my concern how hard do you think it was to leave this room that you just assembled

Oh I I bet it was so hard like isn’t that the hardest part of all this oh well it always is right because you really care about your players yeah it’s not hard Ian it’s kind of hard to move your family he’s got he’s his kids are

Getting older now so it’s a little easier it’s hard to move your family and it’s hard to leave those players those are two things I’ve done it what three times those that’s the hardest thing to look your players in the eye and say hey I’m taking another job I’m not gonna be

Your coach anymore that’s really hard especially when you now I did it at I was at Marshall for one year Temple for one year like I wasn’t there very long Tony’s been here 10 years every one of those kids he’s known for five years four years like that’s tough

To do when I think of the robbery when I think about him going to to Michigan it makes me think that like there’s a level of frustration and maybe disdain for Ryan day and like what’s the ultimate get back there it’s to go to the Rival

Go to go you know to Donovan Edwards and make Ryan day’s job a little more difficult I mean this I mean going to missig like that makes you feel like either the money was just so much bigger or there personal there yeah I don’t know the contract details like I’m not

Trying to put I’m anything pocket anything I’ve said so far is just I’m throwing out numbers as an example I it’s not like Tony called me and said this is what they offered I I don’t know that but I know it’s a I know he got a

One-year deal here and he got a multi-year deal there and it was all about security that’s all it was 4,000 people 4K in the chat I need you to like the video and let me know on a scale of 1 to 10 how big a loss is

This for Ohio State not talking about Tony’s ability as a coach but just losing Tony Alfred mid spring to the Rival how big of an impact is that going to be in the next three years at Ohio State scale of one to 10 let me know there’s been rumors and grumblings

For it feels like the last several months about Eddie George then there was kind of the grumblings internet rumors that Eddie George turned Ohio State down [ __ ] if I heard him and people that I talk to heard him I’m sure Tony Alfred May heard him um Eddie George could you

See him leaving a head coaching job at HBCU to come to Ohio State I mean the career path being the head coach at HBCU or the running back coach of Ohio States are wildly different um so I definitely could see it happening I I don’t know

How good of a a running back coach Eddie George is I mean we we often put a lot of value in former players ability to coach because of their ability to play and he might be outstanding he might be the best ever I have no idea but I just

Hate when it’s like oh you hire Chris fielman to coach linebackers you’re like what can Chris Spielman coach I don’t know well I guess I feel better about Eddie George being kind of referenced because he does I mean at least a head coach of team right now um and I mean

Obviously Ohio state has it then their budget to pay a lot of money I mean bu York I mean his big thing is like you know the dollars are there like we’re gonna fundraise free you’re gonna be able to reset the market every time you

Go make a staff higher this feels like a chance to go reset a staff higher I mean reset the mar Market with a staff hire Eddie George you would think they probably circle with him I mean it being this time wise I mean how soon do you

Have to have a running back coach well and who’s filling in I don’t know that I don’t know the support staff like I used to but someone’s got to coach the running backs and I’m sure I’m sure they’ll meet with chip a bunch and Ryan can fill in and you know there there’s

Options there but it’s just not great timing that’s for sure no at all but what’s really going to be interesting and what I’m going to watch out for is who they not only who they hire but what’s his contract look like because you want to talk about doubling down on

Disrespect hire someone to give a three-year deal yeah that would be so [ __ ] up yeah I mean this man gave Parker Fleming a two-year extension last year that [ __ ] was the most fried diabolical [ __ ] I ever saw and and Tony Alfred gets a one-year deal the special teams were

Awful special teams were not in a good place this shit’s wild they have to hire a black coach though right they have to yeah they have to hire a minority coach and I know I know we we’ve talked in the show about kind of those HS but you you

Can’t have no you you have to minimally you have to have one on offense one on defense you’re supposed to have three to get into some schools especially in the midwest I mean most most college staffs have at least three black guys on staff yeah but you can’t you can’t be just

Like loaded load them all with defensive coaches and you got a bunch of stiff white guys on offense you can’t because right now right now we have two yeah yeah they I mean they’re has to be one on offense yeah they had the running

Back coach is going to be a black guy so if you’re a white running back coach like Jason candle sorry not happening so quit so what happened to me when um oh [ __ ] what’s his name darl Hazel left Ohio State to go be the head coach of

Kent State I texted Jim Trestle and said I was interested in the job and he was like he was like I don’t think it’s GNA work this time but maybe next time right I’m like damn the [ __ ] you mean not GNA work then he hired Stan Dron to be the

Receiver coach didn’t know [ __ ] about receivers never coached receivers I’m like ah gotcha I’m the wrong shade got it noted got it um people were asking about what UCLA’s running back coach potentially being the guy but you know that’s deshun Foster who just got the head coaching job at UCLA so he he’s

Off the table is there anyone else in kind of that Urban Meyer Justin fry Chip Kelly Circle that comes to mind I mean you have to really go back into the deep vaults yeah I mean the the running back coaches I worked with were Stan rayon

And Stan at Tempo a head coach at Temple Tony just left um Kenny Carter who’s the dumbest [ __ ] human alive he was the one that asked about a passport to New Mexico definitely not hiring that that box box of rocks yeah um I’m telling you Matt Meritt is the one I would hire

That’s who I’m hiring I know he’s at myami he just [ __ ] got there he just got there but I I would I think I mean he’s that dud dude is smart as [ __ ] he can recruit he works his ass off um he’s he he’d be perfect you think Ryan tries

To get an NFL guy maybe should I I don’t know that Ryan knows Matt either so that oh yeah like I know Matt really well but I don’t know that anyone in Ohio state does well [ __ ] call Ryan I’ll text him people are talking about Maurice Claret as a running back

Coach stop it I I don’t know has Mo coached anywhere no I think I I like Mo I don’t know I don’t know if I [ __ ] I don’t like that Ian you know my rule is like I want you to have two or three stops before you get to Ohio State Ohio

State’s your first stop I’m very concerned I know it works out I know people like heartline heartline heartline got it I like to follow the the the rule not the exception generally speaking but it’s just like you look at these football acument you look at Fantasy Football like boom or bust like

There’s a high percentage of bust if it’s your first job sure it could boom but you it’s too fragile it’s too risky yeah it def definitely definitely is risky I’m curious to see what they do because they should have the money and the room for this to be the most

Attractive running back job in America I don’t like I think that if you’re a big time Co a big time head coach anywhere you gotta be like oh [ __ ] the Ohio running back’s job is open yeah like I could lose my guy in the middle of

Spring it suck so um want to get quick word from our partner Zach and then come right back continue this Tony Alfred discussion sounds like a play we’ll be right back after this all right Menace Army the Super Bowl’s over football season is in the past and now it’s on to

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Free money Menace Army and you know what I say don’t ever turn down free money go check it out at price picks now more free money I feel like [ __ ] Santa Claus free money free for free Gorky thanks for the two it’s states only we will investigate that and

Get back with we look that Don thanks for the two traven Henderson goes to Michigan this spring hey there is a there is a post spring portal there is That’s So fra that was a big part of trayon coming back was that Tony was going to be his coach yeah that’s so

Pride H Texas thanks for the five ordered by Minister Sports tank top today hype to Rocket while getting the games H yeah let’s go I can’t wait for my [ __ ] to get here excited excited excited Bart thanks for the two who’s got it better than us go

Blue is this the uh the the coach to be named later in the Greg Madison and Al Washington trade right this is a compensatory pick yeah Cody thanks for the two best running back coach is at Bama funny a Trader I think he meant Tony a Trader hash Roll Tide well Cody

Your running back coach on the clock because I think Ohio State can get whoever they want unless people feel like Ryan day isn’t someone they want to work for which is something that I’m concerned about a little bit later on oh my goodness Brad thanks for the

Five Spencer rers chances of being a first overall are just like Chris’s hairline one [ __ ] gone it’s not even that gone y’all y’all just made it up in your head because I won’t take the hat off they got an image floating around the old Tweeter Chris yeah don’t let me

Don’t let me hit turkey I’mma pop out no I’mma burn all my hats oh straight into the [ __ ] fire so about AC man the hairline just rough yeah bro Paris what did you do for yours let me know C paris’s was starting to go and then it came back strong as [ __ ] my

Man at the NFL got a little coin in his pocket came back and said bam we’re here didn’t have to do any turkey time off keel thanks for the two shut up Bart I don’t even know what’s going on dog it’s today’s [ __ ] unhinged [ __ ] unhinged T Smitty thanks for the 10

People are mad at Saban but coach Prime said the exact same thing what no one is asking is how long fans and boosters will continue to foot the bill for Bill nil is a trick bag the conference should just pay players well that’s the issue right right now the university doesn’t

Have to pay them right and they’re loving that now they do they have to lose some donation money that that is going to get pushed over to nil yeah a little bit but just wait two to three years from now when they’re on the payroll and like that those TV contracts

Are being split up amongst players too yeah they’re really having the biggest come up ever not like for TV not TV Revenue only to go to the universities not the players that’s [ __ ] crazy like fine you can make money as long as we don’t have to pay you right as long

As it’s not our money you can make money you just can’t make it here you just can’t make power money did you I gotta play this for you this is great from Kevin Wilson on on the whole nil stuff oh here’s a great text message right here typical one first questions is what

Do you get I go you’ll get nothing like it that’s what they said that’s what they told spaling right from a guy say hey hey coach is asking um um you know about money I’m not a money hungry person don’t need a ton of money but this is a transfer I’ve been getting

About 6 to 7K a month I got three dogs in a girlfriend so what do you think I’ll get there and I said said the first thing you need to do is drop the dogs and I’m not sure about the girl I go I go we’ll explain our

Incentive based plan that we use as based on academic success not allocating any any nil funds we’re starting that now we’ll have a clear direction if and when we get anything but I have not and will not promis anything until I know for sure what I got I’ll discuss you on

A visit how we do our academic base plan and that’s how we recruited I love it I love it drop the dog and I’m not sure about the girl dude Kevin WIS is one of my favorite people ever no he’s amazing and and honestly like like in terms of like coach sound

Bites and coaches being funny but also like making a ton of sense like there was a void in the sport when Mike leash passed and I need content like that from from Kevin Wilson yes [ __ ] needed I I love Kevin Wilson I dropped the dogs I’m not sure about the girl right right

Kevin Wilson once told me when we were at the pist together that Joe Royer was the best tight end he’s ever seen at Ohio State I should have known right there these guys cannot be trusted they’re a little dramatic at times they are I’m like but I’m like

Damn like like men can’t lie to other men while they’re holding their penises like it just cannot you’re actually not supposed to talk to another man while you’re holding your dick Kevin likes to talk and I was talking back we were chatting sounds a little gay but there

Was a divider there was a divider like usually I follow the one Journal there you don’t you don’t that wasn’t awkward like you both are holding your wieners and you’re talking to each other like eye contact and [ __ ] no dude it’s just the missile we just chop it up like what

Youan I’m not grabbing his missile and talking to him about it like let’s hope not we’re just we’re just at the joural we’re we were talking before we started peeing ah yeah I was like hey hey I’m Chris so you started talking and that inspired you both to whip your your dick

Out right right right right well I held the door for and then I and then I you know held my [ __ ] and we and we talked and but you only thing you did was for him was hold the door right yeah yeah only held the door but that’s what I

Know man coaches are so dramatic but that whole year I was telling everybody oh yeah we got Bryce spice like he’s about to go crazy the white the white Kyle Pitts coaches be bamboozling you dog they really do I I should have bet on the [ __ ] what Mackie award for him

I mean right God knows what I did for Devon Brown I still think Devon Brown is electric though don’t get it twisted and I am placing free bets anytime I I get a chance to but shout out Kevin Wilson one of the goats um the career guy thanks for the

Five Ohio State hired two coaches from Michigan and now Michigan has done the same who gives a [ __ ] he did what he felt was best for him amen that’s great from an Ohio gu shout out the Cleveland sign in your picture that’s real yeah that’s really real um super Panthers thanks for the

Five not aama fan but 13 team had Henry chimra yelen and Drake at running back well so I do you want this one or do you want me to get this go ahead so I guess for for my point is like room wise yes that was massive but CRA wasn’t playing

Yeah that’s why he ended up getting out of there yelen wasn’t the SEC running back that Judkins was Henry Henry was really good but I’m talking about running backs that are both they were both top five in the country individually and now on the same team

Yeah that’s a crazy room though that is a crazy crazy room but there was one Bellow yelon wasn’t I think yel was a little overrated in college and obviously chra wasn’t playing enough so he had to scadaddle up out of there yeah still he still was in the room though

Great room and I guess I’m thinking about like at the same like guys peak of their powers at the same time yeah Brad thanks for the five Spielman was before my time to watch that football life with Spielman won’t disappoint Rebrand is Fire penck to New

York why you in Chris’s seat are we usually on the other side no we’re on the right side yeah oh maybe we’re not we’re not there you go yeah is that better there it is see Pat’s not here we don’t even know which side to be on Pat’s not here we’re

[ __ ] lost my bad I thought we were good before the show yeah I I don’t know neither of us even realized it Christian thanks 45 Chris you’re gonna have to go to Zanesville and throw your phone off the y bridge dog we have a y bridge there’s a y bridge everywhere

There’s Bridge right there y bridge there there’s a y bridge in Aon there’s a y bridge everywhere you go there’s a y bridge but I’m not going to Zanesville zville had the thing where they that guy um let all the Tigers out oh yeah after after yeah which was actually insane

Coach Zack thanks for the two players are bashing him on X yeah the players are not happy right now but that’s to be expected yeah I get it it’s what you would expect me too I mean guys are passionate I mean that’s I mean they they preach beat Michigan all year yeah

I mean he he just went to the number one enemy in the world to this team because not only is that the ri their rival but they beat him three times in a row yeah and they’re yeah damn so Tony Alfred probably won’t win a rivalry game for like five

Years yeah what I don’t know what they give him gold shirts up there they just started that but do they give I don’t think do they actually give him something they started I think you get like a helmet sticker but someone in the Michigan chat will tell us yeah they do something

Um Wisconsin Buckeye thanks for the two hire Maurice Claret no I vote no uh Webster thanks for the 10 not a huge loss in my opinion saw this on Buckeye scoop and it’s true in nine years as Ohio State’s running back coach JK Dobbins is the only High School

Recruit that Alfred sign that was drafted yeah I mean that’s going to change this year right yeah it’s like damn I mean so I got you he came in Zeke Elliott was in the room so that obviously he didn’t recruit him and then it was who Mike Weber and JK and then Trey

Surman who got drafted who got drafted he was a transfer from Oklahoma and then you had the JK the Mayan um Trey yeah and it’s I mean and Curtis Samuel was in both rooms mhm and I mean he got he got trapped but he didn’t recruit him

You you automatically are s him like nine years you can’t say nine years because the kid’s playing his first two years were naturally probably gonna be older kids he didn’t recruit right well who recruited Curtis uh to Stan Dron okay I didn’t I didn’t know if he got

There so he signed a Stan raen got you why was I why did I not why I feel like that Stan recruited him and then Urban essentially recruited him after that got you got you I guess like to to Counterpoint that like what year as an Ohio State fan have you ever wondered

About the running backs I don’t want this to be like a Tony Alfred’s not a great coach segment because I think he’s a really good coach this this should more be about where Ohio State turn I think if Ohio State fans are gonna cope by almost diminishing what Tony did I

Think it’s silly yes it is that’s what I said let’s just be for real yeah we just got to be for real speed thanks for the five following your lead 247 Sports ranked heartline the fifth in the country uh Elana was 73rd giden 265th and Alfred 352 you want facts they give

You facts I mean I we could also rank coaches here yeah I what did that do like recruit like recruiting rankings based on their star stuff yeah that’s that’s fine I don’t care about that like Judkins was a three star I care about product on the field do you have an NFL

Player playing running back if you do good job yeah James thanks for the 10 Ohio State program bends over backwards for heartline and screws over the rest going to work for the op is the ultimate get back at your boss shop Alfred was a steady Rock and didn’t waver through

Tough times wow I agree with that um R thanks for the two if the backs do great this year they’ll come to Ohio State bless you thank you bless you you go through the sneezing attacks I don’t yeah something something hit me well when my guy Brad

Sneezes he rips off 10 Jesus I know it’s it’s actually the worst James thanks for the two he’ll be worshiped in an arbor big loss for us big loss I mean he’s I mean what he’s gonna go get a chance to coach Don Edwards now too yeah that’s

The I mean the good news for Tony is he’s walking out of a crazy talented room we all know that but he’s got a stud up in an arbor too so it’s not like he’s going in coach a bunch of [ __ ] bad players I still think this is a

Really risky play for for him yeah man you give me three years guaranteed salary risk gone that’s fair I guess I think about like like in the like in the climb up to be a you know a head coach or whatever I thought you know he could have been a coordinator anywhere after

This year with Judkins and Trey you don’t think so no I I don’t think Tony’s ever going to be a coordinator but he’ll be a run game coordinator he probably give him some kind of title at Michigan and then he need his next step if he wants to do it

Is to become a head coach and and I I believe he does I’ve never asked him Thomas Thanks for the five uh bo with recruiting three stars from Adrien Moore in Toledo uh different from five stars from Virginia Florida and Texas yeah yeah that’s my guy it’s my guy Thomas Taylor Andy’s

Dad Conor thanks for the 20 Tony Alfred is the absolute best running back coach in Ohio State history coaching recruiting product on the field if not him then who always try to better yourself in the position but why team up north like And subscribe definitely like

And subscribe um yeah I mean like I like I said at the jump of the show I don’t think Tony Alfred wanted to go to Michigan really bad but hey you are you you w to be where you’re wanted want to be where you’re wanted

That’s it James thanks for the two I bet Trey Henderson wishes he went to the draft oh no doubt 100% 100% we have I think 2,000 Watchers on Twitter right now oh I’m gonna need to retweet if you’re watching on Twitter retweet this video right now retweet and comment it

Ain’t that hardest a little button push it retweet yep run this one up James thanks for the two oh you already I already read that one Buckey thanks for the five maybe we disagree here but 10 years of Ohio State coach money feels like a good Financial Security to me oh

Yeah I’m sure I don’t know I don’t know but I’m sure he’s financially secure but still got to keep securing the bags right and like again I think it comes down like being somewhere where you’re wanted yeah right like you want to at least feel wanted feel respected I mean

It’s yeah I don’t know and he he has job security yeah he had no job security in Ohio State which is [ __ ] crazy crazy Buckeye thanks for the five oh I already did that one uh Luke another one for the five let get Maurice you know what [ __ ] it hire Mo no

I’m I’m voting no speed thanks for the two at Jennings when did Tony endure tough times at Ohio State well personally when all of his running backs were like dying every week yeah that that was a rough year like that Turf [ __ ] over his whole room his

Whole room um the whole room evaporated he had to go get TR serman I don’t know I mean I mean quotequote tough times is one thing but he definitely went through some aders in that room yeah he did I mean Ohio State’s not really had tough times other

Than losing to Michigan yeah in the last decade I mean [ __ ] [ __ ] TC cafy has an 100 yard game for Ohio State zck I don’t know who that is that is the walk-on running back yeah that played during a game this year or last year because of so many injuries and ran for

A hundred yards it’s crazy like in a single game but his guys aren’t coached well I guess gorki thanks for the five head coaching is different than being a position coach also rarely are star players great coaches as a head coach you’re essentially a CEO no doubt but at

Least he’s been in staff meetings he’s been watching film with other coaches like he’s been working the game still but it’s definitely different he’s right um Jordan thanks for the five man my head coach is black my school is maing blue I heard that in the song My president’s black my lambo’s blue

Uh the full staff he put together looks solid don’t forget the GM as well we’re set Ren is due y’all got a great hire but don’t get a twisted yall getting blown off the lot in November bro you’re gonna come into that game with at least two losses likely

Three [ __ ] out of here bro like I think they have to play Oregon Ohio State and Texas it’s a hell of a hell of a slate there that’s three of the best five teams in the country dog they’re going to get blown off the [ __ ] lot there’s no there’s going to be no

Like like they’s somewhere to park bro they’re going to get [ __ ] up yeah they got Texas week three USC week five Washington week seven Oregon week uh nine and Ohio State week obviously the final game of the year yeah they’re about to get [ __ ] Blitz Bama Blitz

You feel me Luke thanks for the 10 Denzel Burke responded on Twitter with several thumbs down seems like Tony was a snake I mean he’s not a snake he just took a job at the r and the players [ __ ] hate the Rival so of course you knew there was going to

Be blowback yeah I guess this is where fans get a little bit confused because like players can feel away like they’re they’re in the heat of battle but for fans like there’s like a like do you want someone to do right for themsel or do you want someone to stay with the

Place that’s maybe not treating them the way they think they deserve to be treated yeah I mean and that’s the that’s the the pull that’s the pull and as a black man I just want him to go somewhere where he is [ __ ] wanted right like I want him to I I I

Want Ohio State to win unfortunately for Tony I love him but I want Ohio State to beat Michigan and I want his family to be great I want his his kid his sons to be great I want his marriage to be great I want him to be financially fit secure

Live a great life that’s what I want I’m saying like I want Ohio State to annihilate Michigan wanted to want there to be no program left I want to be laughing at them at the same time like as as like a black man in that industry

Like I want him to make as much money as he can impact the lives of young people so I think I can separate those two things so I don’t like I’m not going to automatically like because when you say Snak zck that makes you think oh this

Person’s like a snake as a person right like oh that’s a person that you cannot trust yeah and it’s like it’s like damn like would he be a snake to his family no [ __ ] no great great human being that’s what I’m saying like I’m saying

Like if my mom had a chance I mean [ __ ] my mom went to a rival hospital to make more money for us right for the family and like cuz that’s what you do yeah people at the hospital may she think she’s a snake but like me and the and

The family it’s like damn like no she like she would be a snake if she picked that hospital over our family oh yeah for sure and and I think that’s that’s that’s where I’m at with h with all of it uh where are we at I don’t know

Wisconsin Buckeye thanks for the two anyone got Tyrone wheatley’s [Laughter] number you guys are nuts Mike thanks for the five damn is a [ __ ] in high school you was the man homie what the [ __ ] happened do you he got a bag gang can’t be mad at him Shane thanks for the five Zack

Delusional Ohio State fans can’t keep it to ball my Ohio cousins sto speaking to me after three losses Chris mentioning JJ with Shay delusion at its finest Shane you told us that Mike Weber was a far better running back coach than Tony Alfred I would like to know if that’s

Still Mike Hart Mike Hart um I would like to know if that’s still the statement that you’re standing by the streets are calling also he’s also and my JJ thing is I said that Shay Patterson wins the game this year if he’s at Michigan yeah

And not is that is that fair yeah I sh Shay Patterson wins a Natty at Michigan this year yeah because your team was so good Michigan was so good that they could had a game manager win quarterback I don’t think that’s saying Shay’s as good as JJ it’s just saying the team was

So good that even Shay Patterson could have won yeah also dog we just we just want bets paid neither here nor there D 2k2 thanks for the five as a Michigan fan I’m excited for Tony’s recruiting but I’m worried about his rotations I feel that he took the hot hand out too

Often not usually he usually rode a hot hand but maybe I didn’t feel that way though what when I broke down the film it’s funny a Michigan fans saying they’re excited about the recruiting but the Ohio State fans are saying he can’t recruit of course oh Paul thanks for the 20 just my

Honest opinion this move is no different than Washington and mad Madison coming to Ohio State impact is going to be minimum Zach this should give a great content at to you of the the Michigan program Chris we gotta get you a what a

Vom a v up in the Hat game up in the Hat game I don’t know that means me either but yes everything else I agree big thanks for the two Nick chub and Sony Michelle was giving crazy work they were they were giving [ __ ] crazy work there’s no doubt about that yeah

That running back room was crazy didn’t they have Todd Gurley with was in that room too I think so I think Todd but they were other two were younger Gurley was there Yoder thanks for of the 10 Zack and Chris did Alfred have any prior relationship with Alfred you mean shiron

More probably no prior overlap on same staff how well do they know each other yeah I mean I they they just know each other in coaching circles but yeah they haven’t worked together they don’t know each other like on a professional level like from a staff but you know how it is

They you you cut you run across guys in recruiting you end up in the same area go grab a beer like I went uh what was his name flip what his name Pep Hamilton or flip whatever the [ __ ] his name was Pep Hamilton Pep Hamilton he he was OC at

Michigan do flip is crazy I couldn’t [ __ ] remember but we were at a high school and and at a practice and afterwards he was like and he’s an NFL guy it was his first year at Michigan but he was like we were just talking a little bit he was like what are you

Doing after this I was like oh I’m just to go grab food he was like you want to go grab go grab wings I was like yeah he was like are we allowed to do that like I know like and I was like brother I don’t care like I’ll go grab wavs with

Yeah let’s let’s go hang out but he was like I know like maybe we’re not supposed to do that like we could change shirts I was like I [ __ ] like this guy I like this guy I like him enough I can’t remember his name flip Hamilton keep I just keep thinking of

That song Flip Flip Flip is [ __ ] fry David thanks for the Five Fat Albert and the entire team up north uh staff won’t last three years we know we know you’re mad and then he’s on the way to Notre Dame next Paul thanks for the two D Hayden transfers is at what percent

Down Hayden Don Edwards backfield huh maybe you might be onest something you I see what you did there yeah MCU Drew thanks for the five in Alfred’s nine years only one of his running back recruits he put out of high schools have been drafted Dobbins is it and trayon

Henderson will be the second one yeah we gotta give him credit for Trey too and then do you give him credit for Hayden if Hayden ends up make it to the lead well he didn’t coach him all the way through I guess unless he goes to Michigan then yeah but I’m saying like

Like you’re not gonna give him Zeke because he took over so wouldn’t like wouldn’t you give him the that’s my point like his so in 14 and 15 he had Ezekiel Elliott so his running backs he didn’t have a one he recruited that could play yeah and Curtis Samuel yeah

And then Curtis Samuel was there too he didn’t recruit him um and you really had 16 17 18 so you had like a fiveyear window six-year window because the guy that started last year is still in college right really started the last two years so you got to take those two years

Those two years so it’s a fiveyear window you’re talking about one running back in five years and JK started for what three so two years he didn’t have a guy get drafted and then uh or have a an NFL player on the the field don’t let

Mine go get drafted yeah right I don’t think mine’s getting drafted he is not getting drafted did he run a 40 time I have no idea still running it Travis thanks for the five he just got here anyone mentioned giving Eddie George a call everyone is mentioning that

Everybody Eddie George’s phone is dead right now people been calling him all day Brian thanks for the five anyway you guys provide links to in the description of your studio equipment mics cameras Etc um if you shoot me an email I probably can Zack men I can

Put together a list too or email Chris Chris men Sports Chris with a K oh yeah that way Travis thanks for the five yeah Chris and Zach [ __ ] all that he chose the op I get it I hear I get it he did choose the [ __ ] off that’s the thing

That kills me bro like [ __ ] hell like it couldn’t have been Florida right it couldn’t have been Notre Dame it was the only job offer Michigan I know it wasn’t it wasn’t the only job offer like I like but it was the best job off it couldn’t

Have been LSU no with Brian Kelly like holy [ __ ] I know UCLA was looking for a running backs coach right they made they might have made him the president of UCLA they’re so down bad he couldn’t have called Dan Lanning Lanning bro go make Tony Alf for the an offer right the

[ __ ] now I can’t [ __ ] do it dog yeah I [ __ ] hate Michigan dude Commander Cody thanks for the 10 sounds Petty Henderson isn’t mad he stayed he’s going to play Under the best running back offense the last 20 years Tony’s mad because chip a real one and

Called it like he saw it Henderson knows Tony Mitt no it was no ST there was no staff Dynamic that led to him leaving that’s that’s not what happened yeah huh uh speed thanks for the2 Yoder you still drinking from last night’s BNB bro that’s fried Vince thanks for the

Two bring in Scotty Graham from Washington former Graham that’s a great call I didn’t think about him he in Arizona state Washington that’s a good one M that’s all you need actual running back coach right now and has been black guy former Buckeye sign me up hire him right

Now James thanks for the two more yeah man Al alord and I figured it out Buckeye thanks for the two Trey likely feels like he is a snake nah I don’t think he does I think Trey’s gonna be pissed at Ryan well here’s the thing

I I don’t think that that Tony would bad mouth Ryan to any of those players so I don’t think they’ll ever take the story I think I think Tony’s the type of guy that would just I just told the story to tell Trey to watch the show that’s what

Happened okay Zack uh that’s for super chats but I have this video for you I just want to play it just because it’s real sounds good can you tell me who that is Julian Fleming that is Julian Fleming first look in a Penn State jersey Penn State Spring ball kicks off today it’s

Real it’s real out here Julian Fleming’s home and he’s wearing number three he’s gonna give you 500 yards this year watch out 550 if you’re lucky three T he’s wearing number three number three that’s a real number right there in the first drill they had him do go block for the

Wide receiver screen that’s what it is we got the screen play Shout Out Julian Fleming best story lines at a Penn State’s Camp is what the best what story lines out of their Spring football oh it’s going to be Drew allers development that’s what I wanna that’s the biggest

Question right is was Mike yich the problem I think yes we might see a new player taking Snaps in Happy Valley and Julian Fleming’s hairline and shoulder so honestly I think the worstest hairline gets the healthier shoulder gets I think the longer he holds on to the hairline the worse the shoulder gets

Just shave your head be healthy we appreciate you me Menace out


  1. Tony took a pay cut! They did not roll out an extension! Pump the brakes. Come play the violin after the season. Bucks are elite in 2024. 😎

  2. We all know a team like bama got the best of the best players because of the goat. A idot could take that bama RB coaching job and the players would make them look like the best.

  3. Mmmmmmm love the taste of those Ohio Soft tears 🤤🤤 you clowns coining your backs the “best backfield in college” and your RB COACH jumps ship to MICHIGAN HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA 😂😂😂

  4. Obviously Day only gave him a 1yr deal and cut his pay for a reason. Maybe dude wasn't working as hard as he did in the past. Day would see it! IJS its possible

  5. The Ohio st slappy shit is insanity. The best rb room ever? Holy hell. Clinton Portis. Willis McGahee frank gore? Lol. Your unreal name dropping hate of JJ Mccarthy. There are no more obnoxious fans then Ohio st fans. And one of these guys pretends they aren't a fanboy

  6. I came here because i know a bit about alford not a ton tho. And as a michigan fan, theres no one better to listen to talk the rivalry from the OSU side than zach. As much as we give him crap, he has access he coached there he knows.

  7. This will neither make UM nor break Osuck. But what it does allude to are larger problems within the but guy program. Will Howard failing at spring camp, fist fights between coaches breaking out mid practice, and Dudkins hasnt even had a chance to start his BS and spread his cancer yet, and now this. Osuck will be starting a true frehman QB by October. At the rate things have gone the past week it wouldnt shock me if third base gets fired by the spring game.

  8. Given the fact that Alford was offered less of an extension than the other Coaches, Zach's opinion of Alford's Coaching is much higher than Day's opinion.

  9. Not much of an impact really. Tony can easily be replaced and he will rue the day he went to TTUN. I am not worried about Ryan Day replacing Alford. RB coaches are not a dime a dozen but maybe a quarter.

  10. I dont understand the hype….alfred developed one maybe 2 backs to elite level in his time at the buckeyes… our running game has been average the past 4 or so years, am I missing something? Even henderson…has explosive moments but isnt dominate…

  11. Everybody knows Tony is a hell of a coach but damn, this is the biggest act of treason since Benedict Arnold!

  12. Was Alford really developing henderson or was henderson just that talented. Also why was Hayden not on the field more. Very possible Alford was coaching talent that was above his abilities.

  13. I will say I disagree a little on Rattler. I do think he’s matured a lot last two years at SC, also, did you really watch that SC O-line this year. Mans was running for his life the whole game every game.

  14. Alford has made what, 5 or 6 million at Ohio State? Yeah, he better worry about taking care of his family.

  15. Let’s be honest, RB is the easiest damn position to coach. So should be pretty easy shoes to fill. If we want to deep dive on what Tony Alford brought to the Buckeyes it wasn’t much and he was lucky to have a job as long as he did. Here is the list of recruits he brought in, their national and positional ranking, and where the ended up.
    ‘23 – None
    ‘22 – Dallan Hayden 226/19 3rd String
    ‘21 – Tre Henderson 11/1 Starter
    ‘21 – Evan Pryor 101/7 Transferred
    ‘20 – Miyan Williams NA/29 projected 7th round
    ‘19 – Marcus Crowley NA/17 medically retired
    ‘18 – Jaelen Gill 63/2 Transferred, switched to WR
    ‘18 – Brian Snead 81/4 Dismissed
    ‘18 – Master Teague 139/6 Undrafted
    ‘17 – Jk Dobbins 43/2 2nd Rnd Pick
    ‘16 – Demario McCall 57/2 Switched to CB
    ‘16 – Antonio Williams 214/7 Transferred / Undrafted
    ‘15 – Jerome Baker 61/4 Switched to LB
    ‘15 – Mike Weber 131/12 7th Rnd Pick

    So while Zach loves to knock on certain coaches for not developing players, in this case he’s the hurt feelings police. Also not sure what scUM vs OSU game he was watching this year but the rushing game was poor. 107 total yards…. At any rate when you look at the list and development it is quite underwhelming and he was lucky to have a job at all if we’re being honest. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  16. The 1st part of this video is why Coach and Kris can't be GMs. Tuesday's videos they said they'd be better GMs. Salary cap manipulation might be the most important part. Lots of contracts have automatic restructuring. And to answer Kris's question about not restructuring Daniel Jones, you restructure only if you plan on keeping the player through the contract.

  17. Kris is so bias lol Judkins and Henderson has not even played yet and are not better than.Blake and Donovan as or right now.

  18. Michigan who runs the ball alot is not a top RB job after a Championship smh you cant make this sh!t up

  19. Guess you need clauses in contracts that says you cannot go to a conference team for x amount of years if you leave.

  20. Why has Alford only got one highly rated recruit (JK Dobbins) in 8 yrs? Explain this to me. Judkins wanted to play with Trey. Why are you giving Alford credit.

  21. He was sniffing around ND last yr. Maybe his lack of recruiting success and his looking for other jobs is why he only got a one yr.

  22. We all know Alford is your butt buddy Zach. It makes sense considering both of you were position coaches for like 9 years without a promotion 💀

  23. hey zach, speaking of hump day, what are the best current makes and models of ball lifters and brands & styles of wife beaters?

    thanks, asking for a friend

  24. zach on crack, it is bizarre & unfathomable to me, after listening to u for a few minutes, & knowing what u did to her, & the sick shit ur into, that your ex never put a hit out on your intolerably gross ass!!!

    u have bettered lou gehrig in being the luckiest man in the world!!!!

  25. Zach > your too young !!! —- Spielman was very good – Randy Gradishar was another one. — I personally loved the way Antoine Winfield (the old man – not his son Jr.) played the game ! Closest thing to perfection I ever remember seeing. He had Troy Polamalo like 'instincts' ! — Jack Tatum was another of my all time favorites !!! (way back)

  26. Ryan Day is SO SOFT and it trickles down to his player's performance. OSU fans wake the F up. Michigan is your daddy right now.

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